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  • Theoretical foundations of the problem of giftedness. Scientific and theoretical analysis of the problem of giftedness in modern science

    Theoretical foundations of the problem of giftedness.  Scientific and theoretical analysis of the problem of giftedness in modern science

    The analysis of the problem of the development of abilities and giftedness will be largely determined by the content that we will invest in these concepts.

    Significant difficulties in defining the concepts of ability and giftedness are associated with the generally accepted, everyday understanding of these terms. If we turn to explanatory dictionaries, we will see that very often the terms "capable", "gifted", "talented" are used as synonyms and reflect the degree of manifestation of abilities. But it is even more important to emphasize that the concept of "talented" emphasizes the natural data of a person. So, in the explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl, "capable" is defined as "fit for something or inclined, dexterous, suitable, convenient." Along with "capable" the concepts "capable" and "capable" are used. A capable person is characterized as resourceful, quirky, able to manage, and ability, in turn, is understood as the ability to manage, manage, arrange things. Capable here is actually understood as skillful, and the concept of "skill" is not in the dictionary. Thus, the concept of "capable" is defined through the ratio of success in activity.

    When defining the concept of "talent", its innate nature is emphasized. Talent is defined as a gift for something, and gift as an ability given by God. In other words, talent is an innate ability given by God, which ensures high success in activity. The dictionary of foreign words also emphasizes that talent (gr. talanton) is an outstanding innate quality, special natural abilities. Giftedness is considered as a state of talent, as a degree of manifestation of talent. Not without reason, as an independent concept, giftedness is absent in Dahl's dictionary and in S.I. Ozhegov's dictionary and in the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, and in the explanatory dictionary of foreign words.

    From the foregoing, we can conclude that abilities, on the one hand, giftedness and talent, on the other, stand out, as it were, for different reasons. Speaking of ability, they emphasize the ability of a person to do something, and speaking of talent (giftedness), the innate nature of this quality (ability) of a person is emphasized. At the same time, both abilities and giftedness are manifested in the success of the activity.

    In Soviet psychology, primarily through the works of S. L. Rubinshtein and B. M. Teplov, an attempt was made to classify the concepts of "ability", "giftedness" and "talent" on a single basis - the success of activity. Abilities are considered as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another, on which the possibility of success in activity depends, and giftedness is considered as a qualitatively unique combination of abilities (individual psychological characteristics), on which the possibility of success in activity also depends.

    Sometimes abilities are considered innate, "given by nature." However, scientific analysis shows that only inclinations can be innate, and abilities are the result of the development of inclinations.

    Makings - congenital anatomical and physiological features of the body. These include, first of all, the features of the structure of the brain, the sense organs and movement, the properties of the nervous system, which the body is endowed with from birth. The inclinations are only opportunities and prerequisites for the development of abilities, but do not yet guarantee, do not predetermine the emergence and development of certain abilities. Arising on the basis of inclinations, abilities develop in the process and under the influence of activities that require certain abilities from a person. Outside of activity, no abilities can develop. Not a single person, no matter what inclinations he possesses, can become a talented mathematician, musician or artist without doing a lot and persistently in the corresponding activity. To this it must be added that the inclinations are ambiguous. On the basis of the same inclinations, unequal abilities can develop, again depending on the nature and requirements of the activity in which a person is engaged, as well as on living conditions and especially education.

    The inclinations themselves develop, acquire new qualities. Therefore, strictly speaking, the anatomical and physiological basis of a person's abilities is not just inclinations, but the development of inclinations, that is, not just the natural features of his body (unconditioned reflexes), but also what he acquired in the process of life - a system of conditioned reflexes.

    The development of abilities is influenced by the features of higher nervous activity. So, the speed and strength of mastering knowledge and skills depend on the speed of formation and strength of conditioned reflexes; from the speed of developing differentiated inhibition to similar stimuli - the ability to subtly capture the similarity and difference between objects or their properties; from the speed and ease of formation and alteration of a dynamic stereotype - adaptability to new conditions and readiness to quickly move from one way of performing activities to another.

    In the scientific psychological literature, works on gifted children and their problems are best studied by N.S. Leites. In his works, questions of age giftedness, individual differences in the psychological problems of giftedness are considered. In multilateral studies, he substantiated the position that the key to the disclosure of age-related giftedness is sensitive periods of mental development; convincingly showed, in particular, that each of the periods of age-related maturation is sensitive for the mental development of a person. The importance of preschool and primary school age has been confirmed: neither earlier nor later do abilities develop so quickly and productively; it is at this time of life that miracle children (child prodigies) appear; giftedness at this age is bright and massive. Children, according to N.S. Leites, in general, is more gifted than adults. At the same time, the bright manifestation of abilities by adolescence in most children most often decreases. N.S. Leites shows that adolescence has a specific sensitivity and makes its own special contribution to the development of intelligence and personality. This problem is extremely important for solving the issues of effective mental development of a person in ontogeny. This requires psychological and pedagogical technologies that provide a genuine individual approach to students.

    The desire to study the problem of effective and continuous, long-term formation of abilities leads N.S. Leites to a new understanding of human mental development in ontogeny. In domestic psychology, the provisions on the leading activity for each age and the social situation of development as the two most important factors in the mental development of the individual have received wide circulation and recognition. N.S. Leites insists on the need to study the internal conditions for the development of abilities, among which formal-dynamic ones stand out in particular. Such an approach allowed the author to continue establishing links between differential psychology and psychophysiology. N.S. Leites managed to creatively continue and apply the theory of B.M. Teplov that talent is determined not so much by the mental development of a person as by individual originality, the totality of its constituent factors. It is impossible not to agree with the position that giftedness is characterized, first of all, by its individual originality: talented people in science, technology, and art do not repeat each other, everyone has their own creative characteristics. That is why the definition of giftedness through finding the intelligence quotient (IQ) is not enough to identify the level of giftedness. Moreover, an extremely high IQ (170 and above) in a child does not contribute to the development of a creatively fruitful personality.

    In his works, N.S. Leites draws attention to the fact that the properties of sensitivity of different periods of childhood can be summed up, having a joint effect in the development of the child. The presented materials and conclusions from them are so significant that we can talk about the development of a new concept of human mental development in ontogenesis. It is based on the provisions on age giftedness, which refers to those of its features that are due to the characteristics different ages. This concept is based on a holistic picture of the course of development and originality of intellect in junior schoolchildren, teenagers and high school students. It is substantiated by evidentially interpreted monographic descriptions of the individual typological features of the personality of schoolchildren.

    N.S. Leites skillfully connects individual age and individual characteristics of a person, revealing their interdependence and commonality, shows specifically that personality flaws are a continuation of its merits, and sometimes play a positive role. He considers the problem of early manifestation of giftedness as a problem of childhood, gives "psychological portraits" of outstanding children, reveals the concept of "age giftedness" and highlights some other general issues related to giftedness. In addition, he identifies three school ages: their age characteristics as prerequisites for the development of abilities. Using the examples of students in grades II, VI and IX, he singles out, in essence, compact, saturated with rich life material, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the main school ages. Analyzing the intellectual differences caused by the course age development, N.S. Leites cites a number of very meaningful and detailed psychological characteristics of representatives of certain types (variants) of age development.

    Considering "Individual-Typical Differences in Intelligence". N.S. Leites relies on the results of psychophysiological studies by B.M. Teplov and representatives of his school, who develop certain aspects of Pavlov's teaching on higher nervous activity. For example, Pavlovian characteristics of the "artistic" and "thinking" types generally coincide with the division of people into the right and left hemispheres revealed in the middle of our century.

    At the same time, N.S. Leites considers the issue of the moral side of giftedness. It is known that moral people grow up in the same family even without it, and these differences begin to appear from early childhood.

    N.S. Leites in his writings considers the most general prerequisites for abilities, the natural prerequisites for differential psychological properties, about sensitive periods of mental development, the ratio of age and individual in the abilities of a schoolchild.

    Works by N.S. Leites in the field of giftedness restores a long tradition of European psychology (with its attention to psychological characteristics), forgotten under the influence of American psychology overly fond of statistics.

    A group of researchers Yu.D. Babaeva, N.S. Leites, T.M. Markutina, A.A. Melik-Pashaev, Z.N. Novlyanskaya, L.V. Popova, M.S. Starcheus, V.S. Yurkevich also deeply studied the problems of giftedness. Their works reflect modern research on this issue in Russia and abroad. The main focus of their work is age-related and individual-typical features of the development of giftedness in schoolchildren, ways of identifying it, the problems of educating and teaching gifted students.

    As a result of their work, an understanding emerged that the gifted are distinguished not so much by the ability to assimilate someone else's, but rather to create their own. It is these 15-25% of the total number of children, under favorable circumstances, that can make up the color of the nation. Unfortunately, this is the case, out of a thousand children born with the potential of a genius, only one becomes a genius, certain conditions are needed. Awareness of the importance of this problem has led to the fact that in a number of civilized countries laws on giftedness have been adopted and are being implemented, there are funds, and consultation centers are functioning. And our country is becoming in line with civilized countries. In particular, in Moscow, at the Yugo-Zapad Pedagogical Rehabilitation Center, quarterly seminars are held on working with gifted children.



    1. Theoretical characteristics of the problem of giftedness

    1.1. general characteristics concepts of "ability", "giftedness", "talent".

    1.2. Types of giftedness

    2. Versatility of giftedness

    2.1. Signs of giftedness in childhood

    2.2. Identification of signs of giftedness



    Giftedness is still a mystery to most children, teachers, and many parents. For the general public, the most important problems are not so much the scientific foundations of giftedness, but, first of all, their real life manifestations, methods of identification, development and social implementation.

    The problem of giftedness is now becoming more and more relevant. This is due to the need of society for an extraordinary creative personality. The uncertainty of the modern environment requires not only the high activity of a person, but also his various skills, the ability of non-standard behavior.

    Early identification, training and education of gifted and talented children is one of the main problems of improving the education system. By virtue of their personality traits such children are most sensitive to the assessment of their activities, behavior and thinking.

    Caring for gifted children today is caring for the development of science, culture and social life tomorrow. There are already ways to identify such children, and programs are being developed to help them realize their abilities. However, the problem of diagnosing and developing highly gifted and talented children at all stages of their education, the problem of children understanding their giftedness and personal responsibility for creative self-realization exists.

    Many foreign and domestic psychologists and teachers dealt with the issues of giftedness of children. There are major studies in the field of the psychology of the creative giftedness of the Americans J. Guilford, P. Torrance, F. Barron, C. Taylor. Based on the ideas of psychologists J. Carroll and B. Bloom, their followers developed a methodology for teaching gifted children. J. Bruno also studied especially gifted children.

    The problem of giftedness was also studied by domestic scientists:, and others.



    The analysis of the problem of the development of abilities and giftedness will be largely determined by the content that we will invest in these concepts.

    Significant difficulties in defining the concepts of ability and giftedness are associated with the generally accepted, everyday understanding of these terms. If we turn to explanatory dictionaries, we will see that very often the terms “capable”, “gifted”, “talented” are used as synonyms and reflect the degree of expression of abilities. But it is even more important to emphasize that the concept of "talented" emphasizes the natural data of a person. So, in the explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl, “capable” is defined as “fit for something or prone, dexterous, suitable, convenient.” Thus, the concept of "capable" is defined through the ratio of success in activity.

    When defining the concept of "talent", its innate nature is emphasized. Talent is defined as a gift for something, and gift as an ability given by God. In other words, talent is an innate ability given by God, which ensures high success in activity. Giftedness is considered as a state of talent, as a degree of manifestation of talent. It is not for nothing that giftedness as an independent concept is absent in the dictionary of V. Dahl, and in the dictionary, and in the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, and in the explanatory dictionary of foreign words.

    From the foregoing, we can conclude that abilities, on the one hand, giftedness and talent, on the other, stand out, as it were, for different reasons. Speaking of ability, they emphasize the ability of a person to do something, and speaking of talent (giftedness), the innate nature of this quality (ability) of a person is emphasized. At the same time, both abilities and giftedness are manifested in the success of the activity.

    In Soviet psychology, primarily through the works and, an attempt was made to classify the concepts of "ability", "giftedness" and "talent" on a single basis - the success of the activity. Abilities are considered as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another, on which the possibility of success in activity depends, and giftedness is considered as a qualitatively unique combination of abilities (individual psychological characteristics), on which the possibility of success in activity also depends.

    Sometimes abilities are considered innate, "given by nature." However, scientific analysis shows that only inclinations can be innate, and abilities are the result of the development of inclinations.

    Makings - congenital anatomical and physiological features of the body. These include, first of all, the features of the structure of the brain, the sense organs and movement, the properties of the nervous system, which the body is endowed with from birth. The inclinations are only opportunities and prerequisites for the development of abilities, but do not yet guarantee, do not predetermine the emergence and development of certain abilities. Arising on the basis of inclinations, abilities develop in the process and under the influence of activities that require certain abilities from a person. Outside of activity, no abilities can develop. Not a single person, no matter what inclinations he possesses, can become a talented mathematician, musician or artist without doing a lot and persistently in the corresponding activity. To this it must be added that the inclinations are ambiguous. On the basis of the same inclinations, unequal abilities can develop, again depending on the nature and requirements of the activity in which a person is engaged, as well as on living conditions and especially education.

    So what is “giftedness” and how does it manifest itself in a very young child?

    Currently, there are no clear definitions of giftedness. The development of methods for determining abilities and giftedness was started in the framework of psychometry, aimed at assessing individual differences and personality traits. Much of this was based on the assumption that each individual has certain abilities, psychological properties and personality traits. The goal of psychometry was to develop reliable tools for measuring the degree of development of certain individual properties or abilities. Terman's fundamental research, which proved the stability of intelligence on the Stanford-Binet scale, led to the fact that intelligence began to be considered as the main indicator of giftedness. For many years, high intelligence, as measured by appropriate standardized tests, served as a working definition of "giftedness."

    In recent years, a formula proposed by the US Department of Education has become a working definition of giftedness and talent. This formula recognizes that an individual may differ in functional or potential capabilities in a number of areas: intellectual, academic (success in studies), creative, artistic, in the field of communication (leadership) or psychomotor.

    According to giftedness - this is a significant advance in mental development compared to age norms or an exceptional development of special abilities (musical, artistic, etc.)

    From a psychological point of view, it should be noted that giftedness is a complex mental object in which cognitive, emotional, volitional, motivational, psychophysiological and other spheres of the human psyche are inextricably intertwined.


    Gifted children are extremely different from each other in terms of types of giftedness.

    According to the definition of giftedness proposed by the US Department of Education, individuals may differ in actual or potential abilities in the intellectual, academic, creative, artistic fields, in the field of communication (leadership) and in the field of psychomotor.

    Some authors try to consider specific activities in which the child's extraordinary abilities are manifested (mathematics, music, painting). In accordance with this, mathematical, musical, and other types of giftedness are differentiated.

    Other researchers analyze more general abilities that are not so closely related to various forms of professional activity.

    Artistic talent

    This type of giftedness is supported and developed in special schools, circles, studios. It means high achievements in the field artistic creativity and performing skills in music, painting, sculpture, acting skills. One of the major problems is to general education school these abilities were recognized and respected. These children devote a lot of time, energy to exercises, to the achievement of mastery in their field. They have few opportunities for successful study, they often need individual programs in school subjects, understanding from teachers and peers.

    General intellectual and academic endowment

    The main thing is that children with this type of giftedness quickly master the fundamental concepts, easily remember and retain information. High developed abilities information processing allow them to excel in many areas of knowledge.

    Academic talent has a slightly different character, which is manifested in the success of teaching certain academic subjects and is more frequent and selective.

    These children may show high results in ease and speed of progress in mathematics or a foreign language, physics or biology, and sometimes have poor performance in other subjects that are not perceived so easily by them. The pronounced selectivity of aspirations in a relatively narrow area creates its own problems at school and in the family. Parents and teachers are sometimes dissatisfied with the fact that the child does not study equally well in all subjects, refuse to recognize his giftedness and do not try to find opportunities to support and develop a special talent.

    Creative talent

    First of all, disputes continue about the very need to single out this type of giftedness. The essence of the disagreement is as follows. Some experts believe that creativity, creativity is an integral element of all types of giftedness, which cannot be presented separately from the creative component. So, he insists that there is only one type of giftedness - creative: if there is no creativity, it is pointless to talk about giftedness. Other researchers defend the legitimacy of the existence of creative talent as a separate, independent species. One of the points of view is that giftedness is generated either by the ability to produce, put forward new ideas, invent, or by the ability to brilliantly perform, use what has already been created.

    Social giftedness

    The definition of social giftedness says that it is an exceptional ability to establish mature, constructive relationships with other people. Allocate such structural elements social giftedness as social perception, prosocial behavior, moral judgments, organizational skills, etc.

    Social talent acts as a prerequisite for high success in several areas. It involves the ability to understand, love, empathize, get along with others, which allows you to be a good teacher, psychologist, social worker. Thus, the concept of social giftedness covers a wide range of manifestations associated with the ease of establishment and the high quality of interpersonal relationships. These features allow you to be a leader, that is, to show leadership talent, which can be considered as one of the manifestations of social talent. There are many definitions of leadership talent, in which, nevertheless, common features can be distinguished:

    · Above average intelligence;

    · Ability to make decisions;

    · Ability to deal with abstract concepts, with planning for the future, with time constraints;

    Sense of purpose, direction of movement;

    · Flexibility, adaptability;

    · Sense of responsibility;

    · Self-confidence and self-knowledge;

    · persistence;

    · Enthusiasm;

    · Ability to express thoughts clearly.

    The listed types of giftedness manifest themselves in different ways and meet specific barriers in the way of their development, depending on the individual characteristics and originality of the child's environment.



    The most frequent manifestation of giftedness is early speech and a large vocabulary. Along with this, extraordinary attentiveness, insatiable curiosity and an excellent memory are noticed. Although such early manifestations of giftedness usually mean outstanding intellectual abilities, not all gifted and talented children from childhood impress their parents with their talents.

    At the same time, gifted children who demonstrate outstanding abilities in one area are sometimes no different from their peers in all other respects. However, as a rule, giftedness covers a wide range of individual psychological characteristics. Most gifted children have special traits that distinguish them from most of their peers.

    So, giftedness is multifaceted, so we will describe the most common features characteristic of gifted children.

    Giftedness is mainly determined by three interrelated parameters: advanced development of knowledge, psychological development and physical data.

    In the field of advanced development of knowledge the following is noted.

    There are special "sensitive" periods when children "absorb" everything around them. They are able to do several things at once. In his extensive study of gifted six-year-olds, Burton White found that the best predictor of their academic success was the ability at three years of age to keep track of two or more things going on around them at the same time.

    Such children are very curious: “How does it work?”, “Why is this happening?”, “What will happen if the conditions change?” They need to actively explore the world around them. A gifted child often does not tolerate any restrictions on his research. According to Jean Piaget, the function of the intellect is to process information and is similar to the function of the body to process food. It is as natural for the brain to learn as it is for the lungs to breathe. Man's desire for knowledge and stimulation of the mind is as essential as hunger and thirst. And boredom is perhaps the most unacceptable condition for the human body. If you are deeply involved in something, you forget about hunger and fatigue. And if you are bored and have nothing to do with yourself, you will look for any source of information - up to a scrap of an old newspaper. Scientists claim that in gifted and talented children, the biochemical and electrical activity of the brain is increased. Their brain is distinguished by a huge "appetite" - and even a gargantuan ability to "digest" intellectual food. True, we will still be able to make sure that they sometimes “bite off” more than they can “chew”.

    Gifted children at an early age are distinguished by the ability to trace causal relationships and draw appropriate conclusions. They are especially fond of building alternative models and systems. This ability underlies many intuitive leaps (“jumping” through stages) and is unique to gifted children. They are characterized by more fast transfer neural information, their intracerebral system is more branched, with a large number of connections.

    Gifted children usually have excellent memory, which is based on early speech and abstract thinking. They are distinguished by the ability to classify and categorize information and experience, the ability to widely use the accumulated knowledge. Their tendency to classify and categorize is also illustrated by a favorite hobby characteristic of gifted children - collecting. They take great pleasure in putting their collections in order, systematizing and reorganizing the items in the collection. Moreover, the design of a neat permanent exhibition is not their goal.

    Most often, attention to gifted children is attracted by their large vocabulary, accompanied by complex syntactic constructions, as well as the ability to ask questions. Many gifted children enjoy reading dictionaries and encyclopedias, coming up with words that, in their opinion, should express their own concepts and imaginary events, prefer games that require the activation of mental abilities.

    Talented children easily cope with cognitive uncertainty. At the same time, difficulties do not force them to turn off. They gladly accept complex and long-term tasks and cannot stand it when a ready-made answer is imposed on them.

    Some gifted children are clearly dominated by mathematical abilities that suppress interest in reading. One boy at the age of 5 mentally multiplied three-digit numbers faster than an adult with a pencil and paper. At the same time, the baby did not show any interest in reading and stubbornly resisted all the efforts of adults. Psychological testing revealed that IQ (intelligence quotient, that is, a quantitative indicator of the level of intellectual development, usually the average person has an IQ of 90-100 points) is unusually high (more than 200 points). Of course, he knew how to read, but this occupation did not fascinate him.

    A gifted child is also distinguished by an increased concentration of attention on something, perseverance in achieving results in a field that interests him. To this must be added the degree of immersion in the task. The completion of some sandbox dam or stream dam is far more important to him than lunchtime or imminent rain.

    Due to little life experience, such children often start enterprises that they cannot cope with. They need understanding and some guidance from adults, they should not focus on their failures, it is better to try together again.

    In the field of psychosocial development gifted and talented children are characterized by the following features.

    Strongly developed sense of justice, manifesting itself very early. The personal value systems of young gifted children are very broad. They acutely perceive social injustice, set high standards for themselves and others, and respond vividly to truth, justice, harmony, and nature. The penetrating eye of television brings pictures of distant problems into our homes, and young gifted viewers wait and sometimes demand that their parents do something for the hungry in Africa, for refugees from Southeast Asia, and for baby fur seals in Africa, yes and they themselves are ready to break their piggy banks for this.

    Usually, children between the ages of 2 and 5 cannot clearly distinguish between reality and fantasy. This is especially evident in gifted children. They are so whimsical in verbal coloring and the development of effective fantasies, they get used to them so much, literally “bathing” in a vivid imagination, that sometimes teachers and parents show excessive concern about the child’s ability to distinguish truth from fiction. This vivid imagination gives birth to non-existent friends, a desired brother or sister, and a whole fantastic life, rich and vibrant.

    One of the most important traits for the inner balance of a gifted person is a well-developed sense of humor. Talented people love inconsistencies, puns, "tricks", often seeing humor where their peers do not find it. Humor can be a saving grace and a healthy shield for the subtle psyche, which needs protection from the painful blows inflicted by less receptive people.

    Gifted kids are constantly trying to solve problems that are too tough for them yet. From the point of view of their development, such attempts are useful. But since gifted children excel at certain things that most of their peers cannot achieve, the parents of such children (and through them, the children themselves) tend to expect the same ease in all their endeavors. We call the exaggerated expectations of adults the "halo effect" and draw the attention of everyone who works with gifted children at any stage of their development to it. In early childhood, gifted children are just as emotionally dependent, impatient, and emotionally imbalanced as their peers. Sometimes they are more eloquent - because their ability to express themselves is more perfect. However, their remarkable verbal abilities can also lead adults to misperceive their level of emotional maturity - which exacerbates the problem.

    In the preschool years, gifted children - like their less capable peers - are age-related egocentrists in their interpretation of events and phenomena. Egocentrism here does not mean egoism with its usual negative connotation. He is only a projection of his own perception and emotional reaction to the phenomena, the mind and heart of all those present. We usually call this "one-sided perception". The inability to perceive the attitude of other people towards someone or something in everyday life can be called one-sidedness. We do not tolerate this in adults, but it is absolutely normal for preschoolers, no matter how smart they are. As the child's developing brain begins to perceive its own work, the child begins to understand that he is capable of thinking: scientists now call this metacognition. The child is sure that his perception of phenomena and events is identical to the simultaneous conscious perception of all others. In other words, everyone perceives and understands the same event or phenomenon in the same way. We adults, although we understand that this is not so, never fully grow out of this egocentrism inherent in children from 3 to 5 years old, and it is very difficult for us to accept a different point of view - especially if it is based on parallel experience. When children's egocentrism is accompanied by sensitivity and irritation from the inability to do something (both are characteristic of gifted children), problems in communication with peers can arise. The child is not yet able to understand that others perceive the world in a completely different way than he does.

    Thus, gifted children sometimes suffer from some social rejection by their peers, and this develops in them a negative perception of themselves. The most useful from the point of view of the formation of a healthy self-perception and a sense of usefulness is communication with the same gifted children, and from a very early age. Families where it is customary to help each other and where parents and siblings do everything together also strengthen each child's positive self-image.

    There are two competing stereotypes physical characteristics of gifted children. The first is a skinny, small, pale "bookworm" with glasses. The other - put forward by Theremin in his monumental work A Study of Genius in 1925 - tells us that gifted children are taller, stronger, healthier and more beautiful than their ordinary peers. Although the second image is preferable to the first, both of them are quite far from the truth. Theremin conducted his research among middle and upper class white families: this population group is indeed distinguished by higher growth, physical strength, health. There is an opinion that its representatives are more attractive than representatives of other groups of Americans. But if we expand the range of the definition to include all the diversity of giftedness and avoid the social and cultural biases of standard testing, we see that the physical characteristics of gifted children are as diverse as the children themselves. There is no point in making stereotypical generalizations about the weight, health, or appearance of gifted children. They are quite attractive and their diversity.


    The giftedness of children can be established and studied only in the process of education and upbringing, in the course of the child's performance of one or another meaningful activity. Manifestations of mental giftedness in a child are associated with the extraordinary possibilities of childhood years of life. It must be borne in mind that in the early preschool years, rapid mental development occurs in all children, making a decisive contribution of childhood to the formation of intelligence.

    The main difficulty in identifying the signs of giftedness at the time of childhood lies in the fact that it is not easy to single out in them the actual individual, relatively independent of age.

    So, the high mental activity observed in the child, a special readiness for tension is an internal condition for mental growth. And it is not known whether it will turn out to be a stable feature in subsequent age stages. The creative aspirations of the child, the production of new trains of thought by him can also be attributed to the forerunners of giftedness, but it is not yet a fact that they will receive further development. At the same time, early manifestations of giftedness do not yet predetermine the future capabilities of a person: it is extremely difficult to foresee the course of the further formation of giftedness.

    The subject of heated discussions remains the question of the nature and prerequisites of giftedness. Modern research in this area is aimed at using electrophysiological, psychogenetic and other methods to reveal the relationship between biological and social in the nature of giftedness.

    It is very important to catch in a timely manner, not to miss the features of the relative constancy of individuality in children who are ahead of their age in development. The giftedness of a child is a rather stable feature of the individual manifestations of an outstanding intelligence that grows with age.

    It would be much easier for educators if gifted children had some special mark from birth, but, fortunately for society and for its individual members, in real life this is not. In addition to everything, it is quite obvious that the very concept of giftedness is very vague. Therefore, when defining a system for searching for and identifying capable children, each specific social community requires especially careful consideration of the balance of needs and resources.


    So, after analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of giftedness in childhood, we came to the following conclusions.

    At present, there is an increased interest in the problem of giftedness, in the problems of identifying, educating and developing gifted children.

    Giftedness is now defined as the ability for outstanding achievements in any socially significant area of ​​human activity, and not just in the academic field. Giftedness should be seen as an achievement and as an opportunity for achievement. The meaning of the statement is that one must take into account both those abilities that have already manifested themselves and those that may manifest themselves.

    Signs of giftedness:

    ö firstly, the gifted are distinguished by high sensitivity in everything, many have a highly developed sense of justice; they are able to sensitively capture changes in social relations, new trends of the times in science, culture, technology, quickly and adequately assess the nature of these trends in society;

    ö secondly, continuous cognitive activity and highly developed intellect make it possible to acquire new knowledge about the world around. Creativity attracts them to the creation of new concepts, theories, approaches. The optimal combination of intuitive and discursive thinking in gifted children makes the process of obtaining new knowledge very productive and meaningful;

    ö Thirdly, most of the gifted are characterized by great energy, purposefulness and perseverance, which, combined with vast knowledge and creative abilities, allow them to implement a lot of interesting and significant projects.

    So far, there is no comprehensive diagnostics that would allow to determine the general and specific giftedness, the child's inclination to one or another type of creativity. Giftedness is revealed only when it somehow managed to manifest itself and gain a foothold. The fact that, due to personal characteristics, gifted children are most sensitive to inadequate assessments, unfair and negative influences, is not yet fully taken into account. In this area, there is a lack of knowledge about the behavior and thinking of gifted children, their personal development and upbringing.


    1. Gilbukh: gifted children. - M., 1991

    2. Leites are outstanding children...// Family and school. - 1990. - No. 3

    3. Leites geeks / / Family and school. - 1990. - No. 12

    4. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / Ed. N.S. Leites. – M.,

    5. Rubinstein general psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000

    6. Stepanov dictionary for parents. - M., 1996

    7. Terasier children. - M., 1999

    Rubinshtein of general psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000, p.322

    Rubinshtein of general psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000, p.319

    Stepanov dictionary for parents. - M., 1996, p.92

    Stepanov dictionary for parents. - M., 1996, p.93

    Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / Ed. N.S. Leites. - M., 1996, p.95

    Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / Ed. N.S. Leites. - M., 1996, p.101

    Terrace children. - M., 1999, p.24

    Gilbukh: gifted children. - M., 1991, p.36

    Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / Ed. N.S. Leites. - M., 1996, p.13

    Gilbukh: gifted children. - M., 1991, p.42

    Gilbukh: gifted children. - M., 1991, p.42-43

    Leites are outstanding children...// Family and school. - 1990. - No. 3, p.12-13

    Leites are outstanding children...// Family and school. - 1990. - No. 3, p.14

    Leites geeks // Family and school. - 1990. - No. 12, p.27

    Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / Ed. N.S. Leites. - M., 1996, p.14

    Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / Ed. N.S. Leites. - M., 1996, p.24

    Stepanov dictionary for parents. - M., 1996, p.78


    • “Leader talent. Personal development of a teenager - a leader "
    • Psychological and pedagogical foundations of work with gifted children in the system of general education
    • Giftedness as a Pedagogical and Psychological Phenomenon: Conceptual Approaches and Psychological and Pedagogical Research

    Giftedness differentiation.

    Understanding the typology of giftedness is the first and necessary step towards concrete work with gifted students, effective assistance in the development, strengthening and realization of their outstanding abilities. There are a number of approaches to differentiation of giftedness. Let's consider some of them.

    N.S. Leites and others distinguish the following types of giftedness:

    General intellectual and academic endowments;

    Artistic talent;

    Creative talent;

    Social giftedness;

    Practical talent.

    This differentiation is due to the analysis quality characteristics (A) giftedness. It involves the allocation of various qualitatively unique types of giftedness in connection with the specifics of a person's mental capabilities and the peculiarities of their manifestation in certain types of giftedness.

    Analysis quantitative characteristics (B) giftedness allows us to describe the degree of manifestation of a person's mental capabilities. Among the criteria for distinguishing types of giftedness, the following can be noted:

    1. type of activity and the spheres of the psyche that provide it;

    2. degree of formation;

    3. form of manifestation;

    4. breadth of manifestations in various activities;

    5. features of age development.

    Characteristics of types of giftedness.

    BUT)Based qualitative characteristics concept of "giftedness".

    Children with a common intellectual talent master fundamental concepts, easily memorize and store information. This allows them to excel in many fields of knowledge.

    Academic endowment is manifested in the successful teaching of individual subjects and is considered more private, selective. Children can show high results in ease, depth, speed of progress - in mathematics or a foreign language, physics or biology, and sometimes have poor performance in other subjects (creates their own problems at school and family).

    Artistic talent implies high achievements in the field of artistic creativity and performing skills in music, painting, sculpture, acting skills (it is necessary to be recognized and respected in a comprehensive school - individual programs and understanding from teachers).

    Creative talent is generated either by the ability to produce, put forward new ideas, invent, or by the ability to brilliantly perform, use what has already been created. Children with creative gifts have a number of behavioral characteristics (which cause negative emotions in teachers and others):

    Greater independence in judgment;

    Subtle sense of humor;

    Lack of attention to the order and "proper" organization of work;

    Bright temperament.

    Social (leadership) giftedness - it is an exceptional ability to establish mature, constructive relationships with other people, it is high success in several areas; it is the ability to understand, love, empathize, get along with others. These features allow you to be a leader. Such children are characterized by:

    Intelligence is above average;

    Ability to make decisions;

    Flexibility, adaptability;

    Sense of responsibility;

    Self-confidence and self-knowledge;


    Tolerance and patience in working with people;


    The ability to clearly express thoughts, etc.

    Practical giftedness(emphasized by Yale University psychologist Robert Sternberg) - knowing your strengths and weaknesses and the ability to use this knowledge.

    IN)Based on the quantitative characteristics of the concept of "giftedness".

    1. By criterion "a type of activity and the spheres of the psyche that provide it" the main activities include: practical, theoretical (considering children's age, we prefer to talk about cognitive activity), artistic and aesthetic, communicative and spiritual and value. The spheres of the psyche are represented intellectual, emotional and motivational-volitional. Within each sphere, different levels of mental organization can be distinguished. So, within the framework of the intellectual sphere, sensory-motor, spatial-visual, conceptual-logical levels are distinguished. Within the emotional sphere - the levels of emotional response and emotional experience. Within the framework of the motivational-volitional sphere - the levels of motivation, goal formation, meaning generation.

    Accordingly, the following types of giftedness can be distinguished:

    · in practical activities, in particular, talent in crafts, sports and organizational talent can be distinguished;

    · in cognitive activity finds the realization of intellectual endowment of various types;

    · in artistic and aesthetic activities stand out, for example, choreographic, stage, literary and poetic, visual, musical talent;

    · in communicative activities, first of all, it is necessary to single out leadership and attractive (from lat. attracting to oneself) giftedness;

    · in spiritual value activities, we note the giftedness in creating new spiritual values ​​and meanings of serving people.

    Identification of the types of giftedness according to the criterion of types of activity allows us to move away from the everyday idea of ​​giftedness as a quantitative degree of manifestation of abilities and move on to understanding giftedness as a systemic quality. Therefore, giftedness is integral manifestation of different abilities.

    2. By criterion "the degree of formation of giftedness" can be differentiated:

    - current talent

    - potential talent

    Actual giftedness- this psychological characteristic a child with such indications of mental development, which are manifested in a higher level of performance in a particular subject area compared to the age and social norm. In this case, of course, it is not only about learning, but about a wide range of different activities.

    Potential Giftedness- this is a psychological characteristic of a child who has only certain mental capabilities for high achievements in a particular type of activity, but cannot realize his capabilities at a given time due to their functional insufficiency. The development of this potential depends on the presence or absence of a number of unfavorable reasons (difficult family circumstances, lack of motivation, etc.).

    The identification of potential giftedness requires a high predictive value of the diagnostic methods used.

    3. By criterion "form of manifestation" you can talk about:

    - obvious talent

    - hidden talent

    Explicit giftedness manifests itself in the activity of the child quite clearly and distinctly, including under adverse conditions. The achievements of the child are so obvious that his giftedness is not in doubt.

    Hidden talent manifests itself in the activity of the child in a less pronounced form. As a result, there is a danger of erroneous conclusions about the lack of giftedness of such a child. He can be classified as "unpromising" and deprived of the help and support necessary for the development of his abilities. At the same time, numerous examples are known when it is precisely such “unpromising children” who achieve the highest results.

    The reasons for hidden giftedness are largely related to the presence of special psychological barriers.

    4. By criterion "breadth of manifestation in various activities" can be distinguished:

    - general giftedness

    - Special talent.

    General giftedness manifests itself in various types activities and acts as the basis of their productivity. The psychological core of general giftedness is mental abilities, around which the emotional, motivational and volitional qualities of the individual are built.

    Special talent reveals itself in specific types of activity and can be determined only in relation to certain areas of activity (music, painting, sports, etc.)

    5. By criterion "peculiarities of age development" can be differentiated:

    - early giftedness

    - late giftedness.

    The decisive indicator here is the rate of mental development of the child, as well as the age stages at which giftedness manifests itself explicitly. It must be borne in mind that accelerated mental development, early detection of talents is by no means always associated with high achievements at an older age. In turn, the absence of bright manifestations of giftedness in childhood does not mean a negative conclusion regarding the prospects for further mental development of the individual.

    An example of early giftedness are children who are called "wunderkinds". A “child prodigy” (literally, a “wonderful child”) is a child, usually of preschool or primary school age, with extraordinary, brilliant success in any particular type of activity - in music, drawing, singing, etc. A special place among such children is occupied by intellectual geeks. These are precocious children, whose abilities are manifested in an extremely high outstripping rate of mental development. They are characterized by extremely early, from the age of two or three, mastering reading and counting, choosing complex activities of their own free will.

    So, any individual case of child giftedness can be evaluated from the point of view of all the above criteria for classifying types of giftedness. Giftedness is a multidimensional phenomenon in nature. For the practitioner, this is an opportunity and, at the same time, the need for a broader view of the uniqueness of the giftedness of a particular child.

    In the real activity of the child, both groups of abilities are represented: the ability for visual modeling (for example, building a sequence of actions in accordance with the game role, i.e. creating and maintaining a model of role-playing behavior) and the ability to symbolize (transfer through the role in playing a certain life position, i.e. using a role to symbolically display the meanings and values ​​of human interaction).

    It should be noted that the use of abilities for sign and symbolic mediation can be included in the solution of two main types of tasks, which are pointed out by almost all authors of models for the development of children's abilities and giftedness. The first type of tasks are tasks that are actually intellectual (of a closed type), in a certain sense, reproductive, requiring the use of a familiar method of solving, albeit on new material.

    The second type of tasks are creative tasks, of an open type, in which the child is required to use a new method of solving. In preschool children, the level of solving such problems is characterized, first of all, by the level of development of the imagination. Imagination allows the child, starting from the individual features of the object, to build a new holistic image. . (cm.applications)

    However, the level of cognitive activity and the level of development of mental abilities, which are a system of mediated orienting actions, cannot fully characterize a mentally gifted preschooler. The most important component of mental giftedness at this age is the ability to realize one's abilities in specific preschool activities (play, construction, literary and artistic creativity, etc.). Such implementation is characterized, first of all, by the presence of preliminary plans.

    Mentally gifted children are characterized by preliminary planning of their activities: games, drawing, applications. The ideas are distinguished by the development and thoughtfulness of the sequence of future actions, richness and originality, the manifestation of one's own individuality. At the same time, they are quite realistic, that is, they correspond to the capabilities of children and the availability of the necessary materials.

    At the same time, a mentally gifted child easily masters the necessary actions for the realization of his ideas and turns out to be quite successful either in different types of activities, or at least in one of them.

    Model of children's giftedness.

    If we return to the concretization of the model of giftedness proposed by us in relation to preschool age, then we can present it in the form of three blocks.

    The first block is the motivation for the corresponding type of activity. In the case of mental giftedness, this is cognitive activity, understood as a manifestation of the child's need to expand their ability to act in new situations. This activity is productive and based on the child's holistic experience.

    The second block is operational, which is characterized by almost all authors through the concept of abilities. At preschool age, the mental abilities of a child are determined, first of all, by the level of development of visual modeling, which allows the child to analyze the objective properties of reality, and by the level of development of symbolization, which makes it possible to express one's attitude to reality.

    And, finally, the third block is the implementation block, which implies the possibility of translating one's achievements into reality, formalizing the results of the decision, etc. In preschool children, the implementation block is characterized by the possibilities of manifestations of one's own subjectivity in various types of children's activities.

    L.S. Vygotsky’s position on the universality of developmental patterns for “normal” and “gifted” children gives reason to believe that the general patterns of development of abilities and their age characteristics in preschool children can also be applied to the definition of children’s giftedness . Then the specificity of mental giftedness in preschool childhood does not consist in accelerating the development of the child's intellect, but in the ever more complete mastery of those forms of effective mediation that characterize the mental abilities of a preschooler. That is, age-related changes in the block of abilities do not simply represent some kind of continuous growth curve of the child's intellect, but have their own qualitative age-related characteristics of the mechanism that ensures this growth.

    It should be noted that any reliable identification of mentally gifted children is possible starting from the end of the fifth, beginning of the sixth year of life. Prior to this, children, of course, also differ in their level of mental development, but its manifestations are so ambiguous and changeable that it is extremely difficult to draw definite conclusions on their basis. At the same time, there are no methods and indicators that unambiguously fix the mental giftedness of any child and cannot exist.

    3. Children's giftedness as a pedagogical problem.

    Today, the problem of gifted children, their education and upbringing is one of the most urgent. Giftedness, talent, genius - this is a high level of development of human abilities. A gifted child strives for self-affirmation, wishes to succeed in the development of his talent. It is important that the teacher pays attention to such a child, since the requirements that he makes, as a rule, are aimed at the strengths and abilities of the average student. The teacher must take into account that gifted children are characterized by a need for knowledge.

    A very important problem is the identification of gifted children. Firstly, because in the family at the early stages of development such children in most cases remain at least misunderstood, and often the reaction of parents to the active cognitive abilities of the child is negative. The attitude characteristic of everyday consciousness is to see your child like everyone else. Secondly, active creative abilities are combined in children with increased neuropsychic excitability, which manifests itself in restlessness, disturbances in appetite, sleep, easily occurring headaches, etc. Untimely medical and psychological correction of these manifestations leads to the development of neurosis and a number of psychosomatic diseases. Thirdly, gifted children, when they find themselves in school groups where most of their peers have average abilities, feel obvious or hidden hostility and distrust on the part of others. As a result, gifted children develop a desire not to stand out, not to look like a “black sheep” and their creative abilities are leveled over time. “Averaging” of a gifted child, a decrease in the overall intellectual and creative potential is accompanied by the presence of pronounced neurotic phenomena, the so-called “former child prodigy syndrome”. Feelings of creative failure, "obsession" with the past and often painful ambitions are part of this syndrome, which, in turn, is the cause of neurotic and even psychopathic development of the personality.

    Research by P. Torrens showed that gifted children quickly pass the initial levels of intelligence development and resist all types of non-creative work. This creates a lot of problems, is assessed by teachers as stubbornness, laziness or stupidity. The low psychological level of teacher training for working with children who show non-standard behavior and thinking leads to the fact that, when evaluating their wards, teachers note demonstrativeness in them, a desire to do everything their own way, hysteria, inability to follow accepted patterns. There is an opinion among teachers that a gifted child does not need help. The difficulty lies in the low level of training of teachers who are not able to work with a gifted child, and in the shortcomings of programs and psychological knowledge of teachers.

    In addition, the originality of creative thinking is often assessed by others as a deviation. Gifted children have to spend about 2/3 of their time at school in vain, showing “intellectual sabotage”. Gifted children go through the initial levels of social adaptation much faster than their peers (obedience and exemplary behavior, focused on obtaining a positive assessment from adults); in adolescence, they often seem to bypass the phase of childish conformism and resist standard rules, group norms, and intragroup orientations towards authoritarian leaders. Researchers show a higher sensitivity of gifted children to new situations, which leads to particular difficulties. It should be remembered that no matter how gifted a child is, he must be taught. It is important to accustom to perseverance, to accustom to work, to make decisions independently. A gifted child does not tolerate pressure, harassment, shouting, which can result in a problem. It is difficult for such a child to cultivate patience, perseverance and unobtrusiveness. A huge load of the child is needed, from preschool age he should be attached to creativity, to create an environment for creativity. To develop their talents, gifted children must freely manage time and space, learn from an expanded curriculum, and feel individual care and attention from their teacher. A broad time frame contributes to the development of the problem-search aspect. The emphasis is not on what to study, but on how to study. If the gifted child is given the opportunity not to rush to complete the task and not to jump from one to another, he will best understand the secret of the connection between phenomena and learn to apply his discoveries in practice. Unlimited opportunities to analyze the ideas and proposals expressed, to delve deeply into the essence of the problems contribute to the manifestation of natural curiosity and inquisitiveness, the development of analytical and critical thinking.

    Today, special programs are being created to work with gifted children, schools in many countries are being rebuilt in the direction of differentiated education. Special comprehensive training programs are being developed, within which the student can move more freely than in the usual program. One of the problems is that the contradiction between the need for the development and education of gifted children and the insufficient theoretical and practical training of teachers to work with gifted children is becoming more and more real. Based on this contradiction, a problem arises that consists in determining the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development and education of gifted children in a general education school. So, the preservation and development of giftedness is a problem of the progress of society, the realization of its creative potential and individual destinies. Working with gifted children is one of the options for the specific implementation of the individual's right to individuality and giftedness.

    4. Features of educational work with gifted children.

    When studying especially gifted children, the following tasks are set: 1. to promote the development of each personality; 2. bring individual achievements as early as possible to the maximum level; 3. contribute to social progress by putting talent resources at its service. The main approach in the search for young talents should be recognized as a set of measures (medical-psychological, pedagogical), aimed not only at children, but also at parents and teachers. It is important to use a variety of methods for selecting children and then continuously monitor their progress. At the first stage of identifying gifted children, information about high successes in any activity of the child from parents and teachers is taken into account. The results of group tests, sociological questionnaires can also be used. This will allow you to outline the circle of children for more in-depth individual research.

    The second stage can be designated as diagnostic. At this stage, an individual assessment of the creative possibilities and characteristics of the neuropsychic status of the child is carried out by a psychologist and psychotherapist. Depending on the results of the first stage, the child is examined by a set of psychological tests, depending on the preference for one or another variant of potentialities. With the preference for the development of the intellectual sphere, the child is distinguished by sharpness of thinking, curiosity and learns easily, reveals practical ingenuity. In these cases, methods are used that are primarily aimed at determining the basic cognitive and speech parameters in gifted children.

    Children who are gifted in the field of academic achievement may have the most developed individual inclinations - for language and literature, mathematics or natural science. Therefore, the task of a psychologist is not only to determine the level of general intellectual development, but also to evaluate the preferred side of thinking.

    Children with creative and productive thinking are distinguished by independence, non-conformity of behavior, the ability to produce original ideas, find non-standard solutions, and ingenuity. Their identification provides an assessment, first of all, of their creative inclinations.

    Children with a predominance of contact, communication and leadership needs are distinguished by initiative, high organizational skills, they are usually easily chosen for the main roles in games and activities, they feel confident among peers and adults. In this case, personal methods and sociometry will help you.

    If the child is dominated by artistic abilities, from an early age he shows a penchant for drawing or music, psychological testing here should be aimed at assessing the degree of emotional stability and the level of neuroticism, since these children are usually highly vulnerable and require an individual psychological approach from teachers and often psychotherapeutic correction by a specialist doctor.

    Giftedness in the motor sphere is manifested by a high degree of psychomotor reactions, dexterity, development of motor skills (running, climbing, jumping), physical strength. Diagnosis of giftedness in this area is carried out by methods for determining hand-eye coordination.

    Many children show a high degree of giftedness not in one area, but in several. The task of teachers and psychologists is not only to identify this, but also to improve and develop them.

    At the third stage of work with gifted children, the main role is assigned to teachers, whose task is to form and deepen their abilities. These requirements are realized with the help of a wide range of pedagogical techniques and methods (author's programs, individual lessons - consultations, etc., as well as versatile programs in lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges).

    The teacher, working with gifted children, must:

    To study the individual characteristics, characteristics of the behavior of a gifted child.

    To overcome the prevailing everyday notion of inflated self-esteem: not only to destroy such self-esteem, but in cases of despair, just to inspire the child with an awareness of his outstanding capabilities.
    -respect and discuss any of his ideas. To believe that this child is sometimes given to understand and do what seems incomprehensible to you.
    -preparing for classes with gifted children, remember the need for a serious mental load of a gifted child. Independence of thinking, questions to the teacher, and then to oneself - are essential components of the success of the lessons.
    -think about teaching methods. Gifted students require a fundamentally different preparation, since they are distinguished by an extraordinary desire for double-checking, for "clarification for themselves", for experimentation.
    - the central task of the teacher in working with a gifted child is to instill a taste for serious creative work.


    Children's giftedness is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. There are many approaches to the definition of giftedness, points of view on the problem of giftedness. There is an urgent need for special, scientifically based methods of working with children of various types of giftedness.
    In real practice with gifted children, the focus is often on already manifested types of giftedness to one degree or another. The inadequacy of a simplified approach to the analysis of the phenomenon of giftedness, limited only by the scope of the child's abilities, is revealed. Adequate consideration of the phenomenon of child giftedness, which is unique in its nature, requires an approach that takes into account both the abilities and personality traits of a gifted child, his moral, spiritual character. Analysis of the entire complex interweaving of family, school, personal problems of gifted children can serve as a scientific and practical basis for psychological counseling of teachers and parents.
    Identification of gifted children should be carried out within the framework of a comprehensive and individualized program for identifying a child's giftedness. This kind of program involves the use of many different sources of information, the analysis of the developmental processes of the child over a sufficiently long period of time. In particular, the diagnosis of giftedness should not serve as a selection goal, but as a means for the most effective training and development of a gifted child.

    In conclusion, it should be recalled that the work of a teacher with gifted children is a complex and never-ending process. It requires personal growth from teachers and educators, good, constantly updated knowledge in the field of the psychology of the gifted and their education, as well as close cooperation with psychologists, other teachers, the administration, and always with the parents of the gifted. He demands

    constant growth of skill, pedagogical flexibility, the ability to abandon what even today seemed to be a creative find and strength.

    Working with gifted children is one of the options for the specific implementation of the individual's right to individuality.


    1. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - St. Petersburg: SOYUZ, 1997. -96p.

    2.Leites N.S. "Age giftedness and individual differences", Moscow - Voronezh; 1997

    3.Leites N.S. Ability and giftedness in childhood. - M.: 1994

    4. Matyushkin A.M. The concept of creative talent. // Question. psychology. - 1989. - No. 6. - pp. 29-33.

    5. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents: Uchebn. manual for students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions 8. Savenkov A.I. "Gifted children in kindergarten and school "- M; 2000

    Games that promote the development of creativity in children.

    Game "Continue drawing" . Target: to develop a child's thinking, imagination, creativity.

    For the game you will need: piece of paper and pencil .

    Description: the host draws geometric shapes on paper - a figure eight, two parallel lines, a square, triangles standing on top of each other, and then passes it on to the participants in the game. They should turn geometric shapes into interesting designs. For example, a circle - in the wheel of a car or a person's face. The participant who drew the most interesting drawing wins.

    Game "Guess". Target: develop the child's creativity, imagination and fantasy.

    Description: write on pieces of paper the names of objects or any actions, for example, “airplane”, “eat fruit, etc. Put these papers in a bag. Each child, approaching the bag, must take a piece of paper from there with a task and depict an object or action, and the rest of the participants must guess what he shows.

    The game "Little storyteller". Target: develop the child's creative abilities, his thinking and imagination.

    Description: remind or tell the child the beginning of a fairy tale. His job is to come up with a sequel. If several children participate in the game, you need to listen to each storyteller and choose the best fairy tale.

    Game "Think of an animal" Target: to develop the child's thinking, fantasy and imagination.

    Description: the child must come up with a name and describe a non-existent animal. You can give him a pen and a piece of paper so that he draws an imaginary animal. The winner is the participant who will get the most interesting, most fantastic animal. Giftedness theory and methods of its development Coursework >> Psychology

    Social pedagogical. Social pedagogical Problems and, above all, the impossibility of constructing a reliable forecast of the development children's giftedness on the...