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  • Troika staff in the situation on the relationship. Troika Wands Tarot Value in Relationships

    Troika staff in the situation on the relationship. Troika Wands Tarot Value in Relationships

    Direct position of the top of the top of the shoes:

    Troika staff: the idea takes shape, the plan takes on the outline. Troika staff symbolizes understanding, awareness. These are practical knowledge, success, audacity.

    Reverse position of the map of the top of the staff:

    Inverted map means: dependence in affairs, betrayal, improper attitude to the proposed assistance, reinsurance; The end of the band of difficulties, delay, indefinite social status.

    Deck 78 doors

    Troika wands - the ability to detect an alternative way to implement new ideas. Cooperation.

    Original cards going with deck.

    Tarot Deck of Ride Wat

    Arcana description:

    Troika is a calm, the greatest figure turned back, looks from the edge of the steep cliff to the ships passing around the sea. Three sticks are stuck in the ground and it is slightly relied on one of them.

    Direct position of the map of the troika wands:

    Value for divination: the card symbolizes solid authoritatives, enterprise, effort, trade, commerce, deployment of the case. It is his ships carrying his own goods that are sold outside the sea.

    Reverse position of the map of the troika wands:

    Rapid values: ending care, suspension or termination of misfortune, hard work and disappointments.

    Original cards going with deck.

    Osho Dzen Tarot

    Arcana description:

    Experience is something that can be recorded in a notebook, used in the film or pasted in the album. "Experience" experience is a sense of surprise, the thrill of unity, a gentle touch, our connection with everything that surrounds us. A woman on this map does not just touch the tree, she is in unity with him, she almost became one with him one. This is an old tree that has seen grave times. Her touch is soft, respectful and white color on the inside of her cape reflects the purity of her heart. It is modest, simple, and this is the right approach to nature.

    Direct position map Troika Fire - Experience:

    The meaning of the card:

    Just look around, look into the eyes of a child, in your beloved eyes, your mother, your friend - or just touch the tree. Have you ever hugged a tree? Hug a tree and one day you will come to understand that not only you hugged a tree, but the tree also responds, the tree also hugs you. Then you first learn that the tree is not just a form, not just a certain view of which botany say, this is an unknown God in your yard - such a green, such full colors, so close to you, having you, calling you again and again .

    Other names of the Taro Troika Troika Wands: Wands, Trephic, Cross, Squeezers, Sources, Dubble, Cup, Bulava, Sticks, Branches, Roga, Arrows, Torches, Rainbows, Rainbow, Rods, Rods, Enclosures, Rods

    Troika wands combines two important images. First, this is a person who has done a long and difficult path and reached, finally, the tops, and, secondly, this is the one who has opened a wide overview of the surrounding world from the height. Durable foundation is our support, and the prospect of a bright future, our goal is two values \u200b\u200bof this card.


    We have reached a certain turning point that our land begins, which belongs only to us, where we ourselves can decide what and how to do, and now we can build our own plans for the future. Troika wands, as already mentioned, unites two aspects in itself - a solid foundation and a broad perspective.


    We have reached the vertices with which wide horizons are visible. Now, when we committed something important in our life, climbed to the next top, we can give themselves a breather - and look at the distance to find out what purpose we are waiting ahead. What we managed to achieve the goal gives us confidence in ourselves, and we know that we can achieve the next goal.

    Personal relationships and love

    Your union is built on a solid, creative basis that allows you to safely plan the most distant future. Unions subordinate to this map are easy, reliable and rich in creative potencies. If you are still alone, this card means that you have already laid the foundation of a solid relationship with another person, and now it remains only to wait a bit so that these relationships are realized.

    Internal meaning

    Troika Wands Taro Indicates problems that can be resolved if they can be used to operate if they remain calm, reasonable, fulfilled their own dignity. Whatever difficulties arose before, the questioning is able to overcome them. Do not act impulsively, you know what to do. Use your experience and common sense. Tarot Map Three Wands says that if your difficulties were caused by their own mistakes or even the feeling of inferiority, sound and responsible actions will help them. If your problems are caused by interference or confrontation of others, you can also resolve them, acting firmly and decisively. You can also count on the help and advice of friends.

    Combines with other maps


    Mad: drop-down horizons, path to unknown

    Emperor: leadership, directions

    8 bowls: Walk, Start Travel

    3 Pentacles: planning, preparation for the coming


    2 swords: rejection of obvious, passivity

    5 CHASS: Passivity

    Justice: flight from life

    Moon: fear of changes in their own life


    Hayo Banzhaf. Tutorial on tarot


    Sun in Ovne

    10 ° -20 ° Aries

    Initial title: Vladyka approved power. The initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: a hand stretched out of the clouds, keeps over the middle of three rods: two are crossed in diagonals, and the third is vertically. Languages \u200b\u200bof fire proceed from the intersection point

    Bina color on the King scale: Raspberry
    Sun colors on four scales: orange; golden yellow; juicy amber; Amber with streaks of red
    Aries colors on four scales: scarlet; red; sparkling flame; flaming red
    Formula: Troika (Bina) + Wands (Atcilut) + Sun in Avnel \u003d Dignity

    In graphically, it is one of the simplest cards of the deck; It follows in almost everything follows the sobrase described in the materials of the Golden Dawn. Skillfully using all ten colors listed in the color scale table, Frida Harris created three amber-gold rods, bored scarlet and placed on an orange background of flaming fire. As a result, the map was saturated not only with shining glitter, but also powerful heat. Before us is a symbol of the pristine solar energy, an awakening land in the spring penetrating the soil and a reviving seed.

    Like the aces and twos, all the top three (the last four of the twelve maps corresponding to the Highest Triad of Sephirot) cause Crowley a special reverence. Aces, as we remember, these are the uncompressed roots of the elements and the masters, and the twos are the symbols of elements and masters that appeared as ideas. Troika Crowley characterizes in the following words: "The idea is fertilized; The triangle is formed. In each of the triples, the idea of \u200b\u200bsome stability, unshakable, but capable of generating a child "was concluded. In the Tarot system, this is a child - nothing but all other numeric cards, from the fours to a dozen.

    What is beautiful and truly noble this card, Troika Wands! Here the sun is in the Aries, the sign of his exaltation, and feels like it is impossible. Moreover, this is a harmonious and powerful union takes place in the third Sephire, Bina, which gives it an exalted subtlety of understanding. The great strength (and the will needed for its use), which appeared before us in a two wands, is now fertilized and can manifest itself in such a nature as dignity.

    This card corresponds to the beaker in the layman's suit and, thus, symbolizes the approval of the pristine energy. The will was transferred to the mother who causes, shelters and gives rise to her manifestation.

    The card is controlled by the sun in the Aries, the sign of his exaltation.

    The threshold value of the wands is harmonious, because it is displayed in the beginning of spring. For this reason, one of the wands acquired here the shape of a flowering lotus. The sun ignited the Great Mother.

    In "and Jing" the Sun in Aries is represented by the 11th hexagram, Tai, whose value coincides with the above description.

    A source

    Lon Milo Dotkett "Magica Alister Crowley"

    Direct position

    Meaning card

    Just look around, look into the eyes of a child, in your beloved eyes, your mother, your friend - or just touch the tree. Have you ever hugged a tree? Hug a tree and one day you will come to understand that not only you hugged a tree, but the tree also responds, the tree also hugs you. Then you first learn that the tree is not just a form, not just a certain view of which botany say, this is an unknown God in your yard - such a green, such full colors, so close to you, having you, calling you again and again . (Osho)

    Astrological meaning:

    Mercury in Lion as confidence in the future and the breadth of the horizons and a harmonious aspect with Saturn as a reliable basis.

    Direct position:

    Troika staff: the idea takes shape, the plan takes on the outline. Troika staff symbolizes understanding, awareness. These are practical knowledge, success, audacity.

    Reverse position:

    Inverted map means: dependence in affairs, betrayal, improper attitude to the proposed assistance, reinsurance; The end of the band of difficulties, delay, indefinite social status.

    Troika wands

    Map title: Lord of the approved force (established (sent) power)

    Compliance - air of fire; Letter wow; Sephira - Mind

    Explanation (general meaning): Stormy growth, successful development of conceived. The idea gets a direction in which it will develop (the plan receives concrete outlines) (enhancing in new territories, the realization of the dream)

    Event: Ride, Communication with foreigners. (new discoveries, new acquaintances; practical application of their resources)

    1. Development, conquest of new spaces. A mutually beneficial partnership contributing to mutual development. The beginning of profitable long-term projects (bought for the future). (Business trips, trade, including shuttle. Fast erection of cheap but not too good housing (Khrushcheki, Towards). Encuting knowledge and documents, the use of knowledge in practice)

    2. In general - favorable. But if there is a disease - it means about its stormy development. (requirement of consistent diagnosis, comprehensive treatment)

    3. Durable, promising, well-developing. Interest. Relations. Which give energy, they encourage something. (based on common business interest, family business. Durable and promising, but without special feelings)

    4. An enterprising configured for cooperation. (inquisitive, enterprising)

    5. Tip: Act, develop, take new territories, change the situation, go. (make new steps, bring order in matters)

    CAUTION: The stream is so strong that it will not work out from it. (Do not go to the new too much, make your actions less "business")

    6. Answer: "Yes." Everything develops. Getting desired. (you make a small discovery)

    Additionally: the beginning of development, dynamics. Activation of creative start, self-awareness. In some cases, it may mean that it should be fate, but it could not be.


    Explanation (general value): Delay in implementation. (Opening already open, lack of dynamics, development)

    Event: Solving a question or a trip is postponed. Help with selfish goal (for some sources). The situation "We will call you" or "come tomorrow". (Return to some topic, opening new items in the old situation)

    1. The plans are not developed as much as I would like (not there, not and not with those). Difficulties in trade, signing contracts. (multiple resale of the same, returning things to still owner after a complex chain of events)

    2. The sluggish processes that turn into chronic. The person is not very sick, but can not normally live. (chronic cyclic diseases)

    3. Invocativeness in actions. Cooperation in which you are not free. (Situation When the mistress says: I will definitely get married, just the children grow up, the wife will recover, etc.) (attempt to refresh relationships, look at the partner with new eyes)

    4. Inaction, laying for tomorrow, some kind of dishonesty. (knows how to shine in society with his dating or stories about the past)

    5. Tip: Way. Lack on the brakes. (try to find new shades in the old situation)

    Caution: All sorts of delays, uncertainty in decisions. (Do not be deceived by visibility novelty)

    6. Do not get the desired. The situation is freezing but if desired it can be raised (You did not say "no"). (There will be no new, there is no movement or a little).

    General value:

    Troika wands combines two important images. First, this is a person who has done a long and difficult path and reached, finally, the tops, and, secondly, this is the one who has opened a wide overview of the surrounding world from the height. Durable foundation is our support, and the prospect of a bright future, our goal is two values \u200b\u200bof this card.


    We have reached a certain turning point that our land begins, which belongs only to us, where we ourselves can decide what and how to do, and now we can build our own plans for the future. Troika wands, as already mentioned, unites two aspects in itself - a solid foundation and a broad perspective.


    We have reached the vertices with which wide horizons are visible. Now, when we committed something important in our life, climbed to the next top, we can give themselves a breather - and look at the distance to find out what purpose we are waiting ahead. What we managed to achieve the goal gives us confidence in ourselves, and we know that we can achieve the next goal.

    Personal relationships:

    Your union is built on a solid, creative basis that allows you to safely plan the most distant future. Unions subordinate to this map are easy, reliable and rich in creative potencies. If you are still alone, this card means that you have already laid the foundation of a solid relationship with another person, and now it remains only to wait a bit so that these relationships are realized.

    Troika wands in combination with other tarot cards

    With the head "Jester" - an unstable result; Nealablity in affairs.

    With the map "Mag" - Sweating.

    With the map "Supreme Priestess" - experience.

    With the "Empress" map - an impressive result.

    With the emperor card - a stable result.

    With the map "Ierofant" - a test for maturity.

    With the "Lovers" card - the result of the choice.

    With the chariot map - driving classes.

    With the "power" card - to reduce the threshold of the expectation.

    With a "Hermit" card - an imperceptible result.

    With the "Wheel of Fortune" - the process went.

    With the "Justice" card - to settle legal issues.

    With the "Hungal" card - failure.

    With a "death" card - an irreversible process.

    With a "moderation" map - find a compromise.

    With the "Devil" card - the result, unjustious expectations.

    With a "tower" card - loss; The process released from under control.

    With a star "Star" - an astrological forecast.

    With a map of "Moon" - intriculture.

    With the "Sun" - a creative achievement.

    With the Court Card - the decision, sentence.

    With the World Card - access to the new market


    With the "TUZ Wands" card - inspiring results.

    With the "Two Wands" card - a concentration in affairs; Research obtained results.

    With the "Four Wands" card, the results that are not sin will celebrate.

    With the Cape "Five Wands" - inconsistency of actions.

    With the map "Six Wands" - stunning results.

    With a "seven wands" map - actions that meet resistance.

    With the "Eight Wands" map - actions that are gaining turnover.

    With the map "Nine Wands" - efforts taken "in the bayonies".

    With the map "Tens of Wands" - earn a "headache".

    With the "Page Wands" card - a small but inspirational result.

    With the Knight Wands card - fleeting success.

    With the "Queen of the Wands" card - the growth of professionalism.

    With the map "King of Wands" - promotion.

    Do not forget to visit our cozy

    Troika wands - a map of growth, stability and success (and the sphere to which it belongs will indicate other cards). Whatever the question would be a personal relationship, career, spiritual growth - this card says that it is necessary to continue to move forward, go beyond the limits of the current borders, stop early.

    On this map, inspiration and realization of ideas are, they acquire the form and receive the direction. She promises a prosperous outcome of the case, whose relative was asked. Stable position, robust support and further prosperity, excellent perspectives - these are two values \u200b\u200bof this card. Therefore, the troika wands is considered to decorate the scenario, it reflects the positive course of events and gives a favorable forecast.

    The map says that the person has already achieved certain heights and will be able to achieve even more in the future. It makes sense to hope for the best and breathe full of breasts. This card means the primary order, its values \u200b\u200bare a solid base, success, a strong position. She says that a certain point or point is achieved in the case where you can not be afraid of anything and confidently look ahead. As Banzhaf writes, "this card is one of the most beloved, since it not only speaks of a stable state of affairs at the moment, but also promises further prosperity."

    Intelligent authors believe that the troika wands describes small problems in affairs that can be solved. This is a small test that the questioning is fully able to overcome through common and responsible actions, as well as with the help of friends. In any case, this card says: "Everything will be fine!" If before that in life there was a black band, the top of the wands proclaims the end of disasters.

    Sometimes the value of preparation is accede before making a decisive step into the future.


    The card indicates that the period of doubts and thought came to an end, and the person is ready not only to take some particular decision, but also actively seek its implementation. On this map there is a brave and positive perception of reality, planning activities with optimism and confidence. Harmonious spring mood, no destruction. Strength and hope. Creative inspiration, realization of conceived. Philosophical and positive attitude, willingness to build a new life (and the heart is already there).

    New classes and interests, spirit of wanderings, initiative. The huge world is exhausted ahead and the internal wisdom is now strong enough to discard any alarms and doubts that may arise. Gloomy reflections and scrupulous calculations lose meaning when a person is full of vitality and light, sincerity and selflessness. Awareness of your abilities and the development of self-confidence.

    Vintage interpretations emphasize the values \u200b\u200bas power, determination, hardness, audacity, self-confidence. Modern authors call it "personal growth."
    The map also carries an increase in insight, intuition, the ability of foresight.
    Among the old values \u200b\u200b- integrity, honesty, uncompromising virtue.

    This card symbolizes the primary order, is associated with understanding, awareness. Creative energy is a powerful three-way stream towards new goals. At the level of this card, the vector of social activity is formed and the ability to widely distribute their ideas.

    In essence, all that surrounds us is the result of such a spread, we will not choose this, starting from the toothbrush and ending with the computer monitor. Falling out in the scenario, the Troika Weslov says that life gives us the opportunity to embody their ideas (provided that we will leave all the things that depletes the precious reserves of our energy).

    The map shows the man who did the path and reached, finally, the tops. And in addition, with this vertex, he opened a wide overview of the surrounding world, literally - views. Types of future! At a deeper level, this card means the ability of the foresight as a result of spiritual development. Search for good luck at the spiritual level. One of the interesting comments (at Philadoro) relative to the symbols of Arkana is that being closed in the aristocratic, almost royal clothes, the man on Arkan is not wound. Perhaps he does not know his origin, came out of obscurity - this motive is repeated in the fate of many legendary heroes and is largely the key to their success: they grow in a sorry, nothing would have come out of them.

    Regarding the astrological value of the card, the following information was found: The second decade of the Aries is controlled by the Sun and symbolizes confidence, positivity and the joy of life. The initial movement impulse is gaining strength and strengthened in its right. Forky young ambitious gust, as directed to the ideal (hence the name - "virtue") is implemented in life work.

    The choice is conscious: the source of enthusiasm is a conscious idea (isn't it wonderful that "Ace" is hidden in the word "enthusiasm"?). A person finds all the necessary energy resources in itself: his support is the light of the mind. Compliance with the internal law gives him the opportunity to realize his freedom of will. True, to embody his ideals, it is necessary to find support among the environment: they do not go alone on the ship. For this, it is important to overcome excessive striving for risk and material egoism. A reasonable understanding of the possibilities of the world, friendship and love will be a key to success.

    Light and shadow (advice and warning)

    Tip: master new frontiers! To act healthy and hope for the best. In no case do not fall in spirit. Boldly take offered assistance. Being absolutely confident in the success of your undertakings. We must incarnate all the might! Actions at the moment do not contradict the designs of fate, there is a hit in the right direction. Now you can overcome almost any difficulties, provided that reasonable and responsible steps will be taken (a person himself usually knows perfectly well what to do).

    Warning: Menota delete Case Sacred, but now not to the place! The rashness and hurry, the tendency to "run ahead of the steam locomotive", meaninglessly ahead of the events ("In the life of every person, the moment comes when he is mercilessly tearing with his past, and the coming hand of the coming breaks the mysterious cover of the future!") Caution from "ShapcoRodacy", that is, Excessive arrogance and are too ambitious plans, which can lead to serious difficulties (as such as it happens with an unprepared expansion of business, unreasonable expansion). Excessive optimism and frivolity. Disranged to useful advice and instructions. Sometimes (in old manuals) indication of a hidden plot, ambush.

    Stable position and further prosperity. Successful solution to issues. Excellent opportunities to further improve the situation. Financial successes due to reasonable behavior. Troika wands are favorable for issues related to material well-being. It means commercial success, and generally shows a person who occupies a strong position and having a reliable rear.

    On this map is the construction of the house, buying an apartment.

    The value of the troika of the wands can manifest itself in two ways depending on the context of the situation. If there is a relationship in the life of a person who are not satisfied with it, then on this map there is an explicit intention to reset the shackles, free themselves for a better life and build your future re-on. If the relationship is important and valuable, then the troika wands describes progress, their prosperous development, care for deepening and strengthening confidence and interdepending. The partner described by the top of the wands is much waiting for these relationships, places great hopes on them, connects its aspirations with the partner and believes that it is mutual. At a minimum, he believes that the relationship has a future.

    There is faith and hope and there is no place for doubt (whether it is justified - another question).
    Often, on this map is an explanation in love or at least an open and honest manifestation of your intentions.

    Traditional interpretations include engagement and even a wedding (again because of the success of the triples and the officials of the wands), modern authors indicate that it can be some less major event, nevertheless certifying the attachment and value of these relationships (for example, a sign gift).

    In any case, whether a person is mired in unhappy relationship, in love or looking for a couple, he exactly represents what it wants to achieve, and tirelessly creates plans for the implementation of the conceived. Troika wands - the card, which is traditionally considered the key to happiness. She says that sadness and trouble will stay behind, all the possibilities for building a prosperous life are revealed, and everything will be fine in the relationship. Spring mood and sexy harmony.

    The card has one more interesting value that it divides with a two wands, and which also sometimes triggers instead of more familiar. She speaks about nostalgia, longing, hot desire to go there, where the heart ... It is clearly not here, perhaps with someone else there is no place. I need intuition to guess whether it can work this value in the situation of the questioning. Of course, the six bowls nearby makes a great job.

    Physical and moral force.

    If a direct card says about the ability to foresee further that the inverted warns of inconsistencies, it is recommended to think about everything once again and, most likely, to postpone the conceived to better. Lack of expected success and / or wide prospects. Loss of chance of success.

    In addition, a person is not solved to enterprise something new, because it does not feel a solid soil under his feet and does not see prospects. Some authors believe that this can make it more open to cooperation. But the fact of the matter is that in an inverted position, the card means cooperation in which a person is incomparable. Possible assistance provided with a certain hidden motive, rear thought. In general, the most traditional value of the inverted troika of the wands is exactly what is a warning against the proposed assistance.

    Sometimes the accumulation of the enemy forces is emphasized and the neglect of the proposed help, or an overly careful attitude towards who offers this help (reinsurance). The traditional values \u200b\u200bof the inverted troika wands are gloomy: dependence, double-deceased and betrayal, catch, treason.

    Wrecked plans, "Dead Season". Uncertainty, stagnation. And to such an outcome gives inconsistency of joint actions.

    With a jerk - reinforcement, disclosure of new horizons, new turn

    With the emperor - bright leadership

    With justice - flight from life (from the ancient interpretator)

    With moon - fear of changes in his own life

    With the world - the appearance of a new person, communication with which will bring many pleasant emotions and experiences, as well as interesting and valuable information.

    With five cups - passivity, inertness

    With the eight of the cup - the beginning of the trip, departure

    With a two sword - the failure to see the obvious

    With a triple pentacles - intelligent planning, preparation for the coming

    With the eight of the pentacles - the works of the righteous to achieve the declared goals

    The promise of God to Abraham "Land promised"