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  • Can pregnant women drink carbonated water? Why pregnant women shouldn't have a cola. What can and can not be drunk by pregnant women? Is it possible for pregnant women to drink carbonated and mineral water, Coca Cola? Video: Can a Pregnant Woman Drink a Glass of Wine Without Health Risks

    Can pregnant women drink carbonated water?  Why pregnant women shouldn't have a cola.  What can and can not be drunk by pregnant women?  Is it possible for pregnant women to drink carbonated and mineral water, Coca Cola?  Video: Can a Pregnant Woman Drink a Glass of Wine Without Health Risks

    Pregnancy is considered a responsible and important period in the life of every woman. While in position, many expectant mothers experience many new taste sensations. It was during this period that the most unexpected gastronomic preferences emerged. Thinking about the correct choice of food products, women in a position are interested in the question: why pregnant women should not drink carbonated drinks?

    Based on medical research related to this issue, the following became known:

    1. Soda contains a large amount of CO 2 (carbon dioxide). Drinking this drink every day, a pregnant girl may feel discomfort in the intestines due to increased gas production. Heartburn and pain resulting from drinking soda can lead to functional disorders in the baby. The result of these studies was confirmed by ultrasound.
    2. Another reason that will help answer the question: why pregnant women are not allowed carbonated drinks- the presence of an acid base in soda. Such drinks contain a huge amount of chlorides with a lack of potassium and magnesium. This can cause fluid retention in the body of a pregnant girl and the appearance of body swelling.
    3. By drinking carbonated or mineral water, women in a position provoke the elimination of calcium from the body. This important trace element is responsible for the formation of bone tissue in the baby. Lack of calcium can lead to the development of osteoporosis and dysfunction of the muscular system. Also, the element ensures the correct functioning of the heart and circulatory system.
    4. Modern manufacturers of sugary carbonated drinks instead of sugar use a substitute - aspartame. This food supplement is 200 times sweeter than regular sugar. Therefore, the abuse of sweet soda increases the appetite of expectant mothers, which contributes to the appearance of unwanted pounds.
    5. Carbonated water has a direct effect on the kidneys and bladder. Excessive consumption of soda is the cause of the development of urolithiasis in pregnant women.
    6. Soda contains many food colors and flavorings. These components in the future can cause the development of allergic reactions and other health problems in the baby.

    As you can see, there are more than enough reasons why expectant mothers should not drink carbonated water.

    How to quench your thirst without hurting your baby?

    The hot summer season makes pregnant women want to drink a glass of cold soda. As it turned out, this drink is very harmful not only for the body of the expectant mother, but also for the baby. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to quench their thirst with still mineral water. It contains many beneficial minerals and trace elements.

    Below is a list of carbonated drinks prohibited for pregnant women:

    • kvass;
    • champagne;
    • sugary drinks with dyes and flavors;
    • beer;
    • mineral water with a high carbon dioxide content.

    By avoiding these drinks, you will keep yourself and your baby healthy.

    If sparkling wines and champagnes are definitely prohibited during pregnancy, then there are still doubts about soda. Many women think that mineral water with bubbles tastes better and quenches thirst better, while sweet soda lifts the mood and replaces pastries and desserts, preventing weight gain. Does this medal really only have one side?

    What happens if you drink soda during pregnancy?

    Soda is water saturated with carbon dioxide. It also leads to the formation of bubbles. Despite the fact that alkaline mineral water is often included in the diet of medical nutrition for gastritis, ulcers, liver diseases and intestinal problems, bubbles of carbonated drinks negatively affect the state of the digestive system.

    Moving along the digestive tract, the gas is released and spreads in the stomach cavity, as if inflating it from the inside. Because of this, its ability to contract is impaired.

    Carbon dioxide continues its path through the intestines, but part of the light gaseous substance enters in the opposite direction - into the esophagus. This is how the belching occurs. If at the same time a woman suffers from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn and pain in the sternum may appear. Soda, by the way, causes exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

    The part of the vesicles that nevertheless reaches the intestine expands the organ and violates its peristalsis. This manifests itself in bloating and disturbance of the stool: diarrhea or constipation.

    Can you drink sweet lemonade?

    If regular carbonated mineral water is so dangerous, what are the consequences of drinking sweet lemonade?

    In the mind of a person, a drink is always perceived as something light, harmless and practically invisible to the body. The expectant mother, wishing to prevent weight gain during pregnancy, often makes a choice in favor of lemonade or cola instead of chocolate or ice cream.

    Unfortunately, this is a very deep misconception. Sugary sodas contain aspartame. This is the name of a food supplement that is almost 200 times sweeter than sugar. Regular intake of aspartame provokes the development of liver pathologies, and also increases the concentration of triglycerides. They, in turn, become a risk factor for diabetes and obesity not only in the mother, but also in the baby.

    Another property of aspartame is to increase appetite. Drinking sweet soda, a woman provokes the secretion of gastric juice, thereby urging her to eat. It turns out that the already increased appetite during pregnancy increases even more due to soda, and therefore the weight gain does not take long.

    Another component of carbonated drinks is phosphoric acid. It can cause the development of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, especially with a hereditary disposition to pathologies.

    Colorants, flavors and preservatives, without which no carbonated drink can do, often cause allergies in mothers and children. The preservative sodium benzoate increases the shelf life of drinks, but in combination with ascorbic acid, it provokes the formation of carcinogens that cause cancer.

    Carbonated drinks negatively affect the condition of the tooth enamel, provoking the development of caries. During pregnancy, the state of the skeletal system of the expectant mother leaves much to be desired due to calcium deficiency, which is also reflected in the vulnerability of the teeth. If it takes months and years for an adult to destroy tooth enamel and damage a tooth by caries, in pregnant women this happens several times faster.

    Mineral sparkling water during pregnancy

    The dangers of carbon dioxide have already been mentioned above. There is absolutely no benefit from their presence in the drink, therefore, a great love for mineral water can only be manifested in the use of its non-carbonated variety.

    You should also pay attention to the type of mineral water, more precisely - the salt in its composition. Potassium-sodium salts are necessary for many processes in the body, from the conduction of impulses through nerve cells, ending with cellular metabolism. Chlorides, on the other hand, are able to delay the withdrawal of fluid from the body, provoking an increase in blood pressure and swelling.

    To benefit from mineral water, you need to choose a non-carbonated drink that contains potassium, magnesium or sodium. It does not irritate the intestines, participates in metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

    Carbonated drinks during pregnancy may not be good for you. You should not get carried away with duchess and lemonade, as well as with ordinary mineral water saturated with carbon dioxide. Cheerful bubbles cause digestive disorders, irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, lead to heartburn and belching. Sugary drinks, despite their low calorie content, lead to rapid weight gain due to their ability to increase appetite. It is best to quench your thirst with plain filtered water or still mineral water.

    Specially for- Elena Kichak

    Carbonated water during pregnancy

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    There is a wide variety of carbonated drinks on the food market today. During pregnancy, a woman constantly desires to eat something tasty or drink a drink that tastes good, including carbonated water. Is it possible to drink carbonated water during pregnancy, this is what we will try to figure out.

    Can i drink carbonated water during pregnancy?

    Is it possible to drink carbonated water during pregnancy is a frequently asked question in pregnant women. The essence of carbonated drinks is that they contain carbon dioxide (CO2), which creates the effect of bubbles. When gas bubbles enter the stomach cavity, its normal contraction and functioning becomes problematic. The fact is that the release of bubbles of carbon dioxide occurs in the stomachs, their accumulation, from which the stomach is bursting. Part of this gas then moves in the direction of the intestines, and partly returns back along the path of the esophageal opening, causing the pregnant woman to suffer from belching. When a future woman in labor is prone to heartburn, an unpleasant burning pain will also pierce the esophagus. And in the intestine at this time, residues of gas are collected, which provoke the fact that the intestines are swollen, peristalsis is disturbed. Because of this, loose stools or, conversely, constipation may appear. In the presence of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, or when there is a predisposition to them, exacerbations of these diseases can begin from carbon dioxide.

    Why shouldn't you drink soda during pregnancy?

    Many carbonated sugary drinks contain the dietary supplement aspartame. It is a sweetener 200 times sweeter than sugar. If you eat a lot of aspartame, then the liver can be significantly impaired, the concentration of triglycerides will increase. All this can provoke the development of obesity, diabetes mellitus. And, worst of all, this can affect not only a pregnant woman, but also her unborn baby, who, at birth, will already have these diseases or a high predisposition to them. Another manifestation of the "insidiousness" of aspartame is that it helps to increase appetite, and a pregnant woman often wants to eat a lot. There is a kind of "paradox": aspartame contributes to the fact that carbonated sugary drinks are characterized by low calorie content, but at the same time they can stimulate additional weight gain in a pregnant woman.

    Many substances that make up sweet soda water bring harm to pregnant women and their babies. For example, carbonated drinks are distinguished by the presence of phosphoric (orthophosphoric) acid in them. She is responsible for regulating the acidity in soda. If a pregnant woman has hereditary diseases such as urolithiasis or gallstones, then the likelihood that stones will form in the kidneys or in the gallbladder increases. In pregnant women, a double load is already placed on the kidneys, so stone formation is an even more likely problem and its risk is higher. In addition, the presence of phosphoric acid in the drink threatens exacerbations of gastritis and indigestion, the absorption of elements such as iron, potassium and magnesium is impaired.

    Various dyes, preservatives, which are contained in soda sweet water, can provoke allergic reactions - allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, due to which the child may develop allergies in the future.

    Sodium benzonate is also added to carbonated sweet water. It belongs to preservatives, thanks to which drinks are stored for a long time. Ascorbic acid, which is also often found in carbonated water, in combination with sodium benzoate contributes to the formation of a carcinogen that can lead to cancer.

    Dentists also add on their own - from carbonated drinks the destruction of tooth enamel occurs, caries can develop faster. As you know, a pregnant woman is already susceptible to these problems due to the increased consumption of trace elements such as calcium and fluoride - in the expectant mother, they go to build bones and form teeth in the baby. Therefore, if you drink sweet carbonated water during pregnancy, then there is a high risk that the enamel will break down even faster.

    Sparkling mineral water during pregnancy

    Is it possible to drink carbonated mineral water during pregnancy is another pressing question. Everything related to the effect on the body of carbon dioxide (the effect of soda) is described above, when a pregnant woman uses carbonated mineral water, it acts in the same way as in the case of carbonated sweet drinks.

    If we talk about the properties of mineral carbonated water, then its feature is the presence of salts - potassium-sodium and chloride. Potassium and sodium are trace elements that contribute to many processes in the human body: conduction of excitation through nerve fibers, metabolism in cells. Chlorides, on the other hand, are the salt base that attracts water. Because of this, when using chloride-containing mineral water, it is highly likely that the blood pressure of a pregnant woman will rise, and edema will also appear.

    Summing up, we can say that the ideal option for a pregnant woman and the most beneficial for both the mother and the unborn baby will be the use of non-carbonated mineral water containing potassium, sodium and magnesium. When choosing mineral water, a pregnant woman should carefully study the label for the content of trace elements in this water. As for carbonated drinks, it is better not to drink carbonated water during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Although, of course, a couple of sips will not bring harm, if the desire is very great, given the nuances of "passionate" wishes for food and drinks from expectant mothers. Another good method to take into account is to release all carbon dioxide from the bottle before use, so as not to provoke flatulence in a pregnant woman.

    Can pregnant women drink carbonated water? What scientists say.

    Carbonated water is ordinary water with carbon dioxide passed through it under high pressure. This is how bubbles form in it, which we all like so much. Is this water harmful or not? How does it affect digestion? In general, can you drink carbonated water during pregnancy? Today we will look for answers.

    Drinking soda water is often associated with the following problems:

    • carbonated water has high acidity
    • increased acidity can have a devastating effect on teeth and bones
    • adversely affects the digestive system - makes it difficult for the stomach, increases heartburn, promotes bloating.

    Increased acidity of sparkling water

    Ordinary table water with carbon dioxide passed through it does not have pronounced acidity.

    Yes, its ph is 3-4, that is, it is more acidic than that of simple pure water, however, our lungs and kidneys do an excellent job with this acidity and soda water has no effect on blood ph.

    Let me remind you that I am now talking only about simple table soda water, without any taste and without minerals.

    Any water that tastes of some kind will contain some kind of syrup and acid. And her ph will be different.

    Does water affect teeth and bones

    There are many concerns associated with the fact that carbonated water with acidic ph comes into contact directly with the enamel of the teeth and destroys it.

    However, studies have shown that the effect of carbonated water on tooth enamel is very insignificant and cannot be considered a destructive factor.

    “The study examined samples of several species
    table soda water for the assessment of erosion
    potential and complex effect on tooth enamel.

    The degree of destruction of enamel as a result of exposure
    sparkling water was quite negligible.
    Slightly higher than the effect of ordinary water,
    however, 100 times lower than destructive
    exposure to sugary carbonated drinks.”

    "Study of the effect of mineral water and other drinks on tooth enamel"
    Parry J1, Shaw L, Arnaud MJ, Smith AJ, 2001

    Subsequent studies have shown that carbonated water is harmful to the teeth if it is sweetened and flavored and acid is added to it. It is sugar and acids in drinks that have a destructive effect on enamel. Even more powerful destruction is caused by the combination of sugar and carbon dioxide.

    Does soda affect bones

    One American study after another, finds a connection between cola consumption and the destruction of human bone tissue. And this is due to the high content of phosphoric acid in this drink. This has nothing to do with carbonated water, since it does not contain this acid.

    Does water affect the digestive system

    After studying various studies and works, I was surprised to find that some scientists find improved intestinal digestion in connection with the intake of pure carbonated water in older people with serious digestive problems, frequent constipation.

    Nowadays, producers of carbonated drinks don't go to any lengths so that only their products would be successful among a large number of consumers for as long as possible! The wide assortment is complemented by an active advertising campaign, which sometimes even bears an aggressive and alluring character. You can not only taste a pleasant and wonderful taste, but also cheer yourself up.

    In addition, some manufacturers are busy taking care of the figure and health of their potential customers - fewer calories, more natural base. What can I say - such prospects can seduce even the most selective consumer.

    But if in a normal situation this will not be so much damage, then what about potential mothers? Is it possible for pregnant women to drink Duchess soda, Coca-Cola, lemonade and other similar drinks? Indeed, due to the physiology of a special "status", a woman is always attracted to something sweet and unusual. So maybe there will be no harm in using these drinks? Or is it better to refrain from such an alluring and powerful temptation?

    It is worth immediately answering this question to create an incentive - soda for pregnant women is strictly prohibited. And there are certain grounds for this.

    Can you drink sweet lemonade?

    If regular carbonated mineral water is so dangerous, what are the consequences of drinking sweet lemonade?

    In the mind of a person, a drink is always perceived as something light, harmless and practically invisible to the body. The expectant mother, wishing to prevent weight gain during pregnancy, often makes a choice in favor of lemonade or cola instead of chocolate or ice cream.

    Unfortunately, this is a very deep misconception. Sugary sodas contain aspartame. This is the name of a food supplement that is almost 200 times sweeter than sugar. Regular intake of aspartame provokes the development of liver pathologies, and also increases the concentration of triglycerides. They, in turn, become a risk factor for diabetes and obesity not only in the mother, but also in the baby.

    Another property of aspartame is to increase appetite. Drinking sweet soda, a woman provokes the secretion of gastric juice, thereby urging her to eat. It turns out that the already increased appetite during pregnancy increases even more due to soda, and therefore the weight gain does not take long.

    Another component of carbonated drinks is phosphoric acid. It can cause the development of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, especially with a hereditary disposition to pathologies.

    Colorants, flavors and preservatives, without which no carbonated drink can do, often cause allergies in mothers and children. The preservative sodium benzoate increases the shelf life of drinks, but in combination with ascorbic acid, it provokes the formation of carcinogens that cause cancer.

    Carbonated drinks negatively affect the condition of the tooth enamel, provoking the development of caries. During pregnancy, the state of the skeletal system of the expectant mother leaves much to be desired due to calcium deficiency, which is also reflected in the vulnerability of the teeth. If it takes months and years for an adult to destroy tooth enamel and damage a tooth by caries, in pregnant women this happens several times faster.

    However, you should not buy the first available "mineral water", you should first familiarize yourself with its composition and get a doctor's approval. Mineral waters are different in terms of the complex of salts and minerals, therefore, with the slightest doubt, it is better to choose other healthy drinks, for example, fresh or dried fruit compote.

    The use of "mineral water" by a pregnant woman can lead to a number of side effects. In addition, mineral waters with a high concentration of minerals and salts (Borjomi, Essentuki, Donat Magnesium) are prohibited if a woman has or has stones in the bladder. Also contraindications are gastritis and ulcers.

    With gas

    If the gas does not escape through the esophagus, but passes into the intestine, the peristalsis of the latter will subsequently be disturbed. In this case, the expectant mother may experience constipation or, on the contrary, loose stools. If you have a gastrointestinal tract disease, drinking soda will only exacerbate the problem.

    Air bubbles from carbonated water are neutralized within two hours, so during them a woman may feel discomfort. Reception of medicinal water is possible if carbon dioxide is first released from it.

    Without gas

    Drinking still mineral waters during pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the intestines and is not fraught with bad consequences for women. Since "mineral water" can affect the cellular metabolism, its use has a positive effect on the immunity and health of the baby.

    The best option for the expectant mother and her child is mineral water without gas, which contains magnesium, potassium and sodium. Therefore, before choosing a drink, it is recommended to study the labels and check the water for the presence of beneficial trace elements.

    Pregnancy, happiness for every woman, hurray, it happened! You can sit on the sofa and let the pets run around and feed all sorts of goodies. In fact, the time has come for responsibility, and not only for oneself. Nothing is still noticeable on the figure, so everything is possible?

    We eat as before, only consciously. We carefully look at what we eat and what we drink.
    For example, did our favorite sparkling water remain in the diet during pregnancy, or is it time to say goodbye?

    Such pleasant bubbles, it seems, soda can be drunk endlessly and nothing bad will happen. She seems to quench thirst and cheer up.

    What happens if you drink soda?

    Soda is water that contains carbon dioxide, it is from it that there are such bubbles in it. When they enter the body, the work of the digestive organs is out of rhythm.

    The gas is released and literally expands the internal cavity of the stomach, and it cannot contract normally.
    Carbon dioxide is directed through the intestines and partly back through the esophagus, so belching occurs.

    The remaining vesicles expand the intestines and disrupt its peristalsis, in other words, provoke constipation or loose stools.

    I don’t want to scare you, but your body is now working for two and why add complications to it?

    Nutrition during pregnancy can either help yourself to carry a healthy baby, or achieve poor tests and medical prescriptions.

    Can you drink sweet lemonade?

    During pregnancy, taste buds are exacerbated, so you want more pronounced tastes: sweeter, more salty.

    Sweet lemonade is no exception. This drink refreshes and encourages. But why is everyone screaming about its harm?

    An artificial sugar substitute, Aspartame, is often added to sweet soda water. It is a hundred times sweeter than sugar, but bad for the liver.
    It raises the level of substances that accumulate in the cells of adipose tissue and contribute to the development of diabetes and significant weight gain. Attention! Obesity threatens not only the mother, but also the child.

    Pregnant women have an eternal problem - excessive desire to eat, and aspartame increases appetite.
    It turns out to be a contradiction. This sweetener reduces the calorie content of the drink, but helps to gain excess weight.

    Phosphoric acid in soda

    This is another component of a carbonated drink.

    Phosphoric acid regulates the acidity in soda, and is also a catalyst for the development of urolithiasis in people predisposed to this.

    In other words, if you have people in your family suffering from stone formation in the gallbladder, then the risk of getting sick is very high, since the load on the kidneys doubles during pregnancy.

    Unfortunately, the presence of this acid in the drink leads to an exacerbation of gastritis (about gastritis during pregnancy >>>), with it such necessary elements as magnesium, iron, potassium are absorbed worse.

    Sodium benzoate and dyes

    You object to me

    • the whim of a pregnant woman is sacred;
    • everyone drinks and nothing happens to them;
    • It's so easy to get soda, went and bought it, no need to cook.

    I will not argue, if you want to give birth to a healthy child, then you will make the correct conclusion yourself.

    The main criteria for which we love soda: sweet, attractive bright color, with bubbles, shelf life.

    1. Sweet water is obtained with the help of a sweetener, but we have learned so many horrors about it, health is more expensive.
    2. Beautiful bright color of the drink. To make it like this, the addition of some kind of dye, even food, will help. And this often causes allergies. By the way, it is added to lemonade.
    3. Sparkling water has a long shelf life. In industrial production, a special preservative, sodium benzoate, is added to it. Combining it with ascorbic acid in a carbonated drink increases the risk of cancer.

    We did not find anything useful for pregnant women in carbonated water. It's up to you to drink it or not.

    Mineral sparkling water during pregnancy

    Such water contains important trace elements necessary for a pregnant woman. It quenches thirst well, supports water-salt metabolism. Without drinking pure water, it is impossible to imagine the correct diet of the expectant mother.

    There are two important factors to learn here.

    1. negative effect on the body of bubbles with carbon dioxide;
    2. the presence of sodium chloride in such water, which has the property of retaining water in the body and provoking edema. Read more about edema in the article: Edema during pregnancy >>>

    Everything can be solved:

    • Take a bottle of table mineral water (not medicinal) in the store and carefully read the composition. Let's say potassium, sodium and magnesium, the absence of chlorine salts.
    • Such, water can be consumed per day no more than two glasses.
    • You can open a bottle of water with gas and leave it for 20 minutes for the gas to come out, if there is nothing else.

    To summarize: you yourself can see that drinking carbonated water during pregnancy is not worth it. Why use a product that you know that there are so many harmful substances in it?

    Eat mindfully.
    Drink fruit drinks, juices, water, dairy products.
    This will strengthen both yours and the health of the unborn baby.