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  • What went to Olga Buzova after the divorce. "I'm in a hurry home, where Nastya is waiting for me with lunch"

    What went to Olga Buzova after the divorce.

    On December 30, 2016, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov officially divorced after 4 years of marriage. Many admired the couple and their beautiful relationship, but last fall, their relationship took a turn for the worse. Information began to appear in the press that Dmitry spends a lot of time with friends, and Olya was carried away by work.

    Olga's fans followed the situation and hoped that they would still make it up. However, this did not happen. Tarasov tried not to comment on the separation, although he did not hide the new relationship. Buzova was also laconic, but hackers now and then hacked her phone, then instant messengers and laid out information that was not too pleasant for her.

    Olga Buzova // Photo: Instagram

    “I adequately accept everything that fate presents. Yes, I was hurt, but when a love story has no continuation, you need to "burn" it and move on. Previously, family and relationships were in the first place, now - work ”, - Olga told.

    Olga Buzova // Photo: Instagram

    Over the past year, Olga has achieved success on stage - she released her first album and gave solo concerts at large venues in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Almost every song of hers immediately becomes a hit and takes first places in the charts. She has repeatedly admitted that it was work that pulled her out of depression after the divorce.

    The show called "Tarabuziki Bred" continues. Buzova brought the entire set of "House-2" to a nervous tic. Well, STILL - since then, as there was a discord in the family, the girl seemed to be replaced. Buzova is nervous and irritable at work.

    Poor make-up artist!

    Make-up Buzovoy notably got "nuts". You see, the star did not like the makeup, which had always suited her before.

    It's not the first day they have been whispering on the set. One staff member commented on the scene as follows: “The other day she brought our make-up artist to tears, bitch! She painted it up, as always, everything is beautiful. Well, who's to blame that a person's face is swollen from tears? So she saw herself in the frame and started screaming like crazy. The make-up artist left with shaking hands and the stutterer almost remained. "

    Oh, don't ask about anything!

    It got to the point that the leaders of the Dom-2 project forbade not only the participants, but also the staff to ask Buzova questions about the divorce. Otherwise, the formidable "bosses" promised to fine the most curious.

    And one of the participants of "House-2" assures that Olga is too aggressive not only towards the service personnel, but also towards everyone around: " She yells like a victim at the illuminators. Type of ugly face in the frame. So she cries all the time, that's ugly, damn it. The guys have nothing to do with it. He enrages everyone with his aggressive behavior. You all feel sorry for her, and she, like the last bitch, behaves. Every second woman in the country gets divorced, no one pities them so much. Terribly infuriating. Everyone should walk on tiptoe with her. Queen, b **! ".

    Hmm, with such antics Buzova clearly lowers his authority and "holes" karma.

    Well, what is the reason for the tantrums?

    Interestingly - the fact is that Olya misses Dmitry Tarasov or ... is she more worried about the fact that she will soon be deprived of material values?

    And there is something to lose - all movable and immovable property belongs to a football player!

    Oh yes Tarasov, oh yes ... well done!

    Dima reasoned sensibly: love comes and goes, but you always want to go on a yacht and live in a mansion for 160 million rubles. Moreover, the footballer is already a "shot sparrow" in matters of division of property - after the divorce from his first wife, he paid her compensation in the amount of 21 million rubles! The lesson was not in vain - Tarasov decided to marry more carefully. 🙂

    House-2 ". While Olga complained that Tarasov began to live with a new darling - 23-year-old model Anastasia Kostenko. The other day they gave their first joint interview about their relationship, where they said that they were living happily and were already planning a wedding and children.

    According to Dmitry, he almost did not worry after the divorce from Olga Buzova, because "he decided everything for himself."

    I am a very reserved person. I can endure for a long time, weigh, ponder, but if I explode, then irrevocably. Love has passed, the tomatoes wilted. I don’t want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it never happens that only one. In fact, our relationship with Olya ended in the fall of last year. And Nastya and I met for the first time in a circle of mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. They did not speak much, crossed a couple of times with glances. I found out who this girl was from friends.


    Anastasia admitted that she was not aware of Dmitry's relationship. He wrote to her on Instagram, and they began to communicate. The second meeting took place on January 1 - Tarasov called her to karaoke. "We sang, rested," after which Tarasov accompanied the model home and left.

    I immediately warned that you cannot buy me with gifts. The most valuable thing is attention. Dima knows how to look after: he gives flowers, takes him to restaurants and movies. My aunt lives in Moscow, who always warned: “Be careful. In the capital, men are spoiled. " I avoided communication with the stronger sex, lived with my sister. But Dima turned out to be different - caring and domestic. And when I saw his reverent attitude towards children, I realized - this is my man!


    According to Anastasia, nevertheless she several times tried to end the relationship with Dmitry. The girl was worried about his past: two divorces, a child from his first marriage. However, the athlete still managed to win the trust of Kostenko. When the couple's relationship ceased to be a secret, a flurry of criticism fell upon Anastasia. Many called the model a homeless woman. “They accused me of getting into the pants of a married man,” she says. But after a while, Anastasia calmed down and gave Tarasov a promise that she would no longer visit anti-fan sites, read comments and react emotionally.

    The couple moved in three months after they met. Dmitry says that Anastasia “was hard to lure into the apartment,” and she explains this by the fact that she never lived with men on the same territory and was afraid that their relationship would be eaten by everyday life. Now the couple is doing fine: Nastya is waiting for her beloved from training, cooks for him and makes him cozy in the house. The footballer admits: every time he hurries home.

    - One of the last favorite dishes from Nastya is called Cinnabon. These are delicious and soft cinnamon rolls. I love them. Usually the baby does whatever I ask - first, second, third ... Soup is a must. I'm in a hurry home from training, because Nastenka is waiting for me there with a delicious lunch. I am a happy man.


    The couple are already thinking about getting married and want a lot of children. Anastasia admits that she plans to give birth, but not in the next year for sure. A month ago, Tarasov bought his own house, where they moved with Kostenko. I like Nastya and Dmitry's mom. “She somehow immediately became imbued with her,” he admits, “for my mother, the main thing is that I be happy, fed, smiling and not going to restaurants.”

    Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have been one of the most discussed couples in the media for more than six months. For a long time, the spouses did not tolerate what was happening in the house to people, and the fans hoped to the last that Olga and Dmitry would be able to improve relations, but the miracle did not happen.

    In January 2014, Dmitry Tarasov got a tattoo on his wrist, forming the initials of his name and the name of Olga Buzova, and below was the date of their wedding. Such a gift touched the host of "House-2" to the depths of her soul.

    At that moment, Buzova published a photo showing her husband's hand with a secret drawing, and signed it like this: "The act of my husband touched me to tears yesterday. Not a single person dedicated a tattoo to me! I really appreciate it ... I love you, dear. Together forever." ... For a long time, the TV presenter created an image of an exemplary family on social networks, although in reality everything turned out to be not so romantic and, after a while, fans of the famous spouses drew attention to the fact that joint photographs of the lovers stopped appearing. Later, Dmitry did not come to support his wife at the award ceremony for the best "Instagram", having gone at this time with friends to one of the metropolitan bars. The last straw in the overflowing bowl was the athlete's act: once again in the hospital ward, Tarasov thanked his mother for the support, and not his wife, who had always been his main support.

    And already on November 29, the host of "House-2" put an end to and filed for divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. The family idyll of the famous TV presenter has collapsed. As it became known, Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasov divorced after four years of family life. The parting of the spouses was accompanied by a mass of scandalous details.

    According to the friends of the couple, the footballer initially did not want to marry Olga, because the day before he postponed the divorce proceedings. The main reason why Tarasov nevertheless inclined to marry was the condition according to which Buzova would give birth to his children. However, the TV star never gave her husband the promised offspring.

    Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova: assumptions of disagreement in a pair

    In the course of discussions on the Internet, several versions have been put forward. They said that Tarasov was cheating on Buzovoy, and her patience finally ran out. Others argued that Dmitry dreamed of a family, but Olga did not want to have a child, but was exclusively engaged in a career. And then the player's patience was already exhausted.

    Someone whispered to reporters that the host of the infamous reality show "Dom-2" has health problems, so she did not manage to give birth. like Ksenia Borodina, who forgave her husband after publicly admitting his betrayals.

    And after a while, new interesting details from the personal life of the stars were revealed. It turns out that the TV presenter and the athlete had a marriage contract, according to which each, in the event of a break, remains, as they say, with his own.

    However, Tarasov himself insists that the reason for the divorce was the exposure of the relationship to the public and ... money! As it turned out, all property acquired in marriage will be divided in half. “There is a marriage contract. She receives half of our property ... The car was my gift for her ... ”- Dmitry said in an interview.

    The athlete is disappointed by the inevitable circumstance that he will have to share with Olga a country house, the construction of which they have been intensively engaged in lately: “The result of my work, of all kinds of training ... And she needs to return half. For what? I don't understand such moments, such people. Money is the main reason for our disagreements! " In addition, Tarasov also said that his ex-lover has completely different views on life.

    Fans of the ex-couple watched as Olga Buzova sobbed and hysterical because of the breakup, and came to the conclusion that Dmitry Tarasov is currently completely satisfied with life, but the footballer says the opposite, claiming that he simply does not consider it necessary to advertise his real emotions.

    The main reason for the parting of "gibberish"

    As previously reported by the media, the high-profile divorce of the Moscow Lokomotiv footballer Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova provoked many reasons, but the main one was his wife's betrayal. From the correspondence, which became public, it can be concluded that Buzova, being married to a football player, cheated on him with showman Dmitry Nagiyev.

    This is indicated not only by messages of a provocative nature, but also by videos of a nude TV presenter, which she sent to a colleague. Buzova herself considers the hacking trick a cruel and vile act towards her. But Tarasov said that he was shocked by the news of his wife's betrayal, although he had long foreseen this. Tarasov also says that he had noticed the indecent and immoral behavior of his wife a long time ago, but then no one believed him, since his words looked like an excuse against the background of Buzova's statements. Now the athlete has finally declared that he can officially be considered a free man.