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  • Taekwondo Description. I would like to learn more about Tekwondo

    Taekwondo Description. I would like to learn more about Tekwondo

    Taekwondo Or Taekwon-to ("TCE" - foot, "KVON" - fist (hand), "before" - art) - Olympic sport, Korean martial art, whose feature is the possibility of using legs for blows and throws. Unlike other Korean martial arts, weapons do not use in Taekwondo, it is believed that the human body itself is very formidable weapon. Taekwondo is engaged in both men and women.

    Principles Taekwondo:

    1. Honesty - everyone should be able to distinguish the truth from lies.
    2. Perseverance - happy person is always persistent and worries a lot.
    3. Self-control - can not lose self-control, otherwise there may be bad consequences.
    4. An indifferent spirit - should be honest and decisive in stressful situations.
    5. Results (courtesy) - to be polite, get rid of bad habits and belongs to people with respect.

    World Federation Taekwondo (VTF, English. World Taekwondo Federation, WTF) was created on May 28, 1973, the headquarters of the Federation Apartment is located in Seoul (Korea).

    The history of the emergence and development of Taekwondo

    The history of Korean martial arts has more than 2,000 years, Taekwondo of them is the youngest.

    Three kingdoms were located on the territory of the Korean Peninsula: Kogouro, Silla and Packchy. In addition to hostility among themselves, the data of the kingdoms were still answered to the deposits of external aggressors. That is why they had to constantly improve their martial arts.

    Where did Taekwondo originate?

    At the beginning of the 20th century, Korea was under the rule of Japan, and the masters of the Korean martial arts had to go underground. After the liberation of Korea from the Japanese occupation in 1945, martial arts began to leave the underground. But this period did not pass without a trace, some techniques were preserved, but the spiritual and philosophical tradition was lost. There were a lot of rooms, and the number of instructors who teach different types of martial arts, also multiplied, but few of them seriously knew the history of their school and could explain the meaningful side of her tradition. At the end of the war, 1950-1953 in Korea, there were a lot of schools in which martial arts were practiced with the most different names: Thasudo, Subak, Subak-up, Quongbop, Tegyl, Tanzudo, Tekwonbop, and so on. Until the early 60s, the state did not interfere in their activities. The fracture in state policy on this issue came with the coming to power of President Pak Chong Hee. During this period, for the first time, the desire to put martial arts to the service of the regime, creating a unified martial art system, which would be under the control of the state, in contrast to the disparate directions.

    The official recognition of Taekwondo was achieved only in 1955, after which his way began on sports arenas around the world. For such a short period of time, Taekwondo has gained incredible popularity worldwide. To date, more than 40 million people have given preference in this sport.

    Who came up with Taekwondo?

    General of the South Korean army Choi Hon Hee.

    Taekwondo Rules (WTF)

    • The fight consists of three rounds for three minutes with a break for one minute, for children under 14 years old - three rounds for two minutes with a break of thirty seconds (it is possible to reduce to two rounds).
    • Athletes who have been prepared by sparring technique for at least three months are allowed to competitions.
    • Athletes are divided by age, weight categories, as well as on the floor.
    • The age of participants in the competition is determined by the year of birth (in rare birthday cases).
    • Weighing participants goes the day before the start of the competition. The participant who has encouraged once and not past weighing the first time is given the right to another weighing within the time of official weighing.
    • Technical techniques with a fist are performed using the front outer part of the index and middle fingers firmly compressed fist.
    • Technical techniques are performed using a part of the leg below the ton of ankle.
    • For each productive action in the body, an athlete is given one point, in the head - 3 points.
    • It is allowed to strike a fist and legs in the area closed by a protective vest. However, it is forbidden to strike a spine. It is allowed to strike at the front of the person, excluding the back of the head (the blows should be applied only with legs).
    • Athletes can be assigned penalty glasses when they receive four penalty points - disqualification.


    • Victory knockout.
    • Victory due to the termination of the Differentially Referee or Doctor.
    • Winning or preferred.
    • Victory due to failure.
    • Victory due to disqualification.
    • Victory due to declared referees of recovery measures.

    Site for Competition

    The competition site should have a size of 10 by 10 meters, while it should have a flat surface and be covered with elastic mats.
    The competition site can be installed on a platform with a height of 0.5-0.6 meters from the base, the outer part of the boundary (behind the limit line) should have a slope of less than 30 degrees to ensure the safety of rivals.

    Equipment for Taekwondo

    Equipment (shape) for Taekwondo:

    • protective vest,
    • helmet,
    • packing sink
    • pads for forearm and shin,
    • steppe - special shoes for Taekwondo,
    • good - Kimono for Taekwondo,
    • gloves for Taekwondo and Capa before entering the competition area.

    Packing sink, lining for forearm and tibia (feet) must be dressed under Taekwondo costume. It is allowed to use only approved VTF protective equipment, as well as gloves and kapa, for its (its) personal use. All other types of protective helmets for head are prohibited (except permitted VTF helmets).


    • The referee - must declare "Siczhak!", "Kiman!", "Kalo!", "Kesok!", "Shihan!" and "Kesi!", winner and loser, penalty points, warnings and other measures of recovery.
    • Judges.
    • Judges (2 or 3) are counting balls.
    • The technical assistant controls the testimony on the scoreboard during the duel, the correctness of the points, punishment and time, and immediately notify the referee on any problem associated with the duel.

    Belt in taekwondo in order

    In Taekwondo, the belt is conditionally divided into "color" (including white) and "black". It is customary to adhere to the following classification.

    What are the directions of Taekwondo? How many years to send the child to this sport? Is it equally suitable for taekwondo boys and girls? Read about it in our article.

    Taekwondo teaches self defense without the use of weapons. This martial art originated in Korea. Literally from Korean "Taekwondo" is translated as "TCE" - kick in a jump or flight, "KVON" - breaking with hand, "to" - path or art.

    Versions of Taekwondo

    Currently, there are four versions of Taekwondo. Each of them has its own characteristics in terms of program of competition and interpretation of philosophy.

    ITF version

    In 1966, the founder of Taekwondo, General of the North Korean army, Choi Hon Hee created the International Taekwondo Federation (this is how it is called this version). It is aimed at raising and has a military-applied character.

    Official competition rules provide for the designation of shocks to touch. Despite these injuries in Taekwondo are often found. The fact is that the use of arms and legs is allowed here, impacts are highly rated, athletes have a weak equipment. In ITF, the power breaking of items is developed. They are held immediately in all Taekwondo disciplines.

    Version VTF

    The version of Taekwondo Federation originated in the 70s of the last century in South Korea. It is aimed at the development of the competitive component, is the Olympic Act of Sports and is represented in most of the states of the world.

    In VTF version, it is forbidden to beat your hands, you can only strike your legs on the body. In order to prevent violations during the fight, a special vest, which fixes all the strikes. In the version of the Federation Taekwondo, the techniques of power breaking of objects and self-defense are developed. Here they are used only to confirm the level of skill.

    MFT version

    MFT can be called a lightweight version of ITF. They have similar system of certification to the belt, basic exercise complexes and the structure of the competition. At the same time, the ITF is deprived of ideological attack, some basic exercises are adjusted with the body biomechanics. She was created by the masters from Europe and South America, so it is democratic ITF.

    Version GTF.

    In 1990, the global federation of Taekwondo was established. She combined the exercise technique as ITF and the rules for holding competitions as in VTF.

    From what age

    In this and the following sections, we will talk about Taekwondo VTF and Taekwondo ITF. Each of these versions has its own characteristics, including in terms of the age of the start of classes.

    VNF version. Children begin to engage in earlier age. Of course, much depends on the physical and psychological readiness of the child. For example, flexibility and stretching, which are important in this type of martial art, begin to develop from 7 to 10 years. But in order for the process to be less painful, the preparation is needed to which it is better to embark about 6 to 6.5 years. So the optimal age for the start of class Taekwondo VTF is considered to be 6 years old.

    In Taekwondo, ITF take older children. In this version, the optimal age of the start of training is considered to be 8-12 years old.

    However, the section can take before: in 3-4 years. Some kids who started training Taekwondo at such an early age, by 6 years already participate in major competitions and even occupy prizes. But usually in the first six months - the year of children do not put in the duel, but are trained in basic technicians.

    In any case, the final decision takes the coach that evaluates the physical preparation of the child. Some situations may offer classes in a general development group with elements of Taekwondo or Taekwondo. When the child is ready, it will be translated into the main group of training.

    Medical contraindications

    Taekwondo is greatly developing the body and spirit. Those who are engaged in this sport are hardy, strong, deft, in dangerous situations can stand up for themselves and protect weak. But, unfortunately, not every child will be able to withstand the burden, which Taekwondo implies.

    Before sending a child to this sport, carefully read the medical contraindications. These include:

    • chronic diseases in the stages of exacerbation;
    • a deformed chest in the stages when free breathing makes it difficult;
    • uneven leg length with a difference of more than 3 cm;
    • heart disease and vessels;
    • epilepsy;
    • fainting;
    • heart disease and vessels;
    • ulcers;
    • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
    • scoliosis in running stages;
    • flatfoot;
    • asthma.

    Remember: To get to the Taekwondo section, you need to go through the medical commission and present the appropriate certificate to the coach.

    Boys and girls

    The realities of modern life are such that the ownership of self-defense skills can come in handy both boys and girls. Taekwondo for children is one of the most optimal ways to learn self-defense. But is it equally suitable for boys and girls?

    It seems that everything seems to be clear: the future man is the future defender of the family and the state. Martial arts will allow him to grow strong, bold, clever, flexible. But how to be with girls? Do I need to give them to such a tough sport?

    The answer to this question primarily depends on the desire of the girl itself, her, health and physical training. The advantages of Taekwondo and Taekwondo for a representative of an excellent half of humanity clearly have:

    • She will be able to protect themselves.
    • Thanks to the classes, the girl's body will always be in good physical form.
    • Develop stamina.
    • Demoil will to victory.
    • Improve stretching.
    • Develop mobility.

    Girls can engage Taekwondo both for general physical development and in order to achieve sports heights. Among the well-known and successful Taekwonders a lot of girls. Many of them are not only the owner of all sorts of global awards, but also just beautiful and graceful women. A vivid example is a winner of the Olympic Games, in which harmoniously combines strong character, beauty and femininity. She proves that martial arts do not give masculine girls.

    Regardless of the positive qualities of Taekwondo for girls, the final decision on the classes of this sport is made by parents and a child together with the coach and doctors.


    In Taekwondo, use rapid kicks, move, jumping and good coordination. All this develops the body and reaction. In addition to the physical side, there is a spiritual component. Classes Taekwondo will operate in your child such qualities as honesty, kindness, hard work.

    If your child is engaged in Taekwondo VTF, then he will have the opportunity to conquer the Olympic pedestal. The ITF version also makes it possible to obtain world-class awards.

    Taekwondi themselves refer to the advantages of their sport the following qualities:

    • Excellent shock technology legs. This quality is probably a little useful in life, but in other sports will be indispensable.
    • Beautiful stretching. It is preserved even after the cessation of classes.
    • Fast reaction. The quality is indispensable both in life and in sports.
    • Discipline. Come in handy and in, and in sports.
    • Endurance. The nervous system of the child will be resistant to the influence of various stressful situations, which means it is easy to cope with learning and additional classes.
    • Improves immunity. Like other sports, Taekwondo speeds up metabolism and increases the body's resistance.


    In addition to the advantages in Taekwondo, there are also its cons:

    • Traumaticity, perhaps, the main minus Taekwondo VTF and Taekwondo ITF. A study conducted among North American Taekwonders showed the level of injury from 25 to 139 per thousand competitions. This indicator is considered high enough. Most often, Taekwonders are injured by lower limbs, feet and fingers. Second place among injuries in Taekwondo takes the head. On the face and jaw accounts for about 20 percent of all injuries. The spine and the back suffer from 11-19 percent of cases. But parents should not be desirable. Proper prevention will help minimize the number of injuries. To do this, use the entire arsenal of protective equipment, to fully cure the previously obtained injuries and pay enough attention to the blocking skill.
    • Cost of classes. Taekwondo costly sport. Paying for training, buying full equipment and in some cases of payment of certification exams will require considerable financial costs.

    How much less classes are

    On average, Taekwondo classes for children cost about 2,000 rubles in one month, provided that classes will take place three times a week.

    In addition, you will have to spend money on full equipment:

    • The form for Taekwondo costs 1,500 - 4,500 rubles.
    • Helmet: 1 500 - 4 000 rubles.
    • Gloves: 1 000 - 3,500 rubles.
    • Martial arts shoes: 1,200 - 5 000 rubles.
    • Protection of the case: 1 500 - 4 000 rubles.
    • Protection of the leg and stop: 1 000 - 3 500 rubles.
    • Protecting forearm: 1,000 - 2 000 rubles.
    • Page protection: 700 - 2 000 rubles.
    • Foot: 1,000 - 2 500 rubles.
    • Jaw protection: 300 - 1 500 rubles.

    Thus, on the equipment you will spend at least 10,000 rubles. A complete change of protection is required on average every three years. If you are ready for such spending, give a child in Taekwondo without thinking.

    How to choose a section

    When choosing a Taekwondo section for a child, pay attention to the following points:

    • Proximity to home. This is an important factor. We do not know how circumstances may be afraid in a year or 5 years. Can a child always visit the section that is in another area? If you are not 100% sure, look for a section closer to home.
    • Taekwondo version. If you stayed on some particular version, look for a section that refers to a certain federation. Then you will have guarantees of professionalism of the coach, its certification for all the requirements of the Federation.
    • Trainer. Probably the most important point. Especially if you and the child are aimed at seriously engage in Taekwondo or Taekwondo. Read reviews about the coach to which you are going to go, find out about his achievements in the sport and availability of successful disciples. Bulk personally, so you will understand whether this person can find an approach to your child.
    • Hall. Clean changing rooms, new, tidy mats, regular cleaning in the hall - all this creates a pleasant atmosphere and protects children from the spread of bacteria.
    • Group size. Usually, no more than 15-20 people are engaged in the newcomer group. If children are more, the effectiveness of classes is reduced.


    Despite some differences between Taekwondo VTF and Taekwondo, these versions of Korean martial arts will operate in your child flexibility, discipline, reaction, endurance will teach him self-defense skills. This sport is equally suitable for boys and girls. But before sending a child to Taekwondo, consult with doctors and be prepared for financial spending. Be sure to learn about the desire of the Son or daughter to engage in Taekwondo. With a serious and competent approach, success will not make himself wait.

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    What is Taekwondo? This question often ask people. Taekwondo is Korean martial art, which has become great popularity in our time. Athletes in this form of martial arts mainly use kicks. For them, there are many points and they can cause greater damage to the opponent. Taekwondo is an Olympic sport.

    Philosophy Taekwondo

    What is Taekwondo? On this question can answer fans of martial arts. This kind of martial arts preaches the following principles:

      self-control - loss of control of oneself can lead to serious consequences;

      an indomitable spirit - in stressful situations a person must be decisive and honest with others;

      resistance - politeness, respect for others and the absence of bad habits;

      perseverance - a successful person always worries a lot;

      honesty - in life you need to learn to distinguish the truth from lies.

    History and development

    Martial arts appeared in Korea over 2,000 years ago. Compared to other types of fight Taekwondo, is the youngest. In the distant times on the Korean Peninsula there were 3 independent kingdoms. They not only bent each other, but also fought off the external aggressors. That is why they needed the development of martial arts. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Korea was captured by Japan. Korean art masters from - for this were forced to be underground. Korea's liberation took place in 1945.

    After the end of the war, many schools appeared in Korea, in which martial arts were taught with the most different names and battle styles. President Pak Chon Hee, who came to power, decided to create a single combat style, which will be under the control of the state. This style management decided to call Taekwondo. For such a short period of existence of this type of martial arts, a huge number of fans have appeared worldwide. To date, schools teaching Taekwondo are available in many countries. On the question of what Taekwondo is, even kids can answer today.

    Taekwondo WTF.

    What is Taekwondo WTF? This question often ask fans of the sport we are asked. Taekwondo WTF (World Taekwondo Federation) is the most popular type of struggle today. The thing is that it has been the Olympic Act of Sport for 10 years. The athletes in the duel are applied most of the strikes with their feet, as they give smaller to hand. By hand, the athlete will receive a maximum of one point. And for the kick, the judges can give from 1 to 4 points. It all depends on the place in which the blow came, and from the technique of its implementation.

    Athletes who go to battle are well protected. Equipment literally covers the whole body. The fight wins the athlete who scored the greatest amount of balls. Points are considered not only by the judges, but also technique. Judges lead balls, if the blow fell in mind. The number of shocks in the case counts the technique. This happens due to the fact that electronic vests are put on fighters. Taekwondo competitions are attributing the attention of the audience. Fights pass at a high pace with frequent use of spectacular techniques with your feet, as we talked above.

    Fight rules in WTF

    All Taekwondo lovers know that official competitions take place in the following rules:

      the official duel consists of 3 rounds, each of which lasts 3 minutes. Between each round there is a break in 1 minute. For children whose age is less than 14 years, the regulation is changed. The fight also passes in 3 rounds, but lasts 2 minutes. The break between the rounds is reduced to 30 seconds;

      athletes are divided among themselves by sex, weight category and age;

      only masters who have preparations in sparing technology at least 3 years old are allowed to competitions;

      the age of every fighter is determined by the year of birth;

      the weighing of the athlete occurs in one day before the duel. Athlete whose weight exceeded the norm of a certain weight category, it is not allowed to compete;

      the fight wins the participant who scored the greatest number of points;

      for a blow to the hull, the athlete receives 1 point, and for hitting the head - as 3;

      all blows with hands and legs are performed in the area that is closed by a special protective vest. Blows in the head are applied only with legs;

      for non-compliance with the rules, the athlete gets a penalty point. If the athlete has received 4 such points for the fight, then disqualification is waiting for it.

      What is the difference between Taekwondo ITF?

      Taekwondo ITF - is the second most popular sport in the world under consideration. This species is not included in the Olympiad Program. Taekwondo ITF is positioned as a means of self-defense for a person on the street. In this type, the fighters most often work with their hands, unlike the Olympic species of Taekwondo. Fighters going to the ring do not wear a lot of protection.

      They are allowed only to wear overlays on feet, gloves and cape. Due to this Taekwondo ITF is a more attendant sport. Fighters are also forbidden to beat in full force. Basically here is the use of technology. The battle lasts 3 rounds for 2 minutes. Blows with hands and legs are estimated equally. They are given from 1 to 3 points.

      A variety of Taekwondo GTF.

      In Taekwondo GTF there is a lot in common with ITF, but there are cardinal differences in the rules when conducting competitions. At the Championships on Taekwondo GTF strikes are mainly applied by hand. Here also fighters allowed to wear a helmet. This kind is missing at the Olympic Games, as it is quite effortful. Therefore, not popular among people.

      The appearance of the Federation

      Taekwondo MFT was created on March 22, 1966. Her creator is the legendary Korean General Ch. Hon Lee. World Federation Taekwondo VTF was created later - May 28, 1973. She organized Cho Zhongvon. He is the current president of the Federation. The task of Taekwondo VTF is the popularization of this martial art world around.

      Her headquarters is on the homeland of this sport in Korea. This federation has long been a long period of time in a variety of sports communities. The main achievement of the Federation Taekwondo is the presence in the Olympic Committee. Thus, at the Summer Olympics, competitions on this Korean martial arts are held. Favorites are the randomockets of this type of struggle - the sportsmen from Korea.

      Narget of the Federation in Russia

      Soviet citizens who worked and studied martial arts abroad, returning, brought home the knowledge gained. Some at that time taught Taekwondo with the help of foreign literature. Soviet citizens learned more about this combat art from Korean students who studied in Russia. In the 1980s, oriental martial arts were banned in the USSR. The ban was removed only in 1988.

      In 1989, Master Taekwondo from North Korea was already invited to Russia. In the same year, a group of Russian athletes took part in an international tournament. There our fighters, surprisingly many, took some medals in heavyweight. In the early 1990s, two organizations of Taekwondo are being created in Russia: Association and Federation. Since 1991, Russia among all age groups has been held regularly under this sport. Today in the Russian Federation can be visited at international tournaments on Taekwondo.

      Such a combat point of art, like Taekwondo, is becoming more and more popular among people every year. The fights of the masters of this Korean martial art pass at full tribunes. Fights in official competitions last for only 9 minutes, so athletes adhere to high rhythm. In the Russian Federation there is a large number of high-level fighters who are ready to fight in prestigious competitions for high places.

    Taekwondabout (Translated from Korean - hand and fist path) — korean martial artincluding system spiritual training and technique self defense without weapons, appeared more than 2000 years Back and again revised in 1955 Chkhve Hon Hee.

    The demonstration of Taikvondo is very spectacular spectacle: Athletes are performed high jumps, in flight broke objects Legs, hands and head. Also interesting fights In this form of martial arts, they are characterized activity, using a variety of shock technology, especially using legs and beautiful jumps. But this only an outer shell- like other oriental martial arts, Taikvondo includes along with technical aspects deep philosophy and value system, among which: etiquette, respect, courtesy, conscience, morality, patience, self-control, courage.

    Korean martial art contains a number of disciplinesHelp to raise comprehensively developed skilled fighter: Performing formal complexes (kata analogues in karate), fights, kicks in jumping, breaking items, applied application (self-defense).

    As in many other Eastern martial arts in Taekwondo exists system of belts - by color belt You can determine levelpractitioner - from a novice to the master. Interestingly, the belt is assigned, including taking into account the intensity Training (how many times and how many hours a week athlete is training).

    Much attention When preparing is paid to the implementation formal complexes Exercises - them multiple Repetition allows you to form the necessary body structure, translate understanding of movements on unconscious level. The masters indicate that the sets of exercises consisting of movements in racks and shocks must be performed in a state of meditationin the process of which general relaxed background alternate S. a sharp short-term voltage, similar flash lightning. Interestingly, each such complex (PHUMSE) has its own sacred meaningassociated with Buddhism, I. drawing movements complexes such that in the process of their execution on the floor as if the specific symbol is issuedcorresponding to the idea of \u200b\u200bthis PHUMSE. For example, a complex called "Diamond Mountains" has a drawing of a hieroglyph, denoting the mountain (other values \u200b\u200bof this hieroglyph - force, unshakable).

    Historythe development and formation of Taekwondo is quite dramatic. Despite the years japanese occupation Korea (in the first half of the 20th century) when all korean martial arts There were stricter forbidden, Koreans managed do not interrupt tradition, secretly retaining his martial arts. This was facilitated, including active emigration to other countries, with the result that Taekwondo for the first time increased with foreign martial arts. After the end of the war 1950-1953 in South Korea at the state level was launched unification process various national martial arts (Taesudo, Subak, Subak-up, Kvonbop, Tegyn, Tesudo, Tansudo, Tekwonbop) in single stylewhom Taekwondo has become. This process had like positive, so I. negative effects. To the first one refers to the creation defined system preparation, holding competitions in Taikvondo, his popularity worldwide and adoption in the family olympic sports. Critics note that as a result were national traditions are lost, Taekwondo "SUPPORTED", Lost my own spiritual content.

    In 1972. creator Taekwondo Chkhve Hon Hee for political reasons was forced to emigrate in Canada. So happened division of Taikvondo On 2 federations: International Taekwondo Federation. (ITF) with headquarters in Toronto and WORLD TAEKWONDO FEDERATION(WTF) with a head office in Seoul. N and today WTF. is an world leader In the sphere of Taekwondo - branches are open 118 countriesin which they are engaged 25 million athletes. Heart Taekwondo is a single educational center Kukkivon, Present huge complex - halls for classes, conference rooms, medical offices, etc.

    Among the tasks solved in Kukkivon should be noted - research and development Taekwondo techniques. The fact is that Korean martial arts, in contrast to most eastern martial arts, relying not so much on tradition (by type - and just that the master, who deceased a few centuries ago), how much on scientific achievements. That's why for improvement All technical aspects of Taekwondo are actively used by biomechanics, physics, medicine and others. science.

    Taikvondo is great example, as national Martial Art may conquer world popularitywhile contributing not only to keep healthy lifestyle, but also spiritual development practitioners.

    Synonyms: Taekwon-to, Taikvon-to, Taekwondo, Taikvondo, Taevondo, Takówondo, Taekwondo, Tae Cun, Thasudo, Subak, Subak-up, Quongbop, Tegian, Tesudo, Tanzudo, Tekwonbop, World Taekwondo Federation, WTF, International Taekwondo Federation , ITF.

    World Federation Taekwondo was established in 1973 in South Korea. Taekwondo VTF - Olympic sport, the main purpose of the Federation's activities is the development of sports, competitive components of martial arts. The most expected result was greater distribution worldwide exactly the sports direction of Taekwondo, consistent recognition of this sport by all international organizations and the inclusion of Taekwondo in the Olympic Games Program. In South Korea, this direction of Taekwondo is more popular in South Korea - the Federation is presented in 207 countries of the world, according to various estimates, the number of people engaged in the world is 70-80 million people, owners of black belts is more than 3 million people.

    The main efforts of the World Federation Taekwondo (VTF) were concentrated on the popularization of Taekwondo as a sport, on the organization and conduct of the competition, to improve the judicial system. Mandatory is the use of electronic vests, which objectively fix the application of strikes during the competition. There are restrictions on strikes with hands, on strikes in some parts of the opponent's body. In general, this version of Taekwondo reached a high level of sports fights, which are an Olympic sport. Thanks to the Training Center Taekwondo, Cookkivon, who systematized and unified Taekwondo technique, training techniques and instructors' qualifications requirements, this version of Taekwondo provides a highly efficient training program in Taekwondo based on basic integrated exercises. Two more disciplines of traditional Taekwondo - the power breaking of objects and self-defense, developed in this version is significantly less. Competitions for these species are not carried out, these techniques are partially preserved in certification requirements for confirmation of the next level of skill (belt, GIPA, Dana).

    Taekwondo ITF.

    The International Federation Taekwondo was established in 1966 in North Korea by the creator of Taekwondo - General Choi Hon Hee. The main activity is to preserve the Korean traditions of martial arts, the applied nature of the studied techniques and techniques. Complex exercises are part of the Korean State Educational System, communication is carefully studied with the history of Korea of \u200b\u200beach individual exercise. In practice, a wide arsenal of rigid, contact technology, having applied military importance, has developed.

    Officially, the rules for conducting fights in this version of Taekwondo provide light contact - a touch of touching. However, injuries and knockouts when conducting fights are found quite often. The extensive arsenal of the shock technology both hands and legs, the minimum number of protective equipment, a high assessment of shock judges in the head lead to the fact that this version of Taekwondo is closer to a real hand-to-hand fight than other versions of this martial art. Another feature of Taekwondo ITF is an integrated approach to competitions - all representatives of one team / country compete in all Taekwondo disciplines. The power breaking of items is represented by two species at once - breaking the boards (in fact, the test for the power of the blow), and a special technique, when the breakdown of the boards is performed by legs in the jump at an altitude of more than 2 meters. The only relaxation is a team that demonstrates self-defense techniques can be composed of athletes who are not included in the main team.

    The version of Taekwondo MFT has not been released in a separate direction. The main differences with the initial version of Taekwondo ITF relate to the organizational structure, the system of certification for belt and basic integrated exercises. The European and South American Masters Taekwondo, who created this direction, tried to "unload" their version of Taekwondo from ideological and historical plants, to introduce a more democratic management system and adjust part of basic integrated exercises with biomechanics. In a competitive plan of distinctions from the ITF version, there is practically no - competitions are held for all Taekwondo disciplines, there are differences in the rules, but they do not bear fundamental importance.