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  • What some are tastier. How to cook frozen

    What some are tastier. How to cook frozen

    If you have not tried to prepare roast with my thraisters, then definitely catch up! Aromatic and satisfying, it will not leave anyone indifferent, so if they stay somewhere somewhere, - for the case :)

    Never forget that cooking is a place for creativity. Try, for example, cook this light and fragrant chicken soup with thumbes, and you will like this new tint of taste :)

    What could be better ruddy home pies? For some reason, they are rarely prepared with mushrooms, and very in vain :) how to cook pies with thumbs up on dough without yeast - every hostess should know!

    If you lie in the refrigerator, you can not worry about dinner - prepare myself in a slow cooker. It turns out much more tastier than if you prepare in the usual way.

    Many of us go to the forest in the fall, and then they frozen them. From frozen oh, the soup is obtained delicious and beautiful, because These mushrooms in preparation retain their shape and do not weld.

    Pie with thickens - a stunning dish! Such a cake will delight you not only by its taste, but also ease of preparation. Prepare Pie with my thraists is easy - make sure that yourself!

    Salad "Firebird" with thighs

    Salad "Firebird" is not only a delicious dish, but also a wonderful decoration for a festive table! It looks original, it is preparing quite easily, but it is eaten very quickly.

    Mushrooms are a very valuable product definitely worth your attention. They are not only tasty in different dishes, but also contain many beneficial substances, and also possess healing properties.

    One of the most delicious dishes, which can only be prepared from mushrooms - whale baked with potatoes in the oven. Such a dish will probably be rated by your household and guests!

    Love - nutritional mushrooms. A total of 100 grams will be enough to satisfy the need of the body in elements such as zinc and copper. Therefore, the soup soup out of them is not only tasty, but also useful.

    Love - one of the most delicious forest mushrooms, therefore the mushroom soup out of the oh, it turns out surprisingly delicious. The recipe is very simple: I tell how to cook the most delicious!

    Soups not only help digestion, but also quite favorably affect the figure - because it is very low-calorie food. Therefore, I share with you the recipe for light soup with my thirsty. Read the recipe!

    Salad "Polyanka" with thighs

    Well, the hostess, it's time to diversify your festive table. And then all Oliviera and Vinaigrette ... Well, let's try to cook a delicious, beautiful and useful glade salad with thighs?

    Oh, who will be able to resist the fried potatoes with the left and thrash? Here I personally can not. If you are also not indifferent to my thirsty - read the recipe!

    Down with potatoes and rice, push into the angle of pasta and buckwheat. We will prepare mushrooms! And if you are not ready to completely replace the side dish, then they will be widespread in sour cream.

    The mushroom season has not yet begun, but many frills are full of mossemines. What to do with them? Of course, cook delicious mushroom soup! Read the soup recipe from frozen oh photos.

    On the joy of mushrooms - a simple recipe for fried fried. Tasty, simple, quickly - what is needed. Perhaps the easiest way to cook.

    Salad "Forest Out" with thighs

    On the nose holiday, and there are no new ideas for a feast? Then I suggest you to find out how to cook the "forest edge" salad with thieves. Delicate taste and original feed, - My guests rated for dignity;)

    Some of the most delicious mushrooms, and since the mushroom season has already begun, then you will undoubtedly be stocking a great pick-up recipe. Mary is very simple - I tell how!

    Salad with chicken and thumbs are very interesting and rich in different tastes of salad. The diet dish is preparing easily and quickly from pickled mushrooms, salted cucumbers, vegetables and fried chicken.

    Pancakes with thumbes are delicious pancakes with so fragrant stuffing that not only your home, but also home your neighbors will gather on its smell. I tell how to cook pancakes with my thirsty! ;)

    Rice with thumbes - Very unusual At first glance, a combination, but if you have a fresh one - I will definitely try to cook, do not disappoint. I tell how to cook rice with my thumbs!

    Potatoes and whale - the perfect taste combination. And if you add a fragrance to this that this dish acquires in the oven - it turns out simply delightfully. I recommend cooking!

    This exquisite Salad with thumbes and ham will become a frequent guest on your desk. It will decorate and a festive lunch, and will become a slight dinner on a hot summer day. Good combined with red wine.

    This salad with fried whales will love many mistresses. Not only because it will require ordinary available products for him, but also because it is simply prepared and it turns out to be surprisingly tasty.

    Love with sour cream is a wonderful dish, traditional for Russian cuisine. If you were lucky enough to dial fresh, be sure to prepare them in sour cream on this recipe, you will like it!

    Oyah in a pot is obtained surprisingly fragrant, gentle, juicy. And they are so easy to prepare them that even a schoolboy can cope. If you are lucky and you have my own way - we boldly prepare!

    Cheese soup with hassle - surprisingly gentle, practically creamy soup made of pretty simple ingredients. The recipe for cooking invented by me personally and tested dozens of times - always it turns out perfectly.

    Frozen widespread in sour cream is a very interesting dish on an ambulance hand. If you have a way in the freezer disappear, be sure to prepare this dish, you will probably enjoy it.

    Salad "Penc" with thighs

    Today I have something special for you - the salad recipe "Poek! With thumbs with a photo! I promise, such a salad will amaze even the most sophisticated gourmets. A magnificent salad for the festive table!

    Soon the fungal season, and you still have marinated whales? :) I offer you an interesting and simple recipe for snacks from oh. Rich, unusual, with a rich taste - what you need to sandwiches :)

    Prepare the fragrant dried soup will be filled with everyone - not only an experienced culinary, but a newcomer. Suppes turns out very solid, satisfying, welded - what is needed for everyday lunch.

    Do not know how to diversify the stuffing of pizza? Try adding! Pizza with thumbs is incredibly fragrant, as well as quite satisfying and, undoubtedly, original. Mushroom lovers will appreciate! ;)

    A muzzle with pickled hasslets is a very fragrant and delicious soup, to resist which no fans of mushrooms can not be able to resist. If in the refrigerator there is a jar of pickled themselves - boldly prepare!

    Mushroom dishes can be very sophisticated and sophisticated. Cream-soup from oh, the recipe of which is presented below, is one of such exquisite fungal delicacies. Improve yourself and your loved ones!

    Each of us ate fried mushrooms, but fried whale - it's not just mushrooms! And if they add sour cream and greens to them, then from the usual dish it will turn out that exactly your taste receptors!

    Porridge with porridge - my favorite dish of these wonderful autumn mushrooms. If you manage to dial them, then we will certainly cook porridge with porridge - satisfying, fragrant, delicious. Recipe - to your attention.

    Post - Golden time for lovers of mushrooms! I suggest you try the delicious salad with my thraisters on a repeatedly tested recipe. I promise that I will like not only stand up :)

    Spaghetti with thumbes - the perfect dish, which is the edible of the Russian variation of the traditional Italian pasta :) For a glass, they will give a bunch of money in Italy, and we do not want to take it. So - cook!

    You have a jar of pickled in the refrigerator, and you do not find it applications? Salad with thumbes and cabbage - here is a great option to use these mushrooms. Simple, inexpensive and tasty.

    I propose to prepare a traditional Italian dish - risotto with thighs. In Italy, a delicacy is considered a delicacy, for such a dish you pay very expensive. And we will be called a pond of a pride. So - cook!

    With which only do not prepare the pilaf - even with thighs. Of course, to taste, this dish reminds Plov only remotely, but the principle of cooking is the same, because I call this taste - I call my pilaf.

    Pasta with thickens is a refined dish that is preparing easier than a paired turnip. Hospitals note, if the guests unexpectedly gorge and if you have a fresh one, the dish will produce a furor! ;)

    Tasty, simple, low-calorie, economical, - pluses of this dish can be listed for a long time, but one is undoubtedly one - every hostess should know how to make cabbage stewed with thumbs :)

    With the advent of autumn, the forest presents us a rich harvest. A great pleasure can be obtained from the campaign to the forest for mushrooms and at the same time score a whole basket, and if you are lucky, then several. After all, this mushroom is not growing one by one, but immediately by whole families. Literally from one tree or stump is possible to collect a few kilograms. In further processing, as a rule, the whole family takes part, because someone to someone to go through and cook because of their quantity is simply impossible.

    Rules of use

    The benefits of mushrooms for our body is appreciated by almost all cultures over the centuries. These mushrooms fill with vital energy and serve as a good helper body to resist viral diseases. Owned is a source of iron, zinc, full proteins, vitamin C and phosphorus. Those who sit on the diet are or are vegetarians, are involved in the diet of them because of their low calorie content.

    Harm these mushrooms will not bring the body. It is important not to abuse them and choose only quality. The only thing to do is not worth:

    • Use with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • To eat for up to 7 years.

    How to Clean and Boil Mushrooms

    Love is a product that is considered perishable, so after the forest, the first thing you need to go through them. How to cook the freshly recycling:

    • In the garbage send all damaged insects, rotten and dull mushrooms.
    • Clear from the forest garbage: remove the ground, leaves and twigs.
    • If mushrooms are required for drying, then you need to remove the film under the cap and crop the lower leg segment. For the preparation in the fresh form, the mushrooms additionally soak within an hour and then clean the film.

    The cleaning process will not take much time and strength, although the mushrooms themselves are small and very fragile. Upon completion of the cleaning process, the thermal processing of mushrooms should be proceeding. To do this, you will need:

    Recipes for making baked mushrooms in the oven

    There is nothing easier than tying a basket of mushrooms and cook them for a dinner in the form of a snack or fry with potatoes. Children ask the pie - no problem. And Icra for the winter for pancakes is necessary to prepare. Recipes with widespread. There are many.

    To cook mushrooms with a bow for a snack, you do not need to have transcendental culinary abilities, because the recipe is very simple:

    • Boil mushrooms.
    • Onions cut into rings and fry on a skillet with the addition of butter.
    • Pick up to the bow, salt and fry for 15-20 minutes.
    • Sprinkle with basil or dill.

    Nowadays, each mistress has a multicooker in the kitchen. With it, you can deliciously prepare mushrooms with sour cream. Ingredients:

    Preparation Instructions:

    In beautiful plates, decompose the finished dish and sprinkle on top of the greens.

    Creamy mushroom soup is a traditional French cuisine, which can be found in cafes and restaurants. But it is not so difficult to prepare it using home and pamper yourself with this exquisite taste.

    We need products:

    Mushroom soup preparation instructions:

    Stew potatoes with mushrooms and onions: Tasty recipes

    Ready soup feeding with white bread croutons or sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs.

    There is a wonderful idea how delicious cooking. Combine mushrooms with cheese and dumplings, and then bake them in the oven. For cooking you will need:

    This dish is not only prepared, but also eats very quickly.

    The most popular and favorite dish, of course, is fried potatoes with mushrooms. To make fresh whatever, the hostess will need:

    1. Freshly plane whales (if in the yard of winter, then you can use the workpiece) weighing 500 g
    2. Middle potato tubers - 8-9 pieces.
    3. Onions - 2 pieces.
    4. Sour cream 20% fat content - 100-120 m.
    5. Butter creamy and vegetable for frying.
    6. Greens.
    7. Salt and pepper.

    Prepare this:

    Mushroom recipes for champignon mushrooms

    Descript on plates and decorate greens. Add a variety of pickles to taste.

    If the guests unexpectedly gave up and need to quickly cover the table, then you can cook a salad with mushrooms and beans. With the first thought it seems that such a combination of products is simply unacceptable, but in fact it turns out a hearty and tasty dish. Prepare the following ingredients:

    Description of preparation:

    • Carrots and bulb cut and fry on medium heat until ready.
    • Machine chicken straw.
    • In shallow grater grate cheese.
    • In a deep salad suit, shifting the carrot with onions, ham, cheese, but pour the bean can be poured (without liquid) and add mushrooms.
    • Mix well with mayonnaise or sour cream, salt and decorate greens.

    Descript on plates and serve guests.

    Often, the hostess decide to cook risotto with mushrooms, but fresh on hand is not. In this case, frozen will come to the rescue. The recipe is very simple. Step-by-step preparation instructions:

    Greetings, you are my wonderful cooks. Tell me, how often do you indulge your household fungal disasters? If it is very rare, then it can be easily corrected. Today I decided to devote to my thumbs. In pickled form, these mushrooms have a small calorie content - only 15,7 kcal. Therefore, today I will share what to cook with pickled thraisters.

    In general, let the will of fantasy and do not be afraid to experiment. And then in the comments, write out what happened and did you like it. And the photo, if you have, you can attach. We admire together 🙂

    Polyanka salad with ham

    For such an appetizing food, you will need such products:

    • 350 g smoked;
    • 350 g of cheese;
    • 4 things. eggs;
    • 3 medium in size potatoes;
    • jar of mushrooms;
    • green onion feathers.

    Meat cut, but not very large pieces. Potatoes boiled crushing, rub on the grater. Boiled eggs and cheese, too, rub on the grater. Mellenko greenery shining. Only fold each ingredient in a separate bowl.

    After, each layer lay out onto a flat dish and lubricate the mayonnaise with a lind. Only the latter is not needed. The first is cheese, the second is ham, the third is potatoes, the fourth - eggs, the fifth - onion green. And the sixth is like. Only put the mushrooms before the feed itself.

    And I carry this yummy to the table. This is a luxury dish be sure to prepare if possible.

    Salad with smoked chicken and mushrooms

    Follow these products:

    • watched (jar);
    • 4 chicken eggs;
    • 3 pcs. chicken thighs;
    • 3-4 salted cucumbers;
    • bunch of green onion;
    • canned peas on a jar;
    • pepper crushed black;
    • natural yoghurt + mayonnaise.

    Chicken drunk, cool and separate from the bones. Then cut the meat into small cubes. Boiled eggs drunk. We clean from the shell and shining with small cubes. Currency cucumbers - pieces should be small.

    Then connect the peas, meat, cucumbers, eggs and mushrooms. Pick up the mixture. We will refuel yogurt + homemade mayonnaise. I advise you to take in equal proportions. Salad from above sprinkled with chopped green onions.

    Well, the salad is ready. By the way, who watches the figure, I recommend to refuel only yogurt. It turns out protein dinner. In general, an excellent solution for those who want to be "subtle, ringing and transparent" 🙂

    Salad with potatoes and carrots, as well as beans

    For the Kushan, you need to take:

    • large bulb;
    • jar of marinated mushrooms;
    • mayonnaise;
    • 2 medium carrots;
    • 2 boiled potatoes (medium sizes);
    • several tbsp. vegetable oils;
    • a jar of red canned beans.

    Purified carrot on a grater of three. It is advisable to use the "Korean" grater - it will be so beautiful. Onions cut thin half rings.

    Fry mushrooms with bow and carrot on oil. Potatoes cut into small cubes. The beans on the colander we fold, rinse and mix with the rest of the components. Let's refuel salad from potatoes, mushrooms, carrots and beans with homemade mayonnaise.

    Marinated Salad Wall and Cucumbers - Lean Kushanye

    This is done by the Kushan from the next set of products:

    • 300 g oh
    • 3-4 medium-sized potatoes;
    • 4 things. pickled cucumbers;
    • small bunch of green onions;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt + pepper.

    I boil the potatoes in the uniform, cool and purified grinding in small pieces. Onions crushed. Cucumbers cut into pieces small. If they were marinated in a sharp marinade, I advise you to rinse them.

    We mix cucumbers with potatoes, onions and mushrooms. Solim Kushanye, Pepperm. Butter refuel and all mix well. That's all, a lean dish is ready. By the way, on this recipe salad leaves 4-6 servings. So everyone is enough 🙂

    Preparing a salad with mushrooms and Korean carrots

    This dish is essentially another variation of the "clearing". It is preparing incredibly simple, while it looks very beautiful. In general, such a kushany will decorate any feast.

    Take the following ingredients:

    • 250 g chicken fillet;
    • 200 g of Korean carrot (I advise you to take sharp);
    • the jar is marinated;
    • 70 g of solid cheese;
    • 12-14 pcs. Cherry Tomato;
    • cucumber is large;
    • dill greens;
    • mayonnaise;
    • 1 tsp. Sahara;
    • slightly vegetable oil;
    • 250 ml of water.

    Sugar dissolve in water. Mushrooms on a colander we fold and send in a sweet solution for half an hour. Then we again fold - let the excess fluid leave. Cheese rubbed on the grater is large. Chicken drunk, cool and cut into cubes. Green grinding.

    To prepare such salad we need a soup deep plate. Lubricate her surface with oil. Then we distribute to a plate evenly. From above the mushroom layer lubricate mayonnaise. By the way, each subsequent layer will also need to be intermitted by mayonnaise. Next, lay out cheese. The next layer will be dill. And after there is carrots. The most final layer will be meat.

    Cover the salad with a flat plate and send to the refrigerator. At least he should be half an hour, and ideally leave for the night. Then we get a dish from the refrigerator and gently turn it out. As a result, our yummy will turn out to be on a flat plate. Before serving, decorate tomatoes and chopped cucumber plates. Salad will be very elegant!

    Fried potatoes with pickled hassle

    You need to take the following ingredients:

    • 200 g of mushrooms;
    • 3 pcs. potatoes;
    • 1 PC. reptile onion;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt + pepper.

    Potatoes are cleansed from the peel, we rinse and cut the beautiful pars. We send the chorus on the pan with a preheated oil and fry to a ruddy shade. Then add potatoes into a frying pan to the bow. Cooking with a closed lid on medium heat somewhere 15 minutes. Do not forget to turn periodically.

    We rinse mushrooms, throwing away on a colander and cut into small pieces. Then we send to the potatoes with a bow. We make a dish and pinch. And then, we continue to fry all together before readiness - this is another 10 minutes.

    The taste of this dish is just divine. I think that the neighbors will also get - saliva they will flow the river. What do this dish eat? Yes, in principle, serve can, with which you wish. For example, with fresh vegetables or sour cream sauce.

    Soup with soup marinated and cried raw

    This mushroom soup is lean. It turns out very tasty. By the way, if you do not have pickled science, not trouble. You can prepare a soup with frozen mushrooms.

    At the rate of the 4-hut pot, you will need such ingredients:

    • 0.5 kilo potatoes;
    • 2 pcs. onion and carrots;
    • 180 g cheered melted;
    • 250 g oh
    • vegetable oil;
    • water;
    • salt + pepper;
    • greenery parsley or dill.

    Malely cut onions, and carrots on a large grater rubbed. Fry onion onions to a ruddy shade in a frying pan. Then add carrots to Luka and continue to fry for another 5-7 minutes.

    The water is brought to a boil and immerse the mushrooms into it. Cook for 10 minutes. Purified potatoes cut by storage. And send it to the mushroom broth. Solim soup, pepper and cook it for 5-10 minutes on a small fire. Then add a roaster and continue to cook for another 5 minutes.

    The final barcode is added grated fused cheese. Mix everything and remove the dish from the fire. Well, that's all - cheese soup with melted cheese is ready. Immediately before serving, I advise you to sprinkle it chopped greens.

    I think now you can just show your friends and acquaintances that you can cook from pickled. I think they will once again be surprised by your culinary skill. And so that they strongly dismissed you in question, reset them a link to the article. Let them enlighten. Today, all: so far.

    Open - Edible forest mushroom, which is often found in deciduous forests.

    Wood Love many mushrooms: they are nice to collect, because they grow large groups; Freshly prepare fragrant and delicious dishes, marinate for the winter.

    Consider detail: types of oh Description and photos, benefits and harm of mushrooms when collecting and how to cook.

    Own name oven (Translated from the Latin bracelet), he received due to a peculiar form of growing mushrooms - in the form of a ring.

    Most often, they can be found on stumps with whole families, in coniferous and deciduous forests. Mushrooms prefer to grow on any fallen wood and drunk stumps.

    It is possible to find myself not only under the trees, but also in the meadows, forest edges and under shrubs.

    They can easily find out, they have a long, thin leg up to 12-15 cm long. Color varies from light yellow to dark brown depending on the place of growth and age.

    Most of the majority on the leg have "Skirt". Round shape hat Rounded book, bottom side with brightly pronounced plates.

    The color of the Hats varies from light cream to red-brown shades. Hat of young asses covered with small scales, with age becomes smooth.

    Each type of appearance has its own differences, it all depends on the place of growth and age.

    It is useful to eat in food, considered a low-calorie product. It is based on not only minerals and vitamins, but also thiamine, which is responsible for the nervous system and reproductive function.

    From the beneficial substances included in the composition they can be selected as such: microelements (potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and others); vitamins groups B, C, RR and E; amino acids; cellulose; Proteins.

    In folk medicine, known for their own antiviral and anti-cancer The effect on the human body is often used in the treatment of thyroid gland and liver pathologies. Halfing excellent give slags and toxins from the bodyhave a positive effect on blood formation processes.

    In 100 g, it is based on a daily rate of trace elements to maintain hemoglobin in normal. Regularly using the way you prevent the development cardiovascular diseases.

    Honey will not bring any harm to a person if they have passed preliminary training before cooking dishes.

    Contraindications to eat

    Do not forget that mushrooms are heavy food for digestion, therefore do not eat mushrooms at night. Excessive use can be asked to diarrhea. Do not give my way to children younger 12 years.

    Types of oh

    From a large number of edible species are called. You can select 4 basic, most often collected by mushrooms.

    Edible mushroom, which grows in large colonies, mainly on rotten and damaged wood in deciduous forests. The hat of this species will be brown, after the rain becomes transparent.

    Sawn hats with a diameter of 3-8 mm, the center is lighter than the edge. Opels with a height of up to 9 cm, the leg is bright with a ring, over time it remains only a strip. Below the ring leg with scales.

    The first mushrooms can be found since June and they are fruit until the end of August.

    These are having a high leg of up to 10 cm, yellowish color with a white bloom, dense at its length, a bit extended down. Over time, the leg is thickened.

    The sizes of a hat from 3 to 7 mm in diameter, light yellow color, in crude weather becomes yellowish brown. The edges of the hat are lighter than the center. Bottom light, rare plates.

    Start fruit from June to autumn frosts.

    You can detect mushrooms on meadows, fields, cottages, in ravines and on forest edges. Owls grow by arcuate rows.

    Popular appearance is optimized by large sizes. Mushroom on a foot 8-10 cm long with a small thickening at the bottom. The thickness of the legs up to 2 cm. You can see a pronounced ring under the hat itself.

    Large-sized hats, on average 3-10 cm (it happens to 15-17 cm). Plates of light yellow color, rare.

    Young naughty are covered with scales on the surface. The color of the hats depends on the type of trees, on which they are rising - from bright to brown colors.

    They begin to be fruit from the end of August and finish in October.

    Owned can be found on damaged and old deciduous trees, mainly on the poplas and welfare.

    The leg with a height of 2-7 cm, thick up to 1 cm, velvety-brown shade.

    On the leg there is no ring under the hat. The hat reaches a diameter to 10 cm, from yellow to brownish-orange color. Plates are white, rare. The flesh is white or yellowish.

    They can be found in protanes and even under the snow, from autumn to spring.

    If you are an inexperienced mushroom picker always follow the rule: "Not sure - do not take", it is better not to risk the health of your and loved ones.

    Main differences: The hats of the inedible mushrooms are painted brighter, there may be brick-red, rust-brown or orange, while edibles have a light beige or brownish color.

    The most dangerous is false sulfur sulfur.

    Also the surface of the edible hats covered with scales, darker color than color hats.

    False pesters Always have a smooth surface of a hat, most often wet, and after the passage, the rain surface becomes adhesive.

    Lovers of outgrowths should consider the moment that the scales disappear as mushrooms grow.

    Edibles have always white, cream, pink plates From the bottom side of the hat, and the false scum they quickly darken, they have green, olive black shades.

    On the leg edible "Skirt" from the film Located under the hat, the false leaves it no - the main difference to which you should always navigate.

    Real whale possess mushroom fragrance, poisonous mushrooms give mold, land.

    Owned in our country is considered one of the most beloved and actively used. If you do not know which dishes can be prepared from the oh, then consider the proposed options.

    Presented recipes will tell all forest gifts about the secrets of cooking dishes from the oh. In addition, they will help the originality of the delicious treats to the festive feast. Do not forget that cooking is a special place to disclose your talent. Even if you do not have special skills in this area, do not be discouraged, since with the preparation of these 14 recipes you will certainly handle, because they are described in detail by step by step.

    In addition to simple recipes, dishes from OPS are also invited to learn the process with which it will be easier to master the process. Try to make at least one of the options, and boldly apply on the table with your own native - no one will disappointed.

    On this page there are recipes for dietary dishes, hot, second, as well as options for winter blanks. Dietary dishes from oh, you can prepare in different ways: cook, stew or bake. Many prefer to prepare the autumn whale, which in their taste is much superior to winter and spring. Equally demanding fans of mushrooms will appreciate the dishes from autumn.

    The dish of oh variegated with potatoes and eggs in a slow cooker

    If in the refrigerator there are some, you can prepare a dish of them using a slow cooker. Having such a device in its kitchen, you should not worry about dinner or dinner, especially since cooking is very comfortable in it.

    • War it - 500 g;
    • Centralmost of medium size - 6 pcs.;
    • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • 2 pcs. onion and carrots;
    • Vegetable oil (odorless);
    • Salt and black pepper ground - to taste;
    • 3-4 branches of green parsley.

    The dish of the scum in a slow cooker will strike you with its taste, because it will remain all nutrients and vitamins.

    1. Wood is cleaned, washed, cut off most of the legs and boiled 15 minutes.
    2. They laid out in a colander, and while mushrooms flow, they are engaged in cleaning onions and cutting it.
    3. Mix the boiled mushrooms with a semicircle onion, lay on a hot pan with vegetable oil and roasted to a golden crust.
    4. Purify potatoes and carrots, washed from contamination and crushed on a large grater.
    5. Connect all the vegetables with mushrooms, rush eggs, add salt and pepper to taste, everything is well mixed.
    6. The bowl is lubricated with oil, lay out the whole mass and slightly tamper.
    7. Include the "Baking" mode and exhibit the time for 70-80 minutes.
    8. After the sound alert, leave a dish in a multicooker for 20 minutes., Then remove and turn over to the plate.

    It turns out an excellent casserole, which when feeding on the table is decorated with greenery sprigs.

    How to prepare a dietary dish of boiled with beans: recipe with photos

    • Love - 500 g;
    • Boiled asparagus beans - 300 g;
    • Fresh tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • Spinach and arugula - 40 g;
    • Garlic - 5 poles;
    • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • Melted cheese - 100 g;
    • Onions - 2 pcs.;
    • Sunflower oil - 3 h.;
    • Ground black pepper - ? h. l.;
    • Salt to taste.

    A recipe with a photo of cooking from boiled meals will help make a delicious salad for the whole family.

    1. Owned is washed, dried in salted water 15 min., Washed again and laid out into the colander.
    2. Next mushrooms are cut and connected with crumbs onions.
    3. Frozen on vegetable oil 10 min., Mashed, swipe and mix well.
    4. A boiled in advance asparagus beans is mixed with cooled mushrooms and onions.
    5. Tomatoes cut with slices, the greens are riveted with their hands and is also added to the salad.
    6. Garlic is cut into small cubes, mixed with melted cheese and olive oil.
    7. All ingredients are mixed to homogeneous mass and laid out in a deep salad bowl.

    What a dish can be prepared from mushrooms, frozen frozen for winter: recipe with photos

    What dish can be prepared from mushrooms, which were frozen for the winter? Try to make a snack that is able to normalize metabolism and restore damaged cellular structures. Such a dish is characterized by good digestibility and nutritional value.

    • Frozen shed - 500 g;
    • Sweet-sweet apples - 3 pcs.;
    • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • Wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • Mushroom broth -? Art.;
    • Sour cream low-fat - 150 ml;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Green dill or parsley.

    The proposed recipe with a photo will help to prepare a dish of frozen themselves according to all the rules of cooking.

    1. Frozen pesters lay out in a bowl and put on the bottom shepher of the refrigerator. Such defrost will allow mushrooms to remain a beautiful appearance.
    2. Boil in water 10 min., Lay out onto a kitchen towel and give a little sort of excess fluid.
    3. Mushrooms can be cut by pieces or leave the whole, fry on olive oil 5 minutes. On average fire.
    4. Add peeled and chopped with thin slices apples and swipe on slow fire with mushrooms 5 min.
    5. Mushroom decoction to mix with flour, beat the currency so that no lumps left, salt, pour into mushrooms with apples.
    6. Peel 10 min., Pour sour cream, mixed with chopped greens, and bring the apple-mushroom mass to a boil.

    Such a dish is best served a little cooled to the table.

    Salted Royal Dish Way with Green Peas

    In this embodiment, the salty dishes will be the best ingredient are royal wog. Such an ideal combination of products is used for festive feasts. No wonder the incredible taste of dishes and a small spending of time on his cooking so like many hostesses.

    • Salted salty - 500 g;
    • Canned green polka dot - 200 g;
    • Onion - 3 heads;
    • Sour cream low-fat - 100 ml;
    • Water - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • Fresh tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Paprika - 1 tsp;
    • Ground black pepper - ? h. l.

    The dish of the royal science, salty for the winter, is preparing in stages, the main thing is to adhere to the instructions.

    1. Mushrooms pour water and leave for 20-30 minutes, depending on salting.
    2. Rinse in water, give a drain, cut into cubes and lay out in a dry pan.
    3. Add peeled and chopped onion onion and pour sour cream, diluted with water.
    4. Stew 10 min., Introduce black ground pepper, paprika, salt to taste and canned polka dot.
    5. Stew another 10 minutes. Under the closed lid, turn off the fire, give a dish to cool a bit.
    6. Serve, decomposing into portion plates, with slices of fresh tomatoes.

    Recipe for hot dishes from oh: Mushroom Borsch

    The recipes of cooking hot dishes from the OPS will allow the whole family with a delicious dinner.

    A cooked borsch with thickens and prunes has an original taste and aroma.

    • Chicken broth - 2 l;
    • Mushrooms Loaf - 500 g;
    • Prunes dried - 7 pcs.;
    • Beets - 2 middle pcs;
    • Cabbage white - 200 g;
    • Onions and carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • Parsley root - to taste;
    • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Vegetable oil - for the passage;
    • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
    • Sour cream - to taste;
    • Black pepper - 4 peas.

    The hot dish from the oh, and in our embodiment it is a mushroom borsch, prepares as follows:

    1. Purified pre-and washed sheds are cut with straw and laid in a pan with vegetable oil.
    2. Pastor to a golden crust and introduce crumpled onions crumpled.
    3. Passerut 5-8 min. lay out in a separate bowl.
    4. Cubes are crushed with cubes, and the peeled beetted is a clutch on a large grater, all together are roasted until readiness.
    5. A little chicken broth is poured out of the pan, soles in taste, tomato paste, vinegar and sugar are introduced, stirred.
    6. A chicken cabbage is sued in boiling broth, carrots and beets are introduced, boiled 10 minutes.
    7. Pierceshing chopped root, bay leaf and black pepper peas are added.
    8. Boiled 5 min., Dried prunes, cut into cubes or straws, as well as mushrooms with onions, boil 10 minutes.
    9. When applying for a table in each plate, you can add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

    Recipe for the preparation of the first dish from dried mushrooms

    The first dish of dried will be turned out to be welded and satisfying, with a pronounced mushroom fragrance. Mushroom soup is an excellent option to feed your loved ones at the dinner table.

    • Having dried - 20 g;
    • Thin vermicell - 200 g;
    • Mushroom broth - 2 l;
    • Potatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • Onions - 2 heads;
    • Bay sheet -1 pcs.;
    • Grinding greens - 2 tbsp. l.

    The recipe for cooking from dried dishes should be performed, adhering to step by step instructions.

    1. Ohhed wash and soak in cold water for the night.
    2. Water merge, pour a new portion (2 l) and put cooking on the middle fire.
    3. Peel 20 min., Catch the mushrooms skidding and lay out in a plate.
    4. Cut pieces and fry on oil 10 min.
    5. In the mushroom broth, enter the cubes chopped potatoes and peck for 15 minutes.
    6. Salt, cut into onions and send into the soup.
    7. In 10 minutes. Add Vermicellier and Mushrooms, throw a bay leaf and peak 7-10 minutes. on slow fire.
    8. When applying for a table to each plate add chopped greens.

    The best meadow dish oh: soup puree

    Fabulous delicious, meadow dishes are obtained. For example, mushroom soup will be able to diversify the casual menu, and your relatives will be satisfied with the dinner.

    • Meadow whale - 600 g;
    • Potatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • Carrots and onions - 1 pcs;
    • Cream - 500 ml;
    • Garlic - 3 teeth;
    • Mushroom broth - 2 tbsp.;
    • Salt and black ground pepper - to taste;
    • Butter cream - for frying;
    • Cubes of crackers;
    • Grinding greens - to taste.

    Delicate and delicious soup puree - the best dish from screens even for children.

    Holding to step by step instructions, you can cook an appetizing treat for 8 people.

    1. Purifying onions and carrots and grind: three-grade carrots, onions cut into cubes.
    2. After pre-cleaning mushrooms, fry on creamy oil to a ruddy crust.
    3. Onions and carrots are frying separately on the oil until golden color.
    4. In boiling water, we introduce chopped with straw potatoes and drunk until readiness.
    5. Catching potatoes and lay the blender in the bowl, add onions with carrots and mushrooms.
    6. Grind and lay out in a saucepan, pour cream, mushroom broth and stir.
    7. Sour salt to taste, pepper and bring to a boil, stirring so as not to burn.
    8. We add garlic crumpled cubes and leave for 10 minutes to fill.
    9. We break into the portion plates, putting in each cracker and chopped greens.

    The second pick-up dish opens with potatoes: recipe with photos

    The proposed recipes from the photo of the second dishes from the OPD will complement not only the casual menu, but also decorate the festive table.

    The recipe for making meals from pickled opats in the form of a salad is delicious and spicy. In addition to the canned fruit themselves, potatoes and onions are also taken, and the finished salad is refined with chopped greens and sour cream.

    • Marinated Lie - 400 g;
    • Potatoes - 6 pcs.;
    • Onions - 2 pcs.;
    • Sour cream - 100 ml;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Vegetable oil - for frying;
    • Greens of dill crushed - 2 tbsp. l.

    The pick-up dish is based on this recipe with the photo is preparing like this:

    1. Potato tubers are thoroughly rinsed and lay in boiling water, drunk 30-35 minutes.
    2. We give a little cool and clean from the peel.
    3. Cut into cubes and lay out in a pan with vegetable oil.
    4. He fry to a golden crust and at the very end they spit to taste.
    5. From the bow remove the top layer and cut down thin rings.
    6. Marinated woven rinsing in cold water, mix with onion rings and crushed dill.
    7. Hot potatoes mix with mushrooms, onions and dill, spit to taste.
    8. We pour sour cream, mix so that sour cream is evenly distributed throughout the salad.
    9. Lay out in a salad bowl and put as a snack on the table.

    Delicious dish of legs

    Is it possible to prepare an interesting and tasty dish from the legs? We offer to surprise your loved ones and make baked Bulgarian peppers stuffed with feet of mushrooms.

    • Red and yellow bell pepper - 4 pcs.;
    • Onion - 2 pcs;
    • The legs will be 300 g;
    • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
    • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • Cheese solid - 150 g;
    • Vegetable oil - for frying;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Green sprigs parsley - 8 pcs.

    The recipe for making meals from mushrooms is described below in stages.

    1. The chicken fillet washes, cut into small cubes and roasted on the oil to a golden crust.
    2. Entered onions cut into cubes and fry together with meat for another 7 minutes.
    3. The legs are scared boiled 15 minutes, drained and roasted in oil to rosy.
    4. Connect meat, onions and legs are optted, mixed, salted to taste.
    5. Bulgarian pepper is cut in half, remove the seeds and fruit, lay out in a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper.
    6. Fill the pepper mushrooms and meat, mix the sour cream and? Part of the coolest cheese, water the filling in peppers.
    7. Put in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. and bake at 180 °.
    8. Over 10 minutes before the preparedness, peppers are removed, sprinkled with the remaining grated cheese and return to the oven.
    9. When submitting to the table, each half pepper is put on a parsley branch.

    Dish from oh the addition of potatoes

    The dish of oh, with the addition of potatoes perfectly replaces meat products for vegetarians or fasting. Cutlets serve with potato mashed potatoes and vegetable salad.

    • Fresh widespread - 700 g;
    • Boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • Bread crushers - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • Salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
    • Grinding greens - 2 tbsp. l.;

    Take advantage of the recipe and photo of the preparation of fresh dishes with potatoes.

    1. His pounds are drunk 15 minutes. In salted water and lean on a colander.
    2. The potatoes are cleaned and cut into pieces, is crushed with a meat grinder.
    3. Mushrooms are also crushed, mixed with potatoes, everything is embrying and moves to taste.
    4. Greens and eggs are added, mixed well to a homogeneous mass.
    5. Cutlets are formed from the mince, collapsed in breadcrumbs.
    6. They roasted on oil from two sides to golden color. Cutlets can be served both hot and cold.

    The dish of fried hemp opens with pasta

    For such a dish, it is better to take the hemp them, which are famous for their taste and nutritional properties. Pasta with fried hasslets - a great dish of hemp themselves for those who adhere to diet and respects Italian cuisine.

    • Love - 500 g;
    • Pasta - 150 g;
    • Vegetable broth - 150 ml;
    • Basil -? h. l.;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Onion - 2 heads;
    • Garlic - 3 teeth;
    • Vegetable oil - for frying.

    Take advantage of the step-by-step recipe for the preparation of fried dishes from the Macaronov on 2 people.

    1. In the pan, we give boil water and introduce pasta, we spit a little and cook for 3 minutes. Less time.
    2. We drag the water, wash the pasta with water and lay out in the scenery.
    3. After pre-cleansing the fungi we cut small pieces.
    4. Onions we clean, grind finely and fry on oil to a clear color.
    5. We introduce mushrooms, cover with a lid and shops on a small heat for 20 minutes.
    6. Before the end of the frying, add salt and mix well.
    7. We introduce mushrooms with a bow into the saucepan to the macaronam, we pour broth, wearing a 3 min.
    8. Suck a basil and cut garlic cubes, mix, remove from the plate and serve to the table.

    Forest dish Way: Soldering for the winter