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  • Female tattoo butterfly with pattern. Butterfly tattoo

    Female tattoo butterfly with pattern. Butterfly tattoo

    It is worth noting that insects are not the most popular images for tattoos, but butterflies are an exception. Tattoos in the form of butterflies, as a rule, choose girls. There are a huge variety of options, how, where and in what color to the butterfly on your body.

    Butterfly tattoo is also a good choice and thanks to its small sizes. Many girls love to hide their tattoos. A small butterfly on ankle or wrist will perfectly emphasize the natural beauty of its owner.

    Butterfly tattoo value

    This tattoo can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the world's worldview and its cultural affiliation. We present the main value of the tattoo in the form of a butterfly.

    Butterfly Tattoo Value:


    This value is the most popular. In nature, a terrible caterpillar in his cocoon turns into a wonderful creation. The butterfly tattoo often speaks of a new life and a new beginnation. And also that its owner passed through difficult times.

    blue Butterfly on Shoulder

    Fragile beauty

    Butterflies are known for all their beauty thanks to the beautiful natural color. In addition, its wings are very easy to break with an inaccurate touch.


    Butterfly flies exactly where she wants. There are no borders and barriers for it.


    In some cultures, for example, in a Christian, butterfly symbolizes the soul of man. Even in ancient Greek, the butterfly sounds like the word "soul".


    In China, two packing butterflies personify love and loyalty.


    In some countries, when the butterfly sits on a person, it is believed that she thus brings happiness and good luck with him. Not bad option to catch good luck with a butterfly on your body.


    In the ancient crops, the butterfly means peace and peace.

    Ideas of butterfly tattoos

    The most popular places for this tattoos are:

    1. Small of the back;
    2. Forearm;
    3. Underbelly;
    4. Leg;
    5. Wrist.

    Often, butterflies are depicted in combination with other elements, such as tribal ornament, curved lines, flowers, heart and stars.

    multicolored butterfly on shoulder and back

    butterfly on the ankle.

    blue butterfly at the foot

    butterflies and flowers on the leg

    pink butterfly on the shovel

    black butterfly and stars on his back

    large butterfly on the back

    butterfly and heart

    butterfly on stomach

    three butterflies on the back

    blue Butterfly on Hand

    tribal butterfly

    Butterflies are wonderful creatures whose life is so short. However, perpetuating the symbol of fragility and tenderness can be on the skin. The butterfly tattoo has multifaceted values, since different peoples of the world interpret ancient drawing in different ways.

    Undoubtedly, the tattoo decorates the body. However, each figure has, both explicit and hidden meaning that can affect the fate of a person. Therefore, the choice of tattoo, first of all, should be based on the symbol that carries the drawing. A butterfly tattoo is one of the most ancient drawings, the meaning of which has multifaceted interpretations.

    The value of the butterfly tattoo in the ancient peoples:

    • the Mayan tribes - associated the butterfly pattern with the souls of the dead, who returned to the world of people;
    • mexico tribes are a symbol of well-being and good luck. The tribes adorned themselves insect drawings in order to cause the mercy of the gods and get a generous harvest;
    • middle Ages - a sign of a witch or sorcerer. The drawing on the body of a woman pointed out its supernatural abilities;
    • greeks - considered a butterfly as a symbol of male and female elegance and refinement. Such a drawing was talking about the sensuality of its owner;
    • the period of Art Nouveau - the Association of Butterfly with the desire of a person to buy in the Lono of Nature;
    • the Chinese are the opinion that the warriors killed in battle become butterflies, gaining peace and harmony. To attract the attention of the dead loved ones, the Chinese depicted their symbol;
    • egyptians - personified insect with family. The butterfly was considered a symbol of family well-being and loyalty;
    • japanese - associate butterfly tattoo with female grace and femininity. The drawing of the butterfly often decorated the body of geish.

    Everyone sees something in the tattoo with a butterfly something, so today it is difficult to say which of the proposed interproks is the most realistic meaning. Often, people are leaning towards the meaning that reflects their thoughts and worldview.

    Fundamental symbolism

    Despite the various judgments of the peoples of the world about the value of the tattoo, it is safe to assert that the general symbolism exists. The butterfly does not apply to a certain culture, so the tattoo with an elegant pattern is international significance.

    First, the tattoo can serve remind that life is too short and spending it is very rational. It is enough to remember the fleet of life of the butterfly.

    This interpretation has a deep philosophical meaning and encourages to enjoy every moment of slipping life. Owners of such a tattoo challenge the time showing the intention to fulfill its plans, despite the limited time.

    The second, and the most famous meaning of this tattoo is the rebirth of the soul. Such an interpretation of the butterfly is obliged to Christian flow. It is worth remembering the life cycle of the butterfly when an insect is transformed into a beautiful butterfly from a voracious caterpillar, symbolizing the immortality of the soul and her desire for improvement.

    The butterfly is associated with eternity, and we understand that the current life is only a plot in fate, and not the end point.

    Modern interpretations:

    • rebirth is a symbol of the desire for a new life, not burdened with old worries and problems. In this context, the butterfly also means the fortress of the spirit of a person who coped with difficult times, leaving them behind;
    • the fragility of life is elegant and such a fragile butterfly symbolizes a subtle attitude to life, reminds that any living being requires a gentle and neat touch;
    • freedom - butterfly is often associated with freedom. The magnificent insect can cross any borders that causes the desire to move further and seek independence;
    • love is a butterfly associated with all the most tender and beautiful, so this insect is a symbol of purity and sincerity in relationships;
    • happiness - graceful insect often personify with a magnet of happiness and good luck;
    • coquetry - Today, the butterfly tattoo is one of the most popular drawings to decorate the body. As a rule, it is chosen by the French representatives. Therefore, today the butterfly is made to associate with frivolism, coquest and femininity at the same time.

    Tattoo value depending on additional elements

    Butterfly tattoo, where the insect is the main elements of the picture, not much enough. As a rule, a fragile insect is depicted in the company of other elements. Butterfly tattoo is taken to surround with flowers.

    If the butterfly is depicted with Chrysanthemum, then such a tattoo speaks of the eternal beauty of his owner. The insect with a jug indicates the purity and loyalty of the girl. Butterfly sitting on lilies symbolizes pure thoughts and creative thinking.

    If the butterfly is shown not as a solo drawing, but as an additional element of another composition, then in this case, the butterfly can increase the meaning of the total tattoo.

    Depending on the style of the pattern, the butterfly symbol can have different values. Celtic manner of applying a tattoo with clear patterns indicates a person's desire to drastically change the course of life. Tribal style indicates the desire of spiritual development and desire for enlightenment.

    The relationship of the tattoo site and pattern values

    The tattoo place also has a direct impact on the meaning of the butterfly pattern. Despite the fact that the butterfly has very miniature sizes and its silhouette can decorate any portion of the body, the tattoo is most often stuffed on the neck and back.

    This place is talking about the desire of a person to show his dominance. A man with a tattoo butterfly on her neck unbursuantly indicates to others on its superiority. In this context, the insect is treated as the desire to be better than others and improve their lives.

    Tattoo on hand symbolizes the desire of a person to become the owner of his life and retire his own destiny. A drawing that adorns the leg says that the tattoo carrier has not yet decided on its place in life and only begins to draw a line of fate.

    The tattoo of the butterfly on the paddle or buttocks indicates an understated self-esteem, which man wants to raise with the help of a picture.

    One of the most popular tattoo designs for girls is a butterfly. Although the value of the symbol varies depending on which sense puts the owner into it, the general interpretation is always positive.

    Tattoo "Butterfly" (the meaning for girls is identical for guys, although few of them are solved on the application of such a typical female drawing) decrypt differently and maybe it can hardly mean anything.

    For example:

    • in Japan - spiritual growth of a person or, if a butterfly is white - a message from the afterlife;
    • on ancient rus - new life (also German interpretation), rebirth;
    • in ancient Rome - rebirth war after death (symbolizes women's strength);
    • in Mexico - flame of life;
    • in China - abundance, entertainment, summer and sunny weather;
    • in Germany and Scandinavian countries - the presence of magical abilities, communication with fairy, magic;
    • unlimited freedom of actionBut at the same time indecision, the desire to enjoy the moment and not think about anything constant.

    To say that this is a unambiguous symbol that is interpreted by all the same, it is impossible. There are also those who consider such a drawing with a symbol of light behavior and windiness. This is due to the fact that the tattoos of butterflies often applied geisham, considered easily accessible and stupid.

    Many forget that the main role of Geish is spiritually entertained, but not physically, therefore, the symbolism inherent in the geishams should not be interpreted in a similar vein. The main value of the tattoo will still be exactly what the owner is investing in it.

    Tattoo value depending on additional elements

    The tattoo value with a butterfly may vary for girls depending on the composition, which is part of which it is. You can apply a single butterfly, but if the girl opens over a solid composition, the insect will fit as the main part of it. Sometimes the butterfly plays the role of the auxiliary element.

    Flowers have their tongue:

    • cornflower - delicacy, grace, sophistication;
    • chrysanthemum - Eternal beauty;
    • rose flower - love, hope for happiness;
    • rose flower with spikes - loss, broken heart;
    • lily - the innocence of the soul, purity;
    • lotus - spiritual growth, enlightenment;
    • peony - Good luck in affairs, wealth;
    • sakura - lifeguard life;
    • water lily - kindness, the lack of evil intentions.

    Combining characters of various values \u200b\u200bwith butterflies, you can seek unique images with your own interpretation. Tattooed butterflies, which are part of Celtic patterns, symbolize the vital changes. The owners of such drawings honor their ancestors and appreciate the family hearth.

    If the wings are only a part of the song, and the image of a woman plays the main role, one can say that this is a tribute of respectfulness, the Greek Musey of the soul. Combining the wings with the face or appearance on the wings of human eye usually means that inside the girl feels easily and freely - like a butterfly.

    The color of the wings play a huge role in the tattoo:

    Symbolic shades vary including depending on the position of the insect:

    • Butterfly wings are depicted in full swing - it means that the owner of the tattoo is different and does not like to hide their feelings. Also, the image is characteristic of creative personalities, which are always engaged in self-development and do not like to stand still.
    • The wings are arranged symmetrically, but not connected - a symbol of a responsible attitude to life, the desire to maintain everything in equilibrium.
    • The flying butterfly always strives for freedom, independence, self-expression.
    • Butterfly sitting on a flower symbolizes constancy and devotion to his ideals.

    The position of the butterfly depends on which part of the body is the picture.

    Butterfly as a symbol of love

    Among the works of tattoo masters there are sketches depicting several identical butterflies on one flower. It is known that there are no two insects with an identical image on the wings, so such drawings symbolize kinship and remind them of family relationships. Sometimes the names of favorite relatives write on wings - the Master will tell you how to do it best.

    Also, a good idea will make a steam tattoo with your loved one - it doesn't matter whether it will be the same insects, or they will simply fly to each other towards. Applying 2 different wings on the backsides of 2 palms, you can connect them to see the finished drawing.

    Butterflies with inscriptions

    Tattoo "Butterfly" (the value for girls differently depending on the goal chased) can be supplemented with an inscription. Special symbolism can be achieved by making an inscription in the language of the country in which the butterfly symbolism coincides with the worldview of the girl itself. The inscription can be placed both between the butterfly and the pattern, and aside, or to put around, around the perimeter of the picture.

    Next to the insects often have important dates - for example, the birthday or death of a beloved person, whom the butterfly symbolizes.

    Small inscriptions - for example, in one word, suitable small tattoos depicting butterfly and nothing more. It is important that the composition is not overloaded, so the flowers and patterns are better left for large drawings. Following the butterfly, the magic dust of her wings can be stretching.

    Butterflies as a symbol of death

    On some sketches you can see that the wings of the butterfly are separated from the abdomen. Sometimes they are accompanied by an image of a spider destroyed insect. Such drawings carry more terrible meaning than the image of butterflies with turtles on the wings or the trouser.

    Such interpretation of the nature of insects was characteristic of the ancient Slavs - they believed that the butterfly could turn into a witch at any time, so it was afraid of her. A similar butterfly reputation was used in Japan - although one insect meant only good, and the swarm of butterflies brought those who saw them, some failures.

    Butterflies, on the wings of which the symbolism of death is depicted, can be interpreted as the harbinger of the afterlife for those who look at them, while the dead butterfly symbolizes death (perhaps spiritual) of the tattoo owner. But for death, it should always be rebirth, so the feces separated from the abdomen symbolize the tribute to the past and readiness for something new.

    Often, it is why butterflies are applied to important moments of life - after the wedding, the birth of a child, the end of the institute. The butterfly was often depicted sitting on the hand of Jesus Christ. Such a drawing can symbolize the religiousness of the owner and will look great on any part of the hand or ribs.

    Overview of the most common tattoo zones

    Tattoo "Butterfly" (the value for girls varies depending on the selected zone) can look good on any part of the body. For small areas (wrist, ankle), it is better to apply single butterflies, on large (thigh, shovel, shin) big compositions look good.

    Zone Features Ideas for drawing
    HandSince the man's own hand sees most often, it is believed that the tattoos applied in this place possess their own, unique meaning. The tattoo on the work hand (right-handers, left left) speaks of the independence of its owner and the desire for collens and organizedness. A tattoo on the back of the palm is especially beautiful, although this place is very painful because of thin skin.
    • 2 butterflies, symmetrically located on the inside of both hands;
    • butterfly wings cover eyes and nose, the lips and chin are below;
    • located on the forearm, the butterfly may like a shirt under the sleeve;
    • butterfly contours on the top of the back of the palm;
    • swarm butterflies flies to the wrist;
    • the swarm of butterflies flies on the outside of the hand, framing any word.
    BackThe back is recommended to use to create large compositions in which the butterfly can be the main element. It can be located both at the top and in the middle, and the surrounding items will have its own symbolism. The image of butterflies in the upper or bottom of the spine allows you to profitably emphasize the symmetry of the wings.
    • Little butterfly placed in the headboard or bottom of the spine;
    • different butterflies, lined in a row, or image of various stages of butterfly, starting with a cocoon;
    • wings deployed on the whole back as a skill symbol fly for tattoo owner.
    NeckThe value depends on the neck part to which the tattoo is applied. Risky people, for example, can apply 2 symmetrical butterflies on both sides of the neck, and the drawing is often interpreted as the desire to obtain protection or patronage from the being depicted.
    • Butterfly, serving on the back of the neck;
    • butterfly in flight - also at the back;
    • butterfly, discontinuous wings and thus closed the whole neck;
    • the tattoo begins on the neck of the colors and smoothly moves to the chest, on which the insect itself is depicted;
    • the wings of the butterfly are lowered down, various patterns are released from under them, smoothly passing onto the back.
    An earDespite the fact that the site is very difficult to work, the shape of the ear shell allows the insect tattoo originally. Torso, for example, can bend along the sink itself, and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tattoo will be in wings or track from them.
    • The size of the ear shell does not allow you to make large tattoos, so the elegantly positioned butterfly will be enough;
    • little insect can also be located behind the ear, leaving behind it.
    Small of the backThe loin is one of the most common variants of application. For some reason it is believed that the butterfly in this place means the windiness and frivolity of the owner. Others note that the tattoo in this place symbolizes the desire to stand out from the crowd and look for its own way in life.
    • Full of wings with lines repeating geometric pattern;
    • a flock of butterflies climbing up from the loin to the shoulders.
    ChestIt is very hard to apply tattoos on the chest, as the skin in this place is very thin, but the finished drawings look amazing. Nevertheless, butterflies in any style will look here great.
    • A small butterfly, drawn in the style of realism, above or under one of the breasts;
    • butterfly, revealing wings between two breasts, surrounded by various colors or patterns covering the clavicle;
    • the butterfly itself is located just below the breasts in the middle, with the right and left side it surrounds the same patterns - folk or in the form of flowers.
    StomachA small butterfly styled by the abdomen can attract attention if, for example, it will look out from under a short T-shirt.
    • Black and white butterfly, drawn over the navel and deployed wings;
    • a small realistic butterfly sitting over the thigh;
    • two symmetrical butterflies sitting over the hips;
    • the line of flying butterflies - it is advantageous with patterns in solely black color.
    ShopperThe blade is suitable for drawing drawings, as it has a large and smooth territory. In addition, tattoos on the blades are less painful, due to the thickness and density of the skin.
    • Butterfly sitting on a shovel as on a flower;
    • behind the butterfly sitting on the shoulder may remain a mark from stars or dust, as if left by the waving wings;
    • butterfly on the right shoulder - sign of the soon arrival of good guests, on the left - the enemy;
    • wings are folded, the insect is depicted on the side and occupies the entire blade.
    HipSmall tattoos on the thigh beautifully protruding from under the skirts - especially if the studs wear them. They can also part of a large composition that will begin on the stomach.
    • Large butterfly, surrounded by flowers or ethnic patterns;
    • oldskul butterfly, in the wings of which various drawings are hidden;
    • on the side of the hips, the composition with a butterfly and spider bursting her wings looks beautifully.
    ShinThere are a lot of sites on the legs, so there can be many options when developing a sketch.
    • The butterfly clashes the wings both sides of the lower leg, the body is located on the side;
    • butterfly wings are located on both legs and fold into the drawing, when the legs stand together;
    • the swarm of butterflies takes up the leg, from the feet to the thigh.
    AnkleAt the cold seasons, the ankle tattoo can be hidden under shoes and trousers, in summer and in the spring they become a kind of accessory. The size and length of the legs allow the masters to apply the compositions of various scope.
    • The tattoo is applied to the back side of the ankle, its size perfectly fits into the rear section, the wings are revealed;
    • around the ankle, a wreath of flowers on which a butterfly sits;
    • a flock of butterflies, bruised around the ankle.
    FootMost often, single tattoos are located on the upper lift of the foot or in the ankle area, but symmetrical pictures look much better in the footsteps, especially surrounded by ornamental drawings.
    • Symmetric wings are located on the outside of both stops;
    • butterfly in the bracelet;
    • butterfly sits on a flower;
    • butterfly enclosed in the heart;
    • a realistic 3D butterfly looks great on the foot.
    SideThe length of the zone makes this site the ideal place to apply oblong drawings.
    • One large butterfly is located in the chest, opening the wings for full swing, below - the scattering of flying butterflies is smaller;
    • the butterfly sits on a long stem with a bouton open.

    Most often, the girls stop the choice in open bodies, which will boast their drawing in the warm season. At the same time, the drawing should be easily covered if the dress code needs this at the place of work.

    Realistic butterfly

    Applying an image in the style of realism on the body, you can create an impression that a live butterfly really is sitting on the body, ready to rescue at any time. The result depends on the brightness of the paints, selection of space and parts. In the sketches there are often shadows from the wings.

    Butterfly in watercolor

    Watercolor butterfly is popular for the following reasons:

    • smooth outlines do not attract much attention;
    • the smears are negligible, but it is still beautiful;
    • watercolor allows you to create colorful leaps;
    • paints allow you to combine different colors in the figure.

    Tattoo butterfly in watercolor style.

    In contrast to realistic drawings, watercolor butterflies leave space for creativity and additional details. The image itself can carry the abstract in itself, rather than a realistic character, as a result of which the tattoo turns into a picturesque work of art.

    Old school style

    Tattoos, made in the style of Old-cheek, imply the riot of paints and deep symbolism. Even if the drawing has the outlines of the butterfly, it is possible to add symbols to various themes. It may be faces, skulls, flowers - anything. The location is limited solely fantasy of the holder of the tattoo - wings, abdomen or surrounding insect space.

    Taking a few traditional images, you can pay tribute to something defined, optionally associated with nature. For example, by placing a lighthouse and ships on both wings, you can express your love for the sea and travel. By portraying other people's faces on the wings, you can perpetuate the memories associated with these people.

    Not all artists know how to draw in such a style and often it will be necessary to develop an individual sketch, but it is possible to make sure that the tattoo will be unique, and each item will be worked out with special care. Understand whether the master can work in the selected style, you can, looking at the portfolio of his work and pointing to the most likely.

    Butterfly henna

    Tattoo "Butterfly" (the value for girls does not change depending on the method of application) can also be made by henna. This option is suitable in case you want to check the specific drawing and understand whether it will look good on the body. As a rule, the butterflies from the henna are depicted with simple smooth lines and are not painted. Figures are often surrounded by patterns or images of colors.

    Henna advantage is that it can be cooked at home. Unlike manual tattoos, it is harmless. Consider how to draw or circumvent templates, you can independently make mehendi and understand how patterns will look at the selected part of the body.

    For the preparation of the henna solution at home, you need to do the following:

    1. Prepare tea brew. What she will be stronger, the darker will be color.
    2. Cut into 2 parts lemon, squeeze juice. Mix it with a half tea brewing and add 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
    3. The mixture is poured into the henna solution and stirred before turning into a thick porridge.
    4. Insist for 15-20 minutes. (If necessary, it is possible longer).

    The solution is saved in the refrigerator for 2 days, after which it flies.

    Butterfly in style ornamental

    Ornamental style (patory) implies clearly conducted lines and applying symmetric patterns. Although it is not easy to apply such drawings, ready work looks unusual without giving clear explanations about the meaning. The advantage of the ornamental is the possibility of combining different techniques: Linevork, the doorway and the trabl.

    Depending on the style of implementing the idea, the butterfly tattoo value for girls can change and amused by various elements. You should not stop on a simple image, if you can make something more multifaceted.

    Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

    Video about tattoos with butterflies

    Different tattoo values \u200b\u200bwith butterflies:

    Modern people are increasingly striving for self-expression and individuality in everything, so it is not surprising that the tattoo is increasingly gaining popularity recently. Another 20 years ago, the tattoos in everyday life were rare, caused surprise on the street and were considered the attribute of bikers, military or representatives of the criminal world, but now it is in the past.

    Nowadays, images on the body can be found in people of various ages, professions and social layers. Carefully look at the tattoo, it can say a lot about your owner. Most people, making a drawing on the body, put some meaning into it. There are general values \u200b\u200bof tattoos that should be learn better before contacting the salon.

    Butterfly in various cultures

    The tattoo in the form of a butterfly can be found both in women and in men. Butterfly is not only beautiful, this symbol has a deep meaning in different cultures and is related to spirituality.

    Such an image does not talk about the frivolism of its owner, as it may seem at first glance. In Asian cultures, an image of a butterfly or a moth is often found. Japanese has a symbol of comfort, comfort and harmony.

    The Chinese are deeply respected by butterflies, in their culture the winged insect means rebirth, immortality, eternal life and victory over himself. In Chinese culture, they are depicted on themselves those who want to transform, change something in their personality, to achieve more and reborn, just as a beautiful butterfly is obtained from the caterpillar through hard labor.

    The insect meets in what few people know about. Quite often you can find the image of this insect on the hand of Jesus Christ. In Christianity, the butterfly personifies the life cycle of the Son of God: life, death, resurrection. As in Eastern culture, is a symbol of rebirth and transformation, path to perfection through labor and overcoming itself.

    Women tattoo

    There are many interpretations of this symbol, one way or another for each drawing of the pattern on the skin the value varies. However, there are generally accepted designations that have long existed in the culture of Tattoo.

    Butterfly Tattoo on Loin

    Usually the butterfly in a woman means freedom, perfection. This is a symbol of dreamers, people who are accustomed to positively look at the world and see it in bright colors.

    It is important to analyze the entire composition as a whole: the image is the image, the color scheme, how exactly the insect is shown, which is still present in the picture.

    Tattoo color and shape

    The colors that prevail in the tattoo are of great importance for the interpretation. Blue color denotes immortality, Divine beginning, red - passion, taste for life, yellow - light, dynamics, green - hope for the best and spiritual harmony, foul - self-knowledge.

    White - purity of thoughts, enlightenment, pink - dreaminess. There are both black butterflies. Such a tattoo has a deep meaning, its owners, as a rule, are fond of philosophy. Black denotes life after death, reincarnation.

    The same as the butterfly is depicted is also the value. The insect with open wings in tattoo denominates the openness of the world, people, latitude of the soul. Symmetric butterfly personifies harmony, balance, inner peace.

    The insect, fluttering from a flower on a flower, suggests that the owner of Tattoo is looking for himself and his place in this world is open for everything new, freedom. The butterfly sitting on the flower usually means loyalty, dedication, constancy.

    Tattoo in men

    In men, it also often meets the tattoo in the form of a butterfly, although less often than women. Often, such an image can be found in Asian countries, along with a tattoo in the form of a carp.

    Men often stuff black butterflies in memory of the dead or any mourning events. Often you can find images of moths together with skulls and other attributes associated with death.

    In general, the value of tattoo for men is the same as for women - self-improvement, rebirth, transformation through efforts.

    Prison mean

    In places of imprisonment, tattoo serve to identify their prisoners like. With the help of drawings on the body, representatives of the criminal world inform each other about their social group, about belonging to one or another movements, that the owner of the Tattoo is a carrier of any views and ideas.

    One way or another, it is better to be aware of the prison meaning of the future tattoo before going to the salon in order to avoid various misunderstandings.

    There is a stereotype that the butterflies depict the representatives of the most ancient profession, but it is not quite true. Indeed, such women used to beat these insects earlier, but not everywhere, but in the intimate parts of the body.

    In the criminal world, traditionally butterflies are customary to depict any gender-pockets on themselves.

    In addition, many serial murderers were in the form of these insects, but there is no tradition.

    In combination with other characters

    It is important to pay attention to the fact that the insect surrounds on the tattoo. Background and items near will help to interpret the image correctly and better understand its owner or owner.

    The black butterfly with the image of the skull or other gloomy attributes says that tattoo is either done in memory of a mourning event in a person's life, or the drawing owner is concerned about life after death, rebirth. Most often it is a memorable tattoo in honor of someone from those who have gone loved ones.

    The butterfly flying on the flame is a tattoo of extremals and gambling players. Such an image on the body suggests that his carrier loves risk, danger, adrenaline.

    Flying to light - a symbol of the desire for knowledge, good. This can mean development to development, and the desire to get out of the black strip in life. Many butterflies on a tattoo means dreams, fantasy flight. Such a tattoo is an attribute of creative people.

    Falling in the glass is a rather gloomy tattoo, and it means an hopeless situation in which there is a person. Usually such an image symbolizes unattainable dreams.

    With different attributes of creativity, for example, with notes or paints - a symbol of inspiration, this is a tattoo of artists, musicians, poets, which is done in order to never lose muse.

    An image of a butterfly on the background of flowers, trees and other natural symbols personifies the love of nature, the desire for beauty and harmony.

    Sometimes you can meet an insect image in combination with weapons. This tattoo will mean the desire for peace. Often you can meet such a symbolism from those who oppose the war or visited the conflict zone and made a tattoo as a sign of this period of his life.

    Against the background of various Christian attributes is a religious tattoo, symbolizing the rebirth and eternal life of the soul.

    Tattoo style and meaning

    Tattoos have a plurality of styles, each of which has its own value and imposes a shade to the entire meaning of the image. There is a realism, Celtic, Old-Skul, New School and many other options for the image of the butterfly in the tattoo.

    If we are talking about Celtic or any other ethnic style, then Tatu speaks of the spirituality of the owner, the desire for harmony with nature, inner harmony.

    The butterfly in ethnic style will mean self-improvement, self-knowledge and spiritual growth.

    Old-skull style is most likely to mean dreams, freedom-lies, some boldness of the owner or hostess. As a rule, in such a tattoo there are many elements, each of which is its value.

    Realistic butterfly can sometimes be perceived and literally, often such a tattoo is made simply for the sake of aesthetic purposes, in order to emphasize the femininity and ease of the owner. To interpret such an image follows from the overall picture as a whole.

    Video on the topic

    What does the tattoo butterfly have a girl? Reply to the video:

    Most often, the tattoo in the form of a butterfly, both in women and men, does not bear any negative meaning. Everyone decides for himself, to portray on your body and how to interpret the drawing.

    Perhaps it is the butterfly that will be a good choice for the future tattoo, will help express yourself and emphasize your individuality.

    The value of the butterfly in traditional culture is a soul, short-life and mumbety at the same time. It is under such parameters that this insect included in the mythological traditions of all nations. Also about what the sketch of the butterfly tattoo, we can say the following:

    • it is rather a female skin decoration version;
    • it embodies beauty, grace, airiness;
    • the butterfly attracts his eyes, pleases and brings positive emotions rather;
    • in the hands of a skilled tattoo master of any wing, it becomes beautiful and dynamic, embodying the most important idea of \u200b\u200bthe image;
    • there are inevitably sensations of fragility and indisputable grace.

    About man short

    And the guys and the girls tattoo the butterfly can be launched:

    • on foot;
    • on the back;
    • on the lower back;
    • on the neck;
    • on the shoulder;
    • on the stomach.

    As for color, it can be almost anyone. In men, it is rather blue and dark blue, even black shades, and women are pink and blue (although this is not necessarily not necessarily, everyone picks exactly what he / her like him).

    Almost every experienced tattoo master has in the catalog photos with pictures of butterflies on female and male skin. Just because this insect is more popular than many other plots. There is even a special male option when it seems to be introduced into the Celtic pattern or depict into underlined brutal style.

    And about culture yet

    Tattoos with light-colored flyers were widely used in the culture of the Indian Mexico, and moreover, there were the most ferocious and ruthless warriors. Maya was believed that the souls of the fighters who fell from the hands of the enemy in the battle, just turn into them, then rushed over seats.

    Europeans made butterflies with a symbol of rebirth and gaining a new life, not in vain: who does not know about the transformation of the ineffective, sometimes frankly disgusting caterpillars in the adorable creature of nature, in the amazing masterpiece of natural aesthetics. Many subconsciously follow this insect reputation and beat it in moments when life makes a steep turn.

    If the wings are spread to the side, this means that a person is open and friendly, if the insect flies, then it personifies the freedom. And if the wings lay the most symmetrically, then the harmony is embodied. Interestingly, this is one of the most liberal images: it can beat him anyone and anywhere, moreover, it doesn't even matter color and size.

    Famous carrier - Jessica Alba.