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  • IFR 1 somtomatin with lowered that. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I)

    IFR 1 somtomatin with lowered that. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I)

    The optimal growth and division of cells, the protection of the body from aging, the acceleration of fat burning, the activation of the somatotropin, the preservation of the health of the heart and the bone density - is far from the full list of EFR effects - 1. What is it? Insulin-like growth factor - a hormone, without which the optimal development of the body is impossible.

    It is important to know why the secretion of somatostatin is disturbed, which negative features indicate a decrease in the concentration of either an excess of IFR - 1. Factors affecting the analysis result, the rules for preparing the level of somatomedin, the dependence of the hormone concentration from sex and age indicators - these and other important nuances are reflected in the article.

    general information

    Somatomatin or an insulin-like growth factor is an active hormone, as a structure resembling insulin. The production of IFR - 1 occurs in hepatocytes (liver cells). After penetrating the bloodstream with the participation of carriers, IFR - 1 falls into all departments, activates the growth of bone, muscle and connective tissue. Somomatomydom performs the same functions as growth hormone, additionally stimulates insulin receptors.

    IFR - 1 is the necessary element to activate growth hormone. The concentration of somatomedine affects the level of somatolyberin, without which the optimal secretion is impossible and. The principle of feedback works: the production of hormones of pituitary glands and hypothalamus increases with a decrease in the secretion of the IFR - 1 and vice versa.

    The half-life of the IFR - 1 associated with receptors is significantly higher than that of the free hormone fraction: from 12 to 15 hours and 10 minutes. The active substance includes 70 amino acids. The minimum concentration of the growth regulator is the elderly and children of age up to five years.

    Somatostatin - the mediator of growth hormone, however, at the level of the IFR - 1, other types of hormones are noticeable. Increase the concentration of somatostatin: both, androgens are progestig. Reduce the level of IFR - 1: steroids, glucocorticoids (hormones of the germ and adrenal glands).

    The activation of the secretion of somatomedin occurs when protein food, parenteral nutrition, physical exertion, high level. The increased secretion of growth hormone also affects the enhanced production of IFR - 1. During the studies, scientists found out: an excess of an important regulator often provokes and accelerates the growth of cancer tumors.

    Somomedine deficiency negatively affects the processes in the body: the speed of apoptosis increases (the programmed cell death). The lack of hormone provokes previously aging of the body against the background of insufficient division and growth of cells of internal organs, skeleton, blood. Reducing secretion occurs when the growth hormone deficiency is shortened during pregnancy (3 trimester), with an excess of estrogen, against the background of inflammatory processes and obesity, in the menopacteric period. Synthetic Mormatomylation hormone is used for complex therapy of some forms of dwarfs.

    Unlike the growth hormone (somatotropin), the IFR - stands out not only with the onset of the period of rapid growth of the body in children and adolescents, but also throughout life. After 50 years, somatomedin rates are gradually decreasing, but the concentration is high enough even in old age.

    Effects in the body

    The hormone somtomatin is needed for the course of many processes:

    • activation of growth hormone in cells and tissues. Without sufficient secretion of the IFR - 1 somatotropin is lowactive;
    • reduces the speed of apoptosis at the cellular level;
    • activates the specific insulin receptors, which helps penetrate the cells, create a powerful energy reserve;
    • stimulates the growth of cells of various departments. The most active influence of somatomatin has on the structures of bones, nerve fibers, muscle and cartilage tissue, liver, lungs, stem cells in the blood;
    • supports the work of the heart muscle, the ability of cardiocytes to divide and growth.

    Another effect is to accelerate the decay of proteins, active fat burning. This nuance is used by unscrupulous athletes: IFR - 1 recognized as doping, the use of hormone is prohibited to increase the results during the competition.

    Norm for adults and children

    Optimal metators of somatomedin (measurement in mg / l):

    • age from 0 to 2 years: Girls - from 11 to 206, boys - from 31 to 160;
    • age from 2 to 15 years: Girls - from 286 to 660, boys - from 165 to 616.

    Teenage and youthful period:

    • girls - from 398 to 709;
    • boys - from 472 to 706.

    Adult women and men:

    • from 20 to 30 years - from 232 to 385;
    • from 40 to 50 years - from 140 to 310;
    • after 60 years - from 94 to 269.

    The somatomedine level changes throughout the life, in female and male figures indicators of the IFR - 1 are different. Permissible values \u200b\u200bare somewhat different in different laboratories. When evaluating the analysis results, the doctor takes into account the sex and age of the patient. The concentration of somatomedin is stable throughout the day, unlike somatotropin, the level of which rises at night.

    Indications for analyzing

    The endocrinologist sends adults and children to the laboratory in the following cases:

    • very high or low child growth;
    • to evaluate the functionality of the pituitary
    • with a significant change in appearance and the growth of certain parts of the body (limbs, thickening of brushes, nose, ears) in adults;
    • with the symptoms of pathologies associated with the deviations of the secretion of growth hormone;
    • with suspicion of osteoporosis;
    • in the process of treating giantism and dwarfishness, to assess the dynamics of growth hormone production;
    • against the background of a noticeable inconsistency of the patient's actual age and the state of bone tissue.

    Note! The results of the study of the IFR level give an indirect idea of \u200b\u200bthe secretion of growth hormone (somatotropin) in children and adults.

    Features of the study


    • on the day before the analysis of somatostatin, it is impossible to engage in the gym intensively in the gym, it is advisable to keep calm;
    • in coordination with the doctor, it is important for 1-2 days to cancel the reception of drugs, except for vital;
    • it is impossible to drink alcohol and smoke throughout the day;
    • blood shall with a strictly on an empty stomach, be sure, after fasting for 8-10 hours;
    • it is necessary to take the analysis early in the morning (from 7 to 10 hours).

    Be sure to pass the analysis not only to the somatomatin, but determine the level of the STG (growth hormone). To determine the reasons for the deviations of the level of IFR - 1 and the causes of pathological processes, the doctor additionally assigns other types of research. The patient must pass the blood to the pituitary and thyroid hormones, gender regulators. Blood test (general and biochemical variety), urine study, renal samples, refinement of the level of general protein and albumin.

    Causes and symptoms of deviations

    The temporary change in the secretion of somatomedin is associated with natural factors and states (age-related changes, pregnancy), harmful habits (smoking) and pathological processes of various kinds. If symptoms appear indicating the lack of either an excess of insulin-like substance, you need to visit. It is important to draw attention to the manifestations of giantism or dwarfishness in children while the growth zones are open to carry out the correction of the hormonal background.

    Look at the list of gonadotropic, as well as learn about their role in the human body.

    On the deviations and norm of insulin in the blood of women, on an empty stomach and after receiving food, the page is written.

    On the page, read about the likely consequences and complications of radiation therapy in oncology during breast cancer.

    IFR - 1 elevated


    • painful sensations in the joints;
    • increase spleen, heart, liver;
    • creation of prerequisites for the formation of children and adults, development;
    • children are much higher than peers. It is important to determine the hormonal status to differentiate giantsis with hereditary tallness;
    • fatigue, severe headaches, excess sweating;
    • an increase in blood pressure without explicit causes and provoking factors;
    • the foots and brushes are increasing, facial bones (the changes are most noticeable in the zone of the abnormal arc and the mandibular zone);
    • violation of vision and smell;
    • erectile dysfunction, reduced libido.

    The reasons:

    • the excess secretion of somatotropin in children, while the growth zones are open, the development of giantism;
    • on the background of a tumor producing somatotropin;
    • hypopituitarism - pituitary hyperfunction, against the background of which the secretion of regulators is enhanced.

    Reduced hormone level

    Negative symptoms in children:

    • slow motion mental and physical development in early and adolescence;
    • late periods of puberty;
    • as the boys and girls are growing and girls remains "children's", "puppet";
    • muscle weakness;
    • significant backlog in growth.

    In adults people:

    • drying and weakness of muscles;
    • development of osteoporosis;
    • violation of lipidogram.

    Provoking factors and diseases:

    • pituitary nanism;
    • fasting, anorexia on nervous soil;
    • chronic diseases of the liver and excretory system;
    • - reducing the functional activity of an important endocrine organ - the thyroid gland;
    • insufficient admission of protein while complying with certain types of diet;
    • laron syndrome: patients show the insensitivity of somatotropin at the IFR - 1 level;
    • incorrect suction of substances in the intestinal deposits (Malabsorption syndrome).

    To normalize the level of somatotropin, you need to revise the diet, adjust the dosage of hormonal drugs, eliminate sleep shortages, stabilize the work of the adrenal glands, thyroid glands, germ. After detecting a hormonally active tumor, doctors prescribe surgical treatment. In case of deviation in growth, children should not be slowed from a visit to the profile: after the final formation of the skeleton, it is difficult to influence the development of bone tissue. All actions to change the hormonal background with the deviation of the EPR -1 indicators must be coordinated with the endocrinologist.

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor, Somatomedin C

    Insulin-like growth factor (IFR, somatomatin C) is a hormone, which is formed in the liver and muscles, is an intermediary of a growth hormone (somatotropic hormone, SG). A growth hormone...

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    Description of research

    Preparing for research:

    Blood taking is made in the morning on an empty stomach (you can drink clean non-carbonated water);

    30 minutes before the study, physical and emotional overvoltage should be eliminated.

    The material under study: Taking blood

    Insulin-like growth factor (IFR, somatomatin C) is a hormone, which is formed in the liver and muscles, is an intermediary of a growth hormone (somatotropic hormone, SG). Growth hormone is produced by a pituitary gland (endocrine iron located at the base of the brain), after which its main part enters the liver, where it stimulates the production of an insulin-like growth factor. The IFR from the liver enters the blood from which it is transported to organs and tissues with the help of special protein-carriers, where it stimulates the development of muscles, bones and connective tissue.

    The level of IFR in the blood directly depends on the age of a person. In early childhood, its concentration in the blood is small. With age, it increases, reaching the maximum values \u200b\u200bduring puberty, after which there is a smooth decrease in the level of somatomedin.

    The concentration of IFR in blood during pregnancy is gradually increasing with an increase in the period of pregnancy.

    Since the concentration of growth hormone fluctuates during the day (emissions to blood occurs unevenly, several times a day, the maximum concentration is usually determined at night), then the determination of its blood level is difficult. Therefore, to evaluate the disorders of the production of a somatotropic hormone, it is more expedient to determine the concentration of the IFR, the level of which remains relatively constant during the day.

    The insufficient number of IFR and, as a result, growth hormone can be caused by the shortage of nutrition, kidney disease, liver, hypocituitarism (a disease in which a decrease or complete cessation of hormone production is a hypophism).

    An early childhood deficit in early childhood can lead to a delay in the growth and development of the child, in adults, with a lack of an IFR, there is usually a decrease in the density of bone tissue, underdevelopment of muscles and changing the composition of fats.

    The excess content of somatomedin C is the cause of giant in children and acromegaly in adults. With giantism in children there is an excessive rising bone, which leads to an abnormally high growth and an increase in hands and legs to very large sizes. Acromegaly - a disease at which an increase in size and the expansion of the bones of the hands, legs, faces increase, the internal organs increase, which often leads to heart disease and may cause fatal outcomes as a result of cardiomyopathy - damage to the heart muscle (myocardium) and disruption of its function.

    The most common cause of increasing the concentration of growth hormone (and, as a result, the IFR) is a pituitary tumor, which can be removed surgically, is cured by drugs, or with chemotherapy. When removing the tumor, this analysis is used to control the successful outcome of the operation (if the tumor is not completely removed, the IFR level will be increased) and identify possible recurrences.

    The analysis determines the concentration of insulin-like growth factor (IFR) in the blood (NG / ml).


    The MIL method (immunohemyluminescent analysis) is one of the most modern methods of laboratory diagnostics. The method is based on an immunological response, in which, at the stage of identifying the desired substance (insulin-like growth factor), phosphors are attached to it - substances glowing in ultraviolet. The level of the glow is measured on special additions to the luminometers. This indicator is proportional to the concentration of the determined substance.

    Reference values \u200b\u200b- norm
    (Insulin-like growth factor (IFR-1, somatomedin C), blood)

    Information regarding reference values \u200b\u200bof indicators, as well as the composition of the indicators included in the analysis may differ somewhat depending on the laboratory!


    Age Normal value
    Less than 7 days 0 - 26 ng / ml
    7-15 days 0 - 41 ng / ml
    15 days - 1 year 55 - 327 ng / ml
    1-2 years 51 - 303 ng / ml
    2-3 years 49 - 289 ng / ml
    3-4 years 49 - 283 ng / ml
    4-5 years old 50 - 286 ng / ml
    5-6 years old 52 - 297 ng / ml
    6-7 years old 57 - 316 ng / ml
    7-8 years old 64 - 345 ng / ml
    8-9 years old 74 - 388 ng / ml
    9-10 years old 88 - 452 ng / ml
    10-11 years old 111 - 581 ng / ml
    11-12 years old 143 - 693 ng / ml
    12-13 years old 183 - 850 ng / ml
    13-14 years old 220 - 972 ng / ml
    14-15 years old 237 - 996 ng / ml
    16 years 226 - 903 ng / ml
    16-17 years old 193 - 731 ng / ml
    17-18 years old 163 - 584 ng / ml
    18-19 years old 141 - 483 ng / ml
    19-20 years old 127 - 424 ng / ml
    20-25 years old 116 - 358 ng / m
    25-30 years old 117 - 329 ng / ml
    30-35 years old 115 - 307 ng / ml
    35-40 years 109 - 284 ng / ml
    40-45 years old 101 -267 ng / ml
    45-50 years 94 - 252 ng / ml
    50-55 years old 87 - 328 ng / ml
    55-60 years old 81 - 225 ng / ml
    60-65 years old 75 - 212 ng / ml
    65-70 years old 69 - 200 ng / ml
    70-75 years old 64 - 188 ng / ml
    75-80 years old 59 - 177 ng / ml
    80-85 years old 55 - 166 ng / ml


    The presence of signs of growth hormone deficit in children (slow growth);

    The presence of signs of the growth hormone deficit in adults - reduced bone density, fast fatigue, unfavorable change in fat composition, low endurance during physical exertion (test for IFR is not specific to patients with such symptoms, since the growth hormone deficit and IFR rarely causes these states) ;

    Suspicion of low pituitary activity;

    The presence of symptoms of giant in children or acromegaly in adults;

    After the operation to remove the tumor producing growth hormone (to confirm that it was completely removed);

    When passing medicinal or radiation therapy, which is usually held following the operation to remove the tumor;

    For several years after the operation to remove the tumor to monitor the production of hormone growth and prevent possible recurrences.

    Improving values \u200b\u200b(positive result)

    Increased IFR levels are observed in the following states and diseases:

    Acromegaly (disease accompanied by an increase in hands, stop, skull, especially its face part);

    Incenko-Cushing syndrome (characterized by an increase in blood pressure, an increase in body weight, osteoporosis. Women arises girsutism (male type exhaustion), impotence can develop in men);

    Renal failure;

    Pituitary tumors;

    Use of drugs (androgens, clonidine, dexamethasone).

    Scientists have found out that reduced growth hormone levels - insulin-like growth factor-1 (IFR-1) - Improves health condition and allows you to slow down the aging process.

    This theory It appeared during the study of the influence of one of the diets (five unloading days once a month or once a few months) on the formation of cancer and diabetes. It turned out what is such a diet Significantly reduces the level of IFR-1.

    Then scientists investigated people who have a low level of this hormone, and discovered among them cancer and diabetes occur very rarely, even if they are overweight or suffer obese. The idea of \u200b\u200ba diet - to reduce the level of this hormone in healthy people.

    The decrease in the IFR-1 in mice led to a record - The appearance of the longest laboratory mouse in the world. Both other, more extensive studies conducted on mice and related to the same diet showed that the changes led to an improvement in cognitive functions (memory, attention, speech, thinking, etc.), strengthening the immune system and reduce cancer risk. At the same time, side effects were not observed.

    Stimulating growth of growth hormone on target organs is indirectly mediated through somateden and growth factors with insulin-like activity. Currently, there are two growth factors depending on growth hormone, and practical importance is only one - insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), isolated in pure form and obtained as a medical preparation. It is a polypeptide consisting of 69 (according to some authors - 67) amino acid residues.

    The body is synthesized mainly by the liver under the influence of growth hormone. Insulin-like growth factor-1, administered to the body in high dosages, is able to suppress endogenous production of STS. The polypeptide structure of this substance admits exclusively parenteral routes of administration, since during oral administration, the insulin-like growth factor-1 is destroyed by digestive enzymes (just as the preparations of STG and insulin).

    Preparations of insulin-like growth factor

    Today there are no more than three pharmaceutical companies producing pharmacological preparations of insulin-like growth factor-1 for people in the world. The cost of three bottles of this means varies within hundreds of US dollars. There are units of the strongest bodybuilders and other athletes who have the opportunity to experiment with this drug. Moreover, even for medical purposes, namely, for the treatment of burning patients and recovering after severe injuries and operations, the accurate dosages and methods of its use have not yet been established. Moreover, many pharmacologists have not yet developed a consensus on what class of drugs to attribute IGF-1. The athletes of the highest level, experimenting with an insulin-like growth factor-1, are recognized that they feel rather uncertain, since they do not know the necessary dosages, nor the multiplicity of administration or the timing of application.


    Insulin-like growth factor-1 has the following biological properties:

    stimulates the inclusion of sulfates in cartilage;

    possesses unmodified insulin-like activity;

    stimulates cell reproduction;

    has pronounced anabolic activity;

    binds to specific transport proteins;

    it has pronounced immunostimulating functions.

    The influence of IGF-1 on intracellular processes is carried out through membrane receptors, which are found in the liver, kidneys, lungs, skeletal muscles, adipocytes and fibroblasts. In addition to hardware, the level of IGF-1 is influenced by age (its secretion increases in a puberty period), nutrition (secretion decreases with deficiency of proteins), functional state of parenchymal and endocrine organs (secretion decreases with diseases of the kidneys, liver, hypothyroidism, obesity, vitamin A failure , nervous exhaustion). It becomes clear from the above, it becomes clear that the pharmacological properties of this substance are of some interest in terms of building muscle tissue. Research B. Forbes (USA) in 1989 showed that IGF-1 is able to influence satellite cells, forcing them to share them with the formation of a new nucleus - and this is nothing more than hyperplasia, that is, that phenomenon, About which there is still no consensus in the circles of sports physiologists. Nevertheless, if it exists, this substance is really an extremely effective anabolic agent.

    The drugs of the insulin-like growth factor of pharmaceutical quality are obtained by the method of genetic engineering, so they are extremely expensive, which makes their unfavorable delivery to the CIS market even "gray" dealers. On the Russian "black market" of sports pharmacology, various, however, are still a few drugs containing, according to the manufacturer's statements, "a set of growth factors". Theoretically, they should not be effective at least because they are accepted orally. However, many users who took these drugs note the expressed anabolic effect, especially in combination with anabolic steroids and preparations of STG. In the Ukrainian market, they are still missing (in any case, we do not have other information).


    A certain relationship between endogenous products of insulin-like growth factor-1 and nutrition character. So, it was established that the reduction in the consumption of protein and the total number of daily calories reduces, and during starvation and some diseases it ceases to form this substance in the body. This leads to the activation of catabolic processes and nitrogen loss with muscle tissue. A significant decrease in the level of endogenous products of the insulin-like growth factor-1 begins 24 hours after the start of restrictions in the diet. If there are more calories and proteins in the body than, endogenous products of this substance increases. But pronounced obesity, especially excessive fat in the field of waist, reduce the secretion of IGF-1. Obesity is also a factor in the increased risk of coronary diseases.

    The level of insulin-like growth factor-1 is especially sensitive to the oscillations of the amino acid pool (i.e., the presence of free amino acids in the blood plasma). In particular, in one of the studies it was shown that a decrease in the amino acid pool by 20% leads to a decrease in the level of this substance by 56%.

    Such an effect has an IGF-1 for the formation and insufficiency of some trace elements, in particular, zinc, magnesium and potassium deficiency.

    Intensive exercise with burdensome is a physiological stimulator of insulin-like growth factor-1. However, the state of overtraining significantly reduces its biosynthesis in the body.

    Insulin-like growth factor in sports

    Thus, TGF-1 is of great interest in terms of its use in sports, especially in power species (this interest is clean theoretical).

    Despite the fact that the insulin-like growth factor-1 is still "mastering" sports, its derivatives are already investigated with an even more pronounced anabolic effect. There are reports that develop an analogue of the insulins-like growth factor-1, which currently has the name Des- (L-3) -igf-L. It is expected to be a drug, a traditional insulin-like growth factor-1 is 10 times higher than the anabolic properties. It is not excluded that he will go on sale in a year or two. It became known that the Australian scientists managed to allocate another type of insulin-like factor, which, as they consider, will be even more stronger than DES- (L-3) -igf-L.

    This hormone is produced by fetal fabrics of a person's fetus; Develop ways to receive it.

    The prohibited preparations include MGF - a mechanical growth factor. This hormone is produced by the body with tense muscle work or muscle damage, because it is responsible for their restoration and maintenance in physiological state. With the introduction of a mechanical factor of growth in the muscles of mice, an increase in muscle mass of animals in 2 weeks is 20%. There are no data on the affected scientific literature on the effect of the drugs of the mechanical growth factor on indicators of physical performance of athletes.


    Insulin-like growth factor (IFR-1) prolongs life - this is one of the most important stimulants of the growth of the body during its exposure at the stage of the fetus, as well as at the stage of early childhood. Nevertheless, in old age, it enhances the aging processes and contributes to the growth and division of cells, which often causes cancer.

    An increase in the level of IFR-1 is associated with an increased risk of the main types of cancer, including colon cancer, breast and prostate. Such types of cancer stimulate mitosis (cell division) and delay apoptosis (the process of cell death). This means that the IFR-1 not only contributes to the propagation of cancer cells, but also does not give the immune system to identify and destroy the anomalous cells before they become cancer (that is, prevents the appearance of apoptosis). Moreover, as we agreed, the high level circulation of the IFR-1 level contributes to the division of damaged cells, which otherwise would not become malignant. The elevated IFR-1 level also contributes to the growth and proliferation of tumor cells and increases their survival, adhesion, migration, degree of penetration, angiogenesis and metastatic growth. The reduction in the level of IFR-1 in adults causes a reduction in oxidative stress, reducing inflammation, improving insulin sensitivity and increases life expectancy.

    But the most important is the relationship between IFR-1 and cancer. Many people sitting on diets moved to a high protein diet, using a large number of eggs, fish and low-fat meat and mistakenly believes that they eat right and useful. In fact, in truth, this type of diet is a provoking factor for cancer. The high-quality diet is specifically designed to maximize the flow of anticancer into the body, minimizing the negative, contributing to the occurrence of oncology nutritional nutrition systems.

    It is indisputable that IFR-1 plays a leading role in the process of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

    According to the European prospective study of cancer and nutrition, it has been established that the elevated level of IFR-1 increases by a 40% risk of breast cancer in women over fifty years. Medical sisters health research has determined that high IFR-1 is associated with the double risk of breast cancer in women in the premenopausal period. Additional research, literature reviews and five metaanalyzes established the relationship between the high level of IFR-1 and the development of breast cancer. The most recent of these studies revealed a strong interdependence of the most common, estrogen-positive breast cancers in women both in the premenopausal period and in postmenopausal period. High levels of IFR-1 were observed in full women, women, abusing alcohol, as well as those who had an increased amount of animal products in their diet.

    In other words, the high level of IFR-1 contributes to the emergence of common types of cancer and provokes the appearance of dementia, while the low level of IFR-1 allows you to maintain the brain in old age. The increased content of IFR-1 was found in patients with Alzheimer's disease, and its decrease was reduced to the symptoms of this disease. In the case of muscle tissues, which in old age requires IFR-1 for proper operation and recovery, the local production of IFR-1 due to the muscular voltage is enough to maintain the IFR-1 at the lower levels of permissible indicators.

    So the low level of insulin-like growth factor contributes to longevity and has no obvious flaws.

    Products boosting
    Insulin-like factor

    Since the main dietary factor determining the level of IFR-1 is animal protein, excessive consumption of meat, birds, seafood and dairy products, as a rule, is responsible for the increased level of IFR-1 in the population. Another children were taught that animal products are useful because they contain biologically full protein, mandatory for good health. Nevertheless, the study of the past ten years convincingly proved that the high level of biological protein is the most dangerous property of animal products.

    Dairy products are stronger than others increase the level of IFR-1, although this is most likely the result of their bioactive, contributing to the growth of compounds, in addition to their high protein content.

    Ten various scientific research confirmed the relationship between milk and an elevated level of IFR-1. Take, for example, prostate cancer, which seems to be most sensitive to IFR-1.

    The risk of developing this type of cancer increases directly in proportion to the increase in the consumption of dairy products and meat.

    US scientists have observed more than twenty-one thousand men in the framework of the studies conducted by doctors for twenty-eight years; They found that those men who every day received one portion of milk had twice a higher risk of death from prostate cancer than those who rarely consumed milk. Also, this study showed that meat consumption also increases the level of IFR-1.

    These other studies confirmed that meat, bird and fish raise the level of IFR-1.

    Free IFR-1, to a greater extent than the IFR-1, binding to proteins, has a contributing to the growth of biological activity that causes cancer; Therefore, if you cut the number of binding proteins of the IFR-1, the free IFR-1 will open more opportunities to perform its functions. In view of this, it is important to remember that the increased consumption of saturated fats from meat and cheese in combination with a high level of animal protein worsens the position, increasing the levels of IFR-1 binding the protein, which increases the level of free IFR-1 in the bloodstream.

    But not only animal products increase the level of IFR-1. Refined carbohydrates also contribute to this process, as they cause a sharp jump in insulin level, which leads to an increase in the IFR-1 alarm as the main factor of communication between diabetes and cancer. Increased insulin levels increase the level of IFR-1, precisely for this reason the highlycemic diet can contribute to the appearance of cancer. At the same time, adjusting to the insulin cell receptor, the IFR-1 may, like insulin, contribute to the deposition of fat. When both of these indicators are enlarged, this is an additional factor that stimulates the occurrence of oncology. Thus, the regular consumption of highlycemic products in combination with the animal protein contributes to the development of cancer. Isolated soybean protein, discovered in protein powder and meat substitutes, can also represent a certain danger due to its undue concentration, and its amino acid profile is very similar to the animal protein. Dietary studies of the use of soy protein confirmed that it increases the level of IFR-1 than soybeans. Such an oversupply of IFR-1 was not observed in relation to Tofu and untreated soybean beans. The presence in the diet of a variety of legumes is the most correct solution, in contrast to excessive dependence on soy products, in particular processed, significantly improving the level of IFR-1.

    As you know, long-livers have a low level of IFR-1 and a high content of anti-inflammatory substances obtained from products with high nutrient density.

    The high content of phytochemical substances, low levels of oxidative stress in combination with the reduction of IFR-1 - this is the secret of longevity and protection against cancer.

    The number of animal products, which would be considered safe in the diet, not clearly defined; Nevertheless, the well-known average supposedly safe use of an animal protein, equal to 30 grams per day in women and 40 grams per day in men, seems to be quite risky. The IFR-1 curve begins to grow largely above these levels. Since this question relates to the field of science evolution, this is an approximate recommendation based on information available to date.

    Achievements in the field of science over the past 20 years show that the reduction of protein is more facilitated by longevity compared to an episodic calorie reduction, while the advantages of cutting calorie can even be negative if the animal protein consumption becomes too high (more than 10% of the total calories).

    Reducing calories and reduction of the IFR-1 alarm is two well-founded conditions for improving life expectancy.

    Both affect the maintenance of the optimal body weight and the reduction in insulin level; However, the majority of scientists dealing with this issue believe that the mechanism significantly increasing life expectancy is the effect that burning calories supports IFR-1 at a low level.

    The study published in 2008 by members of the American Society Restriction of Calorie, based on the data obtained, showed that, unlike the decline in the level of IFR-1 in animals (with the abbreviated calorie production), the level of IFR-1 in people with the same reduction of calories is not much different From the level of the IFR-1 of the control group that did not change its high-calorie diet.

    Scientists were surprised and at first decided that the limitation of calorieness does not extend human life to the same extent as was observed in the case of animals. Later, the researchers found that the study group that consumed a smaller amount of calories consumed the protein more in percentage of the total animal calorie than a group that was fed to the usual high-calorie fatty food.

    Obviously, the animal protein prevented a decrease in the level of IFR-1.

    When they compared this unexpected IFR-1 level, which is present in observation participants, with the level of IFR-1 in strict vegetarians, they saw a significantly lower indicator of the IFR-1 in Vegans, although the number of calories consumed was not limited. This explained the absence of the expected advantages from the caloric constraints in the subjects of the study.

    Other studies related to this issue were held later, ultimately given a quantitative estimate of the difference in the levels of IFR-1 and the potential increase in IFR-1 in the case of all sorts of diets and products on the example of forty-seven thousand participants and confirmed that the consumption of animal protein contributes to raising the level IFR-1.

    Reducing calories and maintaining the desired mass of the body under the condition of adequate taking nutrients significantly increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of cancer, but only under the condition of a significant reduction in the use of animal protein. Moreover, the reduction in the number of animal protein consumed has a more powerful positive effect for the life expectancy compared with the regular limitation of the calorie content of the diet.

    The physical activity also contributes to a decrease in the level of the IFR-1 (see the insulin-like growth factor and physical exertion).

    The study published in the "American Clinical Power Journal" was observed what effect running on long distances and a certain diet is to level the IFR-1, comparing it with the levels of the IFR-1 in strict vegetarians and supporters of the American diet leading a rather low-wear lifestyle. The researchers contacted the clubs of runners running on average 77 kilometers per week, as well as with vegetarian communities, to find there that fastening vegetarians. The results turned out to be impressive:

    BMI IFR-1

    Strict vegetarians 21.3 139

    Runners 21.6 177.

    American diet 26.5 201

    The study noted that Vegans who consumed little protein did not adhere to diet with low fat. They fucked nuts and seeds in large numbers, and sometimes even used olive oil in the diet. In all groups of Plasma, IFR-1 was linearly interacted with protein consumption, and the reduction in animal protein consumption was more influenced by the decline in the level of IFR-1, as well as inflammation markers, rather than grueling physical exertion.

    The average daily rate of protein intake by Vegans was 0.73 grams per kilogram of body weight, while other groups consumed twice as many proteins. It is also interesting that the main difference was the indicators of the IFR-1, and not in testosterone or other sex hormones, a significant difference between which was not established between the groups.

    Insulin-like growth factor (IFR-1) refers to a variety of polyplepid hormones. It is produced in the body and consists of amino acid groups. Another name of the hormone is somatomedin C. By chemical interaction of the protein has a similarity of insulin.

    The substance is necessary for the normal functioning of the body: the hormone is involved in the synthesis of protein and is responsible for the growth of bone and muscle tissue. IFR is formed in the liver and muscles. By analysis, this hormone can be judged on the process of growth and development of the human body. IFR affects growth hormone (GR), strengthens it to work out. Insulin-like growth factor has the following effects on the body:

    1. Promotes the growth and formation of a skeleton, muscles, cartilage, bone tissue;
    2. Slows down cell apoptosis;
    3. Enhances the effect of insulin;
    4. Protects the cardiovascular system from premature aging;
    5. Increases cellular metabolism.

    In infants, the value of somatomedin with is at a reduced level. Then, during the period of mature, the concentration of the hormone increases, and with the moment the maturity is reached again. Below are the norms of the values \u200b\u200bof the IFR-1 in people of different age groups. In young men, the IFR level is higher than that of women. With the achievement of maturity, the hormone level becomes the same for both sexes.

    Table 1 Dependence of the IFR-1 from the age of man

    The disadvantage of the IFR may be caused by a brain tumor, as a result of cell damping. The reduced insulin-like growth factor is found at malnutrition, dystrophy, hormonal imbalance and in some diseases. Pickup disease, hypothalamus also reduce the level of somatomedin in the blood.

    The disadvantage of the IFR can seriously affect human health. At an early age, the hormone deficit will lead to late development of the baby and the insufficient development of bone tissue. In adults, the reduced level of IFR leads to the brittleness of the bones, the muscles weaken. The shortage of the hormone leads to a change in the structure of lipids and violates the exchanged process in the body.

    Excess Somomedine is the cause of acromegaly. Children can form abnormally large parts of the body, in particular hands or legs. During puberty, high IFR leads to increased work of the sebaceous glands, acne and acne appear. For adults, a great presence of a hormone affects the growth of internal organs, for example, hearts. Signs of high levels of the IFR are manifested in an increase in the facial part of the body, an increase in blood pressure, violation of vision. Increased IFR increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, the possibility of heart attack and the development of hypertension.

    Insulin-like growth hormone increases with improper brain operation, the presence of a benign pituitary tumor.

    The properties of the IFR are widely used in sports pharmacology for a set of muscle mass and the strengthening of the skeleton. There are two types of structure of the IFR-1 molecule. The first type of structure (LR3) has an enhanced structure due to the presence of an extended amino acid chain. This substance reduces glucose effect and contributes to the leakage of the antilipide process. The second type of structure (4-70) is distinguished by the absence of several initial amino acids. This makes it possible to develop effective anabolism, formation of embossed muscles.

    Analysis on the IFR.

    Lab laboratory studies are conducted to identify the level of blood in the blood of the hormone of the IFR. Analysis can be performed using express tests. Their composition is a property of binding a somatomatin with phosphorylated protein. However, the express method has insufficient accuracy. Therefore, most often in laboratories determine the level of IFR on special highly sensitive equipment. The testimony for surrender of growth hormone is given below:

    • Anomalous growth of limbs or other parts of the body;
    • Diagnostics of the functioning of the pituitary gland, the presence of a tumor.

    For analysis take venous blood. Before donating blood, it is impossible to eat for 8 hours and smoke for 30 minutes. The results may be influenced by medical drugs, medications should not be taken before analysis. Emotional state must be equilibrium.

    After receiving results, they analyze the cause of the hormone deviation from the norm. If the insulin-like growth factor has a low value, check other hormones to accurately diagnose violation in the pituitary operation. If this version is excluded, then convinced in the sensitivity of the body to the IFR. Additional kidney surveys, liver for chronic diseases can be assigned. They also reduce the level of IFR in the blood. The presence of a reduced IFR in a child talks about the failures in the work of the brain. Also, the somatomedin deficit can be caused by insufficient poor nutrition.

    If the final result has a high content of somatomedin, then there is a high probability of detecting a benign tumor in the brain. A high level of insulin-like growth factor is observed during sexual maturation and during pregnancy. In these cases, the growth of hormone is absolutely normal and does not serve as a concern.

    Especially there is an increased IFR in children aged 8-10 years. A child may have disproportionately developed hands or feet. But sometimes such a development of the body is a form of heredity and has nothing to do with a high insulin-like growth factor.

    In adults, the highness of the hormone leads to acromegaly. The human bones are growing in width, while their length does not increase.

    Raising and lowering the IFR

    For an adult, an elevated somatomatin is negative: it causes premature aging, and, as a result, reduces the life expectancy. A high insulin-like growth factor increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, increases the load on the liver, kidney, leads to a rapid wear of vital organs. In addition, there is an opinion that the high level of hormone leads to the development of oncological diseases. Somatomatin prevents the process of cell death, including malignant, thereby stimulating their increase.

    The decrease in the IFR is carried out by the normalization of the hormonal balance, the use of drugs that stimulate the work of the thyroid gland. These can be preparations based on iodine. An important role is played by proper nutrition. It should be limited to eating food with high protein content: meat, dairy products, fish. These products also contribute to an increase in the level of IFR. Eating vegetable origin is needed to eat: vegetables, cereals with a balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The use of vitamin and mineral complexes contributes to the normalization of the work of the thyroid gland and a decrease in the insulin-like growth factor.

    In the children's body everything is arranged on the contrary. If the IFR level is low, it does not affect the physical development of the child and on his mental abilities. Every year the child's life increases and insulin-like growth factor. Between these two values, a linear dependence is observed. The growth of IFR continues until the organism ceases to grow, as a rule, this happens when 18-25 years reaching.

    With a low level, somatomedine establishes the cause of deviation. To increase the indicator, using calcium-based vitamin supplements and other minerals that help to form bone tissue and strengthen it. It is important to pay special attention to the child's nutrition: it must be balanced and diverse. It is preferable to include in the daily diet use of dairy products, chicken eggs, red and white meat, cereals. In addition to food and vitamins, the child must play sports: it will provide forming muscles and bones with the necessary load. With a combination of the fulfillment of all listed recommendations, the somomedine level will quickly come to normal, and the child's body will continue to develop normally. The exceptions are cases where the low value of the IFR is caused by deviations in the work of the pituitary. For treatment, hormonal therapy is used, it gives an effective result and normalizes the hormone level.

    One of the vital human body of hormonal substances is an insulin-like growth factor - IFR -1. This chemically complex substance is produced in microscopic amounts, but indirectly acts as a regulator of many life processes: differentiation, growth and development of tissue cells and organs, protein synthesis, lipid metabolism, etc. The functions of hormone in the body are multidirectional and diverse, so insufficient or redundant products IFR-1 can cause serious violations in its work and provoke the development of many diseases.

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      What it is?

      Insulin-like growth factor (IFR -1, somatomedin C) is a peptide that received its name thanks to chemical affinity with insulin. The substance is synthesized mainly by hepatocytes of the liver with direct involuntary insulin: hormone provides all the necessary 70 amino acids to start the somatomedin synthesis. Then, with a blood flow, IFR-1 is transported by carrier proteins to all organs and tissues. Somomatomydom can also be synthesized independently in other tissues of the body.

      Three-dimensional IFR-1

      In the 70s of the last century, scientists discovered it as a mediator substance, which ensures the relationship between the growth hormone - somatotropin (STG) and cells of the body. Almost all the effect of growth hormone in tissues is provided by the IFR-1. To preserve its activity up to several hours, it binds to special plasma carrier proteins. It is necessary for normal growth of children, adults are responsible for the growth of muscle tissue (plays the role of anabolic hormone).

      IFR-1 synthesis stimulants are:

      • STG - growth hormone;
      • protein food;
      • estrogens;
      • androgens;
      • insulin.

      Glucocorticosteroids opposite oppress the secretion of somatomedin. Since the IFR-1 rate stimulates the growth of bones, connecting and muscle tissue, this is one of the proven facts of the adverse effect of gluchotikosteroids on the growth rate of the body, its development and puberty.

      Unlike growth hormone, which is intensively produced at night, the concentration of somatomedin is stable. Produced by the body throughout life, and not only during periods of active growth.

      Basic functions in the body

      Chemists and biologists continue to explore the substance, but several mechanisms of action have already been confirmed by scientific research:

      1. 1. A somatotropic hormone independently does not interact with cells of peripheral tissues of the body. The IFR-1 is the main primary mediator necessary for penetrating growth in growth hormone cells.
      2. 2. Somatomatin stimulates growth, differentiation and development of skeletal muscle cells, connective, nervous and bone tissue, blood stem cells and cells of such important internal organs, such as liver, kidney, lungs.
      3. 3. IFR-1 slows down apoptosis - genetically and physiologically processed cell death.
      4. 4. Accelerates protein synthesis and slows down its destruction.
      5. 5. IFR-1 increases the ability of heart cells - cardimocytes - to share, thereby increasing the performance of the heart muscle and protecting it from aging. It has been proven that the elderly people having the high performance of IFR-1 less suffer from cardiovascular diseases and live longer.
      6. 6. It is capable of activating insulin receptors, thanks to which glucose enters the cells and an additional energy reserve is created.

      Of great interest is the latest studies of the role of somatomedin in oncological processes. Recent clinical trials showed possible oncogenic activity of an increased level of substance in the body and the relationship between the occurrence of tumors and a high level of IFR-1.

      Symptoms of deficiency and excess IFR-1

      The lack of secretion of somatomedin in the children's body is manifested as follows:

      • low growth, dwarf
      • slow motion and mental development;
      • reduced muscle tone;
      • specific "puppet" face;
      • lack of or severe puberty delay.


      In adult patients, osteoporosis is observed, a more or less pronounced reduction in muscle mass, changes in lipidogram - potentially dangerous fatal exchange shifts.

      Excessive products IFR-1 also leads to the development of various pathologies:

      • giantism in children showing itself intense growth of bones, which leads not only to an abnormally high height of the body, but also an increase in the huge sizes and legs;
      • in adulthood there is a pathological increase in facial bones, especially lower jaws and abnormal arcs, as well as hands and stop brushes;
      • increased sweating, chronic fatigue, headache, articular pains;
      • a more or less pronounced increase in internal organs (heart, liver, spleen) can be observed;
      • violation of influence and vision functions;
      • in men, diagnose a decrease in sexual entry and erection;
      • a significant violation of glucose tolerance and the development of diabetes;
      • sustainable increase in blood pressure.


      Features of preparation for analysis

      Blood fence for analysis to IFR-1 is carried out in the morning hours from 7 to 10 hours, an empty stomach, after at least 8-12 hours of starvation. It is allowed to drink non-carbonated water. To obtain a reliable result, two days before and on the day of the analysis, the use of alcohol and tobacco products is prohibited, the reception of potent drugs (the exception is vital). Intensive physical exertion is prohibited on the eve and on the day of blood take.

      Analysis on the IFR-1 does not replace the study of the content in the blood condition (growth hormone). For a reliable picture of pathology, both research is carried out!

      Indications for control

      There are a number of medical testimony to periodic or continuous control of the content of IFR-1 in the blood. The analysis is recommended to pass at:

      • various pathologies associated with excess or disadvantage of growth hormone;
      • overly low or opposite high growth in the child;
      • a sharp increase in individual parts of the body in an adult and appropriate changes in appearance;
      • bone mismatch biological;
      • diagnostic assessment of the function of the pituitary
      • checking the effectiveness of treatment with growth hormone drugs.

      IFR-1 content standards

      Hormone levels are always dependent on age and gender, and physiologically normal minimal levels of somatomedine are observed in children under 5 years and older people. The norms of the content of somatomedin (mg / l) depending on age and floor are indicated in the table.

      Age (years) Boys (men) Girls (women)
      0-2 31-160 11-206
      2-15 165-616 286-660
      15-20 472-706 398-709
      20-30 232-385 232-385
      30-40 177-382 177-382
      40-50 124-310 124-310
      50-60 71-263 71-263
      60-70 94-269 94-269
      70-80 76-160 76-160

      The IFR-1 standards in the blood are not enshrined by international standards, therefore it is directly dependent on the research methodology and used in the laboratory of reagents. In laboratory research forms, the norm is indicated in the column "Reference values".

      The analysis results may affect a number of factors or states inherent in a particular patient. Enhance secretions can:

      • protein food;
      • milk products;
      • stress;
      • high exercise;
      • parenteral (drip) nutrition;
      • testosterone.

      In turn, the indicator may be lowered due to:

      • high doses of estrogen;
      • xenobiotics (heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum products, synthetic surfactants, etc.);
      • pregnancy - with a decrease of up to 30% in the first trimester and gradual subsequent increase;
      • overweight under obesity;
      • climacteric processes;
      • various inflammatory processes.

      Causes of pathological increase and decrease in IFR-1

      The reason for the decline in the concentration of the indicator can be both external and internal factors:

      • pituitary nanism (deficit of the production of STG a pituitary gland) is easily overcome with the substantive introduction of STG;
      • individual insensitivity of the IFR-1 to the HDP at the IFR-1 level;
      • mutation of receptors to STG (SHP2 and STAT5B);
      • anorexia and starvation of nervous etiology;
      • acute shortage of protein in food with extreme diets;
      • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
      • nutrient absorption disorders in the intestines (Malabsorption) arising from chronic pancreatitis, operational removal of intestinal parts;
      • hypophunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

      The increased secretion of the indicator causes the pathological conditions of the pituitary

      • adenogipid (acromegaly, pituitary tumor) - impaired the function of the front lobe of the pituitary
      • giantism (macrosomia) - increased secretion of STG pituitary gland to closure of bone growth zones;
      • hypepituitarism is an increase in the hormone function of the pituitary.

      The human body is a complex holistic system, where the violation of the normal operation of one body immediately causes a chain reaction of various pathological changes, especially for hormones - the main regulators of life. Therefore, established deviations from normal limits in somatomedin indicators help to diagnose and exercise timely treatment of many diseases.