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  • Total values \u200b\u200bof the card tree Oracle Lenorman. The value of the map Lenorman "Tree

    Total values \u200b\u200bof the card tree Oracle Lenorman. The value of the map Lenorman

    This map shows a tree of life, it symbolizes the strength, health and joy of life. It is sustainable and solid, it means that a person is mature and wise, is able to fulfill its desires.

    If Lenorman Tree is surrounded by bad cards, then you need to think about health, you may need to relax.

    If the coffin map fell in the scenario, the person's life will change to the worst. If it turned out to be from the request of an asking, perhaps you yourself suppress some kind of pain in the spiritual or physical sense.

    If it is from above from the card of the questioning, then he intends to solve an important ideological world and wants to get answers to important questions.

    If it is in the position of the past, the man has already found a place in the world and his way is clear to him. If the braid fell with it, it foreshadows injuries or surgery.

    If the tree is far from negative cards, it foreshadows a good future and fulfillment of desires. It shows the power of the questioning.

    • This is a map of kind, roots and heredity.
    • It sees green foliage and a powerful trunk with roots of the elderly tree.
    • It stands on Earth, no matter what.
    • It symbolizes the fortress of the spirit.

    If, when it fell out with a cloud card, then a person has psychological problems and his spirit is undermined.

    If she fell down with bad cards, he may have generic problems, damage and curses, in the family could be some murders.

    If the surrounding cards are good, then the genus Silen and man feels his support and protection. This is a growth card, albeit slow and invisible.

    When, this card often falls to people who have a family business built by dozens of years. She speaks of slow and positive growth.

    She, like a ship, slows down a bit and says that any event will happen, but not so fast. She may indicate very long years ahead.

    If a man fell a tree, it is constant and stable, possesses magnetism and charm, well adapts, devoted and knows how to compassion.

    Lenorman Tree in the scenario on man and relationship

    Many are interested in the presence of this card in it, it speaks of long-term rooted relationships. The couple consciously builds a joint future.

    People do not live everyone for themselves, they want to be always together. She often falls pairs where people found each other, they will be able to lay a durable genus.

    The map speaks about reliable strong friendship and restoring old connections. If the ring and heart fell near it, friendship can turn into marriage, maybe a secret date

    Lenorman Tree in the Slade for Finance

    The tree speaks of a slow, but constant growth of welfare, the material burned is made for decades. If it fell off the letter or tower with maps, the family has a bank account, securities and assets.

    • This is a map of stability at work, she suggests that things will go well, often it can be associated with flowers, trees, medicinal plants.

    Elderly, she shows a good care and a decent pension.

    This card often falls from health workers. She points to a long time old work, the person will continue to work there, as it donkey fastest on it, they have grown roots, they will not be fired with this work and do not let, worry, it's not worth it.

    • If in the scenario on health it fell along with the snake, the curse is lying on the clan.
    • If a dog, a coffin and a snake fall out with a tree, then there is a man who curses you next to you.
    • If the Spit and the coffin fell next to the tree, the danger of disasters was hung over the man.

    The card can talk about the danger of toxic drugs, lost opportunities and that a person unreasonably lowers hands. On the other hand, she speaks of great opportunities and requires a determination and courage from man.

    It often falls out to people interested in bone and esoteric, while such people are conservative and racks, they do not change themselves and are very reliable, more often it is a household.

    If the rider fell with her, you will find good news, along with clover, it means a simpler lifestyle and rapprochement with nature. If the clouds need to pay attention to health.

    In combination with a bouquet, it shows that a person combines a useful and pleasant. If birds fell out with it, there is a problem with bad habits. If there is a child in the scenario, promising projects are waiting for you.

    In combination with the fox, it can foreshadow serious illness and medical error. Very good combination with a bear, it speaks about strong health and longevity if the stars have fallen out, it is also good health.

    Together with the stork, she foreshadows achievements. The combination of wood and dogs, talks about friendship for life, but if rats fell out, health is undermined.

    In combination with the heart, the tree says that a person is simple and opened in a relationship. Together with the ring, the tree foreshadows strong relations and fulfillment of obligations. In general, with this card very good.

    According to reference, if the cat goes on the cards or just turns out to be near at the time of divination, it will be more successful and more accurate. The fact that the cat touched the paw cards means that it is possible to guess and it is always good.

    What awaits you in the near future:

    Find out what awaits you in the near future with Lenorman cards.

    Tree (seven of worms)

    Summary: Health, natural, leisurely, potential for growth.


    On the map Lenorman Tree depicted an old tree, which symbolizes wisdom, stability, hardness and health. A tree that entered the roots deep into the ground, nothing will be able to move it from the spot.

    The value of the map The tree largely depends on the combination with other maps and the position. If from the bottom from the map of the one who asks, then it can talk about pain that can be different. If the Map tree lay from above, this indicates the need to solve important tasks in the near future, there are deep problems that require actions.

    If at the position of the past, then this suggests that the asking has already realized its place in the world, he firmly stands on his feet and its future for him is extremely clear. Combined with negative maps is a direct indication to think about the state of their health, you may need to go to the doctor and go through an unscheduled examination. Either you are simply needed by rest, since lately you are very tired and depleted both physically and spiritually.

    The main value of the map tree is life. It develops steadily, even if slowly. But any equilibrium can be broken by external factors, the tree can be broken, it can carry a hurricane, dry drought, align lightning. Such is our life. No matter how much we wanted, but not everything depends on us. For interpretation, the main importance is the position of the tree, the influence and adjacent cards are affected.

    Personality. Working in the forest or with wood, gardener, coach, consultant for medical issues, parents.

    Love. Pleasant relationships are developing in a positive side. Strong love that has passed the time check.

    Job. Hospital care, joint business with family members.

    Finance. There is an opportunity for further growth, unexpected tax, the creation of a networking company, or a company with many branches.

    Well-being. Natural environment, the power mode is correct, natural products.

    Relationship. Feelings are strong and have a good basis, new relationships are promising.

    Business questions. Stability and success, position in business matters strong and unshakable. Unpleasant surprises can not be expected.

    Health. Strong immunity, which will help to cope with almost any disease, a lot of internal forces.

    Combination Card Tree with other maps

    Cross - genetic and hereditary diseases, it is worth paying more attention to their well-being.

    Anchor - there will be silence in the affairs, no development, complete stability.

    Fish - an unexpected sponsor may appear, a big income.

    The key - the events will develop naturally, it is necessary to trust and swim downstream. In this situation, this will be the best solution.

    The moon is a combination indicates health on the female part, can report the abilities of the healer.

    Sun - you are awaiting absolutely well-deserved success to which you walked for a very long time.

    Lilies - the presence of talent, good position in society. Fast retirement, receiving any reward.

    Woman - you are full of strength, there are all the possibilities for self-realization. It's time to start new things. May indicate an elderly person.

    A man is similar to the previous one.

    Letter - Medical Paper, other documents, information in which will be true.

    The book is fundamental knowledge that needs to be used.

    Ring - obligations will be fulfilled. Wedding, reliable and trusting relationships.

    Heart - Love strong. In relation to full trust, they are simple and understandable.

    Rats - in combination with this card, the tree says that the disease has already seriously exhausted your body. Health is already very undermined, you need to urgently turn to doctors, think about changing the lifestyle.

    Formation - the situation has an alternative development option, which was not before. The problem may have an unexpected way to solve it, or it may be aggravated by your actions.

    Mountain - your strength on the outcome, you have experienced strong overload and shocks too long, all this can pour into serious health problems.

    Garden is a favorable environment that has a positive effect on all your life. It is worth trusting and listening to people who are near you.

    The tower is a good health. There may be problems and wires with bureaucrats. Sometimes indicates a hospital, a clinic or a sanatorium.

    The dog is a friendly relationship to the very end, no matter what.

    Stork - midwife, childbirth, or pregnancy. Achieve goal.

    Stars - this combination foreshadows strong health and for many years of life. It also suggests that a person has clear goals and he does everything to achieve them.

    Bear is a patronage and help. The feeling of complete confidence in your abilities, there are no health problems, long years of life.

    Fox - perhaps a disease that is very difficult to diagnose correctly. Either it may be a doctor's mistake (not only in diagnosis, but also in the appointment of treatment).

    The child will appear promising projects that will be viable and can lead you to great success. Also actually the birth of a child.

    General value:

    Health. Vitality, opportunities. Health, domestic resources and potency. This card depicts a tree of life - a symbol of health, the joy of existence and craving for self-improvement. Your maturity, wisdom of life, prudence allows you to firmly and steadily stand on Earth.

    If the unfavorable maps are surrounded by a map of the tree can give advice to avoid overloads, stress and take measures to improve the body.

    Work, business, affairs:

    Successful business, you are tightly standing on your feet and there are no visible reasons for concern. You have forces and opportunities for execution of plans and desires.

    The card can talk about family business, helping relatives in doing business.

    Health, self-confidence:

    Excellent health condition. The map speaks of a good immunity and the ability of the body to cope with any ailment. A quick recovery for the ill.

    Relationships, questions about love:

    Durable relationships, strong love. Feelings of your chosen one are so strong that you can be sure - this person will never leave you in difficulty. The fruitful relationship will lead to the creation of a strong and durable family.

    Maybe also mean a faithful friend.

    Personality characteristic:

    A positive, reliable person who follows its principles and traditions. Man formed, having a clear idea of \u200b\u200blife and affairs.

    Regarding professional affiliation can mean a businessman, chief, man with attitude towards gardening or forestry.

    Like a tree is not GNI, but it is still growing up. You like a strong tree with strong roots, feel free to rely on your rich life experience.

    Basic meaning:

    The Tree Map suggests that Cverent has both strength and opportunities for the realization of conceived. But even if it is on the right track, it will take an effort to accomplish your tasks, and only after a certain time it will be able to reap the fruits of his works.

    Health Signifier.

    Communication with ancestors, with your family. If a person hangs through the light as a rolling-field, then anything about the fortress does not speak of the spirit. Without family support, the integrity of the soul will not be the integrity of the soul.

    Slow, but stable growth. Cases and events that will take a lot of time, do not count on a quick result!

    Negative meaning:

    Shadow card

    Stagnation, obsession, boredom, monotony, laziness, apathy. Monotonicity, immobility.

    In matters of personal relationships:

    In relations, the tree is a symbol of constancy and stability. Feelings of truly deep, relationships have a solid foundation and the future to grow into a solid connection for many years, this pair is destined to be together and lay the basis of the generic nest. People live joint interests, because They plan to be together, this is not a marriage-one-day, when everyone lives only for himself and pulls the blanket to his side until it breaks. Signs of fragile: frequent divorces, quarrels between generations, when children do not communicate with their parents, they are shipped and refused by kinship.

    In matters of business and finance:

    Stable income from the prospect of growth. Confidence in the future. The man slowly, but correctly increasing his welfare, has financial assets and gets interest from deposits. His material grip is very solid and can survive against crises in the economy.

    In medical issues:

    Strong immunity. Physical and mental health. Do not forget about the psyche, because psychological problems are cutting and physical health. If the question was about poor well-being, the tree indicates a chronic protracted disease that regularly makes itself felt

    As a person's card:

    The map speaks of a large, high man. It has a calm temper, phlegmatic temperament, maturity and wisdom. It is very reliable, it is possible to rely on such a person, but due to slowness and non-historicalness is not able to react in spontaneous situations. Domosted, resting prefers in nature - cottage, forest, kebabs. Over time, it moves to live for the city.

    A man under the map is distinguished by obvious and what keeps his word, it is punctual, always takes into account the slightest details, loves order and accuracy in everything. Often play the peacemaker, providing support and protection not only in words, but also in practice. Very hardworking and responsible, does not cast words to the wind, it seriously refers to the agreements, promises, well-established values \u200b\u200band traditions. It has a well-established life credo, the Code of Honor and follows to him both in business and in interpersonal relationships. His life position is stronger and firm as oak.

    In terms of emotions, such people are closed, it is difficult to enter into close relationships, because Binding and hard worried gap.

    Negative - stubbornness. There may be difficulties in the emotional manifestation, as well as in sex, because Perceive everything is too practical and materially. Slowness, monotony not only at the level of mental processes, but also physical. Stupid underdeveloped man, stupid as a plug, stupid as oak.

    5. Tree (seven worms)

    Key values: Health, vitality, opportunities.
    This card depicts a tree of life - a symbol of strength, health, the joy of existence, a strong state of human affairs. Symbolizes maturity, wisdom of life, prudence and ability to self-analysis. Indicates health, vitality, internal resources and potential. Sometimes symbolizes life in the village, in the country or outside the city, perhaps you can manit and entails rural life. When a tree gives a health status, an indication of good health or a disease depends on where this map appears in the situation.
    If a tree map falls away from unfavorable cards and away from a personal card, then this can be considered a favorable indicator, as well as an indication of the lucky future and fulfillment of all desires. At the bottom of the personal card warns against disturbing or chronic disease, the treatment of which you need to do as quickly as possible. Near or on top of a personal map - may mean the desire to solve ideological problems, answer important life questions. And also serves as an indication of what needs to follow their own health. You should not allow overwork and superload so as not to weaken health. Find a time to relax and calm.
    If the tree is located in the position of the past, then the signal is that you overcome the disease or other tests. If the card is located in the future position, it may indicate health or emphasizes: it is health that will play an important role in life, i.e. The main thing in the future is to follow the state of health. If the tree fell between your partner's card and your personal map, it means that you need to worry about the state of health to you both or your relationship can "get sick."

    In matters of relationship: promising relationships that will receive a favorable development. Feelings have deep roots.

    In business issues: Successful business, stable income. Durable positions, thoroughness.

    In medical issues: good health. The body has domestic powers to cope with any ailment. Good immunity.

    Tip: All is well, no reason for excitement, you have all the right to success.


    Horseman - good news
    Clover - simple lifestyle, rapprochement with nature
    Ship - ride to nature
    House - pay attention to health
    Clouds - hidden illness
    Snake - appeal to the doctor
    The coffin - something should change for the worse in the very near future. Perhaps the exhaustive and prolonged disease will torment you, with the risk of fatal consequences
    Bouquet - a combination of useful with pleasant
    Oblique - danger of injury or operation
    Broom - nervous system disease
    Birds - problems from bad habits
    Child - Vissal, promising projects
    Fox - difficult diagnostic disease, risk of medical error
    Bear - good health, which is the basis for longevity
    Stars - good health
    Stork - achievement
    Dog - Friendship in Life
    Tower - good health
    Park - reliable environment
    Mountain - exhaustion, depression
    Development - Alternative Development
    Rats - undervalued health
    Heart - "Healthy Emotions", Simplicity and Openness in Relationships
    Ring - strong relationships, executable obligations
    Book - Deep and Strong Knowledge
    Letter - True Information
    A man or woman (if this is a personal card) - fullness of forces, good implementation opportunities
    Lily - an outstanding talent
    Sun - Honored Success
    Moon - recognition of abilities, healing forces
    Key - Trust the natural course of events
    Fish - good income
    Anchor - calm, stagnation
    Cross - it is necessary to pay more attention to your health.