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  • A twin man in love and relationships. What does a twin man love about sex and is he ready to marry a woman? Compatibility of a twin man with women of different signs

    A twin man in love and relationships.  What does a twin man love about sex and is he ready to marry a woman?  Compatibility of a twin man with women of different signs

    Representatives of this sign are very positive, they do not lose heart in any situation. The sign of Gemini is a man whose characteristic is optimism, he always remembers that happiness is here and now, therefore he is in a hurry to enjoy life. The patron saint of Gemini is Mercury, so the representatives of this sign love travel, they can rarely be found at home. These men have many talents, art and science are especially easy for them.

    Representatives of this sign prefer not to worry about tomorrow, but enjoy today.

    Gemini's appearance testifies to their intelligence. They pay a lot of attention to their appearance, as they are sure that it is important to look worthy in society. Representatives of this sign have a delicate taste; they deftly emphasize their merits with the help of clothes that they choose in a free style, with a preference for sportswear.

    Body type

    Most often they are of medium or short height. Tall Gemini men are very rare, as well as representatives of this sign of a dense physique. They are always slender and fit, distinguished by a graceful physique, have thin bones and poorly developed muscles.

    Facial features

    Most Gemini have small facial features. Perceptive small eyes with a sly squint. A long nose is either straight or hump, thin lips, smooth and high forehead. Often, the forehead can appear even higher due to the receding hairline that appears early enough. Elongated face with a slightly pointed chin.

    Fashion style

    Blind adherence to fashion is not characteristic of Gemini. They love things that are comfortable and practical. The choice of clothing is based on your own preferences, and not on someone's advice. They prefer cotton, knitwear, linen and natural fabrics. They love dark tones, light prevails in their wardrobe. They choose grays and whites, pale greens and blues. Dress modestly and simply.


    Their strands are straight, only a small part of the representatives of this sign have curly hair. They prefer short haircuts, but they can also grow hair to tuck it into a ponytail. Don't mind a little mess on your head. Gemini preserves the youth of the soul until a ripe old age.

    This is reflected in their appearance as well. In adulthood, men in the Gemini zodiac sign seem much younger than their peers.


    Jewelry that Gemini men can wear is a thin chain of gold or silver, a ring with a small stone. Perfume is preferred not harsh, with a light, fresh aroma.

    Behavior and inner world of a Gemini man

    Born under this sign knows his own worth. He can flirt and try on new images for a long time. He has a very developed emotionality. Gemini live for today, not tomorrow.

    He only feels comfortable in a constantly changing environment. Everything quickly becomes boring for him, it is difficult for such a restless person to concentrate, and he cannot boast of patience.

    Gemini men according to the horoscope always strive for change, movement and freedom. In the manifestation of their nature, they are similar to their element - air. They are often the life of the party. They are always in a good mood, they charge those around them with their energy, they talk a lot and to the point.

    Most Gemini men are real favorites of the public, they usually spend their time in the company. They get used to strangers very quickly and easily, usually they have many contacts with people from different countries of the world. They have the gift of a storyteller.

    As a rule, Gemini are intellectuals who are able to show off their knowledge and erudition, they can conduct a conversation on all sorts of topics. They are aimed at learning about life, which constantly provides them with new opportunities for further development and communication.

    Positive and negative traits

    A Gemini man is not able to be alone for a long time. He will not take up household chores, he is not able to equip his life.

    Continuous movement is a characteristic of Gemini, they love to travel, they have a good imagination, which to some extent removes them from reality.

    They are pleasant and spontaneous, but there is no need to expect Gemini to fulfill all promises made to them with a 100% guarantee.

    Work and career of the Gemini man

    Gemini are gifted with talents and abilities, but their fickle nature prevents them from focusing on their careers. They are often more interested in entertainment than work. For this very reason, and also because they like to set ambitious and often unrealistic goals for themselves, they achieve success in their work only when they are truly captivated by what they are doing.

    Leadership skills

    The Gemini man will not give up leadership. He will make a good leader, subject to the following conditions:

    • work is his favorite pastime;
    • work brings a sense of satisfaction, he enjoys what he does;
    • work involves the conclusion of agreements and contracts, communication, meetings;
    • creative approach is allowed in the work.

    Gemini is not easily fooled, so they quickly build careers in sales and personnel management. Fixed work and rigid rules are not for this sign. They are characterized by ambivalence and inconsistency, so they treat work in different ways: sometimes seriously, and sometimes coldly and indifferently.

    Vocational guidance

    Gemini can be engaged in almost any activity other than manual labor. Among them you can find successful employees of advertising agencies, managers, administrators, journalists and politicians. They excel in commerce, these abilities allow them not only to be good salespeople, but also to be successful in entrepreneurship. Also, their sociable nature allows them to achieve considerable achievements in mediation.

    Gemini Man's Attitude to Love, Sex, Marriage and Family

    A Gemini man in love tries to achieve lightness and ever-changing scenery. You should not take it too personally if he did not come on time, promised and did not fulfill, said and forgot. This does not show his relationship to his beloved, this is just a manifestation of his character, which should be put up with.

    Gemini men are interesting in the eyes of the fairer sex. But they themselves are attracted rather by the intelligence and high level of development of a woman than by her beauty.

    Advice: first of all, they need an intellectual partner who is on the same level with him or even surpasses him.

    Relationships with the opposite sex are complicated by Gemini's changeable and unpredictable nature. A woman must understand that for happiness she does not need to struggle with his fickleness, it is better to constantly change herself with him.

    How do feelings manifest?

    • Many of the Twins can be frightened by a deep feeling, so they hide behind a screen of light flirting and irony, not allowing themselves to seriously fall in love. Their desires are always hidden, they are not fully revealed even to loved ones.
    • In order for a man to be near, you should not hold him. Only when he feels freedom and realizes that he is not controlled in anything, he will trust, relax and finish his search.
    • Gemini constantly wants to receive a lot of attention and tenderness, care and affection from his beloved, he needs constant care and support. A woman in love needs to be able to adapt to his rhythm of life.
    • In relationships, he is characterized by truthfulness, when feelings disappear, he also disappears, without clear explanations. If he is gone, attempts to bring him back will fail.

    Sex life

    He often does not understand why sex is so important to many people. Despite his rich imagination and fantasy, he sees sex as the logical development of a friendship between two people. Gemini are great lovers, but not because they try to do everything to satisfy their partner. They just care too much about their satisfaction.

    Sex for Gemini is interesting, since he can feel feelings that he has not experienced before, for this reason they are attracted by women who do not hold back vivid emotions and know how to get real pleasure from physical intimacy.

    They need a temperamental woman with a vivid imagination who can add variety to their sex life. A twin in sex restrains his feelings and satisfies his curiosity. He is interested in constantly trying something new and unusual.

    In Gemini, a passionate partner and a naive romantic are easily combined. Lovingness is one of their main qualities. At a young age, he has more than one partner, since he only needs physical satisfaction.

    For the representatives of this sign, the most pleasant thing is when feelings and sexual attraction are combined in one person. In bed, they love tenderness. They are aroused by beautiful lingerie, pleasant aroma, and the beauty of their partner.

    To make an intimate relationship with a Gemini man richer, it is enough to pique his curiosity. First you need to talk to him about the different methods, and then start implementing them.

    He processes information primarily through the mind, so you need to act through his imagination. It is easy to do this - use your verbal imagination, he will take over the physical execution.

    Marriage and family

    The characterization of the Gemini man as a family man is favorable, but only on the condition that his wife is a wise, caring and loving woman. In marriage, he expects the same ease as in all other aspects of life. He is genuinely upset when faced with claims due to his inconsistency.

    Gemini marry early or never marry at all. His chosen one can amaze others with her dissimilarity with previous women. She will be reasonable, calm and balanced. Often they choose a woman as their spouse who is a little older than themselves. In a wife, they want to see a friend, and to some extent even a mother, and not just a mistress. They are pleased with the attention and care with which their spouse surrounds them, and incredibly like their own cozy home.

    Many years of married life will not re-educate Gemini, they will remain the same original and unpredictable. They can often look for an excuse to spend time away from home, and the desire to "tie" them will only ruin the relationship.

    Gemini has the ability to make big money, but they are not aimed at saving, their finances are disappearing at an incredible rate. Over time, changes are also possible: if in his youth a man can be a very generous person, then it is possible that, after some time, he will become very greedy.

    The wife will have to solve most of the household issues herself, because her man is not a good boss. He practically does not care how clean his house is and how well it is equipped, because the main moments of Gemini's life take place outside of it. But the wife will still have to consult with her husband in solving household problems in order to avoid resentment.

    Surprisingly, children are a weakness for Gemini. Acting as a father, a man becomes a friend and companion to his children. A trusting and close relationship is established between them, the father tries to convey his knowledge, but he will not be able to accustom him to hard work, because this quality is not characteristic of him.

    The father, with his frivolous attitude towards these promises, sets a not very good example for the children. Such dads quite often spoil their children, thereby spoiling their character. It didn’t stop them from being more strict and consistent. The Gemini man does not know what his children need, what time they eat, whether they need to sleep during the day. The wife needs to interest him by talking about the achievements and successes of the children.

    Compatibility with other signs

    The most suitable spouses for compatibility of a Gemini man will be women who were born under the signs of Taurus, Aquarius, Capricorn and Aries.

    Gifts for the Gemini man

    He will be very happy with a surprise, so you shouldn't ask him what exactly he wants to receive as a gift:

    • Gemini are known for their love of various information and their breadth of horizons, so a gift for them can facilitate the process of receiving and storing this information.
    • You can present an e-book, a beautiful writing set, connect satellite or cable TV.
    • You can subscribe to your favorite magazines as a gift or pay for the study of a foreign language. But in the latter case, you need to choose a short training, because otherwise it can quickly get bored.
    • A wonderful gift - technical innovations.
    • You can donate anything from sports equipment or clothing, as well as anything that makes life even more convenient and fast, such as a tablet or laptop.
    • Gemini will appreciate the "cool" gifts, but only from the closest people.
    • You should not give something heavy, large and cumbersome, because such a gift involves keeping at home, and there you will rarely meet a Gemini man.

    Horoscope for Men of other zodiac signs

    Table: Horoscope for men of all zodiac signs

    Outwardly, a very light man Gemini according to the horoscope is a fusion of masculine and feminine principles, therefore it is difficult to understand Gemini. His mind is constantly ready to accept new things. It was this zodiac sign that gave the world the most geniuses, great actors and rare scoundrels.

    Description of a man - Gemini

    The way to the heart of this man lies ... through the mind. To interest him, you need to constantly feed the high intelligence of Gemini. He makes plans, is constantly ready to move, active, inquisitive. The representative of this sign has tremendous psychological flexibility: he knows how to instantly switch, easily contacts with people, does not feel discomfort if something goes wrong.

    Colin Farrell is a Gemini man by horoscope. Famous Gemini: Clint Eastwood, John F. Kennedy, Morgan Freeman, Alexey Serebryakov, Peter Krasilov

    An amazing quality of Gemini is the ability to present themselves in the best possible light. They even manage to turn disadvantages into advantages. Superficiality brings this man down. He does not bother to penetrate into the essence of things, his task is to betray information, and not to accumulate and process it.

    Gemini are friendly but unreliable. You can be friends with them, accepting this feature and not hoping for more. Sometimes Gemini can hurt with duplicity, hypocrisy. He is resourceful, can lie easily and will not have any remorse.

    The Gemini man is unreliable, superficial, emotionally cold, but witty and brilliant in society. He knows how to present himself so that he quickly becomes the soul of the company.

    He can be cold with someone with whom he laughed heartily yesterday or confessed his love. Despite the outward lightness, the man of this sign does not show his soul to anyone. He has no attachments, no deep feelings, he hates commitment and responsibility. This is the coldest sign of the zodiac emotionally.

    Attracts in Gemini wit, optimism and originality. They are creative people who know how to benefit from this feature of theirs. It is this man who can successfully do several things at the same time and achieve success in his chosen field.

    Gemini man and sex

    As easy as ordinary communication is for Gemini, he is equally insecure in bed and is dependent on a woman. A charming sparkling man, left alone with a lady, behaves not like a winner, but like a notorious teenager. This is fraught with an intimate fiasco. If this happened, the Gemini will complex with every next woman, accumulating negative psycho-emotional stress.

    Gemini likes different women, and he is a subtle and sophisticated enough psychologist to seduce anyone. But choosing the object of his next interest, this man will never pay attention to a woman who is ugly or does not have high spiritual qualities.

    The external qualities of a partner for Gemini are important in the first place. He loves to observe and has a rich imagination.

    Only in the combination of the beauty of body and soul does Gemini find something attractive. It is important for him to bring his beloved into the light in order to show everyone a rare diamond and attract envious glances.

    Gemini loves mirrors and bright lighting in the bedroom. He likes to watch the process, while maintaining his trademark emotional coldness. The imagination of the representative of this sign is rich. Sometimes it is this, and not real physical intimacy, that gives a man real pleasure. It is no coincidence that among Gemini there are many perverts and fetishists, bisexuals and lovers of group sex.

    Who suits the Gemini man

    A well-groomed, stylish, mysterious girl will attract Gemini's attention so much that he will definitely want to get married. The subtlety is not to press and even show outward indifference.

    Johnny Dep is a typical Gemini man by horoscope

    Bright, courageous representatives of the Fire and Air elements give birth to Gemini, forcing them to lose their heads. They become ideal life companions for these men.

    • With Aries, Gemini is waiting for confidence in his masculine strength, which he sometimes lacks. However, a hot-tempered woman may be clearly unhappy with a frivolous spouse. But common interests will strengthen this marriage.
    • An alliance with Leos is promising, especially if the husband hands over the palm to his wife. If Gemini does not openly cheat on his wife, she will not control him.
    • Gemini has a perfect match with Libra. This is a kinship of intellectuals who understand each other. A little bit of mutual freedom - and the marriage will be long.
    • Sagittarius is freedom-loving, and this brings him closer to Gemini. They will be comfortable in marriage. They do not accumulate grievances, are easy-going and do not see problems in mutual concessions.
    • Compatibility with Aquarius makes the relationship lasting. The danger is treason: she will never forgive her husband, and the marriage will fall apart.

    Family is important to Gemini. Even when feelings subside, he remains loyal, caring and will never go for a divorce on his own initiative.

    Who is not suitable for a Gemini man

    Modest, reserved girls will not find happiness with Gemini. He will quickly fall out of love with the "gray mouse", which he recently admired, and will leave the family.

    According to the horoscope Karl Urban is a Gemini man. Characteristics of the sign - optimism, intelligence, success

    Family relationships with earth and water signs will not work out. Representatives of these elements will not be able to turn their husbands into a reliable household stay-at-home.

    • With Taurus, Gemini will face a confrontation. Different ideas about the family, lack of common interests provoke family crises.
    • It is difficult to predict how long the marriage with Capricorn will last. Much depends on the spouse, who must accept her husband as he is.
    • With Virgo, the marriage union is fleeting and looks more like regular hostilities. The spouse is annoyed by her husband's frivolity. The lack of common interests does not give them a chance.
    • Jealous Lady Scorpio will constantly criticize her husband. He will quickly get tired of the pressure and hasten to retire.
    • In the union of two Gemini, only sexual compatibility is valuable. But the love heat goes away. These two will disperse quickly, without tragedies and maintain friendly relations.

    Twins get divorced easily, they don't make a tragedy out of it. They often mistake infatuation for love. It is impossible to keep such a person next to him: he again goes in search of happiness.

    Gemini men are fickle, witty and resourceful. It is easy and pleasant to spend time with them, if you do not make any long-term plans.

    An astrological horoscope is able to accurately describe a person, habits, behavior, attitude towards life and the people around them. The date of birth of a man helps to understand with what eyes he looks at the world. Positive aspects of character and negative ones depend on it. Astrology helps to find the right approach to a person in order to achieve his location.

    Noisy, likes to talk loudly and draw attention to himself. He has a confident and charming character, a cheerful disposition, which attracts friends. Sociable, interested in new things. In love, he shows emotionality and sensitivity. He is looking for a companion whom he can trust. Stubborn and proud, which complicates the relationship. If he falls in love with a woman, he will show loyalty and truly open up to her. The family is important to him, he takes care of the children and protects them. What is in the family - read in the previous publication.

    Impulsiveness and inconsistency prevent this man from sitting in one place.

    She perceives work as a game, with passion and enthusiasm. Likes to compete and adapts to situations and people. He has a quick mind and reaction. Trades related to traveling are suitable for him. He will become a worthy leader and will find an approach to each employee.

    Gemini-Monkey man by year of birth - characteristics

    Friendship for him seems open and sincere. He is a witty and cheerful conversationalist who quickly engages in conversation and supports any topic.

    In family and love, this man creates problems because of his restlessness. But, as a partner, he is caring and knows how to please a woman. Shows doubts and fears betrayal. His companion must find an approach to him and establish a trusting relationship.

    Noisy, active and sociable, it is difficult for others to keep up with him.

    A career is successful if the work is connected with speaking in front of an audience.

    The following professions are suitable:

    • leading;
    • training manager;
    • consultant;
    • supervisor.

    Unleash potential in work that requires artistic talent and amusement.

    Characteristics of behavior in the family and life of the Gemini-Ox man

    He has a quick reaction, he is confident. The conversation is harsh and bold. But in friendship it is considered a good partner. He will find time to listen and will treat any issue with understanding. Treats others with respect.

    Combines a lot of contradictions: he is cheerful and sociable, then he is sad and gloomy.

    The characteristic of the business horoscope of the Gemini man describes him as a talented person who can achieve success in any field.

    Implemented in the following areas:

    • literary activity;
    • sports sphere;
    • educational projects;
    • construction industry;
    • work related to manual labor.

    In love, he shows jealousy and doubts in a partner. He does not stop at the only chosen one and switches from one to another.

    The character and customs of men Gemini-Rat

    This man is an optimist, does not lose faith in himself and people. Intellectually developed and dexterous, he is considered a witty interlocutor and attracts those around him. Knows how to predict the actions of people and has a pronounced intuition. In love, the characteristic of a Gemini man is twofold. On the one hand, he loves women and new acquaintances, so it is difficult for him to find one single one. On the other hand, if circumstances tie him to one woman, then in the family he will be a reliable and loyal partner.

    Curiosity is the main feature of the Gemini-Rat man.

    Responsible in the work, brings the work started to the end. A dedicated worker who is willing to work selflessly without a lunch break. Most successfully realizes himself in the financial sector and insurance. But money is not in the first place for him, it is more important to enjoy his work. behaves somewhat differently.

    Zodiac Gemini-Dragon - characteristics of a man

    In friendship, the characteristic of a man of the sign Gemini is positive. Dexterous, shrewd and quick-witted. He understands people perfectly, is attentive and kind, therefore he is considered a good friend.

    Love for this man lies in a frank and sincere relationship. Harsh in his statements and too straightforward. Not every companion will be able to come to terms with this. He is attracted by bright personalities, appearance plays an important role. Able to create a family, but only if it will not interfere with his development.

    The Gemini-Dragon man is characterized by restlessness, which sometimes interferes with him in relationships with people.

    In work, he is able to achieve results only if he restrains nervousness and impatience, because of which he often does not complete the work he has begun. Specialties that do not require great responsibility are suitable for him.

    Gemini-Man, born in the year of the Snake - characteristic

    It combines erudition and eloquence. Thanks to his natural charm and sense of humor, people are drawn to him. Able to charm and win over to his side. Friendship considers important and attaches great importance to heart-to-heart conversations. In love, he is cold, pragmatic and emotionally stingy, but this is at first glance.

    He does not tolerate criticism in his address, reacts to it extremely hostilely.

    To achieve well-being, I am ready to make every effort. Selects work related to hard work, sports and competition. Good for outdoor work.

    Implemented in the following professions:

    • builder;
    • firefighter;
    • miner;
    • installer.

    In fact, it is reliable and straightforward. Strives to create a family and treats her with care. Almost every woman likes his character.

    Characteristics of the behavior of a man of the sign Gemini-Dog

    In friendship, he shows loyalty and devotion. You can always count on him. Differs in reliability, fairness, honesty and selflessness. He puts the interests of the people around him above his own. In his personal life, a loving and perfect partner. Gives a lot of strength to relationships and attaches great importance to them. Finding a companion for life is extremely difficult for him, because not everyone keeps up with his aspirations. Next to him there will be only an independent and self-sufficient woman, who is alien to the feelings of ownership. He is content with a fleeting relationship and continues to move on.

    Inconstancy and attraction to the unknown pull this man to change.

    He loves order, therefore he is considered a good worker in all areas of activity. Prone to frequent travel and change of occupation. It is implemented both in show business and in a serious leadership position.

    Gemini-Goat - characteristics of a man of this sign

    Sociable, creative and flexible. He is talkative, good-natured, likes to help people around him. Appreciates sincere friendship, but prefers not to communicate with everyone.

    In personal relationships, this man is not stable. It's hard for him to be around one person for a long time. Although family duty can do well. He needs a woman who is resourceful and able to intrigue him.

    The mental abilities of this man help him find a way out of any situation.

    In his work, he is enterprising, but does not always bring the matter to the end. If he is entrusted with important matters, then it is worth monitoring their implementation. This man is ideal for acting, in which he will be able to realize his talents and love for reincarnation.

    The personality traits of a man born under the sign of Gemini-Rooster

    In friendship and communication with other people, he shows respect, care, compassion. Adjusts to others. He does not like criticism and does not criticize other people. The love characteristic of a man in the zodiac sign Gemini describes him as an unstable partner. But if he decides to start a family, he will approach this issue responsibly. Relationship with him is interesting, his curiosity and mobility will not let you get bored.

    Has a quick-tempered character, gets into arguments and is nervous about trifles.

    He is full of new ideas, strives to do several things at the same time. She will prefer a hobby or favorite business to a well-paid job. On which I am ready to spend both energy and time. Due to the unpredictability, doing business with him is difficult and risky.

    What kind of man is born under the zodiac sign Gemini-Horse

    He is enthusiastic, sociable and curious. He approaches any question subjectively and is prone to harsh statements. Friendship with him is not easy, but you can be sure that his words are always honest. You can rely on him in difficult times. In a love relationship, this man is independent and impulsive. Does not accept the imposition of someone's opinion. He loves attention signs, is cheerful and playful. Doesn't strive for stability and enjoys changes. A calm family life does not appeal to him. He can have a woman with him who will accept his rules of the game.

    Surprise, spontaneity and real results are what characterize the happy life of a Gemini-Horse man.

    Has a lightning-fast reaction and active thinking. Strives to gain new knowledge and solve problems of varying complexity. In the work must see the meaning and perspective. He prefers to complete tasks on his own and not resort to the help of others. Compare who suits you best - a Gemini man or.

    Characteristics of the behavior of a man of the Gemini-Pig / Pig sign

    In friendship, he is generous and good-natured. Has an attractive appearance and knows how to inspire others. He is always hospitable and attentive with people, he likes to have fun.

    In love, he is closed and is not able to open up with everyone. The family, in his understanding, should be based on compromise and respect for each other's personal space. He loves children and is ready to go to great lengths for them.

    He sees the world in an embellished form, is inclined to idealize situations and people.

    The Gemini-Pig man can work as anyone: both an engineer and a magician. Starting his career, he will not stop until he reaches the highest results.

    Zodiac sign Gemini-Rabbit / Cat - characteristic for a man

    This type of man belongs to chatty and charming people. Appreciates partnerships and knows how to be a good friend. Will support and understand in any situation. Likes to demonstrate knowledge, is tolerant and fair. The characteristic of a man according to his zodiac sign Gemini describes him as an open and loyal partner in love. Shows compassion for a woman and prefers to build relationships on trust. Dislikes conflicts, strives to create a family. He is a lightweight and reliable partner.

    Surrounds himself with people who are close in spirit and puts trusting relationships in the first place.

    In the labor sphere, he is able to realize his best qualities. He feels good in a managerial position, because he values, above all, freedom of action and a harmonious environment.

    The year of birth of a Gemini man determines his perception of the world around him, relationships with people, habits and behavior. Knowing the characteristics of each sign, you can easily find an approach even to the most difficult people and win them over to you. Astrology exists to help with this.

    There is no more complex and contradictory sign than a twin man - you can know his nature forever.

    This person is a mystery, you never understand whether he is joking or talking seriously, lying or telling sincerely where and for how long he suddenly left. Gemini are changeable, mysterious, secretive. At the same time, a twin man is charm itself. He is open-minded and has many girlfriends and friends, he is cheerful, positive and outgoing.

    Twins have a complex characteristic - his nature is changeable, it is impossible for him to be manipulated, controlled, controlled. This man appreciates personal space and will not tolerate a minute of any pressure on himself, his beloved.

    What's in a pair?

    As in all life, the twin man is a player in love. He is looking for a soul mate, always in love with someone, romantic to the point of impossibility. When a twin man is in love with you, you will not be bored. He does not tolerate loneliness and can slip out of the hands of a woman - he cannot be tamed and made his own.

    A changeable man under the sign of a twin in his love requires attention. He needs to be adored, he must always feel needed. At the same time, he is very selfish, and only a wise woman will be able to make him a domestic, loyal and devoted partner.

    In the sexual sphere, this zodiac sign is unpredictable. The man of this sign loves pleasure, but he does not at all get hung up on sex itself and does not attach great importance to it.

    A twin man in his life does not inextricably connect the concepts of sex and love, and does not relate to the intimate sphere, as to something exceptional, special. It's good with him, because the man of this sign is attentive and gentle, but passion and ardor are not his strong point.

    In order for a twin man to propose and marry, he must conquer his chosen one, fight for her. The representative of this zodiac sign does not like easy prey - he is a player, he should always be interested. In marriage, he values ​​freedom and personal space, and will not be a homebody. You cannot press and nag on him - the twin needs comfort, understanding, and to be appreciated and accepted.

    With other signs

    It is important to know the compatibility of the zodiac signs in order to soberly assess the prospects of the union. Is it worth starting a relationship and trying to create a harmonious couple?

    1. Aries woman is unlikely to be able to understand a twin man. She is looking for stability, she needs everything to be direct and extremely clear, and, moreover, she loves to control and subordinate herself.

    If a twin man is in love with her, then conflicts will begin pretty soon. He will lack valuable freedom and understanding. Here compatibility, alas, is low.

    2. The characteristic of a couple is very interesting, in which the fate of a man of the sign of a twin and a leisurely woman of Taurus converges on fate. They are so different, but everyone around them is surprised at how firmly their union sometimes develops.

    The Taurus girl is ready to understand him, to give him the necessary share of freedom, she will not press and push. He is comfortable, easy, and if this man is in love with such a young lady, everything can turn out well.

    3. A pair of two twins resembles a grotesque portrayal of a Mexican TV series. They are so emotional and unstable, both of them, that there is a possibility of a real explosion.

    In this pair, each other will not be able to control and calm down, conflicts end with broken dishes, and you will not see stability and tranquility. Here the compatibility is low, but sometimes such pairs are strong, as an exception.

    4. Although a twin man does not at all look like the ideal gentleman for a cancer girl, such couples are sometimes successful. There is a difficult characteristic here - he is looking for another woman, the cancer is too homely, affectionate and calm, but if he is truly in love with her, he will not resist her charms.

    A cancer girl will be able to calm him down, accept his shortcomings, give him loyalty, care and the necessary personal space. In this pair there is compatibility, although not perfect, but all the chances of creating a strong pair.

    5. Such a difficult zodiac sign as Leo is not suitable for this man, compatibility is low and a couple is unlikely. Leo is a proud and strong lady, and a twin man is a fickle, freedom-loving sign and will not allow himself to be ruled. Conflicts are too likely, and none of them will definitely give in to the other.

    6. Virgo is a sign so distant from twins that it is unlikely that they will meet at all. It's amazing if a twin is in love with a virgin - he is looking for other sensations, and she usually avoids such men. They are too different, have different goals and will not understand each other, so the characterization of this pair is not encouraging.

    7. Libra is a zodiac sign as unpredictable and fickle as Libra, and this couple has excellent compatibility, although at first it will not be easy to accept each other. Both of them, these signs, want about the same thing, however, what exactly - they themselves often do not know.

    The closeness of characters guarantees that they will understand each other and will not try to change. Strong families often arise from such couples.

    8. A pair in which a male twin and a female scorpion come together is an explosive cocktail. This is a difficult characteristic - they can attract each other, but when they are together, there will be a war. Scorpio is a tough sign, this woman is jealous and will not give the twin freedom of action. It is hardly worth starting a relationship - they are unlikely.

    9. The independent man of this sign loves ladies like the Sagittarius woman. She is swift, bright and bold, while without prejudice. They are different, but they understand each other, do not press and do not pretend to be a leader in a couple. Such unions often become families, and very happy - you can build harmonious paired relationships!

    10. It is difficult to imagine such a couple as a windy twin man and a conservative, serious Capricorn woman. In principle, she will not pay attention to such a person, and even more so, she will never get close to him.

    If the Capricorn girl happened to fall in love with him, most likely it will end in disappointment - a quick romantic period, a bright intrigue - this is still possible, but there can be no serious relationship. She will not be able to remake this man, and he himself, in principle, will not allow this.

    11. But a man is a twin, if his chosen one is a woman of Aquarius, he will be happy. Although they seem so different, they come together perfectly and can find happiness in each other. Such couples are not uncommon and often form strong families.

    12. It seems that the girl of the Pisces sign lives in another world, she is too different from the twin man, but sometimes they meet and converge together. She will charm the man of this sign with her fragile femininity and humility, and he will be able to conquer her - after all, it is difficult for a twin to resist.

    A fish woman will be able to give him freedom and love, not crush and respect, this is a godsend for him. Such couples meet often and are very happy!

    Plus - eastern horoscope

    In order for this zodiac sign to reveal its character more fully, it is worth using the help of the eastern horoscope. For a complete description, you just need to find out in what year your beloved was born, and who he is in the eastern zodiac circle.

    • The rat is a great addition to the twin character. This is a smart, talented man, an excellent speaker and leader.
    • The bull is a strong and powerful sign, such a man loves order and clarity in everything. He loves freedom and is not at all a homebody, loves adventure and various competitions.
    • If this is a tiger, then it is impossible to deceive him. This man is smart, has amazing intuition and flair, he knows and understands people, and therefore can achieve a lot thanks to his qualities.

    • The twin cat is a wonderful companion, lover, husband and family man. Everyone adores him - he is open, kind and positive, however - very mysterious and does not open up to the end.
    • The male dragon is the leader and the winner. He has an amazing flair and intuition, he knows how to predict events and feel people. This is a person who always takes his own, he is the first and best in everything.
    • The snake is a secretive and wise sign, in addition, this person can conquer any peaks, he is brave, smart and honest.
    • A Gemini loves freedom, and if it is also a horse, the love of freedom increases a hundredfold. He adores freedom and will not allow encroachment on it, he is used to doing only what he likes and doing only what he loves.
    • The goat makes the twin a capricious person, he loves himself and needs the love of others. Gullible, open and sometimes vulnerable to it.
    • A monkey is a sign of self-confidence, intelligence and artistry. This man is hard not to notice - he is strong, handsome and very charming, knows how to negotiate and convince.
    • The rooster does not accept criticism and will not yield in an argument, to conflict with him or to prove something is a useless matter. He is active, fearless and sometimes gets in trouble.
    • The dog will do everything to protect the honor of his and his loved ones. He is a defender, a friend, and sometimes he thinks that an attack is the best defense. Sometimes aggressive and hot-tempered, but needs love.
    • A twin pig is a contradictory sign, he thinks outside the box, breaks the box and loves to shock others. You don’t know what you can sometimes expect from him - but you won’t get bored with him.

    Every person is a mystery, regardless of the zodiac sign. Let the horoscope help you understand and reveal the soul of your chosen one, and help build happiness with him.
    Author: Vasilina Serova

    The Gemini man is a walking kaleidoscope. A new part of a man's character, or maybe a completely new personality, you will discover in him every day. His mind is always ready to accept something new and try on a different role in his life, so it is easier for Gemini's relatives and friends to christen him a madman than to try to understand his flexible nature.

    His tastes, mood and outlook on life change at the speed of light, which, in general, does not in any way affect his relationships with people - despite everything he does, others love him. Especially women! And he, in turn, loves women, and the more of them, the better. Why settle for a slice of the pie when you can eat it all? And if you are caught in his net, then we strongly recommend that you run, because, most likely, you are a one-time girl, whose name he will not remember.

    The Gemini man is handsome, sexy, interesting, smart, well-mannered and talented - the list of his positive qualities, probably, stretches more than one kilometer, so we will be brief: the Gemini man is the totality of everything that a woman can like, and the only thing, which is far from the ideal of each - it is completely unstable.

    Fitting your relationship with him in the formal word "in love" or, even worse, "married" - is unrealistic, because he loves freedom too much to give his heart or hand to a single one.

    Great artists, lovers and consummate scoundrels - they were all Gemini in the horoscope. And all thanks to its unique quality: even negative personality traits are presented as rare dignity in a human character. As you can imagine, you shouldn't believe him: he does not consider duplicity and hypocrisy to be terrible sins, and even a pang of conscience is not about him.

    Gemini man in love

    The Gemini man cannot stand loneliness, so a woman nearby is vital for him. But, even having deep feelings for his passion, he will look for true love somewhere out there, on the side. He will never trade his freedom for love, so you need to love him unobtrusively and calmly. If you are a great player - congratulations, you have found a thousand men in one person for yourself. Change with him and try new things, otherwise your connection will break off instantly.

    How does a Gemini man show his feelings? Firstly, he will not cheat on you, which is really very valuable, and secondly, he will accept you as a partner who can be trusted and with whom you can move forward in life together.

    Gemini man in a relationship

    To "wrap up" a Gemini man is a titanic work. He doesn't need a perfect woman, or a beauty of royal blood. To be honest, he himself does not know who exactly he needs for his entire life. It is possible that due to his uncertainty, he changes partners like gloves. The only thing he really appreciates in a girl is her intelligence and negative feelings of jealousy. And if you began to meet with him, then now you will see him even less often than before.

    He, like a street cat, will come home for the sake of affection and food, and the rest of the time he will stagger about where and with whom. You just have to come to terms with it.

    What kind of women do Gemini men prefer?

    Bright, eccentric, bold, with a negative content of conservatism in the blood - only such a woman can interest a Gemini man. The most successful alliances with representatives of the following signs:

    Leo Woman. She is beautiful, smart and wants herself not just a man, but a nugget, which the Gemini man will be. The Lioness will have to become the head of the family, but she does not mind, and if her husband does not start cheating on her insolently, in front of her eyes, then she will not "nag" and control him.

    Libra woman. A woman with high intelligence, open-mindedness and a critical attitude towards social norms is a real godsend for Gemini. Mutual freedom will only strengthen their love, unless, of course, Gemini is caught cheating.

    Aquarius Woman. Two talented persons who can create not only something new for the art world, but also bipedal happiness for their family. An ideal union that can be broken solely due to the inconstancy of Gemini.

    Twin man in sex

    Sex for a Gemini man is a way of communication that does not mean any feelings or emotions. Thanks to this, he gets whatever he wants. He can seduce absolutely any woman, but a man's sexuality will completely depend on her. He will be confident and passionate only if his mistress becomes like that, otherwise sex can be absolutely nothing, especially if the fate that he never thinks about his partner. Here is such a contradiction - a feature of Gemini's behavior.

    The attitude of the Gemini man to family and children

    The one born under the sign of Gemini runs away from anything that hints at least a little about responsibilities, seriousness in relationships and a sharp restriction of freedom. The stamp in the passport for him is something like a metaphorical death. Despite the attitude towards marriage, Gemini has a very positive attitude towards children. Still, the Gemini is a big child himself, who will eagerly play toy soldiers, computer games and share a huge ice cream briquette with a small one.

    Not surprisingly, the children of such a dad never take requests to clean their rooms or learn their homework seriously.

    Gemini man in work and career

    Of course, the Gemini man is a creative person who will not lift a finger if he does not like the work or develop his inner genius. Therefore, you will never meet a Gemini in an average job, he likes directing, acting, the music industry and other areas.

    It is then that he will come off in full: he can put up a tent not far from work, work for three, give all his strength, money, soul to this project, and he will not even be upset if the case does not work out. He'll just take it as an experience to guide him next time and start from scratch.