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  • Home kvass on a 3 liter jar. Kvass from black rye bread at home

    Home kvass on a 3 liter jar. Kvass from black rye bread at home

    - One of the common and favorite species of this wonderful drink. Refreshing popularity among Russian people. It takes particular demand not only in the summer, during the remaining season, it is also good for use.

    This homemade drink is perhaps the only one who is capable not only to quench thirst, but also to saturate a person. The first recipes from black bread appeared a few centuries ago. A kind of refreshing drink has become unthinkable popularity among simple Russian people and nobility.

    Today we will share the recipes of the real Russian bread kvass at home. After all, the product prepared with your own hands is much helpful and delicious than a similar product sold in barrels or in stores.

    Recipes of this drink without yeast are not complicated in cooking. When you use it, you have the tone increases, efficiency increases and the balance of salts and liquid is normalized.


    • Water - 3 liters;
    • Rye crackers - 300 gr.;
    • Sugar - 200 gr.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boiling three liters of water.

    2. We take a three-liter jar of sugar.

    3. So that the bank does not burst put on a spoon and pour boiling water to half, meanwhile you need to mix sugar so that it dissolves.

    4. We send rye bread, which we dried, and add water residue without topping the bank about 2/3, in order to be where to play Kvaska. Mix well.

    5. Cover and tie marles, and now we remove into the dark, but warm place.

    6. Within two days, we take out and put in the sun, let it be possible to go over in order for it to be carbonated (optional).

    7. Remove the gauze, we take the dishes where we will overflow, through a sieve or gauze constrain the drink.

    8. We take a clean bottle, overflow and remove into the fridge so that it is cooled.

    9. The main thing is not to redeem so as not to pass away.

    Dry Kvass Recipe

    This recipe is gaining its particular popularity in the summer time. After all, on a hot day, we really want to remove thirst and fill the balance with something delicious and sweet.

    We need:

    • Sugar - 8-10 s. spoons;
    • Clean water - 3 liters;
    • Granulated yeast - 5-7 peas;
    • Dry kvass - 3 tablespoons.

    Cooking method:

    1. Board three liters of water.

    2. Fill dry powder into the container (three-liter bank) with a filling of 1.5 liters of water, add sugar and mix thoroughly.

    3. In a separate idea, they divorce yeast with a small amount of warm water. We pour into the resulting concentrate.

    4. We will give on the neck of the banks a dressing of gauze and send to the cool, dark place to wander.

    5. After three days, you turn on the drink and pour on bottles. We clean in the refrigerator to cool.

    From bread crusts for okroshka

    The real traditional Russian okroshka is always refueling with such a nice drink.

    Drink can be easily prepared at home. After all, not every grade is suitable for making this dish. We will share a good recipe for this drink for okroshka, which will be saturated, sharp and not acidic.


    • Water - 3 liters;
    • Bread crusts - 400 gr.;
    • Sugar - 50 gr.;
    • Dry yeast - 1 h. Spoon.

    Cooking method:

    1. First you need to dry and twisted bread in the oven. Watch that it does not burn.

    2. At this time, boil water and fall asleep sugar sand. All mix and leave to cool to room temperature.

    3. Sukhariki are ready - we also give them to cool.

    4. We return to sweetened water, cast a glass of water, add yeast there.

    5. Mix thoroughly so that the yeast is completely dissolved.

    6. Now we put fragrant crackers into the water with sugar.

    7. Add divorced yeast to the rest of the products. Gently mix that the main product does not fall apart.

    8. Tighten the saucepan (three liter bank) marks and leave to roam at room temperature for 10-12 hours.

    9. After the allotted time, the fermentation process should be completed when the surface of the contents of the pan (three-liter bank) will cover foam.

    10. Now you need to stretch the liquid through a sieve or 2-3 layer of gauze.

    11. Spill a drink on the bottle and put in a refrigerator. You can now add 10-12 raisins if you like it, very saturated with gases. Another 12-16 hours in the refrigerator it will be completely ready for the okroshka.

    Delicious kvass with raisins


    • Black bread (rye) - 250 g.;
    • Sugar - 180 g. (5-6 full tablespoons);
    • Water - 3 liters.
    • Raisin - 30 grams.

    Cooking method:

    How to cook from rye bread with raisins:

    1. Small rusty pieces cut, we will recover in the oven and sleep well, we should get a cruck, but do not allow them to be burned, otherwise our drink will be patterned. In no case, the crackers do not add oil.

    Pour crackers in the three liter bank half.

    2. Add sugar 5-6 spoons to boiled (you can add to taste), we thoroughly stirre, cool up to 30 degrees.

    3. Here we are pouring 30 gr. Not messed raisins. We fill everything in the resulting sweet water slightly not up to the top, leaving a place for carbon dioxide. If you want to add raisins (it is needed in order for the drink to be saturated with carbon dioxide).

    4. Let us leave the bank in a dark place at room temperature, covering it tightly thin cloth or gauze into two layers.

    5. After 2-3 days, depending on the temperature in the room, the fermentation process will begin. Ready it will be in 3-4 days, you need to try not to peroxide.

    6. The fluid is necessary to merge, periody through the gauze layers, put in the refrigerator.

    7. Sugari can not be disposed of half to leave to the next start. Then add a handful of fresh, raisins, 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Pour water, cover gauze, it will be ready for morning!

    How to cook from wort

    As a rule, a drink from Sousse makes the part of the people who like the dark color of the liquid and a special flavor.


    • Quas Susl - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Cooled boiled water - 3 l;
    • Sugar - 150 g;
    • Yeast in dry form - enough ½ h.;
    • Raisin - pinch.

    Cooking method:

    1. Take the bank with a volume of three liters. Dissolve wort and sugar in 0.5 liters of warm water at temperatures up to 35 degrees. Sugar can be used to taste.

    2. The resulting fluid pour into the can, add the rest of the water, then - yeast, do not mix.

    3. Cover cover with a lid, 1-2 days after the fermentation process. Differently, we check the taste of the beverage, if the result suits, spill on a bottle of plastic, in each of which add several raisins. Next will occur.

    4. Then we put to cool in the refrigerator and can be used when it becomes a foam, the bottle is solid.

    Video about how to cook with goat

    Drink on health !!!

    What can be the most refreshing and invigorating than a sip of homemade kvass hot summer day?! Perhaps only a whole circle of this divine drink.

    This wonderful cold drink is known for its illuminating properties since ancient times. Up to 12th century, he was considered a strong alcoholic beverage. In his intoxicating actions, he was applied even a fastened beer. Hence, then the most famous word, characterizing a good drinking - "Quake".

    Now he was learned to make non-alcoholic, which is very and very pleased with the supporters of zozh and lovers of this drink. In stores, the regiments are broken from its numerous offer, especially hot summer.

    However, the greatest preference is always given to homemade kvass. Natural, poorer, he does not leave anyone indifferent.

    Some are confident that his cooking at home is very troublesome. But, having familiarized with today's article, you will understand that it is not at all. To do this, we need to be armed with only the reserve of some ingredients and, by sure, a good attitude. Let's go…

    Kvass is famous not only for its invigorating taste, but also the proud title of one of the national dishes. He also possesses therapeutic and beneficial properties for the body. His, especially in home design, you can drink even to kids. Cook his houses very simple. You just need to be patient.

    On a restrained basis, it is made of bread suns. It can be bought in the store, and you can make it yourself. For preparation we will need such ingredients:

    1. Two crusts of black bread;
    2. 1 teaspoon of sugar sand (with a slide);
    3. 2 glasses of warm water;


    1. Bread to pre-cut into small cubes and dried in the oven. Khrushy ruddy crackers should turn out.

    2. Sleep them into a small jar (0.5-1 liter), pour sugar and pour water. Stir the spoon, cover with a lid and remove into a warm corner.

    The mixture will get through a day or two. Finished yoke has a sour smell and a turbulent look.

    3. Now proceed to the next stage.

    Prepare a 3-liter bank and pour into it all the received starter. You can sprinkle a couple more jams of crackers and add sugar. Adjust the amount of sand yourself - someone loves his message, and someone does not like it.

    Fuck boiled warm water and cover with a lid. Remove into a warm and dark place. After a day, the liquid "will play", a typical smell will appear.

    4. Then pour the resulting volume on a plastic bottle, adding a raisin to each in a small belly.

    Cover is well spinning. Soon the bottles will begin to harden. It began fermentation. And this means that Kvass will be ready very soon. As soon as it happens, remove it into the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

    Here in general, everything. Nothing difficult. We drink and enjoy!

    Bread home kvass with yeast

    The use of yeast helps speed up the ripening process of the drink. Therefore, the yeast method so often use hostesses whose families adore him. The most difficult thing in this matter is to eliminate the taste of yeast. But, subject to the rules, this is easy.

    One of the important secrets of obtaining a successful drink is soft and clean water. If your water does not match these criteria, it is better to take advantage of bottled from the store.

    To get a beautiful saturated color fried crushers.

    Many wonder why you have to fry them in the oven? Is it possible to use stubble bread? Can! But the color of the liquid will then be pale. The degree of crust drawing directly determines the shade of the finished drink.


    1. 2-3 crusts of rye bread;
    2. 5 tbsp of sugar;
    3. 2.5 glasses of water;
    4. 15 grams of pressed yeast.

    1. Roasted crackers fall asleep and pour hot water. The mixture is left overnight under the shelter from the towel. Outroot to pour yeast, mix and leave for a day for fermentation, cover with a lid.

    Then remove the top layer, and the liquid merge into the sink. What ruined at the bottom is Zakvaska. She needs us.

    2. The first portion on the yeast basis will have a characteristic taste and smell. Then, the more times the start will be used, the longer the taste will be.

    To Zakvask, to plunge out another 5 tablespoons of sand, 150 g of crackers and pour with warm water, almost arguing to the neck. The bank must stay under the towel another day. Then the liquid strain and pour the bottle. In each pouring 4-5 raisins.

    After 1-2 hours, remove them into the refrigerator for a couple of hours and the kvass is ready for use.

    The residue, which remained after the filping, can be used to further prepare the drink.

    Recipe on Zakvask from rye flour at home

    You can prepare your favorite drink from rye flour. It turns out no less invigorating and delicious than on bread. However, we will not speak a lot. It is better to try once than telling how tasty it is.


    1. 450 grams of rye flour;
    2. 180 grams of sugar sand;
    3. pack of dry yeast;
    4. a little less than 3 liters of water;
    5. 10-12 unwashed raisin berries;


    1. By tradition, first of all it is necessary to cook Zavskaya, where without her?!

    To do this, combine the glass of flour and 1 teaspoon with a riding sugar. Pour all this with boiling water, stirring, until the mass acquires the consistency of sour cream. There are also a raisins. Send a mixture into a warm place, pre-enlightened by a towel.

    2. As soon as the mixture begins "moving", it foams and publish an arms odor, it is ready. It takes it no less than a day.

    3. Now you can go to the next step. To the resulting mass add the remaining flour, sugar, yeast and pour water. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the towel and leave for the night warm.

    4. Outlou to pour kvass to bottles or jugs and remove into the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, the cold drink is ready for use.

    So everything is fast and easy!

    How to cook kvass for okroshka at home

    Each hostess knows that it is better to take home kvass for cooking. Shopping options are sweet, which makes cold soup not so tasty as I would like. Therefore, if you decide to pamper the seven shuttle, then it is better to approach this afar, first prepare the basis for this dish.

    For this we need:

    1. about 3 liters of water;
    2. half of the black bread loaf;
    3. 50 grams of sugar;
    4. pack of dry yeast;


    1. Cut bread on cubes and decompose them on the baking sheet.

    Remove into the oven for a few minutes and bake until golden color. Without losing time, while crackers are languishing in the oven, combine water with sugar and boil. Then cool the sweet syrup to the warm state.

    2. From the pan with water to pour half a cup and pour yeast into it, mix.

    In sweet water, shift the cruck and pour the yeast mixture. Gently mix, cover with a towel or gauze and leave in the kitchen for the night. In the morning kvass to strain, pour the bottle and put 4-5 raisins into each.

    You can do without a raisin if you do not like carbonated kvass.

    Bottles to remove in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. After that, the drink is ready for cooking around!

    Recipe for delicious kvass without yeast on breadcrumbs

    Newbies may think that cooking without yeast is impossible, because how else kvass can be worried?! In fact, it's not at all. It is quite realistic, which is especially pleased with the drink lovers that do not accept the yeast taste.


    1. Rye bread on a restless basis, about half of the loaf;
    2. 3-4 tbsp of sugar;
    3. Handicraft of raisin;
    4. 2.8 liters of water;


    1. Cooking crackers from bread. To do this, you can leave slices in an open place for the purpose of tangling, or to fry them in the oven.

    The last option will give a drink more rich shade. Then you need to put them in a three-liter jar and pour with warm boiled water.

    2. Add sugar and raisins here.

    3. Gently mix, cover the gauze and remove in a warm place for 24 hours. Then liquid strain and pour on a bottle. Put them in the refrigerator for several hours.

    The invigorating treat is ready to eat.

    Delicious homemade kvass on grandmother's recipe

    Everyone remembers those unforgettable days visiting the grandmother. On the table the best disasses - pies, china and, of course, alum.

    Then we rushed it with pleasure, presenting that when we grow up, would certainly prepare as tasty.

    Kvass for grandmother's recipe to prepare just. And if in the process you will remember the hot-beloved grandmother with the most tender memories, then it will be doubly delicious. Try!


    1. Sheltered fresh beets;
    2. 50 grams of rye bread (crusts);
    3. 1 full tablespoon sugar;
    4. 3 liters of water;


    1. Wash beets, clean and cut into small pieces. Place them in a three-liter jar and pour water so that about 5 centimeters remain to the neck. Add sliced \u200b\u200bbread and sugar there.

    2. Carefully move and cover with gauze lid. Ordinary covers are better not to use, as in the process of fermentation they will swell and prevent this action.

    3. Remove the jar into a warm dark angle for 5 days. Every day, several times you need to shoot a foam, which will form on the surface.

    4. As soon as the process of formation of the foam comes to no, Kvass must be pouring into bottles and remove into a cold place for cooling.

    If you plan to use it as a drink, you can add more sugar. For soups will be perfect if you add a little chopped garlic into it.

    Kvass is a unique drink. With all his flavors, it is also very useful for health. If you have never tried to cook it at home, then you will certainly try. After all, after reading these recipes, you realized that it is not at all difficult.

    Or maybe you have experience cooking homemade kvass? Share them and with us, because your opinion is very important for us!

    Kvass can be used as an aperitif, antiseptic, energy and dietary component, and the properties with which it possesses are similar to the properties of lactic acid products.

    In the summer heat, this invigorating drink becomes almost the only salvation for thirsty. Invented more than 1000 years ago, he and now enjoys their positive popularity. Today, it is the basis for many dishes of Russian cuisine, more often cold chowers, such as the okroshka.

    Since ancient times, craftsmen manufacturing "nectar playing like champagne" are valued for gold weight. Quasoving was considered a worthy business to which only those who had a sufficient resource of knowledge and secrets were allowed.

    The sour-sweet, "hissing" kvass easily climbs thirst, turn away the longing and set up to a positive way.

    Initially, only a cerebral bread was required to create a drink to create a drink, it was then to add honey as a sweetener, mint for spicy taste, raisins, leaflets of berries and, of course, malt.

    From his "disembarkation" and began the process of making kvass. Bags were soaked in key water, after which, dried grains in a dark place, waiting for time when they would germinate. In this form, they were subjected to the stone oppression and passed the process of "drying" on the furnace. The dried grains of large grinding were poured with boiling water and left in clay tanks so that the drink could slowly go over.

    The ripe kvas is inherent in a dark red with a slight tinge of yellow color, small tingling bubbles and sour-sweet rich taste.

    How to make bread kvass for 3 liters - recipes

    Previously there were many variations of the preparation of this drink. Sour soup, which often saved people after abundant meal and stormy fun, boyars, monastic, soldier, white, color, raisin, "thick kvass", also fruit and berry brew (from lingers, raspberries, apples, pears, plums , cranberries, etc.).

    And in our time, many love to move away from the classics, having tried new ways to prepare. We offer to your attention the original Russian recipes.

    With yeast

    You will need:

    • Black bread (500 g).
    • Boiled water (3 l).
    • Yeast (15 g).
    • Crystal sugar (200 g).
    • Pinch of raisins.

    Attention! The amount of sugar can be increased and reduced depending on preferences. Also, at will, you can add a couple of honey spoons, it will give a drink a special piquancy.


    • Buckka bread is cutting in pressure, then crushed to small cubes. Gently lay out on the baking sheet with a thin layer so that there is a place between pieces, and they are well twisted to a pleasant golden shade.

    Reference. "The longer to keep bread in the oven, the more mustard must be felt in the kvass, and the color, respectively, will be darker."

    • Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool to room temperature, overflow into a container intended for fermentation.
    • Pour dried bread, cover gauze and leave in a dark warm place for 2 days. From above, we can additionally cover the lid and bite the towel.

    • The resulting infusion should be strained through the gauze, well by pressing crushers.
    • We are dragging the yeast, as indicated on the package, after adding them to the kvasny wort.

    Important! "For the preparation of the best kvass, bakery or beer yeast should be used. They contribute to the fermentation process, and add a bright aroma and taste drink. "

    • We add sugar, mix thoroughly before dissolution.
    • We loosely cover the lid so that carbon dioxide could go out. We leave for 16 hours in a warm place (up to 25 ° C).
    • Fix after the "recreation", pour on the bottle, adding a raisin to each pinch, also sugar or honey (it is needed for the appearance of carbon dioxide). Leave for a while (up to 6 hours) in a dark warm place. After tightly close and put in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process. After a couple of hours you can start tasting.

    The shelf life of an unpasteurized drink is 3 days. With longer storage, it becomes sour, loses the taste.

    How to cook bread kvass with yeast at home, learn from this video:

    Without yeast

    You will need (ingredients at 0.5 liters of starters):

    • Water (2 glasses).
    • Half of the loaf of rye bread.
    • Sugar (1 tsp).

    The remaining ingredients:

    • Sugar (1-3 Art. L.)
    • Rye bread (3-4 pieces).
    • Finished start-up (1 l).
    • Water (3 l).


    • For the starter, we boil and cool the water, add a teaspoon of sugar sand before dissolving, and half the bread slices. Fall in the jar of crushed bread, water and sugar. Cover the cloth and leave quas it in a warm place. This process will take 2-3 days.

    • After a set time, we try to break the taste. The liquid will be muddy with a sharp, characteristic odor.
    • We take 3 l can, put the starter, crushed bread, sugar, and cooled boiled water (to edges). Tightly close the lid, leave for the day. After we drain 2/3 of the wandering fluid, add a piece of fresh bread to the jar 2-4 and insist until readiness.

    In this video, it is described how to make a refrain homemade bread kvass:

    Dry drink

    You will need:

    • Water (3 l).
    • Dry kvass (100 gr.)
    • Sugar sand (2-3 art. L.)
    • Yeast (50 gr.)


    • We take a 3-liter glass jar, add a dry mixture to it, pour 1 liter of steep boiling water from above. The resulting mixture is withstanding about half an hour in a warm place, covering the lid and shook the cloth. After that, we open the container, we divide the components of the communion, and pour the remaining boiled water.

    • We leave on the plate off or in a different warm place so that the liquid has cooled to 35 degrees. Then we drag yeast and add to the jar. Drink will wander around 4 hours. Waving time, you should sweeten the kvass, adding sugar or honey, spill the bottle, pre-move, tightly clog, but do not remove into the refrigerator, leave lay at room temperature.
    • After you surincade the signs of fermentation, transfer to the cold. A day later you can enjoy a delicious drink.

    Check the video in which it tells how to make dry bread kvass:

    There are several tricks that families are transmitted from generation to generation, today we share them:

    • Kvass can be prepared literally from all products known to you (vegetables, fruits, bakery products), but the most delicious is obtained from the loaf of ordinary black bread without any additives in the form of spices.
    • During cooking, only glass dishes should be used, enameled and plastic containers are also suitable. Deciding to use aluminum dishes, know, it will oxidize.
    • Do not try to spit crackers with oils and taste additives, so you will only spoil the taste of the drink, lose its naturalness.
    • From time to time, check the contents of the container in which you keep the bad kvass, in a tightly closed jar or a bottle, the level of carbon dioxide can exceed the norm, and, as a result of high pressure, your tank will explode.
    • Fruit kvass can be used as a spicy marinade for vegetables, meat or fish.
    • By adding flour to the roasted kvass (it thickens fluid), you delay the fermentation process for a while.

    Benefit and harm

    Perhaps the only lack of kvass is a small percentage of alcohol content - from 2.3% to 2.6%. Thus, this drink has contraindications. Kvass is not recommended for use of pregnant, nursing mothers and children.

    Contraindicated people with diseases:

    • Gastritis.
    • Cirrhosis.
    • Hypertension.

    In this case, we are talking about homemade kvass, as for the surrogate drink sold in stores, it will not eat good. Made on the basis of flavors, sweeteners and dyes, it can harm your health.

    Among other things, this non-alcoholic drink has a number of useful features:

    • Promotes digestion, improves metabolism.
    • Strengthens his teeth.
    • Helps relieve weight.
    • Cleans the vessels, helps in the treatment of the nervous system.

    Reference. "Kvass is considered a dietary drink. It is used to prevent from many common diseases. "

    This drink is full of vitamins, minerals, lactic acid and enzymes. He copes with thirst, reduces fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach. It also helps to fight alcohol addiction, to some extent replacing drinks with a high alcohol content.

    It is believed that this invigorating drink helps men to increase their "power".

    It also includes:

    • Starch.
    • Ash.
    • Proteins.
    • Mono- and disaccharides.
    • Organic acids.

    To all of us, the usual drink of caramel shade was previously considered nothing but a sign of luxury and wealth. During the Great Post, he strengthened his health with it, well, we just love Kvass for his pleasant vigor and the scratching effect.

    Choose a recipe for the soul to please your loved ones and friends. You can refer to the secrets of older customs, or be adherents of our time.

    It does not matter, because the desire for perfection and helps to open new perspectives.

    Do not be afraid to experiment. You too can also bring the proline of your inspiration, and create a new invigorating masterpiece. The main thing is to do everything with love!

    • Water - 8.5 l
    • Rye flour - 2.5 stack.
    • Sugar - 1.5 stack.

    We take thick. It can be prepared for it. But it's easier to either take the rest from the previously cooked kvass, or at the granny in the market or as I, in the village ask. You can take it on any bakery. You decide. And yet: if on the thicker when transferring it to heat, bubbles appear, you can safely continue, and if not - add 0.5 h. Dry yeast. It looks like this.

    The thickness will need approximately 550-700 ml. In the thick we add 2 tbsp. l. rye flour.

    And 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Everyone is thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps.

    Boiling 8.5 liters of water.

    For kvass, we need enameled dishes with a volume of at least 10 liters. It can be a bucket, I have a saucepan. Add 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of sugar in the pan. Mix.

    Then we pour hot boiled water (not boiling water), first 1 cup, we stir, add more water to the consistency of sour cream. Komochekov should not be !!!

    Cooking water is gradually starting to pour into a bucket, quickly stirring (I interfere with the rolling pin), flour will be brewed, the mass will be thick, and then it turns out just a muddy liquid. It is necessary to interfere well very quickly.

    When you added water so much that the bucket remains only for the thickness, the bucket should be removed. To cover with a lid. To put a thick row. In time by 4-4.5 hours. After the specified time, the temperature of the kvass should be like a pair milk, otherwise it is necessary to cool the bucket in a cold water basin. Having achieved the desired temperature, we pour in a bucket thick, stirring, cover the bucket with a lid and put in a warm place. I put a bucket in a deep pelvis with hot water and cover it. After 6-6.5 hours on the surface of the liquid in the bucket, the similarity of the fine-foam foam appears. Kvass ready!

    Spill kvass to banks. At the bottom of the jar you can see the thick, which we will use when preparing another kvass. The thick can calmly be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. With this kvass it turns out a wonderful okroshka.

    Recipe 2: Homemade Kvass from Rye Bread

    Used products for starters:

    • yeast (fresh) - 10 gr.,
    • Or yeast (dry) - 3 gr.,
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.,
    • rye bread (dried) - 2 handstokes,
    • water (warm) - 400 ml.

    Products for kvass for 3 liter bank:

    • finished good
    • rye bread (dried) - 3 handstones,
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.,
    • raisin - at will.

    For the break, we need, fresh (or dry) yeast (or dry), sugar, warm water, and an important point, two types (preferably, but not necessarily) rye bread.

    Yeast pour, first with a small amount of warm water.

    Then add sugar, mix. We assume aside aside.

    We will deal with bread, cut it with a small cube on the baking sheet. I repeat again in order for kvass to get more tasty and saturated, take two types of rye bread, good quality. I am sure that you will be sure when you try ready-made kvass.

    For the starter, we take not fried bread. In the bank we fall asleep two handstones, we pour yeast to sugar there, pour warm water.

    Mix, put in a warm, bright place for a couple of days. The ideal version of the windowsill with sunbeams. If there is no one, then you can put near the battery or stove.

    The remaining sliced \u200b\u200bcrackers put in the oven at a temperature of 160-170 degrees, 40 minutes, not forgetting to stir for uniform roasting.

    An important point, crackers for kvass should be dried, not fried. From this will depend on the taste and color of kvass. On burned crackers, kvass will not be tasty and with mustard, have it in mind.

    After 2 days, our goodsaw will be ready. Take the patience and look out this moment. In a day you can mix it. And, after two, it will stop wander, it will become transparent, a white precipitate will appear at the bottom.

    And the most important smell, it will be a very pleasant smell of kvass and bread. And if you are frowning with yeast, then Zakvaska is not ready yet, leave to do it.

    We proceed to refueling the kvass at home according to the recipe with the photo. We take a 3 liter bank, we fall asleep in it three handful of dried crackers, poured hot, boiled water, just less than half of the cans.

    We add a piping of the Izya as desired, pour sugar, mix.

    We leave cool for several hours to room temperature.

    Water in the bank cooled to the temperature we needed, acquired a beautiful saturated brown color, due to rye crackers.

    We add to the 3 liter jar of Zakawas (well mixed).

    The bank fill with water, but not hot, this can be done in no case. Otherwise, weld the yeast, they will die, and then the kvass will not succeed (he will not wander). You can pour boiled water, cooled to room temperature, until narrowing the can. Or, maybe someone will be clear, fill with water to the shoulders cans.

    Why can not pour a full jar? Because, you need to give a place for fermentation. The prepared jar with kvass put in a bright, warm place for fermentation for a day. This place, again, can serve the "sunny" windowsill.

    A day later, the fermentation process should end, kvass acquires a transparent color, the smell of yeast disappears. Try kvass to taste if you like it, it means Kvass is ready.

    Fix ready homemade kvass through a sieve. And the sieve, even shift the double layer of gauze, for better pure kvass.

    The remaining start-up, do not throw away, here it is enough for two 3 liter banks. Divide this number of starters equally on 2 banks, add three handstones with sugar, sugar, pour with water and leave for a day. So you can make an infinite number of times. And this means that with homemade kvass you will be all summer.

    We left the kvass in the bottles (banks), that we will do with you. We overflow with a funnel, close tightly, and we send to the refrigerator, breed, cool for 4-6 hours. I usually get overnight.

    Recipe 3: rye kvass at home

    • rye bread - 1.5 pcs
    • dry yeast - 1/3 tsp.
    • black Borodinsky Bread - 1 pc
    • sugar

    Prepare a solder for kvass. Take the Polbukhanka fresh rye bread. Bread should be fresh. Cook his flesh (without a crust!) In the container. Then fill the bread with warm water. Water should cover the ball completely. Add sugar (art. Spoon). Then take the source to heat. Leave it by day 2-3 until it chas. If this did not happen, add yeast to a bowl or a pan with Zavskaya.

    After that, cut on the pieces of two loaves of bread. Take Rye and Borodinsky. Then fold pieces of bread on the baking sheet and bring to a beautiful brown in a high heat. Make sure that the bread is not burned! What the Bread will be, the color of kvass will be rushing there.

    Next, prepare the jar (3-5 liter). It should be clean and dry. Pour the soldering into it, then add 3-4 pieces of fried bread, then another piece of fresh. Then put sugar in the jar (2-3 tablespoons of the canteens) and pour up to half with water. In a day, you can add water if you want.

    Take the neck of the gauze banks and put in a warm place. To merge the first time you need kvass right through a piece of gauze on the bank. A sour (quas) smell and taste should appear. Add sugar to taste in Kvass, which you start and put it in the refrigerator.

    Zakvask can be used several times. Jump ready-made bread kvass then you will have every day, otherwise it turns into vinegar.

    Recipe 4: home rye kvass for 3 liters

    • polbuhahanka rye bread
    • 3 liters of boiled water
    • 25 grams dry yeast
    • 125 gr sugar
    • 10 pieces of raisin

    I pour three liters of water into the pan and put it boil. Half black loaf cutting into pieces and laying out on a baking sheet.

    Frox a little bread in the oven. Calculate the grip of the sugar themselves - the stronger they will be grilled, it will be darker than kvass.

    Sukhari laying out in a 3-hitter jar and pour boiling water. To the top of the banks should not be poured, because kvass will wander and bubble. Now I am waiting for the water in the bank cool to room temperature.

    Water in the bank has cooled, the crown was blown and gave a dark color. Now I pour dry yeast, sugar and 10 raisins into the jar. Stirring. Cover gauze and on top with a lid with holes. It is possible to cut through a pair of holes in a simply plastic lid. So that when fermentation, the cover did not break. Leave in a warm place to three days.

    After three days, I cool and cool in the refrigerator. Cold kvass especially delicious!

    I had break and bread in the bank. I'll buy a new kvass on this starter. Only sugar already need to pour smaller - two or three tablespoons. And the yeast is not necessary. If you want, you can add new crackers a bit. Kvass also will be ready on the third day.

    Recipe 5: homemade kvass from rye flour

    • Rye flour - 1 kg
    • Water - 10 l

    From rye flour to knead the liquid dough on the water (without salt!)

    To do this, 1 liter of water should be added 1 kg of flour.

    Stir up to uniformity.

    Cooking with a dough closing gauze, wrapped in several layers of dense tissue. Hold it 2-3 days in a warm place.

    Bottling the rising dough dilute with warm boiled water and leave for fermentation at room temperature.
    For use, strain through the gauze.

    Bon Appetit!

    As the finished kvass is spent, it is possible to add boiled water into kvass from rye flour, mixing the corresponding amount of rye flour.

    Recipe 6: Homemade Kvass on Rye Zavask

    • rye frkowing thick 100 g
    • hot water 3 l
    • sugar 100 g
    • barodinsky bread 1 pc.
    • malt dark 3 tbsp. l.

    We take a bottle, put in it 100 g of superstars (if not, then you can replace 100 g of rye flour), 3 tablespoons of rye dark malt and pour boiling water. Here are the photos of kvass without malt. I have nowhere to buy it now ... Therefore, I added more superstars - 200 g. It's good to bite and leave for the night to full cooling. To the cooled infusion add 100 g of rye yoke at the peak of activity (to bore, in heat and to the increase twice).

    Zakvaska is pre-stirred in a small amount of infusion, then pour into a bottle. Add sugar and mix well. Close the lid with a water shutter and leave at room temperature for a day. Then strain, pour into bottles, optionally you can add raisins, but optionally, kvass and so sharp. Tightly close and cool.

    Kvass ready. Optionally, you can add some more sugar, an amateur. Tasty, useful and natural!

    Recipe 7, step-by-step: rye kvass with rice

    • sugari from rye bread - 100 g;
    • rice - 1 tbsp.;
    • raisins are dark - 5-6 pcs.;
    • sugar sand - 2-3 tbsp.;
    • water - 4 l;
    • dry yeast - on the tip of a knife

    We fill with rusty croutons with warm (36-37 degrees) boiled water.

    We add an incomplete tablespoon of washed rice and raisins (5-6 pieces). Raisin, of course, is also well washed. It is better to take a dark raisin, he gives the kvaas a beautiful amber color, along with rye crumbs.

    Then add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and dry yeast (quite a bit, literally on the tip of the knife). You can and do not use yeast if you want to prepare a roasted kvass. But then you need to put a little more rice and raisins for the best fermentation process.

    Mix all the starts and leave for 1-2 days. If it is hot, then the goat will be ready after day.

    Then we divide this starter to 2 banks, pour boiled water (not hot, room temperature). We add sugar to taste, but a bit, no more than 2-3 spoons, since the excess sugar will interfere with the fermentation process. I add 2 tbsp. Sugar spoons on a two-liter jar. We add a couple of berries of raisins and some rusty superstars. Banks cover with covers, but do not close tightly. I cover inverted covers. In hot weather, Kvass is ready in a day.

    Russian kvass saved many people.
    Popular saying

    Heat ... I don't want to pi-and-it, you don't want ordinary water, and from sweet lemonams grinds, and they do not help in the thirst, but just more to drink ... And do not eat kvaas?

    Kvass at home to cook very easily, you yourself can make sure of this, trying to cook kvass to our recipes. Especially since the wort for kvass can be bought at any grocery store.

    Kvass at home can be different: on a boom wort, on a rzhan bread, honey, fruit, berry ... It can be just drunk in the heat, not afraid of a figure and not thinking about the consequences, and even on it is preparing for many so-beloved Okroshka.

    The fastest and easiest way to make kvass - on the finished worsley. It is usually usually made of sugar, rye malt, yeast and ground supersers. It is desirable that there are no preservatives in the quasse concentrate.

    Homemade kvass from dry starters


    3 l water,
    125 g of dry kvass,
    100 g of sugar,
    20 g of raisin
    6 g dry yeast.

    Boil in a saucepan water. One and a half liters of hot pour dry kvass, close tightly and leave it for 3 hours. After strain. Pour the remaining water in the infusion. In a small amount of warm water in a separate dish, tear the yeast, pour them into the kvass, add sugar, pour out the raisins, cover the saucepan of gauze and put in a cool place for fermentation. Three days later, once again move the kvass and burst it on the bottle. Store no more than three days in the cold.

    Homemade kvass from dry break and dry malt

    So that the kvass is delicious, as in childhood, you can buy a dry malt bag to dry kvaas and cook it: Throw 3-4 tsp in a three-liter bank. l. Dry kvass and 2 tbsp. l. Dry malt, ½ tbsp. Sugar, half a pack of dry yeast and fill it all with a glass of warm water. Leave a place in a warm place for fermentation, and when the mass is a little suitable and will rise, the fraction of warm water. Add to better fermentation crust of rye bread and handful of raisins. When the kvass is ready, straighten it, do not throw thick. It can be used to prepare the next portion of the drink. Store ready-made kvass in the refrigerator.

    Kvass of concentrate (main recipe)

    3 l boiled water,
    2 tbsp. pitch concentrate,
    150 g sugar,
    ½ CHL dry yeast (or pressed, they work faster),
    1-2 Ch.L. Raisa (black).

    A kvass concentrate pour into a 3-liter jar, add sugar and 500 ml of water and stir carefully. Add the yeast, cover the napkin and leave to roam warm for a couple of days. Try kolts to taste, and when he fully arranges you, run it on plastic bottles, put it in every 5-6 raisins, tighten the covers and leave again in heat to continue fermentation. When the bottles become hard, which speaks of a good gazanity of kvass, put them in the refrigerator. Open with caution!
    The basic recipe you can diversify, adding various products to improve taste and aroma of kvass: mint leaves, currant, juice of berries and fruits, squeezed horseradish (kvass turns out to be sharp, invigorant!) - Everything is limited to your gastronomic addictions.

    Homemade Bread Kvass on yeast

    2.5 l of water,
    250 g of rye bread,
    150 g sugar,
    10 g of fresh yeast,
    Handful of raisins.

    Dry bread sliced \u200b\u200bwith small cubes, in the oven on the contrary to golden brown. Water boil and cool to room temperature. In the prepared bank, pour crackers, pour them with water, cover the neck of gauze banks and put in a dark place for fermentation for two days. Ready to lean over the gauze, squeeze the cruck. In a small amount of water, drift yeast. Then the filtered wedrocho break into the jar, add the yeast, 100 g of sugar and mix. Cover the can with a lid loosely and leave for 16 hours in a dark place at room temperature. Ready kvass run on bottles, in each add a bit left sugar and raisins, close the bottles tightly and leave them again in a dark place at room temperature for fermentation and ghazing. Then send kvass to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and then use it for three days.

    Kvass breadless without yeast

    3 l water,
    250 g of rye bread,
    50 g sugar,
    Handful of raisins.

    As in the previous recipe, dry bread, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, in the oven. Moreover, the darker you will get a crush, the more saturated dark colors it will turn out kvass. In the water brought to boil water, dissolve sugar and cool down. Lay out the crackers in the enameled or glass container prepared for fermentation, add raisins and fill it all with water with sugar dissolved in it. Perform the kvass for 3-4 days, then strain, burst on the bottle and remove in the cold place. Bottles with a ready-made kvass, open carefully, trying not to scold.

    By the way, the remaining twicemers, in other words, you can use several times, replacing half with fresh breadcrumbs and adding sugar or honey.

    Kvass with mint and black currant leaves

    But another option of cooking homemade kvass, used by our hostess for many years - with the addition of mint and black currant leaves, very fragrant and refreshing.

    2.5 l of water,
    200 g of rye superstars,
    100 g of sugar,
    30 g of raisin
    20 g yeast,
    10 g mint,
    8 leaf black currant.

    In a glass of warm water, dissolve yeast. Rye crackers hide with boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Throwing thus obtained in this way through a four-layer gauze folded into several layers, pour sugar into it, pour yeast, add mint and the leaves of black currant. Insist 10-12 hours, covering a clean napkin. When your wort is squocated, strain it, run on the bottle, putting into each of them several raisins, cater and clean it in a cool place. After three days you can enjoy a delicious kvass.

    Several following recipes contain yeast starter, to prepare which can be as follows.

    Ingredients (on 1 l can):
    Black bread, sliced \u200b\u200bwith small cubes and dried in the oven,
    60 g sugar,
    15 g dry yeast,

    Lay out the crac in the bank by filling it with half, pour the contents of boiling water. Sugari will swell, which means that the amount of water needs to be calculated so that it turns out a thick cashem. Pour over the water is smaller, then do it, if necessary. Do not despair, if the starter turned out to be too liquid, simply spread more crackers. Add sugar, mix until complete dissolution, then cover the can with a clean napkin, let it cool to a temperature of 37-40 ° C. Add the yeast to the jar, mix as it should and leave the solder to roam. Important fact: Cover the jar with a napkin, and not a plastic lid, since carbon dioxide is formed during fermentation. This break is enough for you to prepare 10 liters of kvass.

    Kvass sugar with the root of hell and honey

    2 l of water,
    300 g of rusty crackers,
    50 g honey,
    40 g root of Khrena,
    30 g sugar,
    10 g yeast.

    Pour hot water crops and insist 2 hours. Then wipe them through a sieve, pour in the infusion of yeast and sugar and remove into a warm place for 10 hours. Add a honey to the finished kvass, chrenched root, leave for 2 hours, then strain and treat yourself to your health!

    By the way, instead of crackers for the preparation of kvass, wheat bran or various types of flour can be used. Try!

    Oatmeal kvass

    3 l water,
    750 g of oatmeal mixed with bran,
    40 ml of yeast break.

    Pour into flour, mixed with bran, 2 l hot water and put in a warm place for 12 hours, after which, as usual, strain and add yeast ryx and the rest of the water. Hold the infusion during the day. Ready kvass Keep in a cool place no more than three days, although, for sure, he will disappear with you much earlier.

    Kvass home made of wheat bran

    3 l water,
    800 g of wheat bran,
    300 ml of lemon juice,
    70 g sugar,
    25 g dry yeast.

    Pour bran boiling water and hold on weak heat for an hour. Then straighten the decoction, cool it and pour yeast and sugar. Intetrate in warm place 10-12 hours, then pour lemon juice in infusion and mix.

    Kvass from rye flour with vigor sugar

    3 l water,
    100 g of rye flour,
    35 g of wheat flour,
    100 g of sugar,
    15 g yeast,
    15 g of grazing sugar.

    Rye flour fill 50-70 ml of hot water and mix quickly before the formation of a homogeneous mass, without lumps. In a separate dish, boil the rest of the water, cool and enter into it a brewed flour. Yeasts are driving in warm water, pour in them wheat flour and stir. When the yeast is started to fade, recover them in rye infusion and pour sugar. Leave in this form for 1 day, then add Zhby Sugar to the drink.

    Zhuyonka Prepare easy: just burn sugar on a dry frying pan before melting and the appearance of dark and caramel odor. What the hell will be burning sugar, the riches the color of your kvass. So that Zhewka has not turned into a coal lollipop, in the melted checked sugar, gently pour hot water, literally dropped to get a thick syrup. It can be pouring into a bottle and stored in the refrigerator.

    3 l water,
    250 g of sugar,
    3 tbsp. l. soluble chicory
    mint beam
    ½ pack of dry yeast,
    1 tsp. Sahara,
    2 tbsp. l. water,
    lemon acid.

    In the deep container, pour water, add sugar, chicory and mint. Boil and leave cool. Add sugar, water, stir and leave for cooling. When the liquid with chicarium cools up to a temperature of 37-39 ° C, pour the yeast mixture there, mix and leave for 3 hours at room temperature. Someone loves the kvass of soft taste, and someone with a pronounced sharp taste, so after 2 hours, try the drink to taste. Maybe you will be enough and two hours. In the already weathered drink, add citric acid to taste and remove to the cold.

    White kvass from serum

    1 liter serum,
    2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
    10 g dry yeast,
    Peaks of orange and raisins - to taste.

    Serum, which remains after the preparation of homemade cottage cheese, is the most valuable nutritional dietary product. White kvass on serum is one way to turn the useful product to delicious. Stir yeast with sugar, pour serum and put in a warm place for 12 hours. Then pour the drink on the bottle, pre-throwing on the bottom of each several orange crusts and a bit of washed and dried raisins. Bottles closely and leave for 2 days for full beverage ripening.

    Many may be wary of the turbidity of kvass, but for a home natural product is a normal phenomenon. The precipitate, by the way, also indicator of the naturalness of the origin of kvass.

    Enjoy your appetite and new culinary discoveries!