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  • Did you drink water in a dream? Interpretation of dreams in which you drank water, according to proven dream books. Drinking water in a dream - interpretation of dreams

    Did you drink water in a dream?  Interpretation of dreams in which you drank water, according to proven dream books.  Drinking water in a dream - interpretation of dreams

    Dreams are an integral part of human life. Many things can be dreamed of, including such a primitive action as drinking water. Why dream of drinking water? Interpreters give different answers to this question. Dehydration is a problem that can cause serious health problems. What does it mean to drink water in a dream if a person does not feel thirsty, this is exactly what this article will be about.

    Sleep is a harbinger of future events

    Drinking water in a dream is a symbol of unattainable or future goals in the dreamer's life. As they say in various dream books, a person who sees such dreams needs to solve current problem situations. Or at least adapt to them in the best possible way. Seeing people who are thirsty in night dreams means that a person will appear in the dreamer's life who can help in solving some problems.

    Every dream has some meaning. The dreamer's feeling of thirst can be easily associated with the physiological needs of the body. But if there is no such need, then one cannot do without various interpreters, because dreams can be a kind of warning for a person. That is why it is necessary to describe in detail different interpretations dream, which is based on the quenching of thirst. An important role is played by the quality of the liquid used, and the gender of the dreamer.

    A person should try to remember the dream in detail, because in this case it is the details that play an important role in the explanation. So, for example, it plays a role from which vessel the water was consumed. Her temperature is also important. Whether it is drinkable is another important factor.

    Freud's dream book

    Quenching thirst in a dream indicates that the dreamer has unsatisfied sexual desires. It was this option that was suggested by the famous psychoanalyst Z. Freud. He stated that such a dream is a reflection of the upcoming orgasm.

    In his dream book, drinking spring water is a symbol of the fact that changes are planned in the dreamer's sexual life. It may even "turn up" unexpected sexual intercourse. However, you must always think with your head, and not commit rash acts. Therefore, such a dream is also a kind of warning. The most important thing is the health of the body, not pleasure.

    The vessel is an important detail of the dream

    A dream in which it is possible to drink water from a bottle is interpreted by dream books in different ways:

    • Firstly, it is considered a kind of symbol that reflects the dreamer's complex relationship with his love partner. In this case, it is recommended to reconsider such relationships, but it is better to add passion to them, otherwise such love will quickly go out.
    • Secondly, if in a dream you have to drink water from a glass, there is a possibility of a serious deterioration in human health. Or it will just make him feel bad. And these events can cause a serious deterioration in the emotional state. Sometimes such a dream can be explained by the fact that a person is striving to change his place of residence.

    Also, some interpreters argue that a dream in which you need to drink water from a bottle is an unconscious desire to return to childhood. Because for many, adolescence is the happiest period of life. And in this case, the subconscious seriously dictates the plots of certain dreams. Meneggeti's dream book says that if such a dream is seen by a person who currently lives under the roof of his parents, then the dream can be interpreted in a completely different way. The dreamer, on the contrary, strives for freedom, and not for the guardianship with which he was surrounded in his childhood.

    Drinking water in a dream from a vessel is a serious harbinger of the changes that were described above. But in any case, one should not be very nervous: deterioration is often replaced by improvements. You need to show a little patience, and it is also better for the dreamer to take care of his health.

    Gender of the dreamer

    If a man in a dream scoops clean water with his palms and tries to drink it, it means that in the near future he will sexually self-satisfy. Such a dreamer has not had attention from women for a long time, so this is a serious problem for him. Dreams will not leave this man alone either. If you have to drink water from women's hands, then such a dream warns that there is a danger of becoming a toy in the hands of your beloved.

    The fair sex also has a question: “Why dream of drinking a lot of water?”. Some interpreters of dreams associate this with the desire for motherhood. If a woman dreams of a beautiful vessel with water, then this symbol represents the birth of a child from her lover. However, the sexual side of such dreams is no less important. For example, such images associated with drinking water may be dreamed of by women who do not satisfy their fantasies in sex.

    To quench your thirst with a rich, fragrant, tasty drink means that a woman’s desires will come true. If in a dream you have to drink spring water, then this sign symbolizes spiritual purification - a kind of catharsis - and forgiveness. But cloudy and dirty drinks indicate that such a woman loves to enjoy life at any cost. Interpreters claim that this indicates her propensity to use drugs and alcohol.

    If the fair sex in her dream cannot quench her thirst, then this is a bad symbol. Such a woman may be infertile.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation - Dream Interpretation

    If a person experiences intense thirst in his dream and at the same time seeks a source of water, then in such a person, according to the interpreters of dreams, attachment to material things prevails over spiritual life. Weak spiritual intimacy with loved ones - this is the main reason for such a dream. Such individuals need to think about their lives, because the consequence of their behavior will be the lack of moral support from relatives.

    Quenching thirst in a dream is a symbol of spiritual purification and forgiveness. The quality of water can also be different in a dream. For example:

    • The dream book connects drinking muddy water with the fact that the dreamer is threatened with neglect of his own moral principles. It is worth thinking a hundred times before going against your beliefs.
    • Drinking delicious and crystal clear water symbolizes success in life.

    If you dream of a catastrophe of mass extinction of people from dehydration, it means that a person is seriously worried about the ecological state of nature.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Supporters of this dream book argue that drinking water in a dream is a harbinger of money problems. However, if after awakening the feeling of thirst remains in a person, then this dream, according to Hasse, does not make sense. In this dream book, water quality also plays a significant role:

    • if the water is clean in a dream, then this symbolizes success in work, as well as a quick cure for the disease;
    • a dream associated with muddy and swampy water warns, according to Hasse, that a person can become seriously ill.

    Miller's dream book

    Dream interpreters claim that a person who is thirsty in his dream strives in life for something unattainable. And if such a dreamer is lucky enough to satisfy this feeling, then success will come to him in the near future. Thirst in Miller's dream book is also associated with the disposition of authoritative and wealthy people towards a person.

    Various esoteric explanations for the dream

    If the dreamer sees people drinking water, and in the end he doesn’t get even a drop, then this symbolizes that such a person experiences a certain information hunger in his life. And this already affects the worldview. The solution to the problem is that he needs to meet new interesting personalities.

    Dream interpreters claim that a person who cannot quench his thirst with water communicates with people who wish him only harm. This symbol is often seen by unfortunate and unhealthy individuals. In a sense, this is a prophetic sign that needs to be heeded.

    However, not only water can dream of a person, but also alcoholic beverages. And this is already a symbol of the fact that one of the relatives or friends can provide some kind of service. Only this prophecy speaks of the aggravation of the dreamer's state of affairs, and not of their improvement.

    If in a dream you need to drink water for brotherhood with another person, then this suggests that you need to carefully consider the solution to a certain problem.


    The article makes it clear why you dream of drinking water. It can be both a good and a bad symbol. However, the physiological feeling of thirst must be satisfied so that a spiritual explanation for this dream can be found. Although often it symbolizes the lack of sex in a person's life, and this is also a physical need of the body. Interpreters of dreams associate thirst with dissatisfaction not only with sexual desires, but also with other, one might even say, spiritual aspirations of a person.

    Drinking water in a dream is a symbol of unattainable or future goals in the dreamer's life. As they say in various dream books, a person who sees such dreams needs to solve current problem situations. Or at least adapt to them in the best possible way. Seeing people who are thirsty in night dreams means that a person will appear in the dreamer's life who can help in solving some problems.

    Every dream has some meaning. The dreamer's feeling of thirst can be easily associated with the physiological needs of the body. But if there is no such need, then one cannot do without various interpreters, because dreams can be a kind of warning for a person. That is why it is necessary to describe in detail the different interpretations of a dream, which is based on quenching thirst. An important role is played by the quality of the liquid used, and the gender of the dreamer.

    A person should try to remember the dream in detail, because in this case it is the details that play an important role in the explanation. So, for example, it plays a role from which vessel the water was consumed. Her temperature is also important. Whether it is drinkable is another important factor.

    The hidden symbolism of the image

    If a person happened to drink in a dream, then first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the liquid itself, because it is one thing when it comes to wine or stronger drinks, while drinking plain water will have a completely different meaning. In both cases, the dream image should not be taken literally, because water, according to experts in esotericism, psychology and astrology, has a hidden meaning, symbolizing the replenishment of energy and the receipt of life-giving forces.

    The quality of drinking also plays an important role, and if the dreamer was lucky enough to use mineral water from a pure salty or fresh source, then in reality the brightest and most joyful events will await him. So, for a sick person, this image can promise a long-awaited recovery, for a suffering person - spiritual healing, for a needy person - enrichment, for a lover - the happiness of reciprocity, and for a wandering person - finding shelter.

    Things will be completely different when in a dream it happened to get drunk from a dirty source, regardless of the form in which it appeared to the attention of the sleeping person. A rusty tap, a puddle, a swamp, a muddy clogged river - all these are bad symbols that promise serious health problems, a painful break in relationships, or any other difficult test of fate.

    However, do not despair ahead of time, because not all dreams turn out to be prophetic. And not the last role in their interpretation is played by such indicators as the day of the week on which a strange vision appeared to the sleeper. Experts believe that:

    • a dream on Monday will be prophetic only if he is seen by the birthday man;
    • dreams come true on tuesday as soon as possible(up to two weeks);
    • dreams of the environment are able to predict the future;
    • Thursday night visions are empty;
    • Friday dreams are almost always prophetic;
    • Saturday visions come true with a probability of 50%;
    • Sunday dreams turn out to be prophetic only if the dreamer does not tell anyone about him.

    As practice shows, the current season is also a determining factor for the interpretation of a dream. This is explained quite simply, because each time has a special effect on a person. And if you focus on seasonality, then experts recommend taking into account such important nuances:

    • a dream about drinking, dreamed up in the winter season, is often a sure sign of ordinary thirst;
    • if the sleeper dreamed that cats drink water or milk in the spring, then in reality he can expect the happiness of motherhood or fatherhood, and it is possible that twins will be born;
    • in the summer, this same image can have a completely different interpretation, predicting to the dreamer a vile deception on the part of stronger competitors who can take advantage of his weakness;
    • autumn dream promises a person the loss of personal savings accumulated by overwork;

    Freud's dream book

    Quenching thirst in a dream indicates that the dreamer has unsatisfied sexual desires. It was this option that was suggested by the famous psychoanalyst Z. Freud. He stated that such a dream is a reflection of the upcoming orgasm.

    In his dream book, drinking spring water is a symbol of the fact that changes are planned in the dreamer's sexual life. It may even “turn up” unexpected sexual intercourse. However, you must always think with your head, and not commit rash acts. Therefore, such a dream is also a kind of warning. The most important thing is the health of the body, not pleasure.

    > > > Why dream of drinking water in a dream

    Why dream of drinking water

    Not everyone knows why dream of drinking water in a dream and what such a dream can tell. Let's turn to the interpretation of the dream book.

    Be careful about what you dream about drinking water, because this plot reveals in detail your inner aspirations and desires. There are hints of dreams, gaining power and luck in romantic relationships. If you use a bottle to drink, you can no longer cope with fatigue. There is a high probability that your environment or life brings complete irritation. You spend more and more time in memories of childhood, where all your problems and worries were solved by the elders.

    It’s good if you get a refreshing effect from water, because you will be able to improve your health and realize your ideas. Turbidity indicates a difficult period and diseases. A dream with a cool liquid speaks of happiness and a successful path. If the temperature is closer to warm and hot, then it is better to contact a specialist as soon as possible. There is clearly something wrong with the body. You will have to endure more than one test if you cannot eliminate your thirst. And you can rely solely on your own strength.

    according to the Ayurvedic dream book

    It is a symbol of birth.

    See water in a dream

    according to Loff's dream book

    Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep freshwater lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a strong symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with highest point feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a murmuring stream flowing through a meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols give rise to a feeling of fear or anxiety, then the stormy ocean enhances it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. It is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of mankind, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was the central ingredient of life. They die much faster from thirst than from hunger. It was even more important to know where the water was, for it made it clear where the food was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, which was fraught with unknown dangers. Travel by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing a positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water, in controlled amounts or in a controlled environment, almost always evokes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to problem solving. If there is a lake in a dream, is the entire coast line within sight and likely reach? If you dream of a river or stream, then have they overflowed their banks, and can they, in your opinion, be overcome in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water. Water presented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a traveler and tired, dreamer suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey, close at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a boat, slowly sliding on the surface of the water. The sleeper must be looking forward to a respite from worldly worries or is trying to create such an opportunity on purpose. Unmanaged water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer is. Still, deep water that feels refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger potentially lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what is in the depths. An exception to the above general statements are water faucets. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the crane is controlled by a dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the faucet effectively, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is not in control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances, or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the faucet. If the tap is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of the other. This whim can cause considerable discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss. , lover or other persons significant to you.

    Water in a dream

    according to the dream book of Nostradamus

    Water is a symbol of life. Seeing crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream portends favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in tomorrow. Walking on water and seeing flocks of carps - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger of discovering a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new doctrine or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream portends the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

    Dreamed of water

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing pure water in a dream portends that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you. If the water is cloudy, you will be in danger and discouragement will take the place of joy. If you see that the water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to a dangerous influence. If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are getting wet, this portends trouble, illness and poverty that will make you solve difficult problems, but you will be able to prevent them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water that fills the ship. Falling into muddy water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset by this. Drinking muddy water portends a disease, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of a favorable end to the wildest hopes. Playing sports in the water means a sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream that water splashes fall on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end happily. The next dream and subsequent events in real life so conveyed by a young woman studying dreams: “It is not known how in a dream I ended up in a boat floating on blue clear water to a pier that seemed to me snow-white. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely condemned for this. Blue water and a beautiful white boat in the distance were symbols of disappointment.

    Why dream of water

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    drink clean, cold - fortunately, health; muddy, warm - to the disease; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - get into a personal predicament; plunge headlong - avoid danger; get wet - a shame in love, betrayal and the collapse of personal plans; wash - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; water - to loss; look at the waterfall - a terrible meeting; splashed on the head - an unexpected passion; to draw water - grief; to draw water from the River - to money from someone; from the well - unfortunately; drink warm water - unfortunately, illness; to see something underwater is the past; pops up - resumption of relationships or litigation, regret about the past; see scoop; (flowing from a well) - loss of property; misfortune with loved ones; (it flows from where it is not supposed to flow) - troubles depending on the place of the leak: from the wall - troubles from the husband or in the family; from the ceiling - from the authorities; from under the floor - trouble from enemies or betrayal of friends; from pipes - slander and slander on the sleeping person.

    Why dream about water

    according to Vanga's dream book

    Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. In a dream, drink clean cold water- in reality, the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new capacity, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of the coming wave of cosmic influence on you, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality wait for a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water - in reality, resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which you will tear your health and shorten your life. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream - you will hardly endure the coming changes, but by standing in this stormy stream of the event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

    Dreamed of a river

    according to Miller's dream book

    If you dream of a smooth, calm surface of a river, it means that you will soon enjoy the most delightful pleasures, and your well-being will entertain you with tempting opportunities. If the waters of the river are muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you. If in a dream an overflowing river blocked your path, troubles await you at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your impudent antics. If you dream that you are swimming in clean clear water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you have to part with joy and good luck for some time. If you dream of a dry river, it means that sorrows await you.

    The meaning of the dream about the river

    according to Freud's dream book

    If you dreamed of a wide river, this indicates that in life you are often overwhelmed by sexual fantasies that you are embarrassed to admit to your other half. What are you afraid of? Swim in a dream in a river - a dream means that in this moment you experience a feeling of love that captures you entirely, and you forgot about business and responsibilities. Take a more sober look at life.

    Why is the river dreaming

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    swim - profit; to see, to be on the shore - a long road; to wade, to walk in the water - an obstacle, a delay; jump into the river (for a woman) - new feelings, hope for reconciliation in the family; a strong current and not get out - delays, dangers and interference in business, a long recovery; to draw (water) from the river - to money from someone, from a well - unfortunately.


    according to the Ayurvedic dream book

    If you dreamed of a fast, dirty one, then this is a harbinger of troubles and problems. However, a calm river with clear water portends happiness and love.

    Why do lilies dream

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    to illness, shame; engaged - to the breakdown of the wedding.

    I dreamed of a ford

    according to Miller's dream book

    If in a dream you wade clear water, this means that you will take part in fleeting, but refined joys. If the water is dirty, you are at risk of illness. Seeing children walking on clear water is a happy dream that portends you good luck. For a young woman to dream that she is walking on clear, foaming water is a sign that she will soon achieve the fulfillment of her most cherished desire.

    Dreamed of a water lily

    according to the dream book of plants

    Symbolizes purity of heart

    The meaning of sleep about a geyser

    according to Freud's dream book

    If you dreamed of a geyser, this indicates that in life you are not used to being ashamed of anything. You see nothing wrong with being open about your feelings and desires to your partner, and therefore he appreciates your frankness. In addition, you always voice your actions and the actions of your partner in bed, which brings additional pleasure and acts on both of you exciting and stimulating.

    Why dream of an ebb or a waning tide

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    problems will resolve themselves.

    Why is the source dreaming

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    incredible changes; drink - fulfillment of desires.

    Dreamed of a pond

    according to Miller's dream book

    If you dream of a pond, it means that future events will not bring you grief, and fate will allow you to maintain a calm outlook on things. If the pond is dirty in a dream, domestic quarrels or someone's illness await you. If you dream of a clean pond full of playing fish, then in reality your business will go more successfully than before, and entertainment awaits you. Falling into a clean pond is a sign of undeniable good luck and mutual love; in a dirty - unfavorable dream.

    What is the dream of the pond

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    in lilies - gain through loss; in duckweed - a journey on dry land, on land; a beautiful, deep pond, a source - to love; beautiful wife.

    Why dream of getting drunk

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    drunk - a disease.

    Dreamed of a waterfall

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing a waterfall in a dream portends that you will be able to restrain your unbridled desires and fate will be extremely favorable for your success.

    Why dream of drinking

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    thirsty - chores, urgent worries; clean water is a good thing; dirty - a disease; kvass - health; quench your thirst entirely - complete success in life, the longer you drink, the later success will come; invite to drink - longevity, health.

    Dreamed of drinking

    according to Miller's dream book

    If in a dream you are offered a sip of alcohol, this is a sign of rivalry or a quarrel over small property. To think in a dream that you have quit drinking or found that others have done it portends that your current position in society will improve and material wealth will bring you satisfaction.

    Dreamed of the tide

    according to Miller's dream book

    A tide in a dream promises favorable circumstances for the development of your business.

    What is the dream of the tide

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    high - hope, new opportunities.

    Dreamed of a pool

    according to Miller's dream book

    If a young lady swims in a pool in a dream, this is a good dream: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend and strengthen her position in society.

    The meaning of sleep about the pool

    according to Freud's dream book

    If you dreamed about how you swam in the pool, it means that in the near future you will plunge into a love feeling with your head and completely forget about your duties and affairs. It will seem to you that you have never experienced a stronger feeling in your life. However, sobering up will come very quickly, literally after you enter into an intimate relationship with this person. Something about him will disappoint you. An empty pool represents the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with a partner. Your whole life was concentrated in it alone - and now you simply do not know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Since this happened, is it not better to think about yourself and understand that you deserve better. After all, the cause of the gap was your immense adoration of the object of your passion.

    Why dream of a puddle

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    profit, if net; step into the puddle bad Company; miss (they say “to sit in a puddle”); for a girl - a personal, beloved person; muddy - treason; dark - insecurity in a relationship.

    Dreamed of a puddle

    according to Miller's dream book

    If you dream that you stepped into a puddle of clean water, some kind of trouble awaits you, but very soon something good will come to replace it. If you stepped into a dirty puddle in a dream, troubles will haunt you repeatedly. Wetting your feet by stepping into a puddle means that your joy today will turn into grief later.

    I dreamed of a well

    according to Miller's dream book

    To dream that you are using a well portends that you will not be able to withstand the adverse situation that has arisen due to your abuse of your power. You will allow alien interests to influence your behavior. Falling into a well means overwhelming despair that will take possession of you. For those who descended into the well on their own, this is a promise that the plans of the enemies will be crossed out by your own. Seeing an empty well means that you will be robbed by fate if you trust strangers. To see that water is being pumped from a well means new opportunities to improve your prospects. To see an artesian well is a harbinger of the fact that your brilliant opportunities will open you access to the realm of knowledge and pleasure. Getting water from a well portends the satisfaction of passionate desires. If the water is unclean, expect trouble.

    Well in a dream

    according to the dream book of Nostradamus

    The well is a symbol of infinity, mystery, healing, predictions. To see a well in a dream in a hot desert is to meet a person in whom you can find a soul mate. Get water from a well - in reality you can satisfy your curiosity. The dream in which you saw a dry well is a warning. Water poisoned by industrial waste is unlikely to be suitable for life. If in a dream you wash your face with well water, then in reality you can be cured of a long and debilitating illness. To dream about how you fall into a well - in the near future you will be very excited or frightened by unexpected news. To see a star in the well - you are the bearer of undoubted luck, everything that you have planned will come true. The dream in which you dig a well means that you will search for true values. To see muddy water in a well - to illness and loss of vital energy.

    Why is the well dreaming

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    with a bucket - wealth; crowded - loss; without water - anxiety; drinking from a well is a good deed; to draw water - to draw trouble.

    Why do waves dream

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    fast or unexpected road, journey; feelings, strong feelings; muddy, dirty overflowing wave - to a big quarrel or a serious illness; waves hit the shore, the surf is a quick resolution of affairs; carry away - the danger of death of the one who is carried away; waves of water in the house are a danger to the child.

    Dreamed of waves

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing waves in a dream is a sign that you will take a decisive step in teaching and thinking, which will gradually grow into great knowledge - if the waves are clean. But you will make a fatal mistake if in a dream you see them dirty or rolling ashore during a storm.

    Why is the shark dreaming

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    floats - failure of affairs; dead - protection.

    Dreamed of a shark

    according to Miller's dream book

    Sharks in a dream portend formidable, terrible enemies. If sharks chase and attack you, then failures are inevitable that will plunge you into the abyss of despair. Seeing sharks frolicking in clear, clear water means that while you prosper and enjoy female society, someone's envy quietly but surely wants to deprive you of peace and happiness. If you dream of a dead shark, then you will regain prosperity and peace.

    Shark dream meaning

    according to Freud's dream book

    If you dreamed of a shark, this indicates that your partner (partner) is a real predator who likes to enslave and rule over you completely. He dictates his will everywhere and in everything - and this is unlikely to give you pleasure in the field of intimate relationships. Try to talk to him and explain what suits you in intimate life and what not. You should not be afraid of this conversation or, worse, be embarrassed, because silence cannot solve the problem, and the person himself is unlikely to guess what is tormenting you.

    See a pond in a dream

    according to Loff's dream book

    A dream about swimming or relaxing on the shore of a reservoir is the most desired dream of volitional fulfillment for many people. Recreation and recuperation in nature seem like a wonderful prospect. However, the persons present in the pond with you may indicate events that take place without your participation in real life. The evaluation of the message conveyed in the dream depends on those persons who are in the reservoir, as well as the general topics and interests that; unite you with these people in real life. Perhaps you should not watch but join them? Do you feel the need to join the bathers instead of standing aside and limiting yourself to sunbathing. The unattractive appearance of the water may indicate a certain situation that portrays the body of water as something that you have been drawn into against your will. In that. In this case, the people bathing in the pond may be people who you trust but have concerns about.

    The meaning of sleep about the ocean

    according to Freud's dream book

    If you are a man and you dreamed about the ocean, it means that your opportunities in sexual life are limited, although you do not even know about it. Your sexual intercourse is fleeting, and sometimes it doesn’t even come to the actual act. But you recover very quickly and are ready for the next "feat". You need to learn how to delay premature ejaculation, this will help prolong your pleasure and avoid further conflicts with an unsatisfied partner. Incontinence must be fought primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means a lot of excitement caused by an upcoming date with a man to whom she is very sympathetic.

    Dreamed of the ocean

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing a calm ocean in a dream is good, a sailor will have a pleasant and successful voyage. business man he will be pleased with the course of his affairs, and the young man will enjoy the charm of his beloved. Sailing far in the ocean and hearing the waves beat against the side portends misfortune in business life and a stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle. Watching from the shore how ocean waves run into one another portends your near deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers. If you dream that the ocean then becomes shallow like a river that you can ford, then it exposes the terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede - this means that prosperity and well-being will be interspersed in your life with sorrows and difficulties. Sailing on a calm ocean always means favorable in all endeavors.

    See the ocean in a dream

    according to Loff's dream book

    The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, such an approach, taken by individuals to the interpretation of dreams, is imperfect due to the insufficient number of links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with activities such as ship cruises, yachts, scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not perceive it at all as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they can't swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and ill omen. Its boundless expanses, combined with the inability to stay on the water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the irresistible that you lead in real life.


    according to the Ayurvedic dream book

    Life will be the same as the ocean seen in a dream. It will be quiet and peaceful if the ocean is calm, restless if it is stormy.

    The meaning of the dream about the fountain

    according to Freud's dream book

    If you dreamed of a functioning fountain, it means that a surge of feelings and emotions that you managed to miss in order is waiting for you in the very near future. Perhaps there is a meeting ahead of you with a person whom you have not seen for a long time or with whom you have recently left much to be desired. A broken, inactive fountain is a sign that you should not count on the upcoming date so much. There is a possibility that it will not go quite well - the possibility of a quarrel is very high. Several fountains that you saw in a dream - it is impossible to pull longer; you have long needed to make a choice, and for some reason you still can’t do it.

    Dreamed of a fountain

    according to Miller's dream book

    To dream of a fountain with clean jets sparkling under the sun means prosperity, intoxicating joy, pleasant trips. To see the fountain through a haze, as if in a fog, portends that you will encounter insincerity; and in matters of the heart you will fail. A dried up and broken fountain is a sign of misfortune. If a young woman sees in a dream a sparkling fountain in the moonlight, this dream promises her a whirlwind of reckless entertainment, which will end in very dramatic events.

    Why is the fountain dreaming

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    great joy, surprise.

    Dream of a tidal wave

    according to Loff's dream book

    Dreams of impending misfortune, as a rule, indicate that the dreamer feels he has lost control of the situation. In the case of a tidal wave, the feeling of losing control of the situation is often combined with the need to start over. A 16-year-old boy recounts his dream: “I am running, trying to escape the tidal wave before it hits me. In the end, I understand the hopelessness of the situation. I turn around and the wave hits me with all its force. Surprisingly, despite the force of the blow, I stay on my feet. When I turn back, in the direction I was running, I see that everything - my house, my parents, my car - everything has disappeared. At the beginning of the discussion, the young man told about numerous complaints that were somehow connected with home life and the absence of his father. During further questioning, the young man admitted that he abused drugs and had problems with the realization of sexual needs. He desperately wanted a second chance, realizing that he had ruined his own life before. Often, seeing catastrophic events in a dream means a desire for purification in real life.

    The meaning of sleep about the lake

    according to Freud's dream book

    If you dreamed of a lake, this indicates that in life you are a calm and reasonable person. You remain the same in sex. You do everything measuredly and leisurely, stretching the pleasure as much as possible. Unfortunately, you have enough at best for one time. Swimming in a lake in a dream - promises you a meeting with a member of the opposite sex in an unusual place. The situation will be the best way to have a close acquaintance, which you will safely continue in bed.

    dreamed of a lake

    according to Miller's dream book

    For a young woman to dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a restless lake portends many changes: she will soon begin to repent of her past follies and neglect of virtue. If the water overwhelms the boat, but, rowing vigorously, the woman still reaches the pier, this means that she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honor and respect. This plot may also portend the illness of someone close. If she observes a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, cope with the elements, this means that one of her friends, although he will commit an unseemly act, will be able to return her favor. To dream that you are sailing on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends means that you will find happiness and wealth that matches your ideas. A dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees portends a sad end to your plans. A dirty lake with beautiful green shores - portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, turning your energy in search of a safe and reliable path. If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation, this means that your secure existence will collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions. To see your reflection in the clear water of the lake portends that joy and loving friends await you. Seeing foliage reflected in a mirror of water portends the joy of enjoying love and happiness. To see the slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching and threatening you means failure and grief from wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire with the last drop, and you will drink the bitter wine of belated remorse.

    Why is the lake dreaming

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    danger, personal infidelity, dismissal; sailing on the lake - separation for lovers.

    Most detailed description: "dream book to drink water and not get drunk" - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

    Drinking water in a dream is a good sign. Indeed, it is the source of life. A rare dream book gives a negative explanation for this dream. If you are interested in an exact description of what this liquid is dreaming of, consider every smallest detail of the plot dreamed up during a night's rest.

    Pure water

    The female dream book believes that in a dream to drink pure spring water - to the successful completion of even the most daring undertakings. Veles seems to explain a similar plot. This predictor promises the dreamer, who in a dream drank water from a spring, good health.

    Miller's dream book is convinced that drinking pure cold soda in night dreams promises an improvement in well-being and the emergence of new prospects. The main thing is to try not to "miss" them, otherwise, a new happy chance will have to wait for a long time.

    Muslims negatively explain why they dream of drinking water from a glass. It is believed that if in a dream you drank water from a glass, then in real life there will be health problems. You will be very worried and nervous during the treatment.

    If you dreamed that you drank a clean liquid from a bottle, then in reality you will overcome all difficulties. Something from above will send the necessary strength and energy to solve difficulties.

    If you dream that you got cool water from the well and drank it, then what you dreamed about and, perhaps, even what you feared to dream about, will come true.

    Drink dirty liquid

    In a dream, drinking dirty and muddy water - to despondency. Some event will upset you so much that you will forget about joy and serenity for a long time. It is also possible that depression will develop. Close people, their advice and constant support will help to cope with it.

    The female dream book believes that drinking something and not getting drunk at the same time means that in reality you will have to make multiple attempts to improve your financial situation, but all of them will be in vain.

    If in a dream you saw that dirty liquid was flowing from a tap, beware of false gossip. Some people will deliberately spread unflattering and at the same time unreliable rumors about you in order to denigrate your reputation.

    Miller's dream book promises the dreamer, who drank a cloudy cocktail from a glass, despondency and a feeling of mental anxiety. The life span it won't be easy to survive. It will last a long time and take a lot of mental strength.

    If you dreamed that in a dream they give a tasteless and poor quality drink, then in reality you should be extremely careful in absolutely any business. The worse the dreamed juice or tea was, the more serious the impending danger.

    Various interpretations

    I dreamed that you were drinking holy water, which means long years you will be proud of your good health. Another version of the description of what holy water dreams of is the sinlessness of thoughts, spiritual purity. Holy water also predicts complete spiritual harmony.

    If you dreamed that you were thirsty and at the same time you were trying to quench it with sweet tea, then you would get the feeling that you were in a vicious circle. It won't be easy to get out, but it's possible. Aesop's dream book recommends making every effort. The dream claims that this is the only way to turn the tide.

    In a dream, drinking a salty mixture - to tears and disappointment, warm - to a good relationship with relatives. It will be possible to spend many warm minutes in communication with people close by blood. You will feel the warmth and support emanating from them.

    If you dream that you bought a delicious drink, you can experience all the joys of life. Dream Interpretation Grishina reports that drinking water directly from your hands is a new acquaintance with a person with whom a love affair will be possible.

    I dreamed that I drank a lot of water and did not get drunk.

    I poured clean water, I drank from the bottle.

    In a mug she collected muddy water that flowed from a dam, and in a mug she saw clean water.

    She dreamed that she drank water from a glass in which there were particles of earth from the grave.

    Did you drink water in a dream? Interpretation of dreams in which you drank water, according to proven dream books.

    If you dreamed about how you drink water, then this is a positive sign. Water is the source of life, a symbol of purification and health, so it is extremely rare that you can find a negative interpretation of such a dream.

    To understand its exact meaning, try to remember all the details you saw at night.

    Drank water in a dream and could not get drunk

    Seeing yourself drinking water in a dream - a good sign, but only if you feel completely satisfied. If you have quenched your thirst, this may mean that the long-desired will come true. However, a dream in which you can’t get drunk in any way, although you continue to drink, warns that in reality a very strong passion or desire. And it will be difficult to satisfy them completely.

    Also, such a dream may portend numerous unsuccessful attempts to improve your financial situation.

    Drink from the tap

    An open faucet from which water flows is a symbol of inner harmony, emotional balance. This dream means that you are giving vent to your feelings without holding them in. Drinking clean tap water is a sign that in reality you have enough positive emotions, and your life can be called rich.

    Water from a spring

    The spring, if it is clean, is a symbol of spiritual renewal or physical recovery. If you drink from a clean and transparent reservoir, this symbolizes the imminent fulfillment of desires, something pleasant and joyful in the near future. Such a dream may speak of success in any endeavor even incredibly brave ones. It can also symbolize good health.

    From a glass

    There is an opinion that water in a glass is a reflection of the dreamer's emotions. The dream in which you drank a clear liquid from a glass or glass symbolizes new acquaintances or deals. This may seem like a personal or financial industry, but in any case favorable to you.

    But Muslims consider the meaning of such a dream to be negative. They interpret the dream in which you drink water from a glass as a symbol of the impending deterioration in health, nerves and worries. If in a dream you drink water with someone from the same glass, this may warn that in the near future what you would like to hide will become public.

    From the well

    The well is a good symbol. A dream in which you drink water from a well can mean the fulfillment of your desires, moreover, even those that you feared and dreamed about. Other meanings of this dream are wealth and health. It can also symbolize the return of a person to his origins.

    From a bottle

    The dream in which you drink clean water from a bottle indicates that you will be able to cope with all the problems on your way. Moreover, something from above will give you strength, energy and useful tips for this.

    But the dream in which you drink water from a bucket is mainly interpreted by dream books as negative.

    Such a dream can be interpreted as a warning about the onset of a black streak.

    Drink dirty water in a dream

    But the meaning of this dream is definitely negative. Dirty and muddy water is a symbol of melancholy and despondency. Some upcoming event threatens you with frustration and even depression. However, advice and moral support from your loved ones can help to cope with the situation.

    Dirty liquid flowing from the tap warns you about false gossip. Certain individuals in your environment will spread unpleasant and untrue rumors about you in order to spoil the opinions of others about you. If in a dream you had to drink a cloudy liquid from a glass, you are in danger of sadness and lack of peace of mind. This period will be difficult for you. It can last a long time, and take away a lot of strength and energy from you. A tasteless and dirty drink warns that you need maximum caution. The worse it is, the more serious danger threatens you.

    cold water

    The temperature of the water you drink in your dream may be the key to determining the clue. So, if you drink clean cold water, the dream symbolizes good health. But warm water or boiling water dreams of poor health. Moreover, the higher the water temperature, the more serious danger you should be afraid of.

    Thirst in a dream

    Feeling thirsty in a dream indicates your strong desire and striving for something. If, feeling thirsty, in a dream you drink water, and it passes, all your desires will come true. Such a dream symbolizes success. But if, no matter how much water you drink in a dream, you still don’t get drunk, you may be striving for the inaccessible. This dream says that your goals are not yet in sight. It can also mean a strong destructive passion. In addition, it may not have much meaning, and only testify to your physiological needs.

    Drink holy water

    A dream in which you drink holy water is considered very good.. It symbolizes incredible health and good luck in everything, lightness in the soul.

    If the dreamer is actually sick with some kind of disease, and has a dream where he drinks holy water in the church, then he will be healed soon. The disease will completely stop bothering you, and you will feel healthy and energetic again.

    Such a dream promises amazing peace, happiness, peace. Anxiety and worries will leave your soul, and you will be able to realize your real goals, desires and needs.

    Dream Interpretation: drink mineral water

    If you saw a dream in which you drink mineral water, it means that if you try hard you will get what you want. You will get new opportunities, and, using them correctly, you will get what you have been dreaming about for a long time. If you spilled water in a dream, you may miss this chance. Finding another drink instead of mineral water in a dream is a catch literally out of nowhere.

    Sweet sparkling water

    If in a dream you drank sweet sparkling water, it means that you have already gone through a lot, and you have thirst quenching ahead of you - achieving the desired goal. If in a dream you give soda to another person to drink, you are a kind and selfless person. Your kindness returns to you from others. Also, such a dream can symbolize a pleasant pastime, pleasure and satisfaction of one's curiosity.

    Drink on all fours

    The dream advises to avoid excessive self-confidence and selfishness, to moderate one's ambitions. By not doing this you risk losing a lot.

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    Drink water interpretation of the dream book

    Water is a rather controversial symbol, and dreams with water matter depending on the purity of the water, the impurities in it. Clean and clear water in a dream brings positive changes in life and inner peace, while muddy and dirty water speaks of some personal problems and can provoke gossip. To understand why you dream of drinking water, you should remember any details and look into the interpreter.

    Water transparency

    Women's and Velesov's dream books claim that drinking water in a dream is a wonderful sign that speaks of the successful completion of the plan, as well as good health. The sick person will get better.

    According to Miller's dream book, if you had to drink carbonated water in a dream, then work affairs will go uphill. This is a very good dream for entrepreneurs, which promises increasing profits, new successful acquaintances, and profitable conclusion of contracts. But the psychologist also notes that in order to achieve such results, it is important not to miss the moment, since luck can turn away at the most inopportune time. Don't delay starting.

    The Muslim dream book believes that drinking water from a glass means having health problems. Probably, you should consult a doctor and pass all the necessary tests for the early detection of the disease.

    muddy water

    Why dream of drinking dirty water? To melancholy and sadness, which, without proper intervention, can easily develop into a severe form of depression. If friends and relatives do not help, and the condition becomes unbearable, you do not need to stay in it, contact a psychologist.

    Drinking a lot of water, dying of thirst, but not getting drunk - to the impossibility of improving your financial situation in the ways that you are trying to do it. Perhaps it is worth reconsidering the sources of income, the Women's Dream Book believes.

    According to the dream book, drinking water that flows from a tap and has an unpleasant rusty color or is completely dirty is considered a warning against gossip that will be specially spread behind the dreamer's back in order to trample him into the mud. It is worth avoiding situations that could give rise to unnecessary conversations, and avoid the company of unreliable people.

    According to Miller, drinking dirty water from a glass means worrying about something. This condition can provoke a disorder of the nervous system. Rest and rest are needed, at least for a few days.

    If tea or coffee is prepared for you using spoiled water, then you should turn on vigilance, do not trust strangers, failure may await you in business.

    A few more interpretations

    Holy water in a dream has the most positive signal. Drinking such water - to good health for life or to spiritual enlightenment, purity of thoughts and happy life in harmony with itself and nature.

    Trying to get drunk on sweet water or tea means vainly fighting for your own happiness. Aesop's dream book recommends retiring for a while and reviewing all your actions in order to understand what exactly you are doing wrong.

    Its taste will also tell you about the exact interpretation of water. Salt water symbolizes tears and grief, which you have to sip, and sweet, on the contrary, is a good sign and brings warmth and comfort to the house.

    Dream Interpretation Grishina interprets a dream in which she had a chance to drink sweet water - this is a sign of an early acquaintance with an amazing person who will give love, tenderness and support. With a good set of circumstances, it may be possible to save the romance and move the relationship deeper: get married and have kids.

    I dreamed that I was drinking water and could not get drunk in a dream will tell you why this is a dream. See the meaning of sleep below:

    Drink in dream- a sign of your inner spiritual dissatisfaction. if you dreaming, What You drink water- this dream in dream your thirst. Hello first dream this is what i am I drink water clean And Not Can get drunk, and second dream, I broke up with a young man 3 months ago and dreamed What that he is getting married, what is it for?

    It is considered that if in dream You drank water from a glass, then in real life there will be health problems. You will be very worried and nervous during the treatment. If dreamed, What drank clean liquid from a bottle, then in reality you will overcome all difficulties. Female dream book thinks What drink anything And Not get drunk this means that in reality you will have to make multiple attempts to improve your financial situation, but all of them will be in vain.

    Sour drink- warns of trouble. You drank poison - to vain worries. In dream you watched someone drank some drink, but you Not could determine which one - you can not worry about minor troubles. To you dreamed, What you bought yourself some kind of drink - you yourself will be to blame for your troubles. Quite common is dream when a person dreaming, What He drinks water or another drink and nothing Not Maybe get drunk is a clear symbol of thirst.

    Pure water, dreaming in dream, symbolizes the good deeds for which it is famous this person, or he will have some business that will end very well. When the dreamer is sick in real life and if he dreaming, What He in dream drinks water, then this is a favorable sign, indicating his imminent recovery. When in dream taste water bitter, then in reality this dream will bring greater profits and improve the financial situation.

    Why in dream dreaming Drink: Drink– Good drink- happiness; from a round vessel - calmness; from glass - danger; clean water- a good deed, wealth; dirty water- illness, grief; kvass - health; want drink- empty chores; drink moderate drinks - consolation in grief, help; exorbitant - shame, illness.

    dreamed /dreamed Drink. Drink in dream- a sign of your inner spiritual dissatisfaction. if you dreaming, What You drink water, then this dream can only be good if, as a result, you experience a feeling of complete satisfaction and calm in dream their thirst. Quite common is dream when a person dreaming, What He drinks water or another drink and nothing Not Maybe get drunk. This is a clear symbol of thirst.

    Advanced Search. Interpretation dreams Drink, dream Drink, dreamed Drink. dream interpretation If water cloudy in the source - it means that some kind of trouble is approaching. If in dream Are you thirsty And Not you can to satisfy it means that in the coming trials you will have to rely only on yourself. If in dream You will meet a man dying of thirst and give him get drunk, then you can hope that you will always have a good heart, you will never lose your characteristic responsiveness and will always help those who need it.

    dream interpretation « drink water» in dream.Drink water from a bottle is a sign of fatigue from everyday life and a desire to return to childhood, where all problems will be solved for you. If you drink clean and fresh water, this is for health and for the fulfillment of desires. If water muddy or dirty, an unpleasant period awaits you - illness and failure are possible.

    If in dream one still finds water And gets drunk, then such dream portends in real life the resolution of some long-standing problem that could not be resolved. See in dream the person who drinks water- portends a pleasant event. free girls who drink water in dream, will soon find soul mates and successfully marry.

    dreamed pure water. If you drink clean water in dream, then you will soon recover from the disease or even acquire stronger immunity. If you swim in clean water You cleanse your body of skin diseases. dreamed, What I drink water. Drink water- a good sign if it is clean. This, as already mentioned, leads to your recovery. If, on the contrary, water dirty - to your illness. If you drink And Not you can get drunk or feel constant thirst, then you have a very serious internal disease.

    As explains dream book, drink water in dream- to positive emotions. Soon, unexpected, but joyful events will happen in life. If a person dream, What he wants drink and looking for water, which means that minor troubles will soon arise. If you see in dream how do you find water And start drink- this is a favorable solution to a long-standing serious problem. See in dream human, drinker water, - an omen of a happy event.

    Seeing Something Salty in dream, You received a signal from the body about the onset of a disease. However, it is more accurate to understand what he saw dream you can, If you remember exactly what is in your dream was salty. dreamed salty drinking water- to tears; otherwise, cope with the disease. I dreamed, What I came to the sea saw salt sea water, standing, respectively, in this very water. Please tell me the interpretation sleep?

    dream interpretation S. Karatova. For what dreaming Drink By dream book: Drink- If you dreamed, What You drank- then problems await you. If in dream You drank clean water- then you will be all right. If in a dream you drank dirty water- then you will have health problems. In dream You drink alcohol to cheer yourself up? Quite common is dream when a person dreaming, What He drinks water or another drink and nothing Not Maybe get drunk. This is a clear symbol of thirst.

    But if in dream Human drinks water but no way Not Maybe get drunk, there is no feeling of satiety, then such a dream prophesies failure in business. If a person had a dream dream, where is he drinks and the dream carries a bad meaning, you can do the ceremony. The night after the dream, before going to bed, take a glass of clean water And put him under the bed, saying: " Vodichka, water take all the trouble away from me."

    Drink And Not get drunk. Drink water symbolizes the desire for strength, love, procreation. That the man in dream Not Maybe get drunk, respectively, means that Not Maybe To quench these desires, something interferes with him very much and we must try to overcome the obstacle. There will be little troubles, but in the end everything will be resolved positively. Drink water from the tap.

    For what dreaming get drunk- If in dream you understand, What drink through force, then your emotional state is close to a nervous breakdown, you should take a break. Why dreaming get drunk By dream book: If you dreamed, What You got drunk drunk in a cheerful company - then you may soon get sick. See also: why dreaming drink, for what dreaming wine, why dreaming vodka.

    Drink delicious water in dream- to receive something vital for you, extremely important. Fulfillment of a cherished desire. Actions with water: pour, search, recruit, drink, pour, pour, wear, give, drink, enter, exit, collect from the floor water And others ... Pour or draw, scoop water in dream to profit and fulfillment of desires, to joy and prosperity.

    Interpretation sleep Water: To you dreamed Water what is it for - clean - for well-being, muddy - for illness, dirty water- to a protracted illness. Slow dive into water And desire to get out water- a personal predicament. Why dreaming dream: dreams in which you drink a lot of water, mean that you feel dry - without emotions, without feelings, without ideas, especially if in dream You Not you can quench thirst.

    Drink delicious water in dream- to receive something vital for you, extremely important. Fulfillment of a cherished desire. Drink water with an unpleasant taste, bad smell, or simply muddy or dirty - to life's trials and difficulties. It is just as bad if a vessel with water with any flaws (chipped, broken, cracked, etc.).

    dreamed, What You want drink, but the glass water boils, as if boiling - a new happy stage in life awaits you, promises dream book Miss Hasse. dreaming dream, What you sell a lot of net drinking water- soon the boss will entrust you with an important task. See in dream, What there is a lot in front of you water, And you are her drink until get drunk- be prepared for the fact that all your plans will be fulfilled on time and in the way you wanted, pleases the Lunar dream book.

    What means Drink in dream: To you dreamed Drink what is it - Fulfillment of desires. Imagine that you drink your favorite drink and it brings you satisfaction. dream interpretation Catherine the Great. What does it mean in dream Drink- You drink water from a beautiful vessel - secret love will not only bring you joy, but also bring sorrow; the person who is deceived will desire revenge. young woman dreaming, What she holds a vessel of pure water but for some reason Not Maybe out of him get drunk- they will try to draw this woman into a dubious enterprise; her.

    Drink Why in dream dreaming. Good dream, especially if this symbol is associated with other vital functions. Drink milk, water, juice, good wine means the desire for love, strength, power. If a man drinks straight from the bottle - this reflects the unconscious desire to return to childhood, when a person is protected and taken care of. On the other hand, this image may reflect resistance to parents, friends, and other people who want to treat you as little child. Drink alcoholic beverages most often symbolizes.