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  • How to choose a nipple for the baby. Choose the best bottles for feeding newborn children What a bottle nipple should be

    How to choose a nipple for the baby. Choose the best bottles for feeding newborn children What a bottle nipple should be

    Updated: 01/10/2018 11:24:28

    Before you buy a nipple for a newborn or a more older, you need to decide on the material and type of product, as well as with the stream force and the size of the nipples. In addition, you need to consider the manufacturer and the age of the child. How to do this, we will tell in our article.

    Unlike bottles, nipples need to be changed often (every 1-3 months). But this does not mean that they can save on their quality. Nipples purchased from an unscrupulous manufacturer may:

      Leak and hold badly on the bottle;

      Quickly fumble and wear out;

      Bad smelling;

      Quickly lose the form;

      Render an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membrane of crumbs.

    If low-quality materials were used in the production of nipples, the product may be dangerous to the health of the child. Therefore, before you come on sale, the nipples must be tested for toxic and hygienic, organoleptic and sanitary and chemical indicators and obtain certificates confirming their safety.

    The best manufacturers of nipples for kids are:

    What are the nipples


    Latex nipples can be used from the very birth of a baby. Latex nipples resemble baby mother's chest. But they are quickly wear out - they need to be changed every 2-4 weeks.


      Affordable price;

      The baby is easy to produce meals, so latex nipples are recommended for newborns and premature babies.


      Limited use.;

      Latex nipples have specific smell and taste, due to which the baby can refuse to eat;

      Under the influence of sunlight, the latex is muttered, and under the influence of high and low temperatures is deformed;

      May cause an allergic reaction.


    Silicone nipples - durable and durable products. They can serve you about 3-6 months. But Silicone is harder and tougher latex, so the baby has to make efforts during sucking. Silicone nipples are well suited to children who have a well-developed sucking reflex.


      Silicone nipples are durable and durable;

      Contribute to the development of jaws;

      Can be boiled;

      There are no smell, nor the taste;

      Do not cause allergies.


      Silicone nipples are very tight, so kids can refuse them;

      Not suitable for newborns and weak and / or premature babies.

    What kind of nipple choose

    Nipples for kids are:




    Classic The models repeat the nipple of the mother, so that the baby sucks the nipple as well as the mother's chest. But manufacturers have improved them by creating orthodonticproducts. Such models have an indisposed and beveled form, which positively affects the formation of a kid bite. In addition, orthodontic nipples are perfectly suitable for children when moving from infant to artificial feeding.

    Anticoliquethe models have a valve that protects the nipple from sticking, reduces the amount of ditching air during sucking and provides a constant filling of the nipple with liquid. Thanks to this, the baby less often suffers from colic.

    All nipple models have a certain stream force. It is determined by the number and size of holes in the product and native food. The less holes - the slower the food in the mouth of the child comes. The strength strength is selected, respectively, the age of the kid:

      Nipples with a weak stream are used from the first days of life and up to three months. They provide slow food intake, because Have one or two small holes. Such products do not give the baby to drop from the mother breast - he has to make the same efforts in sucking as in natural feeding.

      Nipples with an average stream is used to feed kids over 3-4 months, but some models are suitable for two-month children. They have three holes. Such nipples can be used to feed the baby liquid, which is thick of milk or dairy mixture.

      Four holes are made in products with a strong thread. As a rule, such nipples are designed for children from 6 to 12 months, but some models can be used for three-month children. Strong flow is also necessary for feeding a child with thick nutrition, such as porridge.

      There are models with variable stream. Instead of holes, the slosses are made on them. Thanks to them, you can adjust the leakage of the fluid by making it slower or faster. Such products are suitable for nutrition, different consistency (milk, cereal, juice). However, it is not recommended to use variable stream nipples for children in the first months of life. The supply of milk may be too strong and abundant, because of which the baby risks to be fed.

    To designate the size of the nipple, manufacturers use several ways:

      Marking for months. For example, 0 m + (for newborns), 2 m + (from two months), 6 m + (from 6 months), etc.

      Scale consisting of numbers from one to three, sometimes four. The unit means that the nipple can be used for newborns or low-handed children, two - for kids older than six months, three - for one year old kids.

      Larker marking. Standard letters s (from birth and up to 6 months), m (6-12 months), L (from 12 months).

    Attention! This material is subjective view of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.

    A bottle with a nipple - a mandatory point in the list of purchases of future parents. Only how to understand the future mother, what is better? Evelina Schmidt, Ph.D., Children's Maxillofacial Surgeon and Mother of Godan Yakov, helps to make the right choice.

    Immediately make a reservation that feeding from the bottle is not equal to sucking the chest. Any bottle for feeding is designed as best to simulate the process of breastfeeding, and with mixed feeding - also not to pay off the child's interest in it.

    How does a child get milk from the chest?

    Wide open mouth, he captures the nipple and arole around the nipple. The nipple is directed not down to the tongue, and up, to the sky. The edge of the nipple is deep in the mouth, at the level of the boundary of solid and soft sky.

    First, the child produces some quick movements. Milk begins to stand out. The language makes wave-like movements from the tip to the base, the lower jaw moves up and down. This is ensured due to the intensive work of the abstract muscles and muscles of the language. Muscular work is an important factor involved in the growth of the jaws. The child moves to a slower pace of sucking, which allows you to fully breathe and do not choke milk. Child's cheeks are rounded, not drawn.

    Features of breastfeeding is the lack of ingestion of air together with milk (and accordingly, the prevention of colic), wave-like movements of the language, the lack of milk isolate without performing active sucking movements.

    The mechanism of sucking nipple is very different. It does not require a wide opening of the mouth, the language does not make wave-like, and piston movements, milk can be released between active sucking movements. With mixed feeding, it can lead to an incorrect seizure of the chest after sucking the nipples, with artificial - to a bite disruption.

    To minimize possible problems, it is necessary to choose a bottle with a nipple, the sucking of which will be as close as possible to breastfeeding. To do this, it must have the following characteristics:

    1. To be wide enough To stimulate the opening of the mouth, and is long enough to promote the physiological movement of the language. Currently, many manufacturers make nipples, in shape approximate to the form of a nipple. They are more preferable compared to standard nipples cylindrical shape.

    2. To be soft enoughSo that the child can get milk without creating a strong vacuum, but at the same time elastic to stimulate the work of the muscles. Nipples are made of rubber or silicone. Rubber softer, but can cause allergies and are easily damaged. Silicone is more hygienic and durable, but more solid. You can recommend a gentle silicone nipple.

    3. The fluid should not flow from the nipple alone. This leads to the inability to adjust the speed of its feed by the child. Accordingly, it swallows more often, often with air, and can also be easy to choke. Some nipple manufacturers differ in the diameter of the hole depending on the age of the child for which they are intended. Recommend to buy nipples with the smallest hole for newborns, and then switch to nipples with a larger opening.

    4. Another characteristic is the anticolique mechanism. He prevents air swallowing. Located either in the nipple itself in the form of a tubule or hole, or in a bottle.


    Nipple shape and softness

    Hole width

    Convenience in operation


    Brand name

    Anatomical, soft

    Wide, milk pours in itself

    Comfortable, quickly collect, just sterilize

    Often the bottle darkens after sterilization

    Anatomical. soft

    There are various options for children of different ages.


    Darkens after sterilization. The design has a ring-retainer that is screwed into a bottle in front of the pacifier. He often flies.

    Chicco Natural Feeling

    Anatomical, imitates the shape of a nipple. Dense.

    Narrow, size depends on the age of the child

    Comfortable when assembling and sterilization

    A sufficiently sharp transition from the main part of the nipple to the "nipple" may cause inconvenience when capturing the nipples

    Anatomical, elongated in length. Too dense for newborns

    Narrow, identical for all ages.

    Inconvenient due to the presence of three parts that need to be disassembled for sterilization

    The innovative model is as close as possible, according to the manufacturer, to the breast sucking mechanism.


    Anatomical shape, soft

    Narrow, respectively age

    The anticolics mechanism consists of 6 parts, which is not very convenient when sterilization.

    It is possible to use without an internal valve in the absence of colic, which facilitates sterilizants

    In conclusion, we note that, whatever the nipples choose parents, we must not forget about the precautionary measures:

    - inspection before use for damage

    - Careful fixation on the bottle

    - Mandatory sterilization

    - Timely replacement.

    And let your kids grow healthy!

    Value of natural feeding is unlikely to be someone to challenge. Nevertheless, some women experience difficulties in the process of breastfeeding, such as: pains in nipples or unpleasant sensations in the process of applying. Without dealing with the problem and ways to solve it, moms are often in a hurry to buy chest feeding overlays. Let's see the topic.

    All about chest pads with breastfeeding

    Pads for feeding chest - special latex or silicone products, the purpose of the use of which is to relieve the process of breastfeeding.

    Unfortunately, the unjustified use of linings often not only does not solve the existing problem, but also generates certain violations of the entire process of breastfeeding.

    When is it possible to use chest overlays?

    1. Formation of lactation. At first, breastfeeding can be very painful. The main mistake is incorrect applying to the chest, as a result of which the baby sucks "washes", causing unpleasant sensations.
    2. The baby refuses his mother's chest.If for a long time Mom jumped milk and gave it a baby from a bottle, then the baby will start preferring exactly a bottle, because to eat milk from the bottle is much easier than from the mother's chest: in order to get milk, you need to attach a lot more effort than during meals. From the bottle. Pads on the nipples in shape and hardness resemble a bottle nipple, so when moving from a bottle to breast feeding, the use of linings can be appropriate ().
    3. Cracks on the nipplesaccompanied by unbearable pain when feeding ().
    4. Heavy generic injuriesleading to the slow motion development of the nervous system in a child is the cause of sluggish or improper sucking. In this case, the chest linings are used to train sucking.
    5. Premature, weakened children The first time after birth lacks forces to suck milk. Because of this, there is insufficient emptying of the chest and hypotrophy (weight loss) in a child.
    6. Teething. In the period of teething, the kids teeth are particularly capricious and restless, and they try to "scratch" gums with any subject, including mother's nipple. The kids often bite the chest during feeding, which is undoubtedly very unpleasant and painful. Save the nipples from bites sometimes help lining on breasts for feeding.
    7. Nipple structure anomalies: Flat, rotten or too big nipple.
    8. Anomalies of the structure of the oral cavity in a child - a shortened bridle.

    It is important to note that the use of breastfeeding overlays is always an extreme measure in solving any of the above problems.

    Modern doctors recommend using lining only in exceptional cases and under the systematic observation of an infection of breastfeeding. Only in the event of the ineffectiveness of other techniques for applying to the chest, it is possible to use linings on the nipples as a short-term auxiliary means () .

    What can the use of linings for breastfeeding?

    • In several studies, the results were obtained not in favor of the lining: There is a decrease in milk injection by approximately half. This is associated with the fact that the lining violate the psychological contact "Mother Child". Because of this, the release of oxytocin is disturbed - the hormone of pleasure, which relaxes the dairy ducts and affects the production of milk;
    • Even the thinnest silicone linings on the nipples with a long use violate the mechanism of sucking. The child begins to suck faster and intense, because of this, the pause become longer. Such sucking is typical for the lactation of lactation. Sucania technique is broken: the child compresses the jaw more stronger (chest), sucks a "vacuum" way;
    • With the pad feeding becomes longer in time. Milk leaks under it and the child is not fought. Also, to get the milk portion needed for saturation, when using pads for breasts for feeding, the baby is at my mother's chest longer than it is supposed. Some kids are so tired of sucking, which fall asleep by half-beetled, as a result of which is often not harmful in weight;
    • With sucking with a toddler overlay more often swallows air, leading to enhanced meteorism, coliks, jerking;
    • Disadvantage of use at night or on the street when you walk;
    • Lining, with insufficient sterilization, can become a source of nipple infection. Women, long-term lining, are more often subject to breast candidiasis;
    • With long-term use of linings, addictive to the child and mother develops.

    Main types of lining

    1. Rubber in our time are sold very rarely, and they are not recommended for use. Their design involves fastening to plastic or glass-based concrete nipples for the bottle. As a result, the child is in sucking in several centimeters from the mother's chest. As a result, the nipple stimulation does not occur, in addition, the milk accumulates the lining, leaks and does not fall into the mouth of the baby in the desired volume.
    2. Latex covers are also rarely used. They are soft, have a yellowish hue, quickly wear out and absorb smells. Also, they can cause allergic reactions in infants.
    3. The most modern and harmless linings are silicone. They are hypoallergenic (do not cause allergies) and wear-resistant. They are flexible and thin plates, more dense in the nipple area. Since they are very thin, the nipple gets the necessary stimulation to produce milk.

    Best manufacturers

    Philips AVENT lining (hypoallergenic, made from the finest silicone that does not have any taste, no odor):

    • Small protective lining Philips Avent;
    • Standard PHILIPS AVENT protective linings.

    The ultra-thin material, from which the Avent lining is made, allows the baby to feel the warmth of the mother during feeding, without disturbing taste and tactile sensations.

    (Clickable pictures)

    Medela Contact lining:

    • Size S (for premature children and at the diameter of the stressed nipple less than 1 cm);
    • Size M (the diameter of the stressed nipple is 1 cm);
    • Size L (the diameter of the stressed nipple more than 1 cm).

    Sleel pads are made of elastic and thin silicone. The material has no taste, no smell. The shape of the lining allows the baby to have a natural tactile contact with the mother during feeding.

    Ameda lining have a regular round shape, universal to use. Made from the finest silicone. Help change the shape of a nipple. Number of holes - 3.

    How to choose

    First, it is important to determine the size. If it is possible, you need to select lining of different sizes and manufacturers, and measure. At the same time, the nipple should be in a stress state. If the child is premature, then it is better to take the lining of a small size, but at the same time you need to be sure that they are suitable for the nipple.

    Mama on a notic!

    Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

    Pads on the nipples should be easily dressed at the base of the nipple, repeating its shape. From the front of the nipple should not fit tightly to the lining, it happens only after the baby began sucking. Then the nipple should come into contact with the holes in the lining. If during feeding the nipple does not fill the entire cavity of the lining, then it is big. If there is a feeling of friction and compression - small.

    Today, the linings on the nipples of rubber and latex are considered low-quality due to the rudeness of the material and possible allergic reactions. The best material for protective overlays is now silicone. It provides the fineness of the product and significantly reduces the risk of allergies. Feeling heat when feeding, the feeling of the arrival of milk suggest that the pad is made correctly.

    How to use

    1. Before first use, the lining must be sterilized.
    2. It is necessary to bring the nipple to the excited state, turn the lining, and putting it to the nipple to wrap back to the chest so that it is tightly in the form of the chest.
    3. It will be more convenient to wear a little wet lining, so it snaps tightly.
    4. So that the child wanted to take the chest with the pad, you can drop on it a little milk.
    5. The cutout of the lining must be at the top, there will be a baby's nose.
    6. Sucking with a lining should be the same as without it: the child's mouth is wide open and lips scribble the chest over the haloes.

    average price

    The market proposed a large selection of protective pads for feeding from various manufacturers. The price for a couple of products included - from 100 rubles and higher, depends on the quality of the material, the country of manufacturer and brand.

    Of course, when there is a question about the health of the baby, it is better to give preference to the proven brands, which are painstakingly develop products for children. Such firms tend to do not regret money on numerous tests and research, which gives a guarantee of the safety of the product. Protective pins for breastfeeding, which are more popular and confidence in consumers, are somewhat more expensive. Their price varies within 300 - 500 rubles.

    Correct care

    As an ordinary nipple, the lining must always be kept clean, in order to avoid various infections in a child. Frequent boiling of silicone and latex accessories are not recommended, since the polymer becomes hard.

    • Sterilize before first use. Boil a new lining after purchase;
    • Wash with water with soap. After each application, rinse and dry the product;
    • Periodically boil. Quite a single boiling day after three minutes;
    • Sterilize steam. If there is a steam sterilizer, you can refuse boiling. Such treatment is gentle, so Silicone remains soft longer. Steam sterilization can be carried out daily for five minutes.

    How to wean a child from overlays

    According to Consultants for GW, the reference technique is an equally important point of instructions for use than their choice. It is important to remember that the smaller you use the accessory, the easier it will refuse it.

    • Start feeding in the pad and quickly shoot it in the process. Hungry kid may not notice "substitutions" and will continue to eat calmly;
    • Suggest unprotected chest with a sleepy crumb. The most convenient time to return a full-fledged natural feeding is a period of night sleep and after awakening. When the baby sleeps, the likelihood that he will take your nipple, much higher;
    • Reduce silicone area. Sliced \u200b\u200ba small piece from silicone nipple daily, thereby increasing the contact area of \u200b\u200bthe kid with the body. Gradually refuse to fully completely;

    If the baby is too tied to the linings and refuses to suck the chest without them, take patience. The duration of return to normal feeding can take you a couple of weeks.

    • Cut the baby more time. Wear it on your hands, sleep together. Permanent contact with the mother and accessibility of the chest at any time of the day and night will allow the crumb to get used to it faster;
    • Remove all the "imitators" of the chest. It is necessary to get rid of everything that the crumb can suck: linings, nipples. Gradually, the need to implement a sucking reflex will encourage him "return to the chest";
    • Quit with reclining milk. If the crumb is crying under the breast and refuses to eat, feed it with his milk from a cup, pipette or from a spoon. Before and after feeding, offer breasts.

    Suggestions of the nipple for children's bottles are great on the market, so it is worth thoroughly analyze them and choose such a nipple as you need for current needs. It is from the choice of the appropriate nipples often depends on the success of feeding.

    The nipple for the bottle should be the most accurately imitating women's breasts, then the sucking movements of the child when feeding from such a nipple will be almost the same as when breastfeeding.

    Question: What materials are used to make nipples for children's bottles?

    Latex nipples (rubber nipples) have a yellowish color and smelling rubber. Their advantage over silicone nipples in their softness, and at the same time it is their drawback - they often stick together during feeding. Latex is not durable material and quickly darkens under the action of sunlight. Such nipples need to be replaced quite often.

    Attention! Despite the fact that Latex is a natural material, an allergic reaction is possible when using latex nipples.

    Silicone nipples are made of high-quality medical silicone. They are colorless, transparent, do not smell and taste. They are a bit harder than latex, but thanks to this, they are more durable and less susceptible to the influence of sunlight. The main thing is that silicone nipples do not change the taste of food and do not cause an allergic reaction.

    Tip: If you combine breastfeeding and feeding from a bottle, use silicone nipples.

    Question: What are the forms of nipples for children's bottles?

    There are three types of nipples for bottles: anatomical, standard and nipples for bottles with a wide neck.

    • Anatomical nipple (orthodontic nipples) corresponds to an anatomical structure of the mouth of the kid.
    • Standard nipple (ordinary nipple) has a simple oblong shape - a narrow base and a long nipple. Important! Standard nipples are not suitable for bottles with a wide neck.
    • Nipple for bottles with a wide neck in the form is the most approximate to the contours of the female breast - a wide base and a small nipple. As a rule, the baby takes the chest wide open mouth, covered with the nipple and arole, therefore, a nipple for bottled bottles with a wide neck guarantees the correct capture technique. When feeding from such a nipple, the baby's sucking movements will be exactly the same as when breastfeeding.

    Tip: If you combine breastfeeding and feeding from a bottle, use just such nipples.

    Question: What is the intensity of the Food Flood

    Food stream intensity varies depending on the age of the child and its appetite. In the nipple, the stream intensity is adjusted by the value of the opening or their number. In some nipples, the punching of the holes is carried out using a laser, which allows it to clearly control its diameter, and hence the intensity of the stream.

    Nipples for newborns (up to two to three months) usually have one hole. The diameter of the hole in the nipple is so small that the child makes the same effort as when sucking from the mother's chest.

    Nipples with two holes (slow flow) are usually recommended for children aged two or three months.

    From three months it is possible to use a nipple with three holes (middle stream).

    From three to four months of life, it is convenient to use nipples with variable stream. Such a nipple has one hole of the special shape (in the form of a slot) and allows you to adjust the flow rate in the feeding process. On the side surface of this nipple, risks (I, II, III) or numbers are applied, the corresponding stream intensities (slow-fastened). Turning the nipple with one or another side to the nose of the child, you can adjust the flow rate of the bottle. In addition, this nipple is ideal for more thick than milk, food - for fruit juices with flesh, thick mixtures, kefir, porridge.

    With six months and older you can use a nipple with four holes (fast stream).

    Tip: With six months, so that your baby learned faster to drink from a cup, instead of the nipple you can use the nipple "Nose", about which we will talk separately.

    Important! Never increase the hole and their number yourself.

    Anti-vacuum skirt (air valve).

    A common problem when feeding from a bottle is Aerophagia - Powered air. When using conventional nipples during feeding in a bottle, there is a vacuum and under the pressure of the surrounding air nipple simply sticks out. In such cases, feeding occurs from time to time to interrupt, removing the nipple from the mouth of the child, and wait when the air through the nipple hit the bottle and the nipple again dealt again. At such minutes, taking off from the nipple, the kid swallows the air. Aerophagia is considered one of the reasons for joining and intestinal colic in children of the first months of life. In order to reduce the likelihood of aerophage during feeding from the bottle, an anti-vacuum skirt (air valve) was developed, which provides a constant air flow in a bottle through special valves on the nipple that opens and closes in the natural rhythm of the baby sucking.

    In some nipples instead of valves, there are microscopic holes located on the sides of the nipples.

    Tip: In the absence of a nipple with an anti-vacuum skirt, to avoid intestinal colic in children, use anticolique bottles.

    Important! Not all nipples have an anti-virus skirt (air valve) or have holes for air intake.

    Remember! Latex nipples must be changed once every 2-3 weeks, and silicone - 3 months. Carefully inspect and check the nipple before each feeding (pull it in all directions). If you have discovered nipple damage, immediately throw it away. In no case do not use the nipple for the bottle as a pacifier.

    Olesya Checkina

    The article was prepared using information materials of well-known leaderboard companies in the market for mothers and babies, and the personal experience of the author of the article. :)