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  • What does the tattoo fish zone mean. What does the fish tattoo mean

    What does the tattoo fish zone mean. What does the fish tattoo mean

    Tattoo Fish sign is quite popular not only among people born under this constellation. The meaning is that the symbol of the zodiac is quite interesting and even a few magic. He transfers harmony, fertility, mind, intuition and many other important qualities. But first things first.

    Sign of zodiac fish in astrology and tattoo

    Twelve signs are included in the zodiacal circle, and the fish is the last one. For the period of constellation there are time from February 20 to March 20. Fish - creative individuals who are constantly seeing something more in the surrounding things than just an outer shell. They look at the essence itself and often remain incomprehensible to other people. That is why tattoos can often be found among people born at this time.

    The elements of fish are water, and the Patron Planet - Neptune. They both make people born under this constellation, non-permanent dreamers. Often, the fish are moving between the past and the future, are in the state of the inner spiritual chaos. At the same time, they have high ideals and big expectations from life. The tattoo with the zodiac fish will help its owner to focus on important things and not to be exchanged on trifles.

    According to astrologers, the fish are always difficult to get rid of detrimental habits, and it is not only about alcohol or smoking, but also about lies or laziness. Tattoo The sign of the fish of fish will remind the fact that it is really important in life and will help to restrain at the right moment. She will send according to the right path and will be a guard from evil or thoughts.

    What does the tattoo zodiac sign of fish mean?

    The symbol of fish in a tattoo and astrology looks like two crescents deployed by the outside to each other and connected in the middle perpendicular line. This sign indicates two fish floating in different directions, and the fact that they are inherently connected with each other. It is believed that such a symbol refers to Yin and Yan, harmony and balance between all existing in the world. The same meaning can be invested in a sign of fish in a tattoo.

    In addition, the symbol of the zodiac also means the desire for freedom in creativity, personal life and work, because it requires element water. The drawing on the body may emphasize and the desire to go to free swimming, become more independent. However, deep immersion is associated with fish, that is, the desire to see the essence of things, to get to the truth and find new opportunities in itself.

    The value of the fishe sign tattoo can be completely different. This zodiac is the last, so astrologers are associated with the end of the life cycle, death and the transition to another world. Therefore, when packing a tattoo should be careful and not to abuse dark colors.

    Place for tattoo with zodiac fish

    Interestingly, astrologers offer a fairly atypical tattoo location. They believe that Tattoo, made on the heel, can become an excellent faith for a person. However, any master is ready to argue with this statement. It is not enough that the drawing, packed on the heel, will not be visible to the owner itself nor others, so he will quickly lose his shape, and over time and will erase. This is due to the increased load on this area.

    If you still want to please the stars, it is better to choose a place for a sketch in the Achilles Temombus area (carefully - painfully stuff!) Or on the side of the ankle. For the talisman, placement on the wrist is also suitable. If you invest another point in your Tattoo, it is better to fill it on the neck, a shovel or stomach - away from curious eyes.

    Please note that the tattoo in the form of a sign of the zodiac fish, packed on the tibia, will become a "amplifier" for all emotions and feelings. If you are prone to melancholy or constancy, it is better not to beat the drawing at this place.

    Color solution

    Pictures of the tattoo of the sign of fish should be bright, noticeable and impressive - this requires the creative nature of the future owner of the tattoo. Astrologers recommend choosing purple, purple and lilac shades. They emphasize the lordship of the soul of fish, their constant inspiration with new ideas. In addition, these colors are perfectly combined with a water character. It is not bad for both blue, green or blue.

    In general, the fish are better to make up their tattoos in bright shades - this will allow you to get rid of melancholy and take yourself in hand. Black, gray and other gloomy colors are better not to use.

    Images for men and women

    According to the photo tattoo, the sign of the fish shows that his men and women are equally stuffed. However, this tattoo may have a different meaning. For the guys tattoo with the sign of the zodiac fish - pictures, symbolizing the deepening into a spiritual life, and for girls - a desire to make a family and many children. If you place Tattoo on the top of the body and make large heads of fish, then such a figure will mean gracefulness, desire to achieve new heights for both sexes.

    What style to choose for a tattoo?

    Since fish - the individuals are creative and generally quite extraordinary, they often choose new styles for their tattoo. Often there is also unsuccessful attempts to connect several techniques. It is best to stop at some one option or slightly decorate the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe elements of another style.

    For tattoo with the sign of the zodiac fish as never relevant watercolor technique. It lies in drawing sketch with paints or gouache. The result is somewhat negligent and fantasy. For watercolor style, it is characterized by the use of a large number of bright shades and "Paints".

    No less interesting is the style of oriental. He comes from the eastern countries and is distinguished by bright shades and tight cracked. True, the symbol of the zodiac in this style is not to fill, but you can depict on the body of carps or other fish, and even supplement such a sketch by other eastern details.

    Fishes are better not to stop on such aggressive styles like Chicano, New or Oldskul, Tresh Polka and others. They are not combined with the mental organization of this sign of the zodiac and even contradict it that can lead to confusion in life and even greater impermanence. In graphic styles (Linvork, Dog, Graphics, Minimalism, Cended and Others), it is also recommended to fill only a sign symbol or a tattoo with the constellation of the fish sign. In addition, such a sketch will still have to "dilute" with bright colors or additional elements.

    In the ancient custom of tattooing reigns freedom of creativity and fantasy. But there is still in this art of its regularities and commitment to symbolism. Quite often in tattoos there are images of various fish. Sometimes such palls are made simply for beauty, but more often in full drawings hides a deep meaning.

    Brutal style - bloodthirsty shark on hand

    Fish in world religions

    Images of the inhabitants of the underwater world have a huge number of values. Moreover, these interpretations are often opposite to their nature. For example, if we talk about Christianity, in this religion, fish symbolize the devotion of faith. Since ancient times, when followers of the teachings of Christ were persecuted, one traditional image came to this day - anchor with a cruciform top and two fish around him. Then it was a label for early Christians. Today is a symbol of loyalty to religious beliefs.

    If you return a little more back, in the times of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, then fish here are sacred creatures, the girlish goddesses of love and the messengers of the god of water. In ancient Egypt, they had the opposite attitude, they were associated with fears, evil and criminal thoughts. In Buddhist teachings, the tattoo fish is very different. This is a symbol of enlightenment, deregistration from worldly desires and passions. In general, in China's culture, such an image is a sign of wealth and harmony. The whole Middle East considers fish with a symbol of fertility, and not only in the gastronomic, but also in the spiritual, creative sense of the word.

    To tattoo, I always treated negatively rather than positively. I thought, never in my life would not become "to urge my body." But literally half a year ago I smelled one picture in my soul: the tyrannosaur jumps riding a shark. And I thought: "This is really cool! This is not ashamed and fill! " Now on my forearm there is a painted stylization of this plot. And I am glad that finally spread with stupid stereotypes!

    Alexander, Moscow

    Born label under the sign of the fish

    Quite often, the tattoo with the image of fish suggests that their owners belong to this zodiac sign. It is probably the most common symbols, perpetuating who are not afraid of tattoo lovers of any belief, gender and age. And indeed, love comes and leaves, tastes change, and the sign under which you were born - no. But, of course, it is worth noting that most often such labels leave representatives of beautiful sex.

    Modest label behind the ear of the singer RIAN

    Variations on the topic of the zodiac

    I thought for a very long time, whatever a tattoo me. I went over many sketches, read about their meaning - after all, it is for life. In general, I decided to start the zodiac from my sign. Made on the neck of the constellation of fish. Now I can't stop. Now I will do the fourth tattoo, while I adhere to the star theme, everything is in monochrome. Very like the selected style.

    Svetlana, Tomsk

    Magic action symbol

    Although the image of the fish is associated, first of all, with elements of water, in the zodiac sense, this creature acts as an intermediary between the sky and the earth. Caused to the body, this symbol can play the role of the Talisman.

    Tip! The place on which the tattoo is located with the image of the sign of the zodiac fish is of fundamental importance. So, applying it to the shin, you will strengthen all your feelings, speed the course of thoughts. At the same time, your judgments will become more common, and the consequences of everything you do is impressive. It is probably one of the reasons why the fish tattoo is so popular: the sketches can be the most different, everyone will find its ideal option for such a powerful talisman!

    Examples of sketches of tattoos with fish

    Options for sophisticated natures

    Also, regardless of the place on which your tattoo will be turned on with the image of a fish sign, it will bring you good luck for sexual terms and financial stability.

    Classification of tattoos with fish

    This popular destination in the art of tattoos is divided into several categories. Here you can allocate a number of bright representatives of the water world, the most popular in the quantitative drawings today.

    • Carp - Now it is probably the most trend character in the world of the tattoo of water theme.
    • Shark - no less relevant fish.
    • Octopus - a very aggressive, but popular symbol.
    • Dolphin - more often decorate women's bodies, but often holds in tattoos representatives of strong sex.
    • Sea rustle - an unusual and interesting symbol.

    The first thing that comes to mind today, when you hear about tattoos with fish, is a slightly arrogant tasty mord of Carp Koi. Tattoo with his image came to us from Japan. There, this fish is considered sacred and is a symbol of good luck, spiritual achievements. Two carp - harmony between a man and a woman. In China, Karp personifies courage, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, as well as ability to literature. In a broad sense, carp symbolizes loyalty, calm and coldness, cleanliness of the soul, wisdom, foreshadow.

    Karp Koi - the most popular fish in a modern tattoo

    Shark is the projection of power, cunning, tricks and cruelty. Therefore, most often such a tattoo can be found on the body of a brutal man who wants to emphasize their perseverance in achieving goals.

    Continues an aggressive line of octopus - the symbol of the afterlife, the sea bunch and the water is the passion. It is closely connected with other angry reptiles - sea snake, spider, dragon. Associates also with a swastika or spiral.

    Giant octopus - a piece of water world on a mighty back

    Dolphins carry an exceptionally positive meaning. They personify power and reliability. In Christianity, they symbolize the Savior of the world - Christ. From the ancient Greece, the echoes of faith in Dolphin as a carrier of the souls of the deceased on the islands of blissful are inflicted. Two creatures directed in different directions - a symbol of duality of nature.

    It is interesting! Sea horse - Fish is very unusual. This is the only one in which not females, and males are directly by the continuation of the kind, that is, pregnant. Therefore, their image in the tattoo can be a symbol of alone fathers. Also this is a sign of life durability, the ability to find a way out of any situation.

    Fish Fish Places on Man's Body

    If we talk about the preferences of women, they most often have a tattoo with fish behind the ear, on the neck, on the edge or thigh. Also often occurs on the female back the tattoo fish, the photos presented below clearly demonstrate it.

    The plot of the life of dolphins on the back and shoulder of the charming young lady

    The most feminine representatives of the Water World - Mermaids

    Incredibly tender and stylish tattoo fish

    Men also love to have their own tattoo on the back, and also - in their hands, often the scenes of the underwater world become plots for "sleeves".

    All the same carp koi on the shoulder of the guy

    0 Fish is one of the very first creatures that appeared on our planet, and over time they became an integral part of human history. Our love for fish is directly related to the development of humanity. Many anthropologists believe that the inclusion of fish into a human diet with a high content of omega fatty acids (which stimulates the development of the brain), was one of the main driving forces of our evolution. It is worth noting that fish- This is not only a holiday of our abdomen, in many cultures around the world they are an expression of our spirituality. If you like this article, I recommend adding this resource site to your bookmarks not to miss useful information.
    Before continuing, I would like to advise you to familiarize yourself with a pair of other news on tattoo. For example, what does fool tattoo mean; the meaning of the feather tattoo; how to understand feline tattoo; What does the dragon tattoo mean, etc.
    So, will continue The value of the tattoo fish?

    When Christianity was still in its infancy, there were special detachments that caught the servants of this cult, and betrayed death. Many Christians lived in fear of persecution, so it was decided to create a distinctive symbol that would be incomprehensible for enemies, and supporters could easily detect each other in the crowd. Relying on Communications Jesuswith sea Galilee, fish (more precisely, "ichtis" or "Jesus fish") It became a tool that allows you to safely show your relationship with religion, while remaining under cover. Christ was " fisherman people", And it is not by chance that one of the most famous wonders of Jesus is feeding a variety of citizens, five bread and two fish.

    The natural element, water, according to many, is an expression of our emotions and subconscious. Typically, those animals that live in water or near the reservoirs are considered as the expression of our mental state. Over time, some peoples have become " fashion"Treat aquatic beings with symbols of subconscious. Starfish, whale, sea horse and shark - they all personify a safe harbor in troubled waters or cause streams of emotional uncertainty. This philosophy is preserved in Asian cultures, where the sea dominates the many aspects of local religions and traditions.

    In many African and East Indian traditions, the fish are considered as a symbol. Creation, transformation and fertility. Hindu God, Vishnu, turned into a fish ( Matzo) And saved the world from terrible flood. Fish is also a symbol of abundance. Babylonian and Sumerians worshiped Enki, the deity of creation, while the ancient Egyptians viewed the starfisted as a symbol Updates and healing. In some parts of China, newlyweds get fish as a gift, as a sign of prosperity, and as a blessing in the hope that they will have many children.

    Sea animals are also considered as the keepers of ancient knowledge. AT irishmythology The usual salmon received a complete picture of the world around him only after he ate the hazelnut, who fell into a wisdom well, turning it into salmon knowledge. In the end, he was caught a great wizard who wanted to get all the knowledge in the world, singing salmon. But wisdom, locked in salmon, was unintentionally transferred to a wizard servant boy Fionnawho spent the rest of his life using his newly acquired wisdom to help others. Ancient Celts understood that the fish, such as salmon, is actually rich in fatty acids of Omega, necessary for the development of the brain!

    From sexual connotations to expressions of complete happiness, even our language was influenced by our Love for fish. We may have " fish catch - you need to love», « Hold on the shore and fish will"Or suspect that" On bempbed and cancer - fish».

    If you are in search of new knowledge or prosperity, tattoo fish is a great way to express the complex and multifaceted side of your person. There is nothing surprising in making a tattoo with fish.

    Meaning tattoo fish

    Over the years, this simple symbol has labeled many values. These include:
    • Abundance and wealth
    • Patience
    • Persistence
    • Ambition
    • Power
    • Strength
    • Regeneration and healing
    • Wisdom
    • Good luck and prosperity.

    Options Tattoo fish

    From intricate patterns and bright shades of Siamese fighter fish, to the frightening lines of tiger shark, fish tattoos are of different sizes, colors, shapes and species. The exact meaning of each tattoo depends on the being depicted, and the symbolism that other elements are included in the sketch.

    The main variations of the fish tattoo include:

    Tattoos Soma.

    The growing popularity of the series MTV, "Catfish" (in Russian rental "loneliness in the network"), no doubt gave a bump tattoo a completely different meaning. Being "catfished" (fooled) is a deceived person who pretends to those who are not in real life. But even outside the Western context, som is considered a symbol of negative and instability. In the Japanese mythology, Namazu brings destruction and chaos, causing deadly earthquakes. This explains why the soma image is closely related to the earthquake warning system in the country. Soma tattoos show others that you are not like that seems at first glance. Learn more about Tatu Soma.

    Tatu Akula

    The Discovery Channel "S Shark Week is the most popular channel event, and not without reason. Shark Week is an annual weekly block of television programs created by Tom Gold on the Discovery Channel channel, the program shows sharks in their natural environment. Premiere" Shark Week " Was on July 17, 1988. Every year, it is broadcast in July or early August, it was originally devoted to correcting the wrong ideas about sharks. Sharks give rise to horror in the hearts of people, and yet they are mysterious, excellent creatures. They are a sacred symbol in many cultures Indigenous peoples around the world, and are considered one of the best seaside predators. Sharks are indomitable and terrible sea strength. Tatu Akula is popular with the sailors, many of which identify themselves with the power and primitive power of these majestic animals. I recommend to get acquainted with a more detailed article on the topic of the shark tattoo.

    Tattoo fucking fish

    It is known that Siamese battlefish are evil, fierce little fighters, known for their beautifully painted fins. They are also known as the "Jewelness of the East" because of their bright shades, and are one of the most popular decorative fish in the world. Thanks to its territorial attachment and aggressive behavior of fighter fish - "single Rangers". They prefer to enjoy loneliness in the presence of their "colleagues." Obtaining a tattoo of fighter fish is a way to identify yourself with this cruel creature, and show the world that you appreciate your individuality, freedom and causing spirit.

    Tattoo fish Jesus Christ

    Beginners of Christians were constantly persecuted, and if they were caught, they were guaranteed a death sentence. In the Roman Empire, Christianity was considered as a tool for rebels to usurp the Roman power, and coordinate dangerous uprising against the established status quo. Many early Christians had to find shaped ways to communicate with each other. Thus, "Intis" or "Jesus Fish" was born. To this day, the religious significance of this symbol is still very strong for real Christians.

    Tatu Blue Marlin

    Blue Marlin is more than the majestic sea animals. They are the main dream of any angler. Every year, thousands of ambitious fishing lovers come to various tropical islands worldwide, trying to catch this huge creation. Given the reputation of the blue marlin, as a powerful, unique fish, is not surprising, why these brave men and women are ready to take risks in search of their good luck. The famous author Ernest Hemingway perfectly understood this passion, and used it as the main topic of his classical novel "Old Man and the Sea". Tattoo Blue Marlin embodies endurance, strength and invincible spirit of a powerful creature. Learn more about Tatu Blue Marlin.

    Tattoo Dolphins

    Dolphins are one of the smartest animals in the world, they are creatures closest to our soul and heart. Long to this day, even during the time of the ancient Greeks, people were inspired by these wonderful mammals. They are useful, very social and free, and sailors believe that they are a symbol of good luck and a successful flight. Tattoo Dolphin embody freedom, family, frivolism, harmony and intelligence. To have a more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthis tattoo, I recommend reading a separate article about Tattoo Dolphin.

    Search the right tattoo design May be a difficult task. It is difficult to choose a design that will complement your body and transmits what you are trying to express peace. An excellent sketch can be the transition between the faded tattoo and an unusual work of art, so it is worth spending time that your design is perfect. Think about what it symbolizes your new tattoo, where it will be placed on your body, and whether you combine it with other elements. The best of these those who have a special meaning for you. If you need help in creating the perfect tattoo design, go to the category "Tattoo", where you can detect many new ideas for yourself.

    After reading this useful article, you learned the value of the tattoo of the fish, and now you can finally decide on the choice, and finally make yourself a great sketch.

    The meaning of Koi fish tattoo of various colors and orientations. | A source

    Fish, meaning

    Fish Koi is a symbol with a very deep meaning for those who choose it as part of their body art. If you plan to receive a tattoo that includes fish, take the first time to find out the meaning associated with them. The traditional value of the koi's tattoo can vary depending on the fisher orientation (whether up or down your body) and color. You want to be sure that your tattoo of the fish transmits the desired meaning.

    Japanese Koi Fish Legend
    koi on the float during the festival Gion in Kyoto, representing fish legendary fight against all obstacles. | A source

    Koi fish have a very long history in Chinese and Japanese culture. They were originally Sazan and later were domesticated and bred to obtain certain colors. Chinese invaders brought koi in Japan, where the fish flourished. Koi fish occupy a prominent place in the work of Japanese masters of tattoos because of the long-standing legend on how fish become dragons. Most of the meaning and symbolism for fish is associated with this ancient legend.

    How koi became a dragon

    According to legend, any, koi, which can scale the waterfall known as the "Dragon Gate" will be turned into a dragon. | A source

    According to Chinese and Japanese myths, once a giant school, composed of a thousand koi fish, floating up the yellow river in China. As they swam, they scored power, pushing against the current. However, on the yellow river, there is a waterfall. As soon as the fish reached the waterfall, the majority turned away and just went with the current, because it became too tough. Those who remained still trying to achieve the vertices of the waterfall. These koi tried over a hundred years. Finally, one koi successfully jumped at the top of the waterfall. To reward this special koi, the gods turned him into a wonderful golden dragon.

    The waterfall became known as the "Dragon Gate". And the legend says that on this day, nor koi that there are strength and perseverance to finish the journey to the Dragon Gate will become the Heavenly Dragon.

    He also said that if in Koi caught, he would be waiting for a knife without a quiver with a courage samurai warrior facing a sword in battle. This clearly reflects cultural beliefs in strength and courage, koi.

    Do you already know about the legend?

    • Only a little

    See results

    Meaning in which direction koi floats
    whether in koi tattoo floats upstream or downstream can affect its meaning.

    Representations of the meaning and direction of koi fish are very different. Some theories that this means in fact contradictory. But if you use koi in your tattoo, you can choose the meaning that relates to you. Tattoos are a form of self-expression.


    • Currently you are in battle or fight and still fighting obstacles, but not to give up.
    • You will overcome obstacles and now gained the power required to continue against the flow.


    • You still have no strength to do it on obstacles and move towards success.
    • You have already achieved your goal and overcome all obstacles, and you are no longer fighting.

    Symbols Koi fish

    Koi fish can adapt to different climates and water conditions and can symbolize strength. It is laid in koi nature-sailing downstream. According to the legend of Koi fish, you can see that they show greater decisiveness, purposefulness, perseverance and success. Here are some of the things they can symbolize:

    • Overcoming obstacles and achievement
    • Completion of transformations in life
    • Worldly aspirations and promotion
    • Prosperity, good luck and long life
    • Power
    • Independence
    • Masculinity
    • passionate love
    • friendship

    The meaning of different colors, koi tattoos
    different colors of koi. | A source

    As mentioned earlier, Koi fish was originally carp and were removed for different colors. Various values \u200b\u200bassociated with each color. Some major color koi fish:

    • The black
    • White
    • Red
    • Yellow, Orange or Golden
    • Osini-gray

    The black

    Black koi is associated with successfully overcome the obstacle. This symbol is great for those who have already passed through a heavy battle in life, and finally reached the place of power. These obstacles may include depression, drug addiction, offensive relationships, and in many other situations.

    In Japanese culture, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters all marked with different-colored fish. For a children's day (May 5), families fly fish flags representing each member of their family, so they appear to "swim against the current" against the wind. Black koi is a symbol of his father.


    Red koi often have a shade of love. Not just love-very strong love. Red or orange koi is a symbol of mother, family, and red or pink koi is a symbol of a daughter. Red koi can also symbolize strength and courage, like general associations with red.


    Blue koi is often very masculine and can be associated with reproduction. Blue and white koi are symbols son in the family. Like all blue, it also represents peace, calm and calm.


    Tattoos often use a combination of yellow and orange gold color with carp. These gold fish symbolize happiness and wealth. Japanese term for them yamabuki.

    Additional characters

    Tattoos Koi Fish often include various characters, such as the Yin-Yang symbol, water and fire, dragons, or lotuses. That's what each of them means:

    Yin Yang
    Yin-Yan Koi Fish Tattoos. | A source

    Koi fish often conjugate with the Yin-Yang symbol. On the sides, black and white, as they say, resemble the female and male koi swim together, personifying the harmony of two opposite energies, combined into a single whole, creating a perfect balance. In Taoism, Yin and Yang further symbolize the opposing sides of the entire existing and perfect balance and harmony in them. Circular movement of fish is a belief that all things in life are connected.

    The symbol of the zodiac for fish just also depicts two fish floating in Yin-Yang Fashion.

    Fire and Water

    Including fire, and water with fish, you can further personify the balance and harmony in life, as well as Yin-Yang Lee. It symbolizes opposite forces unite.

    Since the legend states that koi became a dragon at the end of their long, difficult journey, together they can present the transformation.

    Dragon Koi symbolizes overcoming difficulties, hinting for koi climbing from the Dragon gate. Dragon Koi shows the strength and will to go in advance to everything to reach their destiny. The dragon also symbolizes the strength and ferocity, along with the mystery. It represents a new birth, a new beginning, or beginning. This indicates the ability to move on and start with a clean sheet.

    Lotus flower
    koi float with lotus flowers symbolizes the beauty that comes out of difficult circumstances. | A source

    Lotus is a very beautiful flower that grows out of dirty ponds. By bringing Lotus and koi together to pose pain, fighting and growth. Just in Koi began as a small fish and turned into a strong dragon, the lotus begins in a dirty pond, but it will still be beautiful.

    Beautiful lotus flower | A source

    Sleeves and body Tattoo Galleryclick Picture for viewing full size A source
    A source A source

    A tattoo with a picture of fish is a frequent phenomenon. It attracts people not only to what can be performed in a variety of different styles and look absolutely different, but also a multitude of values. If you do not know where to fade such fish are found quite often, it is quite popular.


    In many cultures there are images of fish. Tattoo with similar drawings have a sufficiently deep story. Many believe, can influence the fate and life of a person.

    And women and men often choose the image of fish. The tattoo of this type usually means the deepening into the inner world, and for a woman it is a symbol of fertility. But this is not all its values. The image of the fish can take not only the light side, but also dark. Sometimes the value of anger and fear can be invested. But what looks even more interesting, so this is a combination of these two opposite sides that spit into the yin-yang symbol.

    Religious significance

    Fish besides this, everything is one of the central religions. Once upon a time this sign was identifying for the first Christians subject to persecution. So religious meaning can go and in the fish image. Tattoo of this plan characterize the love of God.

    Fish symbol in different cultures

    In Buddhist culture, fish means liberation from dark passions and desires. In China, she symbolizes wealth or rebirth. The inhabitants of Ancient Greece considered it sacred, and for the Hindus it is a symbol of marriage. In Japan, fish characterizes courage, courage, courage, and African countries recognize it with the symbol of the spirit of the dead.

    Would you like to fill the tattoo fish? Photos will throw out a few sketches ideas.

    Different fish and the meaning of their images

    In addition to the fact that the fish symbol can have a different meaning in each country, so even if you turn to astrology, then it symbolizes different concepts. For example, Carp - Emerty and Good luck, shark - power, dolphin - openness and friendliness.

    Carp - a good variant if you want a fish image. The carp tattoo carries a positive meaning. Carp brings good luck, adds dedication. The image of two carps means harmony between a man and a woman. The Japanese consider the carp an exclusively male symbol carrying courage, the power of will and courage. Such a tattoo, in their opinion, is ideal for a purposeful man, who, in spite of any difficulties, is firmly going to his goal. In China, the carp is considered a symbol of power and superiority. The Chinese believe that his image on the body will help in pure, light ideas, will add good luck in all endeavors.

    This is the value of the tattoo fish. Sketches You can use ready-made, and your own and original drawings can offer a master.

    Another no less interesting common fish on the body is shark. It symbolizes good luck and fearlessness. If you believe the Japanese myths, then shark is the messenger of God, who will help in everything who respects it. Such a tattoo is suitable most of all persistent people who will not stop any restrictions. The total value of the image of the shark is rage, the lack of a feeling of fear and perseverance.

    Christians recognized China a symbol of the devil. Moreover, they are confident that his jaws are a gate to hell, and the stomach is hell himself.

    The starfish is a symbol of purity, loyal love, devotion and help.

    Sea horse - a symbol of vitality and durability. But he can sometimes mean singing fathers.

    Salmon symbolizes wisdom, knowledge, inspiration, and sometimes he even attribute prophetic abilities. Salmon is unique in that it is capable of sailing even against the flow. That is why it is recognized as a symbol of perseverance, perseverance, purposefulness.

    Tattoo trout will most suit people leading an active lifestyle. It symbolizes mobility and energy. The feature of the trout is that this fish only lives in clean water, so you can still attribute the value of purity, freedom and independence. According to the legends of different nations, it looks like salmon something, as it is connected with wisdom, wealth and prophecy. The image of Trouta can also serve as a guard, giving good luck, knowledge, luck.

    Golden fish - luxury, beauty, grace, wealth, desire for the beautiful, fulfillment of desires.

    The image of the body on the body has many different meanings that can even contradict each other. Most often, the fishes on the body are symbols, somehow related to water, but also sometimes act as intermediaries between the sky and the earth.