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  • Gothic cards Taro Wargo. Meaning and interpretation of junior arcanes

    Gothic cards Taro Wargo. Meaning and interpretation of junior arcanes

    How to interpret Tarot cards in gadania for love is one of the most common questions. In the sphere of feelings is complemented by the values \u200b\u200bof the younger arcanes for the relationship. With their help, you can learn about the feelings of the partner, the prospects of the relationship, the opportunity to meet the second half.

    Tarot's wands - meaning in relationships

    In the deck of cards Tarot, the wands (staff) belongs to the element of the fire. In the defolds on the relationship, love and feelings, the wands talk about love dust of partners. They can mean a temperamental partner or passion, severe sensual attraction, passionate novel. If there are too many cards in the fortune telling for love, it can be assumed that the relationship is extinguished by partners, excessive jealousy. If they are not at all, perhaps feelings fade and need a spark to ignite the former passion.

    Ace Wands

    New acquaintance or revival of old relationships. The beginning of the relationship that happens suddenly and brightly. Flash of passion, broken flame of love. For a person who has long been married, talks about updating married relations.

    Inverted ace of wands. The destruction of relationships, feelings are fading. In combination with the empress - problems with confusion. In combination with lovers - conflicts, quarrels.

    Two wips

    Meditation, choice. Partners (or one of them) does not have mutual interest in each other. Perhaps this cooling is temporary. The prospect of new relationships that do not cause interest.

    Inverted twice wips. Alienation of one of the partners. Disappointment, misunderstanding, loss of confidence. Loud, but empty promises. They are not worth anything behind them, they are pronounced because of any benefit, calculation or habit.

    Troika wands

    The value of the map is the clarification of the situation, entering clarity in the goal and intention. General case, uniting partners (child or work). If you make efforts, the best life awaits ahead. But for each pair its concept of a better life. If the relationship does not suit, perhaps parting, exemption. If people are happy in a pair, they are expected to strengthen relationships.

    Inverted troika wands. Refuse joint plans. Noteply to decisive actions, man is inclined to graze before difficulties.

    Four Wands

    Sexual satisfaction, harmony in the Union, happy period. The most optimal development of relations. Partner has good intentions and far-reaching joint plans. Family map.

    Inverted foursome wands. Divorce, live separately. The holiday is postponed. Happiness is incomplete or overshadowed.

    Five Wands

    Stage wipes. Confrontation, rivalry, disputes, proveing \u200b\u200btheir rightness in relationships. Resentment accumulated and need to release steam. Sexy dissatisfaction. Theatrical playback of the dram, hysterics in order to add sharpness into relationships.

    Inverted five rods. Irritability, provoking quarrels, friction in a pair. Partners tend to rush in extremes, which can lead to crisis.

    Six wands

    Harmony, enjoying sex. Difficulties remain behind. The beginning of a new relationship, the conquest of someone's hearts with beautiful courtships. Good perspectives. Idealization and admiration for a partner. One partner loves to be praised.

    Inverted six wands. Unwillingness to search for a compromise. The effort is spent a lot, and the result is small. Long and unsuccessful waiting proposal to marry, live together, etc. Infertility courtship.

    Seven wands

    The struggle for the relationship, the protection of their relationship from the intervention of someone from. Rival. Condemnation or misunderstanding from friends and loved ones. There are changes in the love life of the couple. For a lonely person - he himself does not let me in potential partners.

    Inverted seven of the wands. Insecurity, indecision, due to which it may be lost the possibility of creating new relationships. The lack of determination to place the point over "and". Conflicts with a loved one or close people.

    Eight Wands

    Unexpected love, spontaneous solutions, rapid development of relations. Happiness in family life. The revival of relationships. Unexpected changes that make you see a new situation or a loved one.

    Inverted eight wands. Stagnation, deadlock in relationship, routine and events. Lack of activity.

    Nine wands

    Close, distrust partner because of the past negative experience. Unreasonable suspicions, unhealthy jealousy. Desired loneliness, for example, after a relationship in which a person was deceived, survived treachery, conflicts.

    Inverted nine wips. Quarrels, crisis in a pair. In a positive value, an attempt to establish relationships.

    Ten Wands

    Relationship or marriage man perceives as a serious burden. Cargo of past offenders. In some cases, the Arkan speaks of unhealthy self-sacrifice, a hypertrophied sense of responsibility from a partner. If it is not in a pair, he perceives his loneliness very painful, suffers from him and cannot find a way out of the situation.

    Torn ten wands. Parting that brings joy and relief. Termination of severe, outlined relationships. Getting rid of an annoyed Uhager or a boring partner.

    Page sacks

    Young guy or girl. The restlessness and lack of calm caused by the emission of hormones. The map speaks of sexual desire, hobby, excitement, flirting, impermanence. Cute prank, adventure. May mean the first intimate experience in a pair. The revival of feelings, bringing something new to the established relationship.

    Inverted Page Wands. A stormy feeling that disappears as quickly as it arises. Stupid, capricious behavior, lack of tact on partner, sexual disappointment in it. Problems in relationships.

    Knight wands

    Young, gambling, temperamental man. Search for new love. Readiness to conquer, passion, impatience. Strong sexual attraction. Feelings quickly flare and quickly go out. Aggressiveness or jealous partner.

    Inverted knight wands. Disagreements, crisis, disorder and even breaking relationships. Alienation. Hardening behavior that can lead to problems.

    Queen Wands

    Determining, temperamental, confident woman. If this card characterizes the relationship, they can be called stormy, active and durable. A good period in love when passion and feelings are harmoniously combined. New acquaintances. Sex appeal.

    Inverted queen of wands. The impermanence of feelings, jealousy, selfishness, stubbornness. Dominance in relations, to put others dependent on yourself. Insincerity.

    King Wands

    Passionate, initiative, active male conqueror. But at the same time he is reliable and responsible. In despusting, Arkan can mean a sudden strengthening of sexual attraction, the struggle for power in a pair. As a characteristic of relations or senses of a partner - passionate, sincere, hot. For marriage - stability.

    Inverted king of wands. Pressure from a man, imposing his will. Discontent, criticism.

    Tarot Cups - Validity in Relationships

    Cups (or Bowls) in Tarot Maps represent the element of water. They describe such an aspect of life as emotions, feelings, passion, the inner state of a person who affect the situation and its development. In fortunate on love cards of the Cups, talk about tenderness and sensuality between partners. The predominance of such cards in the scenario is a favorable sign. He speaks of sincerity, favorable terms, devastating, love, happiness, harmony, friendship, affection.

    Love, romance, loyalty, passion, strong emotional attraction. New feeling, new relationship or strengthening former. Sincerity of feelings.

    Inverted ace of cups. Illusions in love. The narrowness of feelings. Negative changes in relationships, disorder, ending love, disappointment. Unhappy, unrequited love.

    Romantic meetings, dates. Understanding, partnership. Sincerity, openness of feelings, trust. The beginning of the relationship when a person is inclined to see another through pink glasses. In well-established relationships - a surge of warm feelings, reconciliation.

    Inverted twice cups. Disorder, quarrel. Parting. Insincerity. The desire to subjugate the partner. Actions are not for love, but forced.

    Flirt, fun, ease. Communication in the company. Someone is the third relationship, it may be an opponent, as well as one of the interpretation options - the pregnancy and the birth of a child. Non-serious attitude.

    Treasted three cups. Interference in family relationships cause a crisis that is able to cause a break. Problems in married life. The feeling of loneliness. The extinction of feelings, which, however, may be a temporary phenomenon.

    Personal life does not add up, because the person is in advance confident in the failure of relationships. Old Virgo, convinced bachelor. Reliability. A person is absorbed by hopeless relationships and does not want to even think about other options. Stagnation, boredom in relations. Disappointment, care.

    Inverted four cups. New relationships, new life, the period of apathy and longing ends.

    Suffering, disappointment, broken dreams. Disintegration of the Union. Strong insult, pain from parting, a large conflict.

    Inverted five cups. Suffering and experiences gradually pass. A person is ready to see positive in life again.

    Nostalgia, pleasant memories of love, first love. Return to the former partner or the desire to start all over first in relations that have long stopped. Attraction, reconciliation after a quarrel, restoration of mutual understanding. Care, support. Friendly love.

    Inverted six cups. The desire to forget about the past, leave some people or events in the past. A person lives past and little thinks about the future. Misunderstanding and misunderstanding in a pair.

    Self-deception, euphoria, idealization of a partner, the charm of him, which can have little in common with reality. See partner and relationships through rose glasses. Sexy fantasies. Fear of real relationships. Love at a distance.

    Inverted seven cups. The real state of affairs and the real essence of the partner finally became apparent to the questioning. However, this truth may not be pleasant. Disappointment. Clash with brutal reality.

    Direct position. Furious feelings, hopeless relationships. Camery. Parting due to circumstances. Parting with idyllistic ideas about the partner.

    Inverted eight cups. Unproductive searches for love. Relationships that are not perspective. Refusal to something for a beloved person.

    Harmony, love, sensual pleasures, pleasure, pleasant pastime. Feelings arise unexpectedly, but as suddenly and quickly can end.

    Inverted nine cups. Obstacles. Deferred personal happiness. Sensual excesses that bored pleasure. The joy of life turns into pursuit of pleasures.

    Mutual love, happiness. Serious, clean, deep, mature relationship. Partners are ready for marriage and the birth of children. New long-term acquaintance. Family.

    Inverted dozen cups. Intense situation in relationships. Conflicts. Unrequited love. Joyless family life, divorce.

    Sentimental, wounded guy or girl. Beautiful courtship, romance, emotions. Attraction, attraction, leisurely rapprochement of people. Calm, harmonious relationships, coming after the period of misunderstandings. Proposal to make marriage. In combination with the Empress - conception.

    Inverted Page Cups. Trend towards manipulation in relations with other people. Seduction. Non-serious relationship. Do not believe promises.

    Emotional young man, idealistic and romantic. He does not hesitate to show his feelings. Joy, love, mutual understanding. Romantic journey, pleasant pastime with a loved one.

    Inverted knight cup. Use love for personal gain. Unrequited love, deception, intrigue. The situation is not as it seems.

    Understanding, soft, caring woman. Sincerity, devotion, honesty. In a relationship, a person is guided by heart, not personal interest. Understanding and trust. Love is a priority in a pair. A man appreciates the love that he receives from a partner, and gives the same feelings in response.

    Inverted Queen of Cups. Doubt, lack of confidence in communication. Desire to dominate and manipulate partner. Feeling loneliness in a pair. Angry woman. The presence of unsatisfied love desires.

    Mature man understanding, ready to take responsibility, father of the family. Happy change in relationships. Love, manifestation of trust, carefulness to the partner. Sexuality. The moment in the relationship when the feelings at the peak and the relationship are perfect.

    Inverted king of cups. Hard, inflexible person. Difficult union. Lies, quarrels and hypocrisy. Lack of harmony.

    Tarot's swords like swords

    Swords in Tarot deck - element air. This suit is logic, intelligence, rational approach, non-problem analysis, cold calculation. Legality and order. In despusting to love, the emergence of such cards foreshadows conflicts, the struggle, excessive demanding partners to each other. Obstacles, destruction of ideals, deception. Also can not talk about deep feelings.

    New love, stormy relationship. Passion. The desire for conquest, conquest. Clearing situation, lack of unpredictability, ambiguity in relationships. Clear understanding of what is happening. Getting answers to your questions, exemption from illusions. The result of this may be the disintegration of the union.

    Inverted ace of swords. Conflicts, anger, resentment, incontinence.

    Difficult choice in love. It is necessary to choose between several options, but they all are not satisfied with the questioning. Unwillingness to make a final decision. Truce, compromise. Doubt.

    Inverted twice swords. Ignoring the problem. Unwillingness to look for possible ways to solve it. In this regard, tensions in the relationship. Calm before storm. The reluctance is interested in the problems of a partner.

    Direct position. Disappointment in love. Broken dreams, broken heart. Heart flour. Accumulated insults splash through the conflict. Love triangle. Unhappy love. The end of the relationship.

    Treasted Troika Swords. Unsuccessful choice in love. The inability to find a way out of this situation. Cooling feelings.

    Moderation, desire not to enter into conflict. Questive avoids relationships. The period of calm after skirmishes and disagreements. Fatigue from disappointment. Defense, passivity, isolation, loneliness in a pair. Parting for a while.

    Inverted Four Swords. The decoupling of events is close, as if a person did not try to delay it. It is impossible to sink the problem anymore.

    Direct position. The desire to dominate, subjugate the partner, reproach and perseverance to force him to do what he does not want. Any way to get the desired. Win in rivalry for a loved one. To achieve a partner, but the conquest process is more important than the subsequent possession. Conflict, insult, vest.

    Inverted five swords. Your actions hurt a loved one. Loss. Senseless destruction. Refusal to struggle for partner.

    Moving, ride, communication with a person from abroad. Exit from a conflict situation, partners are ready for a compromise. Change. Parting with an old life and movement to the new.

    Inverted Six Swords. The inability to find a way out of the current situation. Relationships are beginning to be treated, a person considers them uninteresting, routine.

    Direct position. Betrayal, deception, lie, insincerity. One partner wants to benefit from the other. Hiding real feelings, problems. Insufficient openness of partners in relations.

    Inverted seven swords. The secret becomes clear. Cheating is detected.

    Complexes, fear, uncertainty of past relationships that do not allow to be open with a loved one. Distance from a partner. It is necessary to hide or restrain some aspects of your personality, as the negative response of the partner may follow. Frames in relationships. Be alone because of the unpreparedness to take another person.

    Inverted seven swords. Heavy relationship. Dependence on a partner, a subordinate position that cannot be changed. The situation is not so hopeless as it seems.

    Relationships in a dead end, but not finished yet. Suffering, experiences, broken heart. The feeling of guilt that does not give rest. Fear of losing a partner. Anxiety for the future. Problems are not so great, as it seems to the question.

    Inverted nine swords. There are still problems, but they are already close to permission. Man is still experiencing due to conflict, but negative feelings pass.

    Unexpected, strong crisis. End of a relationship. Crash, betrayal, disappointment in a partner. Hopelessness. It is impossible to fix anything.

    Town of a dozen swords. After a difficult period, peace comes. The situation is normalized after a long conflict.

    The young man, whose intentions are not clean, not sincere. In relationships - a small quarrel, disagreements. Stubbornness, persistence of partners or one of them to achieve their own. But such a stubbornness is most often a showful, in order to compete for the championship in a pair.

    Inverted Page Swords. Cheating, mutual misunderstanding. Lack of delicacy. Take the desired for valid.

    Conflict, gusty young man. Single, family life does not attract it. The partner is committed to independence, freedom. He needs a personal space. He can't all the time next to his chosen, it oppresses him and he feels like a cage. Cooling feelings, relationships are built on rationalism. Passenger comments, neglect of the partner can turn warm feelings in anger and hatred.

    Inverted knight swords. Sudden departure of one of the partners. Quarrels, disputes, rudeness. Attempts to achieve the desired force. Conviction in own right.

    Smart, independent woman. Equality in the relationship, a pragmatic approach that prevails over emotions. Unpretentiousness or reluctance to marry. The coldness of feelings. Unwillingness to put up with what I do not like.

    Inverted queen of swords. Lies, insincerity in relationships. Powdly virtue, morality. Marriage of convenience. Lack of determination and hardness.

    Cool, solid, reasonable man. One partner loves not a heart, but head, mind, pragmatism. Priority of personal interests, dismissive attitude towards a partner. Clearing relationships, clarity, but often the alienation follows.

    Inverted king of swords. Relationships are built on the calculation. Attempts to submit to their partner. Manipulation, criticism, egoism. It is hard to find a common language with a partner.

    Troot Pentacles: Value in Relationships

    Pentacles in the maps of Tarot corresponds to the element of the Earth. They are responsible for all the material in human life. This is a job, business, money, material benefits, social status, power, health. In matters of love, Pentacles mean earthly desires, physical side of love, bodily pleasure.

    Attitude towards partner as a gift of fate. Strong physical attraction. Durable relationships and stable relationships. If the card characterizes new relationships, it can be concluded that the connection will be long. The partner is perceived as a good party. New acquaintance. Pregnancy.

    Inverted ace of pentacles. Relationship based on material interest.

    Change of partner. In different situations, he can behave differently. Selection of several options. Friendly attitude, flirt. Easy relationships perceived as a game. The man did not fully determine and not sure what he wants. The revival of fastened feelings.

    Inverted twice of pentacles. Uncertainty, oscillations. Meetings that do not entail the emergence of relationships. Gap, crisis.

    Development of relations, partners are applied to this effort. They hear each other, ready to compromise and adapt to each other. Partners unites joint activities, cooperation. The intention to live together.

    Treasted three pentacles. Relationships have no development. One partner is afraid or does not want to make the next step in order for the relationship to the new level. If there are disagreements in a pair, the Arkan speaks about the reluctance to correct the situation.

    Reluctance of change. Man is not ready to sacrifice his freedom or interests for his relationship. Preserving stability in relations with any ways. Control, a sense of ownership in relation to his beloved person.

    Inverted four pentacles. The concentration of attention on the material instead of spiritual. Union for calculating. Conflicts because of money.

    Five pentacles

    Some kind of inequality in relationships. It can be a different origin, income level, intelligent level. The feeling of abandonment and emptiness. One partner abuses financial resources or feelings of another. To be together from hopelessness, long marriage, strong connection.

    Inverted five pentacles. Distance, cooling of feelings, discord. Comrades in misfortune. Financial difficulties. Incorrect lifestyle that affects the partner.

    Six pentacles

    The desire to patronize the partner, help him, including materially, support. I give you, you give me. Each of the couple has something that is not from the other, and they are harmonious and mutually beneficially complement each other. One partner is invested in another.

    Inverted six pentacles. Only gives one, the other only takes. One loves, the other allows himself to love. Using a partner. The victim, which was not noticed.

    Seven pentacle

    Disappointment, dissatisfaction. There is a lot of investigations in the relationship, but there are no desired results. Many effort is spent, but there is no return. Marriage - Routine. Relationships develop slowly. Pregnancy.

    Inverted seven of pentacles. Beaming, lack of harmony, disappointment. Relationships do not develop.

    Eight pentacles

    Work on relationships, compatibility in everyday life. Understanding, patience. Lack of romantic feelings, but only the association with common life. Natural development of relationships from dating to marriage. If the questioning alone, the Arkan promises positive changes in his personal life.

    Inverted eight pentacles. Relationships do not work or smashed, more often due to the reluctance of partners themselves, make efforts to establish relationships.

    Nine pentacles

    Stability of the situation. If it is in a pair, such relationships are comfortable and strong. Perhaps they do not have a mad passion and great love, but they fully arrange partners. If you gone alone, the card means the comfort of loneliness.

    Inverted nine pentacles. Relationships lose their significance. Disappointment. Loss of authority. Financial losses.

    Dozen pentacles

    Love, prosperous family, marriage, relationships leading to marriage, common life. Homemade comfort. Communication of generations, related ties.

    Town of a dozen pentacles. Family discord. There is no support for loved ones. Relationships on a material basis.

    Page pentacles

    Pleasant young man or girl. The ability to get valuable experience. At the same time, it can be in any sphere - from the first sexual contact to the experience of living together. A decisive step for transition to the next stage of relationships. Transition to closest relationships.

    Inverted Page Pentacles. Disappointment in a partner. Contempt. Sensual cooling.

    Knight pentacle

    Young, reliable man who has serious intentions. Stable, strong relationships. Physical attraction. The prospect of new permanent relationships.

    Inverted knight pentacles. Boredom, routine, indifference, lethargy. Cooling, discontent.

    Queen Pentacles

    Balanced, responsive, economic woman. Sensual pleasures. Joy of life. Peaceful warmth. Loyalty, constancy, readiness to marry.

    Inverted queen of pentacles. Issimacy problems. Life negatively affects relationships.

    King pentacle

    Mature man, firmly standing on his legs, owner, head of the family. Pleasure from physical love. The seriousness of intentions, reliability, constancy. No romance.

    Inverted king of pentacles. Control, suspicion, egoism. Life for the sake of pleasure. Sexual succity.

    In this material we will reveal the value of the younger Arcans Tarot. Tarot deck includes 78 cards belonging to senior or junior arcane. This article will tell you that they symbolize the younger arcans, their features and significance in the scenario.

    56 junior arcanes show how a certain event will occur in life. If the older arcans say that it will happen with a person, the youngest show how the situation in space and time will develop. Therefore, each card has its meaning and emotional color.

    Younger arcans have 4 masters: swords, wands, pentacles and cups. In turn, every suit is divided into 4 curly cards and 10 numeric. Figure include: Page, Knight, King and Queen. Numeric cards are ace, twice, triple, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and a dozen.

    The lasty of junior arcanes characterize 4 natural elements - water, fire, air and land.

    • Sources symbolize the element of fire, possess determination and perseverance.
    • Bowls personify water and differ emotionality, sensitivity and care.
    • Swords belong to the elements of air, they have developed thinking, prone to criticism and doubts.
    • Pentkali are a manifestation of earthly elements, talk about reliability, material benefits.

    As a rule, the younger arcanes are applied by fortunate on the events occurring in everyday life:

    • Twos have a negative value in the defolds due to contradictory and lack of harmony.
    • Troika, except for the masses of swords, are more stable and stable, therefore are considered positive cards.
    • Four closed and isolated, because of this, obstacles have obstacles.
    • Five belong to non-harmonic cards.
    • Six and seven are positive.
    • The eights are characterized by inconsistency, and nines have a negative interpretation.
    • Dozens, with the exception of Swords, pretty positive.
    • Ace enhances the main features of their suit.
    • Fas usually indicate a specific person, but can also speak about the possibility or chance that fate provides. Usually depict young boys or girls.
    • Knights symbolize a person or circumstances under which the action is performed.
    • The king and queen indicate influential or powerful people from your environment.

    Interpretation of Junior Arcanes Tarot


    Wands usually relate to career sphere, business, new projects and creative activities. They are associated with fire elements and such astrological signs as Aries, Sagittarius and Lion.

    1. Ace. It suggests that fate gives you a chance for further development. Means the right choice and successful confluence of the circumstances, material profit. Indicates activity in actions, the influx of new forces. The beginning of new relationships and success in work.
    2. Two. Calm and dimension in relationships, indifference and indifference. Remaining partner and loss of interest in work. Family Union, based not on love, but on mercenary interests.
    3. Troika. Indicates the beginning of a new period in life, which will be joyful and successful. Promises promising work related to commerce or trade. Union with a loved one will be happy and reliable. Strong health or healing from the disease.
    4. Four. Execution of desires, achieving goals, a period of prosperity. Friendly relationships based on selflessness and mutual understanding. New prospects and plans in the career. Good health and getting joy from life.
    5. Five. Rivalry, conflict situations and time show themselves from the best side. In personal relationships there may be quarrels and misunderstanding. Competition in work.
    6. Six. Speaks about the successful completion of the tasks, victory over difficulties and overcoming barriers. In personal life, mutual understanding and reconciliation reigns. In the work it is possible to increase and conclude a profitable contract.
    7. Seven. Means the struggle for their views and beliefs. You will have to face misunderstanding and criticism. Relationships are under threat of gap due to jealousy or barriers. Competition and conflict situations are possible at work. Sites follow your health.
    8. Eight. Indicates the implementation of the goals, an active life position and good news. Map is positive in the field of love. Peak creative activity and success. Energy and good health.
    9. Nine. Speaks about the closetness and feeling of impending danger. Insecurity in their forces. Fear before relationships, looping on failures.
    10. Ten. Period to combat obstacles and difficulties, severe restoration of forces, vital troubles. Fatigue from relationships or their complete absence. Possible health problems.
    11. Page. Speaks about new prospects, success in affairs and work, promotion of ideas and plans. New acquaintances and hobbies. Good health.
    12. Knight. You are expected interesting events, the change in the situation and adventure. Passionate and hot relationships in which there is no place for boredom and events. Fascination with work.
    13. Queen. Indicates a strong and charismatic woman who possesses decisiveness and magical abilities. There may be a new relationship or change the existing ones.
    14. King. It characterizes a man who will be reliable support. Harmony and mutual support reigns in the relationship. The desire for self-realization and disclosure of talents.


    Swords are considered the most insidious, influential and fateful ownership among the younger Arcans Tarot. They symbolize the power and power that are used in selfish interests. In the slanders, most often indicate a threat, risk, obstacles on the way, the use of force and despotism.

    Swords personify intelligence and well-developed logical thinking. Positive features inherent in swords: courage, credibility, energy and enterprise. But the influence that the astrological element has air, provokes conflict situations, hatred and malice.

    As a rule, the appearance of swords in the scenario foreshadows serious dangers and threat to life. Also possible disasters or serious illnesses. Find out which trouble threatened, neighboring cards will help. They can also soften the danger emanating from swords.

    Court arcanes point to people who were born under such signs of the zodiac: twins, aquarius and scales.


    This is the suit of joy, well-being and good luck. Symbolizes a sense of love in all manifestations, kindness, mercy and selflessness. Speaks about the presence of sincere friendship or cardiac attachment.

    Cups personify close people from your environment where you can rely. These are people who can come to the rescue at any time.

    Phenomena that characterize Cups, positive and favorable. This is all the best that you can expect from life: love, friendly relationships, positive events and situations and well-being. In the defold, the Cups may also indicate an improvement in the situation and mitigate the unpleasant circumstances caused by other masters.

    Bowls personify the element of water and are associated with water signs of the zodiac. These are fish, cancer and scorpion. Symbolize the emotional sphere of relations, especially if there are many cups in the scenario. This suit is characterized by aggravated susceptibility, sentimentality and vulnerability.


    This is the suit that personifies material well-being, prosperity and high social status. Pentacles depict commercial activities, banking scope and trade. Characterize secured and reputable people who can support.

    The events described by this mahi are also associated with material supply and money. It is possible to get the inheritance, the help of influential people, exemption from debt obligations.

    The suit of pentacles personifies the earthly element. Executive cards describe the representatives of the earth signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgin.

    Learn more about the meaning of each arcana. You will help you video:

    The younger "descend from heaven to Earth," complement the meaning of senior arkanov, show everyday aspects of activity - it helps to navigate and evaluate the situation from different sides.

    There are 4 masters:

    • Swords (swords, peaks, guilt)
    • Bowls (Cups, Worms)
    • Coins (Pentacles, Dinarias, Discs, Bubnes)
    • Sources (Wands, Squeezes, Sticks, Treft, Cross)

    Digital and curly designations are slightly different from the playing deck:

    • King
    • Queen
    • Knight
    • Ten
    • Nine
    • Eight
    • Six
    • Four

    The younger arcans tarot include 10 digital designations, 4 court figures and aces in each suit.

    The courtyards include:

    • King (Pharaoh)
    • Queen (Damu, Sivil)
    • Knight (Prince, Cavaller, Rider)
    • Page (Princess, Vnet).

    Court younger arcans are associated with surrounding people with close personalities and behavior in a particular situation.

    Arkana are divided by the elements:

    • Wands - fire
    • Cups - Water
    • Swords - air
    • Coins - Earth

    Sources are considered a symbol of power, new ideas and wills. Bowls are responsible for emotions and experiences, feelings and relationships with others. The swords are rationalism, logic and calculation.

    Pentacle - money, talk about material benefits and business.

    Tarot shared for women and men's mastic. Squeezes and peaks - men's, worms and tambourines - female. Mixed combinations harmoniously complement each other in the scenarios.

    Popular Tarot Decodes:

    • Lenorman
    • Dragon
    • Archangel

    The latter are considered the most benevolent and fit the novice specialist.

    Layouts on junior arcans exist on any of the spheres of life. A terrist can choose a divination and see what worries the questioning.

    Interpretation of younger Arkanov

    Ace Wands

    The symbol of the new idea, talks about the need for change. Inverted ace in the scenario warns not to start new things, in direct form means an outbreak of passion.

    The best map of the deck in terms of amur affairs is considered a symbol of fertility, love and happiness. Bring mutual love and marriage. The rotated Arkan will deliver the disappointment, troubles and failures in love affairs.

    Tuz Sword

    Speaks about success in life and great achievements. Basically, the value of the questioning and the implementation of plans awaits. In the wrong form - Ace talks about conflicts and losses.

    Ace coin

    The symbol of the new cycle in life and career, urges not to miss a good moment. It is considered a sign of a successful case, moving through career ladder, love and wealth. In the inverted - it remains good arcane, but can deliver material losses.

    Two wips

    Speaks about courage and recklessness. It is necessary to get out of the neutral state and respond to moments of life. In rotated form - rashness, unpreparedness to change for the better.

    Two cup

    It is a symbol of a new acquaintance. Carries mutual love, good health or a profitable contract. In the wrong position is a break with a love partner, violation of the rules of the contract or distrust in the family.

    Two swords

    Map of doubt. The interpretation of Arkana is indecisiveness and protection against the outside world. Inverted twice - helplessness or forced openness.

    Two coins

    Speaks about risks associated with new endeavors. A small successful adventure is expected, in a turning state - advises to be careful, probably deception.

    Troika wands

    Sign of confidence in power and success. Troika says that it is necessary to surrender to the will of fate and believe in good luck. In the inverted state, indicates excessive hurry in cases.

    Troika Czash

    The right sign of the beginning of a white strip in life. Relationships will be carefree, career will go forward and disappear problems. In the inverted form carries negative energy.

    Troika Swords

    Map of sadness. In direct form carries pain and unpleasant discoveries. In Rotorovat - promises a crisis fracture and the beginning of a light path.

    Troika coins

    Mastery and creative way. It is a sign of workaholic or beloved work. In the wrong position - disappointment in the career and losses.

    Positive changes in life. He speaks of self-confidence in himself and the ability to benefit. In the inverted value - has a positive definition, as in direct form. Rolls of wands

    Four cups

    Sweeping, apathy and loss of aspirations, a sign of the need to rethink life. In the exact meaning, it says that a person does not enjoy material and social status. In a rotator - guarantees a pleasant surprise.

    Four Swords

    Recreation map. In an accurate understanding, resting peace and respite. In the wrong form - the rest is over and the time has come to start the case.

    Four coins

    Sign of loyalty and stability. Will bring pleasure from significant intact or inheritance. In the inverted form, reports the loss of material stability, greed and fear before the future.

    Five Wands

    Rivalry, the desire to disrupt the designated borders. Sulit big changes that require a lot of strength to achieve the goal. Deployed Arkan talks about fighting and aggression.

    Five Chash.

    Map of grief, disappointment and unexpected news. Standard Five - Bulletin of Failure in Affairs, in the wrong position - a harbinger of trouble and emotional experiences.

    Five Swords

    Exit from the comfort zone, failure and failure. In the usual position warns of conflicts, internal depletion and life injustice. In the inverted - bring the way out of the situation, even severe and unpromising.

    Five coins

    Reconciliation with a hard life. In the direct form, promises trouble in affairs, personal life and financial matters. In the rotator changes the value, depending on the adjacent maps.

    Six wands

    You can wait for a well-deserved award. An ordinary map informs that the works did not remain unnoticed, and soon they will be appreciated. The detailed value is a pause before praise and treachery.

    Six bowl

    Generosity, harmony and help. In the lively - memories of the past and dreams of the future, reverse six - change for the better.

    Six swords

    Getting rid of fuss. In the generally accepted position, the Arkan means changes, travel or shift of the place of residence. The reverse position warns about the obstacles to the path of change.

    Six coins

    Success, wealth, luck or gift. The exact definition indicates love connections and family relationships, an inverted six warns about fraudsters.

    Seven wands

    Overcoming life tests. In the usual form, he speaks of a persistent struggle with the subsequent victory, in turning - foreshadows apathy and decay.

    Seven bowl

    Pipe dreams. Standard Map shows the impracticable desires about which is thinking. In the expanded state dispels the illusion and advises soberly look at life.

    Seven swords

    Easy, trick, cynicity. In a precise position, it warns about possible betrayal, in the opposite value - indicates a lost chance in affairs and relationships.

    Seven coins

    Unworthy fee for hard work. The correct seven is a process card, symbolizes the crisis of growth and disappointment. Deployed Arkan reports the passive role of the question in affairs and events.

    Eight Wands

    Achievements of goals. In a non-verminated state - about the soon gaining success, the reverse eight advises not to rush the events in order not to turn around.

    Eight cups

    Indecision, a positive solution to an important issue. A straight arcan indicates a dead end in the case that is guessing. The inverted card advises to forget the past, to come a bright future.

    Eight Swords

    Showless card. In the exact position of the promise of unpleasant news, illness or imprisonment. Rotable Arkan speaks of an unplanned event, marital treason and possible danger.

    Well-being through hard work. An ordinary map speaks about the skill and perseverance of the questioning, creativity, ingenuity and responsibility. Deployed Arcan - a workaholic card, calls to relax and look soberly on labor activity, pay attention to the people around the people. Coins

    Nine wands

    Success in endeavors. Speaks about strength, courage, strong health and ability to overcome barriers on the life path. The inverted card promises difficulties, failures and obstacles in affairs and endeavors due to the pride of gadgets.

    Nine bowl

    Map of happiness. Normal nine guarantees a long lucky life stage, welfare and desires. In the deployed form does not change the value and is successful, but it is necessary to be restrained and not mercalt.

    Nine Swords

    Coming test. Direct interpretation is hidden anxiety, panic and wine that does not let go of the gadget. An inverted nine reports the end of the alarm period and the occurrence of positive changes.

    Nine coin

    Map of monetary well-being. In the generally accepted interpretation will bring peace and material comfort, stability and confidence. In the turning position, talks about the threat of a personal state, a painful waiting, and a woman warns about abortion or miscarriage.

    Unbearable obligations. The standard meaning is that the questioning pulls the hard burden. The opposite meaning - deception and intrigue .Deep wands

    Ten cups

    Present happiness and joy. In the exact position indicates the achievement of goals and well-deserved happy rest, family idyll or spiritual equilibrium. The rotated state of the map carries small quarrels in relations or shortcomings in the working sphere.

    Dozen swords

    One of the most unsuccessful cards. The current dozen foreshadows the betrayal of loved ones, losses and loss. Inverted - carries positive information.

    Dozen coins

    Family card. Promises wealth, prosperity, abundance and success. Torn tens - quarrels, material problems and danger.

    Page sacks

    Important message. The popular concept of the map speaks of an unexpected pleasant news from a loved one or love feelings. The detachable PJ foreshadows negative news, indecision and treachery.

    Positive change time. Page in a standard position will bring passionate mutual love of a loved one. Deployed Arkan reports the availability of the personality that cannot be trusted.

    Page Swords

    Heralds. Means getting the woven and the appearance of conflicts. Inverted Page talks about problems in the working sphere, quarrels and illnesses.

    Page coin

    An unexpected chance. Direct intercana interpretation - new perspectives leading to financial success. The opposite map warns of financial hazards because of the rapid acts and decisions.

    Knight wands

    Man action. In the usual understanding, the map is a sign of targeted actions and the game of passions, and in an inverted - indicates an excessive hurry and the rashness of actions.

    Knight bowl

    Positive aspirations. The standard understanding foreshadows love relationships, a profitable deal or financial well-being. Rotated knight warns about the infidelity of loved ones, false and deception.

    Knight Swords

    Sophisticated card. The exact value indicates the great mental abilities, confidence in the forces and courage. In the archwalk, the Arkan promises heavy health problems, quarrels and bad tips.

    Knight coin

    Financial stability. In the correct position, the map foreshadows a person who will be a support or an unexpected business trip. Arkan in the wrong form - indicates a competitor who cannot be trusted, otherwise the financial collapse will come.

    Queen Wands

    Luxury. The popular intercana interpretation is shine and a luxurious life, and the opposite Queen speaks about beamless, sharpness and ambitiousness.

    Queen Chash

    Great card. In the usual position reports emotional experiences and loving relationships. The inverted queen carries the neglect and deception, perhaps a violation of the law.

    Queen of Sword

    Career card. Direct Arkan talks about the desire to build a successful career, a sign of high mind and business qualities. In the turning state, the danger from a powerful person or divorce is promulit.

    Queen Monet.

    A symbol of abundance and success. The map in the unselfitable position foreshadows the way to welfare, a gift, inheritance or love. Deployed Arcan speaks of losses, monetary losses and intrigues.

    King Wands

    Bright personality. The exact value is a successful career, business flourishing and good luck in love. The rotated king advises the questioning not to take on a lot, there is a possibility to turn or not fulfill promises.

    King Chash

    Confidence and calm. Largely interpreted as reliability, leadership, success in the spheres of life. In the opposite state, it speaks of nonsense, fear and a double game.

    King of swords

    Justice. The popular definition of the Arcana of the yard is rationality and justice, and the inverted card indicates despotic, cruelty and manipulating weak people.

    King Monet.

    Prosperity and success. In the literal value of Arkan promises wealth, improving the standard of living and the patronage of a successful person. The rotated card foreshadows quarrels, scandals, financial losses, theft, status loss and conflicts.


    The values \u200b\u200bof the younger arcanes tarot helps to look at the situation from different sides and get a complete picture of what is happening. Without them, it is impossible to imagine the Tarot deck - the younger arcans play great importance at fortune.

    The deck of fortified tarot cards is one of the most powerful, inexplicable and efficient magical attributes, which allows to predict the future with all its intricate events. So complex science is subject to not every experienced Magu.

    Younger Arcans make up most of any tarot deck

    Ancient symbolism, applied on the same cards, herself chooses who will be able to work with whom will allow the secret future to be opened. Younger arcans are an equivalent component of a deck that covers not only the likely actions of a person, but also the emotional color of each of its act. How to properly interpret the younger arcanes?

    The deck of tarot cards in the prediction of the near future

    In a classic extinguishing deck, which has practically not changed over the past century, only 78 equal cards. For convenience, the characters that are part of an ancient magic attribute are divided into suites, each of which is responsible for a certain earth element. Layouts for general or specially specified topics are characterized by two fundamentally different schemes of future events.

    The meaning of the senior arkanov

    Senior Arcans personify fateful, important events - the moments of the future, which is destined to occur soon. Total Great Arcans - 22 cards with bright, motley pictures. Images on similar cards are unique, not repeated in the rest of the Tarot deck.

    The meaning of the younger Arcanes

    The younger arcans tarot make up most of any deck and are clarifications, addition to the predicted senior arcans, likely events. Similar ancient signs symbolize the characteristics of the character of a person entering the help of a magical deck.

    Possible turning points of the future are inevitable, and everything that is required from the asking, listen to the advice of powerful symbols called the younger Arcans Tarot. The meaning of junior arcanes plays an important role in any situation of Tarot.

    Mastyasty Arkanov Tarot Card Decks

    The hierarchy of mystical symbols impregnated with incredible wisdom is collected in a single system of a fortune-hearted deer. The younger arcans are divided into suites that will create a comprehensive forecast of the future:

    1. Swords.
    2. Cup.
    3. Pentacle.
    4. Sour.

    Each alignment created by an experienced magician or a newcomer is interpreted in the following sequence: older arcans, adjacent maps, auxiliary younger Tarot decks. Swords, bowls, coins and rods divide the remaining 56 cards on the characters followed by numbering.

    Court cards are able to describe a certain person endowed with characteristic features and abilities. Nothing hits the deck, so with the help of special layouts, the magician learns not only the behavior of an asking in the future, but also his psychologically emotional state. For each suit, there are four fundamental symbols - Page, rider, lady and king.

    Read a complete picture of the future without cards related to younger arcans, it is impossible

    The value of tarot cards Younger Arcana is as important as the interpretation of the elders on the hierarchy of characters. Create a common picture of the future without the help of auxiliary characters will not be possible. What cards from the younger arcans are the most important?

    Swords - Maps of Junior Arcanes Tarot Decodes

    The junior Arkanov Taro includes special symbols of the whole deck. The first symbols for seniority correlated to the elements of air. The patron saint of swords of swords is favorable to such signs of the zodiac as scales or aquarius. The usual image of the senior cards of younger Arcanes is a man holding a sword in his hands.

    Dexterity and ability to own weapons, this is what characterizes this suit. The force that is present in man is everything that will need to resolve the difficulties. Complex, but a predominantly favorable suit from the Tarot deck, carries a hidden meaning. Logical thinking and the desire for success will not pass without a trace.

    The sphere of life in which the person will have a struggle and confrontation, leadership and concomitant problems - are displayed in the sidelines. Reading this suit allows us to consider the strength and authority of the nearest environment of a person, his colleagues and beloved.

    The patron - the element of the air, creates a warning about the coming danger in the scenario. Friends, false or real, secret enemies and ill-wishers are personally analyzed by the Mashy. Obstacles on the perspective path should not be perceived as something minor and unlikely. Any difficulties that have arisen must be solved, otherwise serious consequences cannot be avoided.

    Several maps of one suit in the scenario symbolizes conflicts and quarrels impregnated with aggression and hatred. An unfavorable combination of air symbols should acknowledge the asking.

    Bowls in Tarot

    Cups are special Tarot cards, running immediately after the master of the cup. No less severe and deep in meaning signs, subject to the elements of water. Sensitive signs of the zodiac, such as fish or scorpions, will find a lot of similar features with masts of cups. An image of a suit may not necessarily include a picture of the Golden Cup (individually or nearby man).

    Bowls - a suit that meets exclusively for the emotional component

    This suit of the whole Tarot deck is responsible for the emotional component of the asking or its closest environment. The values \u200b\u200bthat may be displayed in the slade with the Tarot bowl:

    • emotional splash;
    • the flourishing of love and happiness;
    • exit from the protracted crisis;
    • favorable changes.

    Bowls always become asking asking. The disclosure of the sensual side of a person is the initial task of this suit. Tarot's cards under the auspices of water elements describe only good events that have to happen in the near future.

    Separate symbols of tarot deck smoothed even the most complex, negative layouts. Maps that will improve the mood of the asking, and give hope to it:

    1. Queen Taro belongs to suit - the younger arcanes that unite the strongest symbols of the whole deck with emotional color. The reference of the defold always begins with identification of such signs. The queen is a universal symbol pointing to the harmony in the soul of man who stretched out such a card. Forecast for the future, illuminated by the Queen map, always favorable. He softens the neighboring, even negative cards, and allows a person who applied for advice to an ancient deck, reassured the alarmed thoughts. You do not need to scare the future, says twenty first card, because there are new discoveries and accomplishments ahead.
    2. The direct position of the Cup card, emphasizes the use and end of the quarrel. The mental impulse of the asking will receive a bit in the heart of a loved one. Map of friendly communication, favorable changes in existing pairs.
    3. King cups. The value of an ancient symbol is displayed in a mature man sitting on the throne.Scepter and Cup - two mandatory attribute map of the king. A similar symbol indicates a confident progress towards the target plans. A favorable sign preceding fast professional and personal changes.

    The suit of cups ensures the sensual side of any forecast for the future.

    Junior Arcana - Coin Maps

    Earth elements are represented in the deck of tarot masts of coins or dinaris. Signs guided in everyday life with dry calculation and logic depicted in the form of a five-pointed star of Solomon. Like wisdom, the ruler of the Great People, a person - the personification of the Earth's element, is able to take only weighted, informed decisions. For special layouts for profit and money component - MASTA MASTI COINS Empathy guidelines.

    For future events that have not yet occurred, coins are messengers of income and welfare. People stretching one of the Maps of Dinarians can be calm in their own social status. Maste air elements are not responsible for emotions or feelings, all that is subject to them - calculation and logic.

    Squeezers Tarot decks

    The last fourth suit of junior arcanes is continuously connected with the element of fire. Cards predicting certain circumstances are responsible for business affairs and the sphere in which a person determines its own individuality. Skipters depicted on the maps of tarot decks predict:

    Seven wands

    The card that personifies the fight against the enemies falls in the defold at all by chance. For an asking such symbol - a guarantee of future victory. Herald of success and courage, seven of the wands in any position is a good sign.

    Ten Wands

    Bulletin of difficulties, cargo, which is difficult to pull. A difficult sign with a different interpretation indicates the possibilities to help overcome all obstacles to success. Because of Noshi, the asking is difficult to see his own destiny, fate - fascinating and incredible.

    The king of the wands predicts wealth, profit and increase

    The image of a state man located on the throne, promises strengthening the public situation. Wealth, profit and promotion are predicted by the king of the wands. The map says that a chance to help improve the quality of life is already next to the asking.

    Tarot deck cards require respect for the proceeding, painstaking work. A strong magic attribute serves as a guide, a messenger and an assistant who interprets the future for a person who lives today. The interpretation of a fortune deck does not come in itself, and reading each individual symbol is the result of diligent practice and diligence.

    The younger arcans, being an equivalent component of the entire Tarot deck, an integral part of divination.

    Learning to understand the symbols of four texts is equivalent to the knowledge of the new side of the usual world. It remains only to show patience and respect for the deck of fortune-money tarot cards, and after thank for the prognosis provided.

    Gothic tarot - cards for decent. They are able to open the deepest secrets to those who do not feel fear before death, but respects it. The most intimate questions give answers to stone ridges, pale vampires, weightless ghosts, otherworldly creatures and spirits. Wargo's deck is a find for who loves all mystical and terrific beautiful.

    Taro Wargo - Nakhodka for those who love mystical and unidentified

    Personality of the author's deck

    Joseph Wargo is extremely engaged. Our contemporary, born and worked in the United States. Since childhood, it has been in all mystical, terrible and secret. His horror films, gothic music, images of monsters, vampires and other evil spirits were attracted. Later, he met Taro maps, which could not but not interest a person with such hobbies.

    Wargo is a self-taught artist, the art of painting did not teach the art, but it was noticed in the image of dark entities, Garguli, monster creatures. The man is a pretty famous composer and a musician, the founder of Gothic Nox Arcana, is added to artistic talents.

    In addition to the already mentioned, he is actively working on the field of printed word. From under his hand, a lot of articles, publications, books have already been released. And Joseph's paintings are decorated with thematic magazines, music albums and what is the most interesting thing for us - Gothic Taro Cards.

    The history of the creation of the Gothic Tarot

    With the cards for fortune telling, he met with a light hand of his own aunt. First of all, he was struck by the opportunity to remove the fact that it was hidden behind the seven seals, to look into the past and the future.

    No less important impressed on the young Joseph and the fact that the symbols depicted on the maps I have a deep meaning, and can be interpreted by each unlocking differently, depending on the skill of the plate and the preceding situation of the situation.

    Thoughts about creating their own decks did not go from Wargo until 1981. In creating images for Arkanov, close friends of Musician Mistika took partial participation. Before the triumphal exit of the deck in the light, Joseph suffered several failures.

    In one publishing house categorically refused to work with the "demonic" product from the Warlock. What does not surprise, because on the maps there are frightening messages for nonstarting messages, like "leave hope forever." But in the end, in 2002, the world saw the gloomy, but the exciting Gothic Taro Wargo.

    Exterior Tarot Gothic deck

    Many are afraid to work with Taro Wargo. There is nothing surprising in this, since she successfully combined the occult and mythological symbolism. It allows Amraham to combine together light and darkness, order and chaos, life and death, which makes the Gothic Taro Joseph Wargo one of the most accurate tools in the hands of an experienced tarologist.

    Taro Wargo - one of the most accurate tools in the hands of an experienced tarologist

    The first impression of cards for everyone is its own - from wild delight to a subconscious fear. But they still did not leave anyone indifferent. The deck performed in the black and blue tones brings thoughts about the other, afterwards, supernatural.

    Creepy Gorgoga, Ghosts, Ancient Divine, Mysterious Virgin, Vampires personify hidden by each of us:

    • terrible thirst;
    • creepy hunger;
    • secret passions;
    • regrets of unfulfilled and so on.

    Blue color on a black background causes from the subconscious image of fog in a cemetery, a cold crypt or a raw dungeon, where the chains are sharpened on the age of ghosts. This is a magnificent sample of fortune-money cards for gothic style lovers, the whole mystical, creepy, ticking nerves.

    Wargo Character

    In a sense, the Black Humor was laid in Taro Wargo - that for infinity, pathetic human "problems" and experiences. But if you talk seriously, the gothic of the deck is quite straightforward, rigid, and sometimes cruel. It has no ambiguity, inexpensive, seeing and triggered. Creating His Gothic Taro, Wargo wished to gone to get honest and specific answers to the questions set. Therefore, the deck is responsible directly as it is, without a shut-off, flattering, ruthlessly.

    That is why many face charming, dark mystery of Taro Carts. Because people are often afraid to get an expensive answer, without embellishment. But there is another reason for which some mystics wake amrants from Joseph, and others refuse them.

    This is strange, terrible, sometimes a terrible feeling coming from maps in the process of divination. The author and artist somehow managed to pour energy into his brainchild so that the cards became conducted between our world living and worldwide, where spirits and ghosts dwell. It is contact with those entities and cause strange, frightening sensations.

    This is a natural fee for the fact that we are constantly disturbing the powerful forces on the other side, which are not in charge of the secrets of each individual and the whole universe.

    Despite a slight frightening entourage, the Bohemian Gothic Taro Wargo is a universal tool for finding answers and advice on the disturbing souls of people questions. They will be equally useful for their owner who will help to understand themselves, find and defeat their own fears (or begin fighting them).

    Structure of Taro Wargo

    The Gothic Taro from Wargo has a mixed type, as it was developed on the basis of two famous traditions - Taro Ridera Waita and Marseille. In an understanding of the author, both systems had their shortcomings that barologists from all over the world tirelessly, improving one or another in their decks.

    Taro Wargo has a classic structure. 78 cards are represented in the deck:

    • 22 senior arcana;
    • 56 junior arcanes.
    • cups or bowls - corresponds to water elements;
    • wands - Element of Fire;
    • pentacles patronize the earth;
    • swords personify the element of air.

    The hierarchy of senior arkanov was borrowed from the Marseilsk Tarot system. The younger are decorated, like amrasors in the classic dealer of Wit, but in their indescribable gothic style.

    Taro Wargo - a deck that resembles a computer game

    According to Joseph Wargo, his deck is something similar to a computer game, where each alignment is a kind of personal quest. The main character "Games" is a shadow of a gadget / client. With each scenario, depending on the plot, it puts on various larva. Such an image was chosen by Joseph Wargo for no accident, because the shadow allows you to fully experience the entire range of emotions and the amount of energy invested in each thoroughly worked out of the plot of cards.

    The value of maps in the wargo system

    Each amrah from the older or younger arcans in Taro Wargo has a deep meaning and is read depending on which cards are located nearby, in what position is direct or inverted. Despite the fact that a deck is based on two eminent systems, some changes in the interpretation were still made.

    Below in the two words presents a brief interpretation of the first 8 senior arcanes for general familiarization:

    1. Jester In the scenario talks about the new beginnation and the life aspects that a person is able to change.
    2. Magician It personifies the smart, endowed with the courage and confidence of a person who is able to realize all his plans. For gadgetting it predicts a possible triumph or success in the creative sphere.
    3. Priestess. Indicates that intuition is developed in man, and it is more common to rely on the wisdom of the heart, rather than reason.
    4. Empress. The main value is fertility. More often compared with family, harmonious marriage relationships, possible fast replenishment.
    5. Emperor. Indicates a strong male or authoritative effect on a person who is made aligned.
    6. High Priest. Amrge personifies its own attitude towards the moral side of actions, religious confessions, social rules and dogma.
    7. Lovers. Primary interpretation - love. But with other factors indicates a complex or important situation in life.
    8. Chariot. Warns about possible troubles, difficulties on the way to achieving conceived. But implies a positive outcome.

    Copyright of junior arcanes

    Joseph Wargo interprets his maps as follows. Wands:

    1. King. The skeleton on the throne shown on the map characterizes a wise, attentive, charismatic and generous man. In the case of a layout on the situation, it suggests that a person can achieve their goals, find comrades or patron.
    2. Queen. Honest and clean, good-natured woman, who seeks to material well-being.
    3. Knight. Perseverance, energy, excellent reputation. Personifies virtue, purposeful man. In some scenarios, it prevents an ambient place or journey.

    Knight Wands - Sign to the Fast Journey

    1. King. Secretive and mysterious person. It can talk about a successful entrepreneur, a science or culture worker. Justice and responsibility.
    2. Queen. Woman with developed intuition, kind heart, open and honest, sensual.
    3. Knight. Personality with external gloss and charm located in search of love. At the same time, he speaks of an unreliable person who is difficult to fulfill its obligations.
    1. King. Personality, endowed with authority, authoritative influence, advocate law. Hardness, unshakable.
    2. Queen. Sadness and sadness, privacy or loneliness. A person knows what bitterness is. Habit to overcome difficulties, do everything in your own way.
    3. Knight. Mitality, factories, mind and courage. Man mercilessly struggles with resistance.


    1. King. The leader is trusted. Courage, reliability, rationality. Related to creativity.
    2. Queen. A sharp mind and practicality, material well-being, achieving success.
    3. Knight. A person who can rely, fair, hardworking, responsible.

    How to work with a deck?

    Gothic tarot from Wargo is based on the traditions of Wait and Marseille Tarot. That is why there are no special differences in the defolds or reading them, with the exception of some nuances. So doubling:

    • obliged to see in death not the end, but a reliable unbiased adviser;
    • should not be afraid to work with gloomy gothic images;
    • able to use the shadow side of his own subconscious.

    Need to pay on the situation, the near future, love or well-being? With gothic maps you can find accurate, laconic, but full answers to all your questions. The system is constructed in such a way that even an inexperienced fortress without additional cards and talmudes with interpretations was able to deal with the message.

    If we are talking about sobs, there are also practically no restrictions. The only recommendation from the author is since the Amrahs Joseph Wargo give full and exhaustive answers to specifically asked questions, it is better to make short layouts with a small number of cards.

    This is a universal tool that is used in any life situations. But, given the entourage and spirit of the deck, for love layouts, this tarot can be gloomy. But that was the author's settlement - to remove pink glasses and look at the situation of healthy, without illusions and a romantic fluchar.

    Maps from Wargo are grimly beautiful, surprisingly accurate and merciless.

    The fortune telling at Taro Wargo brings either sincere pleasure, or fear of contact with otherworldly and powerful. But no one else remains indifferent after communication with them.