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  • Strict diet with breastfeeding that you can. Food after childbirth: Diet with breastfeeding

    Strict diet with breastfeeding that you can. Food after childbirth: Diet with breastfeeding

    Nursing mothers have to limit themselves in a gastronomic diversity.
    Diet with breastfeeding is an important condition for the normal adaptation of the child to the new food. Especially in the first weeks and months after birth.

    Now the information space is replete with tips on diet when breastfeeding, but sometimes they contradict each other. But there are general recommendations that help your mother will rather come into form without harm to their health and well-being kid.

    In the first months after giving birth, it is better to abandon a special diet for weight loss. On the figure and so beneficially affects full and healthy nutrition.

    In addition, it is important that the child is provided with a variety of vitamins and useful substances.

    To generate a necessary amount of milk, you do not need to eat for two. Just add one meal in the evening.

    The menu should differ variety and balance.

    Products that can cause allergies should be introduced with caution, very small portions. Then carefully monitor the infant reaction.

    With breastfeeding, no more important is the amount, but the composition and variety of food. Measure should be observed.

    Novelty diet mom for months

    Each month the child's body is becoming more stable to new items in the mum diet.

    First monthThe time of the greatest caution when making menu. In 1-10 day, there are baked apples, porridge on water, bananas, soups from vegetables, chicken fillet. We can add vegetable and butter, drink green tea or tea with rosehip.

    Then, by the end of the month, it is possible to introduce fermented milk products, potatoes, sea types of fish, vermicelli, whole grain bread, dried fruits, boiled vegetables, gallets, dryers, crackers. Under the ban during this period: fatty meat soups, coffee, fresh milk, oily cream, raw vegetables and fruits, food and alcohol.

    Second and third monthAt this time, it is possible to become a bit bolder and add to the list of products seasonal raw vegetables, walnuts, low-fat beef and rabbit, compotes from berries, fat cream.
    From the fourth to the sixth monthThe menu replenish honey, onions, spices, juices and fruits. Alcohol and fresh milk is not recommended. However, many mothers gradually try to add milk to tea. It is believed that it increases lactation.

    If the child reacts normally to such a drink, you can drink it.

    From the sixth month and olderMama is allowed to try legumes, marine cabbage and garlic.
    Whole period of breastfeedingIt is not recommended that there are sweets, especially chocolate, canned food, carbonated and soluble drinks, ice cream, industrial sauces and ketchups, fast food and semi-finished products.

    Dr. Komarovsky on nutrition during breastfeeding

    There are many products safe for the child and mom. It is better to use them when making a menu, and not experiment with allergenic products.

    In the zone of the special risk of coffee, cocoa, citrus, strawberry. It is better to refrain from their use than to treat a child from allergies.

    The baby tries with milk everything that mom ate, and some products change the taste and even the smell of milk.

    For example, garlic, dishes with sharp, salt and sour taste. Therefore, it is better to avoid them.

    Bad to affect the work of the baby's intestines can cabbage and legumes. They increase the formation of gases, and in some cases provoke diarrhea.

    Special increase in the fat content of maternal milk is not encouraged. Often it is for this eating sour cream, pork and other fatty foods. The child will be more difficult to suck the chest and digest milk.

    Mother itself will be harder to push it. Preferably adding different vegetable oils into dishes.

    It is better to abandon canned food and eat fresh vegetables and fruits. On the day they need to eat at least 0.5 kg. The fruit and vegetable diet should be diverse.

    If the mother does not seek to lose weight, it will be useful to eat manna porridge overnight.

    You should always pay attention to the baby's reaction to new products. If there are doubts whether there is some of them, it is better to try little.

    If there is no negative reaction, you can replenish the diet to this novelty.

    From drinks it is better to choose tea with milk, compote from dried fruits, low-fat boiled milk, fermented milk products, juices.

    Bold dishes should be cut, but do not remove completely from the menu. Especially if the reason is desire to lose weight. Fats in limited quantities are necessary. For example, only in them dissolve some vitamins.

    What products can cause allergies

    Most often, women follow a diet not to call allergies from the baby. Make up the menu is easier, knowing how allergen product. In the first 2-3 months, it is better not to risk and not at all there are products containing allergens.

    By the level of danger provoke allergies, products are divided into 3 groups: weak, medium or high risk.

    • Weak risk: light-colored vegetables, apples, bananas, beef and lamb.
    • Middle risk: corn porridge, buckwheat, rice, pork, rabbit, potatoes and green peppers.
    • High risk: coffee, cocoa, cow milk, citrus, berries, red fruit, mushrooms, nuts, fish, chicken.

    Try these products worth a few months after the birth of the baby. In small doses and one new product per day.

    It is important to follow the child's reaction within a few days. If everything is safely, you can enter a new product in your menu.

    Given the peculiarities of each kid, only trying new items, you can understand whether they are allowed. After all, the fact that it is categorically not suitable for one infant may easily be taken to others.

    Is it possible to sit on a diet for weight loss

    Opinions on this issue differ. But most doctors advise to postpone the diet until the woman feeds the breast.

    If the mother is categorically configured to bring your weight in order, a few months after the birth of the baby, you can try one of the diets. However, it is necessary to do it with maximum caution, following a series of unshakable rules.

    • Starve.
    • Use teas for weight loss, diuretic and laxative pills.
    • Stick too strict diets. For example, low-calorie or monodi.

    Special diet with breastfeeding

    They are prescribed when some failures occur in the children's body.

    When babies are constipation, mommies advise more opportunable products. Among them plums, apricots, dried fruits (prunes and kuraga).

    When reactions to protein of cow milk, it is necessary to adhere to a silent diet. From the diet of the mother, solid milk is completely excluded or its number is significantly limited.

    With the intolerance to the lactose, the mother has to abandon the use of milk, cheese, oil, fermented milk products, sausage products.

    Without a diet with breastfeeding, do not do. But you should not refuse yourself in everything. Mother and child food must be diverse and balanced.

    Try new products in little, remove the products that caused the reaction in the baby. Do not hurry to sit on a diet for weight loss.

    In the first place should be the health and well-being of the baby.

    When breastfeeding, a woman needs to perform several simple rules for diet and nutrition. It helps to avoid most problems, including allergic reactions in the infant. Also, the right approach to the diet will also strengthen the mother weakened organism after delivery.

    Why do you need a diet

    In the first months after birth, the baby only learns to live in new conditions. Its organism is still too weakened and exposed to external factors. All nutrients, the child gets through breast milk. Incorrect mother's nutrition can cause colic, allergies, constipation and indigestion. In addition, after childbirth and the woman herself may face such a problem as constipation. Only the right and balanced nutrition will help gradually bring the metabolism in a normal state. Another problem with which all those giving birth is a set of excess weight. Balanced nutrition, rich in all vitamins and microelements necessary for the rapid restoration of the body, and physical activity will help gradually return the body into antenatal form. It is worth considering that during this period a woman should not be hungry and sit on strict diets, as this will lead to the exhaustion of the body. The diet should be diverse, but moderate.

    Danger of allergies

    The main reason for the observance of the diet is the emergence of allergies in a child. The body of each kid is individual, therefore, not always products that caused allergies from one will have the same impact on another child. Most often, the allergic reaction in kids occurs when applied by mother:

    • exotic fruits and citrus
    • strawberries, raspberries, red currant;
    • cocoa, coffee, hot chocolate;
    • nuts, seeds;
    • whole milk, milk fatty dairy products;
    • products with high protein;
    • tea with herbal additives (hawthorn, mint, ginseng).

    You can enter these foods in the diet only after the child's body is strengthened. A new product is recommended to eat in a small amount in the morning, after which the whole day is observed for the toddler's body's response. If the allergy did not appear, then gradually the volume can be increased, in the opposite case, attempt to repeat after 2 months. It is not necessary to enter several different products at once, as it will be impossible to understand what a negative reaction is for. It is best to wait 2-3 days between the introduction of new products.

    Basic restrictions

    Each mother should understand that the health of the baby depends on the food and substances entering its body. In order not to have an unpleasant last need:

    • adjust your diet so that the baby gets all the substances necessary for him for full growth and development;
    • forget about strict diets;
    • do not overeat. Food absorption for two will apply only the harm of the mother and provokes the appearance of unnecessary kilograms;
    • make sure that the diet makes a variety of products combined with each other;
    • abandon products causing allergies.
    • carbonated drinks;
    • alcohol;
    • smoked and fatty foods;
    • sauces;
    • canned;
    • fast Fud;
    • acute food;
    • most confectionery products;
    • coffee, cocoa, strong tea;
    • solid milk;
    • citrus.

    Minimize need to use honey, pasta and potatoes. Depending on the individual characteristics of the kid, the list of prohibited products can be expanded.

    Proper diet

    It is worth considering that the correct diet is the basis for the healthy development of the child. Therefore, the approach to nutrition should be full. This includes several rules:

    • unwanted products and allergens are excluded;
    • the diet becomes full due to the number of products of different types;
    • all products must be drawn up in a diet based on the doctor's recommendations;
    • any product that is contraindicated with mom or child for medical records to be eliminated;
    • the first time is difficult for perception products are also eliminated or their reception is minimized.

    The correct diet implies not a diet, but on the contrary, the active use of products that can interceptive if necessary. For example, a row of fruit, such as citrus, can be replaced with fresh forest berries.

    An important point in the diet is not to exude a calorie balance with a low-level life. All the processes of the mother's organism affect the milk, and then on the child. Therefore, it is not recommended to overeat or constantly use the same product. As a result of the oversaturation of milk, an allergic reaction or not perception may occur with certain elements.

    After drawing up a list of possible products, the diet is calculated for the week. Food techniques are produced 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is also worth observing the rules of drinking, which is necessary for a woman when feeding.

    If there is a doubt on a certain product, it is worth consulting a doctor who observes the newborn and his mother.

    Before drawing up your own diet, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, because only he can draw up a menu based on those products that most need the organism of the mother and the kid. Among the allowed products can be allocated:

    • vegetables;
    • low-fat meat and fish;
    • low-fat dairy products without additives;
    • cereals;
    • dried fruits;
    • bread from wheat coarse grinding.

    With the age of the kid, the list of allowed products will gradually expand. It is worth remembering that the introduction of any products should be gradual.

    What and how to drink?

    Liquid plays an unimportant role in the daily diet of the mother. Many drinks can cause allergies in a child, problems with digestion, poisoning, affect growth and development. That is why Mom should carefully monitor what she drinks. It is recommended to use:

    • ordinary water without gases;
    • goat milk in small quantities;
    • kefir;
    • fastening tea without flavors;
    • chicory;
    • a number of herbaceous teas;
    • comverters based on dried fruit;
    • natural juice vegetable or fruit type.

    Any drinks must be warm. Cold food nursing mothers can not, since at this time the body does not have sustainable immunity. It is also important to drink to feeding, but in small quantities. This will not dehydrate your body.

    Mother and Medicinal Diet

    Drugs should be completely prohibited for breastfeeding. Exceptions are cases when the reception of drugs is necessary for medical testimony, and they will not affect the baby. Apply tablets and other weight loss drugs is strictly prohibited, since their substances accumulate in milk. Some of them cause blocking the digestibility of fats and carbohydrates in infants, which will lead to psychological disorders and other development deviations.

    Menu for unloading days

    The opinion of doctors about the usefulness of unloading days for nursing mothers is divergent. In one, all experts fully agree - a woman should not starve. This will affect the amount of milk produced, and after the release of the day of unloading, the weight will return in double size, since the body will be stamped in the case of re-hunger strike. In order for unloading days to benefit, you need to follow a number of rules:

    • drinking a day you need so much water as the body requires. Do not bring it to exhaustion or forcibly pour water. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of clean water per day;
    • the gap between the days of unloading should not be less than 7-10 days;
    • it is not completely starved. With a strong sense of hunger, you should eat a small natural yogurt or drink a glass of kefir;
    • unloading days will be easier if you start them in the evening;
    • it is recommended to walk more often, read and engage in loved things to distract from thoughts about food;
    • it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, the break between meals must be 3-4 hours. All the food must be carefully checked, it will faster gives a saturation sense;
    • the number of calories consumed on day should not exceed 1000-1500.

    The menu selection on an unloading day directly depends on the preferences of a woman and health status, for example, sit on one meat can not be like people with kidney disease. There are several days for unloading:

    • fruit - it is recommended to eat up to 2 kilograms of apples during the day;
    • vegetable - eating up to 2 kg of various vegetables in the form of salads;
    • kefir - 1.5 liters of kefir divided for all day and take into small portions;
    • rice - 150 grams of rice is boiled without adding salt. The resulting portion is divided into 5-6 meals. Allowed adding vegetables or fruits;
    • curd - per day you can eat up to 0.5 kg of low-fat curd and drink up to 1 l kefir;
    • meat - you can eat up to 0.5 kg of any lean meat in boiled or stewed with 1 kg of vegetables;
    • fish - you need to combine 0.5 kg of fish and 1 kg of vegetables.

    The menu for the unloading day is selected individually. It is important to ensure that the child does not appear allergies or other unwanted reactions in the form of constipation or indigestion.

    Diet with lactation for weight loss

    Each diet, especially with breastfeeding, must be selected individually. A nutritionist or pediatrician can help this, which will help you choose a list of products containing the largest number of microelements required by the kid.

    Extra weight relief depends on the number of calories used by the woman per day. Their number is also calculated individually, but the daily rate should not exceed 2000 calories.

    • low-fat meat in boiled or stewed. It is better to give one preference to chicken, rabbit, turkey or veal;
    • macaroni and bread from wheat of coarse grinding;
    • non-fat dairy products - cheese, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese;
    • sea or river fish - cod, pike, pike perch, smoke, heck;
    • porridge from buckwheat, millet, oatmeal;
    • zucchini, beets, carrots, pumpkin in fresh, stew or cooked on a couple of way;
    • compote from dried fruits.

    In limited quantities, butter, boiled eggs, olive or corn oil, gravel, marshmallow, natural fruit marmalade are resolved.

    It is important to ensure that all products are combined with each other and have not caused negative reactions from the baby. It is worth considering that weight loss should be gradual, as a sharp weight loss can lead to the exhaustion of the body and will affect the amount of milk produced. Web weight loss should not exceed 0.5 - 1 kg.

    Diet to increase lactation

    It is believed to increase the lactation in the diet, the woman must be included:

    • meat of non-fat varieties, such as chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef;
    • river fish;
    • porridges cooked on water or milk (Hercules, oatmeal, buckwheat);
    • carrots in fresh or boiled form;
    • salad green;
    • efficiency products, including cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt. Any products must be completely natural, without additives and with small fatty;
    • currant, blackberry and gooseberry;
    • weak green tea;
    • watermelon.

    Many mothers note the positive effect of honey use, but it is worth remembering that it is necessary to take it in small quantities, as it is able to cause allergies in a child.

    Misconception about nutrition during lactation

    There are many myths and delusions in which the mother's nursing breasts believe, but some of them can cause serious damage to the baby:

    1. During lactation, it is necessary to use one-piece milk and add it to tea.

    Whole milk can cause a strong allergic reaction in a child. When mixed with other drinks, for example, tea, poorly absorbed, causes indigestion and increased gas formation. In addition, with established lactation, it may fail, which in turn will lead to lactation or maple. It is recommended to replace one-piece milk kefir, natural yoghurt and other dairy products with low fatty.

    1. Tea with condensed milk has a positive effect on lactation.

    Mixing several products at once negatively affect the process of child digestion, cause colic. Increased sugar content in condensed milk can lead to an allergic reaction. The lactation process itself will not affect such a drink.

    1. In the diet must be citrus and exotic fruits due to the high content of vitamins.

    Experts recommend all citrus fruits to completely exclude from the diet of the mother, as these are the strongest allergens. Exotic fruits are also not recommended to be used in breastfeeding, as not any organism is able to perceive them normally.

    1. Vegetables having a bright color certainly causes allergies.

    If earlier the child has never been seen allergic to red, orange or yellow vegetables, they can be bolder to eat. It is worth remembering that the excessive use of any products can cause a negative reaction in a child.

    1. Meat is used only in limited quantities.

    Nursing mom really should limit the amount of meat used in the food, but it does not apply to all its species. It is not recommended for HB to eat pork, as it is too fat, and ducky because of bad digestibility. Beef and chicken opposite contain trace elements needed by the mother's body, so their deficit only hurts a woman and baby.

    1. The amount of liquid drilled directly affects lactation.

    Prolactin is responsible for the production of breast milk. The volume of drilled liquid will not affect lactation. Exceptions are cases when a woman is constantly experiencing thirst due to exhaustion. That is why it is important to drink the amount of water that the body itself requires.

    1. Sweet is completely forbidden in guv.

    Nursing mothers must necessarily limit the amount of sweet well, H cannot exclude it completely. In moderate volumes, you can eat natural fruit marmalade, marshmallow, drying or grazing.

    1. The greater the caloric content of food, the greater and better milk.

    The amount and quality of milk does not affect the caloric content of the food consumed by the mother, since the lactation process is carried out due to prolactin. Overbinding and too fat, calorie food will affect the overall condition of the mother and can cause a negative reaction in a child, but will not increase the production of milk.

    1. Under GW, be sure to strictly observe the diet.

    Even in the womb, the child was accustomed to that food that a woman constantly used. That is why food must not be changed completely, it can only harm, and slightly adjust, removing all allergens and harmful products. All the food that the woman uses should be balanced.

    1. Sport harms lactation.

    With daily, long-term power loads with an emphasis on the chest, the amount of milk produced can be reduced, but simple charging or light exercises to maintain the form will not affect this process.

    1. Herbal decrains must be in the diet of every nursing mother.

    Any herbs can not only benefit, but also harm. Most of them contain substances that have a healing effect. That is why there are many contraindications for the use of certain bravery. In addition, the wrong dosage can have the opposite effect on the body.

    1. Nuts have a positive effect on lactation.

    Excessive use of nuts makes milk is more dense, which makes it difficult for feeding the process due to bad pavement. This can lead to the appearance of stagnant processes, maple and lactostasis.

    1. Cucumbers and cabbage necessarily cause colic in the baby.

    The item applies only to those cases when the mother has a bloody after eating these products. In the opposite case in moderate quantities, the cucumbers and cabbage will not harm the child.

    1. The less to eat, the faster the weight gained during pregnancy.

    Such a principle of nutrition will result in a woman's body to complete exhaustion. You need to eat every 3-4 hours, preferably after feeding the child. Specialists are recommended in the morning to eat calorie food, and closer to the evening easier. In addition, with defective nutrition, the body will spend all the backup reserves for the production of milk, which will restore in a double volume at the first opportunity.

    Nutrition of any mother must be balanced, only then it will not have a negative impact on the child, enrich the body of the woman and the baby by all the necessary trace elements.

    Proper nutrition during breastfeeding is of great importance in the development of the child, the formation of the immune system and the health of the kid. All new products should be entered gradually and immediately exclude with the negative reaction of the crumbs. The nursing mother should be ready for what will have to limit oneself into use of some products and drinks.

    A lot of disputes cause a strict diet with breastfeeding, which many nursing mothers are often held. In some cases, a diet for nursing mothers comes to ultimate extremes - the Knights sit literally on one buckwheat with boiled beef, without deciding to use any other products.

    But are such strict restrictions needed during breastfeeding, is it really influenced by the maternal nutrition so much effect on the baby and should be severe and restrictive?

    Breastfeeding diet

    One of the common problems among nursing moms is a diet during breastfeeding. What is the only options for this diet are not offered - a diet of a nursing mother with colic in a child, a diet of a nursing mother with an allergy in a child, diet after cesarean for nursing mothers and many others.

    When applying data, almost all nutritious and useful products that are replaced by harmful but not causing allergies and colic products are initiated from the nutrition of Mother's nutrition.

    But, in practice, breastfeeding, this is not a disease, not pathology and no diet after childbirth does not exist for a nursing mother.

    When breastfeeding, you need to eat usually, as you did during the period before the occurrence of pregnancy, fully and rationally.

    No anti-flask, hypoallergenic and other diets for nursing mothers do not have to practice, you do not need to limit yellow, red, bright food, cabbage, legumes and other products to avoid unpleasant manifestations.

    Most of the "allergic" manifestations of the skin in the first months are physiological rashes of newborns or manifestation of contact dermatitis, and such manifestations do not have such manifestations.

    Colics in breastfeeding children often arise as a result of an imbalance of the front and rear milk, and the mother's nutrition also do not have a relationship.

    Most of the products that Mom elave before pregnancy and during her, familiar to the child still intrauterine, they cannot cause colic and allergies.

    Diet with breastfeeding newborn

    Sometimes it may be necessary to be a certain diet for nursing mothers in the first month, when the body has not yet recovered from the generic stress, and the newborn is especially more sensitive to the action of many substances.

    A postpartum diet for nursing mothers will imply a large amount of liquid and calorie nutrition without heavy and fatty foods to fully restore energy reserves and speed up the restoration of the body after delivery.

    Sometimes there may be a special diet with lactation during constipation, since the first few weeks after delivery such a problem may occur if there are seams on the crotch or with a low-speed lifestyle and restriction in fluid consumption and fiber.

    With such a diet, it is necessary to increase the number of fermented milk products, wholegrain porridges and sides, as well as vegetables and fruits, as a source of plant fiber, to stimulate the intestinal operation.

    With a similar diet, it is necessary to drink enough liquid, as a lot of water is spent on the needs of lactation, and often nursing moms experience severe thirst. You need to drink at will, without limiting yourself in fluid because of the fear of lactostasis.

    They are provoked by the deficit of the fluid, and not its excess.

    A diet for a nursing mother in the first months will require a full amount of proteins, fats and all products that young mom wants, but within reason - you should not overeat and lean on delicacies, it is worth introducing new products into a diet slowly and small portions.

    How much do you need to keep a diet nursing mom?

    If a nursing mother is completely healthy, and it does not have any deviations in the metabolism and the operation of the internal organs, no diet with breastfeeding is not necessary for it initially, and it is not required to observe it.

    A special hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers will need only if the young mother itself is strong allergic and suffers from rashes and attacks of allergies during feeding period.

    Then the diet is combined with full-fledged treatment, inthallergic preparations and sorbents. Absolutely healthy women with simply preventive purpose to observe the diet at lactation is not worth it, the more restrictive.

    Due to the exception of a large number of products, the woman's body is impoverished with nutrients and cannot support full-fledged milk production and good health.

    Therefore, it is necessary to eat fully and diverse so that the body gets all the necessary nutrients and reserves of vitamins and minerals.

    Is it possible to sit on a diet nursing mom?

    Many young women after childbirth are concerned about their appearance, and are worried about those gained for pregnancy of unnecessary kilograms. Therefore, many of the women can be practiced a diet for a nursing mother for weight loss. But is it worth it in the period of breastfeeding to stick to any diets to reduce weight?

    It is important to know that weight loss occurs when breastfeeding smoothly and gradually, not earlier than the term of 4-6 months of the child's life, and before this period of expressed weight loss simply will not be.

    In addition, a strict restrictive diet when breastfeeding can significantly harm the health of the mother, damping its nutrients, which, above all, go to the needs of breast milk.

    Special diet when breastfeeding

    Sometimes when breastfeeding, kids have certain health problems. The most frequent problems may be constipation in kids.

    In such cases, a special diet of a nursing mother is proposed during baffles of infants.

    It includes the use of increased quantities gently and delicately lightweight products, such as dried apricots, prunes, fresh vegetables and fruits, especially plums and apricots. They help in soft and delicate adjustment of the chair both mother and infants.

    In the presence of allergies to the protein of cow milk with rashes on the baby's skin, the mother can be assigned, at which an exception is carried out or a sharp limit in the diet of solid milk.

    With intolerance to lactose in the infants or mother itself, a lactose-free diet for nursing mothers can be assigned. With this form, the diet is eliminated whole milk and high lactose products - milk, cottage cheese, cheese, oil, sausages, jam, some bakery products and fast food.

    Often when breastfeeding, nursing mothers use some diet for weight loss, but it is worth remembering that Duucan diet for nursing mothers, as well as a protein diet with breastfeeding, or a buckwheat diet with breastfeeding can cause harm nursing mother.

    When breastfeeding, it is forbidden to sit on any diets!

    Only after you finish feeding, it will be possible to practice precious diet with caution. And when breastfeeding, you need to think about to fully feed the child and at the same time do not apply irreparable harm for your health.

    If you, applied to the mirror, include an internal aesthetic surgeon ("I would remove here, and then pull it out!"), Then for you there are two good news. First: these are just complexes. In fact, you are beautiful, even if after delivery added in weight. Second: if you really want, it can be fixed. Diet for slimming for nursing mothers is not at all what you think. Before the eyes of some women, with the word "diet" immediately pop up the days of exhausting hunger strikes with a ban on all favorite products. However, not everything is so scary. Balanced nutrition can bring not only benefit, but also pleasure.

    Why not losing weight?

    But some young mothers in the period of breastfeeding, even after many months, never managed to lose weight. There may be several reasons:

    • The habit of "eat for two." Sometimes a woman continues to allow themselves overwhelming, entered into habit during pregnancy.
    • Psychological factor. This can include sleepless nights, the same extra kilograms and a shortage of time for care. A young mother can fall into depression, clicter in himself, refuse to enjoy walks and communicate with other people. Singing your stress in four walls, nursing mom causes even greater hurt to her mental and physical health.
    • Introduction of hard diets. Despite all the contraindications, some mothers begin to observe diets literally from the first days after childbirth. Especially negatively on the body of a woman influence hard diets with restriction of any groups of products. Under such conditions, mommy can achieve the opposite effect - unnecessary kilograms will not leave, but only multiplied by laying off on the hips and waist.
    • Incompetent or too cautious Pediatrician Tips. Not all doctors who consult a nursing mother have sufficient knowledge about the intricacies of the newly born women. According to the old manner, the doctor may ban mom the consumption of dairy products, fruits and other delicacies. Limited in favorite products Woman can with zeal to "pounce" to other dishes. And it is unlikely that there will be broccoli on a pair or a fatged kefir.

    "Passionate" meals for gv: basic principles

    Diet for slimming with breastfeeding involves compliance with the following recommendations.

    The same products that are always useful for GW.

    • 30-40 minutes before the first eating, drink a glass of water. This technique will help run digestive and metabolic processes.
    • Food should be fractional - the number of meals should be 5-6 times a day. Portions should be small (not more than 250 g). Chew the received food is needed slowly and carefully.
    • Priority - fish dishes, but they can be introduced no earlier than 3-4 months of the child to eliminate the risk of allergies. If a child has a pronounced tendency to allergic rash, wait before he is coming. From meat it is better to choose turkey, beef, low-fat veal.
    • Eliminate the consumption of fried dishes. All food boil, bake or carry out steam processing.
    • Maximum limit consumption of fatty dishes.
    • Sweets and flour products should be replaced by dried fruits and nuts.
    • There are as many vegetables and fruits as possible (preference is better to give the seasonal plants and what the mother lives in the area where Mom lives). Exotic fruits can be started trying when the baby is half a year.
    • Enter ferocular products into diet. It is better to use them after thermal processing in the form of casserole, lazy dumplings, cheesery.
    • If a nursing mother tries dishes during cooking or used to the edema of the remaining foods for children, the number of ordinary portions must be reduced.
    • The best option will be the maintenance of the diary of the dishes. This will help calculate the number of calories consumed. In addition, it is possible to determine which products in the baby are allergic and to further eliminate them from the diet.
    • Exclude high-caliped dishes (nuts, fish, honey, citrus and other) at least to 4 months old baby. In some cases, you have to wait longer. If a child shows a tendency to allergies, then any new products enter into your diet especially carefully. Watch the reaction of the child: if there is no change in the chair, does the tummy hurt, is there any rash. Many dishes will have to be removed at all.
    • Fresh vegetables and fruits can be administered after 2-3 months after the birth of a child. In the first months, the menu should be thought out and careful.

    We consider calories, drink water

    Not every mother knows how much calories are spent during breastfeeding. The production of 1 liter of milk Mom spends from 600 to 900 calories, Becks - 14 g, fats - 35 g and carbohydrates - 70. These reserves must be replenished. Based on these data, a young mother should consume no less than 120 g of proteins (70% of which should be animal origin), 120 g of fats (20% should be vegetable) and about 500 g of carbohydrates. The daily caloric content of the dishes should not exceed 3000-3200 kcal. But this is the maximum. Want to lose weight - eat less.

    An important assistant mom on GW is the drinking regime. It should be observed with any diet, including for a nursing mother. Depending on the age of the baby, the mother's body produces about 1-1.5 liters of milk. For its "production" it is necessary to fill the reserves of fluid in the body.

    The basic rules of the drinking regime are as follows:

    • Consume clean drinking water. The amount of fluid is individually for each woman and depends on the metabolism in the body, the time of year and the degree of sweating. The amount of 1 to 2 liters of fluid per day (but not less than 800 ml) is considered optimal.
    • Mineral water without gas is allowed. However, it is not worth drinking it constantly. Otherwise, the body can accumulate certain elements, which can affect the condition of the crumbs. Also, mom during feeding breast milk can drink fastening tea, compotes, fruit.
    • Under the prohibition comes carbonated drinks (kvass, mineral water, lemonade, etc.). Of course, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable. Coffee is also better to refuse for a while - this drink can have an exciting effect on the child. If there is no strength to stay from Arabica, it is best to use it to lunch, in order to not get a nervous and breeding baby in the evening.

    What diets are banned

    Diet for weight loss during lactation should be selected especially carefully. Not all options for common diets will suit for a young mother and her baby. So, you need to abandon such types of diets:

    1. Express diet (sharp and fast weight loss will not benefit the body of the mother);
    2. Constitution: Pure Vegetable, Milk, etc. (during the feeding of the child, it is impossible to eliminate the product or product group from the menu and consume only one nutrient component);
    3. Protein diet (nursing mom menu should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates);

    Diet after childbirth under no circumstances should be too strict. The optimal option for a nursing woman will be calculated calories, the consumption of the right products, compliance with water regime and periodic unloading days.

    Unloading Days for GW

    Some specialists (pediatricians, nutritionists, etc.) speak sharply negatively addressed to unloading days during lactation. However, a properly organized unloading day will benefit the young mother, especially if the mode of its nutrition is far from the right one. Doctors recommend holding unloading days even pregnant, provided necessary indications (overweight, prestings, swelling).

    Since nursing mothers are a special kind of losing weight, then they should be treated in a special way to unloading days. As a rule, such days include not one consumption, but several products.

    Diet with GW for weight loss does not exclude such options for discharge days:

    1. Only fruits. Young mom is put on to eat 1. 5 kilograms of green or yellow apples per day.
    2. Only vegetables. 1.5 kilograms of fresh vegetables in bitch (to choose mom). Vegetables need to be used in the form of salads, refueling them with unrefined vegetable oil or 10% sour cream.
    3. Only kefir. Ensures consumption of 1.5 liters of kefira, low-fat yogurt or ryazhenka per day.
    4. Fig. 150 g of dry rice (better brown) boil in water without adding salt. Ready rice can be eating with the addition of any fruit.
    5. Only buckwheat. 150 g of buckwheat boil or fervent in a thermos overnight. There is buckwheat with the addition of any vegetables.
    6. Only cottage cheese. 500 g of low-fat curd in combination with 1 l kefir.
    7. Only meat. 500 g of lean poultry or beef meat to use a whole day together with 1 kg of fresh vegetables.
    8. Only fish. 500 g of low-fat fish (polytai, heck, perch, pike, heck, bream, etc.) Combine with 1 kg of fresh or boiled vegetables.

    When choosing a unloading day, mom should be focused on their tastes. If she does not like cottage cheese or buckwheat, it is not worth raping yourself and hold similar days. It is best to choose acceptable products for yourself. Such days can not be carried out more often than one, maximum two times a week.

    It is not worth counting on losing weight on unloading days. Power in the rest of the time should also be correct and balanced.

    Menu for weight loss for every day

    It is most convenient to share consumed products for a week. For these purposes, a diet is perfect for every day. Approximate diet for nursing mom for weight loss menu for every day.

    Different fruits, shells and marshmallows are suitable as snouts, baking from coarse grinding, cheese. Periodically, you can indulge yourself with baking or bitter chocolate, the main thing is not to overdo it in the consumption of such products.

    Diet is one of the simple and efficient ways to return the forms after the birth of the baby. The main thing is to remember that the menu should be balanced, products - useful, drinking mode - sufficient. Under these conditions, mommy will very soon begin to celebrate improvements in their appearance, which will also confirm their scales and mirrors.

    • Terms:whole period of breastfeeding
    • Product costs:1400-1500 rubles per week

    General rules

    - Optimal kind of child nutrition. First of all, this is the manifestation of maternal love, secondly, the perfect high-digestibility supply product with an optimal and balanced level of substances, with the presence of protection factors and biologically active substances, which helps create a barrier from environmental impacts.

    It should be remembered that the proper nutrition of a nursing mother after delivery is the key to the health of the baby. It is important to adhere to healthy nutrition. On the one hand, it is a variety of, rational and balanced nutrition, that is, it must contain all the components needed for the kid (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, iodine, magnesium, omega-3. and omega-6. ), and with the arc side - it must be dietary dishes prepared separately for a nursing mother with the exception of frying and fat. Power should be sufficient, even high caloric content - the first 6 months it is 2700 kcal, in the following months a slightly less - 2650 kcal.

    Why is it so important the proper nutrition of a woman? Because with breast milk, the child gets all the useful substances. The protein is the most important food element for the development of the body and its consumed number of a woman should be 106-110 g. Most (60%) make up animals proteins and 40% vegetable. Therefore, it is very important to use meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, nuts and vegetables. True, the amount of protein in milk does not depend on the number of proteins consumed by the woman, and the number of fats, mineral trace elements and vitamins is just associated with the number of these substances in the diet. All necessary substances come into milk from the mother's body, even with insufficient admission to their food, but reserves in a nursing woman are depleted.

    Magnesium is required for the synthesis of protein and the formation of enzymes, calcium in the body is absorbed in its presence. Magnesium is rich in wheat bran, sesame, pumpkin seeds and sunflower. Calcium is necessary for the prevention of rickets in the baby, the growth and formation of the skeleton. Key source of calcium - milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, solid cheeses. But with allergies, the child on the protein of cow milk milk products are excluded from the diet of the mother. At first, only milk is excluded and a reaction to fermented fermented products and cottage cheese is observed.

    Of course, all these products must be administered in the diet gradually, since in addition to useful and necessary for the growth and development of nutrients, the child can get allergens with milk. Mother's nutrition during breastfeeding should not load the child's immune system and cause bloating and colic. This is especially important for the first 2-3 months, when the process of becoming digestion at the kid is underway. In connection with this, the diet must be gradually expanding and go from small to greater in relation to food.

    What should be food for nursing women? The first month is assumed a strict diet, and later - careful introduction of new products in the diet. Up to three months while the child is subject to colic, it should be especially followed by food and refrain from products causing. Usually colic starts for 2-3 weeks and end 3-6 months.

    The main rules for feeding a breast child are:

    • Five - Mother's hexide nutrition (3 main reception and 2 snack). Eating is better to coincide with feeding - the best time is 30 minutes before it.
    • Boiled and steam methods of preparation, refusal of fatty and fried products.
    • Use of only freshly prepared natural foods, semi-finished products, products with dyes and preservatives are excluded, all kinds of canned foods.
    • Introduction of a large amount of dairy products containing calcium.
    • Eating low-fat varieties of meat and fish.
    • Compliance with drinking mode - 1.5-1.6 liters per day (purified water, dining water without gas, compote, frost). Fluid consumption is one of the important factors of prolonged lactation. You need to drink a glass of water 10 minutes before feeding. At the same time, it is impossible to use liquids over the norm, which can cause swelling, the load on the kidneys and the excessive production of milk and later.
    • Lactation is excluded products, fermentation (legumes, sweets, pastries, kvass, black bread, bananas, grapes, sweet apples, sauer vegetables, white cabbage, cucumbers, carbonated drinks, pastry, sweet cheese, cottage cheese pasta and sweet cereals).
    • Restrict the use of raw vegetables and fruits, because in this form they enhance the peristaltics and cause bloating. For this reason, vegetables and fruits are better to bake or stew and begin to use small portions, since a large amount of fiber can cause the chairs of the child and bloody.
    • Vegetables with coarse fiber and essential oils, which are strong digestive stimulants (radish, radishes, turnip, celery, sorrel, mushrooms), and the child can cause bloating and intestinal colic.

    By the end of the second-third month, the diet is already significantly expanding, but it is necessary to introduce new products to be careful for 3-4 days in a row and watch the behavior of the baby. On the first day, you can eat a small piece of any product, and the next day to examine the skin of the child and just follow its general condition. If there are no rash, redness or peeling on the skin, you can on the second day there is this product in a little more and again observe the reaction. On the third day, the same product is used again and the state of the baby is estimated, if everything is fine - you can leave this product in the diet.

    Such a long-term administration is necessary because the allergic reaction may not appear immediately. The following new product is experienced in the same way. Maintaining the diary and control of the child's reaction to new products will help accurately and, most importantly, to detect an allergizing factor in time.

    Nursing mother diet for months

    For convenience, a table is drawn up, including permitted and prohibited products.

    Nursing diet, the table looks like this:

    Month Allowed products and sequences of their introduction Not recommended products
    • cottage cheese, kefir;
    • buckwheat, oatmeal on the water;
    • fruits - baked apples, bananas;
    • boiled vegetables;
    • white chicken meat, turkey;
    • soups without griring, it is possible with the addition of a bow;
    • bread gray and white with bran drowning;
    • fastening green and black tea without additives;
    • apples baked;
    • rubber branch;
    • lactation tea;
    • herbrails: Chabret, Melissa, Field Horsetail, Mint, Yarrow, Calendula, Network, Heel.
    • yogurts with flavors and dyes;
    • chocolate;
    • semolina;
    • bold meat broth;
    • fat, fried dishes;
    • citrus;
    • strawberry;
    • potatoes and pasta in large quantities;
    • pears;
    • water with gas and sweet carbonated water;
    • sausages, smoked products, mayonnaise;
    • alcohol;
    • raw vegetables;
    • whole milk (only in dishes);
    • cabbage Fresh and quashed, cucumbers, tomatoes;
    • legumes;
    • seafood;
    • ice cream;
    • condensed milk;
    • mayonnaise;
    • yeast baking;
    • jam and jams (limited);
    • coffee;
    • melted raws;
    • margarine.
    • dried fruits;
    • compote from dried apples without sugar;
    • cherry, cherry, watermelon, gooseberry (seasonal) and fruits (apples, pears);
    • raw vegetables;
    • natural yogurt, prokubvasha, acidophilic, rippy is added;
    • low-fat and low-voltage cheese;
    • sour cream (up to 15% fat);
    • a low-fat fish boiled or cooked on a pair is very careful;
    • beef liver, beef, rabbit;
    • mors and compotes from lingers, cherries, blueberries, gooseberries;
    • dill, parsley;
    • expand the consumption of croup by adding a swirling, wheat, pearl, brown and white rice.
    • rye dried bread;
    • beet;
    • nuts (excluding pistachios and peanuts);
    • non-fat pork;
    • fresh onions;
    • quail and chicken eggs;
    • basil, limited pepper, thyme, charker, etragon;
    • freshly squeezed juices.
    • in small quantities of red fish;
    • green tea;
    • cucumbers, tomatoes;
    • legumes;
    • garlic.
    • citrus;
    • chocolate;
    • fat dishes;
    • smoked products;
    • canned;
    • alcohol.
    • lemon.

    Perhaps 1 month will seem the most difficult not only in relation to nutrition, but also to adapts to breastfeeding mode and nightlocks. From the first days to be abandoned from chocolate, coffee, ice cream and condensed milk, candies, baking and confectionery. Under the ban of vegetables in raw form, legumes and fried dishes. You need to learn how to prepare dietary dishes and think more about your baby than your food addictions and desires. It is important to comply with drinking mode. From the fourth, the amount of fluid is 800-1000 ml.

    If milk comes quickly and there is a lot of it, you can slightly reduce the volume of the liquid. From 10 days after delivery, it is necessary to add 0.5 glasses, bringing to 1.5-2 liters until the end of the month. All this time follow the condition of the chest: it should be painless and soft.

    The nursing mother's diet in the first month includes lightweight soups on a vegetable broth or fried chicken, without roasted. It can be cereal or vegetable soups. It is not allowed to use borsch, soup, saltwood, okroshka and brideller, in view of the presence of cabbage and cucumbers in them. The second dishes are usually porridge or stewed vegetables with a piece of boiled chicken, since beef and fish are allowed to eat later. Do not forget that salt must be limited, and all the dishes are cooking without spices, so the food in the first month will be devoid of taste and monotonous.

    Most of the product list can expand faster than indicated in the table. It all depends on the individual reaction of the newborn to those or other products. And mom itself can decide how to eat, based on observations for the reaction of the baby. And how she can eat can "suggest" the child with his behavior, the state of the intestine or a refusal of feeding, if the taste of milk has changed, and he did not like it. But you can say for sure that the first three months can not be used honey, jam, chocolate, eggs, red fruits and vegetables, bakery products, oily, sour and salty.

    In case the mother is predisposed to allergies, there is a possibility that the child will exhibit increased sensitivity to products. In such cases, you need to carefully treat nutrition. With an allergic reaction (redness of cheeks, dryness and in the field of knees and elbows), the product must be excluded for a month, and then try again to enter it, so that the body is gradually adapted to this allergen. Please note that chocolate, fat and smoked products, canned food and alcohol remain banned by the entire breastfeeding period.

    In conclusion, it should be said that nursing mothers are forbidden to arrange unloading days, take mono diet or low-calorie diet. It is dangerous for the child and do not need a mother. At this time, about 500 kcal goes down on the production of milk, and if you eat correctly and over time, connect also physical exertion, then extra kilograms will leave.

    Insufficient food of the mother can lead to the fact that there will be an insufficient amount of milk, and the child will not be able to be powered. In this case, a hungry chair appears in infants - is overlooking the water and even close by consistency to water. It is possible to determine this type of stool violations by weight dynamics - the child is badly gaining it (less than 450 g per month, and the two weeks did not score the weight at birth), signs of dehydration appear (smelled Spring), the kid sluggish and sleeps a lot. You also need to spend the test "on wet diapers". With a sufficient amount of milk, the child urins 10 times a day. In this case, urination is penetrating, urine becomes concentrated and has a sharp smell, and its volume is small. On the Internet you can find photos of this pathological feces. The child's chair is formed gradually, since the time is necessary so that the intestines settled with useful microbes. This is usually happening for a month, some are longer.

    Permitted products

    Diet with breastfeeding newborn includes:

    • Bread wheat 2nd grade (better with bran), drying, dry cookies, not very sweet biscuit and crackers from gray bread.
    • Cereals various (with caution corn and pearl) can also be prepared with the addition of 1/3 of milk, making steam puddings, casseled casseled.
    • Low-fat varieties of meat and fish (beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, polytai, pike perch, bream, putassu, cod, heck, perch) in the form of a steam kitlet and a whole piece. You should give preference to white poultry meat, and fish take no more than 1-2 times a week.
    • Includes vegetarian soups and soups on a weak (secondary) meat broth. In the first dishes it is good to take potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and zucchini. In soups you can add meatballs, beds, pieces of boiled meat.
    • As sources of vitamins and fiber, at least 400 g boiled or fresh (with good tolerability of the child) of vegetables are introduced into the diet. Preference is given to neutral vegetables: carrots, beets, zucchinates, patissons, pumpkins. They are boiled, you can make cutlets or stew. Fresh vegetables are better to use green, and brightly painted - thermally handle using in soups or stew. However, it is necessary to start using vegetables from boiled or stew.
    • It is recommended to start using fruits with apples, then enter other species, but not very sour. Fruits need to choose green or white color, you can drink children's juices, children's fruit purees, as well as baked apples and pears. During the day, the nursing mother should eat 300 g of fruits and berries (pears, apples, currant, gooseberry, cherry) and drink 200-300 ml of juice (better with flesh). They can be freshly prepared or canned. In this case, you need to choose juices from a series of baby food. You can eat baked apples and pears, as well as drinking kisins and compotes from them. The food fibers are rich in dried fruits, so the prunes and kuragu can be introduced carefully, watching the child's chair.
    • With the tendency of the baby to the constipation, there must be dried fruits, also to revise the diet of the mother and fats of animal origin to be partially replaced by vegetable oils, as well as wider turn on dietary fibers (vegetables, cereals, fruits, coarse bread).
    • The daily diet should include 600-800 ml of fermented milk products (acidophilic, natural yogurt, kefir, yogurt) and cottage cheese or dishes from it. Milk in the amount of 200 ml and sour cream are allowed only as an additive into a dish. It is better to alternate milk and fermented milk products. If we talk about the fat content of these products, then optimal is 2.5%, and cottage cheese - 5-9%. Zero fatty products for nursing women are not suitable.
    • From confectionery, you can rarely afford meringues, fruit marmalade, marshmallow, grazing.
    • On the day you can eat 25 g of butter, 15 g of vegetable (corn, sunflower, olive, soybean).
    • Drinks include tea without aromatic additives (fastening black or green), teas with mint, scenario, chamber, occasionally faint coffee, cutting water without gas, compote and fruit.

    Table of permitted products

    Proteins, G.Fats, G.Carbohydrates, G.Calories, Kcal

    Vegetables and greens

    zucchini.0,6 0,3 4,6 24
    cauliflower2,5 0,3 5,4 30
    potatoes2,0 0,4 18,1 80
    carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
    pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28


    bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
    cherry0,8 0,5 11,3 52
    pears0,4 0,3 10,9 42
    plum0,8 0,3 9,6 42
    apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47
    apples baked sweet0,5 0,3 24,0 89


    gooseberry0,7 0,2 12,0 43

    Nuts and dried fruits

    dried fruits2,3 0,6 68,2 286

    Cruises and porridge

    buckwheat (keris)12,6 3,3 62,1 313
    oat groats12,3 6,1 59,5 342
    oat flakes11,9 7,2 69,3 366
    pearl barley9,3 1,1 73,7 320
    wheat groats11,5 1,3 62,0 316
    millet camp11,5 3,3 69,3 348
    rice white6,7 0,7 78,9 344
    barley grits10,4 1,3 66,3 324

    Bakery products

    white bread crags11,2 1,4 72,2 331
    redhead bread9,0 2,2 36,0 217


    jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
    marshmallow0,8 0,0 78,5 304
    marmalade fruit-berry0,4 0,0 76,6 293
    merengi2,6 20,8 60,5 440
    paste0,5 0,0 80,8 310
    cookies Maria8,7 8,8 70,9 400

    Milk products

    milk 2.5%2,8 2,5 4,7 52
    kefir 2.5%2,8 2,5 3,9 50
    sour cream 15% (misunderstanding)2,6 15,0 3,0 158
    ryazhenka 2.5%2,9 2,5 4,2 54
    acidophilus2,8 3,2 3,8 57
    natural yogurt 2%4,3 2,0 6,2 60

    Cheeses and cottage cheese

    cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363
    cottage cheese 5%17,2 5,0 1,8 121
    cottage cheese 9% (bold)16,7 9,0 2,0 159

    Meat products

    pork non-fat16,4 27,8 0,0 316
    beef boiled25,8 16,8 0,0 254
    veal boiled30,7 0,9 0,0 131
    rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


    clawed chicken25,2 7,4 0,0 170
    turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84

    Oils and fats

    butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748

    Non-alcoholic beverages

    mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
    green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -
    black tea20,0 5,1 6,9 152

    Juices and compotes

    apple juice0,4 0,4 9,8 42

    Fully or partially limited products

    Postpartum diet for nursing mothers excludes:

    • High-caliped products to which include: fish, seafood (especially crabs, shrimp), crayfish, fish caviar, eggs, mushrooms, nuts (walnuts), coffee, chocolate, honey, cocoa, citrus fruit, bright red and orange fruits. High-caliper products include peanuts and tomatoes.
    • Fully excluded products that increase fermentation in the intestines (any legumes, coarse vegetables, whole milk, rye bread, yeast dough, kvass). Therefore, soups from legumes, whitewashing, and okroshka, due to the presence of fresh and sauer cucumbers, are excluded from the diet.
    • Products with essential oils (garlic, celery, onions, garlic, radishes, radish, spinach) and citrus.
    • Radish broths, fatty varieties of meat, fish, birds, marinades, smoked meats, meat and fish canned food, sausages, sharp dishes, spices.
    • All tropical fruits (with the exception of bananas).
    • Products containing dyes and preservatives.
    • It is impossible to use whole milk, fermented cheeses.
    • Culinary fat, pork and beef, margarine.
    • The use of chocolate, cakes with cream, carbonated drinks, kvass is not allowed.
    • Alcohol and low alcohol drinks, energy.

    During feeding the newborn, limit to:

    • One-piece milk is permitted as an additive in porridge, and sour cream only in dishes in small quantities.
    • Bakery products made of flour of top grade, pasta and semolina.
    • Sugar.
    • Confectionery, all sorts of sweets.
    • Salt.

    Table of prohibited products

    Proteins, G.Fats, G.Carbohydrates, G.Calories, Kcal

    Vegetables and greens

    vegetables legumes9,1 1,6 27,0 168
    canned vegetables1,5 0,2 5,5 30
    swede1,2 0,1 7,7 37
    cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
    cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
    parsnip1,4 0,5 9,2 47
    parsley (root)1,5 0,6 10,1 49
    radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
    radish white1,4 0,0 4,1 21
    turnip1,5 0,1 6,2 30
    celery0,9 0,1 2,1 12
    horseradish3,2 0,4 10,5 56
    garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143
    spinach2,9 0,3 2,0 22
    sorrel1,5 0,3 2,9 19


    citrus fruits0,9 0,2 4,4 22
    tropical fruits1,3 0,3 12,6 65
    melon0,6 0,3 7,4 33


    grapes0,6 0,2 16,8 65


    mushrooms3,5 2,0 2,5 30

    Bakery products

    rye bread6,6 1,2 34,2 165


    candy4,3 19,8 67,5 453
    cookies Kurakye6,7 25,8 64,6 516
    two cookies10,4 5,2 76,8 458

    Ice cream

    ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


    cake4,4 23,4 45,2 407

    Raw materials and seasonings

    seasoning7,0 1,9 26,0 149
    mustard5,7 6,4 22,0 162

    Meat products

    pork oily11,4 49,3 0,0 489


    sausage with / dried24,1 38,3 1,0 455


    duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
    goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364

    Fish and seafood

    fish dried17,5 4,6 0,0 139
    fish smoked26,8 9,9 0,0 196
    red caviar32,0 15,0 0,0 263
    chang Black28,0 9,7 0,0 203
    canned fish17,5 2,0 0,0 88

    Oils and fats

    vegetable oil0,0 99,0 0,0 899
    fat animal0,0 99,7 0,0 897
    fat culinary0,0 99,7 0,0 897

    Alcoholic beverages

    vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
    beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42

    Non-alcoholic beverages

    water soda0,0 0,0 0,0 -
    kvass Bread0,2 0,0 5,2 27
    cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42
    coffee soluble dry15,0 3,5 0,0 94
    sprite0,1 0,0 7,0 29

    Juices and compotes

    orange juice0,9 0,2 8,1 36
    grape juice0,3 0,0 14,0 54
    strawberry juice0,6 0,4 7,0 31
    mandarine Juice0,8 0,3 8,1 36
    * Data indicated on 100 g of product

    Menu (power mode)

    The diet, starting from the second month, is more diverse, because it already includes beef, chicken, fish and rabbit, the list of porridge is also expanded. Vegetables are still stewed or boiled. The following is the approximate menu.