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  • Japanese Chania demon tattoo value. What does the mask tattoo mean? Japanese Fox Demons - Kitsune

    Japanese Chania demon tattoo value. What does the mask tattoo mean? Japanese Fox Demons - Kitsune


    Japanese tattoos have a long and rich history. The first testimonies of Japanese tattoos can be seen on 5,000-year-old figurines found in tombs. In addition, texts dated iii century AD, they say that Japanese men decorated their faces and bodies. After a century, mainly due to the powerful cultural influence of China, the tattoo has become taboo and used mainly for criminals. An integral part of the traditional Japanese tattoo was a complex system of symbols that was used to reveal the character of a person. It was believed that the tattoo can even change it.

    Sakura is a symbol of durability. Beauty is the strength of which it possesses to survive in the harsh. Blooming means a cycle of human life: Birth, blossom, death. The Japanese see the direct idea of \u200b\u200bwhat life should be. They believe that every day needs to be fully, and that death awareness should only make us stronger.

    A bright multicolored carp has a special symbolism in Japanese culture, and their image can even be seen in many temples. The myth says that if the carp can swim upstream to the gates of heaven, then it will turn into a. The image of the carp symbolizes good luck, strength, ambition and individuality. Therefore, if you are looking for a tattoo that symbolizes the struggle and perseverance, the ideal choice is Karp Koi.

    The mythical dragon is what Japan is usually associated with. Dragons occupy an important place in Japanese culture. The dragon tattoo has many meanings, such as freedom, courage, wisdom, power, power and even supernatural abilities. The colors used in the dragon image are of great importance, so you need to choose them very carefully.

    Masks for theater but also templerituals and street festivals -鬼面 "They are Maine."

    1. 大鬼神 - Daikidzin - "Great Demobrates", they "Jenkishin" 善鬼神 ("Good Demons" in its relativity).

    Represent one of 8 Sudageno demonobogues (Buddhism + Sintoism + Taoism - the main religion of Japan), capable of changing their appearance (like all "they"), while the entities of the sky and the Earth are hostile to each other- 4 to 4 or 5 to 3-M.To Devy, Nagi, Asura, Oh, Garuda, Gandharves, Kinnars and Machoragi, specifically in the face:

    1) 梵天 , 弁才天 - Bonten, Bantan.Banten is equal to Indian / Buddhist Sarasvati - the goddess of the highest wisdom, also one of the 7th gods of happiness (patronizing music), at the same time, is associated with the synthist goddess of death - Izanami, who, for good and good and good, dying became terrible and Avenue. In an angry aspect, it is depicted by an eight of eight, with an accustomed white snake head, which brings it to the image of the spidelines-snake (i.e., the image closest to Earth).

    Its peaceful appearance with a lute / bivy, it is often uncomplying to meet on Yakudz spins, like a Hanny mask般若 . Because, Sarasvati is again the hyposta Prajna-Davy (Hannah) - Mother of Toughth and Heaven and Earth, the Twilight Goddess - Yin-Yang (as well as good and evil hatches of Shakti). Although Buddhists will fight that this is the enlightened wisdom of the Buddha, but why then Hannah - a demon, "will not be able to answer.

    2) 竜王 - Ryouou. "King of Dragons" - this is nag (and / a) associated with the Sinotoism from Yamat Oryota, In the form of a snake with human torso and a human head covered on top of a fan of snake heads, living in caves and reservoirs, on Earth, in water or underground, which is the "wisdom of the Earth." It is also a female hypostasque - Schinja mask, or Dia or Maji 舞 蛇 (dancing snake) with protruding fangs and without ears:

    3) 夜叉 - Yasha.He is indian iksha may be harmless forest demon / spirit - "master of the forest", and maybe a vampire-butter-carrying room, carrying the Divine Cara. Mask on ancient images closer to shooting with protruding fangs and horns:

    In later variations, an approximion of a dog face:

    4) 乾闥婆 - Kedatsuba. Gandharves. This is a whole half-leta of the male, half aim. At the same time serving to perform whims and instructions of the devices, from which their earthly or heavenly warehouse depends on.In the first case, the enemies-tempts of people who have embarked on the path of "enlightenment". It is like air perfumes and frills of forests and water.

    5) 阿修羅 - Ashura (Askura) - Asura. Demons of anger, rage and madness. "Burnt by his power and wisdom, the asuras were evil and were lowered by the gods from the sky "(this is akin to the divorce Susano with Amateras).

    6) 迦楼羅 - Karura. Those. Garuda - "All-Provisory Sun", Vishnu's Sledge Bird (Deva Heavenly Warehouse) is an enemy of Asurov, and being the enemy of wisdom of Naga, with the "enlightened mind" (is enlightened), i.e. Seeking unbelievers and adamable in front of God. The patroness of Buddhism, which displaces the syntoism and all sorts of demons, opposite Buddha. True evil heaven, shorter x)

    7) 緊那羅 - Kinnar. Kimnar, Kimpurusha - Birds and Lions with a human face or all body.Heavenly servants of the Buddha.

    8) - 羅伽 - Magoraka, Lacker. Machoragi, creatures related Nagam, i.e. Snake-cobra capable of looking people, but in the service of Vishnu / Buddha.

    In the last 5th masks there are no, and the general terrible mask "Daikyzin" is applied:

    2. 紅葉鬼 - Momidzi-they- "Demon maple leaves."

    A certain demon of beautiful red maple leaves. There are people who have been afraid of Sakura, and there are maple leaves, this is this fear. It was previously considered that a terrible cannibal dwells in Mapleakh, thanks to which leaves and acquire their bloody color.

    Tank Takayama Kaoru 高山 薫:

    鬼怒川 の Kinugava but

    川面 に 写る Kavamo neither Utsuru

    山々 の yama-pit but

    色 深みゆく Irofuki Yuka

    峯の紅葉葉 Mine but Momidzib.

    "According to the River demonic anger,

    Mountains of maple leaves float,

    Reflections in her color sprinkling "

    3. ナマハゲ Namahaghe - "Demon of severe life." New Year's revizor demon. Cannibal from the mountains with pressed fangs and horns. It is akin to scomerosham, a couple of Namahaghe, they go through the streets and shout "Down with Lazhnya!", Wailed at home and require food and drinking, while scare children and maidens. The owner must feed them than to prove that she lived all year, diligently work and not lynching. Soothed to these demons go until next year. This rite is considered a guarantee of health and prosperity on the beginning year.

    4. 鬼太鼓面 Oneko Man. - "Demon Barabana". On the drum and a suit of a blond demon (or demoners, the horns of the mask have) is a sign of 3 commas - the "sky-earth-man", or the preservation of Yin-Yang's equality. The demonic dance is dancing a demonic dance under the sound of a demonic drum, timefully hitting the drum. In theory, it is a ritual dance, akin to shamansky, is designed to contribute to the fertility of the Earth, i.e. Abundant crop and prosperity.

    Not so much a formal representation but, how much is naturally popular, as well as the previous one:

    5. 鬼怒面 Kido-Man. - "Demon Wrath". No information about him, besides the mask itself, did not find, akin to Kurohige and Akujeu. Bald Brunette-beard without horns:

    6. 緑鬼面  Ryukuki Man,鬼面盃 Kimensadzuki - "Green demon" or "Demon dishes." Mask 2 fang and compressed mouth. An ancient legend is unknown, but now it is believed that the image of this fabric under the bottom of the plate and a happy face of the face on the bottom - brings good luck, it's like "there is happiness from the hands of demons." Or:「手の内に福を収めて、鬼は外」 (Tea but Ution is neither Fucho about Osiamtha, they are Coto) - "Demon from the outside - good luck in the hands." Sometimes it is eating from it all year, and on February 3 - the day of purification from demonic evil in itself and around, breaks down.At the same time, the dishes ideally should be green (but it is not always observed), which itself is a guarantee of well-being:

    7. 酒呑童子 Syyen-Dupidity - "Drinking boy." Somewhere in 794 appeared. The story of his confusing, some researchers believe His son Susano from the girl he saved from Yamat Oroti. Susano built them a house at the outskirts of Izumo - entrance to the country of the dead Mother Izanami, but he himself went to further hiking, and the son from birth began to apply to Sake, drank, and he was terribly silent and wise. The mother was retraced somewhere. By the way, it is curious the fact that Sake was in front of this, Outen Snake Yamat Orota, so in whom the son was greeted ...? x)In general, Yamat Oryota is the hyposta sunsano, in fact, but the truth of all of that allegory does not know the Japanese themselves. In general, by the 3rd year, the boy has already become a spacelike young man and Lovelas, the girls for him all the local extended. Monks began to embarrass him such behavior Iokreni his demon, apparently, debauchery.

    According to another version, he was the Son of Yamat Oroti and some maiden, was distinguished by Superzala, robbed in cities while he did not kill him Minamoto Yurimitsa from the Heavenly Forces Amateras.

    On the third, neither of the other and just the son of a blacksmith, whose parents handed over to the monastery as unnecessary in the province of Ethigo - Motherland Wesuga Kenshin. There is still a lot of versions, but there is a little point in them, it is only known that he served as a prototype to the mass of the legendary strength from birth and despised children-demons. He and Syudzoyu - Red-haired Demon Sake:

    But mostly depicted as all "they", with approximity to shootout -

    8. 虎熊童子 Torah-Kuma-Dawdi - "Boy Tiger Bear",熊童子 Kuma doughs. - Boy Bear,金熊童子 KEE-KUMA-DOOSZ - "Golden Bear Boy" (hence Kintaro),大毛童子 Daimo-Daughter "Fastener boy," - go to the previous, children-silica. Or the son of Susano was, probably, not alone, and they are all considered inborn demons.

    9. 青鬼 Ao-They and 赤鬼 Aka-they (Cocks) - blue and red demons.

    Brothers, almost twins.A collective image from the previous ones, in the 20th century, were popularized by certain writers-cartoonists, known as the same names: Yamanha Ayoni and Yamana Akayoni (1934). We have become peculiar symbols of Japan, they can be jesters, can be harmless, can be plaks due to the fact that people do not want to play with them and they have to live in the mountains.

    And it happens that "they" look like so x):

    (By the way, here from this is a sledgehammer, and a gangster developed a gangster to drive nails into the bat.

    And the man's femininity, common since ancient, began with the fact that allhorned "They" - from female occurs. Warriors, specially approaching the verticle of the face of the floor, for the sake of achieving higher wisdom and strength. From here all these fans, umbrellas, tubes, long hair, chic kimono, manners, etc., which can be seen both in the submissions of theaters and in any, at least any historical anime)

    Also, red and blue demons are used in Buddhist and shinotoy rites of the expulsion of demons, masks close to Schinja:

    10. Cockki (Kuro-they) 黒鬼 - "Black Demon", sometimes the 3rd to the 2nd previous one. With a little hammer, some say, he poured them out of the human head knocks x)

    According to another version, the demon of the battles, in the samurai armor holds a sword and rope - Arkanit Her Hell. Sometimes, a dance of the deadly battle is dancing in a pair of a sharp (red demon):

    11. 生成 Namanari - "Reborn". This is a condition preceding to the formation of Hannai or Shinja, the masks grow fangs and horns. This is a ghost of unhappy and deceased or who committed with him. Feeling indiscreigned, it does not bother in the world, and from Yurai appeals to the great demonasso of the Yin nature, and punishes guilty, then innocent, until someone calms her.

    12. 山姥 Yamanba - "Mountain Witch". Known with the Hayan era. Another hypostica of a wild woman is akin to our Baba Yaga, who has deployed to get used to the hut in the forest mountains. Eats lost travelers, whom makes loved by turning to beauty. Sometimes, called the conductor, turns into steep cliffs and pursues them into the abyss. It is capable of turning his hair in poisonous snakes staring victim. Stealing children, in general, with antiquity, all human disappears hung on her. There are cases when the witch shares his secret knowledge with any of the people if he delivers her other person to eating, or it will be able to any other exchange. In other myths, she just forever a lonely hermit, living in harmony with nature.

    In one of the drams of the theater, but, the founder of His Motokyo, the founder, presented to Yamanba, as a nannik, who robbed the great hero (which is tantamount, the demon of the war) - Sakata-No-Kietaki (he is the prototype of Sakata Gintoki from Gintama), and his prototype is also Kintaro, Also Syuteen Dawdi, i.e. Death Susano or Yamat Oroti.

    13. 黒髭 Kurohige- "Black Borogo". Something like our blackhouse. The sorcerer or demonobogo of the Earth also has connections with snakes, the mask has no ears. Maybe a dragon living in the sea. Sometimes they call him the patron saint of the theater itself but.

    14 鬼武悪 They-Buaku - "Demon of an evil warrior."

    Ascends to an evil old man Akujeu, his next stage of the transition from the ghost of an evil warrior man in a demon, who pursues after the death of sons, so that they were avenged for him, like the shadow of the father of Gamlet.

    15. 烏天狗 Karasu Tengu - "Tengu-Roron" is a patron sieve of dark ninja.

    Modern young Japanese, apparently, under the influence of the Western European tradition, often give preference to tattoo a somewhat negative and causing nature. But if in the subcultures of Western youth, there is an element of satanism and necromania in his Christian meaning, the Japanese adhere to their traditional beliefs in demonic creatures, which are widely represented in Buddhism, Shito and folk tales and beliefs.

    They are - In Japanese mythology, so call the evil man-like monsters, similar to Christian devils and demons. They are Have red, blue, green or black leather, crowned with horns, and from their mouth stick out huge fangs. They feed on human meat, and in battle they are difficult to kill, since the severed parts of the body grow into place.
    There is a belief that a bad person can turn into a demon - They are. Especially often in fairy tales in such monsters, jealous and grumpy wives are converted, whose horns grow on the head.
    In Japan, February 3, a ceremony on the expulsion of demons is held - They are in Dzigoku (in hell). On the holiday of Satsubun, the Japanese threaten soy for the threshold of their homes (it is believed that They are hate soybean) and shout: " They are Go! Blessings come! " They are symbolize diseases and failures from which you should get rid of. In festive festivities, actors in the terrible masks of the demons take part - They are. In theatrical productions They are Heroes win, or drag as servants of the God of death, sinners in hell.
    If we talk about tattoos, then here They are Carry a protective function. In some legends, these demons serve as defenders of decent people, and punish bad. So, for example, if we touch Yakuza, such tattoos make those who carry out the murders of the dismissal Yakuza of people, or are engaged in knocking debts.

    Radzin - God thunder

    In the Japanese folklore there are many varieties of demons, and sometimes it is quite difficult to say, what kind of demon depicts one or another tattoo. Nevertheless, some are identifying.
    Radzin - God thunder. Very often mentioned with the God of Wind Fujin. Depicted in the form of a fierce horned daemon, often teeth scrolls. Nevertheless, this is a positive deity, defender of the Buddhist faith.

    Oneko Man.

    Oteko Man. They are also called - Dyko ("demon, dancing under the drum"). It is depicted by a dancer demonic dance, accompanying himself on the drums. You can learn this demon by round monks (signs) depicting three commas symbolizing the "Heaven - Earth - Man" or the preservation of Yin and Yang equality. Dancers - drummers in a suit and masks depicting this demon, often perform on various Japanese holidays. Ritual dance is designed to promote the fertility of the Earth, crop and prosperity. It seems that there is a connection between this demon and Radzin, and onseko - Maine can be one of the forms of this thunder deity.

    Tattoo Tattoo Mask Chania

    Chania or Khannya - in the Japanese folklore, a sleeveless and fangy demon, in which a vengeful and jealous woman turned. This character is used in some plays of the Japanese theater. The Chania Mask also applies in festivities and synto-shelter rites, symbolizing the vice. Very often depicted on tattoos, but clearly not in a negative value. There is a version that the image of this demon is borrowed from Tibetan culture, where the origins of many Japanese mythological creatures come from. On Tibet, it was a guardian - Buddhism guardian, and "Hanny" means the same as "Prana" - "Wisdom". Often together with the mask of Chania depict Sakura flowers, snake and bell.

    Japanese demon Yaksha

    On these tattoos, Yaksha is shown in the form of bloodthirsty spirits carrying severed heads.

    Yaksha - this demon was borrowed by the Japanese from Hindu mythology. There they were beautiful female female creatures, born from the foot of Brahma, together with the demons - Rickshasami, but, unlike the first, were servants of the gods. Nevertheless, for people they were often dangerous. Yakshini, female varieties of Yaksha, drank children's blood and ate human meat. Jaksha's Japanese became a vampire - the cannibal, in which people who deserved the kara of the gods turn. On the other hand, Yaksha may be harmless "Lesus" - the "master of the forest".


    Tattoo with the image of the Demon Rockurokuby

    Japanese Fox Demons - Kitsune

    Kitsune. The image of Fox - the Werewolf penetrated the Japanese folklore from China, where it was deep in ancient times. In China, these creatures are called Huli-Jing, and in Korea - Kumiho. In Japanese folklore, Kitsune is a type of ovka (demonic creature). Kitsune possess the mind and knowledge, and can live for a very long time. The tail of this washing is the necessary attribute to create illusions, and the older and stronger fox, the more it has tails. Their number can reach nine.
    According to legends, these animals have magical abilities and are able to turn into a person - usually they take the appearance of seductive beauties, but can take the appearance of old people. These abilities are most often used to deceive people, and like vampires, feed on human vital and spiritual power. They are also able to imply in other people's bodies and create illusions indistinguishable from reality. Nevertheless, Kitzune do good acts, and, unlike the Chinese and Korean tradition, are not evil demons - cannibals.
    In Religion, Sinto Kitzune are messengers of the god of rice fields and entrepreneurship Inari, which is also depicted in the form of a fox. When mixing mythology, Sinto with Buddhism, Lisa received, in accordance with Chinese ideas, demonic functions, but in general, in Buddhist tradition, fox - the waswolf has a positive function as the attribute of God Dakini.
    In tattoos, can designate the dexterity, the sharpness of the mind, the ability to find the output in, it would seem, hopeless positions. In addition, the tattoo gives the opportunity to fascinate people and inspire love, as Kitsune does in fairy tales.
    In the photograph of Kitsune is shown in the appearance of an evil demon - cannibal, which is more corresponding to the Korean tradition. Nevertheless, here he acts as a Buddhist guardian - a guardian, and keeps a rosary in his teeth with the skulls of Godotos, so that the tattoo should not be viewed as an indication of the aggressiveness of its owner - it is more indicated for the fortress of religious beliefs and please protect from troubles and enemies .

    Babenco - "Monster Cat"

    Japanese tattoo Babeneko

    Babaneco (Yap. "Cat Monster").
    In addition to Kitzune (fox - Werewolves) and Tanuki (Werewolves in the form of racco-shaped dogs), in Japanese folklore there is another kind of iswolf - cats that can turn into people. An ordinary cat to turn into a revolf was required to achieve a certain age or size. The strongest backeneco have a split tail and called the nekomat. Like other representatives of unclean strength, the cats are a dual attitude towards cats in Japan. On the one hand, they could help people with their magic, as stated in many Japanese fairy tales and legends, but on the other hand there are examples when this image was associated with revenge and death. According to Japanese people, the cat can kill his master to take his appearance, or to make the dead of the deceased (until now, the Japanese are trying to not allow cats to die). They can revive the dead, jumping over through it, or raise skeletons and manipulate them as puppets. Cats can avenge their offenders. In the Kabuki Theater there are a number of plays, in which bushings are involved - cats that have been involved in people, usually in women. They either revenge by those who offended them, or in a shortening the souls of wives killed wives. But in general, the attitude towards cats in Japan is positive, and they love to depict in scenes, where they copy the behavior of people, and even in the form of monks.

    Tengu. Karasu - Tengu and Yamabusi - Tengu.

    Karasu Teng like birds-raven. These are evil creatures that kidnap children and adults, arrange fires in homes, and kill those who deliberately hurts the forest.

    In the traditional Japanese religion, Coto there are many deities - kami, among which six are awarded the names "Okami" ("Great Kami"). Five of them idzanagi, Izanans, Mikatii, Sasikuni and the goddess of the Sun Amateras - "Amatsuki" (Heavenly Kami), and Sarutahiko - Keeper of the roads, the spirit of intersection and the disposal of obstacles - "Kunitsuki" (earthly deity). It is depicted in the form of an old man with a red face and a very long nose. It is believed that the image of Sarutahiko-Noi-Okomas served as a prototype of demonic beings - Tengu (Japanese literally "heavenly dog").
    The Japanese believed in the existence of two types of Tengu: Karasu Tengu (Tengu-Raven) and Yamabusi Tengu.

    Yamabusi - Tengu is a creature, more like a person.

    Yamabusi Tengu is a creature, more like a person. It has a red face and a very long nose, and sometimes bears behind the wings. He was called Yamabusi (the so-called monks - herds who choose the mountains for their privacy), because this Tengu loves to turn into such monks. Like a leisher, they can make a jerked over a person, who met with them, and may even kill someone who hurts the forest. However, in fairy tales, they often help good people.

    Tengu masks

    Tengu is depicted in strange little caps - Tokin and have a fan of feathers or leaves, which can cause strong wind.
    In Japan, Tengu masks used in various festivities and in the performances of the Kabuki Theater.
    In tattoos, Japanese theatrical masks are additional elements indicating the character of a person or serve as a replacement of a full image of a creature, which is expected to receive.


    Japanese tattoo with the image of Kama-Itati

    Kama-Itati refers to demons - Ykai from Japanese folklore. In antiquity, the Japanese existed belief about malicious vortices - Kamaetati ("attack"). Toriyama Sakien, the artist who studied the Japanese demonology, left the images and descriptions of the demons - Ykai, gave this supernatural phenomenon the appearance of three lasoms with claws - razors, which are circling in the whirlwind, cut the skin on the legs of people on the path. He changed the original sound of the word to "Kama - Itati" ("Sickle Laski") - by creating a pun, very typical for him. These creatures are depicted in the form of a spinless caress, the paws of which are ending with sickle blades.

    Nuren-Onna - "Water Woman"

    Japanese tattoo with the image of Nuren Onna

    Nuren-onna ("Water or Wet Woman") - one of the most ancient demons - Yokai of the Japanese folklore. This is a demon with a female head (often very beautiful) and a giant snake body that lives or near the river, or in the river itself. In some legends, she has hands with sharp claws. She has beautiful long hair that she likes to wash in the river, round shiny, like a snake, eyes, sharp fangs and a long, strong language - a sting that she sucks blood or vital energy from careless travelers. In order not to give the alleged victim to leave, Nuren-onna is started on a trick. She offers a meeting with a man to hold his child while she washes her hair, but it is worth it to take him in his hands, the child sticks to them and flexs a person to Earth with his huge severity. It is difficult to say that they symbolize tattoos with the image of this demon, perhaps disappointment in love and comparing women with this insidious creation.


    Sketch of tattoo and tattoo with the image of the kappa

    If Tengu can consider a kind of leather, then the Japanese variety of water is called "Kappa" ("River Child"). It is a cross between a frog and a turtle, and has a beak instead of a nose. On the top of the Cape, there is a saucer, filled with water, which gives it a huge force. However, it does not harm man, although he loves pranks. Sometimes she even helps positive heroes in fairy tales and legends.

    Dzhankui - "Demon Fighter"

    Ancient engraving and tattling with a fighter of demons - Dzhanku

    Dzhankui or Juices - "Demos Fighter". Ghost, according to legends, defender of the Chinese emperor Huan-sleep. Giancuy committed suicide, and therefore he became a demon of Gui. However, he swore to help people in the fight against her evil fellow. In Japan, this spirit - the defender became very popular, as he struggles with They are. This spirit is always depicted in Chinese clothes and with a sword, which he amazes evil forces.

    Yuki-Onna - Snowy Woman

    Japanese tattoo with the image of Yuki-Onna

    Yuki-Onna (Yap. "Snowy woman"). So in the Japanese folklore, they call one of the varieties of Ykai - that is, the spirits. It can also be called Yuki Musome ("Snowy Girl"), Yukidzroo ("Snow Force"), Yuki-Omba ("Snow Grandma or Nanny") and many other names. Yuki-onna is a very popular figure in Japanese literature, manga and anime.
    Yuki-Onna is a snowy nights in the appearance of a high, beautiful woman with long black hair and blue lips. Its inhumanly pale or even transparent as ice leather makes it part of a snow-covered landscape. It sometimes wears white kimono, but in other legends it is described by nude. Despite her amazing beauty and grace, her eyes are able to unail horror. It seems to be swimming over the snow, leaving behind the traces behind him, and at any moment it can turn into a cloud of fog or scatter with snowflakes. In some legends it is said that the souls of those who froze in the snow are turning in Yuki-Onna. For a long time, this spirit was considered an undoubted evil who kill unwary travelers, but over time, Yuki-Onna began to give more humanities. In some works, she even becomes a wife who has loved her person, and only a random opening of her essence makes Yuki-onno to leave the beloved and their children forever, leaving the afterlife.
    Nevertheless, there are other ideas about this ghost. He may look like a ugly old woman - a witch, freezing travelers, or drinking blood or vitality from them.

    Sketch of tattoos with the image of Yuki-Onna and a tattoo where Yuki-Onna is shown as an ugly old woman - a witch.

    Hatshana - pious ghost

    Japanese tattoo with ghost Hatshana

    Hatshana or Hatsuna is a pious ghost. Kabuki Theater Character Piece "The Miracle Phenomenon in the Hakone Mountains, or a Revenge of Non-Blood" ("Hakone Raigan Idzari, but Adauti"). A scene is shown from the play, where the spirit of the evil killed Woman Hatshana, being under the ice jets of the waterfall, prays the Buddha Amidu so that he cures her weak her husband, and he could take revenge on her killer. Prayer under the waterfall - it was an ancient Japanese custom, not changed and after the adoption of Buddhism. It was believed that such a prayer was of particular strength - a person proves his determination, self-sacrifice and great faith, and without fear is included in the chilling, shy waterfall. The image of Hatschana for those who wish happiness and well-being for their loved ones and relatives, and are ready to go for any sacrifices.

    Engraving Utagawa Cunions and sketch of tattoos with ghost Hatshana

    4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes)

    The tattoo values \u200b\u200bof the Chania Twoers: Defender and Avenger, Wise Guard and Sly Demon, all-consuming passion and bitter regret.

    Tattoo value Chania

    First of all, the demon Chania or Hannah is a very memorable bright and shaped character. Especially on the body, the colorful image of Chania will look uncomfortable.

    In Japanese culture, the demons are not strictly negative characters. They are rather perfume and carry a protective function. Hanu is depicted as an overlap. This image can be compared to the guardian angel.

    The theater mask itself is manufactured in such a way that on the one hand, it looks frightened and angry, and in another angle reflects suffering, flour and regret, it seems sobbing without it. This requires special skill of execution. Chania personifies the suffering soul that has come to revenge, but not the founding rest.

    The history of the appearance of the image

    The Pyama of the Japanese Demon is considered to be Tibetan Guardian, the keeper of Buddhism Wise Hannie, the owner of a snake mask.

    Other legend is connected with the Japanese mask. The girl loved the wandering monk, loved passionately and selflessly. And he reciprocate did not answer, continuing his wandering. The girl was embraced offense, anger and anger, for disregarding sincere feeling. These feelings made her demon, turning force.

    Just reborn, she went to finish his revenge. Outborn the monk and punished, smeared with fiery breathing. But regrettable and disappointment overtook it. So wanders the lonely demon since then, the cruel punishment of ingenuous men, then the wall about the lost love.

    Many characters and images of Japanese culture and mythology carry a dual value. So Chania serves to understand that anger and jealous fury can be caused by deep disappointment and despair. And the long life is intended for understanding, forgiveness, compassion.

    Another legend says that a dual mask has created a monk-sculptor Chania-Bo for ritual dances. Mask of Hogat, and mouth on it is awesome in a sharp-up smile. But at the glance of the schos, the impression is created that the demon rides. This image itself is far from femininity, but it is precisely a woman, absorbed by jealousy and anger personifies Chania.

    Interesting! In Japan, to this day, two finger attached to the head - a gesture, meaning that the woman "goes crazy" from jealousy to his man.

    Hannie has a very memorable look. Two bullish horns, an aggressive look, a fanging smile from the ear to the ear. And the mask, and the daemon is always depicted by bright colors.

    Color saturation is also its value, expressing anger and passion. Scarlet color means all-consuming passion and strongest indignation. Pale tones speak more relaxed feelings, love, proprietary feelings, desire to hide the object of passion from the world, assign.

    Breathing, which comes from the mouth of the demon symbolizes the destruction, which carries an excessive passion.

    There are images of Chania with a third eye. This image is designed to emphasize the direct meaning of the word. Chania is translated as "wisdom." Here is a mystical extension of a sign of superhuman vision, insight. Look deeper, see more.

    Japan is a country literally imbued with mysticism and filled with sacred knowledge. Each Japanese hurts the tradition of his ancestors and tries to drop the spirits of the Lower and Upper World for the holiday. To this end, from the most pressing times in various rituals, Japanese daub masks made of wood and painted in bright colors were used. These items are of great importance not only in religious rites, but also in the culture and art of the country. This will be discussed in the article.

    Japan: History of Masks

    The mythology of the Japanese is very rich in characters, sometimes absolutely opposite character traits. The fact is that in Japan, it was always taken to be taken around with a mass of demons and unclean spirits. The wise inhabitants of the islands never fought with evil spirits, they, on the contrary, asked her and, if necessary, could always enlist the support of the spirits.

    The masks have always had a sacred value for the Japanese, they were quite often used by samurai in battles. It was believed that the mask not only closes the face, but also, hosting various spirits, helps to win the warrior, instilling horror in the hearts of enemies.

    It is difficult to imagine the theater but without different masks. The tradition of playing the theatrical representations arose approximately in the seventh century. At this time, colorful theater shows took place near the temples, and the masks were made of clay and paper. They were extremely simple and served to conceal the larva of the actor. Only in the seventeenth century the theater was used in something special, and the masks turned into real art. They began to express various characteristic emotions and served now in order to brighter to characterize the characters of the presentation. The masks were endowed with mystical strength, and they were allowed to touch them only at the point of attaching shoelaces. Now in each theater there is a kind of altar, which contains ancient mask. It is believed that the souls of the actors live in them.

    Demons: Value

    Colorful masks are used in rituals, theatrical performances and on holidays. Most of them have an awesome look and is designed to scare another evil. To this end, they are placed on the facades of houses and in the room. Keep in mind that Japanese dais masks, despite their terrifying appearance, very kind to people. Perfumes living in them are able to help those who need and protect disadvantaged. It can be said that you should not be afraid of the demons, but greedy, selfish and hypocritical people will definitely receive punishment from higher spirits. It is worth noting that the diversity that Japanese daisy masks differ allows them to be used in different situations. Let's consider the most popular of them.

    Japanese Demon Mask: Teng

    In Tengu, these are the spirits of the forest, sometimes they are compared according to the characteristic with Russian leather. Tengu is notices, love clean and possess cunning. These spirits do not endure arrogance and can punish the one who is arrogant. One of the supernatural abilities of the demon is the ability to reincarnate in a person. Most often, he takes the form of a monk living high in the mountains. It helps good people and lives in the branches of curved trees.

    The mask of Tenu looks like the face of a red-haired old man with a long nose and fan of feathers. On the head of the demon, a small funny hat is often placed - tokin. Very often, the mask of the Forest Spirit is used as waging from evil, but it is never worth harming the forest, otherwise the tenge will turn his anger to the owners of the house.

    Demons they

    Japanese daub masks often depict them. This evil is very popular in the country and has several varieties. Usually they are depicted on masks in the form of terrible, distorted grimaces, with huge fangs. Demons can have red, black or gold color. In mythology, they symbolize the formidable spirits of the huge growth, which appear everywhere with stoves from the spikes. Demons can grow a broken part of the body and cure any wound. Quite often, these spirits are associated with trolls or devils living in Japanese hell.

    Initially, they were noticeable and brought with them disasters, illness and trouble. Over time, the spirits have gained a human-like species, but they remained extremely fierce and often poured themselves human flesh.

    Exile they are in hell

    Japanese demons masks are especially often used on holiday, it is held by the third February and is widely celebrated in the country. In order to protect your home, the Japanese will spread throughout the soybeans that they simply do not endure. In recent years, peanuts and peanuts have become common, sometimes they turn it into the Golden Foil.

    On the streets of cities on the holiday always passes the theatrical procession. Men dressed in costumes they necessarily wear frightening masks. It is considered to be very correct to decorate the house of the Maskoy Demon: Thanks to this wrapper, evil will not penetrate into the house, and all households may not be afraid to be in a dream in hell.

    Tattoos with the image of masks

    In Japanese culture, from the most long-old time, it was customary to make tattoos. Residents of the islands were distinguished by this from Europeans who are surprised by the diversity of drawings on the body, which merchants and travelers who visited the country of the Rising Sun were told.

    Tattoos to one degree or another were used by the Japanese. Initially, they were applied to the body in order to attract good luck on fishing or hunting. To the seven years of our era, a native painting began to share in the drawings for the nobility and those who metiched criminals. It significantly reduced the popularity of tattoos, but then she again began to apply almost all the layers of society. Pretty Tattoo applied representatives of various professions, making drawing a distinctive sign of the whole group.

    Recently, the Japanese mask for the drawing has become very popular among young people, it is absolutely different but for women preferably of all Chania. This mask symbolizes the female demon, whose face is distorted with jealousy and passion. According to legend, Chania once was a beautiful girl in love with one young monk. The beloved rejected her, and the girl in a gust of the crazy passion turned into an evil demon, blowing all men who are offended by representatives of the beautiful sex.

    Also popular with women tattoo from Kitzune. This demon is depicted in the form of a fox and is destructive for men. Kitsuna can turn out the most beautiful woman and get the male, and he will make everything she says. Quite often it ends with madness. But the sacrament of a fox herself is hardly grateful to someone, she always gets the desired and then disappears.

    Is it possible to make a Japanese mask at home?

    Many fans of the culture of the country of the rising sun are interested in how to make a Japanese Demon mask on their own. You can find even special master classes with a detailed description of the process of creating masks from papier-mache, but we would not advise you to be content with such handicrafts. Real Japanese demons masks are real art objects, master spend on the manufacture of one product for several months. Until now, almost all ritual and theatrical items in the country of the rising sun are manually manufactured, so it is best to order a mask in Japan. Only in this way you can get a really beautiful collection instance.

    The world of perfume in Japan is very closely adjacent to the usuality, because in every house there will be at least a pair of masks that protect the house and its inhabitants.