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  • How to buy a bandage of pregnant women. How to choose a bandage for pregnant

    How to buy a bandage of pregnant women. How to choose a bandage for pregnant

    Very often, gynecologists during the nesting of the baby recommend the bandage for pregnant women. How to choose this supporting product, and will there be complications when wearing it?

    Some believe that it is really necessary both for the health of the future mommy and for the baby. But there are also opponents of this, since the wearing of a bandage can harm the child who has not yet born. In order for this, it does not happen, it is important to know who you can wear it, how to choose it in size, to pay attention to when choosing.

    What is a bandage?

    In order to know how to choose a bandage for pregnant women, it is worth understanding - what is it. It is a corset, belt, shorts or panties, which perform the supporting belly function during the nesting period of the baby, as well as after the delivery.

    Since the tummy in the future mother increases with a period, then wearing a special bandage can slightly reduce the load on the back. In addition, it also has a therapeutic effect, because it helps the fetus to take the correct position and prevents the early lowering of the abdomen. Many mammies note that the bandage prevents the occurrence of stretch marks on the stomach that appear almost every woman at the time of tooling the baby.


    Knowing the features and functions of the product, what better to choose a bandage for pregnant women? It all depends on personal preferences and size of the abdomen. It is worth noting that any obstetrician-gynecologist will not give mandatory prescriptions for the wearing of the bandage, he can only advise his wearing, but the choice always remains for the woman.

    The support functions are as follows:

    • reducing the degree of load on the spine (with strong physical exertion, pregnancy, osteochondrosis and spinal curvature);
    • fixing the fetus in the correct position (the child should take the position in the tummy at which it lies with the head down);
    • improving the well-being of the future mommy (all this is due to a decrease in gravity from the growing and increasing abdomen);
    • preventing the formation of stretch marks and premature lowering of the abdomen;
    • reducing painful symptoms in the formation of umbilical hernia;
    • support for kid in the case of its low prelation or in the threat of miscarriage;
    • reducing pain after cesarean section or other bandwidth operations.

    Types of bandage

    To decide which it is better to choose a prenatal bandage for pregnant women, it is worth familiar with its types and views. All supporting products can be divided not to several groups.

    1. Prenatal. This is a supporting design of durable tape, which often has a view of a belt or panties. Thus, the pressure on the lumbar zone is reduced and supporting the growing abdomen of the future mother is carried out. Often such products have an overwhelmed waist and do not squeeze the baby. The prenatal bandages may also have a kind of seamless shorts of various designs, but they are only intended for wearing in a cold time. The most optimal option is a belt with a fixing velcro on the stomach, which is selected depending on the size and sits perfectly. There are also various design models with a lacing in the form of a corset.
    2. Postpartum. These are products that are intended for wearing in the postpartum or postoperative period. Thus, the rehabilitation process, the muscles of the abdominal cavity, skin and internal organs are recovered faster. But we assign wearing such supporting structures only individually, based on the characteristics of the body and the well-being of a woman during pregnancy and delivery.
    3. Universal or combined. In order to know how to choose a bandage for pregnant women worth knowing the features of these supporting structures. Along with the prenatal and postpartum products there are also combined, which can be worn both before and after the birth of the baby. This is a bilateral belt with orthopedic degree of tightness of which is controlled during wearing. Such a supporting element is selected in order to save, as it combines two types at once.

    From what period of pregnancy is it and worth wearing a bandage?

    Before you choose the prenatal bandage for pregnant women, you need to know from what time it is best to wear. Duration and time when we recommend to wear a supporting corset, assigned to the state of the health of the future mother, given all pathologies that may affect the fruit.

    The whole bandage is prescribed for wearing pregnant women, starting from the fifth month, when the belly is actively growing and pain in a small pelvis appear. You can wear it before the delivery and after the birth of the baby.

    • pregnancy after thirty years (the skin at this age in a woman becomes less elastic, so wearing the supporting product will help prevent stretch marks and improve the well-being of the future mommy);
    • weak muscles in the region of the abdominal press;
    • problems with the spine at Mom (in this case, excessive load on the back can lead to additional problems);
    • the second pregnancy, especially when the cesarean cross section in the first case;
    • multiple pregnancy;
    • pathology of the cervix, which may not withstand increased load during pregnancy;
    • increased physical activity during pregnancy.

    How to choose?

    What is better to choose a bandage for pregnant women? Reviews are ambiguous in this case, but both specialists and future mothers converge in one thing - the purchase is better in a pharmacy or a specialized store. When choosing, the anatomical features of a woman are taken into account, its circumference of the hips and abdomen.

    What to pay attention to when choosing?

    1. The material of the manufacture should only be natural (cotton and minimum artificial fibers that will provide an elasticity product).
    2. Products used is better not to take, because during wearing it is stretched, and no longer performs its supportive function 100%.
    3. The fitting is a mandatory element when buying (the future mammy should feel comfortable in the bandage, locksters, seams and clasp should not be crushed).
    4. Reviews that choose a bandage for pregnant women play an important role, but, first of all, it is necessary to rely on your own feelings.
    5. Price category (if the product is made of natural materials that do not cause allergic manifestations, it cannot cost cheaply, but also not worth overpaying for the brand.

    How to wear?

    In order to know how to choose a bandage of pregnant women in size, you need to measure the parameters of the future mother. It takes into account the circumference of her abdomen and hips. If this is already the second pregnancy of a woman, and at the first she scored more than 10 kg in weight, then it is worth taking a supporting corset for size.

    It is put on the bandage only in a horizontal position. Locks or velcro are located in the area below the abdomen so that the future mother could easily unbutton. When equipped or wearing, a woman should not have discomfort.

    Also, gynecologists advise not to wear it constantly, and every three hours to remove it or unbutton at a certain time. The constant wearing of the bandage can lead to a reduction in the motor activity of the future kid and the circulation of the blood circulation of the organs of the small pelvis.

    How to wear a bandage?

    To any product, including the bandage, instructions are. It certainly needs to be familiar with it. Along with universal recommendations, each manufacturer gives its own. It is important to read them before choose and wear a bandage for pregnant women.

    Any bandage should not worry constantly, on the night it must be removed, during the day you also need to do a breather in wearing. Feelings of pressure during wearing should not occur. You can sit or lie in a band, but it is inconvenient.

    Wearing a bandage is often prescribed from 20 or 16 weeks, but if the pregnancy proceeds well, then you can start wearing it from 28 weeks. Often women put on supporting corset in physical activity or during harvesting in the house. It is important to understand that it is impossible to make a supporting product independently, since only production experts know all subtleties. In addition, such products must comply with all certificates of quality and pass the appropriate tests.

    Who can not wear a bandage?

    Despite the fact that many pregnant women supporting corset are carrying, in some cases he may not help, but harvest. Before choosing a bandage for pregnant women, it is important to take into account all the individual features of the body of the future mother.

    One of the contraindications is allergic. With the appearance of different allergic manifestations on the skin belly, we can not wear a bandage. That this does not happen, it is worth choosing products of famous brands that have already proven themselves to be in the market.

    The bandage should not be too narrow to prevent squeezing the baby in the mother's womb, as well as not to break the blood circulation in the field of a small pelvis.

    • a reaction of an allergic or other nature on the material of manufacture (itching, rash, eczema);
    • the tumor in the field of a small pelvis, in which squeezing is not recommended;
    • increased swelling and disruption of the kidney during pregnancy;
    • violations in the work of the GCT.

    Appointments for wearing a bandage is only a specialist, taking into account the peculiarities of the pregnancy of women.

    Overview of popular bandage models

    What is better to choose a bandage for pregnant women? Experts are recommended to give preference only to authoritative manufacturers. Consider trading stamps that enjoy the greatest popularity among women.

    1. "FEST" is the most popular company manufacturing bandages, all products whose names are many, complies with quality certificates (the company produces not only bandages, but also briefs, and bras for nursing mothers).
    2. Orlett is a company that specializes in the manufacture of high-quality orthopedic goods and medical devices, among which have both supporting corsets.
    3. "ORTO" - produces a variety of models of gangs of prenatal and postpartum.
    4. MAMA Comfort - the company specializes in universal supporting corsets of various modifications.
    5. Bliss - produces high quality underwear and bandages in various variations.
    6. Well - the company produces not only medical equipment, but also various medical products, including bandages.
    7. "Anita" is a wide range of bandage distinguished by high functionality.

    These products can be different colors, but all of them independently of the brand are made from high-tech materials (cotton, viscose, elastane, polyester, microfiber, lycra, polyamide). It is impossible to answer the question of which manufacturer is better, since each woman chooses with their own preferences. It is important that he will answer all the requirements of quality.

    How to choose Bandage

    Before choosing a bandage, we'll figure it out in confusion that settled in our heads. Most buyers, having come to the pharmacy, cannot say for sure what they need, in conversation the words corset and bandage confuse. Reply once and forever - what we need and what they differ - corset and bandage.

    The ancestor of all modern people's current groups of all current bandages and corsets were ancient corsets that had arisen another 4-5 thousand years ago. They represented wide leather belts, sometimes with metal plates and decorations and carried, mostly, the function of protecting the body from strokes of a stitching weapon. However, fashionista and then understood what "Osin waist" is.

    Over time, the materials were improved, but the functions of the corset remained the same: protection against damage and correction of the contour of the figure.

    The correction was adjusted to the absurdity, the Woman's waist in the Middle Ages was to be 20-20.5 cm in grip, which catastrophically affected women's health.

    In Italy, the time of the Medici regulations "lowered", the waist was made 33 cm

    And the "Protection" function was as pronounced:

    In the 17th century, the corset has become even more democratic, so in England a waist of 40 cm

    This trend has been preserved - now the men and women wore corsets "for beauty", by virtue of fashion forming the external contours of their figures

    And only in the 20th century, orthopedic casually understood the main function of the hard shell around the various parts of our body - their medical significance in the treatment of human supporting apparatus.

    So, the corset, it is a corset - (Franz. Corset), 1) Hard belt, tightening the bottom of the chest and the stomach to give a figure of harmony.
    2) orthopedic apparatus used for diseases, curvature and spinal injuries.

    The story of the bandage is somewhat more modest - it appeared somewhere in 1700 g BC and first described in Babylonia, and then in ancient Egypt as a convenient device for drawing groin hernia.

    In 1918, an elastic bandage was invented, and from that moment that this elastic canvas became the basis for bandage products.

    T. about. Bandage - (Franz. Bandage - bandage) (honey), a special belt to hold the front abdominal wall and internal organs in a normal position during pregnancy and after delivery, with the hernias of the abdominal wall, etc.
    Those. The bandage supports internal organs, and the corset is a vertebral pillar or other parts of the skeleton.

    The task how to choose the right bandage consists of two following: First, you must choose the type of bandage itself according to its functional purposes, and secondly, it is clearly understood how to choose a bandage in size correctly, since any excess compression may result in reverse results.

    Types of bandages are not so much:

    * Inguinal and abdominal bandages

    * Umbilical bandage

    * Bandages to maintain belly in full men and women.

    By the way, the history of bandages for pregnant women is very short.

    So the prenatal bandage was invented only in 1969.

    And the bandage belt for pregnant women appeared in Australia in 1996, thanks to the popular TV host.

    Later, an elastic prenatal bandage arose in the same Australia, in the form of a belt, which was attached to the lower back and wrapped the belly from below

    As you can see, there are a lot of bandages and to choose the type of bandage or how to choose a bandage correctly, you need a detailed advice of the doctor who is familiar with your disease. In no case, do not attempt to "guess" how to choose the right bandage yourself, or burden the pharmacy provisions, which does not know anything about your disease.

    How to choose a bandage size

    On the packaging of any bandage there are inscriptions telling about the size of this product.

    Here are examples of data inscriptions:

    Bandage antihams of navel
    As you can see, for this bandage you need to know the size of the waist

    Bandage support for lifting weights

    Here, too, you need the size of the waist, but it has the fifth size

    But the groin bandage already requires the size of the hips:


    The size of the hips requires pre-postpartum bandage

    thighs, see

    You need to measure yourself carefully and in the form, as you will wear a bandage - on clothes (and what) or naked body7

    This is very important, since the "great" bandage simply will not fulfill its function, and the "small" can strongly compress the internal organs and make it difficult.

    Be healthy!

    Despite the fact that pregnancy is a natural state for a female organism, not all of this process goes smoothly. The child is developing, and at the same time the load on the spine increases, often there is a feeling of soreness in the back and gravity in the legs. In order for pregnancy to be comfortable, as well as to reduce the likelihood of complications, the doctor can register you to wear a bandage.

    What is it and why is it necessary?

    Bandage (translated from the French bandage- bandage) - Elastic orthopedic device for supporting the belly of a woman in the second half of pregnancy.By appointment, bandages are antenatal, postpartum and universal. This is a device, if it is properly picking up evenly distribute the load on the internal organs and the lower back, and will also save from pain in osteochondrosis and spinal curvature. Significant relief carrying products will bring a woman with pain and severity in the legs due to varicose veins. If your skin is prone to stretching, the bandage will help you to avoid them or reduce the risk of a minimum.

    On the last weeks, the bandage will help fix your baby in the correct position (head down).

    Situations when the doctor can assign you a bandage.

    • At the end of pregnancy (in the third trimester);
    • If you do not have the first pregnancy and weak pelvis muscles;
    • With a low placenta and threat of miscarriage;
    • In the case of cesarean section in the past;
    • With multiple or large fruit;
    • Problems with spine, narrow pelvis, varicose veins;
    • Symphysiopathy (pain in the lone);
    • If you are active, moving a lot even in the last months;

    When to start wearing?

    Since the child begins to grow hard (about the 20th week). However, this is all individually: for example, if you have before it was a cesarean section, then you have shown wearing a special device much earlier (somewhere from the 16th week). If you are not bothering you, then you can buy and wear it later-week with the 28th.

    Contraindications to use

    The main and most important contraindication is the wrong position of the fetus in the womb. In this case, the bandage can prevent the baby to turn over, because one of its properties is fixing. Contraindications also include skin infections and increased sensitivity to product material.


    Release models of different designs:

    • Bandage panties.This product is in the form of female underwear with compression in the right places and a high elastic inset for the abdomen is convenient in use, does not cause a sense of discomfort and it is easy to hide under clothing. But there are also cons - it is worn without linen, and therefore often erased, which leads to the loss of elasticity and appearance. So if you chose this option, you will have to buy at least two units. In addition, such a product can be removed only at home, and this is inconvenient. Bandage panties can not be worn under swells, and if you have a big belly, they will not provide sufficient support.
    • Universal bandage belt for pregnant women.This is a wide ribbon, fed to the ends. During pregnancy, the belt is put on a wide part of back to support and unload the spine. For this purpose, additional ribs are sometimes inserted into a wide portion of the belt, which can be removed if necessary. The narrow part is fastened under the stomach, reliably supporting it. Velcro fastener will allow you to adjust the required amount of product.

    It is believed that wearing a bandage after childbirth is useful for weight loss and recovery of the form. It will help to quickly restore the tone of muscles and skin, relieve stretch marks. From this point of view, the universal bandage is good with its practicality: just turn it over the opposite so that the narrow part is located on the back, and is wide - on the stomach.

    A wide popularity and many positive feedback acquired a belt model with a "hood" - a wide insert of elastic fabric with zoned compression. This version of the product provides careful support and protection of the tummy, "grows" and changing with it, evenly distributing the load.

    How to pick up in size?

    The desired size is selected around the circumference of the hips, measured under the stomach according to the scale on the package. It is necessary to make measurements immediately before purchase. The correctly selected model should not argue movements, cause a sense of discomfort, twisted or rub the skin.

    How to wear?

    It should be put on the position lying on a tight or semi-rigid surface, slightly raising the pelvis, fixing the fastener in exhalation. This will help fix the stomach in the right position, without allowing the omission of the uterus and not squeezing it. It is important to monitor so that blood circulation in soft tissues is not disturbed - the bandage must support the stomach, and not put pressure on it.

    How much can we wear?

    You need to use the bandage only when you are on your feet, during rest you are removed. You can wear a product for a maximum of three hours in a row, then take a break for 40 minutes. The total wearing time should not exceed 14 hours a day.

    Do not forget that all questions about choosing and wearing a belt-bandage you must solve with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

    On how to choose and wear a bandage - in the next video.

    If in the first three or four months of pregnancy, the stomach of the young mother is still completely impaired, then from the middle of the second trimester he begins to gradually round, prompting to acquire a new wardrobe for a rapidly changing figure. It is from now on that, that is, from 15-16 weeks, it comes time to think about the acquisition of a thing that greatly facilitating the life of a pregnant woman. We are talking, of course, about the bandage for pregnant women. What benefits he carries and how to choose him correctly, we will analyze in detail in our article.

    Why do you need a prenatal bandage

    The bandage becomes an extremely desirable thing in the arsenal of the future mother at that moment when the belly quickly begins to increase in size, due to the actively growing baby. Here are the main tasks that this subject of the female wardrobe performs:

    • Significantly reduces the load from the spine, thereby preventing pain and other feelings in the back and lower back.
    • Due to soft support, it warns stretching, which appear at the time of the rapidly growing tummy, and, accordingly, stretching skin.
    • Improves the overall health of the woman, as it removes the pressure from the abdominal front wall, the "pulling" sensations disappear. It becomes much easier when walking, long loads.
    • Prevents premature lowering of the abdomen, at the expense of the future mother also ceases to experience discomfort.

    What helps wearing a bandage for a pregnant baby?

    • Bandage for pregnant women by fixing the uterus improves the blood supply to the fetus.
    • Helps the baby to take the right prenatal position.
    • Subsequently, it does not give a child again turning wrong, because the walls of the uterus are well compressed. It will prevent the baby to take pelvic prediction.

    Medical testimony

    In addition to wearing a bandage for a pregnant woman at will, sometimes there is an urgent need for it. This is, first of all: complicated pregnancy, multipleness, problems with the spine, multi-way, threat of interrupting pregnancy, etc. In this case, the doctors will necessarily understand you to wear antenatal bandage, perhaps even earlier. You are also shown a bandage if your life is saturated with physical activity: you move a lot, go to work, do fitness, love long walking and so on.

    We'll figure it out now, what kinds of bandages for pregnant women you can meet:

    • Bandage panties. This is the most common option. Bandage with a high tight belt and an elastic insert under the stomach, which fixes the back. The main advantage is the simplicity of putting on and socks due to the lack of complex buckles and fasteners. Such a bandage is perfect for the whole period of pregnancy, as the tape passing under the stomach is well stretched. What is his shortcomings? First, the bandage-panties are desirable to wear on a naked body, and this does not exclude the risk to cause an allergic reaction of the body. Secondly, in the summer in such a band can be hot and uncomfortable.
    • Bandage on lacing. It has similarities with bandage panties in form, a distinctive feature - lacing on the stomach. There is a wide stretching tape on it, whose task is to support the tummy from below. Such a bandage is usually made of cotton fabric. The advantages of such a bandage for pregnant in the following: It allows you to adjust the conjuration, which is convenient with a constantly growing abdomen. Disadvantages: To wear one such a bandage will be hard enough. Again, in the hot season, it can deliver inconvenience.
    • Bandage belt made in the form of an elastic ribbon. Such a bandage is fixed with velcro under the stomach and on the sides, it is convenient to adjust them depending on the volume of the abdomen. And the type of such a bandage is "combined", you can wear before, and after delivery. Advantages: It is easy enough and removed independently, it is not hot in it, as it is relatively small. It is put on underwear, so there is no need for a frequent wash.

    Bundage Wear Rules for Pregnant

    • Under the bandage it is recommended to wear underwear so that irritation does not appear on the skin.
    • If on the period more fruit is in a pelvic or cross position, then the bandage is strictly forbidden. Due to the fixation of the uterus, it practically does not leave the opportunity to take the right pre-soda. As a consequence, the risk of severe labor flow and surgery.
    • We wear a bandage lying (so all the muscles are most relaxed and putting on the bandage easier).
    • We carry no more than 3-4 hours in a row.

    How to choose a prenatal bandage

    • Choose a bandage from natural fabrics. Elastic synthetic fibers are allowed only in the belt itself.
    • The bandage you use with the last pregnancy could lose elasticity, and will not be so good to support the stomach. So the optimal solution will buy a new bandage.
    • Buy a bandage in a professional store for future mothers or in a pharmacy. The first option is preferable, because you will immediately give you the opportunity to try out several types of bandages in the fitting room. So, you definitely do not lose with the choice.

    How to understand that the bandage suits you? Everything is very simple - it is convenient for you!

    Bandage antenatal is a special belt, which is designed to keep the front abdominal wall and internal organs during pregnancy in an anatomically right position. Doctors recommend to carry such a device, starting from 5-6 months during the period of active development and growth of the fetus. The doctor when prescribed is taken into account the position of the fetus, the term of pregnancy, the age of the mother, the number of labor. You can wear a prenatal bandage until the last days, if the doctor is not solved otherwise. But you should know how to wear antenatal bandage correctly so that he does not create inconvenience, but also benefited pregnant.

    There are a number of indications for the socks of this belt:

    • Scar in the uterus;
    • Change in the prelation of the fetus;
    • Multiple pregnancy;
    • Varicose veins;
    • Threat of interrupting pregnancy (2-3 trimesters);
    • Re-pregnancy;
    • The weakness of the muscles of the front wall of the peritoneum;
    • Scoliosis in the future mother, osteochondrosis, strongly pronounced Bol in the region of the lower back;
    • Increase the uterus.

    Contraindication in the Bundage sock exists. This is a misconception of the fetus after 30 weeks. In such cases, it is recommended to first cope with the problem with the help of special exercises, deploy a child down, and then fix the correct position of the belt. How to put on the prenatal belt bandage, described below.

    Important! Healthy women, according to obstetricians, wearing this product is not needed. Before purchasing it, you need a doctor consultation.

    Now about choosing a belt, as well as how to wear a prenatal bandage a pregnant woman.

    There are three types of products of this type:

    • Bandage panties. It looks like underwear, in which there is a supporting insertion in front and under the stomach. The model is convenient for regular socks, but it will have to constantly wash it, which makes it difficult to wear. Removing it in the toilet, you will have to make a horizontal position for the correct job.
    • Bandage belt. It is an elastic tape that is worn over underwear. Due to the side valves, the degree of plantation is regulated. The process is carried out without unbounding the product.
    • Combined bandage (universal). It is possible to use it before and after delivery. It is a belt from the fabric that is fastened on the velcro. In the prenatal period, it allows you to strengthen your back, distribute the load, maintain and fix the stomach.
    • Ribbon is an elastic ribbon on velcro. Quickly wear out, especially in the location of Lipochki.
    • The corset is usually lacing, and behind. This is the main inconvenience of the model. Plus the one who will help tighten it can overdo it and thereby harm pregnant and the fetus.

    When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account that they have different sizes. Correctly choose it will help either the doctor or pharmacist. But if it is decided to independently acquire a bandage, then the size is determined, based on the numbers before pregnancy.

    Interestingly: when choosing a bandage-panties to a digit to pregnancy, another size is added. If the universal product is purchased, it is better to do the measurement of the circumference of the abdomen by a centimeter. The fitting is performed on top of the underwear. To the results obtained should be added about 4-5 cm (for the growth of the fetus).

    How to wear and wear antenatal bandage is a whole science.

    When the bandage is put on, the following actions are performed:

    1. Woman falls on the back on a flat surface.
    2. Hips should be slightly lifted.
    3. It is squocated under the back belt, after which it is fixed in the desired position with the help of lipochki.
    4. Clamp adjusts.

    If a woman puts on a bandage standing, the uterus is lowered under weight. In such cases, it is impossible to fix the correct position of the abdomen and the fetus. Moreover, the wrong position can aggravate the problems, because of which the product sock was prescribed. It should also be removed in the lying position.

    There should be no excessive pressure. If the product is used incorrectly, the woman will experience explicit discomfort. Disadvantage The woman can only experience in the first few days until wearing antenatal bandage. For three days, addictiveness is developing, after which the state of comfort comes.

    Interesting: The garbage process can be eased if you put a pillow or roller under the buttocks. After that, the product is placed on the above scheme. Due to this, the abdominal muscles relax, the bladder is not under strong pressure, the fruit is fluent in the right position. If we hide the product lying, ton weight evenly distribute in the normal course. Properly located product should cover a bit of the pubic part, the bottom of the abdomen and cover the hips.

    Basic rules socks

    How to wear antenatal bandage, not every woman knows.

    There are a number of rules that will provide a faithful and comfortable position of the product in the process of use:

    • Discomfort should not be present when wearing a belt or panties.
    • The product should be comfortable and easy to consider when buying.
    • It is necessary to carefully inspect the product on the subject of defects and the quality of the materials used - the product must be "breathable."
    • Be sure to have a product should be a wide and elastic belt. This will prevent the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen.
    • We can always wear a product.
    • If you need to go to the toilet, then the woman should raise the belly, fix it with a belt, after which it is possible to cope.
    • If a child during socks becomes a restless or mother feels excessive squeezing - the product is immediately removed.
    • Doctors believe that a woman needs to apply a belt or panties just three hours a day, but doctors do not see contraindications and in a long-term sock.
    • Even with a long-term sock, the bandage is still needed. Every three hours only half an hour.
    • The duration of wearing is determined from the strength and duration of the pain in the lower back.
    • If you do not work out lying, then you should try in a standing position in front of the mirror.
    • Weakly protracted prenatal bandage of the desired effect of anatomically correct position and support for the abdomen will not.
    • From the sitting position, the prenatal bandage can also be put on. To do this, it is necessary to strongly reject the housing back, press a slightly belly hand and fix this position of the product.
    • When the belt is put, it is necessary to check the location and comfort of socks. To do this, you need to like in it minutes. If there are no negative sensations - it means the procedure is correct.
    • You can erase such a product only manually, as the machine can spoil its shape and structure, as well as damage the tissue.
    • Universal bandage can be worn both before childbirth and after those. But after childbirth, it is necessary to deploy it to the element that was on the lower back, it was correct on the stomach.

    Remember that during the socks of belt or panties, pregnant should have only comfort and convenience. Any negative impressions should be taken into account immediately. In such cases, the bandage is removed. If you do not work, you should contact your doctor or Akuster, which can either help put it right, or solve the product replacement problem.

    Acquire a bandage remotely via the Internet is not worth it, because before buying you need to make sure that it suits you. Plus, it is necessary to choose models from high-quality materials that will ensure the skin breathing, the fortress of the product and the preservation of its shape for the entire period of socks. Ribbon and corset models are considered one of the most inconvenient, and therefore it is better to choose those options that will most comfortably serve you and will fulfill their direct purpose for a long time. Ideally, it is better to acquire a universal who will help you and after delivery. You need to be guided in the choice of your own feelings, which will help to spend the remaining period in the maximum comfort and safe for your health. The purchase of a product is better to agree with the attending physician, which will indicate the faithful model and sizes, and will also tell about how to wear antenatal bandage correctly and with benefit not only for yourself, but also for a child.