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  • Urban maternity hospital named after A. A

    Urban maternity hospital named after A. A

    The maternity hospital is a special place where man's life begins. It is in such a place that the state of health of small patients is very closely monitoring, as well as their mothers. Let's talk about an excellent medical institution where the real masters of their case work is a maternity hospital 6. Address - city Moscow, ul. 2nd Mius, house 1/10, Metro Station "Belorusskaya".

    History of the Roddoma

    Begins its existence of this hospital from the twentieth century. It was built in 1906 to donate Aleksandrovna's apricot agrippines, and is called in her honor: "A. A. Apricos City Municipal Downtown." Agrippina Aleksandrovna itself argued that her vocation was to be a mother. By the way, for her life, she gave birth to 22 children and as no one understood how important the baby was important to be in the professional and caring hands of the doctor!

    Let's return to the history of maternity hospital

    This medical institution, namely, the hospital 6, was built after the death of the apricot, for money that she sacrificed to the construction, sightening an ambulance ending. Her family members fulfilled the last request. The main doctor of the maternity hospital was the husband of one of the daughters of Agrippine Aleksandrovna. In some period of time, in this maternity hospital, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was located, which prepared qualified personnel to work. Students studied in practice, because who else can better convey knowledge than the doctor himself. At the examples of doctors were given birth, and students accepted participation in them. Take all feminine in the hospital, regardless of material security. Doctors belonged to everyone with understanding and did not divide women into categories - all were in equal conditions.

    Architectural value

    Many experts agree that the hospital building is architectural value. It is located in the center of the city of Moscow and is the most old on the territory of the capital. The building was built by architect Ivanov-Shitz. Near the maternity hospital, a beautiful garden with century trees is placed. This medical insurance is one of the first to receive the honorary title of UNICEF "Hospital of a friendly attitude towards a child." It should also be said that not only the building is a historical value, maternity hospital 6, whose photos often publish defenders of historical and architectural attractions, is the value for the population, and not only the city of Moscow.

    Specialists of their business

    Very friendly, attentive, professional staff, devoted to the whole soul of their work - this is what is 6 hospital. Doctors systematically undergo confirmation of the level of knowledge and skills. It should be noted that the future mother doctors prepare for such an event as childbirth, not only from a medical point of view, but also from the psychological side. And if a complaint comes to an employee of this maternity hospital, the chief physician immediately and very closely disassembled in the problem, as in his own, making it all dementary. These specialists work quickly and harmoniously. Not one dozen people were born in this medical institution. It should be noted that the mortality rate of kids and mothers is a very low percentage - it is almost no. Such cases are found only when this is physiological deviations. On the most difficult birth, the doctor does everything to preserve life as a child and mom. You can familiarize yourself with the work of the Roadom number 6 on various sites, it is worth noting that some may contain incorrect information. Our advice: before someone or something or something, it is worth seeing to make it yourself! The frequent practice of this maternity hospital is a periodic holding for feminine lectures by the doctors of the hospital, on which they tell about their work experience and respond to all the questions. Such lectures are trying to come all future mothers who want their pregnancy to proceed without disorders. Thanks to such lectures between doctors and patients there are trust relationships.

    The most important thing for doctors

    First of all, a child is the most important thing in this medical organization. In this maternity hospital, they are very reverent to the baby and mom. It is practiced here a very short time, in which the child is applied to the mother, and the feeding of the baby passes on its first requirement, and not by the hour. This modern approach is very pleased with the feminine, it is possible to understand this by reading reviews. 6 Major is also famous for the fact that doctors in this institution do not accept any interventions in the generic process and provide the opportunity to give birth to every woman. Caesarean section and other procedures can only be applied in critical situations. There are cases when a woman does not want to give birth independently and asks the doctor to intervene in the process of birth of her child. In such situations, the specialist holds a conversation and tries to convince the future mother in that the body of each woman is intended to ensure that the child will be born without interference. And in most cases, he succeeds. All doctors who work in the clinic are held special training. Very hard selection of specialists allows you to choose only the best. Each patient can be confident in the doctor's professionalism.

    Free and paid services

    Major 6, as mentioned above, provides services, both paid and free. In this institution, among other services, married couples for childbirth are prepared. For indigenous Muscovites Roadom services are free. For other services are provided for a fee.

    There is an additional paid basis, which, besides, suggests more comfortable conditions for a woman and child, includes such services:

    1. The fever can choose a personal doctor who will follow her state of health to well, and take birth. Also, the guinea can also choose anesthesiologist, pediatrician, gynecologist.
    2. Each woman can give birth to a child in the presence of her husband. The man just need to pass certain analyzes and provide them with the doctor of women in labor.
    3. Mom and the child are placed in the same chamber, and the baby is with her mother from birth.
    4. Separate chamber with shower room, toilet.
    5. You can take your things in the maternity hospital 6. The phone is allowed, as well as receiving friends close to. This rule acts even in indefinable time.

    And now we will submit the conditions that are provided in the stationary branch for kids and moms during accommodation there.

    Before giving birth

    Gynecologists doctors provide advice to mothers and make up birth plans, give recommendations, discharge directions for tests and lead all pregnancy.

    After receipt in the maternity hospital, a woman is placed in the prenatal department, the chambers of which are designed for 2-5 places. The ward has a sink and a refrigerator, and on the floor - shower and toilet. There are anesthesia in this compartment. All medical instruments are regularly cleaning. If complications appear, the woman urgently inspect and translated into intensive therapy, where care is reinforced.

    Birth. Prepar Chamber

    The hospital number 6 consists of prenormal chambers and two maternity halls.

    In the prenchassment chambers, future mothers are in the entire period of battles until the so-called productive swells begin. In such a chamber, there are several beds and bedside tables, and the equipment needed to monitor the state of the woman and its fetus is almost always installed (for example, cardiotockography). In the prenatal chamber, the future mother can walk, lie on the bed or take special poses recommended by an obstetrician.

    Birth. Major Hall

    If the productive sweat occurs, the fever is translated into the maternity hospital, which is located nearby. In this room there are several beds Rachmanov (special beds for the delivery process). On one of these beds, a woman remains until the end of childbirth. The child after his birth is carried into the children's chamber, there it looks, they measure height, weighed, carry out the necessary hygienic procedures and dress.

    After graduating from childbirth, a woman takes on a notch in a small operating system or an observation. In the viewing is located on which the doctor inspects the generic paths and, if necessary, makes manipulations to restore damaged tissues. Then, the young mother who had already consisted again put on the gathering and leave near the midwife posting the maternity hospital for observation.

    If everything is normal and there are no negative consequences, a few hours after childbirth, a young mother with a baby is transferred to the department called postpartum.

    After childbirth

    In the postpartum separation of the Chamber with different levels of comfort, calculated on 2-3 people. Food bring to the ward. Shower and toilet are located on the floor. Moms are with children. Hospital specialists will always support breastfeeding issues. It is allowed to use hygienic supplies and diapers.

    After the birth, specialists of the medical institution are observed both for the child and for mom. Analyzes are taken several times, and only if it becomes clear that everything is in order, a woman with a child can go home. As for the child, all the necessary vaccinations will be made in the maternity hospital. Vaccinations are made only with the consent of the mother. If a woman thinks that they do not need her child, she must write a statement, and there will be no vaccinations.

    In the hospital there is its own dining room where each patient can eat. At the same time, if there are any recommendations for nutrition from the doctor, in the dining room can be prepared for a separate patient according to these recommendations.

    Motherhood. Marble, XIX century.

    The history of the city maternity hospital named after A.A. Apricot in Moscow.

    In 1897, in the medical council of the Moscow City Duma, the question of the reorganization of tribal in Moscow was discussed.

    The fact is that by the end of the 19th century, the main mass of Muscovites and the population of all Russia used the services of amateur rebles. Thanks to the donations of benefactors, small maternity shelters operated in accordance with special charters began to appear in Moscow. The maternity shelters obey the council, worked under the supervision of the guardians approved by the City Duma. Acouchers who carried out medical and sanitary control were invited to the shelters.
    However, the city continued to test the deficit in medical care during childbirth. The so-called "street bodies" were commonplace, a high mortality rate from the postpartum heating was noted. On the preservation of pregnancy, the question did not stand at all ... ..

    In the formation of a new concept of objects, the most active participation of an obstetrician Alexander Nikolaevich Rakhmanov, Head of the free maternity shelter them. A.A. Apricot, husband Sofia Alekseevna - DOCHER A.I. and A.A. Apricot.

    Alexander Nikolaevich Rakhmanov
    Chief Physician of the maternity hospital named after A.A. Apricot.

    When in 1889 A.A. Abrikosov decided to arrange a free maternity shelter, then in the face of A.N. Rakhmanov She met his passionate supporter and assistant.

    The shelter was called 1889: - "Free maternity hospital and gynecological hospital with permanent beds Agrippines Aleksandrovna Apricosova in Moscow."

    The first paragraph of the charter of this institution said: "The shelter and the hospital are contained at the expense of the founder, the commerce wife of the adviser Agrippines Aleksandrovna ApricosovaAnd are in the head of the obstetrician Alexander Nikolayevich Rakhmanova. "

    The shelter was located near the Apricot Confectionery factory.
    The head of the shelter was appointed A.N. Rachmanov.

    The shelter was small, only 6 places, with it there was a hospital and operations were performed. For the year he took up to 200 women and mortality among newborns was less than one percent. That even by European standards of that time was the unattainable result!

    Agrippina Aleksandrovna, herself who gave birth to 22 children, almost daily visited the gifts, gave them gifts.

    Living in 1901, Agrippina Aleksandrovna a separate line in his will allocated 100,000 rubles to further furnishing of the shelter.

    Heirs - the children and grandchildren of Agrippina Aleksandrovna, obeying the will of the testaulter, at the end of 1901 turned to the urban chapter with the following statement:

    "We have the honor of your crying to bring to the attention of the Moscow City Duma, that we want to sacrifice capital in the amount of 100,000 rubles for arrangement in Moscow of the free maternity shelter named after A.A. Apricot. All sacrifice capital is intended for building buildings and shelter equipment. The shelter is intended for both normal and pathological clans, and should be arranged at least 25 beds, and it is desirable to have a department for postpartum diseases. The shelter must be referred to "City free shelter named after A.A. Apricot " And serve to satisfy the poor class of the urban population. "

    Vladimir Alekseevich Apricos became a trustee of the urban shelter.

    Vladimir Alekseevich Aprikosov,
    construction organizer and caregiver

    The city with gratitude accepted the generous gift, allocated a plot of land on the former Mius field, and in 1903 the city council approved the project, the author of which was architect I.A. Ivanov-Shits.

    According to the calculations of specialists, the sacrifice was insufficient, in addition, 25 seats would not solve the problem. A specially created commission decided that the city "it would be advisable to pay more, but to make the establishment of large sizes - more profitable for the content at the calculation of the bed."

    The construction of the maternity hospital was delayed for three years. We needed funds on the Russian-Japanese war and the amount appointed on the estimate for the construction of the maternity hospital was taken to the above goal.

    In 1906, the maternity hospital was built. At the top of the building were posted two inscriptions: on the left "urban maternity hospital", and on the right - "name A.A. Apricot ".
    Consecration of the maternity hospital took place on May 25, 1906. The reception of the feminine began on June 3, 1906.

    Mius Square. 1916. City maternity hospital. A.A. Apricot.

    Architect I.A. Ivanov-Shits.
    The building was built in 1903-1906,
    in the style of the Vienna version of Modern - Vienna Sesisçison.
    Architectural monument.

    The newly open maternity hospital represented the last word of all the requirements of the objects., Both from the design of the building and the part of the equipment and states. 51 beds were deployed in the maternity hospital. Medical equipment and surgical instruments were brought from Paris.
    Personal composition consisted of director and 6 doctors, 15 midwives, one caretaker and 22 nurses. Salary A.N. Rachmanov was 2000 rubles per year and 800 apartment, each of 6 doctors - 800 rubles per year.

    In 1916, by the decade of the maternity hospital, Moscow newspapers wrote that:

    "The construction and opening of this institution are the famous era in filing obstetric assistance to the Moscow population not so much because the building specifically built corresponded to all the requirements of science, but mainly because the principles for Moscow are based on the basis and care. Like any innovation, they caused big senses and attacks, but now after 10 years, they won the right of citizenship and adopted more or less in all similar institutions of the city of Moscow, and the maternity hospital named after A.A. Apricot serves as a model with whom they are considered. How strong the sympathies of the population of Moscow to the homeland house, shows the growth of income, which forced the institution to increase the number of beds from 55 to 110 and bring the number of receptions up to 6,000 per year. Major House named after A.A. Apricot serves not only with its direct tasks of the filing of obstetric care, but also serves, so to speak, and a seatingman of practical obstetric knowledge, because For 10 years, hundreds of doctors and midwives were improved. During the last 5 years, the maternity hospital serves as a clinic for Moscow women's courses. For 10 years, about 44,000 birthdayrs were taken to the maternity hospital, about 7,000 operations were made, of which 50 cesarial sections. "

    December 6, 1918 City Municipal Home House named after A.A. Apricot was renamed the maternity hospital named after N.K. Krupskaya.

    In 1925, after leaving A.N. Rakhmanova (1861-1926) from the post of chief physician, the name of the apricot was crossed out and forgotten. At the place of a commemorative board, crowned charitable activities, a portrait of N.K. Krupskaya, and on the facade in the right turret, "named A.A. Apricot "replaced by" name N.K. Krupskaya. "

    From 1976 to 1980 in the maternity hospital, overhaul was carried out.

    Maternity house number 6 named A.A. Apricot
    Modern view.

    From 1993 to present, the maternity hospital operates on 104 beds. Every year, up to 2000 newborns are born in the maternity hospital, and work indicators coincide with the middle breeding.


    Parade entrance to the city maternity hospital number 6. A.A. Apricot.

    In 1994, at the initiative of the descendants A.A. Apricot and supported by the team of hospital doctors №6 The city authorities of Moscow returned the name of his founder to the famous maternity hospital.

    Memorial board in the hall of the maternity hospital. A.A. Apricot.

    In 1994, cooperation began with the RAMS Institute for the Development of the Program for the Implementation and Propaganda of Breastfeeding, as a result of which, in 1999 a hospital, first in Moscow, awarded the title and awarded a memorable sign of WHO / UNICEF "Hospital, friendly to the child."

    Since 2003, the maternity hospital has heads Braginskaya Svetlana Henrykhovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences. Of the 16 doctors of obstetrician-gynecologists - 4 candidates of science, 8 have the highest qualifying category.

    The maternity hospital is located in the old town, in the center of Moscow, on a quiet green street. The hospital building still retained its original beauty and comfort, conveniently located, has its own garden in which women are walking in the summer. Many Muscovites know the maternity hospital number 6, their children were born here, they themselves were born here, their parents were born here.

    The life of the oldest maternity hospital of Moscow -

    Roadom named after A.A. Apricot -


    According to the booklet:
    "100 years in the city's homeland house number 6. A.A. Apricot ".

    Urban maternity hospital number 6. A.A. Apricot.

    Address: 2nd Miusskaya Street, 10/1 (Belorusskaya-ring), 2 entrance, 3rd floor
    Phone for information: 8-499-978-51-64
    Attention! When calling inside code 499, you need to type: 499-978-51-64 (without 8)

    Phone School preparation for childbirth:
    for residents of the Central Administrative District, the school of preparation for childbirth is free (T.8-499-978-51-64).
    for others, help by phone.

    Maternity hospital number 6 It was opened on May 25, 1906 for donations of the family members of Agrippina Aleksandrovna Apricosova, who fulfill her spiritual testament. Head physician of the city maternity hospital named after A.A. Apricot, became an obstetrician A.N. Rachmanov (husband of one of the daughters of A.A. Apricot), who was standing at the origins of the public organization of objects in Moscow. Much seemed to be in his century, an apricot hospital: revolutionary confusion; The Great Patriotic War, during which the maternity hospital continued his work; Post-war ruin, times of "stagnation" and "fresh wind" of change.
    In the maternity hospital, intensive scientific work was always conducted. In its walls from 1945 to 1950 were the departments of obstetrics and gynecology I MMI them I.M. Sechenov and Institute for Doctors Improvement. Since 1980 major Rode number 6 is the base of urban clinical order .

    In 1994, cooperation began with the RAMS Institute for the Development of the Program for the Implementation and Propaganda of Breastfeeding, as a result of which, in 1999 a hospital, first in Moscow, awarded the title and awarded a memorable sign of WHO / UNICEF "Hospital, friendly to the child" .

    Doctors working in the maternity hospital are not abused by anesthesia in childbirth, preferring their natural flow, even in their complicated variants. For example - childbirth in the pelvic preservation of the fetus, 73% of which pass through natural generic paths.

    In the maternity hospital, the early attachment of the baby to the chest is welcomed.

    Today, leads the maternity hospital number 6, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Svetlana Henrykhovna Braginskaya.

    Commercial services based on maternity hospital number 6

    Baby contract: Contract for individual conduct of childbirth It is 36 weeks of pregnancy. Birth leads personal obstetrician gynecologist Together with the obstetric team, consisting also from midwife, anesthesiologist and pediatrician. After the conclusion of the contract, the future mother, it is possible to communicate with his obstetrician-gynecologist and consult on how to arise or, if generic activity began, cause him to give birth. In the commercial department, they receive childbirth 9 doctors of the first and higher category (heads of departments and leading experts). The first period of childbirth takes place in property Chamber and then, as the generic activity develops, the woman is translated into major Hall. Optionally, in childbirth can top spouse or other, meaningful for woman, man . Those who want to attend childbirth accompanying, it is necessary to have results of analyzes for AIDS, RW, hepatitis B and C.

    Maternity House No. 6 can offer you an exclusive form of a contract - "Natural childbirth". This is a contract for those who are most attached to natural childbirth without medical intervention and has no contraindications to natural clauses. The fundamental difference from other proposals is that concluding a contract, you communicate not only with an individual physician-gynecologist, but also with an obstetric, which will help you prepare for childbirth, accompanies you in the maternity hospital when childbirth and, together with the doctor, Give your childbirth. I would like to note that the birth of a child, under the "Natural childbirth" contract, occur in a special maternity hospital, which is not at all similar to traditional maternity blocks, because The interior is close to the home environment.

    Commercial postpartum separation Consists of six 1 - 2-seater chambers of a collaboration of mother and child.
    Each of them is equipped with a new comfortable furniture, a washbasin, there are shutters on the windows, a refrigerator, a TV, a kettle for boiling water, a comfortable changing table and a lingerie. In the commercial branch, for every two postpartum chambers, their toilet rooms with shower, which are equipped with water tanks, which makes it possible to ensure uninterrupted hot water supply.

    Visits from 17:00 to 19:00, daily. The maternity hospital is allowed to use mobile phones. Mom's extract and a newborn in the physiological flow of labor produced by 4 - 5 days after delivery, after the cesarean section of 7 - 10 days after the necessary diagnostic procedures for a woman (ultrasound examination) and preventive vaccinations (BCG, hepatitis C) and tests (phenylketonuria, Hypothyroidism) child. Parents have the right to refuse to carry out preventive vaccinations to the child, which is documented. If the period of stay in the maternity hospital for medical reasons increases in excess of the amount of days or the roosurement was carried out with the help of emergency cesarean section, the contract cost remains unchanged.

    In this remarkable greenhouse built in 1903 - 1906 in the style of the Vienna Sesisçison (Vienna version of Modern) by architect, until recently there was one of the oldest birthday houses in Moscow - Rodod No. 6 named after A. A. Apricosova. Now it is closed. So we lose our history, cross the names of decent citizens of their country from the memory of the coming generations and their dedicated activities for the benefit of the future. What are the walls of this house?

    In Musatov's Musatov, who gave birth to his wife, "Chocolate King" of Russia, Alexey Ivanovich Abricosov 22 children, he devoted most of his life to motherhood, childhood and questions of objects. On Muskaya Street in Moscow back in 1889, thanks to the efforts of this wonderful woman, there was a small, just six places, free maternity shelter and the hospital for women. He was called - "Free maternity shelter and gynecological hospital with permanent beds Agrippina Aleksandrovna Apricosova in Moscow." Only in one year it appeared about two hundred children, and child mortality and female at birth were only one percent. These are outstanding indicators for those times.

    Agrippina Alexandrovna died in 1901, leaving the testament to his relatives, according to which they turned to the city's head of Moscow with a statement about a donation of 100 thousand rubles, intended for building a building and equipment of it under urban free maternity shelter named after A. A. Apricosova. The proposal was made by the Moscow City Duma, the city allocated a plot of land on the Mius field, and in 1903 the project was approved, the author of which was the architect I. A. Ivanov-Shits.

    The organizer of the construction, and in the future and the guardian of the maternity hospital, the son of Apricot Vladimir Alekseevich became, the maternity shelter itself was planned and equipped as it seemed to her husband of Sofia Alekseevna - the daughter of apricot - outstanding akuster's doctor, professor, first director and chief doctor of the maternity hospital A. A. Apricosova Alexander Nikolayevich Rakhmanov.

    On May 25, 1906, the maternity shelter was consecrated, and already on June 03, 1906, the reception began. In the upper part of the building there were inscriptions: "City Motherland House" and "named after A. A. Apricosova". So embodied the dream and the undertaking of the beautiful Russian woman and a large material material of the Aleksandrovna Alekandrovna Apricot, whose children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, in turn, glorified with their deeds various areas of domestic science and life. Among them are famous entrepreneurs, doctors, chemists, physics, biologists, teachers, writers, translators, diplomats, artists, musicians, artists, philosophers, lawyers, philologists, geologists, art historians, among them the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics A. A. Apricos , Outstanding by the pathologist Academician of AMN USSR A. I. Apricot, a famous artist M. F. Shemyakin, People's Artist of the USSR A. L. Apricot, a famous film operator A. V. Lamakin and others.

    Ironically or a mockery of October 06, 1918, the maternity institution of the city named after A.A. Apricot was renamed according to the trends of those years. It has become the birthday of N. K. Krupskaya home, who did not have children and actively speaking abortion ...

    And when in 1925, A. N. Rakhmanov left from the post of chief doctor, the name A. A. Apricosova for many years was crossed out of the history of the maternity hospital and for many forgotten. The name of the apricot on the facade of the hospital was replaced by Krupskaya, and instead of a commemorative board, placed in the lobby and dedicated charity activities Agryptpina Aleksandrovna, a portrait of Hope Konstantinovna appeared.

    The building was repeated many times. In 1994, the descendants of the apricot achieved the return of his founder's homeland home. And in 1999, he became the first hospital in Moscow, who was assigned the title of WHO / UNICEF: "Hospital, friendly to the child."

    Currently, the maternity hospital number 6 named after Agrippina Aleksandrovna Apricosova, which gave green light to many generations of Muscovites, in fact, does not exist ...