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  • How to replace dairy products. Dairy products: benefits and harms, what to replace and can you completely abandon them? How to replace breast milk at 6 months

    How to replace dairy products.  Dairy products: benefits and harms, what to replace and can you completely abandon them?  How to replace breast milk at 6 months

    Milk comes from mammals such as cows, goats, etc. It contains many nutrients and is generally associated with a number of health benefits. However, in last years Many have begun to shy away from animal milk due to increased awareness of potential side effects, including allergies and lactose intolerance, the possible increased risk of certain cancers and diabetes, and ethical concerns about the use of animals. In addition, many people cut back on dairy products for other reasons, such as avoiding the hormones and antibiotics that are often found in these foods.


    It provides the body with a convenient source of fat, protein, calcium and vitamin D. It is especially needed by a growing body. But for an adult, these macronutrients and micronutrients may be more than sufficient from other foods in a balanced diet.


    Allergy to cow's milk is the most common nutritional problem in young children, characterized by the body's inability to metabolize sugar (lactose) in milk due to the lack of the enzyme lactase. For most animals (including humans), lactase production stops after breastfeeding. Children and adults who continue to drink animal breast milk without producing enough lactase necessary for the digestion of lactose often experience symptoms of intolerance, such as flatulence, bloating, diarrhea and discomfort, so the question of how to replace cow's milk becomes very relevant.

    Lactose intolerance rates vary, with 15% of people of Northern European descent, 80% of blacks and Hispanics, and up to 100% of Asians. Some people may be better able to tolerate fermented sources of dairy products, such as yogurt, hard cheese, and cottage cheese (), which tend to have lower levels of lactose and higher levels of beneficial bacteria that support its digestion. For other people, even a small amount of milk in coffee can lead to digestive upset.

    How to replace cow's milk: non-dairy alternatives


    Soy milk is in fact the most popular and is one of the first alternatives to cow's milk. It is produced by soaking, crushing and cooking the soybeans and then extracting the liquid.


    Soy contains the most protein of all dairy analogues. This makes soy milk more filling than other lower protein options. And while soy protein may not be as effective in promoting muscle building as whey (due to its poorer amino acid composition and lower levels of the anabolic amino acid leucine), it can still help meet some protein needs. Soy milk is also a source of potassium.


    The presence of isoflavones in soy foods is causing debate among researchers. Phytoestrogens are associated with the problem of stimulating the reproductive system of animals and humans. Scientists from the University of Connecticut found that men who consumed soy protein for two weeks experienced an inhibition of the increase in blood testosterone levels in response to strength training compared to those who consumed the same amount of whey. In addition, some brands add cheap oils to the drink, which can lead to the consumption of unnecessary amounts of low-quality calories. And the oligosaccharide group in soy products can be difficult to digest and lead to gassy side effects.


    It is a liquid made from almonds that are ground with water and then filtered to remove solids. Its mild nutty flavor can enhance the flavor of protein shakes (), cereals, soups and baked goods. Almond milk has much less protein than cow's and soy milk, but many people find its slightly sweet flavor and creamy texture, which is similar to cow's milk, to be more appealing.


    Almond milk contains no saturated fat and is low in calories.


    Like most other non-dairy drinks, almond milk usually contains emulsifiers such as carrageenan, polysaccharides extracted from seaweed that are added during production to improve texture. Some research suggests that these ingredients may be substandard. For example, a study by researchers at Georgia State University found that emulsifiers can disrupt the composition of healthy bacteria in the gut. It is important to note that this study was conducted in mice, additional data are to be gained from experiments in humans.


    Among the newest additions to the line of non-dairy drinks, this one comes closest to a creamy texture. Made from cashew nuts crushed with water.


    Cashew milk is often fortified with a range of nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and zinc. However, it remains an open question how well the body absorbs vitamins and minerals added to non-dairy products versus those found naturally in a product such as regular milk.


    All versions of nut milk are generally low in calories. But a low calorie count suggests that you are, in effect, paying for a diluted product. A cup of cashew nuts contains about 800 calories, so to get a glass of cashew milk up to 25 calories, manufacturers dilute the drink very strongly with water. Therefore, when you drink these foods, you should not expect the same level and spectrum of natural nutrients found in whole nuts or seeds.

    Hemp milk

    It is made by mixing hemp seeds with water to create a drink with a characteristic earthy nutty flavor that may not be to everyone's taste. It is worth noting that this milk does not contain the psychoactive ingredients found in marijuana. Therefore, it is legal to sell even in states where marijuana is not legalized.


    Hemp milk can be a good alternative for those who are allergic to soy, nuts, and gluten. It contains a good amount of protein and has an excellent fatty acid profile (provides higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than other alternative milk drinks). While the omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish like salmon are undoubtedly more potent than plant-based sources, these options can also be beneficial, especially for vegetarians. Hemp milk is also a dietary source of iron, which is not found in cow's milk. Unlike soy, hemp is never genetically modified.


    The main pitfall of alternative to milk drinks is that they can be weighed down by the addition of sugars, including rice syrup and sugar cane. After all, natural milk contains natural sugar (lactose). In addition, manufacturers are trying to mask the sometimes bitter and specific taste of dairy alternatives. While hemp seeds themselves are a great source of plant-based protein, the drink delivers 75% less protein than cow's milk.


    It is obtained by mixing water and filtered coconut liquid squeezed out of grated coconut flesh.


    Coconut contains a variety of nutrients. It is good for baking. The creamy texture is closest to cow's milk.


    Lack of protein in coconut milk means that it should not be considered a protein nutritive product. Added sugar, artificial micronutrients, diluted product are common drawbacks for all plant-based dairy alternatives.


    It is made by mixing cooked rice with water and then adding brown rice syrup and brown rice starch. Rice milk has sweet notes and a smooth texture, making it a popular milk alternative to add to coffee, smoothies and desserts.


    Rice is considered hypoallergenic, a safe option for those with food sensitivities to dairy products, nuts or soy. As with other non-dairy alternatives, rice milk is often fortified with calcium and vitamin D.


    For those who monitor the amount of carbohydrates in their diet, it should be noted that rice milk, as a rule, has a higher content of them. In addition, depending on where the rice was grown, we can talk about the content of a certain amount of arsenic. Recently, there have been many reports of the use of arsenic contaminated groundwater for irrigation of crops in Southeast Asia. More research is needed to determine how much arsenic can be found in popular brands of rice milk, and whether it carries health risks.


    The cooking method is similar to rice milk. Made from oatmeal or oats with the addition of water.


    Like many plant-based milk options, oats are cholesterol- and lactose-free, and are also rich in vitamin E and folic acid.


    Like rice milk, it is high in sugar and contains no calcium or protein, unlike cow's milk. Not suitable for people with gluten allergies, and has a distinctive scent that may not be suitable for everyone.

    How to replace cow's milk: dairy alternatives

    Aside from the non-dairy alternatives, the dairy options are also worth looking into. There are different situations when cow's milk needs to be replaced with an analogue. Therefore, for some, the solution may be to consume real milk, but other mammals.


    Goat's milk contains 15% more calcium and vitamin A, D, potassium, copper and manganese than cow's milk. A good source of phosphorus and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Goats are not fed growth hormones.


    Sheep's milk contains twice the amount of many minerals (including calcium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B) than cow's milk. Among other things, it is a rich source of iodine, which is beneficial for people with thyroid problems. Unfortunately, sheep's milk has twice as many calories as cow's milk. Although it contains a higher level of milk fat, it actually has a lower level of saturated fat than other types of milk.


    Buffaloes are generally raised without high levels of hormones in their feed. Grass, clover, and hay make up the bulk of the diet. The 7% fat content is similar to cow's milk, with an almost indistinguishable nutritional profile. However, buffalo milk is lower in cholesterol and higher in protein, calcium, iron and phosphorus than cow's milk. Availability high levels immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase make buffalo milk a special dietary product that is beneficial to health.

    Lactose-free cow's milk

    Lactose-free milk has all the positive characteristics of regular milk, but contains additional enzymes to digest lactose. Therefore, this option can also be considered as an alternative for those whose only limitation is mild lactose intolerance.

    Instead of totals

    Plant-based milk is technically not milk at all. An alternative drink is produced on the basis of plants. It is cholesterol free and low in saturated fat. But while drinks are made from nuts, seeds, and grains, they should not be considered as healthy or natural as their sources.

    Because this is the result of industrial processing, part of the process of which may be completely unhealthy manipulations and components. For example, herbal drinks can be loaded with sugar. They are fortified with a less potent vitamin D than animal milk, as it cannot be used in vegan drinks. In nut milk, there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 and very little protein, apart from soy. If you have a need to replace cow's milk, then considering alternatives is important. But if there is no such need, then, as a rule, it is not worth it. These drinks are not the nutritional equivalent of cow's milk, and certainly not a substitute for baby food.

    When choosing your drink options, consider not only the health of your body, but also how well they fit your fitness goals. If you don't consume cow's milk, be sure to find a good source of calcium in other foods in your diet, including green leafy vegetables, tofu, beans, and so on. Read labels and integrate your chosen food organically into your diet.

    Breast milk is a valuable gift. It contains all the substances the baby needs for growth and development. This natural product helps to maintain the immunity of the baby. But after a year, many mothers decide to stop breastfeeding. For some, this is due to the need to go to work, with travel, for others for other reasons. In such cases, the question arises - how to replace breast milk after a year for a child? Is it worth giving cow's milk or is it better to stick with a mixture? Let's look at these issues together.

    Is it worth weaning a baby after a year?

    According to doctors, it is advisable to breastfeed a child for at least a year, and if circumstances permit, then even longer. However, the longer the baby eats the mother's milk, the more difficult it will be in the future to wean. Psychologists say the optimal age to stop breastfeeding- up to one and a half years. Until this age, babies physically need their mother's milk, and after that, a psychological need sets in. At this age, the baby's immune system has already more or less strengthened, so it's time to think about how to replace milk for the baby.

    How to replace mother's milk after a year for a child?

    Children who are already one year old are already receiving other food, complementary foods - cereals, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, kefir, soup and borscht. That is, in fact, their diet is quite diverse and the need for milk is no longer so great - it is present in the diet as a useful dietary supplement. Some babies are used to drinking milk after meals or before bedtime, so breastfeeding at this stage it is quite possible to replace something. With what?

    Cow's milk

    Cow's milk is not the best option for one-year-old babies. Yes, it is useful, it contains a lot of calcium and children drink it with pleasure. However, the benefits of this product are highly questionable when it comes to babies up to three years old. The fact is that cow's milk contains three times more trace elements and protein than the crumb needs. Is this bad, the question arises? The huge content of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals that enter the body of the crumbs creates a very heavy load on the kidneys - they actually work to the limit of their capabilities. In addition, cow's milk contains much less iron than children need. That is why doctors do not recommend replacing breastfeeding with this product.

    Adapted milk formula

    The ideal replacement option would be an adapted milk formula. good quality... All components in it - minerals, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids are selected taking into account the age needs of the child. The mixtures of famous brands contain fatty acids - Omega-3, Omega-6. Milk mixtures are pleasant to the taste, and toddlers are willing to accept them. Difficulty can arise if the mixture is not suitable for the crumb, for example, it causes constipation or an allergic reaction. If this is the case, try a different brand of baby food.

    And how to replace mother's milk at night?

    If your baby still suckles at night after a year, then the first thing to do is to try to wean him from this habit. Waking up, the baby, most likely, does not feel hunger, but only wants to feel the closeness of the mother, and therefore requires a breast. This creates inconvenience for a nursing woman, she does not get enough sleep, she feels nervous and irritated.

    Doctors do not recommend feeding children with formula at night. This creates an additional burden on digestive system... Therefore, if you finally decided to wean the baby from the breast after a year, then the mixture can be used in the daytime or before bedtime, but not at night. When a child wakes up out of habit and asks for a sisya, it is better to offer him a little water or compote to drink. At first, you will probably encounter whims, the baby will demand what he is used to, but over time he will stop waking up at night altogether.

    How to give formula milk throughout the day?

    The nutrition of a one-year-old crumbs usually represents the following scheme - in the morning, for breakfast, he eats porridge. For lunch - vegetable soup or broth. This is enough to get enough. But for an afternoon snack, the child is offered vegetables, about 80 grams. Just at this time, it makes sense to give him a portion of the milk formula, which contains the necessary trace elements and vitamins. On the mixture, you can cook an omelet, casserole or give it from a bottle, like a drink.

    Many mothers suggest that babies drink an adapted formula before bedtime to help them fall asleep better. This can also be done, but keep in mind that the crumb ate at lunch, so the portion of the mixture should be reduced. The same goes for dinner. For example, a child ate cottage cheese and drank kefir in the evening, and after two hours he needs to be put to bed. By this time, he was a little hungry, which means that it makes sense to give him a portion of formula milk before going to bed.

    So, how to replace breast milk for a baby after a year? Contrary to popular belief, cow's milk cannot be a good alternative to mother's milk. It is better to start introducing this product into children's menu not earlier than two and a half or three years. At an earlier age, when weaning from the breast, it is recommended to use an adapted mixture, it will not create a load on the kidneys of the baby and provide him with the necessary set of vitamins and minerals. At night, it is better for babies to offer a drink - compote or water, so as not to overload the digestive organs.

    Is cow's milk really that good and necessary for us? We traditionally believe in this. The question raises a lot of controversy, but more and more biologists and nutritionists are inclined to believe that milk is not only unnecessary, but also not useful for an adult body. And that alternative, plant-based milk is a much healthier replacement for cow's milk. Milk from plant products contains many nutrients, is easily digested and, unlike cow milk, does not cause negative reactions in the body, has a pleasant taste, no worse than animal milk.

    So drink, or not drink milk?

    Top reasons to replace cow's milk

    Cow's milk is difficult to digest

    In adults, almost no lactase enzyme is produced, which breaks down milk sugar - lactose, and there is no enzyme that breaks down casein - the main protein of milk. It is akin to gluten (gluten), which is also a protein that is difficult for humans to digest.

    Pasteurization of milk, which protects us from pathogenic bacteria, simultaneously destroys friendly microflora and destroys the enzymes found in milk and helping to digest it. Therefore, pasteurized milk does not turn sour, thanks to beneficial bacteria, but deteriorates. You can not drink curdled milk from store milk.

    Milk is not completely absorbed, which can be manifested by bloating, cramps, and diarrhea.

    Milk gives a rapid rise in blood sugar

    Milk has a high glycemic index due to lactose, and it quickly raises blood sugar levels, especially when drunk on an empty stomach. In response, insulin levels rise. Sugar-insulin "swing" adversely affects the metabolism, especially in obese people.

    Milk allergizes the body

    despite the external tolerance of milk.

    Hormones and antibiotics

    Cattle receive hormonal supplements to increase milk yield and antibiotics to prevent and treat disease. These drugs end up in the milk we drink. Needless to say about their unfavorable action?

    Milk acidifies the internal environment of the body

    Little is said about this effect of milk. Acidification stimulates and maintains the course of inflammatory processes and chronic diseases, the growth of malignant cells.

    In contrast, plant-based milk has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Milk and calcium

    Is cow's milk the best source of calcium for humans? Will we get calcium deficiency if we don't drink milk? No, we won't! Just the opposite, milk contributes to the loss of calcium.

    Normal blood pH is in the range of 7.35-7.45. When milk is consumed, the pH shifts to the sour, lower side. The body evens out the indicator, neutralizing acidity with the help of alkaline minerals, primarily calcium, which is taken for this from our bone tissue.

    In addition, during pasteurization and boiling of milk, calcium passes into an inorganic form, which cannot be absorbed. This calcium builds up in the body, giving rise to salt deposits.

    Healthy Sources of Calcium

    If milk does not give us calcium, then where do we get it?

    Some of the best plant sources of calcium are sesame seeds, almonds and other nuts, leafy greens, especially dark greens, kelp, and beans. Poppy and sesame seeds contain several times more calcium than milk. Plant sources of calcium, unlike milk, alkalize the internal environment of the body, do not wash calcium from the bones, and contain many more useful nutrients.

    Herring contains a lot of calcium.

    Knowing these facts, it is worth thinking about the place of milk in our menu. If you are not ready to give up dairy products, it will be better to limit them, and, if possible, drink small quantities of natural country milk, not boiled milk, or yogurt from it. Of course, you need to be sure that the milk is from a pure animal. Such milk contains enzymes that facilitate its digestion, and in sour milk, milk sugar has already been processed by lactic acid bacteria.

    How to replace cow's milk? 8 healthy plant-based milk recipes

    What types of plant milk are there? These are, first of all, nut, rice, oatmeal. The recipes for their preparation are simple. Homemade vegetable milk is a healthy and tasty replacement for cow's milk.

    How to prepare vegetable milk correctly?

    Nuts, rice and oatmeal should be presoaked overnight. This not only makes them softer, but also awakens: activates enzymes that facilitate digestion, increases the amount of vitamins and reduces the content of phytates - natural plant preservatives that make it difficult for humans to assimilate minerals.

    Nuts should be taken not fried and soaked in salted water.

    Rice and oatmeal for milk are soaked in an acidic environment. To do this, add a little lemon juice to the water, or a tablespoon of whole grain flour (wheat, or rye). For oat milk long-cooked flakes are taken.

    Do not use water after soaking to prepare milk! It contains enzyme inhibitors and antinutrients. After soaking, food should be rinsed well.

    Plant-based milk is made in both a stationary and a submersible blender. You can drink it just like that, use it for smoothies and baked goods, prepare various dishes and sauces, add to tea and coffee.

    Don't sweeten plant-based milk with sugar, even brown sugar. He will disrupt the assimilation of this useful product... If you drink milk just like that, add 2-3 soaked dates for sweetness, or a little honey, maple syrup. If you make smoothies with vegetable milk, then you don't need a sweetener at all.

    You can add a pinch of salt to the blender if desired. Better take sea salt: in addition to common salt, it contains other minerals.

    Store nut milk in the cold zone of the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar for 3-4 days. Rice and oatmeal - up to a week. Plant milk can be frozen in molds and used as needed.

    It is good to add the remaining nut cake to smoothies, baked goods, make flour from it.

    We are not covering soy milk here. Most soybeans are now genetically modified. In soybeans, the most potent protease inhibitors are substances that prevent the activation of enzymes inside the seed and, accordingly, assimilation.

    1. Almond milk

    It is the best and most delicious replacement for cow's milk. One of the best liquid foundations for. Almonds are nutritious and high in calcium.

    Wash 1 cup of almonds and soak overnight.

    Rinse, beat in a blender with 3-4 glasses of water at maximum speed for 1.5-2 minutes.

    For sweetness, you can add 2-4 dates, previously soaked. Dates will enrich the drink with fiber and micronutrients.

    Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze.

    Store in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

    2. Coconut milk

    Coconut milk is more fatty and high-calorie than almond milk, it is rich in iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, amino acids. Coconut fats are quality vegetable fats that are fully absorbed and immediately used by the body as a source of energy. They do not threaten weight gain. This is a great base for smoothies. After a smoothie with coconut milk, you don't feel like eating for a long time.

    Coconut milk is easy to prepare, and the cost is comparable to ordinary milk. One coconut makes about 1 liter of milk.

    3. Rice milk

    Ideal for those with hypersensitivity to cow's milk and nuts. Rice milk contains less protein than nut milk, but there are B vitamins, calcium, manganese, and selenium. Rice milk is easy to digest.

    It is best to take unpolished rice: it has more fiber and micronutrients. But you can also cook from the usual.

    Rice milk recipe for maximum health benefits:

    • 1/2 cup rice
    • 4 glasses of water

    Soak the rice overnight.

    After soaking, rinse well, put in a saucepan and add two glasses of water. Salt as desired. Bring to a boil and cook over very low heat until cooked through. Cool down.

    Fill the blender bowl with cooked rice with the rest of the water to half the working volume. Add the same amount of water by volume to the bowl. Beat until smooth for 1-2 minutes. Strain through a funnel with cheesecloth, using a spoon or hand, or through a sieve.

    The remaining mass can be used in baking.

    For chocolate rice milk, add 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and beat for about a minute.

    Store in a refrigerator in a tightly closed jar for up to a week.

    In rice milk, you can cook cereals, sauces, desserts, use for baking. It is used in baby food.

    4. Oat milk

    It is an easy to prepare and cheap replacement for cow's milk. Oatmeal is the only cereal containing the valuable protein globulin, which has a composition similar to that of animal protein. Oats are gluten free.

    • 1 cup long-cooked oatmeal
    • 3 glasses of water

    Soak the flakes in water for 6-8 hours.

    Drain the water, rinse the flakes well.

    Beat in a blender for about 2 minutes. Adjust the milk concentration with the amount of water.

    Strain through a sieve, helping with a spoon, or squeeze through cheesecloth.

    Sweeten with honey, add cinnamon or vanilla if desired.

    Store in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to a week.

    5. Pumpkin seed milk

    Do you often eat pumpkin seeds? They are high in complete protein, including all the essential amino acids, more than other seeds or nuts. Pumpkin seeds are a treasure trove of trace elements. They are rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc necessary for men, vitamins A, B, E. Pumpkin seed milk is another good way include this valuable product in the diet.

    • Pumpkin seeds 1 cup
    • Water 3 cups
    • A pinch of salt

    Soak the seeds for 8 hours. Add a little salt and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water.

    Drain water, rinse well.

    Put seeds in a blender, pour water, salt as desired. Beat for 1-2 minutes at high speed. In a stationary blender, the seeds diverge almost completely, in an immersion blender - less, although it takes longer to beat.

    Pumpkin milk does not need to be strained, especially if it is cooked in a powerful blender: this way it will be more valuable. Filter it to obtain a finer consistency for cooking some dishes.

    Store in a refrigerator in a tightly closed jar for 3-4 days.

    6. Milk from sunflower seeds.

    It turns out that you can also make milk from ordinary seeds. They are rich in protein and micronutrients. Unfried seeds are taken, soaking time is 8 hours in salted water. Rinse well after soaking.

    • 1 cup sunflower seeds
    • 3 glasses of water
    • a pinch of salt

    Beat for 1.5 minutes on high speed.

    The milk turns out to be saturated, you can not filter it in order to get the maximum benefit.

    Seed milk goes well with dates, cocoa powder, cinnamon. Add the additives to the blender along with the seeds and water. If a soft consistency is required, strain through cheesecloth, pour back into a blender, add the desired additives and beat.

    7. Hemp seed milk

    Hemp seed milk is still a rarity today, although it is even more nutritious than nut milk. Hemp seeds, unlike the green parts and buds of a plant, do not contain psychotropic substances. Hemp milk is rich in valuable proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, trace elements, B vitamins, amino acids. It is rich, has a light nutty flavor.

    The seeds are suitable both peeled and unpeeled. Peeled ones are soaked for 2-4 hours, unpeeled ones - overnight.

    For 1 glass of peeled seeds, 2-3 glasses of water are taken.

    For 1 glass of unrefined seeds - less - 1-2 glasses of water.

    Rinse the soaked seeds in a strainer and beat in a blender with water until smooth. Beat unpeeled seeds longer.

    There is no need to filter milk from peeled seeds. You can, if you like, pass it through a coffee filter. From unpeeled - strain through cheesecloth and squeeze.

    For sweetness, you can add a couple of soaked dates, maple syrup, stevia, vanilla to the finished milk. For chocolate milk - cocoa powder. Optionally - a pinch of salt as a preservative and to enhance the taste. Beat again with additives in a blender.

    Hemp milk is a great base for smoothies and ice cream. For baked goods and desserts, more concentrated milk is better.

    The cake of unrefined hemp seeds contains valuable substances. It can be dried and added to cereals, main courses. It promotes bowel cleansing and good bowel function. From hemp cake, you can make masks for the skin of the face, use it as a scrub, pre-pitched in a coffee grinder.

    Store milk in a refrigerator in a sealed jar for 3-4 days.

    8. Cashew milk

    Cashews are completely mixed with water even in an immersion blender and the prepared milk does not need to be strained. Therefore, cashew milk is the most delicate, rich and delicious. These nuts are rich in iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, amino acids. The cashew milk smoothies are incredibly delicious.

    The only drawback is that nuts are exposed to temperatures up to 200 degrees during the cleaning and drying process.

    Soak non-fried nuts for 4 hours. Rinse after soaking.

    To prepare milk for 1 glass of cashews, 3-4 glasses of water are taken.

    Put the nuts in a blender, add half the water, a pinch of salt if desired and beat for 1-2 minutes, increasing the speed, until the nuts are completely dispersed.

    Add the remaining water to the finished milk, adjusting the concentration.

    If your blender cannot completely chop the nuts, strain the milk through cheesecloth or a fine strainer.

    For sweet milk, place 2-4 soaked dates in a blender, or some honey, maple syrup, or agave syrup.

    Store in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

    Plant-based milk is becoming more and more popular. It is delicious, rich in nutrients and micronutrients. Fresh, hand-made, you will love it as a substitute for processed milk that has lost its biological value from the store.

    Nut milk is best made at home. Purchased always contains additives, and sometimes sugar. In addition, homemade nut milk will cost much less than imported store milk. If you buy a finished product, go for sugar-free and artificial flavors, prefer organic.

    Sergey Rubanov,

    In addition to the fact that some foods may simply not be liked, with hormonal changes that inevitably occur during pregnancy, even the taste of previously favorite dishes can be unpleasant and sometimes disgusting mothers-to-be. pregnancy. I don't feel like eating- Of course, you do not need to force yourself to eat them, as this will provoke a stress reaction that can adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman. Even if these foods are considered healthy, you don't need to eat what you don't like. There is a better option - let's try to find a worthy replacement for the unloved products!

    What is product interchangeability?

    Interchangeability of products- this is one of the approaches that will allow the mother to replace the unloved product with another one that has a similar composition. To make it easier to figure out the choice of an alternative, consider 6 main food groups: Starchy foods (potatoes, grain products: cereals or flour coarse, flakes, muesli, pasta, barley, oats, buckwheat, corn, rice, millet, legumes). Vegetables with a low starch content (tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, herbs, etc.). Fruits. Dairy products. Foods containing large amounts of animal protein (meat, fish, seafood, egg white, cottage cheese, etc.). Fats and fat-containing foods (nuts, avocados, fatty fish). Being in the same group, these foods contain similar amounts of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so they are easily interchangeable within the group.

    Interchangeability of products: milk
    Disliked product # 1 - milk. By the way, whole milk can become a prohibited product, not only because the expectant mother does not like it, but also in case of intolerance - that is, when the pregnant woman's body lacks an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose). In this case, after drinking milk, a pregnant woman may experience diarrhea, increased gas production, intestinal discomfort and nausea. Why does an expectant mother need milk? Milk is a source of: essential amino acids, including methionine, which prevents the accumulation of fat in the body; easily digestible calcium and phosphorus; vitamins A, B2, B1, D, E (in summer there are more of them in milk than in winter).
    How to replace milk? The most correct alternative to milk are dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc. Moreover, in comparison with milk, they have a number of advantages: useful lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria; more B vitamins (they are additionally produced by the lactic acid flora); the presence in kefir of a natural antibiotic substance - nisin, which suppresses the putrefactive microflora of the intestine; high concentration and optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus in cottage cheese and cheese: 100 g of the product contains the daily requirement for calcium and 1/3 of the daily requirement for phosphorus, which favorably affects the construction of the bone tissue of the fetus.
    Tips: Grated cheese is easier to digest than sliced ​​cheese. If you don't really like cottage cheese in its natural form, try cooking various dishes with it. For example, regular or lazy dumplings, casseroles, juices, pancakes, baked rolls with cottage cheese and fruits. Better to buy fortified dairy products. For example, sour cream and kefir with lactulose (this is a nutrient medium for normal intestinal microflora), bifidobacteria, calcium.
    Interchangeability of products: liver
    Disliked product # 2 - liver. A common complication during pregnancy is iron deficiency anemia, in which the doctor may recommend including future mother liver. It contains a large amount of substances necessary for normal blood formation (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, etc.), vitamins (folic acid, A, B, C, B6, B12, etc.), amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine ). But not everyone loves this specific product.

    How to replace the liver? There is nothing wrong with the dislike of the liver, this product can be found a full replacement. Moreover, it contains a lot of cholesterol: 200-300 mg versus 60-70 mg in regular meat. One of the most adequate offal for liver replacement is beef tongue. Moreover, in some ways it even surpasses the liver. So, for example, 100 g of the tongue contains 1.5 times more daily allowance the main hematopoietic vitamin B12, which is important for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women. In addition, a sufficient amount of red meat in a pregnant woman's menu (at least 200 g per day) will help compensate for the need for protein and trace elements (especially iron) and vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. Tips: It doesn't matter what kind of meat you use to compensate for the lack of liver in your diet. Veal, beef, lean pork, skinless chicken and turkey, rabbit meat all share a similar chemical composition, and when using them, the body of the expectant mother receives the same useful nutrients as when using the unloved liver. If there is a tendency to allergies, then it is better to replace the liver with hypoallergenic meats (these include rabbit and horse meat).
    Interchangeability of products: fish
    Disliked product # 3 is fish. As a rule, a dislike for fish is associated with its specific smell. However, fish is a valuable product, it is rich in trace elements (iodine, selenium, zinc, iron, chromium, etc.), essential omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D and group B, and some types of sea fish even exceed the value of beef.

    How to replace fish? Squid can be an adequate substitute for fish - a high-protein product that does not have a specific smell and taste (unlike other seafood), rich in vitamins B, D, E, and characterized by a favorable combination of iodine, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc (it is recommended to consume up to 300 g per week). In addition, squid meat is rich in the essential amino acid methionine and has a low content of connective tissue, therefore it is quickly and well absorbed. But the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids missing in squid, which are necessary for the full development of cells of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular system of a child and the retina of the fetus, can be obtained from flaxseed oil, avocados and nuts.
    Tips: Try experimenting with certain types of fish that have almost no specific fishy smell: ice fish, congrios, tilapia, catfish, halibut, etc. It is better to cook fish dishes in combination with vegetables and herbs, which will not only mask the fishy smell, but and enrich the dish with fiber, pectin and water-soluble vitamins. It is better to exclude salted, canned, dried, smoked fish in the diet of a pregnant woman due to the fact that it contains a lot of uric acid, purines and sodium, which may not have a very good effect on the condition of the joints and contribute to an increase in blood pressure.
    Interchangeability of products: porridge
    Disliked product number 4 - porridge. Of course, not all cereals can be liked. However, the body of a future mother cannot do without cereals, and therefore you need to know which cereal dishes are interchangeable. Cereals are one of the main sources of B vitamins contained in the outer shell of grains. Buckwheat oatmeal and barley porridge are very useful. The most valuable is buckwheat, which, due to its composition (the presence of iron and B vitamins in it), contributes to normal hematopoiesis and the maintenance of the nervous, endocrine, excretory systems of the body of the expectant mother and fetus.

    How to replace porridge? As a substitute for an unloved cereal, any cereals from the above are suitable, as well as muesli flakes (preferably with fruits), muesli bars, bran additives in salads, finely ground in a coffee grinder to the state of flour cereals, which can be added when baking pancakes, in sauces, when preparing the first dishes, etc. Tips: You can use decoctions from cereals (for example, in soups), which contain many useful substances, in particular, B vitamins and trace elements. Rice is better to buy not polished, but brown. Such grains retain their shell and, consequently, their vitamin composition. Disliked product number 5 - vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables (regardless of their type) are rich in the most important water-soluble vitamins, trace elements, pectin and cellulose (dietary fiber). The beta-carotene contained in them (necessary for the growth of baby's cells and tissues, as well as for the formation of vision and the immune system), vitamin C (important for the formation of teeth and bones of the child) and folic acid (necessary for normal development of the fetal neural tube). The dietary fiber contained in vegetables and fruits helps to normalize the intestines, prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, and contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body of the expectant mother. It is recommended that a pregnant woman eat at least 500 g of vegetables and fruits every day.

    How to replace fruits and vegetables? It is clear that fruits and vegetables can only be replaced ... with fruits and vegetables, replacing unloved ones with loved ones, as well as including dried fruits and juices with pulp in your menu. If a pregnant woman prefers certain vegetables and fruits, you should not forcefully eat fruits that she does not like - you can use your loved ones by combining them with each other. The main thing is that vegetables, fruits and juices from them are daily present in the menu of the expectant mother. At the same time, you can successfully do without vegetables rich in coarse fiber tissue, and painlessly exclude them from the diet (these are turnips, radishes, etc.), since they can provoke increased gas formation, intestinal colic and even diarrhea. The same can happen with the abuse of very sweet berries and fruits (these include overripe plums, apricots, grapes, etc.). In addition, you can safely refuse such unloved leafy vegetables as spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, since their benefits are questionable. The fact is that spinach vegetables are distinguished by a high content of oxalic acid, which binds calcium, interfering with its absorption, and at the same time contributes to the formation of insoluble oxalate stones in the kidneys, provoking urolithiasis.
    Tips: Local fresh vegetables and fruits are best, but frozen will work as well. You should only avoid fruits in sugar syrup... In order to obscure the taste of unloved fruits and vegetables, try adding them in small quantities in a chopped form in cereals, pancakes, salads, soups, etc. If you do not like vegetables, but eat meat and fish, try to make combined dishes. For example, a vegetable stew with meat.

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