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  • What are the offenses of Confucius? Aphorisms and saying Confucius

    What are the offenses of Confucius? Aphorisms and saying Confucius

    In this article we picked up for you 25 statements Confuciusabout life, love and happiness - Chinese sage, an ordinary person, whose teaching today is compared with religion, although it is not. Visit wisdom right now!

    Statements confusion about life

    If you hate - it means you won you.

    It doesn't matter how slowly you go until you stopped.

    Do not worry due to change. Usually they come at the moment when necessary.

    It's not great who has never fallen, but the one who fell and was able to stand at a time more.

    If you spit in your back - it means that you are ahead.

    Noble in the shower is serene. Low person is always concerned.

    You can curse the darkness all life, and you can light a small candle.

    In antiquity, people studied in order to improve themselves. Today it is learn to surprise others.

    I'm not upset if people do not understand me, "I'm upset if I do not understand people.

    3 things never returned back - time, word, possibility. Therefore: do not lose time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity.

    You can overcome bad habits today, and not tomorrow.

    A noble person makes requirements for himself, a low person makes requirements for others.

    Gemstone cannot polish without friction. Also, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.

    Tips We take drops, but we distribute buckets.

    People in antiquity did not like to talk a lot. They considered disgrace for themselves not to sleep for their own words.

    Only when cold come, it becomes clear that pines and cypresses are the last to lose their own sessions.

    Failure in trifles will destroy the great thing.

    In fact, life is simple, but we aggressively complicate it.

    Let the instructions only who are looking for knowledge, finding their ignorance.

    Before revenge, elap two graves.

    In a country where there is order, be bold and in action, and in speeches. In the country where there is no order, be bold in actions, but cautious in speeches.

    Three ways lead to knowledge: path reflections - this is the path is the most noble path imitation - this is the easiest way and the path of experience - This is the wrong path.

    Positioning Confucius on Happiness and Love

    Beauty is in everything, but not everyone is given to see it.

    Misfortune came - a man gave rise to him, happiness came - a man raised him

    Try to be at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will not be able to make a bad act.

    Choose yourself a job in the soul, and you do not have to work for a single day in your life.

    Happiness - this is when you understand great happiness - It's when you love real happiness - This is when you love.

    What other confusion sayings do you know?

    The most accessible to the understanding of a person's lessons of life. They are inspired very effectively. The interaction of a person with a person is being built on important life principles that many are trying to adhere to. Many wise men expressed their rules of life, especially those eastern countries. Many familiar with the name of the famous Chinese Conductor Confucius. Sayings, wise Aphorisms and quotes of geniuses float pages of books and sites.

    This person created a whole doctrine, which is also called religion - Confucianism. This teaching is inherent in morality, ethics and life principles. Quotes, Aphorisms and wise statements Confucius indicate that the sage dreamed of building a harmonious and highly moral society. The golden rule of his ethics was: "Do not make another of what you do not want yourself." People are very sensually perceived by the aphorisms, the statements of Confucius. The teaching of genius is popular for 20 centuries. Get acquainted with this legendary personality, the statements of Confucius and their explanation.

    Long road to wisdom

    Sometimes a person with special mental abilities shout: "You are directly confusing!" The statements of the Chinese sage are forced to touch the origins of his wisdom and count aphoristic sayings. Is there any centuries-old mystery of eastern wisdom, is it different from the usual Western? In the course of our analysis of the statements of Confucius it will become understandable.

    Where did the origins of the wise of Chinese genius go? Let's start a little since the childhood of a teacher from the genus Kun or Kun-Fu Tzu, as he was called at home in China. The name of Confucius is considered a laminated form. A teacher lived from 551 to 479 years BC. e. Many of the statements of Chinese Confucius reached our time, thanks to the negotiating and records of later interpreters and students.

    A sage in the village of Tsyufu was born, which in Shandong Province. It refers to an ancient aristocratic, albeit impoverished family. His father married him three times in order to get a decent heir. They just became the future thinker. And even though his father died in three years, the mother gave his son high-level upbringing. In many ways, the formation of the ideas of confusion about the ideal society and a harmonious person is obliged to the net spiritual qualities of this highly moral woman.

    The lack of a father in the house made the young man work early. He was engaged in self-education, looking for the truth. He learned early to read, tried to understand all the studied lines. In the statements of Confucius about work and life, the alloy of thoughts worthy of his predecessors are fusing. He worked as a caretaker of warehouses and gondwesters. But this post did not bring him satisfaction. At 22, the young man became a private Chinese teacher. After becoming a popular specialist, he began to train children from different segments of the population, did not look at their welfare.

    In communicating with people, in the wise ways, the most witty statements of Confucius about a person were born. This led him to the prestigious post of Minister of Justice. Here he has envious and slanders who contributed to the expulsion of the Minister from their native land. Confucius began to wander and preach. In such pilgrimage he was engaged in 13 years. In all parts of China, wise statements of Confucius about creativity, family, relations between people sounded.

    Returning to his native land, the thinker began to engage in pedagogical activities. By the end of his life, he taught about three thousand people. Philosophy has become the basis of his postulates. Biographers even argue that the teacher knew the date of his death. As soon as he left his life, the Chinese noticed his shortage in the country's culture. But Confucianism received many followers and successors. From 136 to n. e. This is an official religious cult in China. Confucius became a deity, in his honor they called temples. Only in the 20th century, after the Xinhajian revolution, the age-old authorities began to leave.

    Pupils Confucius gathered all his wise aphorisms and quotes in the book "Conversations and judgments." In European countries, it is called "Confucius anals". Annexes are quotes, talented sayings, short poems. Half a century worked on a unique collection. His sayings teach humanity, piety, reverence of seniors and distribute other moral and ethical foundations of society.

    And what are the contemporaries see the confusion? After the communist denial of the teachings of Confucius, finally came out. In recent years, the Chinese have again become interested in the Confucianism and the identity of the teacher. Many tourists go to the places of its wanders, hold memorable events in his honor. The training programs of Chinese schoolchildren and students again entered the teachings of the philosopher.

    Vision of good and evil, virtue and vice

    A lot of aphorisms, the statements of Confucius are devoted to thinking about being, good and evil. The thinker saw the generality between the laws of nature and human development. He had confidence in subordination of the world in the world a single algorithm. The philosopher himself studied well and understood all the teachings of his predecessors. Some today subjected Christian postulates. For example, not everyone can understand why the evil need to be responsible for good. Many think about how to treat the resentment to us, is it worth answering the same?

    In the raging ocean of everyday passions, confusion quotes can be a reliable compass, sometimes some paradoxical, slightly stacked in the usual value system. The Chinese teacher believed that evil should be punished by justice, and good people need to be responsible for good. A little unexpected solution compared to Christianity. Confucius to the measure of justice gave into the hands of the man himself acting in circumstances. He also did not deny that someone observes with top of people and gives merit and justice. Here is his bright statements in this direction:

    • It is important to show the rigor to yourself and the softness to others, so the human hostility is fencing.
    • Moreover to exercise kindness, then there will be no place for bad actions in life.
    • Virtue is not alone, she always has neighbors.
    • If you can show mercy, do it even without teacher tips.
    • Wisdom can be achieved only when you show mercy.

    About the nobility of the soul

    Many sage sayings are devoted to nobility. Sometimes they also contradict the point of view of daily experience. We give an example to the example: "The noble person helps to see only good, and low - indicates a bad". However, it is impossible to hold a line between man and life. Paradoxes of Confucius are forced to think about, reflecting, dispatch. For example, a controversial statement: "A noble man who lives only with homemade cooles cannot be called such." But another selection of quotes on this topic:

    • Noble inherent in serenity. Low is always concerned.
    • A noble man lives in harmony with others, but does not imitate them, but low - imitates others, but does not live with them in harmony.
    • Noble man is not inherent in deceiving, but the deception from the others he immediately notices.
    • A noble husband is given to debt, and low - good luck.
    • Noble sees meaning in food and wealth, doing things and says little. This person is constantly learning and corrects himself.

    About love, man and woman, parents and children, friends

    Confucius has a lot of spokes and aphorisms that describe various relationships: family, friendly, love. After all, friends and our environment often bring us joy, but sometimes disappointment. The philosopher has a lot of tips on this. Everyone can find something useful in them:

    • The right relationship is difficult to build with women and low people. Approaching to them leads to their disconnection, and distance - to hatred.
    • A competitive son can be called someone who brings their parents only a disease.
    • It is better not to deal with a person to whom there is no confidence. After all, on the cart without a axis it is impossible to ride.
    • To friends need to help, instruct them on good, but do not need to become a humiliating position before those who cannot be changed.
    • It is not necessary to show excessive cloister in friendship, it can lead to the loss of friends.

    There were also a confusion of statements about love. Love he called the beginning and end of all existing. The sage bowed to love, believed that there was no life without it.

    About complex human ventilation

    Confucius believed that only real wise men and fools are not learning. He really appreciated the knowledge and considered them the highest goal of self-respecting personality. He studied all his life and passed the wisdom to his followers. Today and we can enjoy this bottomless source of wisdom. Here is his saying about this:

    • You need to study as if you are constantly missing knowledge or you are afraid to confuse them.
    • Bravery without knowledge is a recklessness, respectlessness without knowledge - self-physicue, caution without knowledge - cowardice, straightforward without knowledge - rudeness.
    • There are no words to describe the scientist looking for the truth, but ashamed of poor clothes and coarse food.
    • You can endlessly enjoy the child confidently going through the life after you indicated the path.
    • On the archery we can learn the search for truth. The missing shooter is not looking for guilt in others, but only in itself.
    • One who is not thinking about the future, is waiting for unexpected troubles.
    • The one who does not teach to show good to his home does not learn and himself.
    • The one who does not reflect on the teachings is always mistaken. Man reflecting, but not wishing to learn, falls into difficult situations.
    • Mudrome man is not inherent to do something else, whatever he wanted himself.

    Success and achieving happiness

    Questions of achieving the goal and success of Confucius also did not bypassed the party in their sayings. In them, he gives advice, how to deal with the envious, to gain an equilibrium. His famous phrase is familiar to many: "If you spit in the back - then you are going ahead." Here are some more quotes:

    • The man himself gives rise to his misfortune, and hesitates happy moments.
    • You can call the happiness understanding of people, great happiness - love from others, a true happiness - your love for others.
    • Three things are impossible to return back - time, word, possibility. Conclusion: Do not lose time, choose words, do not miss the possibilities.
    • Do not feel hurt to young people, matured, they can become talented husbands. Only nothing to forty, fifty years do not deserve attention.
    • Only with the arrival of cold weather it becomes clear that the cypresses and pines the latter reset their own.

    The meaning of experience, truth and human qualities

    "One person curses the darkness all life, and the other lights a small candle," this phrase betrays the moral experience of many generations. Unfortunately, much more criticizing, rather than those who drown the sleeves and corrects something. The classic of Eastern ethics and philosophy accurately noticed that hate speaks of victory over you. He also noticed that earlier people studied to improve, and now in order to surprise their knowledge of others. Here are some more talked sage sayings:

    • If wealth and fame can not be found honestly, it means you need to avoid them. If not to avoid poverty and obscurity, then you need to take them.
    • People bring natural deposits, but separated habits.
    • In antiquity, not a variety was made. Then it was a shameful not to have time for her own words.
    • The closest to humanity is solid, decisive, simple and a few husband.
    • Humanity from us is completely close, it is only worth it.
    • A worthy person does not imitate others, the actions he appreciates fairly.

    Statements confusion about life

    The Chinese thinker was interested in everyone, he was inquisitive, preached kindly and humanity. He is trying to argue even something immense. Think about the following statements Confucius about life:

    • A person can not know what death is because it does not know what life is.
    • Before revenge, dispense two graves.
    • If you observe a person, get into his actions, look at his leisure, then he will not be a mystery to you.
    • Sometimes a person notices a lot, but does not see the main thing.
    • It is human or not, depends only on the person himself.
    • The strive to be similar to decent people, look at your shortcomings when meeting with a low person.
    • Find up only one who seeks to knowledge, help only someone who dreams about it, taught only someone who wants to comprehend more.

    Positioning Confucius about work and art

    As often in companies, people begin to condemn certain politicians, public figures. Many believe that they would be better cope with one or another. You yourself cannot bring a sense in your own family or in the team. Here are some statements of Confucius about creativity and attitude to subordinate:

    • The most important thing is that the ruler be the ruler, subordinate - subordinate, father - father, son - Son.
    • Do not restrain yourself in trifles, it can destroy the great thing.
    • It is not necessary to worry about the lack of high rank, much more restless to be worthy of this rank.
    • Even being divided, the sky and the earth make one thing.
    • Everyone under the power becoming a noble husband, you just need to decide on it.
    • It is worthy to be a teacher who opens a new, turning to the old.
    • to earn the reverence of people, you need to manage with dignity. You wish from people of diligent work, treat them in kind.
    • He will not work for a single day in his life who will find a job in the shower.

    About himself

    The world of the amazing properties and witty observations of the eastern sage is just amazing! Some of his statements relate to the Confucius:

    • A lot of work should be needed to expand your knowledge, do not brag before others, do not feel fatigue, instruct others and not disappoint.
    • I have never met a man who would live in solitude to achieve his goal, would have followed proper to transform his truth.
    • Even among two people, I will find something to learn. I will imitate their advantages and learn from their shortcomings.

    Each of you can choose among a variety of confusion of the wise guide in life. This will help to cope with difficulties and choose the right way to wisdom.

    Humanity has always been looking for an answer to an important question: "What is the meaning of existence?" If Western thinkers approached it rationally, the eastern wise men were looking for an answer in the shower and heart. The Chinese philosopher of Confucius, the quotations of which represent a special moral and ethical idea of \u200b\u200blife, bringing humanity to understand the essence of being. Open it for yourself.

    Wise words about life at all times were for a person a guide thread, which led to success, happiness and self-realization. Wise statements reveal the new faces of being, point to true values, help to understand how happy people are happy in different moments of life.

    A modern man lives with blurred mind, in a rush of days it does not have the opportunity to think about what is really valuable in life. Quotes of the great - quintessence of vital landmarks.

    Could Confuitions (Kun Tsyu) could think that twenty centuries later everything that he spoke about life, the world order, the principles of the interaction of people in society will still be relevant.

    If confused, there are difficulties in life, looking for a spiritual support, the confusion quotes will help to gain peace of mind and identify life goals and values. Here are wise quotes about life, hoped from his exercise:

    "Three ways lead to knowledge: the way of reflections is the path is the most noble, the path of imitation is the path the easiest and way of experience is the path is the most bitter";
    "If you hate - it means you won";
    "Before you revenge, elap two graves";
    "Give instructions only to someone who is looking for knowledge, finding their ignorance";
    "Happiness is when you understand you, great happiness is when you love you, real happiness is when you love you";
    "In fact, life is simple, but we aggressively complicate it";
    "Failure in trifles will destroy the great thing";
    "People in antiquity did not love to talk much. They considered a disgrace for themselves not to sleep for their own words ";
    "Tips we take drops, but we distribute buckets";

    "The gem cannot be polished without friction. Also, a person cannot be successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts ";
    "The noble person makes the requirements for himself, a low person makes requirements for others";
    "You can overcome bad habits today, and not tomorrow";
    "Three things will never return back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not lose time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity ";
    "Choose your own job, and you do not have to work for a single day in your life."
    "I'm not upset if people do not understand me," I'm upset if I do not understand people ";
    "Try to be at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will not be able to make a bad act";
    "In antiquity, people studied in order to improve themselves. Today it is learn to surprise others ";
    "You can curse the darkness all life, and you can freeze a small candle";
    "It was misfortune - a man gave rise to him, happiness came - he raised him";

    "Beauty is in everything, but not everyone is given to see it";
    "Noble in the shower is serene. Low person is always concerned. ";
    "If you spit in the back, then you are ahead";
    "It's not great who never fell, and he is great - who fell and got up";
    "Never tell about yourself any good or bad. In the first case, you will not believe, and in the second - insecrates ";
    "When it is obvious that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your action plan";
    "It is impossible to regret anything in this life. It happened - made a conclusion and live on ";
    "Attend and listen to evil people - it is already the beginning of an evil case";

    "When you feel bad - listen to nature. The peace of peace soothes better than millions of unnecessary words ";
    "Silence is a faithful friend who will never change";
    "One who does not think about distant difficulties, certainly wait close trouble."

    The wise statements of Confucius will help gain spiritual equilibrium. Evaluate the clever statements of the Grand Thinker, find the Point of Support and Life Life Plans with them.


    Quotes and aphorisms 10.09.2017

    "You are just Confucius!" - Similar words, we sometimes express our honor by mental abilities of someone from others. But most often about the "prototype" itself, the hero of our comparison we know only individual well-known facts.

    Today I want to get acquainted with you, dear blog readers, with this extraordinary personality. Together with you, we touch the origins of his wisdom and the integristrical statements of the Eastern Thinker.

    Reading publications about people who endowed with knowledge about the world, the ability to apply them in life and the gift of foresight, we sometimes wonder: what is the eastern philosophy different from Western? In my opinion, similarities are more than differences. If it is true wisdom, it goes back to a single source. However, the Eastern Guru has its own features. What kind? I hope that after exploring the quotes and aphorisms of Confucius, we will be closer to the solve of this centuries-old secrecy.

    Where did something come from: childhood and youth

    In his homeland, his name was the name of Kun-Fu-Tzu, which means the "teacher from the kind of koon", or they were simply applied to him and accurately exactly: the teacher. And the name of the Confucius is already a laminated form. For years of life, it is considered 551-479 BC.

    It is surprising that before our time they reached, most often, in the negotiating and records of later students and interpreters, numerous spokes and aphorisms of Confucius.

    The philosophy of several eastern nations6 Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, is based on his teachings. Confucianism is sometimes called religion, but this is a much wider system of views, moral and ethical standards, spiritual values. He spoke of the state and society, about the family and the moral foundations of being. He spoke like a person who gained these knowledge with special spiritual vision, revelation. And he believed, walked behind him.

    His main conviction, the golden rule of behavior: "Do not make another of what you do not want yourself." It seems so simple. But there were centuries and millennia, and today this call is still relevant as in antiquity. This advice is so difficult to follow, or are we just unworthy to call themselves a reasonable man? These and other issues of being, our relations with the world and with each other again and reopen the quotes and aphorisms, wise statements of Confucius.

    The birthplace of one of the most powerful minds of antiquity is Quifu (this is the current province of Shandong). He came from an ancient, aristocratic, albeit impoverished. Shulyan He, the father of the future genius, could not find a healthy heir in two marriages: daughters were born, and the only son from the second wife was incurably sick, according to our concepts, he was disabled since childhood.

    Finally, the Father of the Future Genius dared to the third marriage, with a young concubine. And then the miracle happened: she gave a happy wife of a healthy strip, the long-awaited heir. But after three years, the father did not.

    Mother turned out to be a woman highly agreed, a lot of time paid to the upbringing of the son. Her net spiritual qualities later contributed to the formation of his ideas about the ideal society and a harmonious person.

    But the early loss of the Father also had a serious influence on him: I had to start working early early, to engage in self-education, the search for truth. From early childhood, mastering a diploma, the future founder of philosophical teachings read a lot. Then, much of what he read was creatively comprehended, the alloy of the thoughts of the wise men of the past was transformed into the aphorisms of Confucius.

    And when I began to "traditionally" to learn, easily mastered the skills that at the time were considered necessary: \u200b\u200bnot only to write, read and count, but also to perceive music, competently participate in ritual ceremonies, drive a chariot and targeted from Luke.

    In his "all-service list", the post of warehouses and the Gestroyel, which he occupied in early adolescence, thanks to his undoubted knowledge and skills, incredible hardworking and a sense of responsibility. But he understood that this was not his calling.

    At the age of 22, the young man became the first in the future glorious cohort of private Chinese teachers. It passed a little time, and he was already considered the best, the most famous, popular teacher in the Middle Kingdom. In his school, children from the most different layers of the population were educated, regardless of the level of welfare.

    Jewelery and return

    The most witty aphorisms and confusion quotes were born in communicating with people, in his long-term wandering, where he gained impressions and compiled the world around the world.

    True, initially a special hunt to change places at the young man was not noted. As it should be a philosopher, he would like to engage in contemplation, staying alone. But its extraordinary abilities and a weighted approach to solving the painful problems helped very quickly take over the career ladder. The young thinker received the prestigious post of Minister of Justice.

    But there was also a serious danger: the envious of the young "careerist" was abuse. They used such a powerful weapon as a slander. The blow was aiming, the ruler believed the naval and expelled the faithful companion with the territory subject to him.

    So Confucius was involved in the wanderer, stray preacher. In the neighboring lands it was repeatedly persuaded to stay, settle them, but Dervish was adamant. He decided that this way his fate herself gives him a chance to teach, enlighten the maximum number of people.

    For the past 13 years, it lasted this unusual pilgrimage. Aphorisms of wisdom Confucius sounded in different parts of China and beyond. Returning to the native edges, he fully dedicated himself to his beloved business - a pedagogical mission. It is believed that by the end of his life the number of his followers was about three thousand people.

    He did not consider the philosophy of abstract science, cut off from life. On the contrary, he tried to show his example, how relevant his teachings were relevant, as far as they apply to various everyday situations.

    The biographers of the Grand Teacher assure that he knew the date of their death in advance. And only after his care became clear how much a huge niche he occupied in the country's culture. Fortunately, this teaching was found not just admirers, but sensible followers, persistent successors. So the Confucianism was formed, which became from 136 to AD. Official religious cult in China.

    The philosopher itself began to deify, the temples rose throughout the country in his honor. Only at the beginning of the stormy 20th century, when the "fashion" came to the overthrow of age-old prestiges, this ideological system was shaken. The Sinhai Revolution of 1911, who established the republican form in the country in the country, became a specific starting point.

    Life philosophy and book "Lun-Yu"

    Quotes and wise Aphorisms Confucius were collected by his students in the book "Lun-Yu" - "conversations and judgments." It is also known in a number of European countries called "Confucius ancients". Analogs call the selections of quotes, taking place and short poems. The term dates back to the Greek word ανάλεκτα, which is translated as "subtracted", "selected".

    Almost half a century lasted work on creating this unique collection written in ancient Chinese language. This book was necessarily studied, moreover, they memorized to demonstrate their scholarship.

    Proclaiming the importance of such concepts as humanity, piety, reverence of the elder and other moral and ethical foundations of society, the philosopher did not call for equality and fraternity. He considered the fair division of society into classes, but at the same time it was confident that power and wealth are not given simply by birth, but should be deserved.

    In contrast, let's say, from the Christian tradition, Confucianism does not consider the desire to poverty with a moral model. No, a high level of welfare is undoubted advantage, it is important only to achieve his righteous means.

    Confucius today

    Quotes and aphorisms, the wise statements of Confucius were questioned, his teachings tried to simply eradicate with the coming to power in China of the Communist Government. Such is the reverse side of almost all revolutions: there is a big temptation to destroy everything built by the predecessors, "to the foundation". But then the stem comes, awareness of the beastness of the foundation in which dangerous emptiness was formed.

    In recent years, China has been reviving interest in the Confucianism and the teacher's personality. Tourist routes are being developed in places associated with his name, memorable events are organized, the teaching again finds the honorable place in schoolchildren and students.

    The sake of objectivity should be noted that the current texts of Lun-Yu with quotes and aphorisms of Confucius are not a reprint of old editions. Unfortunately, the original texts could not protect compatriots. Or we have not yet found these primary sources, perhaps the truth seekers are still waiting for such discoveries. But in the era of the Board of the dynasty of Qin, the teachers were purposefully destroyed. Then, after decades, again I had to revive these fundamental works. That is why today you can meet the different editors of the sayings of the Chinese Guru and conflicting interpretation of his teachings.

    Good and evil, virtue and vice

    An extensive category of quotes and aphorisms, wise statements Confucius devoted to thinking about such fundamental concepts of being and consciousness as good and evil. The thinker came to understand the community of laws of nature and human development.

    He was sure: everything in the world is not simply interrelated, but also subordinated to a single algorithm. He only seems difficult at first glance. But if you follow the developed centuries and millennia to a moral compass, then in life you will not be lost, you will not betray from the path of virtue. And he himself contributed to the creation of such moral landmarks.

    The teacher himself was a diligent student, compiled her legacy of his predecessors. But not just paraphrased, but really rethought, adding his conclusions, renewed, proven in the practice of judgment.

    Tracting Christian postulates, we often treat the instructions of our great legitresses, which and for evil must be responsible for good. They say, only so you can interrupt the chain of evil, and otherwise it will be transmitted from one person to another and come back to us again.

    The thought is deep, and in a high, fundamental sense is correct. But, admit, each of us has repeatedly thought about how to react to the resentment applied to us, especially if there is confidence that it is done quite consciously? Sometimes you want to answer "Mirror", but we convince ourselves that it is wrong that "God sees everything," and the punishment will ever overtake the offender automatically.

    But after all, and in our people they say: "God is God, but not bad himself!" And in the same Bible, a lot of strings devoted to fair retribution, and, quite man-made. And there is also said that the self-respecting of the pride. But how to find the faithful "Farvater" between these two "rocks" of sin, already decides everyone, and often we move in UF, without experienced feed.

    Reliable "navigator" in the raging ocean of everyday passions may well be aphorisms of Confucius, especially those that at first glance seem to be paradoxical, not fitting in the familiar system of values. Here's how the teacher answered the question that we were with you, dear blog readers, often asked: "For evil, you need to pay for justice, and for good - good." True, unexpectedly? In any case, "in fairness" is our own moral choice, we install the measure of this adequacy of the response. And someone there appreciates everything on top and refuses us deserved reward ...

    If it is right, then everything will be performed and without orders. And if it is not straight yourself, it will not be obeyed, even if they are ordered.

    Be strict to yourself and soft to others. So you protect yourself from human hostility.

    Try to be at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will not be able to make a bad act.

    Virtue will not remain alone. She will definitely have neighbors.

    If you have the opportunity to show mercy, do not let the teacher even pass forward.

    Perfect where mercy is. Is it possible to achieve wisdom if you do not live in its edges?

    Separately - about nobility

    Much attention in the writings of the Eastern Wisdom is given to nobility. And again the supervisory reader will certainly celebrate the same thing as it seemed important to me. Not always his instruction is impeccable from the point of view of everyday experience. Let's say, this is this centance: "Noble helps people see good in themselves and does not tell people to see bad. And the low person comes on the contrary. " Alas, - and you, dear regulars, and new guests of the blog, repeatedly noted the opposite: it was those who have something to hide, especially succeed in the art of masking their spiritual and spiritual wormworchin. And these carefully deficked defects are sometimes very difficult.

    However, life and man, of course, are far from linear functions. There are many nuances, contradictions, oncoming trends. Paradoxes of someone else's consciousness are good, first of all, by what they make and think about it, maybe, signed, or at least try to somehow change the accents, choose other angles of view. And then the world is really becoming more interesting, diverse and multicolored. Here, for example, as you have such a statement from the collection of quotes and aphorisms of Confucius: "Noble, tied to home comfort, not worthwhile to be called such." In my opinion, is quite controversial, isn't it? ..

    Noble in the shower is serene. Low person is always concerned.

    Noble people live in harmony with other people, but do not follow other people, low following other people, but do not live with them in harmony.

    A noble husband does not expect deception from anyone, but when he is deceived, he is first noticing.

    The noble in his life must beware of three things: in his youth, when life forces are abundant, to beware of hobbies by women; in maturity, when the vitality of mighty, beware of rivalry; In old age, when the vital forces are scarce, beware of misfortune.

    Noble with dignity expects the teeth of the sky. Noble thinking about proper. Low person thinks about what is profitable.

    Noble lives in harmony with everyone, and a low person is looking for similar.

    Noble exceeds duty. Low person will suit good luck.

    A noble man, endowed with courage, but not a debt, can become a rebel.

    Noble knows about his superiority, but avoids rivalry. He gets along with everyone, but does not enter into collusion.

    Noble does not seek to eat and live richly. He hurries in affairs, but slow in speeches. Communicating with people virtuous, he fixes himself. That person can be said that he is devoted to teaching.

    Noble resistant tolerates troubles, and a low person in trouble blooms.

    Noble thinking about the righteous way and does not think about feeding. He can work in the field - and be hungry. He can devote himself to teaching - and take generous awards. But noble worried about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty.

    Man and woman, parents and children, friends

    And now I offer you a "portion" of the spokes and aphorisms of Confucius, describing our relationship with the most close people: family and the closest surroundings, friends. Here each of us is waiting for big joys, and large disappointments. The philosopher does not even moralize, but gives quite specific useful tips. Just read: maybe it will be useful when you come to the awareness that it is time "to fix something in the conservatory."

    Building correctly relationship is the most difficult with women and low people. If you bring them around to yourself - they will be unleashed if you delete it from yourself - we will wave.

    A respectful son is the one who grieves the father and the mother is that with his illness.

    I do not understand how you can deal with a person who can not be trusted? If there is no axis in the wagon, how can you ride on it?

    In relations with friends, advise them to do only what they are able to do, and lead them to good, not disturbing the decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope for success. Do not put yourself in a humiliating position.

    If you are overly welcome in friendship, you will lose your friends.

    Knowledge and experience, truth and wisdom

    "Only the wisers and the most stupid are not learning" - one of the numerous quotes and aphorisms of Confucius. He considered knowledge with absolute blessing, the highest goal of self-respecting man. He himself studied all his life, passed the experience with numerous students. And now we are, dear friends, we have the opportunity to touch this bottomless source of wisdom.

    If you know the whole world in the morning - you can already die in the evening.

    Resistance without knowledge of due turns into self-knowledge. Caution without knowing the proper turns into cowardice. Bravery without knowing the proper turns into recklessness. Straightformes without knowing due turns into rudeness.

    Three ways lead to knowledge: the way of reflections is the path is the most noble, the path of imitation is the way the easiest and the path of experience is the path is the most bitter.

    Learn as if you constantly feel the shortage of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid to lose your knowledge.

    A scientist looking for the truth, but shudding of poor clothes and coarse food! What else to talk about!

    The most beautiful spectacle in the world is the kind of a child confidently running around the way after you showed him the way.

    Archery teaches us how to look for the truth. When the arrows wakes up, he does not blame others, but looking for guilt in herself.

    One who is not thinking about distant difficulties will certainly wait close trouble.

    Anyone who can not instruct his home, cannot learn himself.

    The one who learns without reflecting will be misleading. The one who reflects, not wanting to learn, will be in difficulty.

    Silence is a great friend who will never change.

    A wise man does not make another of what he does not want to make him.

    Do not talk to a person who is worthy of conversation, means to lose a person. And to talk to a person who is not worthy of a conversation, means to lose words. Wise does not lose any people nor words.

    Steps to success, paths fortunately

    The most witty aphorisms and quotes of Confucius are perhaps devoted to the success and achievement of happiness. Those who suffer from the goat envious and other loans, he issued a universal recipe for equilibrium, advising to learn one simple truth: "If you spit in the back - it means you go ahead!"

    It was misfortune - a man gave rise to him, happiness came - a man raised him.

    Happiness is when you understand you, great happiness is when you love you, real happiness is when you love.

    Three things never return back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not lose time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity.

    Gemstone cannot polish without friction. Also, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.

    Choose yourself a job in the soul, and you do not have to work for a single day in your life.

    To young people, you can not mind. It may very much that matured, they will become outstanding husbands. Only one who reached nothing, surviving up to forty or fifty years, does not deserve respect.

    When it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your action plan.

    Only when cold come, it becomes clear that pines and cypresses are the last to lose their own sessions.

    Not easy to be a person

    "You can curse the darkness all life, and you can freeze a small candle." In this phrase, as in other quotations and wise aphorisms of Confucius, the moral experience of many generations is concentrated. Criticins we see around, and those who want to put the sleeves and at least something to fix what we are so easily, is much smaller.

    "If you hate you won!" - Another accurate observation of the classics of oriental ethics and philosophy. But, like all of us, and the great teachers tend to idealize the past and somewhat addictive to the present. This is noticeable, let's say in this sentence: "In antiquity, people studied in order to improve themselves. Today it is learn to surprise others. "

    People want wealth and glory for themselves; If something else cannot be found honestly, they should be avoided. People are afraid of poverty and obscurity; If one cannot be avoided, without losing honor, you should take them.

    In its natural deposit, people are close to each other, and in their habits are far from each other.

    People in antiquity did not like to talk a lot. They considered disgrace for themselves not to sleep for their own words.

    A decent person cannot not possess the breadth of knowledge and hardness of the Spirit. His burden hard, and the path of his lich. Humanity - here's a burden that he carries: isn't she herself? Only death completes his path: isn't it right?

    If the nature of the nature eclipses the pupil, the savage will turn out, and if the pupil eclipses nature, it will be a sign of the Scriptures. Only the one in whom the nature and pupils are in equilibrium, can be considered a worthy husband. True, a little man is achieved by his own efforts.

    If a person is hard, decisive, simple and disappointing, then he is already close to humanity.

    The person expands the path, and not the path expands the person.

    Did the true humanity far from us? It is worthwing it out, and she will immediately be near!

    Only truly humane man is able and love, and hate.

    One who beautifully speaks and has an attractive appearance, is rarely truly human.

    A decent person does not follow the footsteps of other people. Evaluating worldly affairs, noble husband rejects anything and does not approve, but everything measures justice.

    That's life

    Aphorisms of wisdom Confucius is difficult to scrupulously decompose on the shelves. He is interested in everything and everything, it is observed, torturing, somewhere logical and consistent, somewhere controversial or protrudes by the sense of established truths. Preaching kindness, humanity, he suddenly makes such an unexpected, but extremely observation: "Loves of the village - the enemy of virtue."

    He is implained as life itself. As the other sage said, the legendary goat of the rods, "impossible to arrange the immense". But try, it seems, it is worth!

    How can we know what death is when we do not know what life is?

    Send people to war are untrained - it means to betray them.

    Being outside the house, keep yourself as if you take honored guests. Taking advantage of the services of people, behave as if we draw a solemn rite. Do not make others what you won't wish. Then neither in the state, nor in the family there will be no discontent.

    Before revenge, elap two graves.

    Watch the behavior of a person, delve into the reasons for his actions, look at it at his leisure hours. Will he be left for you a mystery?

    Ensradiable middle - this virtue, the highest of all, but has long been rare among people.

    Sometimes we see a lot, but we do not notice the main thing.

    To overcome yourself and return to the proper in yourself - that's what is true humanity. Be humained or not to be - it depends only on ourselves.

    When meeting with a decent person, think about how to get to him. Meeting with a low person, look at yourself and myself judge.

    Let the instructions only who are looking for knowledge, finding their ignorance. Assist only to someone who does not know how to clearly express their cherished Duma. Sheet only one who is capable of learning about one corner of the square, imagine the remaining three.

    On the art of managing people

    What are we most often discussed about, going to a friendly company? One of the constant those feasts, parties, other sites are politics, social life. Many others are confident that they are better than state-owned husbands, as competently manage the country. And at the same time they are bred by their hands when some problems are found in the family or in the labor collective. Perhaps, I will not go deep into these reflections, but I will simply present to your attention the corresponding pencils and aphorisms of Confucius.

    If the sovereign honors parents, then the simple people will be humane. If Mr does not forget old friends, then the servants will not be soulless.
    If you rule on the basis of virtues, to settle through the ritual, the people will not only be ashamed, but also express humility.

    The secret of the good rule: the ruler will be a ruler, subjects - subjects, father - father, and son - Son.

    Failure in trifles will destroy the great thing.

    Do not worry about what you have no high rank. It is worried about whether you are worthy to have a high chin. Do not worry about what you do not know. It's worried about whether you are worthy to know you.

    Without moving fate, it is impossible to become a noble husband. Without moving due, it is impossible to find a support in life. Without learning to understand the true meaning of words, people cannot be known.

    The sky and the earth are divided, but they do one thing.

    Everyone can become a noble husband. You only need to decide to become.

    The one who, turning to the old, is able to open a new one, worthy to be a teacher.

    Manage the people with dignity, and people will respect. Believe the people are kindly, and people will work with zeal. Treat the virtuous and instruct the unacceptable, and people will trust you.

    About myself

    And finally, there are several quotes and aphorisms of Confucius about themselves.

    Expand knowledge, not covered before others; diligently learn, not feeling fatigue; To instruct others, not knowing disappointments - all this is given to me without difficulty.

    I live in solitude, in order to achieve my goal, and following due, in order to translate its truth. I heard these words, but never met such a person.

    Even in the society of two people, I will certainly find what they will learn. I will try to imitate them advantages, and I will learn from their shortcomings.

    I'm not upset if people do not understand me, "I'm upset if I do not understand people.

    I hear and forget.
    I see and remember.
    I do and understand.

    In any village out of ten houses there is a person who will not give up to me in virtue. But no one comes with me in love for teaching.

    Seeing him good, I run ahead as if I'm afraid to lag behind. Seeing the evil, I run away as if I stepped in a foot in boiling water.

    There is a rough food and drink key water, sleep, putting his head on your own elbow, - in all this there is its own joy. And the unjust acquired wealth and knowledge for me - that floating clouds!

    My business seems hopeless. I have not yet met a man who, knowing about his mistakes, would admit his guilt before himself.

    I pass, and not composing. I believe in antiquity and love her.

    I set my goal the truth, made his assistant virtue, I found myself a support in humanity and gained his rest in the arts.

    Dear friends, so it came to the completion of our journey into this amazing world of stunning thoughts and witty observations of the Eastern Wise. Let them remind us of the main thing, let help help to cope with difficulties and make a faithful life choice. And I thank the reader of my blog Lyubov Mironov for help in the preparation of this material.

    And finally, I suggest watching a video material. 10 Life lessons from Confucius.

    see also

    If it is right, then everything will be performed and without orders. And if it is not straight yourself, it will not be obeyed, even if they are ordered.


    Noble people live in harmony with other people, but do not follow other people, low following other people, but do not live with them in harmony.

    A noble husband in his life should beware of three things: in his youth, when life forces are abundant, to beware of hobbies with women; in maturity, when the vitality of mighty, beware of rivalry; In old age, when the vital forces are scarce, beware of misfortune.


    Be strict to yourself and soft to others. So you protect yourself from human hostility.


    Send people to war are untrained - it means to betray them.


    A respectful son is the one who grieves the father and the mother is that with his illness.


    Someone asked: "Do you say that for evil need to pay good?" The teacher said: "What then pay for good? For evil, you need to pay in justice, and for good - good. "

    Try to be at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will not be able to make a bad act.


    Virtue will not remain alone. She will definitely have neighbors.


    The teacher said: "I do not understand how you can deal with a person who can not be trusted? If there is no axis in the wagon, how can you ride on it? "


    In relations with friends, advise them to do only what they are able to do, and lead them to good, not disturbing the decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope for success. Do not put yourself in a humiliating position.


    If you are overly welcome in friendship, you will lose your friends.


    Building correctly relationship is the most difficult with women and low people. If you bring them around to yourself - they will be unleashed if you delete it from yourself - we will wave.

    A life

    The noble in his life should beware of three things: in his youth, when life forces are abundant, to beware of hobbies with women; in maturity, when the vitality of mighty, beware of rivalry; In old age, when the vital forces are scarce, beware of misfortune.


    Resistance without knowledge of due turns into self-knowledge. Caution without knowing the proper turns into cowardice. Bravery without knowing the proper turns into recklessness. Straightformes without knowing due turns into rudeness.

    Three ways lead to knowledge: the way of reflections is the path is the most noble, the path of imitation is the way the easiest and the path of experience is the path is the most bitter.

    Learn as if you constantly feel the shortage of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid to lose your knowledge.


    A scientist looking for the truth, but shudding of poor clothes and coarse food! What else to talk about!

    In the morning I learned the truth, in the evening you can die.


    In antiquity, people studied in order to improve themselves. Today it is learn to surprise others.

    People want wealth and glory for themselves; If something else cannot be found honestly, they should be avoided. People are afraid of poverty and obscurity; If one cannot be avoided, without losing honor, you should take them.

    In its natural deposit, people are close to each other, and in their habits are far from each other.


    If you have the opportunity to show mercy, do not let the teacher even pass forward.

    Perfect where mercy is. Is it possible to achieve wisdom if you do not live in its edges?


    Silence is a great friend who will never change.


    A wise man does not make another of what he does not want to make him.

    Do not talk to a person who is worthy of conversation, means to lose a person. And to talk to a person who is not worthy of a conversation, means to lose words. Wise does not lose any people nor words.

    About myself

    Expand knowledge, not covered before others; diligently learn, not feeling fatigue; To instruct others, not knowing disappointments - all this is given to me without difficulty.

    I live in solitude, in order to achieve my goal, and following due, in order to translate its truth. I heard these words, but never met such a person.

    I set my goal the truth, made his assistant virtue, I found myself a support in humanity and gained his rest in the arts.

    I hear and forget.
    I see and remember.
    I do and understand.


    Noble for anyone does not expect deception, but when he is deceived, he first notices it.


    Only the wise and most stupid are not leaving.


    If you hate you won!


    Noble, tied to homely comfort, not worthwhile to be called such.


    People in antiquity did not like to talk a lot. They considered disgrace for themselves not to sleep for their own words.


    How can we know what death is when we do not know what life is?


    A decent person does not follow the footsteps of other people. Evaluating worldly affairs, noble husband rejects anything and does not approve, but everything measures justice.


    It was misfortune - a man gave rise to him, happiness came - a man raised him.


    A noble husband with advantage awaits the sky of the sky. Low person fussily suits good luck.


    Gemstone cannot polish without friction. Also, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.


    Noble in the shower is serene. Low person is always concerned.

    Noble thinking about proper. Low person thinks about what is profitable.

    Noble lives in harmony with everyone, and a low person is looking for similar.

    Noble helps people see good in themselves and does not tell people to see bad. And the low person comes around.

    Noble exceeds duty. A noble man, endowed with courage, but not a debt, can become a rebel. Low man, endowed with courage, but not a duty, can go robbed.

    Noble with dignity expects the teeth of the sky. Low person fussily suits good luck.

    Noble resistant tolerates troubles, and a low person in trouble blooms.

    A decent person cannot not possess the breadth of knowledge and hardness of the Spirit. His burden hard, and the path of his lich. Humanity - here's a burden that he carries: isn't she herself? Only death completes his path: isn't it right?

    If the nature of the nature eclipses the pupil, the savage will turn out, and if the pupil eclipses nature, it will be a sign of the Scriptures. Only the one in whom the nature and pupils are in equilibrium, can be considered a worthy husband. True, a little man is achieved by his own efforts.

    If a person is hard, decisive, simple and disappointing, then he is already close to humanity.

    The person expands the path, and not the path expands the person.


    Did the true humanity far from us? It is worthwing it out, and she will immediately be near!

    Only truly humane man is able and love, and hate.

    One who beautifully speaks and has an attractive appearance, is rarely truly human.

    on other topics

    Noble meets the anger and the mercy of the highest with equal advantage.

    Noble thinking about the righteous way and does not think about feeding. He can work in the field - and be hungry. He can devote himself to teaching - and take generous awards. But noble worried about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty.

    Noble knows about his superiority, but avoids rivalry. He gets along with everyone, but does not enter into collusion.

    Noble does not seek to eat and live richly. He hurries in affairs, but slow in speeches. Communicating with people virtuous, he fixes himself. That person can be said that he is devoted to teaching.

    Throwing a stone into the water, every time you get into the center of the circle.

    Being outside the house, keep yourself as if you take honored guests. Taking advantage of the services of people, behave as if we draw a solemn rite. Do not make others what you won't wish. Then neither in the state, nor in the family there will be no discontent.

    In a country where there is order, be bold and in action, and in speeches. In the country where there is no order, be bold in actions, but cautious in speeches.

    Truly, in the world there are herbs that do not give flowers, and flowers that do not give fruits!

    Let the instructions only who are looking for knowledge, finding their ignorance. Assist only to someone who does not know how to clearly express their cherished Duma. Sheet only one who is capable of learning about one corner of the square, imagine the remaining three.

    Even in the society of two people, I will certainly find what they will learn. I will try to imitate them advantages, and I will learn from their shortcomings.

    If the sovereign honors parents, then the simple people will be humane. If Mr does not forget old friends, then the servants will not be soulless.

    If you rule on the basis of virtues, to settle through the ritual, the people will not only be ashamed, but also express humility.

    If you spit in the back - then you go ahead.

    If you know the whole world in the morning - you can already die in the evening.

    Sophisticated words are giving virtue. Failure in trifles will destroy the great thing.

    To young people, you can not mind. It may very much that matured, they will become outstanding husbands. Only one who reached nothing, surviving up to forty or fifty years, does not deserve respect.

    Everyone can become a noble husband. You only need to decide to become.

    When it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your action plan.

    Only when cold come, it becomes clear that pines and cypresses are the last to lose their own sessions.

    Loves of the village - the enemy virtue.

    The wise does not know the excitement, the human does not know the worries, the bold does not know the fear.

    Watch the behavior of a person, delve into the reasons for his actions, look at it at his leisure hours. Will he be left for you a mystery?

    Do not worry about what you have no high rank. It is worried about whether you are worthy to have a high chin. Do not worry about what you do not know. It's worried about whether you are worthy to know you.

    Without moving fate, it is impossible to become a noble husband. Without moving due, it is impossible to find a support in life. Without learning to understand the true meaning of words, people cannot be known.

    The sky and the earth are divided, but they do one thing.

    Ensradiable middle - this virtue, the highest of all, but has long been rare among people.

    It is not easy to meet a person who, who gave the teaching of three years of life, would not dream to take a high post.

    Once I spent in reflections all day without meals and a whole night without sleep, but I did not achieve anything. It would be better to devote the time to teaching.

    Sometimes we see a lot, but we do not notice the main thing.

    To overcome yourself and return to the proper in yourself - that's what is true humanity. Be humained or not to be - it depends only on ourselves.

    When meeting with a decent person, think about how to get to him. Meeting with a low person, look at yourself and myself judge.

    The most beautiful spectacle in the world is the kind of a child confidently running around the way after you showed him the way.

    The most decent men avoided the shackles of the whole world, they were followed by those who avoided attachment to a certain place, behind them - those who avoided the temptations of the flesh, behind them - those who were able to avoid crosses.

    The secret of the good rule: the ruler will be a ruler, subjects - subjects, father - father, and son - Son.

    Serve my father with a mother, exhort them as softer. If your tips do not raise actions, be still respectful and humble. Even if you are annoyed in the soul, do not show off your discontent.

    Standing on the river bank, the teacher said: "Everything goes like these waters, every day and every night."

    Archery teaches us how to look for the truth. When the arrows wakes up, he does not blame others, but looking for guilt in herself.

    One who is not thinking about distant difficulties will certainly wait close trouble.

    Anyone who can not instruct his home, cannot learn himself.

    The one who learns without reflecting will be misleading. The one who reflects, not wanting to learn, will be in difficulty.

    The one who, turning to the old, is able to open a new one, worthy to be a teacher.

    Manage the people with dignity, and people will respect. Believe the people are kindly, and people will work with zeal. Treat the virtuous and instruct the unacceptable, and people will trust you.

    The teacher said: "Noble husband is not an instrument."

    The teacher said: "In any village out of ten houses there is a person who will not give up to me in virtue. But no one will compare with me in love for teaching. "

    The teacher said: "seeing good before him, I run ahead as if I'm afraid to fall behind. Seeing the evil, I run away as if I stepped in a foot in boiling water. "

    The teacher said: "There is a coarse food and drinking key water, sleep, putting his head to his own elbow, - in all this there is its own joy. And the unjust acquired wealth and knowledge for me - that floating clouds! "

    The teacher said: "My business seems hopelessly. I have not yet met a man who, knowing about his mistakes, would recognize his guilt before himself. "

    The teacher said: "A wise husband is rejoiced by the waters, a human husband is rejoicing the mountains. Wise active, human fudge. Wise rejoices of life, humane live long. "

    The teacher said: "My disciples! Do you think that I hide something from you? No, I do not hide anything from you. I speak only that you yourself should be led. "

    The teacher said: "I have not yet met a man who would love virtue as they love the female beauty."

    The teacher said: "I give out, and not composing. I believe in antiquity and love her. "

    Learn and when the time comes, to put assimilated on business - is it not beautiful! Chat with a friend who came from afar - is it not joyful! Not to be validated by the estimated light and not to hurt the offense - is it not sublime!

    A human husband will not be long in cramped circumstances, but he will also not be long to stay in idleness.