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  • Biography Michael Owen. Biographies players

    Biography Michael Owen. Biographies players

    In 1998, at the age of 18 and 59 days, this striker made his debut in the national team and became the youngest player who spent in its composition in its entire history. Already at the World Cup in France, he became a star. The brilliant goal of Michael Owen into the gate of the Argentina national team did about the main opening of the tournament in France. Owen brought the bill in this match to 2: 1, and the outcome of the two eighth final finals, which ended in a draw 2: 2, a series of eleven meters was solved, in which the Argentines were more precisely - 4: 3. From 1998 to his transition to Real Owen every season became the best scorer of Liverpool (he scored 158 goals in 297 matches). In 2001, his two goals scored in the last 7 minutes of the final match for the Cup of England against Arsenal, decided the outcome of the fight (2: 1) In the same year, he won together with the UEFA Cup and was recognized as the best football player of Europe. In 2005, he returned to England - in Newcastle United on the World Cup 2006, on the 3rd minute of the Match of the Group Tournament with the Swedish team, he received a serious injury - the rupture of the cruciform ligament of the right knee.

    After a bright start in Professional career, Michael Owen continues to perform at the same level. He scored his first goal in the debut match of 1997, graduated from the first season of 1997/98. The best scorer of the Premier League was the youngest player of the England team. The memorable goal, scored at the World Championships in a bright note, completed the performance of the national team in France.

    After only two months after the 18th day, Owen debuted in the England team against the Chile team in February 1998. Four months later, he became the youngest striker of the national team of England, who scored a goal in the world championship (in the Romanian national team). And then scored a wonderful goal in the match against Argentina to Senthetienne.

    At the 15th minute of the second round match between the national teams of England and Argentina, Michael Owen, who was at that time only 18 years old, received a pass from Central Circle and rushed to the opponent's goal. In the course of the movement, he walked around José Camota and, in close proximity to the penalty area, swinging his shoulder, disoriented Roberto Alyal, after which she struck the strongest shot on the gate of Carlos Roa. The ball flew into the grid, and the score was 2: 1 in favor of the England team. The genuine brilliance, demonstrated by Owen at this moment, introduced OUNE in the elite of the football world, the Assa goal remains, perhaps the greatest heads scored by any of the British on the World Cups. The miracle goal scored by Michael Owen on the 16th minute, raised the stadium to his feet in Saint-Etienne and introduced a 18-year-old striker in the elite of world football.

    Its success is best to tell the numbers. Owen scored more than 150 goals in the first seven years in Liverpool and 24 goals in more than 50 matches for the English team.

    European rivals "Liverpool" learned to fear Owen. At the moment, it is the best club scorer in the matches of European competitions, ahead of the previous heroes of "Enfield": Ian Rasha and Kenny Dalglisha. He spent one of his best speeches in the winning match of Liverpool in the UEFA Cup final of 2001, scoring a double at the Roma Gate at the Olympic Stadio.

    Finalists of the World Cup 2002 experienced the sting of ounovsky attacks. A quick striker ripped out the German defense defense and scored a hat-trick to the Oliver Kana gate, when England won (5: 1) over Germany in one of the match championship qualifying tournament. A few months later, he was recognized as the best European football player. This victory marked the Triumphal return of the OUNEn after an annual recipiency in the career caused by numerous injuries.

    At the World Cup 2002 in the quarterfinals against Brazil, Forward defeated the team forward, although his team could not win. After leaving the Alan village of Sirrera Owen became the first striker of England.

    He can even beat the record Bobby Charlton (49 goals for the national team), as it is the youngest football player who played 50 matches for the national team. "You know, this country is too spoiled to have in the team of such a player as Michael Owen," reproached British mass media coach British Sven Goran Ericsson after Owen won a ticket for the country to Euro-2004 in the 50th match for the national team against Slovakia.

    The attacker demonstrates the phenomenal speed, the instinct of the inborn oreadora and the dangerous blow to the right, while he improves the left of the left. For his little growth, it has a high jump and, being a player of a fragile physique, increased muscle mass with special training. According to Stephen Gerrard - Comrade Owen in the club and the national team, striker possesses a volitional character: "Even when he misses two or three chances, he does not give up. He is always ready to shoot an unexpected strike on the opponent's goal. From other players it is distinguished by the power of character. "

    Date of birth: December 14, 1979
    Country: England
    Clubs: "Liverpool", "Real" (Madrid)
    Games in the final tournament of the World Cup: 12
    Goals in the final tournament of the World Cup: 4
    Number of matches for the national team: 80.
    Goals: 36.
    Member of the World Cup: 1998, 2002, 2006

    December 14, 1979 in Chester, which is 25 km south-east of Liverpool, Michael Owen appeared. His father, Terry, was a professional football player, having played for Everton and Chester. Hold that children should not grow in a smoke city, and where the air is cleaned, is decided on moving to the Welsh village. They came there when Michael was 5 years old, and his father decided to devote children to sports, having started individual classes with the defender. In total, Michael had two brothers (Terry and Andrew) and two sisters (Karen and Leslie). The most interesting thing is that Terry saw in Michael Boxer, only after requests the child he gave him to a football school. Surely not without the help of Pope, Owen became a fierce fan of "Everton", whose matches they visited. There Michael first saw her idol. In the field "Gudison Park" in those days, Gary Lineker, which Owen admired. Having come to football school, Owen began to hit all its technical and high-speed qualities. Drinking a bunch of heads in England, scouts have already begun to come to matches where this advancedkind was playing. And the very first proposal was received from the representatives of Manchester UNITED. When, it would seem, the suitcase was already assembled and tickets were bought, for incomprehensible reasons the contract was broken. But soon, the father himself answered his son to the football school "Liverpool" (a riddle, why?), Where they were naturally delighted with young talent. Featuring his little growth, Michael beat, not sparing himself, nor rivals, proving that he was not in vain here. In the junior leagues, he continued to score goals, and then a lot of residents of Liverpool knew about him. In December 1996, when he was 17 years old, he signs his first professional contract with Liverpool. Owen's debut occurred anywhere somewhere, and in the village of "Selkhast Park" in May 1997, where he spent his home matches "Wimbledon" in the composition of which such "men" like Winnie Jones, Dean Holdsworth, Evinn Leonardsen and Neal Sullivan. With a score, 0-2 Evans decided to throw in the Bake of the Yunca, and did not lose. Although they lost the match, Michael scored his first ball in his career.

    First full season

    The 1997/1998 Season 1997/1998 has not yet been considered as the main player, a couple of Karl-Heinz Ridle from Dortmund Borussia was purchased to the idol "Enfield". But Michael, unlike other young talents, was distinguished by his calm temper, preferring to nightclubs calm home evenings with a friend of childhood Louise, which later marries and will bring up four children. Probably, this, plus a colossal work in training and helped him become the main attacker of the club. In the fall in the match with the Scottish "Celticom", Michael scores the debut goal in European Cups and after a couple of months, the "Muski" Football players "Grimsby" were "lucky" in the match for the English League Cup. February was very fruitful for Owen. First match debut in the national team. Despite the defeat from the Chileans 0-2, they were very satisfied with them, and he became the most young football player of the country, who played a National Team T-shirt, and then designed his first Het Trick in the Premier League in the Sheffield Wenside Match. Also this season, he earned his first removal. In the game with hateful "MJ", he received two warnings for fouls against Schmeyhel and Jonsen, respectively. A successful season contributed to the recognition of Owen's best athlete of the year in England.

    From France hero

    In the summer of 1998, Owen went to the World Cup in France as part of the national team of the country. In the first match, he made his debut, coming to replace the match with Tunisia, the next match with Romanians was played 1-2, but the only ball recorded my hero to the asset. The game with the Argentines in the 1/8 finale became the latter for the British, thanks to the judge of Kim Milton Nielsen, who after the clasm of Beckham with Simeon, for some reason he removed only the Englishman, and Owen scored a phenomenal goal, beating all the defense of South American and Rotary Roa on his way. Even playing in the minority, the British looked no worse than the Argentians, but the ill-fated series of a penalty sent home by the British, and Owen received recognition of the world public.

    First injury

    The 1998/1999 season began for a phenomenon as you will not think better. In addition to the Hat-Trick, in the Gate "Newcastle", followed poker in the Gate "Nottingham Forrest". At the end of the season in the match with Leeds, Michael gets a heavy injury to the left knee. Despite this, he becomes the best bombard of the Premier League, scoring 23 goals. By season 1999/2000, it was decided to send Owen to Germany for treatment. There, his recovery was engaged in the famous Hans Muller-Wolfart. According to the program of the German specialist, Michael was to recover by September, but the French mentor Liverpool Gerard was insisted on the accelerated treatment of Michael. As a result in January, the recurrence of old injury and Owen is repeated outside the game for two months. In that season, he managed to distinguish 12 times. Summer European Championship for the British is unfortunately and they do not come out even from the group, and Owen is striking the gate of all the same team Romania.

    White stripe

    The 2000/2001 season for Michael has developed as never, well. In a pair to Owen, the "Leicester" was bought forward of a taranium type Emil Hask. Liverpool wins in a series of post-match penalties "Birmingham" in the League Cup final. Owen, scoring two goals in the gate of "Kanonirov" brings Merseisydz Cup of England. In Dortmund, the UEFA Cup final is held between the Spanish "Alavs" and "Liverpool" and there are no equal red, winning 5-4, on Michael's account. Super Cup also went to the Liverpool Museum thanks to the victory over Bavaria 3-2, one of the balls recorded in the Owen asset. In the championship "Red" take 3rd place and conquer a place in the Champions League. In September 2001, Michael enters himself in the history of English football, as the first player, who issued a hat-trick into the Gate of the German national team, and the scoreboard in Munich highlighted the final 1-5. Michael Owen recognizes the best football player of Europe 2001 and as a reward-"Golden Buck". Next season, Owen continued to score and had already exceeded 100 goals for "red". Later, he was waiting for another black strip, marked by a series of injuries. At the 2002 World Championship, Owen scored 2 goals (Denmark and Brazil), where the British in the Final stopped the future winners of the championship - Brazilians. And at Euro 2004, the British, showing a bright game, flew out again in a series of penalty, in ¼ losing to the Portuguese, Owen himself made a duet in an attack with a new star of England Wayne Rooney, scored 1 goal in the tournament.

    real Madrid

    Despite the promise to stay in Liverpool, Owen decided to still change the situation without holding away before the tempting proposal of the Madrid Real. For Liverpool, he spent 297 games, scoring 158 heads. In his first Spanish season, he did not find a permanent place in the main composition, but scored 16 goals. And next season, Robinho was purchased, whom they saw at the base, rather than Owen. Here Michael and decided to return home. Of course, he wanted to return to Liverpool, and the club's management was not to return him, but Real asked 11 million pounds, which was a barrier to return. Michael understood that polishing the shop spare in Madrid, he risks to miss the World Championship in Germany.


    And then Newcastle decided to lay out a large amount for the Englishman, and he joins his former partner to Alana Sirera. Scoring for the "forty" seven goals, he gets another injury and leaves almost until the end of the season. By the world championship in 2006, it is suitable in good condition, but, without having a single goal, Michael in the match with Sweden gets a ridiculous injury at the very beginning of the fight, I will for a long time from football. The 2007/08 season begins optimistic for Owen scoring a lot of goals, but again injuries interfere with him to show himself. In the near future, Newcastle left the Premier League, and the Owen itself ended the contract. Michael's career seemed to come an end, as suddenly a proposal did not come from someone, and from the Alex Ferguson himself, who wanted to see in the composition of the once formidable striker. The team left Cristiano Ronaldo and the seventh room went to Owen. With all the wishes of Michael, return to the previous level, the injuries constantly interfere with it to do it.

    Michael Owen is one of the few owners of the Golden Ball, which can be said about: Yes, he is an outstanding football player, but still some kind of inaccuracies remained in his career.

    Michael James Owen

    • Country - England.
    • Position - striker.
    • Born: December 14, 1979.
    • Height: 173 cm.

    Biography and football player career

    Michael was born in Chester - a small town near Liverpool. In English standards, the family was big - Michael has two brothers and two sisters.

    His father, Terry Owen, was a professional footballer and advocated "Everton". Therefore, family yields to Gudison Park for OUNES were far from the wonder.

    The more surprising is the fact that Terry Owen gave his son to Liverpool's football school.



    There, Michael almost immediately began to demonstrate his superiority over peers, being above their head. "Above the head", it is, of course, in a figurative sense - Owen was not distinguished by physical data. "Golden Boy", "Mighty Mouse" - these nicknames as it is impossible to characterize Michael Owen.

    The first contract was not forced to wait a long time - he became a player of Liverpool at 17. And his debut came to the match "Wimbledon" - the famous team of the Knoszov, which then led no less famous. Surprisingly, the baby Owen went on a replacement with a score of 0: 2 and managed to score a goal.

    But the next season (1997-1998) became a real breakthrough for the young forward: 18 goals in the championship (first place in the bombing dispute, Michael Owen divided Daion and Chris Sutton from Dion), 28 - in all tournaments, the title of the best appearance of the Apple and Debut in national team England.

    For the next year, Owen will repeat his head achievement in the championship of England, but Liverpool tal is just the seventh. It was a problem - in those years "red" could not compete with the best teams of the championship.

    However, the French specialist who came to the club, Gerard Ule, somewhat changed the situation. The Liverpool champion never became - the teams did not have enough for long distances, but the club fighter became excellent, in one particular match "Liverpool" could beat anyone.

    The apotheosis was 2001, when Liverpool won five cups: the Cups of England, League, UEFA, the Super Cup of England and Europe. It was Michael Owen that turned the final match of the Cup of England to "Liverpool" to Liverpool, scoring Arsenal at the 83rd and 88 minutes. Also on his account, victorious goals in both Super Cups - at the Gate "Manchester United" and "Bavaria".

    And six months later, Michael Owen will become the owner of the "Golden Ball" of the best football player of Europe.

    After such a season, many began to consider "Liverpool" as a challenger for the championship, the team honestly fought for him, but still became the second, giving way to Arsenal as seven points. 19 goals Michael Owen, scored in the championship matches.

    In general, Owen's performance was above all silence. For seven seasons behaved in the club, he only dropped below the grandmaster mark of 20 goals (the 1999-2000 season, most of which he spent in Lazarute).

    In principle, Michael arranged everything in Liverpool. He constantly played at the heart, was called to the national team, the love and respect of the fans. There was no one. Trophies. And with each new intersazonia, rumors about the transition to one or another club were increasingly agreed.

    "Real Madrid


    And such a club became "Real", who paid the symbolic 8 million pounds for the transition of OUNA. Why so happened, I do not know. I can only show that this is one of the most failing in terms of the sale of transfers in the history of world football, since it was about a 24-year-old slaughter forward world-class.

    How to evaluate Michael Owen's speech in Real? Definitely not failure - he scored 13 goals in 36 games examples, mainly leaving the field along the match. To say that he could not win competition from Raul, Ronaldo and Morientes just frightly - Owen was an outstanding forward, and could not be afraid of competition from anyone.

    It will be more correct to say that Michael was initially delivered to them in an unequal position, since the concept of the game "Real" implied the presence of forwards capable of conducting a positional attack. The skate of Owen has always been a jerk and speed.

    Therefore, Owen began to express the desire to leave "Real" - the role of the reserve, even if the first, even if he did not suit him in such a club. Especially since the World Championship was approaching, and to remain out of the application of the England team would be for the football player tragedy.



    Owen was glad to return to Enfield, but the leadership of the "Red" principally did not want to overpay for the player who was sold only a year ago - this time was about 11 million pounds.

    "Newcastle" who bought the shuttle service of the football player, which was unexpected for many - after all, "Soroki" clearly did not correspond to the then status of Owen.

    However, at the preseason assembly, Michael is injured and misses the beginning of the championship. It is impossible to say that before this injury went by Owen side, but in Newcastle, he really has a lot of them.

    In the interruptions between treatment, Michael was sometimes excellent segments, but he no longer came out on his Liverpool level. Apotheosis of failures became the season 2008-2009, when Newcastle flew out of the APL, and Michael Owen in 28 matches only 8 times struck the opponent's gate.

    "Manchester United"


    After the departure of Newcastle, Owen was a free agent and he signed Manchester United. From the very beginning it was clear that intends to use Michael as a player who could strengthen the game teams along the match.

    But still many believed in a miracle, especially since you wanted to believe it. And it seemed that it would happen. Owen began to score for Manchester United, and at its account there were important goals, for example, in the Mancunician Derby or Het Trick in the outbound match of the Champions League against "Wolfsburg".

    But still it turned out to be an illusion - we did not see the former Owen. For three seasons, he scored 25 heads for the club. Not enough for a football player bench, but a little for Michael Owen.

    "Stoke City"


    At the end of the 2011-2012 season, Manchester United did not negotiate the contract and the 33-year-old striker went to the "stock city", waking for which one season, finished his career.

    But in the "Stock", Michael Owen scored his 150th goal in the APL, becoming the seventh football player, whom this top will be submitted.

    England team


    In February 1998, in the course of its phenomenal season, Owen received the challenge of England, and a little later went in its composition on.

    Owen and found out the whole world, when in the match 1/8 of the final he after a fantastic solo passage scored a goal into the gate of the Argentina national team. Unfortunately for the British, they lost that match, but Owen turned out to be, it seems the only football player to whom there were no complaints from the championship.

    The field of this Michael Owen will play for the national team of England on four major tournaments - two world and two European championships. Then the quarterfinal of the British was not able to climb then.

    Michael Owen properly did his job, scoring important goals, for example, in the quarterfinals, when he opened an account in the match with the owners of the tournament - Portuguese, but they did not always help the team.

    The defeat of Brazilians in the quarterfinals of the 2002 World Cup was especially offensive. Sven-Goran Eriksson brought to the Far East really a good team, which ranked first in a complex group and in the 1/8 finals defeated the Denmark national team. But the most important thing was that the favorites are French, the Argentines and Italians have already left the tournament.

    Therefore, that match, many were called early finals, and believe me, there were all the grounds. Michael Owen opened an account in the match, but the Brazilians scored two in response. An annoying was, the fact that the second ball was scored after, and then the British almost half played in the majority after removal, but could not compriment.

    But one match Owen for the national team stands, and will still stand a mansion for a long time. On September 1, 2001, in Munich in the match of the qualifying tournament of the XVII World Championship, the German national team took the national team of England. Overly to talk about principle.

    So now the Germans were leading in the qualifying group, the belling of the British on a visit, and here they managed to open an account. But Hat Trick Michael Owen turned the move of the match and brought the national team of England a major victory - 5: 1. And Owen became the first, since the time of Jeffrey Herst, the Englishman, who was three times in one match was able to hit the gate of the German national team. By the way, since not a single football player has not been added to this couple.

    • As a child, Owen's father wanted Michael to become a boxer, but I didn't like the latter, and he asked his father to give him to a football school.
    • Even before entering the school "Liverpool" OUTNA notifies the Agents "Manchester United". His father was offered a contract, and he agreed to move Michael, but at the last moment the deal was broken.
    • Owen is the only player of Liverpool, who received the Golden Ball.
    • Owen is the only English football that has scored on four major tournaments - two world championships and two European championships.
    • For a long time, Michael Owen was the persons of the Swiss watches of the brand "Tissot".
    • Michael Owen Author of two books. The first autobiography is, and the second is called "football lessons with Michael Owen. How to become a star. "

    Now Michael Owen is mastering the profession of a journalist, working as a commentator on television, and still cooperates with his former club, being the ambassador "Liverpool". After all, it was the only club native to him.

    For the first time in his biography, Michael Owen made a team of England at the World Championships in 1998. Then he was only 18 years old, he became the youngest for a hundred years as a member of the team. In the game of England with Argentina, Michael scored a very impressive, memorable goal. After spending the ball from the middle of the field, the football player gave a worthy response of the Goal of 1986, made by Diego Maradona.

    Very quickly, Michael Owen became a football star of international level. The athlete was distinguished by speed, skill, special onslaught and persistence before clogging the ball in the opponent's gate. Michael was named after a year player in Europe in 2001. In 2002, he, being in the same team with Beckham, helped get a victory over the Argentine team. Although the Anglia national team lost to Brazil.

    For several years, Owen played for Liverpool, then signed a contract with the Spanish team "Real Madrid". But next year he moved to the British club "Newcastle United".

    Additional data: In 2006, Owen played at the World Cup, but was injured by foot during the match with Sweden. All his biography of Michael Owen lived near Hawarden, Wales, although he was born in Chester, England. As a result, he played England at international competitions.

    In June 2005, Michael married Luis Bonsull - a friend, with which he had met for a long time before. For the first time they met in elementary school. Their daughter Ghemma Rose was born on May 1, 2003, and the son of James Michael - February 6, 2006.

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    It happens, of course, that they finish earlier, although there are also such as Ryan Giggswhich in 39 years is in excellent form. To each his own. Owen actually finished much earlier, the last season he spends in the "stock city", but even in this middle team, the once-terrible striker played only 6 matches and scored 1 goal. This ball, however, became the 150th for Michael in the Premier League, and let him get to him before this grandmother's turn Alan Shirer, Andy Cole, Thierry Henri, Robbie Fowler, Frank Lampard and Wayne RooneyIt is unlikely that it became a serious consolation for striker, whose career was noted at all as it could.

    He promoted the last three seasons on the bank in the "MJ", however, there were pleasant moments, such as the hat-trick in the Wolfsburg Gate in the Champions League in 2009, when the reserve "devils" beat the basis of the foundation " Wolves ", which allowed Russian CSKA to go into the playoffs of the Champions League.

    But how it all started. June 30, 1998. Saint Etienne. 1/8 Final World Cup. Argentina - England. 19-year-old Michael Owen, Missed by two all-defense defenders "Albiselesste", figuratively speaking, shuting them from the ears of dust, and made the score of 2: 1 in favor of his team. It was one of the most beautiful heads in the history of the world championships. Then the Argentines equalize the score (did it Javier SabinatiWhich is not easy now in the ranks, but also playing at a high level), there will be a series of penalty, where Owen is attempting his attempt, but luck will be on the side of the Argentines.

    But Michael still returned home to the National Hero. Two goals at the World Championships in 19 years are serious. And if you add to this 44 matches in the season for "Liverpool" and 23 goals, then the excitement will immediately become understandable. So, nobody began to be bright in England, as, in fact, the football genericants never had such a non-standard striker. Prior to this, the British could boast the classic "nine numbers", the high fortresses who knew how to get into the penalty area, played ahead and, of course, were always ready to hit their heads on the ball sent from one of the flanks, that was exactly in the mid-90s the national team England and played. In the middle of zero, justice should be noted, the British play much worse.

    Little Michael was in that team phenomenon completely atypical. And what delighted the coaches were! Owen could play on the edge and from the depths, and there is nothing about technical equipment. British forwards most often have completely different advantages. In short, Michael was an ideal partner for Alan Sherera. In this combination there was great potential, it was a pity only in the next tournaments from England was not worthy of Owen "Big Forward". Heice and Craca - Excellent forwards, but they clearly did not reach the breadth.

    At Euro-2000 Alan was still, but England was waiting for the failure. At first, the football team leaders gave way to Portugal 2: 3, then beat 1: 0 Germans (Sheerer), but in the decisive match, Romania was played 2: 3 (Shearer and Owen). Score Kevin Kigan Clell, but in defense did not come out. Our hero was the most unsuccessful to Liverpool era, Michael for the first time seriously tormented with injuries and played 30 matches for the season (12 goals). And before that, and after less than 20 per red, he did not score.

    The next season after the euro was the best in Owen career. Liverpool won the UEFA Cup, the Cup of England and the League Cup, and a little later, the Super Cups of England and Europe was added to this collection. That quite naturally resulted in Michael to the "Golden Ball". Who did not receive the British since 1979, when he won him Kevin Keigan., Michael's mentor in the national team. Such is the connection of times.

    At the World Cup - 2002 Owen scored two more balls, both in the playoffs. In 1/8, Denmark was beograde, but in the quarterfinals, the Anglicas Road blocked the future world champions Brazilians. Forward distinguished himself and on the euro in Portugal, and again in the playoffs. In the 1/4 of the Owen finals, the Gate of Portuguese was struck on the 3rd minute, but in the end 2: 2 and the defeat on the penalty (Michael realized his attempt). Owen is the only player of the national team of England who scored goals on four large tournaments - two European championships and two championships of the world.

    In the national team on this for Michael, everything ended. It was, however, another World Championship - 2006, but there Owen slipped on a flat place, the leg went, and immediately it became clear that he would have the next season. Michael played three matches over the whole year. And here it is, perhaps, was the real end of his bright career.

    You can argue about why it all happened. Many people will say that in vain Owen gone from Liverpool. Benitez was not against Owen, moreover, the Spaniard immediately, as the ulle changed in 2004, went to the training camp of the England team to negotiate with Gerrard and Michael. But something did not come around. And in the summer of 2005, Liverpool no longer wanted to pay too much for Owen, who was dissatisfied with his position in Real. By the way, his only season in Madrid was quite successful, as they say 16 goals in 45 match matches. Taking into account the fact that Owen was mainly replaced, a very good indicator.

    So Owen was still himself, but "Liverpool" has changed. For all the laws of meanness (or justice) in the first season without Michael Red won the Champions League, playing the greatest finale in the history of club football. And our hero is not enough that he was a "benchmark" in Madrid, so his "Real" also flew in the 1/8 finals from Juventus.

    "You will never be alone," they sing on "Enfield." Stephen Gerrard It believes that for the sake of such fans, you can refuse from a lot in my life, and his fate rewarded for loyalty. Let him not become the champion of England, as the same Owen, who was ascended by this title on the "MJ" bench. And Owen chose another way. What did they move? Money, ambitions, resentment on management? We probably never know about it

    Already, probably, Michael was able to wait until the winter off-season-2005/2006, when "Real" would certainly let go of the price and would returned her prodigal son. But Owen did not wait and went to Newcastle. Further, in his career were "Manchester" and "Stoke City", but the peak remained "Liverpool". After leaving from which Michael remained alone.

    Michael Owen, realizing that his attempt to return to Big Football in Stokeka does not bring joy to himself, neither his new employers announced the completion of the career at the end of the season. Career him was not American slides - it was an ordinary slamomous descent from the top, where Michael was watered without his special desire in 1998. Now he is at the foot of the mountain, receiving ambiguous assessments for passing the route. But not too subjectively appreciate his career?

    This season will be the last for the 33-year-old Michael Owen. Someone will say that he needed to go to the "pension" before and not spoil his already ambiguous image. Someone will come to the head of the word about the unconcelious Talent of Owen, that he did not meet the entrusted to him once, in 1998, hopes, and very little will be those who try to understand this player.

    By and large, Owen for all - first of all, the national team player, national heritage. It just happened that the club belonging to Michael Amorphne and inelenely because in childhood he was sick for "Everton", as a player took place in Liverpool, and completed his career in Manchester United, that is, he showed everyone - the fools interested him just as little as the opinion of others. It is bad or good - decide for yourself, but it is at least sincerely. Conducting Michael Owen's football player We will talk a lot about sincerity, as this quality is the most valuable, in my opinion, at Mike.

    He did not ask himself to take himself at the pedestal, when in 1998 enjoyed in the national team of England, and before the "Liverpool", but the hope of the nation, the Golden Boy, who should be the British to shining altitudes. He never confessed in love for Liverpool or any other club, but simply did his job as possible professionally, but here there are a number of questions about the fans, first of all the "Newcastle" flying at Owen, where again A lot of subjectivism. Everyone remembers that Owen was the highest paid player "Forty", that he promised them to save, but did not save. But few people remember his health problems and that, having received the most ill-fated injury on the World Cup 2006, he first called the Newcastle manager Glenu Rerler at that time and apologized for flew away for a long time. I apologized without guilt ...

    It can be perceived by a selfish, cold, fans of a football player, but those who are familiar with him will not tell about Michael of a bad word and will only move their shoulders when someone presents an Owen typical "accusatory list." Perhaps Owen took off too high, is incommensurable high as for its own talent. Perhaps his best quality was the speed that was difficult to preserve the player who at some point again studied to walk and run. But it is worth listening to Michael himself, which among the main reasons for his decline after leaving the "Real" calls a large burden, which he experienced in the youth, who destroyed his body.

    He had the talent of an outstanding striker, with a naked little, speed and an excellent technique of handling the ball "on the go," and in the ability to implement the exits one for one he was not equal in his generation of players. But the players of this type are often most often obtained on the legs and extremely rarely remain entirely and unharmed by 30 years. Take away the most important trump card, for example, the ability to play your head, at Radamel Falcao, and you see how it will be difficult for him to stay at the past - and Michael Owen played from 26-27 years old without his skate - reactive speed, which remained somewhere There - in the cabinets of numerous doctors who were engaged in the fellow tendons of Owen.

    Following the annual recovery after injury on the World Cup 2006, Michael hired John Green, coach of athletes, so that he returned to him sprint abilities, but all Newcastle-Arenas discussed and condemned the fact that Owen rides the matches from Cheshire and does not want to converge With the local community, not wanting to become a real "Jordi". Partially the problem is that Owen is not a hypocrite - he admitted that he perceives his work in Newcastle purely professionally, without any emotional attachment.

    Until last year, we saw a tear on the face of a person close to Michael only once - when his wife was designed because of the return of her husband to England - in 2005 after the transition of Michael to Newcastle from Madrid "Real". But in the summer of last year, when the brown Panther, not only one of the Favorite Horses of Owen, but also a descendant of the adorable family favorite won the jumps in Ascota, who attacker his "Ice" temper, could not hold back sobs: "Racing are my passion, the most Strong. This is completely different - when the horse won, derived in your stable, from the offspring of our pet. My children stroke her every morning, I love her so much ... "

    These words can explain a lot for Newcastle fans, which noted the insufficient Motivation of Michael when he played for their team. For a helicopter, which arrived at the matches and workouts Owen, the distance from Newcastle Apon Mystery to Cheshire, where Michael's house is located and his adorable stables, is not critical, and public opinion could hardly stop the striker. At least, he was not hypocritical, assuring everyone in love for Newcastle.

    Perhaps knowing the history of Owen better, the fans would have forgiven him a cynical attitude to football. When he scored his famous ball Argentina at the World Cup 98, England's team manager Glenn Khoddl said the press - "He is not a purebred scorer." Returning to Liverpool, Michael still did not have a permanent place at the base, and as soon as he turned 20, his hips began to feel tension from a large number of matches, and since then he became a regular customer in the famous clinic of Dr. Muller-Wolfart.

    The cycle of regular operations, which had to transfer Owen, could turn away from football anyone. After all, precisely because of the physical weakness, Rafael Benitez decided to sell it in the Madrid "Real", when such an opportunity was introduced. Perhaps the fact that Owen did not learn Spanish, although he tried to read the books and watch the films in the language of the country, where he spent two years his career, says that his trip to Pyrenees was not an adventure, but a business - Operation. But, despite the fact that he never suppressed the foundation of Raoul or Ronaldo, 18 goals in the 41st match, where he began 15 meetings in the start - not such a bad result.

    Four years under the leadership of six managers in Newcastle, perhaps became a bit skeptical for football romantics, but the reason is not too successful Michael game - in the injury of cruciform ligaments, which he received in the first match of the England team at the World Cup 2006. Shortly after the scales of damage, Michael carried apologies to Glena Rerler, the then manager "forty", for the inconvenience caused. Next was a year without football and the need for an allotransplant - transplanting tendons from a deceased person. Oeun tried to return his speed qualities, but as we could see from his further performances - they were lost forever. But many have believed that they are the main advantage of Owen as a football player, and without the ability to quickly run, it will turn into mediocrity.

    Tony Piulis ventured to sign Michael, and he had his thoughts on how best to use Owen. Another long ago manager of the England team Kevin Keigan admired how Owen is good when attacking out of depth. "I did not understand how good Michael was good, and I used it wrong. Playing deeper, he can keep the ball all day and finely feels the moment when he needs to be freed. He gets more chances to score a goal when plays deep and I think that on the position of the attacking midfielder he is able to play up to 36-37 years old. "

    But the brutal truth of life was that by signing OUNA on the terms "We pay how much you play", in the "Stoke City" simply decided to take the money on the great in the past player economically - the club fulfilled the task for the season, Owen did not impress the Pewlis so that Believe it is endless, and the parties are forced to admit - Michael is time to rest. Reanimate the player who recognizes himself - yes, I'm not already pulling at this level, there is no point.

    Owen refers to the type of football players who do not share the passion that people are tested to football. It is possible that this is the composure that Michael preserved even when I scored my goals ("10 seconds of noise, which is difficult to call joy" - His words), helped him to be one of the most effective attackers of his generation. In Liverpool, he starting from the 1997/98 season, only in two seasons scored less than 20 goals in all competitions, and the Golden Ball, won in 2001, became the first award of this kind for English football player since 1979 When a brilliant ribbling, discredited by compassion from FIFA, received Kevin Keigan. For a minute - this is a year when Michael Owen was born.

    The passion for the breeding of race horses, of course, would not be a passion without the money that Owen earned in football. But it is unlikely that it can be called a person who fell bags with money - at least before the most ill-fated 2006, Michael fully worked out his salary, and she became a truly "star", only after leaving "Real". Next - there are questions, but let's not forget what I had to pass Owen - the phone number of Dr. Stadman, the chief specialist in the injury to the lower extremities, was posted on his fast-set list, and Hans Muller-Wolfart became the second father even during when Owen was at the peak.

    Let's see Owen on the role of a wedding general in the football association, we will remember not only his last chords, but the joy that he gave the fans of "Liverpool" and the national team of England, his goal Argentina, Hat trick in the Gate of the German national team, which turned him In the favorite nation. To be a favorite of the English people, a difficult mission - too much burden has to carry on their shoulders. Someone does not stand it psychologically like Paul Gaskun, someone physically, like Michael Owen, and someone simply lacks talent and free time to fit this image not only outside the football field as David Beckham. Or maybe you should not create a cumier, remembering that all of them are ordinary people?

    Sergey Babarika, especially for the site