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    Why pregnancy does not occur though. I can not get pregnant

    Listening to his feelings, I was looking for change in a state and mood, bought a packaging with a test at the pharmacy ... But during the period, menstruation began. Pregnancy has not come. Reason for despair?

    Of course not!

    Of course, there is a chance to get pregnant and after the first contact with the partner, however, if this did not happen, you should not put any diagnoses and think about treatment.

    In general, the diagnosis is - the case of physicians who say with confidence that the examination of the ability to childbirth is worth only those pairs that did not acquire offestness for one and a half or two years!

    Therefore, you still have enough time to give the beginning of a new, so desirable little life for you.

    The only thing now is required from you is calm. You can study your body - for example, measuring the basal temperature and drawing up graphs, if it helps you to gain an internal equilibrium.

    By the way, statistics suggest that most women aged 1 8 to 24 years old are pregnant for three to four months of active sexual life, but more thank ages - from 35 to 40 years old - for success it may be necessary for about a year.


    However, you should not forget about several factors affecting the likelihood of conception. Studies conducted on a large number of women showed that almost every healthy representative of the beautiful floor 1 -2 times a year may have annoval cycles.

    What does this mean? That during this cycle does not ripening the egg and its exit from the ovary, so the conception is in principle impossible.

    Alone to establish the presence or absence of anxular cycle is practically impossible - there is a chance to build assumptions based on regular measurements of basal temperature, and changing sensations, if you usually feel the moment of the exit of the egg from the follicle, however, as already mentioned above, the most reliably about Ovulation can be judged only when the ultrasound survey is passed.

    Medical studies of recent years led scientists to amazing conclusions. In fact, conception occurs much more often than women consider, but in many cases they can not even notice this. The fact is that nature carefully "rejects" the embryos with genetic changes, and, as a rule, they die after 3-4 days after the fertilization of the egg, even before they have time to attach to the wall of the uterus. A woman starts menstruation for a normal period or 1 -2 day later, and she does not even know what happened in her body.

    It can also be an explanation of why pregnancy, despite all the efforts of a woman, did not come in this cycle. You should not seek your guilt here - there is no it here. This is a completely natural process that happened at all times and is one of the components of the evolutionary development of humanity.


    Do not forget the role of psychological factors.

    It has long been proven that the physical and psychological condition of the body is in close relationship, and, wishing pregnancy, at the subconscious level, some women for one reason or another may be afraid of its offensive.

    Someone seems to be that in fact they and his spouse are not yet ready for the role of parents and to the responsibility she imposes. Someone frighten the exaggerated problems of having a child and pain during childbirth. Some women are too big to give changes that will occur with their appearance during pregnancy, and are afraid to lose their attractiveness.

    An experienced psychologist can bring many more reasons why a completely healthy woman can be psychologically not configured for pregnancy.

    You may seem illogical, but sometimes too much desire to get pregnant as soon as possible is also a hoping factor!

    Doctors often face such a paradox - a woman who has a thoroughly fully fulfilling all the recommendations that increase the likelihood of conception, but the pregnancy does not occur. It costs her to smell his hand to constantly drawing up graphs, counting days and black-eyed "birch", as the test shows two long-awaited stripes. These facts once again confirm that in everything you need to avoid extremes.

    Did you consciously decided to conceive? It is beautiful - your baby will be loved and welcome. But it is not necessary to subjugate all your life to perform this "task", otherwise the path to this goal can be very tired of you. Live how you lived earlier, give preference to healthy food and avoid stresses, because the future baby needs a healthy and calm mom, and your body will choose the best time to conceive your heir.

    Male conversation - stimulate reproductive function

    Above it was mentioned about what measures a woman can take to increase the likelihood of conception of the desired child. However, the man also needs to know which factors make the appearance of his heir more likely.

    A very common myth that the ability of a man to conceive depends on its potency does not have any soil. In fact, even problems with potency do not interfere with the presence of a good sperm in a man.


    To a considerable extent, how suitable for fertilization of the egg will be sperm, depends on the lifestyle.

    Alcohol refers to toxic substances that worsen the quality of spermatozoa, and leads to the formation of a larger amount of genital cells with chromosomal impaired.

    The use of any narcotic drugs is completely unacceptable during preparation for conception, as they not only reduce its likelihood, but also cause serious damage to the health of the future kid!


    The production of spermatozoa in men, as well as the ripening of eggs in women, is a process adjustable by hormones.

    You should be very careful to what drugs you take.

    Often, men actively engaged in building muscle mass use the means to include anabolic steroids that are also appointed in the treatment of certain diseases. If you are planning a conception, then you better abandon such drugs, as they often lead to a decrease in the quality of sperm produced by your body and the amount of spermatozoa in it.

    Temperature mode

    Probably, you have probably heard that Nature itself took care of maintaining the desired temperature of the male sex glands, placing the testicles in the scrotum outside the abdominal cavity. Indeed, the optimal temperature at which the spermatogenesis of a man is normally occurring - this is + 35 °. Therefore, when preparing for conception, exclude overheating of these bodies, which can be caused by frequent visits to the steam room, work in hot shops, wearing too close clothes - linen, especially made of synthetic materials, and narrow jeans. Also, to reduce the quality of sperm generated by the testicles, a total increase in temperature, which is observed in feverish states is also possible.

    The effects of very low temperatures can also stop the production of spermatozoa, but it does not have any influence on the already formed cells.


    Age for a man planning to become a father is not as important as for a woman, the optimal reproductive age of which is defined as 20 to 30 years. However, men with age begins the process of natural fading of the body, which is accompanied by a gradual decrease in the level of generated men's genital hormones, including testosterone.

    The chances of a man for conception are gradually reduced, and the risk of congenital pathologies has a future child. However, these changes are usually noticeable in old age, and in 40-50 years it does not have much importance.


    Planning the future paternity, you should make sure that you are not a carrier of causative agents of any diseases transmitted by sexual.

    Men always need to remember that the absence of some external manifestations of the disease does not always indicate the absence of the disease itself, and most of them can significantly reduce the likelihood of conception and adversely affect the health of the future child!

    To give an objective assessment of your health and, if necessary, only a doctor can prescribe treatment - after you go through all the recommended surveys.

    The often cause of violation of the normal production of spermatozoa is varicocele, the expansion of veins coming from the testicles and, accordingly, a disturbance of blood outflow on it. Only a doctor can identify this problem, he will help and cope with it.

    The impact on the reproductive system of a male body, not to a lesser extent than women, can have some diseases that are not directly related to the reproduction bodies. Often, such chronic diseases such as bronchial asthma are often influenced by the ability of a man to conceive.

    Safety at work

    Normal sperm production may be violated in the event that a man has to be contacted with toxic substances, such as pesticides, herbicides, lead, cadmium, mercury, various oils and gasoline.

    Deciding on the conception of the child, you should exclude at least for several months preceding this event, the influence on your body of ionizing radiation.


    When you, based on the female menstrual cycle, choose optimal days to conceive, do not forget that the male body also has its own characteristics in this area. According to scientists research, the maximum activity of spermatozoa is observed in the afternoon - approximately 16-18 hours. Therefore, conception from those couples who have sex at this time are more likely.

    The regularity of sexual life has a certain meaning. Frequent sexual acts do not increase the likelihood of conception. In particular, with repeated ejaculation in sperm, the number of spermatozoa is noticeably reduced! If the sex acts occur after a short period of time, then the excess amount of sperm can increase the likelihood of its leakage from the vagina of a woman.

    However, large breaks also do not affect a positive way - in the event of a long-term failure of sexual life, the mobility of spermatozoa can significantly decrease.

    Based on the foregoing, wishing to increase the likelihood of conception, doctors recommend a short abstinence for several days on the eve of the expected date of ovulation in a woman, and during the exit of the ripening egg from the ovary - one-time sexual contacts every other day.

    More general recommendations, which are given to men who decide to paternity, are not very different from the recommendations to women who prepare their own body to pregnancy. They are reduced to compliance with the power mode, including the products rich in vitamins and mineral substances, as well as polyvitamin preparations containing folic acid.

    Moderate sports, helping to maintain the tone of the whole organism - all these are important steps towards the appearance of your long-awaited baby.


    Extracorporeal fertilization is the so-called "conception of a test tube, in vitro" - a few more decades ago, we seemed to be fiction in many countries, in many countries it became an ordinary medical procedure, which gives you the opportunity for couples with any forms of infertility to know the happiness of the parent.

    The first attempts to carry out fertilization outside the human body were made about 2 centuries ago, but they were crowned with success only at the end of the 20th century - for the first time the ECO method was applied in the UK in 1977, and in 1978 a girl Louise Brown appeared. In the USSR, for the first time, Eco was first produced in 1986

    The essence of the method

    When carrying out an extracorporeal fertilization, men's and female sex cells are connected in a test tube, after which the embryos (as a rule, several) are attached to the body of a woman (possibly - a surrogate mother).

    As a result, eco is not rare multiple pregnancies, because to guarantee success, several developing embryos are simultaneously produced. However, doctors are not recommended to leave more than 2 - 3 embryos in the uterus.

    Doctors evaluate the success of this procedure at about 20-30%.

    Worldwide today has more than four million children who have appeared in pro- | Tag, many of which have become parents themselves. In Russia, in vitro more than 25,000 kids were conceived.

    This method is recommended to be applied in cases where the cause of infertility cannot be eliminated - when the patency of the uterine pipes is irreversibly violated after inflammatory diseases or the uterine pipes are lost due to ectopic pregnancies.

    The successful occurrence of pregnancy is possible and dying women in menopause or with remote ovaries (in this case, the fertilization of the donor egg cell) is used).

    If the cause of infertility of the pair in insufficient sperm or low sperm content in it, doctors can offer to hold the seed fluid and artificial introduction to the woman's body. However, this procedure gives less chance of success than extracorporeal fertilization.

    Contraindication to the procedure - the health status of a woman in which pregnancy and childbirth can cause deterioration or be dangerous for a mother or child.

    Where to begin

    The first stage of preparation for Eco is a thorough medical examination of both partners. The pair will be appointed blood tests for hormones and identifying a number of diseases, examination at the STD, a woman is necessarily carried out ultrasound, and a man explores a sperm.

    One of the main minuses of this procedure is its high cost. However, at present, in our country, J, fruitless steam has the opportunity to spend eco quota.

    Hormonal preparation and fence of egg

    When the decision to hold an ECO is adopted, the female body takes place special training with hormonal drugs. Their admission allows you to stimulate the simultaneous maturation of a larger number of follicles than with the usual cycle. Injection or tablets of hormonal drugs The woman receives for 1-3 weeks, after which a fence of matured eggs can be carried out.

    In some cases, doctors make a decision to completely take control of the menstrual cycle of women - with the help of a special preparation released gonadotropin, the natural cycle of women is suppressed. The subsequent injection of the FMG or human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) stimulates the ripening of egg and ovulation. All these procedures imply constant control of the physicians, since the reception of hormonal drugs can give side effects.

    The stimulation scheme (protocol) is breeding by a doctor individually for each woman!

    Control of the level of hormones in the blood and ultrasound allow you to accurately determine the willingness of the egg to the outlet from the ovary.

    In the outpatient conditions under the control of the ultrasound under total or local anasthesthesia, the follicles are punctured. This procedure is well developed and in most cases passes without complications, although in rare cases it is possible to bleeding.

    Omocyte washed from follicular fluid, placed in a special medium in a Petri dish and stored in an incubator.

    Survatozooid fence

    Depending on the health status of men, seed fluid is obtained or in general by ejaculation (as when surrendering) or with medical manipulations. If necessary, doctors conduct an egg puncture under general anesthesia. If the use of donor sperm (or pre-obtained partner sperm) is designed, then it is defrosting.

    In vitro

    Using modern equipment, doctors embryologists create conditions for connecting the male and female genital cells outside the human body - this happens in a special capacity in a nutrient medium, after which the container is placed in the oscper.

    The most simple way is called "Insemination in Vitro" - egg cells and suspension of spermatozoa are placed in one container, and fertilization occurs within 2 - 3 hours.

    The second method is called ICSI (intracitoplasmic injection of spermatozoa) and implies the introduction of a spermatozoa to an egg cell using special tools. This method is usually used at low sperm quality.

    The procedure for extracting cells and their fertilization occupies about half a day.

    It takes 2 - 4 days and, in the case of a favorable development of events, you can go to the next step.

    Embryo diagnosis

    This study of developing embryos is necessarily produced at the preparation rate for implantation.

    Pre-implantation diagnostics makes it possible to identify chromosomal diseases and coarse defects of embryos. At the same stage, the definition of the sex of the future child is also possible, but the choice of sex of the embryo in our country is prohibited.


    While fertilization of the egg and the development of embryos occurs, the woman constantly accepts the hormone progesterone, preparing the uterus to implantation. The success of this procedure depends largely on the thickness of the uterine endometrium!

    With the help of a special catheter, one or more embryos are placed in the cavity of the woman's uterus. This procedure is painless, is carried out by a conventional gynecological chair for several minutes, and it usually does not subsequently comply with some special regime, although, of course, increased psychological and physical exertion to a woman is contraindicated.

    Usually women under 40 simultaneously sit down at the same time no more than two embryos. Women after 40 recommended implantation of three embryos. The remaining embryos subjected to cryoconservation - freezing and storage at liquid nitrogen temperature.

    Development of pregnancy

    After implantation, the level of hormones in the body of the future mother is controlled once a few days, and after 12 days it is necessary to carry out a pregnancy test.

    Successful attachment of the embryo occurs in about the same case out of four women under 30 years of 30, they safely finish about 9 pregnancies out of 10.

    The younger woman, the more healthy, her eggs, the higher the chances of the success of Eco. The chances of those couples who already have children are highly appreciated.

    According to statistics, more chances on the occurrence of pregnancy in women with normal body weight - BMI from 19 to 30. So, getting rid of extra kilograms or gaining missing, you can increase the likelihood of successful ECO outcome.

    If multiple pregnancies occurs, at the request of parents and the recommendations of the doctor can be carried out reduction (removal) of part of the embryos.

    New attempt

    Since 100% of the result during the ECO procedure, no one guarantees, a plurality of pairs are forced to resort to the use of this method not once - a successful pregnancy can come from the 8th 10th attempt, although, according to statistics, after three unsuccessful attempts, pregnancy is unlikely.

    In general, this procedure is sufficiently safe, but the question of its repetition should be solved by each pair individually after consulting with the doctor.

    With repeated attempts to conduct Eco, embryos obtained as a result of the first fertilization and frozen storage can be used.


    The most common problem that has to be solved during the conduct of ECO, the reaction of embryos with multiple pregnancy, in some cases leading to miscarriage.

    About 25% of women who passed the ECO procedure become Mama twins. With natural conception, this outcome is possible in one case out of 80.

    The reception of hormonal drugs in preparing for the fear of eggs can cause the KSHA, accompanied by painful sensations in the abdominal cavity, bloating. Therefore, any unusual and unpleasant feeling when conducting hormonal training is a reason for advice with your doctor!

    The offensive of ectopic pregnancy during vitrogenment is almost impossible.

    Women who are planning pregnancy often do not take into account some factors that can impede it. First, women are mostly absolutely confident that pregnancy is a natural process, coming, as a magic wand on the first desire to become a mother. In fact, there are reasons that prevent a woman to get pregnant for some time or throughout life.

    First, the reasons that interfere with seeing a positive result on pregnancy test are associated with the psychological attitude. Psychologists argue that, if you bike on your intention, you can get an absolutely opposite result. Some women are ready to study the literature on pregnancy planning, raising children and even the adoption of childbirth. The focus on his desire puts the so-called "block": the body opposes. The obsessive idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a mom can appear when women want to make a child to solve these problems: to make a spouse, save the family, getting maternity leave. The baby cannot be salvation from problems that concern only adults. Therefore, it is not worth loaning, the body is part of nature that will work only as it is necessary. But under one condition ...

    There are even more serious reasons that interfere with becoming parents. For example, gynecological diseases and inflammation in the organs of the female sexual system. Diseases such as fibromes, polycystic, inflammatory processes and diseases of phallopy pipes, endometriosis do not allow ovulation and fertilization, that is, prevent a woman to get pregnant. After some transferred diseases, the obstruction of uterine pipes may develop, which prevents pregnancy.

    Harmful habits, such as smoking, can greatly prevent everyone, even the most careful attempts to have a child. Nicotine, which enters the body, is negatively reflected in the process of ovulation in the female body. If a man smokes, then he changes the mobility of spermatozoa, and problems with erection appear. Therefore, before planning pregnancy, it is necessary to abandon smoking and other harmful effects on the body.

    Addiction to coffee can also prevent a woman to get pregnant. If you drink more than two cups per day, then there is a high probability of reducing fertility, that is, the ability to get pregnant.

    The fertility of women affects the wrong, unbalanced nutrition. Supported diets can wait unpleasant surprises when trying to have a child. With tight restrictions in food, the rate of hemoglobin is disturbed and the hormonal background is changing, and therefore, when planning pregnancy, it is impossible to limit yourself in nutrition and abandon many products. No joy of lost three-four kilograms can be compared with the joy of motherhood. And frequent reasons that interfere with this joy to feel, are associated with a lack of vitamins and useful substances in the body. Before planning pregnancy and during it it is necessary to include in the diet of sea fish, olive oil, cranberry, eggs, cod liver, coarse bread. From semi-finished products it is better to refuse, and even more so it is not recommended to use sausages, cakes and other products of unknown origin.

    Women who are engaged in sports can also have problems with conception. For example, the power set of exercises, aerobic load, fitness, which suggest sharp twisting press and jumps, can negatively affect the body when planning pregnancy. But, however, if you are selling ten years now, and your body is used to heavy loads, they are unlikely to affect fertility. When planning pregnancy, you can engage in abdomen (it is even called "fertility dance"), yoga, swimming, which is well relaxing the whole body, but at the same time strengthens the muscles. In extremes, it is impossible to fall: it is impossible to completely abandon the physical activity, because when sitting the lifestyle begins, the blood of blood is beginning in the organs of the small pelvis, which makes it difficult to fertilize. Blood impairment leads to the development of adhesive processes, due to which no ovulation occurs.

    Causes that interfere with fertilization are often connected with nervous experiences and stress. They just prevent a woman to get pregnant if they appear in life daily. Problems at work, difficulties in relationships with spouse or close people, experiences, excitement and nervous breakdowns - all this negatively affects health. But the absence of pregnancy for these reasons is not the final sentence at all. Think about how you perceive everything that happens around, do not be nervous on trifles and do not take everything close to heart. Taking any sedatives, consult a doctor if it will not affect future pregnancy, which, if you are not protected, can come at any time.

    The absence of pregnancy can be associated with a lack of vitamins. A weakened organism that needs a vitamin cap, is not ready for such serious changes as pregnancy. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe vitamin E, as well as folic acid. As practice shows, these ways to solve the problem of absence of pregnancy are quite effective. But take vitamins completely thoughtlessly too. Excessive amounts of vitamins, which contain many antioxidants, violate ovulation and ovaries. Vitamins A, C, as well as carotenoids and flavonoids are particularly dangerous.

    All the most listed causes of pregnancy are certainly important and weighty. But, if the pregnancy does not occur during the year of active and regular sexual life, then you can already beat the alarm.

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    If the pair is trying to conceive a baby for a long time, but all attempts turn out to be unsuccessful, perhaps the reason for infertility. Fortunately, this condition is not hopeless. So you should not immediately give up the dream of your children. Instead, it is better to figure out the premises that led to problems with conception, and try to eliminate them.

    The physiology of the woman is such that even a completely healthy woman will not be able to become pregnant for a long time, even absolutely not protected. Why does it happen? The thing is that a woman becomes pregnant can only in strictly defined days - during ovulation. On average, very high chances are pregnant there is only one or two days of the menstrual cycle, in which ovulation occurs. Planning a pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that approximately each fifth sixth ovulation is fruitless. It is believed that a healthy couple will be able to conceive a child for one year, and if it does not work, there is a weighty reason to consult a doctor.

    Reasons that interfere with pregnant

    Infertility is a whole complex of symptoms and diseases that negatively affect the reproductive function of one of the partners or immediately. If you failed to conceive the first time, talking about infertility too early. Such a disease can only be suspected if pregnant is not obtained for a long time. The reasons may be the most different, the most common of them are as follows:

    1. Very often, infertility leads violations of the functions of the endocrine system. About 40% of women who cannot become pregnant, suffer from endocrine infertility - this is a state when ovulation is completely or partially absent. If it fails to conceive for a long time, the first thing is necessary to pass tests to hormones. The absence of ovulation can also be associated with impaired function of genital organs, thyroid, brain, adrenal glands. The absence of ovulation is the most common cause of failure when trying to get pregnant. The doctors should understand with the causes of ovulation, but before you contact them, you should make sure that conception attempts were made at the right time - during ovulation. In order to calculate the time of ovulation, there are different, including very accurate, methods.
    2. The polycystic ovarian syndrome is also among the pathologies, often leading to infertility. The exact causes of science disease are still unknown, but experts adhere to the opinions that it is congenital. In any case, the syndrome of polycystic ovary in our time is successfully treated, although it requires long-term therapy with a clear implementation of all appointments of the doctor. Provokes the disease Excessive production of men's hormones, which is why numerous cysts are constantly formed in the women's reproductive system. Externally, these are water bubbles of different sizes, and they are detected only by ultrasound. The consequence of pathology becomes a violation of the ovarian work with the lack of ovulation.
    3. Another possible cause of female infertility is complete or partial obstruction of phallopy pipes. It arises due to the narrowing of the lumen in the uterine pipes or the formation of adhesive processes in them. The hole becomes narrow, so spermatozoa cannot penetrate it to fertilize the egg. This pathology may arise under the influence of various factors, among which - inflammation in the reproductive system, infectious diseases, due to which spikes are formed. To eliminate the obstruction of phallopy pipes, an operation may be required, an artificial fertilization becomes the solution for many. If the process is not yet too launched, changing the lifestyle and treatment of existing inflammations will help to cope with the problem.
    4. If pregnancy does not occur within one, two months, six months, - should be examined for the presence of endometriosis. This is a disease at which the endometrial cells (internal membrane of the uterus) begin to spread throughout the body, attaching and starting to grow in other organs. Probable causes of pathology are inflammation of internal genital organs, disruption of the production of hormones. The consequence of the struck endometriosis is often the inability of an egg to attach to the fallopian wall, which causes infertility. Treatment involves the reception of hormonal drugs or surgical intervention. The earlier the disease is revealed, the greater the chances to cope with the ailment and to conceive a long-awaited child.
    5. The pathology of the uterus of different origin also often lead to the impossibility of becoming pregnant. Such diseases include: Mioma, endometrial diseases, intrauterine partition, hypoplasia, adenomyosis. Initially, it is necessary to undergo a survey to identify pathology, and on the basis of its results, the doctor will select suitable treatment. It includes the reception of hormonal drugs, physiotics, physicians, and the operation may also be required. The pathology of the uterus is divided into congenital and acquired, that is, arising due to the suffering diseases.
    6. If it fails, even during ovulation, and the examination and tests do not reveal visible reasons, the problem may wage in the work of the immune system. Immunity is sometimes different "excessive zeal" and tries to protect the woman not only from pathogenic viruses and microbes, but even from pregnancy. Immunity forces the body to reject the sperm or a fruit egg, perceiving them as alien organisms. Usually, with such violations, cervical mucus contains an increased amount of antibodies, which is detected by the results of the tests. This condition can be corrected using certain medicines or other methods, including insemination.
    7. Even if the doctor could not determine the reason why a woman cannot become pregnant, perhaps this is due to physical pathologies, but psychological factors. Some cannot be conceived, because they are diverted on some problems, suffer from depression, constantly in stressful state, are much nervous, they are afraid of responsibility, childbirth, etc.
    8. Individual features of the physiology of partners. In simple language, the incompatibility of a particular pair. For example, each of the partners individually can conceive a child, and together they can't do it. The reasons for this can be the most different - from the rejection of spermatozoa microflora vagina to the peculiarities of the immunity of a woman. You can explain the situation with the help of a special analysis - Schivo-Hunner samples.
    9. Men's infertility. It also happens, although somewhat less often than women's infertility. The unvisability of sperm may be associated with such diseases such as varicocele, watering eggs, cryptorchism, pig, and tuberculosis. If a man is fond of bodybuilding, the reason for his infertility can be the reception of steroids.

    How to get pregnant after unsuccessful attempts?

    If attempts to conceive the kid for a long time are unsuccessful, this reason to seriously think about your health and go to the doctor. Someone can scare away the prospect, but do not be afraid of this. Careful examination of both partners is necessary, because the causes of infertility can be any - from psychological problems to congenital pathologies and solar diseases.

    Many problems, fortunately, can be eliminated, especially with timely appeal to the doctor. It is worth noting that it is better not to be examined when the couple begins to suspect infertility, and already at the stage of pregnancy planning. For example, if a woman has the obstruction of phallopy pipes, but she doesn't know about it, she will still be able to conceive, only the fruit egg will fix in the pipe, and not in the uterus, as it should be. In such cases, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, which is completed by the tip of the pipe and its removal. Ectopic pregnancy is dangerous and in the fact that without adequate treatment, the following attempts to conceive the baby will lead to a similar result, and the removal of both pipes eliminates the possibility of becoming pregnant in a natural way.

    Mama on a notic!

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    How quickly get pregnant if all attempts are unsuccessful? At such a case there are several recommendations:

    1. Avoid stress factors. Rate the lifestyle you lead. If you often be nervous at work and at home, upset, worry about something, suffer from depression, it is possible that unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant is the reaction of the body for stress.
    2. Refuse bad habits. Very often, alcohol, drugs, prevent the child to conceive. Digitious addictions apply irreparable harm to female health. The fact is that every girl at birth is given a certain set of eggs, which remains so throughout life without updating. Alcohol and any drugs damage egg cells - if one of them fertilizes when ovulation, it will create the risk of a child's birth with deviations or his death immediately after birth. Nicotine enhances the development of androgen and reduces the level of estradiol, which prevents conception. Men using drugs expose themselves to another risk: their spermatozoa becomes larger and simply cannot move in the uterine tubes.
    3. Adjust the daily menu. The lack of vitamins negatively affects all organs and systems. It is important that the diet is balanced, included a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Women with problems with ovulation are useful to eat nuts and beans, whole milk, natural yogurt, greasy cottage cheese. Men recommend to include in the diet more meat, fish and nuts.
    4. If pregnancy does not come for more than half a year, a year or even longer, appreciate your weight. Both obesity and excessive thinness often lead to problems with the fertilization of the egg. Even if there are no diseases, frequent alternations of weight loss and the set of unnecessary kilo negatively affect the ability to conceive. Stable weight is important not only for women, but also for men, since it directly affects the amount of spermatozoa produced.
    5. Long-term drug treatment can lead to infertility, especially when taking antibiotics and antihistamines. In this case, it is worth discussing with the doctor the possibility of at least a temporary replacement of drugs by their safer counterparts.

    Folk ways to help get pregnant

    If you have no time to conceive a child, but you can not find time to go to the doctor, try tested folk methods to solve this problem:

    • Change the usual love schedule. For example, if sex is usually only at night, try to do it early in the morning. Try more often - and this will certainly increase your chances to get pregnant.
    • Try new postures. It is possible that in some pose spermatozoa faster reached the goal.
    • Do not make you have sex through strength. A positive attitude is very important because problems with conception often cause not only physiological, but also psychological problems.
    • Ask your man to stop frictions immediately after ejaculation. In this case, the sperm will remain in one place, will not spread all over the vagina. Therefore, simpeatozoids will increase the chances to achieve their goal.
    • Another way that can help get pregnant is temporary abstinence from intimate intimacy. This primarily concerns men. It is believed that after the abstinence, they begin to produce more sperm, and with an increased concentration in it spermatozoa. This, of course, increases the likelihood of conception.
    • There is still a method of soda soda in 20 minutes. before sexual intercourse. This is how a favorable medium is created for spermatozoa, and at the same time you can cure a thrush.
    • Fitotherapy can also be useful to those who cannot become pregnant. Try drinking special decoction based on healing herbs. Salfa, red brush, boring uterus.

    If you fail to conceive the firstborn or the second, third child, do not despair ahead of time. Initially, try to take advantage of our recommendations, go to the doctor, pass a comprehensive examination, pass all the necessary assays. In many cases, infertility problem can be solved. If even conservative therapy does not help, it still has the opportunity to become pregnant with Eco methods, insemination, by transferring the zygot or hames to the fallopian tubes.

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    How to get pregnant if it does not work? Frankly!

    The moment comes when two are aware that they are ready to become parents. Many pregnant have no problems, but there are cases when a couple cannot conceive a child. This fact makes the oppressive impact on the psyche of people who are ready to become a father and mother.

    Often it becomes an intrusive idea. Spouses are starting about and without reason to quarrel, sometimes reaches divorce. In such cases, emotions are a bad fellow traveler. If pregnancy does not happen, then the quarrel will not help in conception. To find out the reasons for this nuance, you need to contact the family planning specialists. They will help you reveal the reason that led to infertility. Accordingly, this is not to determine this without a medical examination.

    The younger, the woman, the healthier and more chances to become pregnant. In the period from 20 to 25 years, it is 95%. With age, the childbody function is reduced. Up to 35 years, the conception of a child is possible, but 15% less than young women. After 35 years, this feature is only 60%. But many pregnancy immediately comes at a young age. No need to disappear. Only if more than two years have passed, then for help makes sense to appeal to medicine. If the age of a future mother is from 30 to 35, then if the year there is no conception, it will also be necessary to find out the reason.

    The reason may not only be in a woman, but also in a man

    Diseases in the field of gynecology can be given to female infertility. Often it can cause a hormonal failure. Stresses, mental disorders, hypertension, excess or insufficient weight - they can all provoke infertility.

    Hormonal failure or genetics can also lead to it. The insufficient activity of spermatozoa can be detected. The narrowing of the seed-airing ducts, injuries of the genital organs and operations in the field of small pelvis - lead to the inability to conceive the kid.

    And the future parents do not forget: smoking, alcoholic beverages, drugs - enemy to continue the kind! Only healthy parents may be healthy offspring. It is necessary to relate to themselves with a great responsibility. A healthy lifestyle, proper and balanced nutrition, a healthy nervous system is easy to secure good health.

    There are different situations in life that can not be understood immediately. The firstborn grows up, asks for a brother or sister. Parents are also not against family replenishment. But there are days, months, and the conception does not occur. Why? If the childbirth proceeds without complications, the woman did not sleep and did not hurt infectious diseases, then the reason for the impaired psyche. For each woman, pregnancy is a double burden on the body. Birth is also stress. Caring for the child of some moms brings to depletion, both the physical body and the nervous system. Nights without sleep, first teeth, various mackelings, all this affects the mother's psyche. This state leads to infertility. The more mom will be nervous about what can not become pregnant, the more it aggravates its position. To become a mom again, you need to ask for help from a specialist, unless independently manage to cope with obscene nerves. Take a course of treatment. Only positive emotions will help to enjoy maternity again.

    Also, it will not be superfluous to undergo a complete examination, you never know how to change the body. According to the results of analyzes, the reason for infertility will become clear. The doctor will be able to provide you with qualified assistance.

    We do not extend the schedule of ovulation. Especially if your age stepped over the frontier - for 30 years. With a regular cycle, it is easy to calculate the day of ovulation, usually it falls on 12-14 days of the menstrual cycle. The most favorable period for conception is the day itself, and two days before and after ovulation. An ovulation day can be determined by measuring the basal temperature or by changes in the mucous selection.

    It is necessary to mark the period of the menstrual cycle in the calendar. If he is irregular, there is no ovulation, hence the infertility. We must turn to the gynecologist about the treatment. If the ovaries work normally, the cycle will be regular. But there are a number of other diseases that also lead to cycle failures. In any case, you need a doctor consultation and its competent conclusion. With the right diagnosis, there is a chance to fix everything.

    Also does not prevent the schedule in which you will mark the results of basal temperature. On the day that will show a higher temperature, you can determine ovulation. This schedule will help make sure that your body produces a sufficient level of hormone - progesterone. This will prompt an increased temperature, the day after ovulation. This hormone performs an important role in conceiving a child.

    When you contact a female advice on solving your problem, a gynecologist is obliged to get all the information about you. Do not be flawed to answer the questions of the doctor. Do not lie, hide something. To put a properly diagnosis, he must know everything about you - how many sexual partners were how much childbirth and abortion were infectious diseases? As the first pregnancy proceeded, what complications were during her and during childbirth. Was there a dependence on drugs and alcohol?

    After conversation with you, the doctor will give directions to the examination. It will be necessary to pass the analysis by the amount of progesterone.

    The postcoital test will be needed. For this, within 6-10 hours at the end of the sexual intercourse, they take an analysis of the mucus from the vagina. It is investigated on antibodies that are able to kill spermatozoa.

    If analyzes that you have passed, it is still impossible to establish a diagnosis, you will be offered a more in-depth study, in a hospital.

    You will be offered to hand over the analysis, to determine the chromosomal level - on the karyotype. The blood test is also needed to check for clotting. Visit an endocrinologist. With diseases associated with thyroid impairment - it will be necessary to undergo a course of treatment. Thanks to the immunological study, you can define compatibility spouses. This survey helps to identify antibodies from a woman who kill spermatozoa. Laparoscopy does not hurt, which will show adhesive processes in the fallopian tubes. With obstruction of pipes - pregnancy is impossible.

    The spouse should visit Andrologist. Give the sperm analysis to the sperm, which will show the activity of sperm and their quantitative composition. With polyspersis - large quantities of spermatozoa, it is also possible infertility.

    You have passed the survey and you have not revealed health problems. So, there is no reason for anxiety. It is not necessary to worry that the conception does not occur in this period. Perhaps your body must be fixed in order to raise the child again. Follow your lifestyle, more in the lap of nature. Power should be correct and balanced. Your diet should have more vegetables and fruits. From bad habits it is necessary to refuse.

    Women should know that the more often you have sex, the better the quality of sperm from a partner. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for the day of ovulation - sex should be regular. Only faith, hope and love will help you to hear - Dad and Mom. Today, medicine can a lot, and you will have your long-awaited kid!