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  • Daily calorie rate for a woman to lose weight. Calculation of the calorie rate per day for a woman

    Daily calorie rate for a woman to lose weight. Calculation of the calorie rate per day for a woman

    Daily calories for weight loss - How to calculate this important indicator? Do you need to ask for help to a specialist or can you independently calculate the desired figure? We suggest you learn it.

    Why do you need to know the daily calorie rate for weight loss?

    Many of us do not bother with any calculations. The average calorie level (2100-3000 kcal - for women and 2600-3200 kcal - for men) We simply cut to absurd values \u200b\u200b(the caloric content of the diet does not exceed 700-1000 kcal per day).

    Such an approach is fundamentally incorrect - the body is experiencing a shock from such a calorie deficit. The result becomes slow metabolism, the consumption of muscle tissue as a "fuel", deterioration of well-being.

    The consequences of such extreme weight loss are quite predictable - weight returns to the previous level. Wanting to lose weight safely, and most importantly - not long, it is worth calculating the individual calorie content of the diet. This will help a special formula, taking into account growth, age, level of physical activity.

    In general, calorieness should not be less than 1300-1500 kcal. It matters and the correct distribution of nutrient elements coming from food. Belkov should have about 20% of calories, the share of fats - 30% and the share of carbohydrates - 50%.

    Formula for calculating the optimal calorie content of diet

    Daily calorie rate for women to lose weight is calculated using simple mathematical action.

    Action number 1: Your height (cm) multiply to the 1.8 coefficient
    Action number 2: Your weight (kg) multiply to the ratio 9.6
    Action number 3: Your age multiply to the coefficient 4.7
    Action number 4: To the number 655, add the results of the first two actions
    Action number 5: From the figures received, deduct the result of the third action

    As a result of the calculations carried out, you will receive an individual level of metabolism (the main metabolism).

    This indicator must be multiplied by the corresponding ratio:
    With a low level of physical activity: on 1.2
    With an average level of activity (training in gentle mode 1-3 times a week): at 1.38
    With a high level of load (moderate workouts 3-5 times a week): at 1.55
    At a very high level of load (intensive workouts 5-7 times a week): at 1.73

    The resulting result shows how many calories need to be used to ensure that the weight remains at the same level.

    Example calculations

    Age: 28 years
    Weight: 64 kg
    Height: 168 cm
    Level of exercise: medium

    1. 168 cm x 1.8 \u003d 302.4
    2. 64 kg x 9.6 \u003d 614.4
    3. 28 years x 4.7 \u003d 131.6
    4. 655 + 312.4 + 614.4 = 1581.8
    5. 1581.8 - 131.6 \u003d 1450.2 (Individual metabolism level)
    6. 1450.2 x 1.38 \u003d 2001.276

    Thus, in the above example, the optimal calorie content of the diet will be 2000 kcal.

    To lose weight, it is necessary to reduce the resulting caloric content of the ration only to 200-400 kcal (in our case, the caloric content will be 1600-1800 kcal). For greater efficiency, the diet can enhance the workout mode.

    Perfect weight

    How to determine your ideal weight? In principle, this issue should be guided by its own feelings. It is not necessary to lose weight to model parameters - the main thing, feel comfortable. If you want to determine the optimal weight, you can use special formulas. For example, such:

    Action number 1: height (cm) subtract 100
    Action number 2: Growth (cm) Subtract 150 and multiply by 0.25
    Action number 3: Result of action No. 1 minus Result of action number 2

    Not only to people who are sitting on a diet and lose weight, it is necessary to adhere to the individual calorie norm. In order to maintain the body in shape, while feeling cheerfully and vigorously, you need to calculate how many calories you need to use per day.

    In our material you will learn how to do it right, and what should be the calorie content of men and women depending on physical activity and age. The calculation formula and table will help you easily understand this topic.

    The calorie rate per day is calculated taking into account the age and physical activity of women and men. For example, if you are engaged in sports or use mental abilities in the process of work, the caloric content of your diet should be higher. For young girls, the daily norm should be higher than for women of old age.

    What is calories?

    Caloria is customary to call a unit of energy, which is contained in each food product or ready-made delicacy and is distinguished in the process of splitting them.

    Cylolaria is a thousand calories. The energy value of food is indicated in these units (kcal.).

    Under the norm implies the required amount of energy that every day is spent by your body for movement, sleep, digestion of food.

    Menu with fats, proteins and carbohydrates

    1. Food containing proteins should be from 15 to 30% of the total caloric content of your diet. You can determine this rate using non-hard calculations: multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.8.
    2. Do not believe the myths that fats are very harmful and lead to a weight set. They are needed to your body. Their quantity should be at least 25-35% of the diet. It is recommended not to use trans-fats that can really cause diseases and weight gain.
    3. Carbohydrates must form the basis of your menu - at least 45-65% per day.

    Daily calorie diet

    Norm for men

    The daily caloric rate should be calculated on the basis of physical activity and the age of a man.

    • For example, young people from 18 to 30 years old, who are adherents of a sedentary lifestyle, you need to consume 2400 kcal., Up to 50 years old - 2200. But the men will have a 2000 kcal after 50 years. in a day.
    • With moderately active physical exertion, respectively, such a calculation: 18-30 years - 2800, 31-50 - 2600, after 50 - 2400.
    • If a man is actively engaged in sports, visits the gym, then the caloric content of the daily diet is increasing. Up to 30 years, it is advisable to regularly use at least 3,000 kcal., After 31 and to 50 - 2800, and men after 50 years who continue to play sports, doctors advise to eat 2400 kcal. daily.

    Norm for women

    • With a sedentary lifestyle: from 18 to 25 years - 2000 kcal., After 25 and to 50 - 1800, then the norm per day should be reduced by 200 more units.
    • With medium activity: from 18 to 25 - 2200, up to 50 - 2000 kcal., Aged 51 - 1800 kcal.
    • With regular sports activities: up to 25 years - 2400, from 26 to 50 - 2,200 kcal. If a woman continues to train after 50 years, then the daily calorie rate is to reduce up to 2000 units.

    Daily rate for pregnant women

    In no case, do not listen to others who say that during pregnancy it is necessary to eat "for two." It is recommended to increase the calorie content of its diet for 300-500 units (it is so much energy every day you need a pregnant woman for the normal development of the fetus.

    Calculate calm

    Formula for calculation

    There are special formulas that will help you calculate how many calories need to be used daily to keep the work of your body. When you entered the data, do not forget to specify the coefficient of its physical activity. After all, you see that it makes no sense to regularly radiate the body in the gym and cut off your daily calirage by 50%. You not only lose weight, but also lose those muscles that managed to work.

    To produce the correct calculation of the cyclealorium for the necessary consumption per day, we will use the Formula of Harris-Benedict.

    Formula for men: 66 + (13.7 x Weight per kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age).
    Formula for women: 655 + (9.6 x weight per kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age).

    • with a sedentary lifestyle - 1.2;
    • with light exercise, several times a week - 1.375;
    • with intensive sports activities 4-5 times a week - 1.55;
    • with workouts 5-7 times a week and active vacation - 1.725.

    Consider the calculation on the example of a 23-year-old girl, which is engaged in fitness at home 3 times a week and weighs 55 kg. Using the calculation of the formula for women, we received basal metabolism:

    655 + (9.6 x 55) + (5 x 170.5) - (6.8 x 23) \u003d 655 + 528 + 852.5 - 156.4 \u003d 1879.1

    1879.1 x 1.375 \u003d 2583

    So as not to gain extra weight and not to lose muscles, the girl should consume 2583 kcal.

    It is important not only to calculate the daily calorie intake rate, but also to adjust it on time. After a month of this nutrition, it is worth assessing the results. If you failed to lose weight, then perhaps you should recalculate the individual calorie content of the diet and add more physical activity in your life.

    You can get acquainted with the approximate daily caliper below.

    Daily Calorial Calculation Table

    Diet for losing weight

    • If you strive to lose weight, you do not need to write all the time how much you ate per day. It will be enough to scrupulously pass on your diet for one or two weeks to calculate how much food you usually use.
    • Women and men who dream to lose weight should disturb not only the amount of calories eaten, but also their quality. Of course, you can calculate your diet so that you can enter several marmalands or candy in the menu. But you should not overdo it with sweets, alcohol or your favorite harmful delicacies. This will quickly affect the figure - in the form of an "orange peel" or fat on the stomach. Moreover, this applies not only to women, but also men.
    • Do not forget that you should find a golden middle. To fall into extreme, eating less than 1000 kcal., Not worth it. Your body will go into saving mode and in case of the next hunger strike will store energy. Thus, drinking a glass of kefir and eating one apple a day, you will not lose weight, but even harde.
    • There is a myth that for weight loss it is only necessary to reduce the calorie content of the diet, but this is not the case. Weight relief occurs only if you create a calorie deficit (that is, it is necessary to burn more than to eat). That is why without connecting physical activity to the process of weight loss, the weight arrow will not move from the dead point.

    How to cut the daily calorie

    To lose weight, you need to create a deficit of energy. But you should not cut your diet too much. Optimally - by 15-20%. This is an ideal option for gradual weight relief, which will not entail any negative health effects. In the process of slimming it is from time to time to recalculate the calirage of its diet, because your weight will change.

    For most women, the process of slimming is much slower than in men (due to physiology). So do not rush to reduce the caloric content of your daily menu.

    1200 kcal diet. Slimming: Video

    How many calories burn sports?

    To understand how much calories per day is necessary for you, you should know how much they are burned under various sports and other physical activity.

    Consumption table of cyocalorius per hour during sports

    Type of physical
    Women Men Loss of kilocalorius
    per 1 kg of weight
    Bicycling 230 295 3.5
    Golf 174 222 2.6
    Table tennis 360 460 5.5
    Rowing 725 925 11
    Run 535 684 8
    Skating 304 388 4.6
    Football 390 500 6.4
    Aerobics 470 590 5.4
    Dancing 415 540 6.5
    Jumping through the rope 450 530 7.7
    Running on skis 754 962 11.4
    Swimming 580 740 8.8
    Tennis 405 518 6.2
    Walking 203 255 3

    Starting to get rid of excess weight using the BZhuk counting, it is necessary to initially correct the calculation of calories for weight loss. Rather, determine how many calories per day need to eat so that weight smoothly decreased. In the previous article, all indicators affecting the daily rate of consumption were considered, and a simple method for determining this magnitude was given. Today we will look at complex, but also more reliable formulas for calculating calories.

    How to count calories to lose weight

    Formula Harris-Benedict

    This formula for calculating the norm of calories was determined by experimentally and unveiled in 1919 well-known scientists-anthropologists Francis Gano Benedict and James Arthur Harris.

    1. BMR \u003d 66 + + - - Men
    2. BMR \u003d 655 + + - - Women

    Studies were carried out at the beginning of the last century on a group of active young people, therefore this method of calculation is not entirely correct to use to determine the daily need for the energy of the average resident of the metropolis. The calculated value obtained using the Harris-Benedict formula exceeds the real need for a modern person in calories. This should be taken into account when calculating the daily calorie rate for women, people with BMI above the norm and wishing to lose weight.

    Over time, this formula has been repeatedly clarified and revised. As a result, today there are several other ways to determine the daily calorie intake.

    Formula Calculation of Calorie Miffline - San San

    This formula will be the same than the previous one, as it is designed at the end of the last century (in the 90s).

    1. Men - BMR \u003d + - + 5
    2. Women - BMR \u003d + - -161

    To determine the desired level of calories, this method of calculation is most popular today. It is designed to meet the specifics of food and other realities of modernity. However, this formula does not take into account the share of fat in the body. Based on this fact, and taking into account other nuances it can be assumed that the result of the calculation according to the formula of the Miffline - San Schora is also slightly higher than the real needs of the body in calories.

    For simplicity of perception, learn a visual example of how to properly consider calories for this formula.


    You are a woman. Weight -85 kg, age - 35 years, height - 170 cm. Calculate BMR for these conditions:

    BMR \u003d + - -161

    Using the above formulas, the BMR base metabolism (BASAL METABOLIC RATE) is calculated - the amount of energy required for the exercise of vital activity (lying, sit, breathe). However, a healthy person who is not chained to bed per day needs a little more calories for normal existence. In order to calculate the outcome rate of calorie intake, which should be followed by planning the daily diet, the obtained BMR values \u200b\u200bare multiplied by the respective physical activity coefficient.

    Some people inadequately estimate their activity, therefore there is a chance to obtain as a result of counting not quite faithful meanings. Determining the level of its activity, try to objectively look at your life.

    • 1.2 - Minimum level of physical load or its complete absence (seating, lack of sports);
    • 1.3-1.4 Easy level of activity (Light exercise about 3 times a week, daily morning charging, hiking);
    • 1.5-1.6 Average Activity (Sports up to 5 times a week);
    • 1.7-1.8 High-level activity (active lifestyle associated with daily intense training);
    • 1.9-2.0 Extremely high activity (sports lifestyle, severe physical work, long-term heavy workouts every day).

    Continuation of the example: BMR * 1,2 \u003d 1578,45 * 1,2 \u003d 1894,14

    Multiplying the estimated value of BMR on the activity coefficient, you get the borders of the corridor of calorie, which must be observed by planning your meals. By producing an accurate calculation of how much it is necessary to consume calories per day, you can control your weight for a long time and remain healthy, without applying for this additional effort.

    Why do we need to know the basic daily calorie rate?

    You probably know your goal - to lose weight, keep or gain weight. In order to adjust its food to achieve the desired result, we need to know your calorie consumption rate per day:

    1. Want to save weight - follow the values \u200b\u200bobtained when calculating
    2. Your goal is to lose weight - reduce the resulting value by 10-20%
    3. Dial kilograms - add the same 10-20% calories.

    An example of calculating daily calorie content for weight loss:

    1894,14-1894,14 * 20% ÷ 1894,14-1894,14 * 10% \u003d 1515.31 ÷ 1704.72

    It is recommended to regularly monitor the changes due to changes in weight and conduct timely recalculation of daily calorie content. When weight changes by 5 kilograms and more revision of the daily rate is required.

    The desire of women should always remain beautiful and attractive, laid by nature and is considered quite natural. Today it is fashionable not only slim, but also healthy, taped and full of vital energy. But how to calculate that very rate of calories for a female organism, in which you can remain active? First of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of exercise. By ordering food in, get healthy eating with home delivery. And so what calories rate for women? The calorie content of the daily diet must correspond to the level of physical activity, age, the state of the body of the woman.

    What is the calorie rate if you lose weight?

    The representatives of the fine sex often face the problem when the grueling workouts in the hall do not bring the desired result. The first priority is to create a calorie deficit in the body. One of the ways to control the weight is considered a daily calorie counting. Creating a beautiful and healthy body is a titanic work, but if you do everything right, this process can be facilitated. The body needs a "refueling" by calories, so tough gives a quick, but extremely short effect. Where it is better to gradually bring themselves to normal, catching the body to healthy and useful nutrition. What does it depend on calorie rate for women? In many ways it depends on age, here's the recommended calorie indicators of your diet:

    • Girls aged 20 to 30 years, which are accustomed to a low-effective lifestyle, can consume 2 thousand calories.
    • If the girl is not engaged in sports, but actively moves around its activity, then its calorie rate is slightly higher - 2,200 kal.
    • Hiking in a fitness room or gym requires energy feeding, so it may be needed up to 2400 Callorians per day.
    • The representatives of the beautiful floor aged from 30 to 50 years old, all these indicators of the norm are made to reduce 200 calories.

    Of course, it is better not to engage in the selection of diet independently, in such a situation it is recommended to seek help to a nutritionist, fitness coach, etc. Nevertheless, for effective weight loss, it is recommended to reduce calorie content by 20%. Thus, choosing a caloric content of 1350 in the "I want to lose weight in the menu", you will be able to achieve the desired result faster. Here you no longer need to weigh dishes, watch the ingredient caloric tables, carry out the calculations and so on, is all already done for you.

    How to calculate calories norm for women?

    Each girl, at least once in his life sat on a diet, so it was interesting to know what the calorie rate for women. Currently, for the calculation of the energy norm per day, the Muffin Jeor is very often used, which was created more than ten years ago. As statistics shows, most of the online calorie calculators are based on it. Such a formula allows you to determine the energy costs of a person during the day and on the basis of these indicators, you can adjust your diet. For women, it looks like this: 9.99 x Weight in kg + 6.25 x growth in cm - 4,42 x age - 161. What's next? According to the results of the formula, we have a certain digit that needs to be multiplied by the CFA (physical activity coefficient). Despite the fact that every person is individual, there are general data that can be applied to the behavior of calculations. CFA can be in a special table.

    We consider calories in the menu

    To know how many calories will go into the body with each meal, you need to weigh products. It is customary to focus on the calorieness of raw foods using ordinary kitchen scales. The use of low-calorie diets for a long time brings irreparable harm to your, so you should not carry out such rapid experiments. Only competently thought out diet, properly cooked dishes and rational food will help you to stay healthy, slim and attractive. Gros Food to take care that only the right products are in your diet, given the calorie rate for men and women.

    Good afternoon, new and regular guests of our site! Today we will tell you what is the daily calorie rate for a woman, and what is useful to calculate the calculation. Control the energy value of the products is very important when weight loss, as well as maintaining a figure in normal.

    Calculation of nutrients is one of the fundamental. To feel good and not to gain weight, it is necessary to provide a calorie rate, i.e., to get energy about the same amount as the body spends. Cylokaloria (kcal) is a unit of measurement of energy that the body will spend on digesting food and our movement.

    Statistical data

    When we go, breathe, train, talk and deal with any kind of activity, the body consumes energy. It is important to ensure the necessary norm of nutrients so that the person felt well and was active. With a lack of calories, the body spares them, and weight stands still, or decreases. When rebupping - substances are transformed into fat and postponed on sides, waist, hips.

    How many energy resources per day should receive a female organism, depends on a number of factors, namely from:

    • age;
    • initial weight;
    • level of physical activity;
    • type of activity.

    The average daily calorage rate in women is less than that of men. The female daily calorie intake rate is 1800-2200 kcal. If a person leads an active lifestyle, exposed to excessive intellectual or physical exertion, the established standard should be increased by 500-1000 units.

    For a pregnant or nursing woman, the volume of calories entering the body should be increased 1.5-2 times, since the nutrients are needed not only the mother, but also to the developing fruit. The older man, the less energy it needs to maintain life. If at 20 years old girl needs 2200 kcal, then at the age of 36 years this figure will be reduced to 2000, and after 50 - to 1800.

    Individual indicators

    The above standards are relative and averaged. To keep yourself in the form, you need to know the exact indicator. What a daily calorage rate is needed specifically to you, you can calculate using the calculators online. By filling out several empty fields, the system instantly process the query, and give the exact result.