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  • A menu for different ages for every day. Big food Adult food

    A menu for different ages for every day.  Big food Adult food

    Sofia: | April 8th, 2018 | 10:33 am

    In general, the norm for everyone is different) I've got used to eating a little and regularly, every 2 hours. I have lunch and dinner at home, with me a container with chicken and a side dish, a couple of turbo-lim protein bars, apples, banana, nuts, etc. In general, I do not like to starve))
    Answer: Sofia, thanks for the comment!

    Olya: | October 15th, 2015 | 1:11 pp

    The menu is not bad, although with a sedentary lifestyle you can get fat on it. But why sweeten all baby food? If black tea is too tart for a child, there is rose hips, chamomile, hibiscus, raspberries, herbal teas for children. A fresh apple is better than boiled compote.
    Answer: Olya, this menu is given as an example. It can be diversified at your discretion. By the way, on the day when compote for lunch, for lunch - just a fresh apple :)

    Faith: | March 5th, 2012 | 4:39 pm

    And it seems to me that nothing is overstated here. If you look closely, you can see that the plates are small and won't fit a lot. Respect to the author! An interesting menu, varied and not at all complicated))

    Answer: I have more, specially made up of very economical recipes. So there the portions are about the same, but the reaction of the commentators is the opposite: "This is too little and hungry :)"

    Dara: | February 10th, 2012 | 1:33 pp

    In my opinion, the portions are scanty and are compensated only by the frequency. 8 grams of cheese is, excuse me, what? Can you imagine a triangle of processed cheese? 8 grams is half of such a triangle.
    Fruit per day (excluding compote) - 150 grams. This is one tangerine. A medium sized apple weighs 250 grams. By the way, where are the two fruits in the pictures, if the list contains 150 grams? ..

    Answer: I wrote that the table itself is not mine. But as far as I can see, its compilers calculated the weight of one apple at 100 g and one tangerine at 50 g.

    Olli: | January 30th, 2012 | 4:09 dp

    Girls, you are calculating net weight without considering volume or calories. Believe me, when you put all of the above on plates, you will immediately understand that these are absolutely normal portions for a healthy, working and not following a special diet, a woman. A very useful table. Thanks.

    Answer: in my opinion, too, there is not much food. When I write down recipes, I use a kitchen scale and I know that the average weight of 1 potato / apple / tomato / carrot is about 100 g. If for dinner there are 700 g of food, the lion's share of which is liquid (soup and tea), then solid food there remains 300 grams.

    Lena: | January 29th, 2012 | 9:02 pm

    I will also add my vote to update the statistics. In my (agree, subjective) opinion, the volumes are twice as high, even though I love to eat. For breakfast, either porridge or scrambled eggs is enough. For lunch, we usually have either the first with salad, or the second with salad. (We never drink compote). From the intermediate one - either an afternoon snack or a second breakfast. Usually my body encounters such six meals a day in different boarding houses, etc. and reacts extremely negatively - it's hard to endure such volumes and so often that you don't have time to get hungry. It seems to me that these are immediately post-war norms, when the main task was to "fatten", and the main criterion for rest in a children's camp was how much the child recovered in a month.

    Answer: everyone has their own needs. As for me, these are quite normal portions. But I admit that someone needs more, and someone less.

    Irina: | January 29th, 2012 | 5:40 pm

    My food rate for one meal is 350g of food. It also seems to me that it is a bit too much in terms of volume.

    Hope: | January 29th, 2012 | 11:44 am

    It seems to me that these norms are greatly overestimated. This plate gives me 750 grams of food for lunch! Yes, I won't eat so much even from hunger. My child also eats two times less, while the height / weight is about the upper limit of the norm. Even my husband and then ... except that he fulfills the norm for meat =)

    Traditionally, products other than breast milk or formula milk begin to appear in the baby's diet in the form of puree. This usually happens when the baby has reached the age of six months, has learned to sit, and his first teeth have appeared. So parents understand that it's time to diversify his menu.

    Puree for baby

    Puree is a food mass that is crushed to a homogeneous state. Adults appreciate this dish for its delicate texture. But for the nutrition of a child who is just beginning to get acquainted with the products of the common table, this is the only acceptable option for serving food. A dish for an adult does not need additional grinding - nature has not conceived complex technological processes for processing food for consumption. People used teeth for this. While the food was being chewed, it was also processed with saliva, which is a necessary part of the digestion process. Without this chemical process, beneficial substances will not be able to fully break down and be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Small children are still deprived of the opportunity to eat as their parents do. Firstly, the crumbs do not yet have enough teeth to grind food efficiently. Milk teeth are just beginning to appear, and the baby has not yet fully understood how to handle them. He never chewed - milk or formula only had to be swallowed. Accordingly, the processing of food with saliva took place in a much smaller volume than would be necessary for solid foods. The gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs has also never encountered a different type of food than liquid milk or mixture. The pancreas has not yet matured and cannot produce a large amount of enzymes for the breakdown of trace elements that enter the body with food. Then the parents offer the crumbs mashed potatoes.

    Puree acts as an intermediate option between milk and ordinary dishes from the common table. So the child's nutrition is replenished with new products, but the gastrointestinal tract does not receive an extra load, it is not yet required to work at full capacity from it. Puree is a new product, but its consistency is as close as possible to liquid milk. In order for the fibers of the products to be perceived by the stomach as friendly as possible, parents can add the usual milk or formula to the very first puree in the child's diet. So the adaptation will be faster.

    The very first portions of the baby will be purely symbolic, but the body must get used to getting a sufficient amount of nutrients from them. The consistency of the puree will allow you to learn this in a gentle mode - homogenized products are quickly absorbed without a long complicated grinding procedure. Thus, the baby will receive the maximum amount of nutrients from the minimum amount of food. It is for this reason that the nutrition of a child weakened by an illness should be based on mashed potatoes - this way the body will receive strength without exhausting itself with complex digestive processes.

    When the question arises of where to get the mashed potatoes for the baby, parents usually choose from two options - to cook on their own or buy ready-made products in children's stores. There is no definite answer to the question of which is better - each of the options has its pros and cons. The baby's food prepared in the factory has gone through many certifications and checks at all stages. At the initial stage, selected raw materials were selected, for which no chemicals or additives were used. Further, the preparation of mashed potatoes went strictly in accordance with state standards. Before the dish is hermetically packed in sterile packaging, the quality of the finished product will also be certified.

    Thus, its absolute reliability can be considered an indisputable advantage of industrial puree. But there are also several disadvantages that are significant for many parents. After all, in the end it turns out to be a dish that was not just cooked, for some time it managed to lie on a store shelf until it was bought. During this time, to some extent, the feeling of freshness and aroma will disappear - something for which we love home cooking most of all. The nutritional value is here to stay, but the enjoyment of the dish may not be right. In addition, parents can choose only from the assortment provided in the store. If the baby in the family has a difficult character, and he has problems with appetite, these factors can be important.

    Children love homemade puree

    For many parents, self-prepared meals at home look even more reliable than factory-made ones - after all, my mother made mashed potatoes herself. This may be true if there is no doubt about the quality of the original product, the vegetables and fruits were grown on a home farm or purchased from a trusted manufacturer. At the same time, parents have complete freedom of action - they can combine tastes, choose the varieties and varieties of food most beloved by the baby, use various methods of cooking. At home, it will be easier to gradually begin to change the consistency of the puree when the baby grows up, and it's time for him to learn to chew the pieces. In industrial puree, the product will only be homogeneous, and at home, when grinding products, it will be possible to stop the blender at any time.

    For a child's nutrition, it is better to choose seasonal vegetables and fruits. Products brought from distant countries will inevitably be processed with preservatives, which are not at all needed in a child's nutrition. To make mashed potatoes, the fruit must be peeled - it does not contain any harmful substances, but it has too dense consistency in order to reach a homogeneous state with pulp. Prepared pieces can be boiled or baked - these are the most acceptable methods of thermal processing of products.

    For the preparation of meat or fish puree, only the highest quality fillets are needed. Tiny pieces of bone can seriously injure your baby. Films and skin must also be removed. Parents should cook meat or fish, draining the water after boiling and replacing it with a new one. This removes unnecessary extractives from the product. When preparing mashed potatoes, this broth cannot be used either - it is too heavy food for the fragile pancreas of the crumbs.

    Nutrition plays an important role in our life. It provides the basic processes of the body, such as development, growth, the ability to be active. The activity of such processes depends on the rationality of the diet of adults, which is characterized by qualitative, quantitative principles, as well as compliance with the regime.

    Basic rules of nutrition for adults

    Healthy adult nutrition is based on two basic laws. First, the energy value must be consistent with the needs of your body. Overeating and fasting are of no benefit. Second, three meals a day should contain all the necessary trace elements and vitamins for a full life.

    It is very important to have a varied diet, breakfast, lunch, dinner, which should include fish, meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Excessive consumption of salty, fatty, sweet and smoked products causes metabolic disorders.

    Over the years, the human body produces less of the intestinal juice enzyme lactase, which is responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar. Therefore, with age, the number of people who cannot tolerate whole milk with lactose increases. In this case, milk intake causes flatulence, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and nausea. Monitor your body's reactions and, if necessary, replace milk with dairy products, which provide the body with the same nutrients as milk.

    You should not completely abandon marinades, pickles, sausages, smoked meat in your diet, breakfast, lunch, dinner in which should be healthy, and the listed products should only act as snacks. Such dishes can be present on the festive table in small quantities.

    Dairy products are a major supplier of calcium, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones. Women should pay special attention to dairy in the diet of adults. Three meals a day rich in calcium is the prevention of osteoporosis, which women suffer more often than men.

    When you go shopping, make sure that the cart is filled with food in the following proportions:

    • Sweets, fats, snacks are given no more than 5%;
    • Cheese, dairy products are allocated 12.5%;
    • Fish, meat, beans, eggs, by-products are allocated 12.5%;
    • Fruits, herbs and vegetables are allocated 30%;
    • 40% should be flour, grain products, bread and cereals.

    How to deal with obesity in adult nutrition?

    If you allowed the appearance excess weight, then obesity nutrition will help to cope with this. First, you need to reduce the calorie content of food.

    Losing weight should begin with the elimination of all ailments. After eating for obesity, it means reducing calories so that the number of calories is less than the daily energy expenditure requires.

    To do this, you need to know what constitutes the energy demand of people?

    • From the energy that is spent on the basic metabolism. That is, this is the energy that is spent in complete rest at room temperature. 1 kg of mass requires 1 kcal per hour;
    • From the energy that is required to cover the energy costs of assimilating and digesting food. The amount of this energy depends on age, gender, weight and climate;
    • From the energy that is needed to perform physical activity. The amount depends on the sport and the type of work performed.

    Energy balance is maintained when the amount of energy received is equal to the amount consumed. If you get too many calories, they are stored as fat. This is especially active after 25 years, after the end of the growth of the body, when the need for energy decreases. During this period, it is important to pay attention to the nutrition of adults. In winter, the food consumed should be higher in calories than in summer.

    Nutrition for obesity should only cover the energy costs of the basal metabolism. When you expend more energy than you receive, then the body's reserves begin to be consumed, that is, the accumulated fat is burned. It should be remembered that obesity nutrition should be a modification healthy eating... That is, it is necessary to beware of rigid diets, mono-diets, which can provoke disturbances in the body. People who lose weight on their own without consulting a nutritionist completely exclude the use of carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables. This leads to metabolic disorders, the development of diseases.

    In the diet for obesity, you should reduce the amount of high-calorie foods, such as fatty meat, animal fats, flour products, sugar, sweets, etc. Fat intake should be reduced to 30 g per day. Such fats must be in the form of vegetable and animal oils.

    Proteins play the role of a metabolic enhancer. By reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fats in the diet of an adult, proteins will contribute to weight loss. In this regard, the protein norm is higher than the body's need for it.

    It is necessary to reduce the amount of fat in protein products when eating, breakfast, lunch, dinner, which should include lean meat, poultry, lean fish, vegetables, skimmed milk, eggs. Sweets, chocolate, cakes, noodles must be excluded.

    Nutrition for adults in old age

    Rational nutrition of the elderly should be based on the following principles:

    • the nutrition of the elderly should be balanced. Do not pass on, consume a lot of carbohydrate and fatty foods. Overeating can provoke health problems. On the grave of a man who lived for 112 years, in Ancient Rome there was an inscription: "He drank and ate in moderation";
    • adult nutrition should be aimed at preventing atherosclerosis. Eat less animal fats, eat more fish with polyunsaturated fatty acids, more fermented milk products, cottage cheese, seafood, fruits and vegetables. This will help you reduce your blood cholesterol levels;
    • the diet of the elderly should be as varied as possible. Food should contain all the substances that are required for the normal functioning of human systems and organs, in this regard, the menu should be enriched with a variety of products;
    • adult nutrition should be enriched with minerals and vitamins. To do this, you must include foods rich in vitamins and follow the rules of culinary processing. The diet should be dominated by raw fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to use them all year round. Dried fruits, vegetables, fruits, juices provide you with enough minerals;
    • reducing the amount of salt in the diet. If you abuse salty food, it will lead to fluid retention, increased blood pressure, and deterioration of the heart.

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    By the time he celebrates his first birthday, he already has about eight teeth, his diet is expanding, and he is showing more and more interest in adult food every day. However, not every food will have a beneficial effect on a small body. So let's look at what you can do for a baby at 1 year old and what you shouldn't.

    Fundamental rules

    The baby's body is not yet strong enough to cope with all adult food. It is at the age of three years that a predisposition to many adult diseases is laid. Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis occur due to an excess of fatty foods in the baby's diet. Overfeeding with excessive amounts of carbohydrates leads to diabetes and obesity.

    In order to avoid the occurrence of all these complications in the crumbs in the future, it is necessary to adhere to certain nutritional principles:

    • food should be varied. It is the presence of all the microelements, amino acids, vitamins and fiber necessary for a small organism that will ensure its full growth and development;
    • fresh food that is not amenable to heat treatment. These are vegetables and fruits. For babies, they are served in the form of juices, fresh juices and fresh mashed potatoes. Older children can eat salads or whole fruits and vegetables. After all, it is known that during heat treatment many useful substances are lost;
    • a regular feeding regimen, which, however, should take into account the baby's appetite. The feeling of hunger in a one-year-old toddler occurs approximately once every 4 hours. Therefore his day food must be five times a day;
    • you need to take into account the tastes of the baby. Favorite food and eats faster. However, this does not mean that it is worth indulging all the whims of a child and feeding him only chocolates;
    • exclusion from the diet of crumbs of products with preservatives, flavors and dyes. This applies to any canned food, sausages and sausages, chips and crackers, carbonated drinks and even lollipops.

    Did you know? If you add iodized salt to toddler's dishes, then his mental abilities will develop faster, because the development of the child's brain is associated with the daily amount of iodine entering the body.

    How much to feed the baby

    The amount of food that the baby consumes per day must clearly correspond to his age and state of health. If the little one is given more food than he needs, his stomach will stretch. As a result, the need for food will increase, leading to overeating and obesity.

    A child's diet at 1 year old should be five times a day, with about 4 hours of break between meals. It:

    • breakfast;
    • dinner;
    • afternoon tea;
    • dinner;
    • night feeding.
    The volume of each serving is approximately 200-250 ml of food.

    Important! With constant large portions of food, over time, the feeling of fullness in the stomach ceases to be perceived by the child as a state of satiety. Due to constant overeating, allergies, gastritis, and indigestion can occur.

    Requirements for dishes

    Cooking meals for crumbs should be gentle - steamed, boiled and baked. In preparing the soup, it is important that the broth is cooked from boneless meat. If bone is present, it is recommended that the first broth be drained.

    It is permissible to use seasonings in baby food. However, hot spices are best avoided. You can add cumin, coriander, cinnamon, and others. It is forbidden to use seasonings with artificial flavors - the packaging of such seasonings usually indicates that the composition contains monosodium glutamate.

    It is very important that the baby receives a sufficient amount of water, because water is the basis of the human body, all metabolic processes in the cells occur precisely thanks to it. Therefore, the baby, in addition to tea, compotes and juices, should also receive clean water between meals.

    The breakfast of the toddler should consist of cereals and vegetables, it is possible with eggs and meat. You can drink milk or tea.

    For lunch, it is better to serve the first - any soup, the second - meat or fish with a vegetable side dish and the third sweet - compote, tea, fruit drink.

    For an afternoon snack, fermented milk products - cottage cheese, cheese, fruits and cookies are quite suitable.

    It is important that the baby gets as much protein as possible in the morning. Give your baby something to drink after each feed.

    What foods to give a child at 1 year

    All products that are involved in the diet of a child at 1 year old must be carefully selected. The method of preparation, quantity and serving are important. Yes, the baby no longer eats only or formula milk, yes, he has already tried many products, but he is still not an adult and cannot assimilate everything that an adult body assimilates.

    To figure out what, in fact, feed a one-year-old child, what foods and in what quantity should be present in his diet, it is necessary to consider each category of products that are included in the toddler's menu.

    Dairy food

    Despite the fact that the baby already eats a lot of adult foods, milk continues to form the basis of his daily diet. In this age daily rate dairy products should be slightly more than half a liter. Of these, the baby must receive 200 g of lactic acid products - yogurt or kefir per day. Cottage cheese is also very useful for the baby. It can be grated or offered chad in a pudding or casserole. On the day, its dose can approach 70 g. Sour cream can only be used as a dressing for other dishes.

    Cheese can be given to kids to eat just like that. It is quite hard, so it will have a good effect on the formation of the bite. You can also dress other dishes with grated cheese.

    But there should be a little butter. They fill the food with it, but do not allow the crumbs to eat on their own. Cream can be started a little later, making excellent sauces.

    Meat and fish

    The daily norm of meat for a one-year-old baby is one hundred grams. The meat should be lean and easy to digest. The toddler will like chicken that is familiar to everyone, you can give lean pork, and rabbit, turkey and veal are also great for children.

    Dishes from meat offal - liver, tongue or heart are quite suitable for the baby. You can steam them in the form of low-fat cutlets, meatballs or meatballs.

    But there should not be very much fish in the diet of the crumbs. Enough about 40 g twice a week. Moreover, these should be exactly "fish days" in which meat products are excluded. The fish is suitable for seafood, low-fat and with a minimum of seeds. For example, hake, pike perch or cod.

    Fruits and vegetables

    If until one year old the baby was given only fruits and berries growing on our lands - cherries and cherries, raspberries and gooseberries, apricots and peaches, then after his first birthday he can already be offered fruits unfamiliar to our open spaces - citrus fruits. But since these products are allergenic, they must be introduced a little bit, and then carefully watch how your child reacts to them.

    Important! If the fruits and berries are quite hard or have a dense skin, then it is better to grind or grind them in a blender. But soft fruits can be given to the baby in the form of pieces.

    The sweet fruit can be offered to your child between meals or to complement the main course. The amount of fruit should reach 200 g during the day.

    As for vegetables, they should be on the menu of a child at 1 year old as much as possible. Since vegetables increase the body's ability to assimilate protein, it is best to combine them with protein meals. Add crumbs of tomatoes and beets, peas and turnips to the diet. Now the child is recommended to give vegetables only in the form of mashed potatoes. Serving in chunks becomes possible closer to one and a half years.

    Legumes can only be given carefully cooked and in small quantities, because they cause increased gas formation and can cause intestinal discomfort.

    Did you know? Fruit pulp contains half the amount of useful vitamins and minerals than juice devoid of pulp.

    Pasta and bakery

    Pasta should not be given to the crumbs often yet. It is enough for the baby to consume them no more than once or twice a week, since the carbohydrates contained in pasta are absorbed too quickly.

    Babies at this age are already eating bread too. But it is worth offering only white bread and then only in the amount of one hundred grams. White bread is much easier for a child's body to assimilate than rye, gray, or with bran. Therefore, it is better not to experiment yet.

    Approximate menu for a child per year

    To make it easier for parents to understand how and how to feed a baby at 1 year old, we offer an approximate schedule of the baby's daily menu for a week.


    • buckwheat porridge with milk;
    • a slice of white bread with a thin layer of hard cheese;
    • green tea without sugar.
    • vegetable puree soup;
    • pumpkin casserole;
    • compote.
    Afternoon snack:
    • cottage cheese;
    • Apple juice;
    • bun.
    • vegetable puree;
    • kefir;
    • biscuit biscuits.


    • milk oatmeal;
    • a slice of bread with butter;
    • milk.
    • rabbit meatball soup;
    • pasta and chicken cutlet;
    • herbal tea.
    Afternoon snack:
    • yogurt;
    • biscuits.
    • cottage cheese with fruit;
    • bread;
    • apple compote.


    • steamed omelet;
    • tea with milk;
    • bread with hard cheese.
    • vegetable soup, no meat;
    • buckwheat porridge with boiled fish;
    • multifruit juice.
    Afternoon snack:
    • baked apple;
    • yogurt;
    • bun.
    • pumpkin puree;
    • milk;
    • biscuits.


    • corn milk porridge;
    • fruits;
    • soup with noodles in milk;
    • chicken meatballs;
    • dried fruits compote.
    Afternoon snack:
    • fruit or fruit puree;
    • milk.
    • mashed cabbage, zucchini and carrots;
    • kefir.


    • milk rice porridge;
    • borscht without frying with chicken;
    • mashed potatoes and turkey cutlets;
    Afternoon snack:
    • cottage cheese with prunes;
    • fruit pudding;
    • kefir.


    • cereal milk porridge;
    • bread and butter;
    • pea soup;
    • buckwheat porridge and veal cutlets;
    • compote.
    Afternoon snack:
    • curdled milk;
    • bun.
    • curd pudding;
    • kefir;
    • biscuits.


    • milk buckwheat porridge;
    • Apple juice;
    • bread with cheese.
    • vegetable soup without meat;
    • mashed potatoes with boiled hake;
    • milk.
    Afternoon snack:
    • cottage cheese casserole;
    • tea with milk.
    • cauliflower pudding;
    • biscuit biscuits;
    • kefir.

    Breast milk and adult products

    In a year, babies are not yet able to assimilate all the food from an adult table. Dairy and lactic acid products must still be present in the menu of a one-year-old child for every day and must be included in the basis of his dinner.

    If the baby is still on, then breast milk should be a mandatory part of his last meal. Give your baby the breast before bed or at night if he still has night feeds.

    Artificial kids are offered either a special children's kefir before going to bed and at night.

    Despite the fact that a one-year-old toddler can already eat a lot of products, some adult food is still taboo. These are chocolate and sweets, pastries and cakes, chips and crackers, sausages and sausages, canned food and mayonnaise.

    Important! Do not give your child food with preservatives and artificial ingredients, with flavor enhancers and genetically modified ingredients.

    Here the baby is already 1 year old. He has already acquired several teeth and tastes with interest many previously unknown products. But his body is not yet mature enough to cope with adult food. A healthy diet of baby food is the key to your child's health in the future.

    What makes up your daily diet? Is it enough vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products? How often do you eat fatty, fried, sweet foods? Almost every adult knows what the correct diet of a healthy diet should be, but in Everyday life theory is often at variance with practice.

    Healthy eating is not only the basis for proper functioning digestive system, but also a guarantee of health and beauty. By choosing the right products for every day, you can significantly improve the quality of life, improve your well-being, and become more energetic. A competently composed daily diet of adults should include a variety of food products:

    Fruits and vegetables They form the basis of a healthy diet, they are low in calories, but they are very high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, which is necessary for good bowel function.

    It should be borne in mind that:
    • greens (salad of different varieties, spinach, dill, parsley), White cabbage, broccoli and Chinese cabbage are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc and vitamins A, C, E, and K;
    • sweet vegetables (corn, carrots, beets, pumpkins, zucchini) will reduce cravings for baked goods and sweets;
    • fruits and berries are a delicious and satisfying way to replenish your supply of healthy dietary fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.

    Whole Grain Products, just like beans, fruits and vegetables, contain "healthy" carbohydrates, they are digested slowly, making them a valuable source of energy. Whole grains are rich in many nutrients - carbohydrates, fiber, vital minerals and vitamins, as well as antioxidants that can help protect against heart disease.

    When choosing these foods for a healthy adult diet, remember:
    • The most common whole grains are brown rice, whole grain breads, millet, buckwheat, whole wheat, and barley (pearl barley).
    • Foods containing "healthy" fats are necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, heart, intestines. They significantly improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails of an adult. Especially important in the diet are foods rich in fatty acids - rapeseed, nuts and olive oil, avocado, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds. Such well-known fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 are responsible for good health and beauty. They are rich in salmon, herring, mackerel, sunflower, corn and soybean oils, walnuts.
    It is important to limit or completely exclude the following foods from the diet of an adult:
    • saturated fats, primarily of animal origin: red meat and dairy products from whole milk;
    • trans fats: margarine, cookies, candy, fried foods, baked goods, etc.

    High protein foods give adults energy and provide the body with useful amino acids, which are the main building blocks for tissue and organ cells. At the same time, too much protein with a lack of fiber can cause constipation and complications in people with kidney disease.

    When composing a diet and choosing protein foods, keep in mind that:
    • the daily protein intake for a person is calculated based on his body weight;
    • an adult needs at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, in older people this rate is higher and amounts to 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight;
    • foods that have a high protein content with a minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates include: tuna, halibut and salmon, chicken fillet and turkey breast, soybeans and beans, skim milk and egg white, low fat cottage cheese, and mozzarella cheese.

    Foods high in calcium are an important part of a healthy diet. It is calcium that helps maintain bone strength and muscle strength.

    Include in a healthy diet:
    • dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese) - the calcium they contain is easily absorbed;
    • vegetables and herbs (celery, cabbage, lettuce, fennel, zucchini, broccoli, asparagus);
    • beans (green, black, white).

    Separately, it should be said about sugar. More often than not, even adults do not realize how much sugar they consume, since it is "hidden" in foods such as bread, canned soups and vegetables, pasta, sauce, margarine, soy sauce, ketchup and many others.

    Therefore, adults should definitely follow these simple guidelines:
    • avoid sugary drinks. Replace them with plain still water with lemon or diluted fruit juice;
    • sweeten your food yourself. Buy low-fat yogurt, unleavened oatmeal, unsweetened cereals and add some sugar, fresh or dried fruit.

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    • Variety of release forms
    • Disposable sachets with ready-made syrup are convenient to take with you

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    * Patent 2811450 USA, "Laxative composition and method of use."