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  • Tatthas for girls lettering with translation. Tattoo inscriptions for girls - with meaning, on Latin with translation, beautiful styles, sketches, photos

    Tatthas for girls lettering with translation. Tattoo inscriptions for girls - with meaning, on Latin with translation, beautiful styles, sketches, photos

    There are many different tattoos, they are small and large, geometric and detailed, exactly photos, and various animals, people, subjects can be depicted on them. But sometimes there is no better idea for tattoo than not to hide the meaning behind the drawing, but simply directly convey it in mind the inscription. Especially often this approach choose girls, leaving the image in their hand, back or other parts of the body. And sometimes the inscriptions may not only with meaning, but also very beautiful, so that such an approach is usually very much justifies.

    How can I write?

    You can apply similar tattoos by various methods. Start need from placing a tattoo on the body. It can be small inscriptions on hand, beautiful, swallowed on the back, and maybe at all neat, closed, around the ankle? Really bend a long proposal to the pattern, for example, in the form of a heart. You can apply the main inscription with the translation, and you can leave the meaning hidden. Also, such female tattoos can be made simply in the form of an inscription on the familiar language, you can choose an ancient beautiful language, and you can transfer the hieroglyph. Finally, as a good idea can be the application of one word in the form of a beautiful, patterned font.

    What can I write?

    Usually girls do not have a question that will "proclaim" tattoo. When you want to apply a certain word or phrase on your back, hand or leg, you usually know what you need to write. But if not, then for girls you can always offer some interesting options for their discretion. Most often, you need to start with the mood that transmits a tattoo. It should be combined with meaning. Any words can be written with different fonts, for example, the gothic will task a gloomy style that will hardly be combined with a playful inscription, and itals with patterns can give romance, which no longer write deep serious things. And, of course, different styles are beautiful for different people. For example, the following words are used for the finger tattoo:
    • "BEST";
    • "Forever";
    • "Family";
    • "LOVE";
    • "Shhh ...".
    The easiest way to see examples of tattoos in the photo is to understand how they will look. If you have conceived to apply hieroglyphs on your hand or back, then think about their translation, check it once again. With the entire compactness of the hieroglyphs, with the capacity and wealth of their meaning, even small inaccuracies can lead to the translation of something completely different. Very often, female inscriptions are in the form of crowd phrases in Latin and other ancient languages, with the translation of which everyone is familiar. In this case, it is important to choose a phrase that is for you a peculiar life motto. Whatever female versions of tattoos in the form of inscriptions you prefer, large or small, catchy or elegant, we can safely say that they will be excellently looking at the girl's body. And our wizards will help to transfer any inscription as high quality as creating its design from scratch and taking the basis of any photo that you want to apply as an example - and the result in any case will be rans.

    Phrases for tattoo inscriptions in Latin

    VIAM SUPERVADET VADENS - Walk asset going
    Magna Res Est Amor - Love is a great feeling
    Custos Meus Mihi Semper - My Angel is always with me
    Ne Cede Malis - In misfortune, NE Fall in the Spirit
    Omnia Vanitas - all around the bustle
    Fortuna Mecum - Good luck accompanies me
    Vivere Militare EST - Life is a struggle

    Cave! - Be careful!
    Contra Spem Spero - I hope without hope
    CUM DEO - with God
    Debellere Superbos - Suppress Pride, Disposable
    Dictum Factum - said - Made

    Ex voto - by promise; By Valeu
    Faciam UT Mei Memineris - I will make you remember me about me
    Fatum - Fate, Rock
    FECIT - Made, executed

    Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat - Fate helps bold
    Gaudeamus Igitur, Juvenes Dum Sumus - we will argue while we are young
    Gutta Cavat Lapidem - drop hammering stone
    Nass Fac UT Felix Vivas - So do it to live happily

    Homo Homini Lupus Est - Man Man Wolf
    Homo Liber - Free Man
    Homo Res Sacra - Man - Sacred Item
    Ignoti Nulla Cupido - What do not know about, and do not want
    In HAC Spe vivo - I live in this hope

    Juravi Lingua, Mentem Injuratam Gero - I swear tongue, but not thought
    JUS Vitae AC Necis - the right to dispose of life and death

    Malum Necessarium - Necessarium - inevitable evil - inevitably
    Memento Mori - Remember the death!
    Memento QUOD ES HOMO - Remember that you are a man
    Me QuoQue Fata Regunt - I also obey rock
    Mortem Effugere Nemo Potest - no one will avoid death
    NE CEDE MALIS - Do not fall in spirit in misfortune
    Nil Inultum RemaneBit - Nothing will remain unchecked
    Noli Me Tangere - Do not touch me
    ODERINT, DUM METUANT - Let them hate, just been afraid
    Omnia Mea Mecum Porto - all my wear with you
    Omnia Vanitas - all - fuss!

    Pisces Natare Oportet - Fish We must swim
    Potius Sero Quam Nunquam is better late than ever
    Procul negotiis - away trouble
    QUI Sine Peccato Est - who without sin
    QUOD LICET JOVI, NON LICET BOVI - What is allowed to Jupiter, then the bull is not allowed
    QUOD PRINCIPI PLACUIT, LEGIS HABET VIGOREM - anything to the lord, then has the power of the law
    Requiescit in Pace - resting with the world
    Sic ITUR AD ASTRA - So go to the stars
    Sic Volo - So I want
    Silentium - Silence
    Supremum Vale - Last sorry
    Suum cuique - every one
    TRAHIT SUA QUEMQUE VOLUPTAS - Everyone entails his passion
    TU NE CEDE MALIS, SED CONTRA AUDENTIOR ITO - Do not conquer trouble, but boldly go to meet her
    UBI BENE, IBI PATRIA - Where is good, there is homeland
    Unam In Armis Saluem - the only salvation - in the fight

    Via Sacra - Holy Way
    Virginity IS A Luxury - Virginity - Luxury
    Vita Sene Libertate Nlhil - Life Freedom - Nothing
    Vivere Militare EST - Live - So Fight
    Fatum - Fate, Rock
    FECIT - Made, executed
    ERRARE HUMANUM EST - It is humanly mistaken
    Est Quaedam Flere Voluptas - In tears there is something from pleasure
    EX VETO - by promise, in vow
    Faciam UT MEI Mernineris - I will make you remember me about me
    FINIS CORONAT OPUS - the end crowned business
    Audaces Fortuna Juvat - Happiness is accompanied by brave
    Contra Sperent - I hope without hope
    Debellere Superbos - to put the pride of unprofitable
    Gaudeafilus Igitur, Juvenea Dum Sumus - we will argue while we are young
    Hoc est in votis - that's what I want
    Homo Homini Lupus Est - Man Man Wolf
    Homo Liber - Free Man
    In Hac Spe vivo - I live this hope
    In Vino Veritas - Truth in wine
    Magna Res Est Amor - Great Business - Love
    Malo Mori Quam Foedari - better death than dishonor
    Ne Cede Malls - Do not fall in spirit in misfortune
    NOLL ME TANGERE - Do not touch me
    Gutta Cavat Lapidem - Drop Stone fucks
    Omnia Mea Mecum Porte - all my wear with you
    Per Aspera AD Astra - Through thorns to the stars
    QUOD LICET JOVI, NON LICET BOVI - What is allowed by Jupiter, then the bull is not allowed
    VLVERE MILITARE EST - Live - So Fight
    TU NE CEDE MALLS, SED CONTRA AUDEHTIOR - Do not conquer trouble, but boldly go to meet
    UBI BENE, IBI PATRIA - Where is good, there is homeland
    Vale et Me Ama - Goodbye and love me
    Veni, Vidi, Vici - came, saw, won
    Suum cuique - every one
    Cave! - Be careful!

    Tattoos inscriptions in various languages \u200b\u200bwith translation

    Arrive CE Guilpourra (Fr.) - Whether
    A TOOT PRIX (FR.) - Any price
    Battle Of Life (English) - Fighting Life
    Cache TA VIE (Fr.) - hide your life
    CERCANDO IT VERO (IT.) - Looking for truth
    Croire a Son Etoile (Fr.) - Believe in your star
    DA HIFI ICH ZU HAUSE (it.) - Here I am at home
    Due Cose Belle Ha a Mondo: Amore E Morte (IT.) - The world is beautiful two phenomena: love and death
    Du sollst nicht erst schlag erwarten (it.) - He wait until you hit you
    EIGENTHUM IST FREFNENENTHUM (it.) - Property is someone else
    EIN WINK DES SCHICKSALS (HIM) - Signing of Fate
    FU ... E NON E! (IT.) - Was ... And there is no it!
    GNOTHI Seauton (Greek) - Know yourself
    Grace Pour Moi (Fr.) - mercy (forgiveness) for me!
    Guai Chi La Tocca (IT.) - Mount to those who will affect
    Help Yourself (English) - Help yourself
    Killing Is Not Murder (English) - killing - not murder
    La Donna E Mobile (IT.) - Woman is inconstant
    Le Devoir Avanttout (Fr.) - debt first of all
    Now or Never (English) - now or never
    Quefemme V EUT - Dieu Le Veut (Fr.) - what a woman wants - how to god
    SANS PHRASES (Fr.) - no extra words
    Senw Dubbio (IT.) - No doubt
    To be or not to be (eng.) - to be or not to be
    VRGIWTY IS A LUXURY (English) - Virginity - Luxury
    Wait and See (eng.) - Wait - see
    Wein, Weib Und Gesang (it.) - Wine, Women and Songs
    WELTKIND (it.) - Child World

    The most common direction in the tattoo has been the tattoo of the inscription for a long time. And now the tattoo inscriptions at the peak of popularity. Especially tattoo inscriptions are popular among young people.

    Sometimes tattoos in the form of a picture do not express the completeness of the emotions that you want to show, it is for this that tattooing inscriptions. They transmit the entire meaning with the text, which is why the choice of words, phrases or suggestions should be taken very seriously.

    People make tattoos inscription for various reasons.

    It can be a religious tattoo - saying from the Bible or some other religious writings, which bears spiritual meaning. Memorable tattoo, in such tattoos, very often there are names and dates that symbolize the loss of a loved one. It may also be a tattoo that resembles some memorable event in a person's life.

    Tattoos inscriptions dedicated to someone, usually this is the name of your loved one, the names of children, parents or friends.

    Some punish inscriptions in the form of statements of wise men, aphorisms and winged expressions in various languages \u200b\u200bor even in the form of celebrity paintings.

    You can still make an inscription tattoo using your combinations of words and numbers. The meaning of such a tattoo will only be understood by you, it all depends on your imagination.

    Tattoos inscriptions are often written in foreign languages. The most popular are tattoo inscriptions in Latin, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, Arabic. The Chinese, Japanese, Hindi and Hebrew are also used as often.

    It is very important to pay great attention to the accurate translation of such words or phrases.

    To transfer phrases or clarifying translations, it is best to seek help to a professional translator, well, or a very well-known language, the translation of which you deserve trust. Sites that are engaged in translation into foreign languages. Mainly this is a translation agency. A lot of personal Web sites of professional translators.

    If you just need to understand the meaning of some kind of phrase in a foreign language, you can use online translators. Although they can give and not understandable.

    You can also take advantage of well-known aphorisms, quotes and statements of great people, ready-made phrases for the tattoo:

    • Phrases for tattoo with translation into Italian - Author of the translation Marina Nechaeva. Artistic translator of Russian and Italian languages.
    • Phrases for tattoo with Latin - Translation of phrases, aphorisms and statements checked and approved the translation agency "Prima Vista".
    • Phrases for tattoo with translation into English
    • Phrases for tattoo with translation into German - The translation of all phrases and statements on the page executed the translation agency "E-translation".
    • Phrases for tattoo with translation into French - The translation of all phrases and statements on the page executed the translation agency "E-translation".
    • Phrases for tattoo with translation into Spanish - Translation of phrases and statements on the page executed the translation agency "BIS-TRANSLATING".
    • Phrases for tattoo with transfer to Portuguese - Translation of phrases and statements on the page completed the Translation Bureau "Trust".

    Often the inscription tattoos are performed inside any pattern. For example, the name of your loved one inside the heart. So tattoo inscription complements the tattoo or sketch, and gives it its uniqueness and a special semantic load.

    Tattoo The inscription can be applied to almost any part of the body. Tattoo The inscription with a beautiful interesting font and colorful details will look great anywhere in your body - on your hands, shoulders, neck, some decorate your legs, chest or lower back, it all depends on your imagination and taste.

    The font for the tattoo of the inscriptions can be chosen anyone, to its taste. There are a huge amount. Some are very common and easy to find them on the Internet, there are also copyrighted fonts that are stored in tattoo masters collections.

    With a huge number of sites offering to see and download fonts, I propose to visit

    On the main page, right in the center, there is a table where the font sections are indicated: Fancy, Foreign Look, Techno, Gothic, Script, etc..

    In the tattoo inscriptions often use fonts from the Script section, the Calligraphy subsection and from the Gothic section, the Medieval subsection.

    Now it has become fashionable to apply on the body of a tattoo with various meaningable phrases. In addition, the beautiful calligraphic magic and Latin (or other foreign language) look mysteriously and significantly. Consider the most popular inscriptions for tattoo with translation.

    Inscriptions for tattoo with translation. Interesting information

    Tattoos have recently become quite popular among young people, especially those who want to stand out among the others. Some take an example from celebrities, among which there are also tattoo fans.

    For example, Angelina Jolie has several tattoos in the form of an inscription on the body. Also, the famous Footballer David Beckham has inscriptions on the body (the names of his wife and children).

    Having poured a tattoo on my body, you should decide on exactly what you want to see every day on your body. Then you need to decide for yourself if you want to have a tattoo all your life. Today's technologies allow us to take a temporary pattern on the body.

    If you want a tattoo for life, then you should carefully approach the selection of inscriptions, as this in some sense will affect your destiny.

    Significant inscriptions for tattoo with translation

    What can be chosen for the inscription on your body? Below will be a list of phrases with translation that are suitable for this purpose.

    An inscription tattoo with meaning is creating a certain image of a person who will represent it in society. For example, for men, the inscription can show courage or sensuality, passion or shyness, rudeness or softness. All this will depend on personal predispositions.

    In women, the tattoo can show romanticism, generosity, morality or audacity, aggressiveness and prevailing in any situation.

    In this way, choosing a suitable inscription for a tattoo, it is necessary to think well that you want to invest in its meaning - a deep thought, a capacious word or any definition. You also need to decide on the language on which this inscription will be depicted, and the calligraphic style of writing.

    It is necessary to do the same tattoo from a qualified specialist, who with due carefully will take all safety measures to apply.

    Have a tattoo on your body now is trendy. Especially great, if the native image carries a certain meaning. Tattoo in the form of an inscription can be an excellent motivator for you and others. Tattoos-texts can be performed by various styles: from elegant capital to minimalist printed. Drawings with words or quotes are better than others reveal the essence of a person, reminding that through which tests had to go or about the happy moments of life. In addition, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are good and the fact that you are unlikely to meet a person with a similar image. You can show your individuality through text. By the way, it seems to you the choice, you can write words both in your own language and on a foreign one. One of the most popular places of application of such a tattoo is hand.

    Tattoo inscriptions with translation

    Tattoos on Latin with translation

    A leading place among foreign language sources occupy English and Latin. However, also enjoy in great demand. It is worth noting that the tattoos with the Latin text often express the philosophical meaning, as they, as a rule, were the sayings of noble and great people of antiquity. Latin quotes can be seen both on men and women.

    LOVE IS A MOVEMENT - Love is a movement

    just love

    Love Is My Religion - Love is my religion

    love Rihanna

    Family Tattoos-Inscription

    Woman power in her family. Some representatives of beautiful sex seek to show their love for loved ones. Tattoos with the word "Family" and its derivatives can be seen on the wrist, ankle, foot and neck.

    Family Together Always- Family always together

    Forever Family - Family Forever

    Philosophical Tattoos-Inscription

    Beautiful sex representatives deeper creating than it may seem at first glance. Sometimes in a simple girl there may be such emotions, experiences and thoughts, which at first it is difficult to imagine. Creative nature is suitable for this, as a rule, from a philosophical point of view. It is no longer possible to do only in one word. Although in one word, as you know, a powerful inspiration force may be contained.

    Listen to Your Heart- Listen to your heart

    The choices We make Dictate The Life We Lead- the choice that we do determine the life that we will have to live

    Even If Saving You Sends Me To Heaven - Saving even you, I get to heaven

    You "LL NEVER DIE AND YOU NEVER GROW OLD - You will never die and not aged

    Don "T Dream Your Life Live Your Dream - Do not dream of all your life, but live a dream

    Beautiful phrases in english for tattoo with translation

    If you think about the inscription in English, this list of phrases will be interesting to you:

    1. Battle of Life is a struggle for life.
    2. Be Careful With Your Thoughts - They Are The Beginning of Deeds - Be careful to your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
    3. Destroy What Destroys You will destroy what destroys you.
    4. Don "T Break Up with Your Past Until You" Re Sure In Your Future - Do not break with the past, while I'm not sure about your future.
    5. Endless Love - Infinite Love.
    6. Everyone has one "s Own Path - each has its own way.
    7. Everyone Is The Creator of One "S Own Fate - Every Creator His fate itself.
    8. Everyone sees the world in one "s Own Way - every person sees the world in his own way.
    9. Fear Transfers The Clever Into The Weak - fear makes smart fools and strong weakness.
    10. Follow Your Heart - Follow your heart.
    11. FREE Your Mind - free your mind.
    12. I REMEMBER TOOO MUCH, THAT "S Why I" M Damn Sad Sometimes - I remember very much, that's why I sometimes damn sad.
    13. Live Without regrets -lifting without regrets.
    14. Music Creates The Feelings Which You Can "T Find In Life - music creates feelings that are not in life.
    15. Never Give Up - never give up.
    16. Never Look Back - Never look back.
    17. Never Stop Dreaming - Never stop dreaming.
    18. Now or Never - now or never.
    19. People Rejoice at The Sun, and I "M Dreaming Of The Moon - People are rejoicing the sun, and I dream of the moon.
    20. The Inevitable Price We Pay for Our Happiness is Eternal Fear to Lose It is the inevitable price we pay for happiness is the eternal fear of losing it.
    21. The Love of My Life is the love of my life.
    22. The Most Dangerous Demons Live in Our Hearts - Cams Dangerous Demons live in our hearts.
    23. Wait and See - wait and see.
    24. WE HATE THE ONES WE LOVE BECAUSE THEY CAN CAUSE THE DEEPEST SUFFERING - We hate those who love, because they are able to hurt us the most suffering.
    25. While I Am Breathing, I Love and Believe. - While I breathe - I love and believe.

    The desire to decorate your body is inherent to all people, which determines the selection of the pattern for the tattoo. After all, it is in this way a person seeks to declare himself, his inner world, spiritual development.

    Increasingly, especially in recent years, many are preferred by phrases, and the language on which they are made may be the most different. These are the ancient statements on even more ancient, forgotten languages, and Russian expressions are also not focused. Indeed, what a language is so rich in the winged phrases, literally a couple of words of which makes it possible to reveal the entire depth and beauty of the surrounding world!

    For whom these tattoo data are suitable

    If in previous years, the tattoos chose mostly famous and famous people, today to fill the tattoo become fashionable and among ordinary people.

    Quality symbolizing tattoo

    Each word, even a small tattoo barcode matters that connoisseurs will be able to decipher. Most lovers decorate their bodies tend to declare themselves, make it talk, and sometimes think about everything that is happening in the world around us.

    What places are best suited to this tattoo

    There are no clearly defined places on the human body, where it is possible or cannot be tattooed in the form of an inscription in Russian or other languages. The exceptions are some challenge marks directly related to certain religions.

    Women's tattoo - small inscriptions are distinguished by sophistication, they are beautiful, with more smooth lines, are located in the most unexpected places - on an ankle or wrist, along the entire line of the spine or on the inside of the hand.

    Men's tattoos are usually clear, made in the Gothic style, they can surround monogram, other pictures, as if emphasizing the phrase content.

    In which styles it is best to do this tattoo

    The choice of style affects the meaning laid in the applied phrase. What he deeper, the easier the picture is framed.

    Symbol options

    Determining with the choice of a symbol or phrase, it is worth contacting professionals from the tattoo salon. At their disposal, many photos, having studied which will be much easier to choose the most suitable sketches:

    Celebrities with this tattoo

    A young performer, a member of one of the Russian competitions "Voice", Alexander Vorobyev literally from the first minutes of the appearance on the stage intrigued the audience inscriptions on her body.

    One of them translated from English "Neither step back - only forward" inspires new accomplishments.

    The second personifies her attitude to life "Music is life."

    The third is a note having the shape of the cherry.

    Zemfira displaced the first letter of his surname Ramazanov, placing "P" on the left wrist.