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  • The meaning of the word dominant. Who is this: male dominant or female dominant? What is dominant

    The meaning of the word dominant.  Who is this: male dominant or female dominant?  What is dominant

    Dominant I Dominant (from Latin dominans, genitive dominantis - dominant) II Dominant

    in physiology, a focus of excitation in the central nervous system, which temporarily determines the nature of the body's response to external and internal stimuli. The dominant nerve center (or a group of centers) has increased excitability and the ability to persistently maintain this state even when the initial stimulus no longer has an activating effect (inertia). Summing up the relatively weak excitations of other centers, D. simultaneously acts on them in an inhibitory manner. Under natural conditions, D. is formed under the influence of reflex excitement or when a number of hormones act on the nerve centers. In an experiment, D. can be created by direct action on the nerve centers with a weak electric current or with some pharmacological substances. The dominance of some nerve centers over others was first described by N. Ye. Vvedensky (1881). Elucidating the mechanisms of the formation of conditioned reflexes, I.P. Pavlov noted that the long-maintained level of increased excitability of certain parts of the cerebral cortex determines to a large extent the dynamics of higher nervous activity in health and disease. The basic principles of the theory of dialecticism as a general principle of the operation of nerve centers were formulated by A.A. D. is expressed in the readiness of a certain organ to work and maintaining its working condition. Diabetes in the higher centers of the brain serves as the physiological basis for a number of mental phenomena (for example, attention, etc.).

    Lit .: Ukhtomsky A.A., Dominanta, M.-L., 1966; Dominant mechanisms. (Materials of the symposium), L., 1967.

    N.G. Alekseev, M. Yu. Ulyanov.

    III Dominant

    in architecture, the dominant element in the composition of the ensemble (see. Ensemble). D. is usually a tall building (for example, the main building of Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills in Moscow) or a vertical part of one of the buildings (for example, the tower and spire of the Admiralty in Leningrad). Rising above the surrounding buildings, D. marks an important node in the spatial construction of the ensemble.

    IV Dominant

    in music, a harmonic function in major and minor, with a pronounced gravitation towards the tonic (see Fret functions). The basis of dominant chords is the V scale of the scale, which itself is called the dominant. The dominant function is also performed by the chords built on the VII and III degrees. The gravitation of D. chords to the tonic is also associated with the presence of an introductory tone in their composition. Resolution of D. in the tonic sets the tonality with maximum certainty. The tonality, the tonic of which is the dominant of the main one, is called dominant.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


    See what "Dominant" is in other dictionaries:

      dominant- (from Latin dominans dominant) temporarily dominant reflex system, which conditions the work of the nerve centers at a given moment and thereby gives the behavior a certain direction. The doctrine of D. was created by A. A. Ukhtomsky. The term and ... Big psychological encyclopedia

      - (lat.chorda dommans dominant string). 5th note in the ascending molar scale, which is the main one for the seventh chord, 4th in the descending scale. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. DOMINANT 5th note ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      DOMINANT- (in physiology), a focus of excitement in the center, in the nervous system, capable of intensifying due to external stimuli, exerting an inhibitory effect on the course of these latter (for example, when a cat is preparing for defecation, then motor irritation ... ... Great medical encyclopedia

      - (from Latin domimns dominant) the concept proposed by A.A. Ukhtomsky, designating the focus of physiological excitation in the central nervous system dominating in a particular time period, to which stimuli are switched ... Psychological Dictionary

      In formalistic terminology, the dominant technique required in the creation of an artistic whole. “The totality of dialecticism is the defining moment in the formation of the genre” (B. Tomashevsky, Theory of Literature). Marxist poetics, in particular ... ... Literary encyclopedia

      Idea, sign, dominant Dictionary of Russian synonyms. dominant noun, number of synonyms: 3 dominants (1) idea ... Synonym dictionary

      - (from Latin dominans, genitive dominantis dominant), the main idea, the main feature or the most important component of something ... Modern encyclopedia

      In music, one of the tonal functions in major and minor, has an intense gravitation towards the tonic. The basis of the dominant chords is the triad of the V scale of the scale. The dominant function (D) is also performed by chords derived from it ...

      In physiology, the temporarily dominant focus of excitation is in the central nervous system; creates a latent readiness of the body for certain activities while inhibiting other reflex acts. The dominant principle was formulated by A.A. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      - (from Latin dominans genitive dominantis dominant), the dominant idea, the main feature or the most important component of something ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      DOMINANT, in genetics, a term describing an allele of a heterozygous pair of alleles, which manifests itself by suppressing a second ALLEL. For example, if a descendant has inherited one allele corresponding to brown eyes, and the other to blue, then the allele for brown eyes will be ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary


    • Visual dominant in 18th century Russia, Levitt Marcus. The works of the American Slavist, Professor of the Department of Slavic Languages ​​and Literatures at the University of Southern California, Marcus Levitt, are well known to specialists in Russian literature. Its new ...

    The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

    The meaning of the word dominant

    dominant in the crossword dictionary

    Dictionary of Medical Terms

    dominant (Latin dominans, dominantis dominant)

    the state of a stable increase in the excitability of a group (association) of nerve centers, directing the integral activity of the organism; on the basis of the dominant motivation, food, sexual, and other types of activity can arise.

    Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


    f. muses. fifth tone, tonic quint.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    dominants, f. (it. dominante, lit. dominant).

      The note located one fifth up from the tonic, the main note (music).

      The dominant idea, the main sign of something. (scientific).

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    S, g. (book).

      Phenomenon, dominant, dominant in some. sphere.

      The dominant idea.

      adj. dominant, th, th.

    New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


      Dominant idea, main feature, or essential part of smth.

      The currently dominant focus of excitation in the central nervous system, capable of exerting an inhibitory effect on the activity of other nerve centers (in physiology).

      The name of the fifth degree of the scale, as well as the chords that are built on this degree (in music).

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    in music - one of the tonal functions in major and minor, which has an intense gravitation towards the tonic. The basis of the dominant chords is the V-scale triad. The dominant function (D) is also performed by chords derived from it.


    in physiology, a temporarily dominant focus of excitation in the central nervous system; creates a latent readiness of the body for certain activities while inhibiting other reflex acts. The dominant principle was formulated by A.A. Ukhtomsky in 1911-23.


    DOMINANT (from Latin dominans, genitive dominantis dominant) the dominant idea, the main feature or the most important component of something.

    Dominant (music theory)

    Dominant- V degree of the scale relative to the tonic, one of the main degrees of the musical row. The dominant triad refers to the keys of the first degree of affinity to the tonic.

    In European music, the tonality of the fifth degree has always stood out a special role, the dominant meant a contrast to the main tonality. Among all the related tonalities, the dominant was considered the dominant, most tense tone, requiring permission.

    In natural major, the dominant is major (for example, C-dur - G-major), in natural minor, the dominant is minor (for example, a-minor - e-minor). In harmonic minor, the dominant triad is major.

    A harmonic turnover containing tonic and dominant is called authentic... Unlike plagal revolutions, dominant revolutions are considered to be tense and unstable. Form an interval equal to a second relative to the tonic.

    The dominant has inversions: dominantsext chord and dominantquartsext chord.

    Dominant (literary criticism)

    Dominant (emotional and semantic dominant) text - a complex of cognitive and emotive standards characteristic of a certain type of personality and serving as the mental basis for metaphorization and verbalization of the picture of the world in a particular literary text. It can be used in the analysis of a literary text within the framework of psychiatric literary criticism. It is the dominant technique necessary for the creation of an artistic whole.

    This concept was used in one form or another in works on aesthetics and literary criticism (linguists Viktor Vinogradov, Roman Yakobson, Grigory Gukovsky, Mikhail Bakhtin, Alexander Potebnya, Michael Riffater, Ilya Galperin, philosophers Gustav Shpet, Vladimir Solovyov, Andrei Bely, literary scholars Boris Eikhenba , Yuri Tynyanov, Yan Mukarzhovsky and many others).

    In these works, it is noted that the dominant of the text can be distinguished on various grounds - ideological, genre, figurative-compositional, temporal, linguistic. When analyzing human behavior, it is usually said about the dominant physiological (Ukhtomsky) and psychological character. But since a literary text is a figurative subjective reflection of reality and, therefore, carries an emotional and semantic load, in relation to it one can speak not just about the dominant, but about the emotional-semantic dominant of the text - about the emotional-semantic orientation of the text and the expression of characterological and individual personality traits of the author.

    In a literary text, the emotional-semantic dominant acts as an organizing principle that predetermines the author's selection of certain plots, characters, syntactic and lexical-semantic means. Revealing the emotional-semantic dominant in the text can be done using the methods of applied psycholinguistics. At the same time, light, dark, funny, sad, beautiful texts stand out.


    Dominant- a term used in different subject areas:

    • Dominant in music- the dominant tonality or its degree, contrasting with respect to the main one.
    • Dominant in architecture- the dominant building or structure in the architectural environment.
    • Dominant in literature- the dominant technique required in the creation of an artistic whole.
    • Dominant in physiology- a universal general biological principle underlying the activity of all living systems - proposed by A.A. Ukhtomsky.
    • Dominant topological space

    Examples of the use of the word dominant in literature.

    As for the female killers, Max replied, anticipating Burke's question, they perceived dominant or as your child or as a younger sister.

    You've probably heard about the capture dominants Institute of Virology and that a napalm bomb was dropped on them?

    He just does not know the strict determinism of such actions by the law of inhibitory dominants.

    From his own experience and the experience of others, Ike knew that dominants extremely reluctant to use large weapons.

    He already knew that everyone in his department had a solid alibi at the time of the murder. dominants Alec and from other cities none of the Hunters came to Moscow.

    He stayed at work until the night before, but by midnight he found out with absolute certainty that both dominants were killed with the same rifle.

    Although dominants they are biologically related to them, nevertheless I do not consider them as people.

    I know how to separate the wheat from the chaff, - Burke quickly objected to him, - for example, I know for sure that dominants do not own telepathy, although most books and articles say the opposite about them.

    It is still not clear why they appeared dominants- Max began, - it's like with AIDS, there is a disease, but where it came from and why it was not there before is not known for sure, there are only assumptions.

    But this hypothesis has one weakness: dominants began to appear all over the world and even in those countries where until now they had not even heard of this additive.

    Max took a glass of water from the table and took a sip, then continued, - the first dominants appeared eight years ago.

    How dominants they do it - we still do not know, and they themselves do not know it.

    When the number of victims is the first dominants exceeded half a thousand, and the rest did not lag far behind it - the Council of the United European Union began to examine this issue.

    So they decided to stop this business, more humanely, just a bullet in the forehead, - Max explained vigorously gesturing, calming down, he added, - dominants for some reason they cannot live without people, they go crazy.

    They are dominants, they would go on killing, ”Burke said firmly,“ and let's not talk about that anymore.

    Dominants are the centers of excitement, which in a given period of time dominate over others. They are located in the principle of the dominant was studied and formulated by the scientist A.A. Ukhtomsky. But this concept has long gone beyond the science of physiology. It is used in psychology, culture and even sexology.

    What is a dominant in physiology?

    The dominant is persistent excitement, it necessarily acquires the value of the dominant factor in the work of other foci. This center is able to accumulate excitement coming from separate sources. It can also cause the process of inhibition in other foci, while they can no longer respond to the impulses that come to them. For example, in a burst of creativity, a person can completely forget not only about food, but also about sleep. Sometimes this leads to depletion of the body. This is an example of a physiological dominant. The question remains, is this condition harmful?

    There is such a thing as pathological dominants. This is an enhanced breakthrough in the central nervous system of the focus of excitation. The reason for the formation of such a dominant can be stress, infection, trauma. In addition, a strong emotion can provoke such a state: resentment, pain, fear or anger.

    Unlike physiological, pathological dominants are harmful to humans. They limit its ability to adapt to the environment. Such a dominant contributes to the formation of conditions in the body that delay or cause a relapse of the disease process.

    Dominant principle

    All moments in our life create favorable conditions under which any one function or activity becomes more significant than others. This is the principle of dominant. This means that the performance of one particular important function overwhelms others, less important. Many examples can be cited from the animal kingdom. A cat, isolated from males at the time of estrus, loses all interest in food and other needs. At this point in time, its dominant feature is the process of reproduction. And everything that is not related to this function is suppressed. This is sex dominant. It is almost impossible to suppress this state. Even the introduction of bromide drugs will not affect the cat's behavior in any way. It is extremely difficult to erase the physiological dominant.

    Dominant doctrine

    According to Ukhtomsky, a dominant is a complex of certain symptoms that are detected in the body: in secretory work, in muscles, in vascular activity. It is important to understand that this is not a single focus of excitation in the central nervous system, but a set of centers with increased excitability in various places of the brain and spinal cord and, of course, in the autonomic system. Ukhtomsky believed that dominants have the ability to transform into any mental state. Moreover, it is the prerogative of the cerebral cortex, this is a common property of the entire central nervous system.

    Dominant of culture

    The concept of dominant has found its application in the field of culture. It reflects the general way of understanding and seeing the world, the relationship of man to the social sphere and, of course, to nature. The dominant can take place in the national culture. It helps to carry its foundations through the generations unified and unchanged. These are traditions, beliefs, national elements in clothing.

    Of course, the dominant of culture has a deeper meaning. It reflects the semantic unity of historical eras, determines the stability of thinking and world outlook, integrates society into a spiritual and semantic whole. In all historical epochs, a cultural dominant has been the life-orienting principle. In the ancient world, this was a cosmocentric model. In medieval culture - Christianity, in the Renaissance - humanism. Currently, the dominant idea is the technological subordination of the nature around us. Moments of changing the dominant occur under the influence of a dialogical meeting or as a result of creative variations in traditions. But meanwhile, such a breakdown always entails catastrophic consequences for the semantic unity of society.

    Dominant in psychology

    The concept of "dominant" in psychology is the primary goal. It is she who directs all desires, actions and her fulfillment. In this case, all other needs become secondary. It turns out that the dominant is what is priority for a person in comparison with other desires.

    Examples of psychological dominant

    Examples of dominants can be cited very different. For example, in women, this can be clearly seen during pregnancy, lactation, and especially at the time of childbirth. Another example is a person suffering from alcoholism. At the same time, the addiction is the dominant. A person usually understands this, but alcohol gives him an imaginary feeling of relaxation and freedom. This becomes more important for him than his own health and clarity of mind. Another example is the workaholic person. All his thoughts are occupied with work. He does not react to his family, does not hear the indignation of his life partner. For him, material wealth is more important than family values.

    What is currently more important for a person in comparison with other factors determines his actions and deeds. He will follow the lead of his dominant, even if he himself does not like his own actions. This is why conflicts sometimes occur. Not realizing their dominants, people deceive and do not keep their word. They cannot pretend and go against their desires. Sometimes the desire to achieve what is desired (a bottle of vodka, a new thing, a high position) pushes a person to commit a crime. At the same time, he finds an excuse for himself: "all means are good to get what he wants." It is the dominant that dictates to a person how to live.

    Maternal dominant

    During the period of expectation of a child, expectant mothers experience a change in values, and dominants change. This happens under the influence of hormones. A very persistent maternal dominant is formed in the body, that is, excitement gradually grows and is firmly retained in some specific foci of the brain. In parallel, braking occurs in other centers, what was previously paramount, recedes into the background. A pregnant woman, due to emotional changes, becomes more vulnerable and sentimental. She can get upset and even cry over one hurtful word.

    With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, a woman reconsiders her life. Old dominants are replaced by new ones. She thinks about how her life will change after the birth of the baby. A woman in a position has new ones. She can start sewing or knitting, although before pregnancy she was not at all interested in this. All her attention, as a rule, is aimed at carrying out and giving birth to a healthy baby. The maternal dominant has three forms: gestational, lactational, and birth. But each of them is certainly associated with her child.

    Gestational dominant

    As soon as a woman finds out that she will become a mother after a while, the gestational dominant comes into force. For nine months, its priorities have changed radically. She both consciously and unconsciously does everything to carry her baby without complications. She tries to avoid scandals, stress. He drives away fears and worries from himself, because he understands that this can lead to a disruption in the normal course of pregnancy.

    Generic dominant

    This dominant is formed immediately before labor. At the same time, all the thoughts of a woman are occupied by the imminent appearance of a baby. A generic dominant is preparation for quick changes in life. It is noticed that a week before giving birth, the behavior of the expectant mother becomes strange. She then withdraws into herself, then, on the contrary, begins to breed vigorous activity: she cleans carefully in the house, washes all the diapers, begins to pack her bag to the hospital. Even at the moment of contractions, she can, as they say, "cheat". There were cases when a woman, not wanting to give birth, for example, on the 13th, programmed herself so that her contractions lasted until the next day, after which she gave birth quickly and easily.

    Lactation dominant

    After the birth of a child, a woman is already influenced by other dominants. This occurs during the breastfeeding period. This process helps the mother develop an emotional bond with her baby. An important role is also given to the intonation of a woman's voice, her facial expressions and physical touch. After childbirth, the mother and child are a kind of symbiosis. Such an impact allows a woman to adequately relate to night lifts, diaper changes, and so on.

    Can the dominant be changed?

    There are different types of dominants - these are useful, for example, the desire to be healthy and see your family happy, and harmful (smoking and alcoholism). However, it is quite possible to get rid of the latter. There are two ways to do this. In the first case, it can be destroyed, in the second, it can be replaced with another.

    If the first method was chosen, then the person will have to radically reconsider all his life values ​​and priorities. For example, if a person is unrequitedly in love, he will have to realize all the hopelessness of the situation and, what is more difficult, to accept this fact. This will take both willpower and time. But the end result will be positive. The dominant will be destroyed.

    In the second case, it is necessary to replace one desire with another. For example, a person with a strong alcohol addiction decides to "quit" in order to keep his family and work. In this version, the harmful dominant is replaced by a more useful one. The result is a complete elimination of an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Dominant in sexual relations

    There is also a concept of dominant in sexology. It is expressed in the relationship between people during intercourse. A person who obeys the will of another and follows his desires is called a submissive. The dominant is the one who leads and dominates. He takes an active position and completely controls the submissive.

    It became clear to me that many readers expected a slightly different interpretation of the topic. Of course, in that article I tried to draw a line between real and false dominants: men who have leadership inclinations, but show them very immaturely and ineptly. Practice has shown that these concepts should be delineated even more clearly, since in modern society it is customary to consider dominants not only as realized leaders, but as those who only want to rule and demand obedience from others. Requires always and everywhere, without having real acquired qualities. That is why their efforts are often unsuccessful. Indeed, in this case, the environment, society is only a "litmus" that manifests what exists.

    Outwardly, this is a man-dictator, despot, home tyrant. Although, in fact, many of these "alpha males" are more like capricious children. Their love for BDSM games is just one of the manifestations of this. They are strong, as a rule, in a game or in words. And they prefer to demonstrate their strength in relation to those who much weaker than them or is in a dependent position. At the same time, they do not disdain such techniques as ridicule, ostentatious humiliation of subordinates, trumpeting their advantages, emphasized indulgence and self-affirmation at someone else's expense.

    All these are clear signs of a failed, unripe dominant. And they always indicate a delay in psychological development: a mass of unresolved adolescent complexes, problematic self-esteem. Moreover, such people have almost no respect for themselves and for other people. Hence their constant need to compete with someone, to prove something, to shout loudly about themselves, to emphasize their exclusivity. Without this, they feel inferior, they are bored, they feel bad without someone else's attention. False dominants are always energy vampires.

    And all right, they would become rappers and practice in battles - in this way, at least, you can sublimate energy and even say your word in modern art, gradually passing the path of development from boy to man. It is much worse when pseudo-alphas declare this state of affairs to be the norm and try to lead others along their path.

    A striking example of such false male dominants in psychology is pickup trainers. By the way, it was they who introduced the concept of "alpha male" into widespread use. Many of them like to speculate about masculine strength and are convinced that a real man is the dominant by default. He must be able to achieve his goal by any means, without disdaining either deception, or hypnosis, or other psychological tricks. He's always right, period! As for such concepts as gender equality, female dignity, serious relationships - then the pickup artists either laugh at them, or simply do not think about them. Their program is not designed for that.

    If you look closely and go a little beyond the context, you will see that all such "pickup gurus" are youngsters (or very infantile adults with unfortunate destinies), as a rule, without special psychological education. They consider themselves connoisseurs, but work exclusively with a teenage audience. That is, with even more immature, even less knowledgeable, even less self-confident people. Their clients are boys with unformed values, a meager range of emotions and desires, with a very shaky worldview. Not one of the regulars of such courses - neither speakers nor listeners - will be called a man by a thinking adult woman. This is understandable: why would they, in that case, master the art of manipulating women? When normal, natural methods do not work, willy-nilly, you have to indulge in tricks. Depict the appearance of what is not.

    What is the difference between the psychological portrait of a real leader and the so-called male dominant?

    True leadership needs no proof. This chapter, firstly, does not oppress the weak and does not flaunt against their background - it does not need it to feel strong. He respects all people, regardless of their place in the hierarchy - and even if someone needs to be "put in place", he will try to do it as tactfully as possible, without hurting the dignity of a person.

    Secondly, a real leader will never say out loud: "I am in charge here!" This is obvious. People themselves are drawn to a stronger, more experienced person, they see a lot of advantages in submission to such a person and do not at all resist control from him. If his attempts to give instructions meet someone's resistance, it means that the protester has not fully understood the situation, does not see any benefits for himself in following the leader (and it is not so much pressure that helps here as a good explanation). And perhaps the balance of forces in this case is approximately the same, which prevents the building of a vertical of relations. This means that these two will soon become equal partners with the same responsibility and rights. Well, or they just disperse and everyone will go their own way.

    Moreover, with any of these options, a true leader will not have any problems. After all, he does not depend on his subordinates either emotionally or financially. Therefore, he does not cultivate dependence in other people, on the contrary, he welcomes their desire to become stronger and freer. If someone did not want to obey him, he will easily let him go, or he will reconsider the conditions on which their relationship is built. He has no problem dividing boundaries and areas of responsibility. This is the third important difference between a truly strong person and the so-called male dominant, whose psychology is based on the only rule: to be at the top at any cost. Even to the detriment of yourself. Discussing, negotiating, coming to a common decision is not about "dominant". He decides for everyone, and suppresses disagreements by force. He simply does not know how to build relationships on an equal footing. Any compromise seems to him a manifestation of weakness.

    A true leader is able to soberly assess the situation and the balance of power. He knows how to use this constellation to his advantage and for others. And most importantly, he is independent. Neither from other people's assessments, nor from the feeling of one's own superiority over others, nor, even more so, from the need to "lower" or "punish" someone, pleasing their vanity.

    In other words, an established leader is a mature, independent person, strong, wise and flexible. A dominant man in the usual sense of the word today is, as a rule, a person with psychological trauma who is stuck in the adolescent stage of development. He can be quite strong by nature and inclined to leadership, but due to certain life circumstances, his psyche froze, and his biological age overtook it. Perhaps the other alternative does not appeal to him. He is quite comfortable in this role, just as friends and partners, he chooses only those who are noticeably inferior to him in development, therefore, he is always ready to be downstairs and recognize his superiority.

    Usually such people are good at realizing themselves in a career or business. This is due to their constant drive to compete and compete. In addition, in business relationships, special closeness and warmth are not needed, and having subordinates at work is the norm. As for the personal sphere, the "dominants", for all their success and solvency, often do not have stable personal relationships at all: they are content with short-term relationships, and "for the soul" they have pets. They certainly won’t challenge his primacy, and they won’t go anywhere. So you don't have to painfully try to regain self-confidence in the event of a riot of those to whom you are attached, whom you are used to considering as your wards. Complete security.

    What if your man is "dominant"?

    You shouldn't change it purposefully. Better answer for yourself: are you attracted to such a man? If so, then with your psychological age, things are likely to be about the same. Adults don't fall in love with teenagers. Perhaps you, too, enjoy the role of "candy baby", someone's favorite toy, or "tough guy girl" than a grown woman. And that means you have found each other.

    But be prepared for the costs of such relationships: lack of personal territory, personal opinion, personal interests. What do these men want from women? Complete submission. Do not create illusions about your own rights: the "dominant" man will only do what he wants. And you - unconditionally accept everything. In practice, this can result, for example, in the inability to protest if the husband is cheating, or if you do not like his methods of raising children. He will give you as much money as he sees fit. Well, he also decides the rest on little things: how to dress, where to visit, with whom to communicate. Are you ready for this?

    If a man is really in love with you, you can gradually begin to expand your sphere of influence. Perhaps you will be able to walk the path of growing up together, as the heroes of the popular film "Fifty Shades of Gray", who at the last stage of their relationship came to a completely traditional democratic union. But it may also happen that your chosen one does not want to become an ordinary big uncle and live like everyone else. Then you will have to part with him. However, if you have time and desire, you can experiment.

    Another thing is if your clock is already ticking, as they say, and you want a normal family, not a teenage role-playing game. Then it is better not to risk a few years of life. Direct your efforts not to reeducate the dominant, but to find a more suitable person. Can a dominant male change? Psychology knows enough examples when this happened. But only on condition that he himself wants it. Is this your case?

    1. Dominant - In architecture, the dominant element in the composition of the ensemble. The dominant feature is usually a tall building (for example, the main building of Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills in Moscow) or the vertical part of one of the buildings (for example, the tower and spire of the Admiralty in Leningrad). Architectural vocabulary
    2. dominant - Dominants, f. [it. dominante, lit. dominant]. 1. The note located one fifth up from the tonic, the main note (music). 2. The dominant idea, the main feature of something. (scientific). 3. The focus of excitation in the central nervous system. Large dictionary of foreign words
    3. dominant - DOMIN'ANTA, dominants, wives. (· Italian dominante, · literal dominant). 1. The note located one fifth up from the tonic, the main note (music). 2. The dominant idea, the main feature of something (scientific). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
    4. Dominant - Topological space X - any topological. space for which X serves as a retract. A. V. Cheriavspiy Encyclopedia of mathematics
    5. dominant - DOMINANT, s, f. (book). 1. Phenomenon, dominant, dominant in some. sphere. 2. The dominant idea. | adj. dominant, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
    6. dominant - Domin / ant / a. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
    7. dominant - DOMINANT (from Lat. dominans - dominant), temporarily dominant focus of excitement in c. n. page, the determining nature of the response to any (external and internal) stimuli. The doctrine of D. was developed by the Sov. physiologist A.A.Ukhtomsky in 1911-23. Veterinary encyclopedic dictionary
    8. dominant - Dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant Zaliznyak grammar dictionary
    9. dominant - orph. dominant, -s Spelling dictionary Lopatin
    10. Dominant - (from Latin dominans, genus case dominantis - dominant; French dominante, German Dominante) - the name of the 5th degree of the scale; in the doctrine of harmony also called. chords built on this step, and a function that combines chords of the V, III and VII steps. Musical encyclopedia
    11. - A word that is part of the synonymous paradigm, which has the most voluminous and neutral content, which determines the general interpretation of a dictionary synonymous entry: GO. Move, walk, move, etc. Go is dominant. Dictionary of linguistic terms Zherebilo
    12. DOMINANT - (from Lat. Dominans - dominant) - temporarily dominant focus of excitement in c. n. page, which is characterized by the ability to accumulate excitement and inhibit the work of other nerve centers. Normal... Large psychological dictionary
    13. dominant - (inosk.) - about a particularly outstanding, predominant (allusion to a musical term - dominant - outstanding fifth tone, tonic quint) Cf. Phraseological Dictionary of Michelson
    14. Dominant - I Dominant (from Latin dominans, genitive dominantis - dominant) the dominant idea, the main feature or the most important component of something. See Dominant in Physiology, Dominant in Architecture, and Dominant in Music. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
    15. dominant - DOMINANT muses. fifth tone, tonic quint. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
    16. dominant - s, f. book. The main, dominant idea; main feature or essential part of smth. [ital. dominante] Small academic dictionary
    17. DOMINANT - DOMINANT, in genetics - a term describing an allele of a heterozygous pair of alleles, which manifests itself by suppressing the second ALLEL. For example, if a descendant inherited one allele corresponding to brown eyes and the other to blue ... Scientific and technical dictionary
    18. dominant - (Latin dominans, dominantis - dominant). One of the members of the synonymous series, chosen as the bearer of the main meaning, subordinating to itself all additional semantic and stylistic shades of meaning expressed by other members of the series. Rosenthal's Dictionary of Linguistic Terms
    19. Dominant - DOMINANT - in formalistic terminology - the dominant technique required in the creation of an artistic whole. “The totality of dialecticism is the defining moment in the formation of the genre” (B. Tomashevsky, Theory of Literature). Literary encyclopedia
    20. dominant - One of the members of the synonymous series, chosen as the bearer of the main meaning, subordinating to itself all additional semantic and stylistic shades of meaning expressed by other members of the series. Explanatory translation dictionary / L.L. Nelyubin. - 3rd ed., Rev. - M .: Flinta: Science, 2003 Explanatory translation dictionary
    21. dominant - n., number of synonyms: 3 dominants 1 idea 39 feature 36 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
    22. DOMINANT - DOMINANT (from Latin dominans, - ntis - dominant) - English. dominant; German Dominante. 1. The dominant factor, the main feature or the most important component of h.-l. Sociological Dictionary
    23. dominant - DOMINANT-s; f. [ital. dominante] Book. The dominant idea; main feature or essential part of smth. Each historical epoch has its own d. // Fiziol. Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov
    24. dominant - dominant I w. The dominant idea, the main feature or the most important component of something. II f. The currently dominant focus of excitation in the central nervous system ... Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary
    25. DOMINANT - DOMINANT - in physiology - the temporarily dominant focus of excitation in the central nervous system; creates a latent readiness of the body for certain activities while inhibiting other reflex acts. The dominant principle was formulated ... Big encyclopedic dictionary
    26. dominant - (from Lat. dominans, genus. case dominantis - dominant) (fiziol.), the prevailing (dominant) system of interconnected nerve centers, temporarily determining the nature of the body's response to any external. or int. irritants. Main Biological encyclopedic dictionary
    27. Dominant - The fifth degree of the diatonic scale, the most prominent after the first degree or tonic. In the diatonic scale, which splits into two tetrachords, the lower tetrachord begins with the tonic, and the upper one begins with the dominant. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
    28. dominant - DOMINANT 1. Temporarily dominant focus of excitation in the central nervous system, which has an increased susceptibility to all stimuli coming into it and is able to exert an inhibitory effect on the activity of other nerve centers. Glossary of sports terms
    29. dominant - I. DOMINANT a, m. dominante<�лат. dominans (dominantis господствующий. биол. Животное, занимающее в группе подобных господствующее положение. Dictionary of gallicisms of the Russian language