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  • Jupiter and sun trigon in June. Trigon Sun and Jupiter in various elements

    Jupiter and sun trigon in June. Trigon Sun and Jupiter in various elements

    In June, the opposition reaches a surgery planet Saturn, shining in the constellation of the serpentine low above the horizon for the whole night. Mercury Not visible for a month. VERENU. You can find in the morning at the very edge of the eastern horizon, as well as day on a clear cloudless sky. Mars Begins to hide in the rays of the setting sun. Jupiter Viden on the evening sky in the constellation of the Virgin. Uranus and Neptune You can find in the morning sky low above the horizon in the constellations of fish and aquarius.

    Moon It becomes close to the specified planets: June 4 at night at the lunar phase 0.72 - with Jupiter, on June 10 at night at full moon - with Saturn, June 16 at night at the lunar phase 0,57 - with Neptune, June 20 in the morning at the lunar phase 0.25 - With uranium, June 21, in the morning at the lunar phase, 0.15 - with Venus, June 24, during the afternoon, with Mercury, June 25, in the evening under the lunar phase 0.01 - with Mars. For observations, it is better to choose nights when the moon near the full phase does not pass next to the observed planet.

    The circumstances of the visibility are given for medium breadth of Russia (about 56 ° S.Sh.). For cities, north and south, celestial bodies will be located at the specified time, respectively, somewhat lower or higher (on the difference of latitudes) relative to their places in the sky of Bratsk. To clarify the local conditions of the planets - use planetarium programs.

    MERCURY Not visible all month in medium latitudes. Moves in one direction with the Sun on the constellations of Aries, Taurus and twins. The elongation of Mercury at the beginning of the month is reduced from 20 degrees to 1 degree in the upper connection with the Sun on June 21. For the movements of Mercury on the background of stars from June 16 to June 27, it is possible to observe in the field of view of the SOHO coronograph (Mercury - a bright object in the pictures shifting on the right-left over the sun). By the end of the month, the angular removal from the Sun increases to 10 ° in the evening sky. The visible size of Mercury decreases from 6 to 5 angular seconds with a growing gloss from -0.5M to -2.1M in the connection, up to -1.3m by the end of the month. The Mercury phase increases from 0.67 to 1.0 (in connection), to 0.92 by the end of the month. For successful observations of Mercury during periods of visibility, you need binoculars, an open horizon and a clear twilight sky.

    VENUS Moves in one direction with the Sun on the constellation of fish, Aries and Taurus. The greatest elongation (angular removal) at 46 degrees to the west of Sun Venus will reach June 3. The planet is visible in the twilight morning at the eastern horizon about 1 hour at the end of the month. The angular dimensions of the planet disk are reduced from 24 to 18 angular seconds. The phase of the planet increases from 0.48 to 0.62 with a decreasing brilliance with -4.6m to -4.3m. The elongation of the planet decreases to 43 degrees by the end of the month. Such a bright shine and the angular distance from the Sun allow you to observe the Venus during the day with the naked eye (provided that there is a clear clear blue sky). The semiddisk is visible to the telescope, gradually turning into an oval with a simultaneous decrease in the size of the planet, because The distance between the Venus and the Earth increases.

    Venus and Moon on the morning sky June 21, 2017 - a great landmark for finding the planet in the afternoon!

    MARS He has a straight movement on the constellation of Taurus and twins, gradually approaching the sun. By the middle of the month, the red planet is finally lost in the rays of the setting sun on the evening sky. The glitter of the planet holds the value of + 1.7M, and the corner size is about 3 ".

    For observations, a telescope is needed with a lens diameter of 60-90 mm. To observe parts on the disk of Mars, the moment of confrontation is best suited, which comes once every two years. On other periods of Mars appears to a telescope as a tiny reddish disk without details. The nearest confrontation of Mars will occur on July 27, 2018 (great confrontation!).

    JUPITER Moves either in the constellation of the Virgin, June 6, changing the movement on the direct. A gas giant is visible for about 4 hours at the beginning of the month, reducing visibility on the evening sky to 2 hours by the end of the period under consideration. The angular diameter of the planet-giant in the sky decreases from 40 to 37 angular seconds, and gloss with -2.1m to -1.9m.

    Jupiter's position at the evening twilight sky of June 2017

    The binoculars see four bright giant satellites - due to the rapid orbital movement, they significantly change their position relative to each other and Jupiter for one night (the configuration of IO, Europe, Ganya and Callisto can be found in astronomical calendars or in planetaria programs).

    The telescope differ bands (northern and southern equatorial strips), periodically pass shadows from satellites across the disk of the planet, as well as the famous huge oval cyclone BKP (a large red spot), which makes a full turn with the atmosphere of the planet for 9.5 hours. Current longitude BCP can be taken on the site BKP appears about 2 hours before passing through the meridian and disappears after 2 hours (enters the disk).

    The moments of the passage of the BCP through the Central Meridian Jupiter in June 2017 (World Wide UT time)
    To get the time for the Bratsk, you need to add 8 hours to worldwide time

    Current longitude BKP 270 °

    1 02:11 12:07 22:03
    2 07:56 17:52
    3 03:49 13:45 23:41
    4 09:34 19:30
    5 05:27 15:23
    6 01:20 11:16 21:12
    7 07:05 17:01
    8 02:58 12:54 22:50
    9 08:43 18:39
    10 04:36 14:32
    11 00:29 10:25 20:21
    12 06:14 16:10
    13 02:07 12:03 21:59
    14 07:52 17:48
    15 03:45 13:41 23:37
    16 09:30 19:26
    17 05:23 15:19
    18 01:16 11:12 21:08
    19 07:01 16:57
    20 02:55 12:50 22:46
    21 08:39 18:35
    22 04:33 14:28
    23 00:26 10:21 20:17
    24 06:11 16:06
    25 02:04 12:00 21:55

    26 07:49 17:45
    27 03:42 13:38 23:33
    28 09:27 19:23
    29 05:20 15:16
    30 01:13 11:09 21:05

    SATURN Moves spittingly on the constellation of the snakesman. The planet is observed in all night time, on June 15, passing the moment of his opposition to the Sun. The angular diameter of Saturn reaches the maximum 18 seconds of the arc with a brilliance of + 0.2M. The best period in 2017 came for observing the ocelled planet, which will last until August.

    In a small telescope, the ring around the planet and the titanium satellite (+ 8m) differ well. The visible sizes of the ring of the planet make up about 40x18 angular seconds. Currently, the planet rings are opened by 26 ° and lit by the sun of the North Pole of the Gaza Giant.

    Saturn's position at the night sky in June 2017

    URANUS Moves in one direction with the Sun on the constellation of fish near * Omicron fish. The duration of morning visibility by the end of the month reaches 2 hours. The glitter of the planet holds the value of + 5.8M with an angular diameter of 3 ".

    In periods of confrontitutions, it is possible to observe uranium with a naked eye with a clear transparent sky, in the absence of an illumination from the Moon (near New Moon) and away from urban lights. In 150 mm, a telescope with an increase of 80 times and above can notice a greenish disc ("Makeshit") of the planet. Uranium satellites have shine weaker than + 13m.

    NEPTUNE Moves in one direction with the Sun on the constellation of Aquarius near * Lamd (3.7M), on June 16, changing the movement to the opponent and leaving the trajectory by the time of his opposition on September 5. The planet can be found low above the horizon, where it is distinguishable in optical devices about 1-3 morning hours. The glitter of the planet is + 7.9M star magnitude and is almost no different from the surrounding stars.

    "There is an inactive sage" - "Dae De Jing"

    In early June, the long (3.02 - 6.06.2017) Transit Venus on the Sign of Aries is completed. In late May - early June, Venus is subordinate to the impulses of Mars and its initiatives. But she also also queen aspects - from Jupiter, Pluton, Saturn and finally - uranium. In Venus, a search for a formal problem solving is entrusted. This is what we call - "save face" in a difficult game.

    The huge plus here gives an intuition, which in one detail, on the semi-dollar allows you to build a hologram of unfolding plot. Premonition and anticipation of very close to creative state. Or maybe someone and at this time at this time will visit Muse.

    For the psyche, all these features of Transit Venus mean the time of a large head of from the outside, provoking actions and actions ahead of feelings before the choice. There is no idea how everything will be, asking - when you need, and you are told - yesterday.

    Or it may be an eclipse of the mind when a clear plan is violated by a spontaneous act. There may be a prosperous resolution of the crisis through the exacerbation, frankness, attraction of external attention, expansion of the number of participants in the conflict. The key term here is discharge.

    For those who periodically tend to "fly from the coils", this is a crisis time. The same in relation to desires, with immediate desire to satisfy them. Paying for services and goods prior to their receipt, for example, through the Internet, very rashly, already not to mention advertising, which will be more effective due to the fact that we are customized to get what we like, and right now. In general, living the moment - very characteristic in early June.

    From June 6, Venus passes into the Taurus sign, almost simultaneously with the ingression of Mars in Cancer and Mercury to the twins. And for sensations it will be, as if the wicket has opened in the summer, and we can fully enjoy his joys. So many different opportunities depending on the lifestyle - landed glamor, landscape design, all that is associated with the resources of nature, land, natural methods of improvement. Decience, harmony, comfort. Love is tangible, carnal. Invincible earth erotic, smooth festival. And guarantees, stability. So that everything is correct and stable!.

    Sextile Venus with Mars (Taurus - Cancer) June 6 - 13 - this is a family-home theme, time to vite the nest, construction, repair, home design, country life. In the first half of June, there will be no special desire to let in their territory of others, although, to introduce a family with its chosen one can be in a timely manner, especially if you have to the yard. The genus gives good, takes, protects, but can also turn around. Mars in cancer just create that Family Egregar filter that skips only his own.

    Business activity under the influence of sextile Venus with Mars promises high efficiency, selectivity with the preference of direct benefits. Good time to improve the body, searching for the methodology for improving homeostasis, direct work with the body (read Lowen - and ground).

    On the full moon in Sagittarius on June 9, we have accurate sextile Venus with Mars and stationary-direct Jupiter. If there is a goal, intention, the result depends on personal effort. Great fish is not so easy to catch. For love plans a good moment; Tide of energy, tone, determination - all this will be. For marriage registration, the next day, June 10, closer to the evening. Voltage falls off, and Venus gets trin from the moon. You can make large acquisitions - real estate, land plot.

    Venus with Mars in the June forecast is a mood for sanity and pleasure, that tight calm after the storms of spring months, as if frozen in space and time. The voltage of previous months is too large, so as not to take advantage of the respite and do not organize it. But there is no less severe influence - Mercury with the Sun in the twins. Intellectual activity in the first two decades of June will be at a high level. The combination of hedonism and sanity, practicality and curiosity is a long-awaited positive trend that will gain momentum in the first two decades of June. Mercury will quickly run on the twins (7-212.17). You need to catch the productive state of mind, diversify activities and interests, as well as contacts. Seminars, webinars, business trips, travel, sport - well, if you can combine benefit with pleasure.

    3 - 5 JUNE Sun in the trine with Jupiter and the square with Neptune. June 13 - 14 This square will repeat Mercury. Large promises exaggerated, embellished. And behind them catch or trap.

    The world will float fake news and manipulative interpretations. Receiving news and suggestions, you need to follow, whether they are not pressing on our desire, hopes and ambition buttons. It would be very rawful to believe in that, I want to hear, and even more so, change what is, to another, knowing Best.

    The influence of Neptune in 2017 is constantly, but with a smaller or greater force, connected with Saturn, square between them. Saturn, who is nothing but a tough realism of our life, envelops the fog of Neptune, in which the boundaries and landmarks cease to be guess. It is necessary to admit that until October 2017, when Saturn's square with Neptune dispersed, to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening and engaged in innovation will not be easy. And June is fraught with the largest mistakes associated with arrogance and illusions. When the aspects of Neptune diverge, the situation always looks different, as a rule, is crying and unsightly. But this applies to what is due to the influence of this aspect. Undoubtedly, where someone loses, the other wins. It is necessary to track weak and strong transits in their horoscope and plan June in accordance with individual dynamics. But the general attitude and trends are also important when we are participants in collective programs.

    In June, everything that is associated with the form, deadlines, discipline, restrictions, skill, standards, conventions, may be subjected to the onslaught of the elements and non-demurity. So livni and hail destroy the careful tasteful harvest. It is not always possible to force all the risks, but to go after the dream you need to decide the questions of the bread of urgent. In June, it should be remembered that many things will seem more interesting, promising, beautiful and lighter than they are actually.

    "Locks on the sand" - This is a picture of June, where castles are Venus with Mars, and in this part everything can be exquisitely and good, but at the heart - erroneous calculation, deception and empty promises (Neptune squares) for intuition need a strong element of fire, and from June 6 In this element only lonely Saturn. This is the time of merchants, favorable for advertising, and sales, invention, knowledge and experience. But lay the foundation of a large-scale project and develop a long-term strategy is unlikely to succeed. Or later the flaw and shortcomings will be discovered. Opposition of the Sun (14 - 16.06) and Mercury (18-20.06) with Saturn this warning that there is something that is missed or does not suit others, and still even calculations and negotiations are needed.

    I will make an insert from comments to the forecast

    Element of water or uranium - here it is clear, but the fire? ..

    Somehow Uranus was thrown out of the fiery element ... sorry "

    Element of water gives intuition emanating from the sensual channel of perception. These are guesses from the field of feelings and emotions. If it is simplified, then we know how we are related to us, Lysty Lee, are sympathetic if they love Li, etc.

    The intuition, which becomes inspiration and brings new ideas is the element of fire. Inspiration, passion, spiritual, revolutionary images. The fire inspires inventors and experimenters. This is a latitude of thinking, which is then finalized by air qualities.

    Why did not take into account the uranium - he inspires geniuses. Today (1.06) is this chance, but do we hear what happened to something extraordinary?

    The septener has closer archetypes. Tightly filled Aries in previous months just made it possible to accumulate ideas. Now the time to sort them, evaluate and put into the case.

    June for us will have many, many promises. Hope that you can return the lost, correct mistakes, compensate for the loss will find fertile soil in the first half of June. And of course, love is most vulnerable, and with it the illusions in which so you want to believe. But in June - nor!

    The third decade has a slightly different mood. Sunny Stellium in Cancer and Venus sign in Taurus is the elements of water and land. Good coordination and feeling of harmony with the body, the need of physical effort, the naturalness of feelings, interest in contacts with people with high charge personal energy. This is a beneficial time to relax, practical cases, family programs, traveling to parents. The dimension and satisfaction, as if we are in the best of the places and there is no desire to change anything. And however, we will be able to note that people are gentle and caring with loved ones, and they are turned to the rest with the cold. Family - the focus of interests. Stable and prudent life, in some way home the gate, the opportunity to live for yourself some part of the time, immersion in yourself, the fermentation of feelings and ideas - from all this then in July there will be a surge of creativity. Resting and speaking strength.

    June 2017 is the first month of summer, which is under the influence of the twins air sign, attracting new events, the possibilities and concerns with which you need to cope.

    The influence of the sign of the twins, in which the sun and Mercury will be in the first half of the month, good to communicate, establish links.

    You will feel the clarity of the mind, while creative and intellectual work will be made easier and easier. This is a great moment for learning.

    This month, some important information can come to you, at least in something changing your ideas about anything.

    In June 2017, Jupiter completes his retrograde movement, but Pluto and Saturn will continue to move retrograde.

    An important event of the month - Neptune becomes retrograde, planet illusions, dreams and subtle matters. You may have to think about something very seriously, over what, as it seemed to you, remained in the distant past.

    General recommendations of June 2017: Communication, negotiations, training and new projects in spheres related to creativity, intelligence, as well as risk protection will be of particular success. The first half of the month is more harmonious and favorable, in the second - should be more careful and more careful.

    What are the aspects of the planets that you will learn in the forecast

    Aspects of the planets in astrology is a special position of the planets relative to each other, the "look" of one planet to another. There are tense aspects - opposition and quadrature (square) and harmonious - sextile and trigon (TRIN). Read more about aspects Read

    The first half of the month is quite harmonious, and can bring interesting and diverse events in your life.

    Positive attitude in early June will help you attract favorable circumstances.

    In general, this is a good period for active communication, negotiations, collecting and analyzing information. However, there are risk factors. Read about them more below.

    from 02 to 04 June 2017 - Venus in conjunction with uranium, sun in Trigon with Jupiter.

    • This period is when even calm people are capable of extraordinary manifestations. Love is possible at first glance, new interesting dating, unexpected gifts. In relations of established steam, something new may appear.
    • Affairs are well related to art or spiritual activities, creative labor, intellectual work.
    • Also this time is favorable for health promotion.
    • Be careful: these days can bring the psychological crisis, excitement and self-deception. Increases the likelihood of increasing the negative influence of the outside, you can become a victim of deception, fraud.
    • Expect a quick start from projects started during this period, but this situation of Mars can talk about the prerequisites for their stability and further development. Naturally, this should speak not only Mars in the sign of cancer. This moment is especially favorable for affairs in the field of protection, care and security.
    • Be careful: at this time the number of fires, domestic injuries and crimes increases.
    • These days there is a high probability to get under the influence of strong and bright emotions, and sometimes they will interfere with taking suspended reasonable solutions.
    • At the same time, business negotiations are easy to pass, new connections appear, contacts are being established. You can expect unexpected profits in the form of disposable income. However, unexpected spending are possible, so it should be observed in financial matters.
    • This is the strong position of Venus, the planet responsible for both the sphere of relationships and finance. With the passage of the Venus of the Taurus sign, people are generally inclined to buy things, and dear and kind.
    • The main role is played by material values \u200b\u200bat this time, capable of ensuring comfort, comfort and giving a material base. To ensure future existence, people invest money in things that over the years are not depreciated, but grow in price. For business and financial affairs is a favorable time.
    • Mercury enters his sign, breaks free. This is a great period for learning, communicating, intellectual activities. Decisions are accepted easily and quickly until Mercury is on the sign of the twins, contacts are simplified easily.
    • However, it is also possible to face dishonesty, falseness, rumors and gossip, be careful, do not tell me too much unfamiliar or unfamiliar people.
    • Jupiter restores its normal movement and this means that in all the spheres of Jupiter, the case will improve. It will be possible for traveling, opening new horizons and opportunities, it will be easier to establish connections with foreign companies and partners, a more positive view of the world will be formed in society.
    • Read more about the influence of Jupiter in the scales.

    from June 13 to 14 2017. - Mercury in quadrature with Neptune, in the trigon with Jupiter.

    • During this period, confusion is possible in papers, confusion in affairs and turmoil, the likelihood of errors is growing. It is very easy to take the desired for the actual, to succumb to persuasion, suffer from dishonesty.
    • Dating should be careful. Requires care, especially if these days you are dealing with foreigners, go on trips, foreign or water.
    • During this period, there is probably a disorder of plans, errors in work, old commitments and omissions pop up. Relationships with the eldest generation may not be easy, as well as with leadership and influential people.
    • The likelihood of accident, accidents, injuries, falling from height increases. Be careful.

    Important dates from 16 to 30 June 2017

    In the second half of the month, be careful on trips, because conflict situations, delays and fuss are not excluded.

    Please note: You may have to redo something, because it is not possible to return to past situations that have not been configured to logically.

    At the end of the month, the favorable situations in the business sector and the field of relationships can please.

    • In Astrology, Neptun is considered the highest planet, the planet of idealism and spirituality, psychology, everything that is considered mysterious and incomprehensible. Its sphere of influence is what is hidden inside, in your subconscious, is connected with deep knowledge, intuition.
    • Retrograde Neptune can attract your attention to situations from the past that did not find the right solution or the right completion.

    from 17 to 19 June 2017 - Sun in sextile with uranium, Mercury in opposition with Saturn.

    • During this period, you can overcome any internal restrictions in your life, reveal new talents and opportunities.
    • However, these days should be carefully referred to information - it can be incomplete, erroneous, false. You can face slander and deception, and the conflict with the boss may end the dismissal.
    • This period brings a good mood, gratening. For business activity, it is not very suitable, as it is difficult to focus on work.
    • Be careful: during this period it is easy to deceive. Consider this when conducting important negotiations or conclusion of transactions. Another feature of this time: a tendency to externally.
    • This period is favorable for intellectual activity. There are answers for long-suffering questions, decisions of deferred tasks come.
    • Positive for negotiations, detention, signing contracts, as well as for intellectual activity, training.
    • Do not miss! Mercury is considered a messenger of the gods, and these days he can transfer your thoughts and desires to the Sun. Excellent period for training.

    June 21, 2017 - The sun goes into cancer until July 22, Mercury goes into cancer until July 6, 2017.

    • The transit of the sun on the sign of cancer reminds of the need to return to its roots, to do their own home, help home. This period is especially favorable by scientists, teachers, literary figures, translators, art representatives, those who are engaged in charitable affairs.
    • Mercury in the sign of cancer is a weak position of the planet. The perception of information these days becomes quite subjective, selective and often inadequate. Be careful in communicating and during negotiations.

    from 23 to 27 June 2017 - Venus in Trigon with Pluto, Mars in square with Jupiter, Trigon with Neptune.

    • This is a period of inspiration and bright feelings, good time to make something new in their family or love relationships.
    • In business sphere, to work successfully, a special emotional attitude is required, inspiration. A favorable time for people of creative professions.
    • Be careful at the conclusion of contracts, since the transaction that initially seems very profitable can bring at all those results.
    • This period has a dreamy, awakens imagination. A good time for people of creative professions, all whose activities are related to the word.
    • However, the energy of this period can be conflict. Therefore, try to avoid clarifying relationships with anyone, especially with the boss, with close relatives, neighbors, colleagues and especially with representatives of the law.
    • During this period, conflict increases. Business challenges that manifest themselves in a collision of opinions, mutual claims can be activated. Intrigues, slander, forgery are not excluded. There is also a possibility of refusing techniques. Be careful!
    • Do not go on long trips, visit criminogenic areas.

    Other influences of the month

    In Astroprognosis, I do not touch such a factor as the influence of the moon, which is also important and strong. You can subscribe to a daily lunar day calendar or read it directly on the site.

    Successful for you months!

    Timeing video projects by zodiac signs:

    From what point you can listen to the forecast for your zodiac sign:

    Horoscope for Aries - C 01:11
    Horoscope for Taurus - C 05:09
    Horoscope for twins - C 07:43
    Cancer Horoscope - C 10:22
    Horoscope for Lion - C 12:44
    Horoscope for Virgo - C 15:31
    Horoscope for weights - C 18:11
    Scorpio Horoscope - C 21:04
    Horoscope for Sagittarius - C 24:02
    Horoscope for Capricorn - C 26:06
    Horoscope for Aquarius - C 28:28
    Horoscope for Fish Sign - C 30:23

    Get a reference book "Eclipse and Retrogradness Planets in 2017" for free:

    With respect and wishes of good luck,

    The general forecast for a month is a description of the current transit situation without reference to a specific horoscope, so this forecast is general. About what effect this period has personally on you, you can learn how to consult an individual horoscope. But regardless of the personal horoscope, these recommendations will help you more efficiently use the planetary energies of the month.

    Retrograde planets (R) in June 2017

    The rest of the planets are moving

    Background aspects of the month:

    Trin Saturn with uranium all month and until the end of 2017

    Periods of the ineffectiveness of the Moon

    During the periods, when the moon has already made his last major aspect, but has not yet crossed the next sign, you need to avoid launch of new projects and any other cases designed for the future and development. This is the so-called or periods of the inefficiency of the moon. The best strategy at this time is to undertake anything, leave everything as it is, while the moon does not enter the next sign. Learn more about how you can use this time yourself can be. Schedule "Moon without a course" for 2017, see. And below the table for a month - the dates and time of the periods of the "Moon without a course":

    02.06.2017 21:50 - 03.06.2017 00:05

    05.06.2017 08:58 - 05.06.2017 10:47

    07.06.2017 00:36 - 07.06.2017 23:00

    10.06.2017 06:21 - 10.06.2017 11:37

    12.06.2017 18:46 - 12.06.2017 23:46

    15.06.2017 05:41 - 15.06.2017 10:19

    17.06.2017 11:34 - 17.06.2017 17:56

    19.06.2017 19:43 - 19.06.2017 21:54

    21.06.2017 04:26 - 21.06.2017 22:45

    23.06.2017 18:47 - 23.06.2017 22:08

    25.06.2017 18:46 - 25.06.2017 22:08

    27.06.2017 21:13 - 28.06.2017 00:42

    29.06.2017 20:36 - 30.06.2017 07:03

    Major astronomy month



    Phases, degrees

    11 ° 13 "Virgo ù

    Venus in Trinina with Saturn

    Venus in conjunction with uranium

    Sun in Trina with Jupiter

    Sun squared with neptune

    18 ° 53 "Sagittarius ¸

    Jupiter will become direct

    13 ° 13 "Scales SD.

    Venus in sextile with Mars

    Mercury in Trinina with Jupiter

    Mercury in quadrature with neptune

    Sun in opposition with Saturn

    Neptune becomes retrograde

    14 ° 15 "Fish Sr.

    26 ° 28 "Fish û

    Sun in sextile with uranium

    Mercury in opposition with Saturn

    Venus in a sextile with neptune

    Mercury in sextile with uranium

    Neptune in quadrature with black moon

    Sun in conjunction with Mercury

    02 ° 47 "Cancer Ø

    Venus in Trinina with Pluto

    Mars in quadrature with Jupiter

    Mars in Trinina with Neptune

    Mercury in quadrature with Jupiter

    Mercury in Trinina with Neptune

    Mercury in conjunction with Mars

    Mercury in opposition with Pluto

    Greenwich time - GMT. For Kiev add +3, for Moscow too +3.

    Background aspects and specificity of the month

    June 2017 is characterized by mixed effects. The first two decades of June give the possibility of updating in many spheres of life. But it is also a month of cleansing from false settings, illusions, and the need to take reality as it is. It will be a strong influence of Neptune - the masters of fantasies, illusions and spiritualized gusts. He will find it all over a month in one degree, turning to retrogradity. The background aspect of the month will be Quincons Neptune with Jupiter. And when the planets from the twins will make beneficial trin to Jupiter, in parallel they have a square to Neptune. The essence of this Quincons is that with new features come and hidden problems that are important to see, detect and eliminate that they do not become a stumbling block in the future.

    Another background aspect of June is a sextile Venus and Mars. The planets will be in harmonious relationships most of the month, June 01-25. Such a long aspect of this pair is a rare phenomenon. After the retro period, Venus has not yet gained the usual pace and in June moves with Mars on approximately equal speeds. At this time, useful links, friendly relations, new cooperation, partnership can be tized. An active maneuvers are expected on the romantic front, the pace will accelerate in affairs and projects.

    On September 4 and June 6, Mars, Venus and Mercury change the sign and felt new trends in the energy sector. From June 4 to July 20, Mars is immersed in cancer, where actions are motivated by emotions, the interests of the clan, close circle. People become careful, they do not respond to challenges immediately, but looking after, appreciating the consequences, watched the support of the rear, or instantly, but under the action of strong emotions. At this time, interests are more sent for family worries, homework, relationships with relatives and loved ones. This is a good time to repair an apartment, cottage arrangement, work in the garden, to update the interior and permutations in the house. The long-term project, started during this period, will develop slowly, but has good chances to become stable.

    June 6, Mercury goes into the twins, and Venus - to the Taurus. Feelings and thoughts will be at the "safe distance", not allowing each other to intervene in the sphere of their competence over measures.

    Venus remains in its monastery until July 05. In June, she has only harmonious aspects - another rather rare phenomenon. The need for harmony at this time is strengthened, it helps to come to an agreement in controversial issues and do not bring the situation and attitudes to the edge. The material component at this time is very important, it can both strengthen relationships and spoil them. Therefore, be attentive to those who love and do not skimp, show love and care. This is a great time to breathe fresh stream in the relationship, please feel your favorite gifts, sophisticated dishes, spend time in a relaxed beautiful setting. The aesthetic component at this time plays an important role. Joint visits to concerts, theaters, museums, art exhibitions will also contribute to rapprochement. But the sense of ownership increases, the need for reliability of relationships and sharper is experiencing its absence or disadvantage, so there are belling and quarrels on this soil.

    Mercury in the twins, too, in his abode, where he can collect and analyze information, emanating from emotional influences. These energies make it possible to see things more objectively. And we need objectivity.

    21st of June The sun and Mercury go into cancer and in this sign will be Stellium until July 05. During this period, the emotional component in affairs and decisions will increase. Intuition will work better than logic. But the sensitivity to words is sharpened, to intonation, and in the perception of information there will be more subjectivity. It is important to remember about this, since the current stelium in cancer forms stress aspects, heated emotional reactions. And when the "powered" emotions, the rational beginning moves to the periphery. Quarrels may arise where, wherein the problem has been solved at the level of quiet discussion. Be correct, do not allow negligent statements, sharp criticism adding to those who value. At this time, it is easy to offend another person, quarrel, otherwise to ruin the relationship seriously.

    From June 22.the Tau-Square will begin to develop: Mars-Jupiter Pluto. The last week of June and the first decade of July - the time of difficulties, exacerbation of problems both in personal matters and in society. We can expect the escalation of the voltage in international relations, diplomatic conflicts, the intensification of hostilities, terrorist attacks. Ideology, the position of "our strangers", the polarization of opinions will exacerbate relations in society. This is the time of political and religious extremes, the intensification of supporters of nationalism, religious fanatics. Voltage in society, can be poured into interethnic conflicts. This is the time of espionage of all kinds, viral attacks, the period when the information becomes weapon. There may be a leak of information, disclosure of scandalous facts, noise in the media. Social processes or natural phenomena can affect personal cases, for example, the strike of transport workers will cause problems on the road, delaying flights. At this time, and in early July, weather peripetics, floods are likely. At the end of June, it is better not to plan trips to regions with unstable climates and seismic activity, as well as in the venue of military conflicts.

    On periods and aspects Read more

    The first week of June - The time of unexpected and favorable opportunities, it allows you to solve the difficulties of the last days of May, if we act flexibly and open with new solutions. The opposition of Mars Saturn, which is already weakening, can create stress and problems, but the connection of Venus with uranium will be tringed to Saturn and sextil to Mars, erode this confrontation, allowing you to find non-standard outputs from difficulties. An important and favorable aspect of the beginning of June - Trin Sun to Jupiter. The first six days of June is a good period for planning, the start of new projects, the establishment of new contacts, new cooperation, conclusions of contracts, the settlement of legal issues, social activities. This is the most constructive period of the month. You can come to agreements in relations and business, while maintaining flexibility and without sacrificing independence. This is a favorable days for important negotiations, long-distance trips, business trips and changes. This is the time of romantic dating, the start of the novels. This is an important time for the established personal and business relationships, when to save them, you need to give a partner a little more freedom. The energy of this week contributes to the birth of new projects. The exact aspects of the beginning of June will be valid for the first week and everyone contributes to their nuances. There will be disorientating influences, such as the square of the Sun and Neptune, but if you rely on common washed, the traps of this square can be avoided. Now more about each aspect.

    June 01 - Venus in a trine with Saturn, the time of action 01-06. The harmonious combination of these planets helps more realistically look at the relationship, balastives unnecessary unrest of uranium and Venus, helping not to impose unrealized hopes and look at things soberly. This is a good period for discussing the urgent problems in the relationship when you can agree on the balance between freedom and obligations so that it has arranged both parties. It is possible to resume old connections, the beginning of relations with the difference in age. A good period to establish durable, long-term contacts with partners, bosses, with those who are older in age or position. This is the time planning, search for financial solutions and definitions of further steps in life and business. A favorable period for important purchases. Discussion of financial issues can give the desired result. A good period for visits to official instances, finding understanding and financial support.

    June 03 - It will become an accurate connection of Venus with uranium, time of action 01-06. Venus and uranium duo motivates to get out of the usual circle of routine and breathe fresh wind of change. These energies stimulate a creative search, romanticism, bring new bright impressions in love and work. This is the time of romantic dating, unexpected, exciting novels that can go into a serious relationship. But for already existing unstable relationships, it may be time testing time. This period can give both a new impetus in relationships and a sudden gap, if the relationship has become boring and monotonous. June 4-05 may be critical in this regard. If you want to save relationships, refrain from categorical, it may have unpredictable consequences. Now the time to move away from old habits, from what has become in the formal ritual. Make changes to homework, routine preference to new common interests, let novelty and little freedom in the relationship. In general, be prepared for change in small, so as not to lose more. At this time, probably the establishment of friendly relations with business partners or partnerships with friends. Business partnership can bring interesting features. The aspect helps to find an extraordinary decision of the financial issue or an old problem. An unexpected benefit is possible. But now it is important to adhere to a conservative approach to finance to avoid unreasonable spending. This is the time of inspiration for people of creative professions. Unexpected ideas and decisions may come to a new form. Good time to use new techniques and innovative ideas in creativity.

    June 04 - The sun is in a square with Neptune, the time of the greatest force 03-06. If this day is received by a proposal, a new idea arises or an important decision is required, it is necessary to study the question well, reduce enthusiasm and reduce degrees of expectations. There will be a temptation to exaggerate the possibilities and underestimate the risks, and meanwhile, in the themes and circumstances there will be something veiled, which is worth considering before agreeing and take. Remember this to avoid errors and miscalculations. In the new romantic relationship there will be a tendency to idealize the subject of its sympathy. Therefore, do not make imminent conclusions, wait when the time "will open all the cards". These relationships will be connected or with some illusions, or with a secret, which will open later or with the need to hide something. This also applies to business and romantic relationships.

    June 7. - during the whole day. It is not worth identifying important meetings on this day, new beginnings, cases that you are waiting for development. But if you want the case to not get a move, but "restored with the world", something that should not have consequences and development, you can assign on this day.

    June 09 - At 18 ° 53 "Saturn on Saturn in a square to Neptune will reveal obstacles in affairs and problems in relationships, the reasons for which in former flaws or omissions. The map of this indicates an important reversal that can lead to some projects or relationships. But that What will be viable, after the crisis and eliminating the flaws, will get a good chance of development. The June full moon coincides with the turn of Jupiter to referee, which gives an additional impetus to projects, ideas and ideas. But before moving forward, our idealism should be used. Saturn's connection Full moon suggests focusing on the main thing, throwing the impact, get rid of those who have become ballast so that we can guarantee the result that it has begun. For personal and business relationships is the time of definition: the need to undertake certain obligations, such as the contract about partnership, cooperation, decision to make marriage, start a joint life or Rosto. Here the penurushka will not learn, and if it turns out, then not long. This is the time when we need to recognize and make some part of reality, or abandon the part of our claims, in order for the common cause and relationship to continue to exist.

    What else is important to remember at this time - during the full moon on June 9, the opposition of the Sun and Saturn will begin to take shape, therefore, during the days near the full moon, do not enter into running with the bosses, follow the rules and instructions, do not be late for work. Everything that happens now, will not remain unnoticed and negligence or strokes with the heads or representatives of the State Structures will turn the problem now or in a week.

    June 09 -Venus will enter the exact sextile with Mars, the time of action will be June 01-25. This is the aspect of romantic dating, the start of the novels. A good period for romantic and sexual relationships. This is an aspect of erotica, it enhances sensuality and the desire to possess, gives the desire to translate relationships from the candidate and bought period - to intimate. This time makes it possible to establish relationships in which misunderstanding has arisen.

    June 14 - Mercury in the exact quadrature with Neptune, the time of action on June 12-16, and on June 15, Neptune stops before turning to retro. At this time, situations can be built in the interval from a dreamy uncertainty to illusions and deception. At this time, especially on June 13-14, it is important to be attentive to new information, it can be unreliable, contradictory or unreliable, the facts need to be rechecked. It is better not to take on June 13-14 business decisions, wait for additional information, make clarifications. Free or involuntary deception is possible, caution with new people and promising offers are needed. When working with documents, when documenting documents you need attention. Inattention, diffuses can lead to different kind of misunderstandings, losses, problems in working with documents, on the road. There is a danger of theft. Be carefull.

    June 15 - The sun in the exact opposition with Saturn, the time of action 09-18. During this period, problems in relations with the bosses, with law or people, clothed power, are possible. Someone who in age or the situation has the right to tell us "necessary" or "it is impossible," can impede the implementation of our plans. This is a difficult period for personal and working relationships, and an unsuccessful period for solving issues in official instances. Carefully follow the duties, observe the subordination, refrain from the stocks with the bosses, do not enter into conflicts with the authorities, will lead to problems. Pay attention to senior family members. At this time, problems with parents or parents are likely. This period can remind duties and debt. Now you need to act only legitimate methods and avoid despondency and disappointment if something has to be parted. Starting the struggle at this time, you can not achieve anything, on the contrary, now it is better to show flexibility and learn to "swim in the stream" to get out of this period with minimal losses. Now you need to allocate the main thing and not overwork, this is the time to lower the vitality. People with the problems of the cardiovascular system should be paid special attention to health.

    June 18 - Sun in sextile with uranium, activity time is 14-20 June. A good aspect to communicate with friends, like-minded people, the exchange of views will give new ideas. You can count on the help of friends in affairs. A successful period for working in a collective project. The development of new methods, programs, technical innovations will create additional incentives in operation - new perspectives may appear, unexpected possibilities. A good period for scientific research. At this time, you can find an elegant solution to the old problem, exit from a dead end, but you need to be open non-standard ideas, to act within the law, but non-sabroval paths.

    June 18 - It will become accurate another aspect - the opposition of Mercury with Saturn, the activity time of June 17-18. And on June 17, the moon of fish will complete Tau-Square to the opposition of Saturn to the Sun and Mercury. These are difficult days for contacts, trips and communications of all kinds. There are also a delay in business meetings, in receiving mail, goods, the necessary information. Do not stand these days to present new ideas, sign contracts, appoint important negotiations. Disagreements on trifles can grow into a serious problem in relations with business partners, bosses or close. Attend appeal to the authorities, influential people, in official instances. Suppound difficulties on trips, late, delaying flights, vehicle breakdowns, communications. These are the days of increased accidents, injuries, high the likelihood of terrorist attacks, it is better not to go on trips.

    June 20 - The exact sextile of Venus with Neptune, the aspect will be active as part of Bisexist: Venus-Neptune-Pluto June 19-26. This is the time of the romantic lift of feelings, active work of imagination, strengthening aesthetic needs. Visiting exhibitions, concerts, museums together with close and children will contribute to rapprochement. At this time, you can make harmony and booms in personal and business relationships. But it is important to avoid exposure to emotions, they will be inclined to unrealistic and miscalculations. For people of creative professions, this is a fruitful period. This time can bring romantic dating, in love, business acquaintance or cooperation. But promising will be acquainted until June 20. The period of June 20-23 is favorable for secret cases or work in solitude, to complete projects. These days are not worth starting the case from which you are waiting for growth and development.

    June 20 - Mercury in accurate sextile with uranium, time of action June 18-22. Another aspect of June, which gives the possibility of non-standard solutions. A good period for scientific work, mastering new computer programs, to solve intellectual tasks. This is the time of obtaining the necessary information, good news, a breakthrough in solving a problem or task, insight, when in a few days you can complete the work, which requires a lot of time. Good time for meetings with friends, establishing relationships with staff staff. Unusual visits, unexpected trips are possible. But there may be a sudden turn of events, violating plans, the need to solve the problems of relatives or friends.

    21st of June - The sun and Mercury go into cancer, and in this sign will be Stellium until July 05. More about these I wrote in the general part of the forecast. I will only add that in the last decade of June we enter the zone of increased emotionality, where you need to be "cautiously on turns."

    June 21-23. - Complete days, they are not suitable for undertakings designed for the future, but good to summarize. Improve what you need to finish, free the cabinets from unnecessary things, work tables - from papers that have become a waste paper. Mouse over to thoughts - think over: what you need to leave in the past, and what to enable in your future plans.

    21st of June - Moon the long day. It is not worth identifying important meetings and new beginnings on this day. But if you need to "bury" some matter, not to give it development, or if you need to do something and forget without consequences, you can appoint it for that day. Almost guaranteed so it will be.

    June 24 - It will be 02 ° 47 "Cancer. Map of this new moon is one of the most interesting and complex. It has two closed configurations: one creates problems, the other gives the opportunity. It's like two news - one bad, the other is good. I'll start with a bad one.

    Tau-Square: Mars Jupiter Pluto foreshadows a period of problems. The aspect is active on June 22, July 09. From June 27, Mercury will grab them. Days of accurate aspects in Tau-Square:

    This is a difficult time for negotiations, discussions, especially in the last days of June. In the plans and estimates of the prospects need moderation, especially regarding finance and investment, since the probability of overestimated expectations and miscalculations is high. Do not trust promises and make promises. Possible complications in business relations, in matters with foreign offices, legal problems. At this time, you can encounter direct pressure, coercion. Some individuals to achieve the goal can let such methods like blackmailing, threats to apply strength, the real use of force. At this time, criminal elements are activated, it is better not to be in criminogenic places and avoid contacts with brutal or suspicious type. The number of accidents is increasing, the likelihood of terrorist attacks, catastrophes. The risk of fires, domestic injuries and crimes increases. We need caution behind the wheel, it is better not to go to distant or dangerous trips, do not engage in extreme sports. At this time, domestic troubles are possible, which you need to turn on immediately - urgent repairs, breakdown of household appliances, problems with plumbing, a visit to relatives, family quarrels, care for safety at home, family. The likelihood of conflicts, clarifying relationships and quarrels is great. Take care of the way to save information, documents, personal data, the protection of computers and sources of access to personal data. During this period, travel difficulties are likely to sum up the means of communication, transport. This tau-square will be more affected by the personal affairs of those who have planets or angles at 12 ° -19 ° of Aries, weights, Capricorn and cancer in Natal.

    At the same time, this activity of Mercury will give the opportunity to accurately express their beliefs, "beat" the opponent, if not to give in to emotions, they will interfere. This is a good time to work on creative projects and presenting your ideas, written and intellectual work.

    At the same time, a trapeze will last: Mars Pluton-Venus Neptune. It opens the main voltage of Tau-Square and makes it possible to find an acceptable solution to the problem. But the decision will be not in the plane where the problem arose. Therefore, it is important to turn off the emotions and include rational to find an output, unaccounted at first.

    June 24 - The exact trine of Venus with Pluto - this aspect gives the strength and fullness of feelings, stimulates sexual needs. But also enhances the need to control, jealousy. At the end of June, temperamental novels will be tized, but relations in them can develop with difficulties and dramas.

    June 26.- Mars in Trinina with Neptune makes it possible to act flexibly and make adequate situations steps. The energies of this aspect stimulate entrepreneurial intuition, a clear vision of what is happening, understanding: where and when you need to take a step back, or to move aside to see the decision that is not obvious, but optimal. Such tactics will more effectively influence the situation than the frontal collision with the problem, partners or with enemies. At the same time, the circumstances of these days can be inclined to secret actions, the steps that cannot be advertised. But it is important not to roll to intrigue, covering and deception. Try to act subtle and carefully, so that the wrong step or the unnecessary word did not destroy your plans.

    Good luck to you, friends, with any transit!

    And how is it - a bonus for the most persistent. :)

    Today, this is the music born on June 8, 1671 - his masterpiece and hit - Sol minor "Adagio" for strings and organ is one of the most executed musical works of the second half of the 20th century. The history of the find and authorship of this thing is covered with Neptune Woil. "Adagio" was first published in 1958 by Biographer Albinoni R. Jadzotto. From his words, the play is a reconstruction based on a fragment from Music T. Albniony, found on the ruins of the Saxon Library in Dresden, at the end of World War II. How many albinoni in this music and how much brought by co-authored - the Mystery is great. But the musical heritage of Albinoni has a lot of other beautiful works. Further in the playlist his gum and violin concerts. Enjoy.

    Useful advice

    This calendar contains the main astrological events that will take place in the year of the fire rooster, which will begin January 28, 2017. And end February 15, 2018.. Element of the New Year - the fire, the same element was and Monkey which gave way to a rooster. This means that the year is likely to be quite active and full of different events.

    The rooster on the eastern calendar - a bird straightforward, rather hardworking and enterprising, so these qualities will help you achieve success And bring the fulfillment of desires.

    This year, from the slow planets will change signs only Jupiter (October 10, 2017.) I. Saturn (December 20, 2017.). Jupiter is in one sign of about a year, Saturn - 2.5-3 years. Higher planets will not change signs yet.

    During this period there will be several stelliums or clusters of planets: in March and September in the signs of Aries and, accordingly, the Virgin will meet 5 planets.

    And in the second half january 2018. In the sign of Capricorn, there will be 6 planets at once! Stelliums are sufficiently important for interpreting events and sentiment of this period, because in one mark it accumulates quite strong energywhich is supported by the compound of the planets.

    Retrograde planets in 2017:

    Planet Retrogradnity period Static periods
    Mercury until January 8. January 6-9
    April 10 - May 3 April 8-11, May 1-4
    August 13 - September 5 August 11-14, September 3-6
    December 3-23. 1-4, 21-24 December
    Venus March 4 - April 15 March 1-6, April 12-17
    Mars - -
    Jupiter February 6 - June 9 February 2-10, June 5-13
    Saturn April 6 - August 25 April 2-10, August 21-29
    Uranus August 3 - January 2, 2018 July 31 - August 7, 30, December 31
    Neptune June 16 - November 22 June 12-20, November 18-26
    Pluto April 20 - September 28 April 16-24, September 24-October 2

    Astrological calendar for 2017

    February 2017.

    The first month of the year of the rooster is notable for two eclipses that will take place 11 (Hustled lunar eclipse) and 26 (Ring solar eclipse) February. Two of these astrological events, see the difference in two weeks will create the so-called "corridor of eclipses", the events of which can be fatal in many ways.

    This month should be especially attentive to signs and eventsBecause they can seriously affect your future.

    More details about eclipses and their use can be found in the article. Astrological magic: the influence of eclipses and their use to them benefit

    This month is strained enough and due to the negative aspects of some planets that will be built in comfortable configurations. Especially pay attention to the end of the month: February 24-27 - The most tense days, threat for your well-being, good luck and health!

    This month will be quite slow Venus, which is already in beginning of March will be retrograde. That is why it practically will not do aspects, entering the unfavorable sign of the Aries.

    Mercury will change the sign twice, but most of the month will still follow the sign AquariusWhat will bring many non-standard solutions and original ideas.

    Strong Mars in Ovne It will not particularly please us aspects and bring strong stresses, irritability and various kinds of health with health due to impulsivity and hasty actions.

    Read more about February in the article Stars Tips: Astrological Forecast for February 2017.

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    February 3rd Venus goes into a sign Aries 18:51
    February 6 Jupiter becomes retrograde 09:52 23 ° 08'Rx
    February 7. 12:35
    February 11th Full moon. Hustled lunar eclipse 04:43 22 ° ♌ 28 '
    18th of Febuary The sun will go in fish 14:31
    February 26. Mercury goes into fish 02:07
    February 26. New moon. Ring solar eclipse 17:58 8 ° ♓12 '

    March 2017.

    In early March will repeat opposition Jupiter Uranuswho took place at the end december, Overviewing several very tragic events. Any aspect involving uranium speaks of the surprises of occurring events, and negative aspects indicate that these events are negative and even destructive.

    Events that took place at the moment when the aspect was lined up for the first time (in December) will have development and in marta, and finally, the third time, Uranus and Jupiter will be in the opposition already in late September 2017.When past events can felt about themselves.

    At the end of the month, Jupiter will be in negative aspect to Pluto. This is another pretty strong destructive aspect that will bring changes, transformation and new experience. This aspect may indicate the destruction of old men and principles.

    Another important event of March can be called reversal Venus in Retrograde Movement. In addition, its position in the sign of the Aries will make it very weak, so any matters related to Venus will not be properly obtained. We do not particularly advise you to marry in the coming month.

    In a ramp a little later this month will also be Sun and MercuryTherefore, a month promises to be quite active. In March, the first Stellium will be observed (accumulation of planets) of the year in the sign of the Aries, where 5 planets will be gathering.

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    March, 3rd Retro Jupiter will be in the opposition to uranium 04:15 22 ° ♎ 11'RX
    22 ° ♈ 11 '
    March 4. Venus becomes retrograde 12:09 13 ° ♈ 09 'RX
    10th of March Mars enters the Taurus 03:34
    March 12. Full moon 17:54 22 ° ♍ 13 '
    March 14th Mercury goes to a ray 00:07
    20th of March The sun goes into the sign of the Aries. Astrological New Year. 13:29
    March 28. New moon 06:57 7 ° ♈ 37 '
    30th of March Retro Jupiter squared to Pluto 22:19 19 ° ♎ 17'RX
    19 ° ♑ 17 '
    March 31 21:30

    April 2017.

    Most of the month Venus will be in the sign of the fish, so your feelings can be very strong and bright. However, the first half of April Venus will be retrograde, and already 15 numbers Turns in the usual direction. This means that the veneer speed this month will be quite slow. It will be difficult for you to follow your emotions during this period, a desire will be able to change something, especially in personal life.

    Venus will not have time to get out of retrograde movement, as will be retrograde Mercury. From April 10. And until the end of the month, it is better not to plan important things related to major purchases, signing important documents, etc.

    Retrogradness of Pluto Less noticeable, but it is also worth mentioning that this planet will become retrograde in April.

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    April 3 Retrograde Venus goes into a sign Fish 03:25
    April 6. Saturn becomes retrograde 08:05 27 ° ♐48'Rx
    April 10th 02:14 4 ° ♉51 'rx
    11 April Full moon 09:08 21 ° ♎ 33 '
    April 15. Venus becomes directory 13:17 26 ° ♓ 15'd
    20 April The sun goes to the Taurus sign 00:27
    20 April Pluto becomes retrograde 15:48 19 ° ♑ 24'RX
    20 April Retrograd Mercury goes into a raster sign 20:37
    The 21st of April Mars goes to the twins 13:34
    26 April New moon 15:16 6 ° ♉ 27 '
    April 28. Venus passes in a ray 16:13

    May 2017.

    In early May, Mercury will still be quite slow, although on May 3 he is already will come out of retro movementstill not worth starting new important cases that are related to Mercury, in the first week of the month (Postpone travel, large purchases, important negotiations and signing important documents).

    In the middle of the month, two completely different energy planet Saturn and Uranus will be in a favorable aspect. At the initial stage of the formation of aspects, Mercury will also join them, which will be in connection with uranium in Aries. This is not the first trin planets. The first time in such a position of the planet steel in December 2016. This provision may indicate that the appearance (and in this case, the development) of some new and unusual ideaswhich will be used in the desired area, will be a breakthrough and will cause many conversations.

    Perseverance in achieving the goals, which gives Saturn, is combined with unpredictability and generation of new unique ideas of uranium. Use this time to introduce your the most bold ideas Work on creating something radically new, because you are waiting for success.

    Read more about May Read the article Stars Tips: Astrological Forecast for May 2017

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    May 3 19:33 24 ° ♈ 16'd
    May 11. Full moon 00:42 20 ° ♏ 24 '
    16th of May Mercury goes to Taurus 07:07
    May 19 Saturn in Trinina to Uranium 09:14 26 ° ♐ 23'RX 26 ° ♈ 23 '
    May 20 The sun goes into twins 23:31
    May 25. New moon 22:44 4 ° ♊ 47 '


    2017 Astrological Year

    June 2017.

    At the very beginning of the month, Mars will be in rather weak for him cancer. At this time, our activity will be closely related to emotions. Also, the family life of many may not be too calm, we will spend a lot of strength and time on family and home care. This is a good time to leave with your family, but not for work.

    From 7 to 21 June Mercury will pass by the native sign of the twins. This is a great time to dating, communicating, negotiations and new knowledge. It is in June that a large part of the exams passes, and those who have mercury enough in the horoscope will be able to easily cope with any tasks. Interest in new knowledge at this time will also rise, so now the perfect time to sign up for interesting courses to you, buy books or listen to lectures.

    Read more about June in the article Stars Tips: Astrological Forecast for June 2017

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    June 4th Mars goes into cancer 19:16
    June 6. Venus goes into a sign Tales 10:26
    June 7. Mercury goes into twins 01:15
    the 9th of June Full moon 16:10 18 ° ♐ 53 '
    the 9th of June Jupiter becomes direct 17:03 13 ° ♎13'd.
    June 16. Neptune becomes retrograde 14:09 14 ° ♓16'RX
    21st of June The sun goes into cancer 07:24
    21st of June Mercury goes into cancer 12:57
    June 24 New moon 05:31 2 ° ♋ 47 '

    July 2017.

    Venus in the twins will help us tie a light and relaxed relationship. This is the time of entertainment trips, pleasant entertainment And long conversations on a variety of topics.

    However, Mars in cancer squared to uranium It can bring some unpredictable reactions and impulsive actions to our lives, it should not be too seriously affected by our feelings. Those who suffer from nervous diseases may feel not in the best way. Even the most calm of us may feel anxious and irritation.

    With transition Mars in a lion sign The situation will change. Now some anxiety and passivity will replace activity and initiative. There is a time when you can with perseverance to go to the set goal, and, to act active, assertive and somewhere even brazenly. Mars in Lev does not like insecurity and doubt, put a clear goal, notice the exact path to her and be sure of success.

    Read more about July in the article Stars Tips: Astrological Forecast for July 2017

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    5'th of July Venus goes into a sign Twins 03:11
    July 6. Mercury goes into a lion sign 03:20
    July 9. Full moon 07:07 17 ° ♑ 09 '
    July 20 Mars goes into a lion sign 15:19
    July 22. The sun goes into a lion sign 18:15
    July 23 New moon 12:46 0 ° ♌ 44 '
    26 July 02:41
    July 31 Venus goes into a sign Cancec 17:54

    August 2017.

    This month we will witness two more eclipses that will happen with the difference in two weeks: August 7 and 21. Lunar eclipse on August 7 It will be supported by several favorable aspects, so any events that it affects is promised to have favorable outcomes. If there are some pretty unpleasant events these days with you, try to approach creatively. In the period of the lunar eclipse, it is good to think about what you would like to get rid of what he was sulfyed that you already do not need.

    Solar Eclipse August 21 It is practically no observed in Russia, but it has astrological importance for all residents of the Earth. This eclipse will take place in the sign of Leo, and therefore also gives a prompt that many questions can be solved with the help of a creative approach and confidence in their abilities.

    August 13 Mercury again will be retrograde, so remember the likelihood of various kinds of trouble and errors, if you go shopping, sign important documents or want to conduct important negotiations.

    Read more about August in the article. Stars Tips: Astrological Forecast for August 2017

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    August 3rd Uranus becomes retrograde 08:31 28 ° ♈ 32'RX
    August 4 Jupiter Square to Pluto 21:48 17 ° ♎ 32 '
    17 ° ♑ 32'RX
    August 7 Full moon. Private lunar eclipse 21:11 15 ° ♒ 25 '
    August 13 Mercury becomes retrograde 04:00 11 ° ♍ 38 'RX
    August 21 New moon. Full solar eclipse 21:30 28 ° ♌ 53 '
    25-th of August Saturn becomes Direct 15:08 21 ° ♐ 11'd
    August 23 The sun turns into a sign of the Virgin 01:20
    August, 26th Venus goes into a sign Lion. 07:30
    August 27 Jupiter in sextile to Saturn 15:15 21 ° ♎ 11 '
    21 ° ♐11 '
    August 31 Retrograd Mercury goes into a lion sign 18:28

    Astrological calendar 2017.

    September 2017.

    On the the first week of September Still be careful with important documents and large purchases. 10 September Mercury will enter B. sign of virginwhere will feel like "fish in water." This time is for diligent labor, accurate and clear information, specific purposes. The topics of work and health will now be particularly relevant.

    At all sign of virgin by September 20 It will be especially "populated", so during this period everything should come to a certain order, the cases will be built on a logical scenario, and the feelings will be restrained and concrete.

    About from 4 am to 13:00 on September 20 In the Virgin will "stay" immediately 5 planets. Similar stelliums Planet Not so often occur, accumulating the energy of one sign in one place, spreading the quality of the sign to different areas of life. The child born during this period of time will 100% virgin In all senses, because all personal planets will be located in the sign of the Virgin!

    Another important event of September can be called passage of Jupiter in Uranium Opposition, repeated aspect that has already been in the sky at the end december 2016 and in March 2017. This is the end of the loop of Jupiter-Uranus, so the events of this period can reach out of the past and appear as if the completion of those events that began in the past.

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    September 5 Mars goes to the sign of the Virgin 12:35
    September 5 Mercury becomes direct 14:29 28 ° ♌ 25'd
    6 September Full moon 10:03 13 ° ♓ 53 '
    10 September Mercury goes to the sign of the Virgin 05:52
    September 20 Venus goes into a sign Virgin 04:15
    September 20 New moon 08:30 27 ° ♍ 27 '
    September 22nd The sun turns into scales 23:02
    September 28 Jupiter in opposition to retrograde uranium 07:25 27 ° ♎ 22 '
    27 ° ♈ 22'RX
    September 28 Pluto becomes directory 22:36 16 ° ♑ 51'd
    September 30th Mercury goes into scales 03:42

    October 2017.

    This month, Jupiter will leave strong for himself sign of weights and will go B. Scorpionin which you will stay for about a year. This period will not be simple in achieving the goals, it will favorize people who wake up for great prospects and love meticulousness and research. Not everyone will have everything to be folded. All the secret can float on the surface, and changes and transformations in society will not wait long to wait.

    Venus will follow the sign of the scales, which is good for all sorts of events related to beauty and relationships. For example, this is a great time to conclude a marriage. Mars will enter the scales a little later, 22 of October, And this is a rather weak sign for him. At this time, activity and enthusiasm are a bit will be a little, and many of us will need a partner or other people to take important decisions.

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    October 5. Full moon 21:40 12 ° ♈ 43 '
    October 10 Jupiter goes to Scorpio 16:20
    October 14 Venus goes into scales 13:11
    17 October Mercury goes to Scorpio 10:58
    October 19. New moon 22:12 26 ° ♎ 35 '
    22 of October Mars goes into scales 21:29
    October 23 The sun goes into scorpion 08:27

    November 2017.

    In November, a favorable aspect is repeated between Saturn and uraniumwho formed first in December 2016, then in May 2017. Events that could start in December continued in May, and now they can be successfully completed. As already mentioned, a positive aspect between uranium and Saturn is favorable by the introduction of new progressive ideas and their successful implementation in practice.

    November 7. Venus will be in an uncomfortable sign of scorpion, which means that the time of passion and strong love experiences. After a week, Venus connects with Jupiter, and this is a very favorable time when a lot of things will be turned out exactly as you dream. This period is very favorable for love relationships, and Scorpio's sign will give more passion.

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    November 4th Full moon 08:23 11 ° ♉ 59 '
    November 5 Mercury goes to Sagittarius 22:19
    November 7. Venus goes into a sign Scorpion 14:38
    11th of November Saturn in trine to retrograde uranium 12:45 25 ° ♐ 38 '
    25 ° ♈ 38 '
    November 18th New moon 14:42 26 ° ♏ 19 '
    November 22 The sun goes to the sign 06:05
    November 22 Neptune becomes directory 17:21 11 ° ♓ 28'd

    December 2017.

    This month will change Mars sign, entering strong for him scorpion sign. Although Scorpio is the ownership of Mars, this period is not simple. This period, when voltage and anxiety occurs around. In addition, before leaving the mark, Mars will have time to do negative aspect with uranium, And this can give pretty unpredictable, out of the range of outgoing events.

    In December, the sign is changed another slow planet - Saturn, moreover, with a rather weak for him - Sagittarius - on strong Capricorn. Here, in his native "house", Saturn will stay until December 2020., that is, almost 3 years! During these years, many projects will be successfully completed, this is the time of complex and productive work, new plans, new laws, a new government.

    Almost all month Mercury will be in retrograd movement (from 3 to 22 December), which means that shopping will be quite difficult: the big risk that you have to return purchased goods, or you can not find what you need.

    Mercury becomes retrograde 10:34 29 ° ♐18 'rx
    December 3 Full moon 18:47 11 ° ♊ 40 '
    9th December Mars goes to Scorpio 11:59 December 18 New moon 09:30 26 ° ♐ 31 '
    December 20 Saturn goes to the sign of Capricorn 07:49 21 December The sun goes to a sign of Capricorn 19:28 December 23 Mercury becomes direct 04:51 13 ° ♐ 00'd
    December 25. Venus goes into a sign Capricorn. 08:26

    January 2018.

    One of the notable events of January will be a large stelium (cluster) planets in capricorn sign. As many as 6 planets will "visit" at strict Capricorn as many as 3 days ! From January 14 (22:42) on January 17 (11:30)in Capricorn, get used Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto.The child born at this time will gather all the most important features of Capricorn: it will be a purposeful, working, will have a strong will and strong rod.

    At the very end of the month, the next moon eclipsewhich will take place on the axis of Lev-Aquarius, as in the past year in February.

    Read more about January in the stars prompts: Astrological forecast for January 2018

    date Event Time (Mosk.) Degrees
    January 2 Full moon 05:24 11 ° ♋ 38 '
    January 2 Uranus becomes direct 17:11 24 ° ♈ 34'D
    January 11. Mercury goes to the sign of Capricorn 08:00
    January 17 New moon 05:17 26 ° ♑ 54 '
    January 18. Venus goes into a sign Aquarius 04:34
    January 20th The sun goes into Aquarius 06:05
    January 26. Mars goes to Sagittarius 15:37
    January 31. Mercury goes in Aquarius 16:32
    January 31. Full moon. Full lunar eclipse 16:26 11 ° ♌ 37 '

    February 2018.

    The new lunar year will begin February 16, New Moon, which coincides with the solar eclipse. It may indicate significant lunar year. In about the middle of the month, Venus will go into a gentle and emotional sign of fish, so the need for feelings and love will increase significantly at this time.

    Read more about February in stars tip article: Astrological forecast for February 2018