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  • Types of communication in psychology. Lesson topic "types and forms of communication" Types of communication official unofficial

    Types of communication in psychology.  Lesson topic

    Lesson type: a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge.

    Students should:

    know types and forms of communication, requirements for speech design, compliance with ethical and communicative norms;

    be able to evaluate the appropriateness of the types and forms of communication, determine the sphere of communication, social roles and relationships of communication partners, understand and perceive another person, express oneself, observe ethical, communicative, speech norms of communication.


    • texts;
    • textbook;
    • interactive whiteboard INTERWRIT


    Epigraph on the blackboard: By communicating, people create each other. ( D. S. Likhachev)

    I. The teacher's word

    Our life is filled with communication. We communicate in person, by phone, on the Internet ... Orally and in writing. With and without words. With contemporaries and (through written texts) with authors who have long gone from us. They are trying to communicate with us simultaneously on all television channels and from all radio stations ... We communicate ... It turns out that our life without communication is unthinkable.
    Therefore, the role of communication in our life, socially, professional, and private, is enormous. Communication permeates all spheres of human activity, therefore it is studied by very many sciences, in each of which scientists approach the phenomenon of communication from their own positions.
    Academician D.S. Likhachev expressed the essence of communication very accurately: “By communicating, people create each other” (referring to the epigraph). These words emphasize precisely the reciprocity of the influence of people on each other and the need for them to each other for realizing their individuality and for the development of each. This approach and this understanding emphasize the conditionality of communication as the main element of culture. This explains the main means of communication - speech.
    Communication is a real activity that unfolds procedurally and proceeds mainly in the form of speech (in its verbal and non-verbal components).
    Communication is an activity.

    II. Updating the topic

    - Today we will talk about the types and forms of communication. Let's turn to the table. ( Annex 1 ... Slide 2)

    Let's consider each type separately, filling out the table.

    1. Verbal - non-verbal

    Verbal and non-verbal communication always accompany each other, since verbal communication is verbal communication, that is, in one of the natural national languages. Non-verbal communication is non-verbal communication, in which a system of signs serves in oral speech - a combination of posture, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, and in writing - the location of the text, fonts, diagrams, tables, graphics.
    In fact, we mean two different, but almost always combined languages: verbal and non-verbal. The separation of the verbal and non-verbal aspects of speech is very conditional and is possible only for the convenience of description, since both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication very rarely exist without a friend. Accordingly, in relation to communication, it is more correct to talk about verbal-non-verbal balance as the norm of verbal communication.

    2. Informative - non-informative

    For informative communication, the main goal is always information. In the course of such communication, something new is reported, listened to (read) for a given addressee.
    Non-informative communication is aimed not at transmitting or receiving information, but at establishing and maintaining verbal contact with the interlocutor, at regulating relationships, at meeting the need for communication: speaking in order to speak out and meet understanding is the main goal of such communication.

    3. Monological - dialogical

    There are two types of oral speech according to the number of persons making speech - monologue and dialogue. Accordingly, monologic and dialogical are the types of communication that differ in the constant / variable communicative role of I - the speaker and you - the listener.

    Dialog (from the Greek. dia- through and logos- word, speech) is a direct exchange of statements between two or more persons, monologue (from the Greek. monos- one and logos- word, speech) is the speech of one person, which does not imply an exchange of replicas with other persons.

    The following characteristic features of monologue speech are usually distinguished:

    1) continuity (the statement is not limited to one phrase, but is a superphrasal unity of a certain volume);
    2) consistency, consistency of speech;
    3) relative semantic completeness;
    4) the communicative orientation of the statement;
    5) thematicity (deployment of one topic);
    6) syntactic complexity.

    4. Contact - distant

    These types of communication reflect the position of communicants relative to each other in space and time,
    In contact communication, interaction occurs simultaneously, partners are next to each other, as a rule, they see and hear each other, therefore contact communication is almost always verbal. This makes it possible to communicate using not only verbal but also non-verbal means.
    Dictation occurs when partners are separated by space and time. For example, reading a book assumes that the author is separated from the reader by both. Sometimes participants in communication are separated by one of these components of the situation: for example, space (they talk on the phone or have a dialogue on the Internet) or time (there is an exchange of notes in the classroom).

    5. Oral - written

    The specificity of oral and written communication is determined by two main groups of reasons:

    1. Features of situations of oral and written communication.
    2. Features determined by the form of speech.

    Situations that require oral communication are usually characterized by the fact that personal contact is possible between the participants in the communication: both visual (visual) and acoustic (auditory).

    The choice of the speech form is determined by the importance or volume of the transmitted information, namely: since oral speech is pronounced once ("The word is not a sparrow: you will not catch it out"), and the written text is often focused on multiple rereading, then important and complex information or information of a large volume should be conveyed based on a more adequate understanding, it is more convenient in writing, and easier to comprehend - in the language.

    To decide which form of speech to prefer, you need to know; and to whom is this speech intended, and in what conditions it can be perceived most adequately. You should also take into account that:

    - oral speech, due to its singularity and often improvisation, is limited in the selection of linguistic and non-linguistic means for expressing a certain meaning, while written speech usually presupposes a complete and complete expression of the intention;
    - oral speech, as a rule, is created at the moment of speaking, and the unfixed text leaves room for additions and changes, up to “I did not want to say this at all!”, While written speech requires polished accurate fixation of the text;
    - oral speech, in accordance with the law of redundancy, contains more repetitions and generalizations, and in writing, they are less or not at all.
    All these features together determine the choice of the speech genre corresponding to the purpose of communication.

    6. Public - Mass

    Public communication (class in the classroom, meeting, etc.) usually takes the form of a monologue. It always requires structuring, since people in such cases come together to achieve some important goal. Without a structural organization of communication, this goal is unlikely to be achieved. In public communication, a different, higher degree of responsibility for speech arises, and one of the main requirements for it becomes purposefulness and meaningfulness.
    It can also be in oral speech - speaking at a representative meeting, congress, with a concert at the stadium, etc., but more often this kind of communication is characteristic of newspapers, television, etc. More precisely, this is usually not communication, but communication ... Therefore, the corresponding means are called so - mass media. In mass communication, the addressee loses specific outlines - as a rule, he exists in the speaker's imagination in a generalized form

    7. Official - unofficial (private)

    Official (official) communication is interaction in a strict business environment, therefore, in compliance with all rules and formalities. Private communication is a relationship that is not limited by the strict framework of a business situation and official speech roles: by the presence of certain areas of communication, social roles and relationships between communication partners, it flows more freely and is subject only to the general laws of speech interaction.

    Type and forms of communication The main signs
    1.Verbal - non-verbal Verbal communication;
    non-verbal: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, text, font, tables, signs
    2. Informative - uninformative . Something new for the listener;
    voice contact support
    3. Monologue - dialogical One's speech;
    communication between two or more persons
    4. Contact - distant Interaction simultaneously in space and in time (oral);
    communication partners are separated by time and space (oral and written)
    5. Oral - written Single speech;
    multiplicity oriented
    6. Public - massive It usually takes the form of a monologue, always structured;
    not communication, but communication, the addressee loses specific outlines
    7. Official - informal (private). Interaction in a strict environment with observance of all rules and formalities;
    Not limited by the business framework, flows more freely

    III. Primary pinning of the topic

    Exercise 1.

    • Write the texts of two invitations (official and unofficial)
    • To answer the question: how will they differ?

    Task 2. In the proposed text, find and write out an excerpt with a speech situation when the answer is clear without words.

    Natasha did not remember how she entered the living room. Walking in the door and seeing
    him, she stopped. "Has this stranger become now all for me? "she asked herself and instantly answered:" Yes, everything: he alone is now dearer to me than anything else in the world. "Prince Andrew went up to her, lowering his eyes.
    “I fell in love with you from the minute I saw you. Can i hope?
    He looked at her, and the serious passion of her expression startled him. Her face said: "Why ask? Why doubt that which cannot be ignored? Why speak, when it is impossible to express in words what you feel."
    She approached him and stopped. He took her hand and kissed it.
    - Do you love me?
    “Yes, yes,” Natasha said as if with annoyance, sighed loudly, another time, more and more often, and sobbed.
    - About what? What's wrong with you?
    “Oh, I'm so happy,” she answered, smiled through her tears, bent down closer to him, thought for a second, as if asking herself if this was possible, and kissed him.
    Prince Andrew held her hands, looked into her eyes, and did not find in his soul the former love for her. Something suddenly turned in his soul: there was no former poetic and mysterious charm of desire, but there was pity for her female and childish weakness, there was a fear of her devotion and trust, a heavy and at the same time joyful consciousness of duty that forever linked him to her.
    The real feeling, although it was not as light and poetic as the previous one, was more serious and stronger.
    - Did maman tell you that it can't be earlier than a year? - said Prince Andrey, continuing to look into her eyes. "Is it really me, that child girl (everyone said so about me) Natasha thought? wife, equal to this strange, sweet, intelligent person, respected even by my father. Is that really true! Is it really true that now it is no longer possible to joke with life, now I am already big, now it is my responsibility for every deed and word of mine? Yes, what did he ask me? "
    “No,” she replied, but she did not understand what he was asking.
    “Forgive me,” said Prince Andrew, “but you are so young, and I have already experienced so much life. I'm scared for you. You don't know yourself.
    Natasha listened with concentrated attention, trying to understand the meaning of his words and did not understand.
    - No matter how difficult this year will be for me, delaying my happiness, - continued Prince Andrey, - in this period you will believe yourself. I ask you to make my happiness in a year; but you are free: our engagement will remain a secret, and if you were convinced that you did not love me, or would love ... - said Prince Andrey with an unnatural smile.
    - Why do you say that? Natasha interrupted him. “You know that from the day you first came to Otradnoye, I fell in love with you,” she said, firmly convinced that she was telling the truth.
    - In a year you will recognize yourself ...
    - A whole year! - Natasha suddenly said, now only realizing that the wedding was postponed for a year. - Why a year? Why a year? ... - Prince Andrey began to explain to her the reasons for this delay. Natasha did not listen to him.
    “Can’t it be otherwise?” She asked. Prince Andrew did not answer, but his face expressed the impossibility of changing this decision.
    - It's horrible! No, it's awful, awful! Natasha suddenly began to speak, and again began to sob.
    “I’ll die waiting for a year: it’s impossible, it’s awful. - She
    she looked into the face of her fiancé and saw an expression of compassion and bewilderment on him.
    “No, no, I’ll do everything,” she said, suddenly stopping her tears, “I’m so happy! - Father and mother entered the room and blessed the bride and groom.
    From that day on, Prince Andrei began to go to the Rostovs as his fiancé.

    Answer the question: Why is the silent reaction most accurate to convey the state of the hero?

    IV. Lesson summary

    V. Homework:

    At home, independently summarize the information received in the lesson and prepare an oral message on the topic: “What do I know about speech communication ”, Characterize your statements in terms of what techniques were used and how.

    An important role in communication is played by the speech situation, that is, the communication context. The speech situation is the first stage of the act of communication and, therefore, the first step of rhetorical action: preparation for oral or written presentation.

    Situations are natural and artificial, specially designed. An example of a natural situation: a researcher is preparing for a scientific seminar, at which he must report to his colleagues on the results of the experiment for a month of work.

    Artificial situations are usually associated with learning: for example, students are asked to prepare themselves for a discussion of environmental problems.

    There can be an infinite number of situations, they constitute that layer of the spiritual life of people, which is called culture.

    A speech situation is the specific circumstances in which speech interaction takes place. Any speech act acquires meaning and can be understood only in the structure of non-speech contact. A speech situation is the starting point of any speech action in the sense that this or that combination of circumstances prompts a person to speech action.

    The speech situation consists of the following main components:

    Communication participants;

    Places and times of communication;

    The subject of communication;

    Communication goals;

    Feedback between participants in communication.

    The direct participants in communication are the addressee and the addressee. But third parties can also participate in speech communication in the role of observers or listeners. And their presence leaves its mark on the nature of communication.

    The spatio-temporal context plays a significant role in verbal communication - the time and place in which verbal communication takes place. The place of communication can largely determine the genre of communication: small talk at a party, at a party, at a banquet, a conversation at a doctor's office in a polyclinic, a dialogue between a teacher and a student at a university during exams, etc. Depending on the participation, the time factor is distinguished canonical and non-canonical speech situations.

    Situations are considered canonical when the time of utterance (the speaker's time) is synchronous with the time of his perception (the time of the listener), that is, the moment of speech is defined when the speakers are in the same place and everyone sees the same thing as the other (ideally they have a common field of view); when the addressee is a specific person, etc.

    Non-canonical situations are characterized by the following points: the speaker's time, that is, the time of the utterance, may not coincide with the addressee's time, that is, the time of perception (writing situation); the utterance may not have a specific addressee (the situation of public speaking), etc. If, for example, the speaker on the phone uses a word here, then it only denotes his own space. In a letter, the subject of speech with a word now defines only his own time, and not the time of the addressee.

    For a speech situation, the purpose of communication is extremely important (why is it said about something in this situation).

    In verbal communication, two types of goals are usually distinguished: immediate, immediate, directly expressed by the speaker and indirect, more distant, long-term, often perceived as target subtext. Both types of goals have many varieties.

    The main types of direct, immediate communication goals are:

    Transfer of information;

    Receiving the information;

    Clarification of positions;

    Opinion support;

    Discussion of the problem, search for truth;

    Development of the topic;


    Criticism, etc.

    These are the so-called intellectual goals associated, ultimately, with the cognitive and informational aspect of communication.

    The speech situation dictates the rules of speech communication and determines the forms of its expression. They are different in terms of direct or direct communication.

    The speech situation helps to understand the meaning of the text, concretizes the meaning of a number of grammatical categories, for example, the category of time, pronouns like "I", "you", "now", "here", "there", "here", etc. She It also allows you to correctly interpret the text, clarify its target function (threat, request, advice, recommendation, etc.), identify the causal relationships of this statement with other events, etc.

    The choice of etiquette forms, human speech behavior are closely dependent on the situation and must change in accordance with the change in this situation. What are the factors that determine the communicative situation that should be taken into account by the subjects of communication in order to comply with the etiquette rules? These factors include the type of situation: an official situation, an unofficial situation, a semi-official situation.

    IN official situations (boss - subordinate, employee - client, teacher - student, etc.), strict rules of speech etiquette apply. This sphere of communication is most clearly regulated by him. Therefore, violations of speech etiquette are most noticeable in it, and it is in this area that violations can have serious consequences for subjects of communication.

    In an informal situation (acquaintances, friends, relatives, etc.), the norms of speech etiquette are the most free. Often verbal communication in this situation is not regulated at all. Close people, friends, relatives, in love in the absence of strangers can tell each other everything and in any key. Their verbal communication is determined by moral norms, which are included in the sphere of ethics, but not by etiquette norms. But if there is an outsider in an unofficial situation, then the current rules of speech etiquette immediately apply to the whole situation.

    In a semi-official situation (communication between colleagues, communication in the family), the norms of etiquette are not strict, vague, and here the rules of speech behavior that have been developed in the process of social interaction by this particular small social group: the collective of laboratory staff, department, families, etc. .d.

    Household and business communication

    The most common is household communication. It is carried out at home, at work, in transport, etc. One of the necessary conditions for the possibility of everyday communication is the desire to conduct a dialogue.

    There are several rules of the culture of everyday communication:

    Rule one: the success or failure of communication depends on how well or unsuccessfully the chosen topic of conversation (relevant or irrelevant, interesting or uninteresting).

    Rule two: in order for communication to take place, it is necessary to speak the same language (to know the manners, customs, characteristics of the people with whom you communicate).

    Business communication in the life of many people takes a significant place, it is associated with the solution of professional issues, with the performance of official and official duties, with entrepreneurial activity, the conclusion of business agreements, contracts, paperwork, etc.

    Business communication is based on various foundations:

    Equality and inequality of partners (equality implies cooperation and mutual understanding; inequality - servility, servility, honor, arrogance of one and humiliation of the other);

    Regularity (the subordination of business relations to certain rules and restrictions). The regulation is subject to the laws of business etiquette. Business etiquette is a set of rules, methods of conduct established in business relationships.

    Knowledge of business etiquette develops confidence and ease in a person, helps to avoid wrong actions and mistakes. The norms of business etiquette are produced by the entire course of the development of culture; they are sociocultural phenomena. These are prescriptions for greetings and introductions, behavior during presentations, at receptions, at the table, recommendations for donating and accepting souvenirs, rules for using a business card, conducting business correspondence, dressing skills and managing emotions.

    Business communication requires speech etiquette, that is, the rules of speech behavior, stable speech communication formulas.

    In business communication, you must not use obscene words, jargon, you must not abuse foreign words.

    A bad impression is left by ignorance of the modern literary language, incorrect stresses "cut" the ear.

    Speech etiquette is the bearer of the national characteristics of the people (for example, in Japanese etiquette it is prescribed not to say “no,” “I can’t,” “I don’t know”).

    The regulation of business communication presupposes its time frame ("time is money").

    One of the important components of business communication is skillful listening, a culture of listening.

    The hearing includes:



    Understanding the speaker's speech.

    According to statistics, about 10% of people know how to listen. The manner of listening or the style of listening depends on the personal characteristics of the interlocutors, on their official position, gender and age, interests, psychology and temperament.

    There are two types of listening:

    Non-reflective, that is, the ability to listen carefully and be silent, not to interfere with the interlocutor's speech;

    Reflexive, that is, active intervention in the speech of the interlocutor.

    Conditions for effective hearing:

    Eye contact between interlocutors;

    Pose of participants in communication;

    Distance between interlocutors (friends - 0.5 - 1.2 m, business conversations - 1.2 - 3.7 m, public communication - 3.7 m or more);

    Facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

    Speaker Comprehension:

    Clarifying phrases ("I did not understand you ...", "repeat again ...");

    Summarizing phrases (“What you said could mean ...”);

    Phrases that reflect the speaker's feelings ("You probably feel this ...").

    There are a number of techniques for good listening:

    Silence is not always listening;

    Maintain eye contact with the speaker (posture, gesture, gaze);

    Don't pretend you are listening;

    Give time to speak, try to be attentive;

    Don't interrupt unnecessarily;

    Don't jump to conclusions;

    Do not put pressure on your emotions, they are not the best helper in communication;

    Focus on the conversational characteristics of the interlocutor;

    After the interlocutor speaks, repeat the main ideas of his speech in your own words.

    Informal - formal communication.

    The difference in communicative spheres in this case goes along the line "everyday speech - everyday business speech - business communication" and is accompanied by equality or inequality of social status (relatively constant property) or social roles (variable property) of the participants in communication.

    For the first - everyday-colloquial - sphere, unofficial forms of communication are typical, allowing emotional relaxedness and greater freedom from general literary, style and genre norms of the language up to the use of vernacular => [Ch. 15, p. 622-626]. For the second sphere, everyday business, this freedom is limited by variation within the framework of the literary norm, and the set of speech genres is quite large. For the third - business communication - it is necessary to strictly adhere to the norms of official business or scientific styles within the set of speech genres (documents) determined by this style and "dry" communication, i.e. a complete ban on the expression of emotions (for business discourse) or its significant restriction (for scientific discourse).

    It follows from the above that official communication is a much more difficult communicative situation, requiring the development of appropriate skills in verbal behavior.

    The presence or absence of a psychological attitude towards contact. This opposition is associated with the strictly psychological aspect of communication and, undoubtedly, is familiar to everyone from their own experience. Most often, we mean the absence of such an attitude in the addressee, for example, among students in the lesson of an unloved teacher or in an unloved subject. Although it is not excluded that the speaker enters into contact with an undesirable addressee or in a situation that is emotionally not always conducive to communication, for example, on an exam, forced by circumstances.

    An example of a situation

    Lensky's speech behavior can serve as a striking example of the different psychological attitudes of the same person to communicate with interlocutors of different intellectual levels. On the one hand, he has endless friendly conversations with Onegin:

    Between them, everything gave rise to disputes And attracted to reflection:

    Tribes of past treaties,

    The fruits of science, good and evil,

    And age-old prejudices,

    And the fatal secrets of the grave ...

    On the other hand, he avoids conversations with the landlord neighbors: he ran their noisy conversations.

    Their conversation is prudent About haymaking, about wine,

    About the kennel, about your relatives,

    Of course I didn't breathe a feeling

    Neither wit, nor wit,

    No hostel art ...

    Thus, we can talk about psychologically comfortable and psychologically uncomfortable communication. An important role in this case is played by "Listening style"(term by T.G. Vinokur), i.e. non-verbal behavior of the addressee. It is well known that there are people who do not know how to listen to others, a kind of communicative egocentrics who want to listen only to them, and there are people who have the talent of an attentive and sympathetic listener-interlocutor. Judge for yourself which of them you would prefer to communicate with and what type you yourself are.

    Thinking together

    Recently, there have been studies devoted to communicative silence. If this term seemed paradoxical to you, do not “discard” it right away. First, think about what silence is. Is it always the same?

    Can we say about a student at a lecture that he is silent? Your negative answer will most likely be motivated by the fact that speech is being replaced by note-taking. But what if the student does not take notes, but simply listens attentively? Apparently not either. The phrase "The students listened to the lecturer in silence" would sound strange. What, then, do we call silence?

    Reflection leads us to the conclusion that about silence as means of communication can be said primarily in the case when it replaces possible and even expected speech reaction of the interlocutor-addressee and carries certain information about him, about his emotional state. But in fact, the communicative functions of silence are much more diverse => [Chr .: p. 388, Arutyunova].

    For modern linguistics, first of all for such a direction as linguistic pragmatics, it is characteristic to consider a speech act in the full volume of the accompanying characteristics of both the participants of communication (communicants) and the communicative situation. The uniqueness of each communicative situation from the point of view of the combination of these signs and characteristics is still not unlimited and does not prevent the development of a certain amount of standard skills of verbal behavior tied to regularly reproduced situations.

    For example, a typical communicative situation “the student answers on an oral exam”: it is official, oral, personal, contact, monologue with dialogue components, psychologically stressful for the speaker, even stressful; Among the parameters of the communicants, in this case, differences in age, in social and role status, in the level of special knowledge, and in some cases in the psychological makeup of the communicants, are relevant. All this presupposes a certain communicative cooperation of the participants in this situation.

    Informal communication

    Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms. - M .: Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Linguistics. Russian Academy of Linguistic Sciences. Managing editor: Doctor of Philology V.Yu. Mikhalchenko. 2006 .

    See what "Informal communication" is in other dictionaries:

      informal communication- Communication in everyday life (family, friendly, intimate, etc.) sphere, allowing a sufficiently large (large, unlimited) freedom of the speaker or writer in the choice of language means ...

      - (Communication) The use of language or one of the forms of its existence within which l. linguistic community: from a family to a group of states. In order of quantitative increase, the following spheres of communication are called: 1) family; 2) inside ... ...

      communication (communication) in sociolinguistics Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

      Communication (communication) in sociolinguistics- The use of language or one of the forms of its existence in the following areas of communication: 1) family; 2) within the production team; 3) within a social group; 4) within a settlement or a limited region; 5) communication of people in ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Reference Dictionary

      Informal communication takes place in informal situations, characterized by a lack of regulation. To S.N.O. include friendly, intrafamily, everyday everyday communication. = areas of official communication ♦ areas of communication See also: ... ... Dictionary of Sociolinguistic Terms

      communicative (speech) situation- It can be characterized on various grounds: 1) by the quantitative composition and social status of the addressee: a) individual communication; b) mass communication. 2) By spheres of communication: a) oral communication; b) written communication 3) By availability ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

      Phonetics of functional styles- In the present. scientific. literature characteristic of the pronouncing side of funkts. varieties of language is constructed in two ways: it can be viewed both from the point of view of the ideal requirements imposed on it and the characteristics of how correctly, ... ...

      Destination- (German Adressat) recipient of speech, receptor, listener, audience, decoding, interlocutor, interpreter, etc. Any speech act is designed for a specific model A. H. Grice's postulates are formulated from the angle of protecting communicative interests ... ... Pedagogical speech

      A form of language existence, characterized by territorial limitation, limited spheres of use and opposed to other dialects and the literary language. Every Etc. is a systemic language education that has ... Dictionary of Sociolinguistic Terms

      Extra-literary vocabulary- - these are words and phrases, as well as their individual meanings, which are outside the lit. language. These include dialectisms, vulgarisms, jargon and argotisms, vernacular and so on. All these units of language from time to time replenish it ... ... Stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language


    • , Mankovska ZV .. Study guide (forms the skills of prepared and unprepared business speech in English based on a deep preliminary study of the lexical and grammatical difficulties of ... Buy for 481 UAH (only Ukraine)
    • English for Business Communication: Management Role-Playing Games: A Study Guide. The signature stamp of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Mankovskaya Zoya Viktorovna. Study guide (forms the skills of prepared and unprepared business speech in English based on a deep preliminary study of the lexical and grammatical difficulties of role ...

    Types of business communication. Basic moments

    Everyday solution of various work problems and tasks for each of us is presented in the form of business communication. We constantly consult with someone, talk and negotiate. Types of business communication are presented in the following forms: business meetings (face to face or group); business conversations presented in the form of negotiations, meetings, round tables, discussions, debates and debates; public speaking (messages, reports, greetings and self-presentations); press conferences and briefings; meetings; business buffets, breakfasts, lunches and dinners; job interviews; communication using mass media (via the Internet, by phone or by mail).

    Characteristic features of communication

    All of the above types of business communication have their own characteristics, but they also have common features. I would like to dwell in more detail on such a form of business interaction as communication between two people, called partners, or interlocutors. A peculiar technology of business communication is directly dependent on a specific life situation. They have significant differences, for example, conversations between a boss and a subordinate, a teacher with a student, or a patient's meeting with a doctor. Moreover, each of these situations has its own manifestation. For example, when talking between a boss and a subordinate, it is often necessary to maintain a large distance (about one and a half meters) and avoid direct long glances.

    Communication between colleagues can develop in a completely different way - an increase in the distance between them and the lack of visual contact indicate the presence of a quarrel between the interlocutors. The types of business communication are reflected in other parameters that characterize the specifics of such situations. For example, pauses and intonations in speech or words that are often used. Therefore, the question of what exactly needs to be taken into account to increase the success and productivity of contacts often becomes relevant.

    Formal and informal business communication

    Consideration of this term will be incomplete if you do not analyze such types of business communication: formal and unofficial. As an example of official communication, one can cite the report of a subordinate to the chief on the work done for a certain period or a speech at a meeting.

    The peculiarities of this type of communication are strict business language and the limited scope of work assignments. In contrast to the first type, informal business communication helps to expand the professional and general horizons. Communication skills in an informal setting are an important component of the professional culture of specialists. Any conversation can be built on the principle of ordering and structuring. In other words, specialists distinguish the following phases of business communication: meeting planning; the beginning of a business meeting; statement of the problem during discussion and justification of its relevance; information exchange; summing up the results of the conversation.