To come in
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  • Old chellest value. Old Skull Photo Session, Photography OLD School

    Old chellest value. Old Skull Photo Session, Photography OLD School

    The Typical Tattoo in the style of Old Skull is a bright colorful pattern with fatty black circuits. The most common plots at all times are:

    • Anchor. This symbol means hope and faith in the best. At the sailors from the most different ends of the world a very reverent attitude to this sign.
    • Swallow. A very popular symbol that personifies the long-awaited return home. Swallows living near sushi have always been for sailors with good news about the end of a long journey.
    • A heart. Romantic nature can not live without love and without the subject of their adoration. Oldcular heart is an personification of faithful male love in all its manifestations.
    • Rose flower. A symbol of pure selfless love. Such a tattoo - Old school in his brightest and most typical manifestation.
    • Mermaid. The image of mythical creatures is one of the key topics of the old tattoo school. It is the personification of female beauty in its unusual interpretation, as well as a magical symbol of transition to a new level of being.
    • Horseshoe. This symbol means good luck and faith in the best. Often, the Horseshoe is depicted with a leaf of clover in combination with encouraging motto.
    • Pinap. Typical for old school image of beautiful and at the same time an impregnable woman. Fullies of Oldskul is considered an imitation of inspiration, a kind of muse in the face of perfect beauty.
    • Skull. Such an OLD SCHOOL tattoo is very popular in our time. She symbolizes the speed of life and immortality of the human soul.
    • Tape with the inscription. The application of motto and wise expressions is one of the features of the philosophy of an old tattoo. Often ribbons with the inscription wrapped heart, skulls, horseshoes, anchors and other typical pictures for this style.

    The old tattoo school is incredibly popular today, despite the fact that there are many alternative destinations. Old Skul remains a kind of stronghold of the classical philosophy of the Palace. Bright beautiful pictures are actively stuffed by fans of Bodyarta in a variety of places. Typical male locations:

    The girls most often choose places like:

    • Hips;
    • Hands;
    • Small of the back;
    • Stomach;
    • Back.


    The old school tattoo is very popular among celebrities. The most vivid fans of this direction of the mission:

    • Trevis Barker;
    • John Mayer;
    • Johnny Depp.

    Old School (Old School) tattoos that translated from English means "Old School", appeared and won popularity in the 19th century. According to the legends, the first people who made tattoos in this style were navigators who went to far swimming. They believed that these images would help them to escape and survive if their ship would overtake the storm. Tattoos of sailboats, anchors, ribbons, skulls and cannons, as well as images of mermaids, hearts or names of their favorite remaining on the shore were very popular. After all, despite his, in many ways a messy life, they wandered about their wives and children.

    Features of Tattooed in Old Skull Style

    For tattoos in this style, a bright saturation of the color palette and thick, black circuit stroke is characterized. Images do not claim to realistism and harmony of objects, there are no surround images in this direction. Main the theme is associated with the sea: these are ships, seagulls, ribbons, dolphins, sharks, mermaids. Girls, heart and roses are also often found in these images, and as an inscriptions are used by the names of loved ones or the quotes.

    Tattoo Old Skull in the modern world

    Nowadays, the values \u200b\u200bof the Tattoo in the style of Old Skul are not attached as much importance as before. In most cases, people make them as decorating their body and do not consider the hidden meaning of the image. Increasingly, these full drawings are made in a saturated palette of colors, while in the past centuries the black color prevailed. Often they are chosen when they try to find a bright drawing that will resemble a sea or interesting travel.

    The most common tattoos in the style of Old Skul and their meaning

    A huge set of tattoos of this style can be conditionally divided into several groups:

    • marine symbolism (sailboats, cortic, sharks and other attributes of marine life);
    • protective talismans (charms) and symbols (religious topics and inscriptions);
    • memories of loved ones (mermaids, names).

    Anchor is considered one of the oldest tattoo, which gives hope for salvation - he constantly keeps on the way. This image was clear to navigators, it is inextricably linked with the sea and reminded them of work.

    The happy symbol of good luck is the swallow, this image was done after returning from long-term swimming. Swallow personifies successful return to his native shore. The image of the heart reports love and loyalty, often the drawing is made on the chest.

    Sincere and disinterested love expresses a rose, the tattoo of which is popular today in men and in women. At the same time, if a red rose refers to love, the rose without spikes reports love from the very first sight. In the old days, the image of a white rose was evidence of virginity.

    Location on tele

    Application of Tattoo Old Skull is performed by many specialists, the technique itself does not take an unnecessary time. Tattoos are usually applied to any open portions of the body: shoulders, hands, legs. Often, a tattoo sleeves are created, where, due to the clarity of the contour, each detail is perfect. So-called, "Tattoos-sleeve" can be applied to the feet, however, if they did it, mostly men, then today, therefore, decorate their body and girls.

    Men's Tattoo in Old Skull

    Men's tattoos in the Oldskul style are similar to the patterns of sailors, which many years ago conquered endless expanses of the seas and oceans. They still look perfectly on the body of any man, reminding his strength and brutality. At the most aggressive male tattoos there is such a dangerous creature as shark. Tattoo knives and daggers are also popular with men, as they are a symbol of courage and fearlessness, willingness to accept the challenge and respond to it without delay.

    Women's Tattoo in Old Skull Style

    Girls prefer tattoos in the form of roses, swallows, heart or lettering with ribbons on his back, clavicle or neck. These tattoo express the entire subtlety and sensitivity of the woman, as well as serve for her decoration.

    Female tattoos are usually small, and the image is performed in a brighter and symbolizes beauty and tenderness, but at the same time, their main style is preserved.

    Stock Foto Tatu Old Skull

    The popularity of tattoo art is rapidly growing - more and more people of different ages are applied to the body of Tattoo, putting their meaning in them. Today, a native drawing can be for the owner as a guard and memory and stylish decoration. In addition to the image itself, a huge role is played by the style in which a tattoo is performed. One of the most sought-after and famous styles is the traditional old school. The old school is still very popular and offers many interesting, original tattoo options in this technique.

    The history of the emergence.

    This style appeared for a long time - at the end of the 19th century. The first carriers were navigators from Europe and America, who during their travels saw amazing drawings on the bodies of the aboriginal bodies of the Hawaiian and Taitian tribes. Given this tradition for themselves, the sailors also began to decorate their bodies with drawings. Most often it was peculiar charms, tapes with inscriptions, images of wives, mothers or favorite girls, memorable dates and names, hearts, mermaids, ships, guns, skulls, flowers, angels, women, anchors and many other pictures that were of particular importance For each sailor. Over time, the tattoo in this technique was becoming increasingly popular. Later, the very first tattoo salon appeared in Chinatown Honolulu, in which you could make a tattoo in the style of Oldcul. The owner of the salon and the master was the former American sailor - Norman Kate Collins, or as he was called Sailor Jerry. During his travels, he gained new knowledge and infinite love for this kind of art. At that time, the soldiers and sailors came to him. Nowadays, Jerry's sailor is considered the founder of the Old School style.

    Distinctive style features.

    Tattoo in this technique has their specific features that make it easy to learn and distinguish them from any other. The main features of the Old school style are:

    • rich, bright colors - most often blue, red, green, yellow, orange;
    • thick and clear dark contours, mostly black;
    • simple, ordinary forms that do not differ correctness and realism;
    • not intricate, the most simple plots;
    • sea motifs of drawing, which resemble the sources of style.

    Execution technique OLD SCHOOL-TATU.

    Of course, with the time the technique of applying a tattoo in this style has become better and moved to a new level. However, as in the past times, the master first inflicts the contour of the picture, and then it starts to fill it with paints. Proceeds pattern must be not transparent and the most dense. Shadow are permissible, but color transitions are quite sharp. Such pictures are noticeable from afar and attract attention, because they are obtained very juicy and colorful, saturated. Fat, black contour adds a organic contrast that looks perfectly with such images. Old school tattoos are durable - they do not flexible over time, they do not lose their color, clarity and do not blur. But only provided that the tattoo is performed by high-quality materials and a qualified specialist. Tattoo in this technique require special skills, they are not so easy to perform, as it may seem at first glance.

    Where is the best to apply Old Supl tattoo?

    Nowadays, this type of squeezes can be applied anywhere - this is a personal choice of every person and special severity here. However, the most successful places for tattoo in the style of Old School are hands, legs, chest, shoulders, neck, ribs and belly, that is, all prominent places. In addition, the "sleeve" in the style of Old School uses extremely popular. A variety of color drawings in this technique is at the same time - this is quite unusual and bright, such a "sleeve" looks stylish, originally and definitely will not remain not seen. If you turn to the origins, then before the soldiers and sailors applied such a tattoo mainly on their hands, chest and stomach. Although then there were those who adorn them almost the whole body.

    Popular old school images and their meaning.

    Drawings invented by sometime sailors, as well as sketches of the first tattoo masters retained relevance and popularity to this day. Modern lovers of the old school style still use popular pictures, such as:

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that the style of Oldcul is an unstasive classic in the art of a tattoo, which retains relevance at any time. Despite the large selection of other modern styles, the old school remains popular and popular with technician, which highlights the owner of such a tattoo from the crowd.

    The popularity of tattoos is currently only increasing. Despite such a rather painful and expensive pleasure, an increasing number of people prefers to decorate their body with a bright picture, which will not disappear over time. Tattoos have a fairly large number of styles. All of them differ from each other thick contour, palette of used paints, equipment of execution. One of the most popular is the style of Old Chelse. A tattoo made in this technique is very difficult to confuse with something and attributed to another category. It has a lot of distinctive features that immediately rush into the eyes. So, what is this technique of tattooing?

    A bit of history

    This style has American in half with European origin. He originated in the XIX century. The first owners of tattoos of such style are sailors. As a rule, for them, such a pattern on the body was associated with any memorable event or a person. Directly the knowledge of Tattoo came to the sailors from Polynesia, the islands of which are located in the Pacific. The first sketches of such jewelry on the bodies of the local population brought with them the captain of Cook after the study of Tahiti, Hawaii, as well as Zealand. However, those drawings were very different from modern.

    Basic motives

    Old Skull Tattoo has vividly pronounced characteristic distinctive features. First of all, the motifs of the picture are strictly observed. Since the first owners of this kind of tattoos were sailors, the subject of sketching was taken against swimming on ships. The drawings are very often depicting various waves, charming women, anchors, crosses, mermaids, roses (these flowers). Different inscriptions and quotes are also widely used, and you can do them in any language. Frankly masters are still performed in this technique of stars and hearts with daggers. Frequent steel and tattoo "sleeves" Old cheekl. What is it? The hand from the wrist until the end of the shoulder is completely covered with the drawings, between which, as a rule, there is no free space, that is, the tattoo is obtained by a mens. At the same time, it can consist of individual sketches that the master connects each other. "Sleeve" is performed in a single style. The technique of Old Skull in this case is very popular. "Sleeves" is obtained bright, clear and saturated.

    Technique execution

    The main distinguishing features of these tattoos are. Used bright simple colors (black, red, blue, white, green). Proceeds is tight, opaque. But color smooth transitions, shadows are possible. In general, the drawing is derived far from realism, but very juicy and bright. Contrast adds a wide black contour. This is a prerequisite for Old Skull style. Tattoo, as a rule, does not lose brightness over time, it does not lose clarity and does not break into the spot (unless, of course, it was performed by a qualified master with high-quality materials).

    The most successful places for applying

    There is no special severity in choosing the location of the picture in this case. Basically, tattoos of this style are made in prominent places - for example, on hand, chest, wrist, stomach, caviar of the legs, ribs. The last option is the most painful, as there are many nerve endings, and the skin closely adjacent to the bones. The same applies to the wrist. But the shoulder is the most painless space for applying a tattoo. In principle, you can make a similar pattern anywhere. This is not so important. The main thing is the meaning that is invested in the tattoo. There are general ideas about the meaning of such drawings. However, it should be remembered that today the tattoo is perceived exclusively as a beautiful picture on the body, no more.

    Old Skul Tattoo: Meaning and Meaning

    Consider the most frequently encountered motifs. Classic option - anchor. In the West, its popularity is kept at the height throughout the already pairs of hundreds of years. And the symbolism of this image is very ancient. His roots are deployed deep into the history of about two millennia. A similar symbol was considered a real guiding star guarding sailors. Old skilled tattoo with an anchor helped not be knocked out from the planned course and clearly follow the chosen goal. Another meaning of such a drawing is to always remain yourself, steadyly withstand all counter winds and flows.

    The second, no less successful and popular, plot for Tattoo in the style of Old Skull - Swallow. In this case, it turns out a little cartoon. This bird brings good luck and happiness to its owner. Ladies make them, as a rule, in the region of the clavicle, on the back or near the ankle. However, Men's Old Skul Tattoo is also often created based on images of pretty swallows. True, perhaps, not so motley and feminine. As for the same sailor, he will make such a tattoo only if 5000 passes through water. For him, the swallow symbolizes a safe return to his native shore. After all, this bird is a faithful sign that somewhere near the earth. Two swallows are perceived as a good trip.

    Quite often, Tattoo in the style of Old Skul had a religious value for its owner. A bright example is the rock of the centuries. It is considered a real classic in the Christian allegory. These are hopes, protection and support. It is believed that such a tattoo served as a mascot for a sailor. Very often, such a drawing combined with any inscriptions like "hold on!". It should have supported a person in a difficult situation and unail faith in the best.

    Old cheekl tattoo roses is another interesting moment of the style under consideration. It is a symbol of special pure love, passion, but also the chastity. The color of joy, white - respect and respect, orange - joy playing a huge role. Red rose, of course, is associated with love in all its manifestations.

    Choosing Masters

    The person you are going to entrust your precious body should be a real professional. Such have diplomas about completed training, very often artistic education, as well as a rather volumetric portfolio (examples of previously completed work). If the master refuses to independently draw you a sketch (even for a fee), it is worth alert. Try to make tattoos solely in the salons, where the contract is previously concluded in writing. It will save you from further problems if you apply a poor quality pattern.

    How to care

    Old cheekl tattoo needs exactly in the same healing method, like all other drawings applied by a needle under the skin. After the end of the session, the master will place you a special compress from the film so that you can safely get to the house. The film will not allow clothing to stick to the fresh drawing and cause discomfort. In the first days, the tattoo will be soooed by Sukrovitsa. It must necessarily neatly flush with warm water. It is necessary to do this as moisture formation. After washing, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of special ointment on a tattoo. The name will tell you the master himself. In no case are not the same in the drawing, do not train your own exfoliating top layer, do not sunbathe, do not attend the solarium, do not drink alcohol!

    Want to make a photo session in Old Skull's style in a professional photo studio? Here you will find the best professional photographers of Moscow engaged in photography of Old School for men and women!

    What is Old School Style (Old School)?

    Old-skilled style New flow in fashion, which appeared in 2004, thanks to the cooperation and inspiration of two people, the world famous fashion designer Christian Odizhie and the legendary artist - Tattooker Don Ed Hardy. Don Hardy founded the style of "Old Skull" in tattoos, depicting simple drawings on them: roses, knives, swords, birds, half and nude girls, fire and revolvers, which were painted in bright colors. This kind of tattoo has become popular all over the world and bang on the bodies of many celebrities and ordinary people. Odinie decided to release a collection of things with the image of the Hardy tutuvings, which became popular worldwide among young people and formed a new trend - Old Skull. Celebrities such as Shakira, Sylvester Stallone, Peris Hilton, Britney Spears and others prefer this brand. If you are ready to experiment and try on a new bright image, you perfectly suit this style.


    Having gained fame throughout the world Hardy and Odinier, after the release of the first collection, they decided not to dwell on the achieved and continued to create new things. Thus, the variety of clothes of this style is very rich: sweatshirts, t-shirts, jeans, dresses, jackets, shoes and sneakers. The main thing in the choice is the original drawings on Done Hardy clothes. Things to produce these two talented people are presented in both the men's and in the women's collection. So that clothes do not distract attention from the "tattooed" print of it simple and basic.


    Creating collections, designer did not forget about accessories. Create a full-fledged image of Old cheekbones will help baseball caps, bags, caps, hats, gloves and belts. Bringing millions of income, the collection has become replenished by telephone covers for phones and spirits that can become a details for a photo shoot.

    Makeup and hairstyle

    If you are ready to fully enjoy the style of Old Skull, you should apply a drawing in the form of a tattoo on the body, it can cover a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, as the drawings of this style are simple and have large forms. In Makeup, use black and bright colors, such as: red, yellow, blue and purple. Large black arrows, clear eyebrow contour and red lipstick emphasize Old Skull style, one of a kind. The hairstyle can be any, from loose untidy styling to perfectly laid locations, it all depends on the "character" of the photo shoot.

    Poses for photo shoot

    A photo session can be held in a hotel and present the style of Old Skull in a sexy and flirtal image. Also, shooting can take place on the street, where you will be in a bright, unique image. You can use both staged and hooligan poses, ironizing the reality.

    Images, examples of photos in style OLD SCHOOL

    Cost of photo session Old Skull

    How do we do thematic photos



    Foot Study Rent without our photographer

    • You can come with your photographer or photographed yourself
    • Minimum order 30 minutes / 300rub

    600r / hour

    Photo session with our photographer in the studio

    • The price includes the rental studio (background to floor, interior, props, etc.)
    • Minimum order 30 minutes / 1500r
    • Total color mording of the most successful photos. (this is not a detailed retouch)
    • Calculated for shooting no more than 2 people

    2 900r / hour

    Photo session with our photographer for departure

    • Minimum order from 2 hours (only prepaid!)
    • Photography for professional photo equipment Canon
    • Record the entire footage on the disk or your flash drive
    • Designed for any number of people
    • Total color mording of the most successful photos. (This is a small retouch)

    2 500r / hour

    Subject photography

    • The cost is indicated for one subject (the cost can increase to 300r for especially complex tasks)
    • Minimum order from 20 items


    Stylist / makeup artist

    • The cost is indicated for one image (the cost can increase for particularly complex tasks). Hairstyle + 1000r.

    2 900r.

    Professional retouching photos

    • Teeth whitening
    • Rejuvenation / skin smoothing
    • Elimination of skin defects (wrinkles, moles,
    • Changing eye color
    • Tan
    • Elimination of glare from the skin
    • Figure Adjustment (Reset / Weight Set)

    300r / photo

    Slideshow from photos

    • You can use any photos / video / music
    • The duration of the roller is not more than 12 minutes