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  • How to pay on the maps to yourself. Ploy to your future with divination on playing cards

    How to pay on the maps to yourself. Ploy to your future with divination on playing cards

    Recall that you need to guess on the maps that were never played. This can just purchased a deck or a time proven. In my arsenal there are both.

    Before you start laying out the cards on the table, you should always shift them and make someone or what you wonder. This is done before any way.

    Fast fortune telling on the cards first.

    Dragged, removed the arbitrary upper part of the cards to themselves and did not forget to make it want to know about.


    Then lay out in an arbitrary order all the deck on the table with the crap up.

    After that, take any cards from any places in the amount of 9 pieces. This is predictions. The values \u200b\u200bof these 9 cards are viewed on a special page value of cards in the situation of these four simple ghosts.

    Look out the fortune telling on the maps in the video lesson

    Simple fortune telling on playing cards 36 second.

    Removed cards to yourself. Then randomly from anywhere, pull out one card from the deck. We look like this card. Now we are looking for the same musca of the king or a lady, that is, who we wonder.

    Put the king (lady) on the table and around this card will lay 10 cards in the following way.

    I took everything a deck in your hands and consider up to six, and I put the seventh near the king (ladies). And so pull out each seventh card until you pull out 10 pieces.

    Fortune telling on playing cards - video lessons for training 2.

    The simplest fortune telling on the maps 3

    Here is another easiest way to divine on the maps. I hope you have already shuffled a deck without tip. Now remove your left hand and make sure that we want to learn and the suit of the king (or ladies), i.e. Who are you guessing.

    Then the whole deck of cards you need to decompose on the table. We take in order from above and put on the table in 4 rows of 9 pieces in each.

    For clarity, see the movie "Divination on the Maps - Video Training 3".

    Divination on maps simple alignment 4

    Simple fortune-telling on ordinary maps is available to everyone. They differ from the grandmother's scenario, the value of the card is also completely different. You do not need to learn by heart anything. Keep your interpreter to these 4 simple fortune telling on ordinary playing cards and interpret the resulting combination based on it. It was entry. Now proceed to the process.

    Divination on ordinary playing cards is the most popular and demanding way to find out the future. For such divination, expensive and complex details are not required. Playing cards that are used in our time have their origin from tarot cards.

    Truthful fortune telling on ordinary maps - layouts

    In order for your fortune telling to be truthful, follow the following rules:

    1. The deck of cards on which you are going to guess should not be used earlier, that is, not used for the card game.
    2. Try not to lose cards.
    3. Do not give cards in your hands.
    4. Do not blame your cards to other people.
    5. It has been established that the most suitable day for fortune telling is Friday, namely the 13th.
    6. Best days for fortune telling: Day of Ivan Klapala, under baptism, night for the New Year, shints. Of course, the night before Merry Christmas and the whole christmas week.
    7. On the first day of the year, on the 13th day of each month and on the birthday there are the most accurate predictions.
    8. On Mondays, Sundays and Church holidays, it is better not to guess - the cards will lie.
    9. By 12 nights, on popular beliefs and customs, the right time for fortunes.
    10. Know the cards like muffled light and silence. Before you fortunate, create such an environment. Maximum reduce the noise.
    11. Do not guess in the presence of configured skeptical and one who does not believe in card fortune tells. Maps will not tell you.
    12. It is not recommended more often once every seven days to guess the same topic.
    13. It is believed to be extinguished alone and should not be guessing.
    14. Good drag cards before use.
    15. After that, give them to the person who is guessing. Let him remove them with his left hand.
    16. Many experienced fortunelocks have noticed that the presence of a cat with fortune-in-depth improvement. Sketches: Be careful to those cards for which the cat was walked.
    17. Paper cards are better than plastic.
    18. For fortune telling, jokers are not used.
    19. Sometimes a deck of 52 cards is used, more often than 36.
    20. For each type of fortune telling, some professional fortune-tales advise to have a separate deck.
    21. Do not cross your arms and legs at fortune. And tell me about this to whom you are guessing. 3.
    22. Do not guess with poor well-being or upset mood.
    23. Light a wax candle in order to scare the evil spirits.
    24. Take a shower after a divination session.

    Methods for divination on ordinary maps

    There are actually many ways. Here are the most common:

    • "black Rose";
    • fortune telling in the name of man;
    • fortune telling at a desire;
    • "Cross of Fate";
    • "Seven Fate";
    • fortune telling Madame Lenorman;
    • egyptian divination;
    • "Butterfly" and others.

    Fortune telling on ordinary maps - simple

    We take a deck of cards to six (inclusive) and mix them. With my left hand removing and decay the card carp up, fan. That person who is guessing, takes out on the map.

    The value of ordinary cards during fortune


    1. Ace - you love, do not doubt.
    2. King - All get, do not worry.
    3. Lady - you are watching you, hide your feelings.
    4. Valts - you wish to see and remember.
    5. Dozen - Come on again.
    6. Nine - you are hotly loved.
    7. Eight - a new person will solve your destiny.
    8. Seven - Do not play with fire, beware.
    9. Six - Your intention entails trouble.


    1. Ace - what was conceived, not to realize.
    2. King - you want to fool, beware.
    3. Lady - expect an insult.
    4. Valts - Your jealousy is unfair.
    5. Dozen - sadness can disappear thanks to work.
    6. Nine - you will soon get rid of the hard state.
    7. The eight - you are awaiting joyful news.
    8. Seven - wait for changes to the better.
    9. Six - you will change.



    1. Ace - Believe that you will say.
    2. King - You will get a pleasant news.
    3. Lady - your desire will be coming soon.
    4. Valts - Do not expect it in vain.
    5. Dozen - you are waiting for great happiness.
    6. Nine - take care of your secret.
    7. Eight - Danger is close, Beware.
    8. Seven - you will be waiting for the payroll for the past, trouble.
    9. Six - not to grieve later, do it prudent.

    Do you know what the truthful fortune telling on the maps for the future? In this article, you will get acquainted with some of the most popular and efficient fortune tells on the playing cards that will help open the veil of secrets and tell you that you have prepared the highest strength.

    Fortune telling with playing cards for the future - where to start?

    If you decide to learn how to work with cards, then be prepared for the fact that an amazing world will open in front of you. The fortune telling on the maps is a very exciting occupation if you can develop your talent, then learn to accurately determine all the coming events. Remember, there are some rules that will help achieve the most accurate result:

    • you can not guess if you are sick, are aggressively set up, angry. For women - if they have menstruation;
    • the best time for any ghostas - ,;
    • some experts insist that the most accurate answers can be obtained by working with cards in women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) at night;
    • if you have not chosen, but a regular attribute, use a deck on which no one has previously played;
    • your magical attributes must be in a special house, it can be a special casket, a chest, cover;
    • the working surface of the table must be closed with a dark dense cloth;
    • most often used the only auxiliary attribute - candle;
    • if the cards do not want to give you an accurate answer, immediately ask the question again, asked, it is impossible, since such manipulations simply will raise the highest strength.

    If you are ready to find out your near future, you can proceed directly to fortune. Armage a deck of 36 cards, mix them well, after which we remove the 5 top cards with your left hand. Spread them in front of him from left to right. Remove 5 again.

    Spread under the first row. As a result, you should get 5 columns, in each three cards. Last, 16, is located below.

    After that, you can proceed to the interpretation.


    • ace - well-being and success;
    • king - the appearance of a man;
    • queen - the appearance of a woman;
    • valet - help reliable comrade;
    • 10 - receiving the money;
    • 9 - relations;
    • 8 - happiness;
    • 7 - sharp changes for the better;
    • 6 -Wall meeting.


    • ace - Receiving a profit;
    • king - abstract man;
    • queen - mother assistance;
    • valet - small adversity;
    • 10 - cash loss;
    • 9 - strong attraction;
    • 8 - news;
    • 7 - understanding, care;
    • 6 - Sudden journey.


    • ace - getting a big inheritance;
    • king - Boy's birth;
    • queen - Girl's birth;
    • valet - news;
    • 10 - good deal;
    • 9 - successful negotiations;
    • 8 - receiving news;
    • 7 - trouble;
    • 6 - Business trip.


    • ace - shock;
    • king - welfare;
    • queen - dislike;
    • valet - bluff, fraud;
    • 10 - condemnation;
    • 9 - ailments;
    • 8 - disappointment;
    • 7 - trouble;
    • 6 - parting.

    In addition, you should pay attention to.

    Interpretation of masters

    Mix well all 36 cards, remove the top 9 and decompose from left to right. Look at what kind of suit is most.

    • Peaks - Different chagrins are possible.
    • Clubs - Problems will affect all spheres of life.
    • Hearts - Strong Union (love or friendly).
    • Diamonds - Getting a big amount of money.

    What to wait if 4 identical cards fell?

    If you have chosen such a card fortune telling to determine the future, then you will definitely see if 4 identical cards fell. It can also tell you some information.

    • Four 6. - A lot of difficulties and experiences, feeling of helplessness.
    • Four 7. - Far trip, business trip, boredom.
    • Four 8. - Melancholy, depression.
    • Four 9. - Very good news.
    • Four 10. - Your cherished desire will be.
    • Four Valet - It is very dangerous to give money to debt or occupy from someone.
    • Four ladies - Various troubles.
    • Four kings - Good luck will accompany everything.
    • Four Tuisa - Everyone is very well thinking before taking any decision.

    The most important combinations of three cards

    Below are particularly important combinations of 3 cards that will help make clarity in the interpretation of the collapse and tell you some important information. If the suit is not specified, it says that she does not play the role.

    • Trefic king + 6 + currency - Long business trip.
    • Any card + Trephic Vallen + Any Map - Possible difficulties, difficulties, a lot of unrest.
    • 8 TRF + 7 TREF + CERVOV - The ambulance wedding with your loved one.
    • Large map + Trephal 6 + location map - Success, inspiration.
    • King + lady + currencies (only peaks) - You have a powerful patron, adult and domineering.
    • Bubnova 7 + any card + 9 peak - Family trouble, a relative is possible.
    • Bubnova Lady + Bubnovaya Currency + 10 Peak - Connecting unpleasant familiar, fraud, dishonest game.
    • Bubnovaya 8 + Bubnova 9 + Any Map - Be careful, even the closest person can betray.

    Such a fortune telling is very unusual, since, contrary to all the rules, it is advised to be held in the morning when you have not accumulated someone else's either negative energy during the day, full of strength and energy. Mix the deck thoroughly, get rid of unnecessary thoughts, then get all the aces, kings, ladies, volts and 10 peaks.

    Take into the hands only selected maps, mix and clearly ask the question. It is advisable to think over it in advance so that it is not dual and can answer it as simple as possible. After that, take two cards from the postponed and place in front of you. In this case, it is absolutely no important to suit the factory cards, only the one of them is in a pair.

    Interpretation of the result

    • Ace + ace. - You are waiting for good news, harsh changes that will lead to victory, Fortuna will be on your side.
    • Ace + king - You are under the negative impact of the surrounding people, listen less than others and rely on yourself.
    • Ace + Dama - On your side, a very strong powerful woman who will lead you to victory.
    • Ace + valenet - We will have to work a lot on the sake of achieving the desired, but the goal justifies the funds.
    • Ace + 10. - Maintenance of small troubles in the family, but in the financial sphere you will be at the height, large receipts of money are possible.
    • King + King - Rely on the experience of a senior friend who will give a good advice.
    • King + Dama - Do not stuck in conflict situations, it will end very bad for you.
    • King + Valete - Pay more attention to your loved ones.
    • King + 10. - Strong Union, strong feelings.
    • Lady + Dama - Problems on a professional field, but harmony in the family.
    • Lady + Valet "Be confident in yourself, just so you can achieve something."
    • Lady + 10. - Time for recreation, you can go on a journey.
    • Valts + Valete - Small troubles, as soon as you stop fussing and spraying, they will disappear.
    • Valts + 10. - Do not attempt to change the world around yourself, as so far it is not sustained.

    Personal relations of men and women are so complicated and unpredictable that sometimes only fortune-telling on playing 36 cards can help predict the development of events. As your chosen one belongs to you, what are his true intentions, whether there is a future of your couple, over these and other secrets open the curtain of the deck of classical cards. Several different layouts will help every woman to understand difficult situations with your loved one.

    Divination on the maps will help you to make a right decision in the controversial situations of the business, to figure out how to behave with the boss, find out what the prospects for your career growth on the company. How will your business skill grow in the future, what is the personal peak of your achievements. Respect or tolerate you colleagues. Who is trying to prevent your takeoff and inserts sticks in the wheels of fate. All this and much more is hidden behind the "shirts" of the classic deck of cards. Extinguite one of the options, and fate will win it in a difficult moment.

    This section of fortune telling on the playing cards allows you to look into the nearest and very far future to see the horizons of consciousness, which will happen to you in life. What interesting events await you at one or another turn, what problems in work, personal life and health should be expected from a whimsical hostess of your future - fate. Try to tune into a positive, folding the cards, the knowledge of the future will help you get ready for any whims of Fortune and meet worthy of any obstacles on your way to a dream.

    This section of gadas on playing cards includes several layouts, with the help of which you can find out if there are some negative impact on your identity from the side. Perhaps someone sends damaging or evil eye to your address, trying to disrupt the normal course of life. People who envy you and your achievements want to spoil your mood, intervene in a personal life, can only stop knowledge of their plans. So you can protect yourself from negative and protect your aura.

    The topic of health is perhaps one of the most burning for a person. In this section of gadas on the maps you can get answers to all questions that relate to the condition of your body. What are the reasons for some ailments, how to defeat malicious ailments, which should not be done in certain critical situations. Or maybe you will gladly understand that you feel great, and anyone can envy your cheerfulness and the power of the Spirit. Maps will tell you about the health of your loved ones that they are worried about how you can help our native people. After holding the cards, you must focus on that man you want to learn everything to help him in a difficult moment or prevent permissive disease.

    If you believe that in addition to our physical world there is a thin world, other, if you believe in guardian angels, then this section of fortunes on a classic card dealer for you. He collected the most interesting layouts that will answer you for any questions. You will not have a single riddle, you will be able to foresee and predict everything to exit a worthy opponent in contests with your fortune. And remember, the cards are not forced, but warned.

    The most popular for holding at home are Card fortune tells on simple maps. There is a huge number of variations of layouts that can easily do and interpret even a beginner. All such ways provide for the use of playing card decks. In fact, the word "playing" is conditional. It must be remembered that special cards should be used for divination that have never been used for the game.

    In addition, it is very important in order to receive truthful predictions to have their own deck for card ghosts. She should not fall into other people's hands, otherwise it will not give reliable information.

    The divination on simple maps is always carried out in solitude. Strengthen the magic atmosphere in the selected room can be candles. In addition, we recommend the table on which the alignment will be performed, to be displayed a dark tablecloth.

    Simple fortune telling for the future

    Card fortune telling for the future often differ simplicity. One of these options is given below.

    First you need to put cards for a few minutes. You should have the feeling that cards are ready to tell the truth. After that, it is clearly and clearly needs to ask a specific question regarding the future. Next, from the deck must be pulled out an arbitrary manner. She will be the answer to the question of interest.

    Decryptions may be as follows:

    • Bubnovaya MAST cards emphasizes that the answer to your question is positive. You will be able to get the desired, but for this you will need to work.
    • Chervovoy MAST cards questioning your question. The likelihood is that in the near future, the question is not positively resolved.
    • The Trephal Matter of the Card indicates that you will not interfere with the desired, and all the minor obstacles on the way to goal you can easily overcome.
    • Peak Matt Card warns that you are very close to solving an existing question, but at the last moment something hurts you.

    Such a slight divination on simple maps for the future is considered very accurate. But at the same time, it should be remembered that if you did not have a prediction received, it is impossible to re-guess the same question. Cards provide a truthful answer only for the first time.

    There is a very simple fortune telling, which can only be held on your own birthday. It gives predictions to the coming year of your life.

    This divination is recommended to be carried out in a morning hour in a separate room. It is important that no one placed you at the time of fortune telling. At first, the deck of cards should be shuffled, and then from it to pull 7 cards from it and lay out shirts down. It is this alignment and you need to properly decipher to get a prediction for the coming year of your life.

    For interpretation, the basic values \u200b\u200bof the cards should be used:

    • Aces: Peak - the year will be successful, the situation in the financial sector will especially well be a good; Bubnov - in the coming year is planned many household troubles; worm - a great probability that you meet your destiny; Trephic - you will not disturb the disease and malaise.
    • Kings: Peak - there will always be a good friend next; Bubnov - financial losses are possible; worm - a fan or fan will appear; Trephic - in family relationships there will be complete harmony.
    • Ladies: Picovaya - a rival will appear; Bubnovaya - always there will be a faithful girlfriend; Chervoy - strong family relationships; Trephic - it will be necessary to take care of the safety of your own home.
    • Valley: Peak - the whole year will be pleased with children; Bubnov - all members of your family will be healthy; Chervoy - year successful in the business sphere; Trephic - the troubles associated with finances will arise.
    • Tens: Peak - it is possible that a friend or friend will betray you; Bubnovaya - you are awaiting successful advancement of the career ladder; Chervovoy - a strong love feeling will arise; Tref - you have to go on a long journey.
    • Nine: Peak - very conflict year, frequent quarrels with loved ones; Bubnovaya - Mutual sympathy will arise with another person; Chervoy - you will be able to make the right choice; Trephic - should be prepared for what you will be jealous.
    • Eight: Peak - Try to avoid accidental dating, as they can be dangerous; Bubnovaya - you are waiting for a heavy blow or disappointment; Chervoy - all year will be filled with grievances and troubles; Trephic - expect hands and heart offers.
    • Seven: Peak - you are waiting for a cheerful life, filled with joyful events; Bubnovaya - the year will be sad and faceless; worm - you will be able to get rich; Trephic - your actions will not understand close people and coordinate.
    • Six: Peak is to partition with the beloved, which will be very painful; Bubnovaya - your work will lead to success; Chervoy - Finally, you will meet the long-awaited love; Trephic - change the place of work.

    There is a simple fortune telling, with which you can clarify the feelings of a person. It uses a deck that contains 36 cards. It lies in the fact that at first it is necessary to choose a map that will symbolize the person on which the divination is carried out. If there is a woman, then the chosen card will be one of the kings. His suit, as a rule, is chosen in accordance with age and hair color.

    After that, the chosen king returns to the map of the map you must first thoroughly shuffle, and then decompose into four rows of 9 cards. After that, you need to pay attention to the row in which the map of the king fell. It will be necessary to interpret it to understand how your chosen one treats you. The most informative is considered to be maps that are in close proximity.

    Classic interpretations should be used for decryption. They can be found in the special section of our site. In addition, it should be remembered that in the interpretation it is very important to listen to your own intuition.