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  • How to hide system bar android. The best programs for tablets

    How to hide system bar android.  The best programs for tablets

    I really really like the latest versions of Android and I'm sure this mobile operating system is by far the most promising. But some of its functions cause some bewilderment even to me. For example, why in the tablet version does so much space at the bottom take up a service black panel, when every inch in mobile devices literally counts? Wasn't it possible to implement its functionality in some other way?

    It turns out you can. Application developers full! screen prove it perfectly.

    full! screen Is a small utility for Android 3 or 4 that can hide the system bar at the bottom of the screen. If you have a device that has hardware buttons Home, Back and Menu, then this alone is enough to love this utility. Moreover, she perfectly knows how to display notifications.

    After starting the program (required superuser rights) the panel we are tired of hides, and instead we see two translucent areas in the corners of the screen. Their location and actions when pressed are set in the full! Screen settings. You can activate two such areas, one, or none at all, place them in any corner, adjust the size, color and opacity.

    Interaction with the buttons is carried out with a simple or long tap, and each movement can be assigned its own operation, among which we see Home, Back, Recent Apps List, Show Bar, Show Notifications etc.

    If you do not have enough two buttons in the corners to perform all the desired operations, then you can turn them into circular menus that appear according to your tap (see the first screenshot), where you can push as many actions as you need.

    Utility full! screen is sure to come in handy for all tablet owners who want to slightly expand the usable screen area of ​​their device, especially when playing games, while reading, surfing or watching videos. The application is free, but there is also a paid version that can automatically hide the panel when launching certain applications.

    Today, many Android smartphones lack hardware navigation buttons and instead offer the user to control the device through the bottom panel with virtual buttons. Of course, this solution has its advantages: it is both smaller dimensions of devices, and the ability to customize the sequence of virtual buttons on some devices. However, such a solution also has drawbacks, and the main one is a decrease in the real working space of the screen due to the navigation bar.

    Google engineers have long found a way to compensate for this nuance by introducing the ability to run applications in full screen in Android 4.4 "KitKat". However, not all developers have taken advantage of this opportunity yet, and many old games still work without hiding the bottom panel. But we are not only interested in games or videos. For example, it would be much more useful to use the entire screen for surfing in an Internet browser or in social network clients.

    Well, fortunately, Android is quite flexible, and in this article I will show you how to hide the navigation bar in any application using third-party applications.

    Method number 1. GMD Full Screen Immersive Mode

    This method is the simplest, because does not require Root rights, but at the same time it requires Android version 4.4 or higher, and in general it does not always work correctly. However, it is worth trying it before taking on more serious tools - it may completely satisfy you.

    The significant disadvantages of this application include the impossibility of calling the keyboard in full screen mode, as well as incorrect operation in some applications. For example, TapTalk in full screen mode did not respond to screen taps at all, but in most games GMD Immersive performed well.

    Method number 2. Xposed + Ultimate Dynamic Navbar

    This method is the most convenient, reliable and flexible, but it requires Root and uses two different applications at once. Follow the instructions carefully and you will succeed.

    The first thing we need is the Ultimate Dynamic Navbar app.

    As you can see, we have a "floating" navigation bar, but the standard fixed bar has not disappeared anywhere, to hide it, we need the Xposed Framework tool. I will describe in more detail what it is in one of the following articles.

    TouchWiz in the new Galaxy S8 allows you to customize and reconfigure the look and feel of your smartphone's operating system until you get bored. The user is allowed to customize almost everything. The only element that is always and securely "sticky" in one place is the navigation bar.

    However, even it can now be moved.

    By default, the navigation bar in is known to be inverted. She has a Back button to the right of the central Home button, and a Recently Opened Applications button to the left. I mean, exactly the opposite, when compared with panels from other manufacturers.

    In addition, Samsung also allows you to change the background color of the navigation bar and adjust the sensitivity to pressing the Home button.

    But, obviously, Samsung considered that this was not enough and in the last update added another feature to the TouchWiz settings that allows you to hide the navigation bar altogether.

    how to hide navigation bar in Galaxy S8?

    Very many As you know, the navigation bar of a smartphone or tablet is automatically hidden in certain situations. For example, when a video is played on the device screen in full screen mode or a toy is running. It is very convenient. Firstly, the image becomes larger, and secondly, you do not need to be careful all the time so as not to accidentally hit the panel and not fall out of the game.

    On the other hand, in some other applications (Twitter or mobile browsers) the navigation buttons remain in place. Which is just not always convenient and often very annoying, since the panel still covers a rather noticeable part of the screen.

    So, Samsung paid attention to this. In the new Galaxy S8, after a software update, a small dot appears in the far left corner of the navigation bar. This is the panel display mode switch. If you tap on it, the option to automatically collapse the panel is turned on / off.

    If after you did not find this point on the navigation bar of your Galaxy S8. So, you just need to enable it in the smartphone settings.

    We press "Settings" -> "Display" -> "Navigation bar" ... Find and activate the option " Show and hide "(If you didn’t find this option either. Then you haven’t updated TouchWiz yet, and it’s better to check for updates).

    When the automatic hiding mode of the navigation panel is active, the toggle point will look like a white ring, and the panel itself will be translucent. If auto-hide is disabled, the point will be just a solid gray point, and the panel will be the color that you set for it earlier.

    By the way, the Home button works even when the navigation bar is hidden. That is, to go to the home screen, even without the panel, you just need to tap a little harder around the place where the Home button is usually located. And to return the hidden navigation bar to the screen, simply swipe up and down from the bottom edge of the display - the bar will appear for a few seconds and then hide again.

    The new Android KitKat system automatically hides virtual buttons in games and applications, after which they launch in full screen. This is of course convenient, but what should users do, whose devices have not yet received this update, and even on the Sony Xperia Z2 with a new version of the system, it is also sometimes observed that the panel itself with virtual buttons is sometimes not hidden. In this tutorial, I will show you how to effectively hide the buttons at the bottom of the screen and the status bar using the GravityBox module. For this instruction to work, you must have the user's ROOT rights and the Xposed application installed to run the module.

    Download GravityBox from the links at the bottom of this manual. Please note that the KitKat and JellyBean versions have different program versions. Install it as a simple application from the apk file, then go to Xposed, the "Modules" tab and activate Gravity Box by checking the box. Then restart your smartphone.

    Now, you need to go directly to the applications menu, find GravityBox there and launch it. The option responsible for how to hide the navigation buttons is: “Screen settings” - “Extended desktop”, then check “Dive” (Hide all) or choose another option depending on what you want to hide.

    Now, in order to hide the navigation bar with the buttons at the bottom of the screen, hold down the shutdown button and in the menu you will see a new item "Extended desktop", after pressing which the buttons and the status bar will hide and appear when you touch the edges of the screen. To turn off the extended desktop, hold down the power button again and disable this item.

    I really really like the latest versions of Android and I'm sure this mobile operating system is by far the most promising. But some of its functions cause some bewilderment even to me. For example, why in the tablet version does so much space at the bottom take up a service black panel, when every inch in mobile devices literally counts? Wasn't it possible to implement its functionality in some other way?

    It turns out you can. Application developers full! screen prove it perfectly.

    full! screen Is a small utility for Android 3 or 4 that can hide the system bar at the bottom of the screen. If you have a device that has hardware buttons Home, Back and Menu, then this alone is enough to love this utility. Moreover, she perfectly knows how to display notifications.

    After starting the program (required superuser rights) the panel we are tired of hides, and instead we see two translucent areas in the corners of the screen. Their location and actions when pressed are set in the full! Screen settings. You can activate two such areas, one, or none at all, place them in any corner, adjust the size, color and opacity.

    Interaction with the buttons is carried out with a simple or long tap, and each movement can be assigned its own operation, among which we see Home, Back, Recent Apps List, Show Bar, Show Notifications etc.

    If you do not have enough two buttons in the corners to perform all the desired operations, then you can turn them into circular menus that appear according to your tap (see the first screenshot), where you can push as many actions as you need.

    Utility full! screen is sure to come in handy for all tablet owners who want to slightly expand the usable screen area of ​​their device, especially when playing games, while reading, surfing or watching videos. The application is free, but there is also a paid version that can automatically hide the panel when launching certain applications.