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  • Tattoo mask value. The value of theatrical masks

    Tattoo mask value. The value of theatrical masks

    Observer Etienne Dyumon chose not a couple, but one Polynesian. The ritual subject man saw at the exhibition in OSHE.

    Etienne patterns transferred to his own. The work was done in paints, in accordance with the original source.

    What does this image mean and that they carry classic tattoo theatrical masks?

    Tattoo masks meaning

    Such as the Etienne Dumon serves. Island tribes call ritual wood fabrics with teaks.

    They are designed to tamper evil, scare the harmful to a man of spirits. With this, evil masks expressions are connected. Otherwise, the evil does not scare.

    In the form of Tikk in Polynesia, they also applied hunters, so that they were not injured during the search for mining.

    Single I. tattoo masks sketches. Unlike theatrical, the liks of the country ascending also serve.

    The inhabitants of the islands believe that masks will embarcate people from unnecessary emotions. So, apply japanese masks tattoo Chania. This is the name of the demon.

    His image on the body is a sign that the woman became a demon from and jealousy.

    Of course, the palloon is only a metaphor, transmitting the emotional state of the lady and designed to protect it from further disappointments.

    By the way, according to the legend, the demon Chania finds it, and burns them with fiery breathing. Therefore, interpreted and as a thirst for revenge.

    Venetian masks are prohibited in everyday life. To wear is allowed only for the annual carnival.

    Previously, Tabu was not. This began to use criminals, closing the face during atrocities.

    Now, it is possible to get a prison in prison and the fact of wearing the "second person". However, no one forbade tatu Venetian mask.

    Such a tag can be worn at any time and anywhere. There are several types of carnival attributes.

    Dr. Plague. This is a mask with a long hooked nose. In the old century, the subject was worn by Lekari during the epidemics of the plague. It was believed that the mask would remove them from infection. Noseged - caution and vigilance symbol.

    - Bauta. This is a mask of Venetian frightened. His face is triangular, with sharp features. Tattoo masks meaninghas protecting. Like rag scarecrow, they scare off on the field, so the Bautta scares all adversity from man.

    - Colombin. In Italian operations so call the maids. These are involved in all intrigues, know all cases. Tattoo maskswith a colombina - a sign of a sharp mind, tricks, animals of nature.

    - Venetian lady. Beauty mask, noble coquette. The value of the image is a mystery hidden under the pretty appearance.

    Tattoo mask for women

    Girls tend to choose tattoo theatrical masks. Sketchesoften request creative personalities, and among them, as you know, more ladies.

    They are ballerina, actresses, and singers, artists and designers. Among men, theatrical faces are chosen only 20%.

    Moreover, as the masters notice -, among them there are quite alternatively oriented.

    So she and duality hidden under merry and sad face. Two masks - tattoo, the value of which depends on who is depicted.

    Angry and kind, for example, can talk about passion to merry people from which you sometimes get tired.

    Venetian images, of course, is also accepted to apply on the bodies of women. In addition to ladies and colombina, there is a Maretta mask.

    This is a darkness. Her image is often choosing burning brunettes in order to emphasize the passion and mysteriousness of their nature.

    Mask Chania Tatu Initially. The demon girl who killing men rejected her does not attract gentlemen.

    They prefer to be on their body mask Samurai.. Tattoospeaks about the inconvenient will, is the embodiment of courage. Learn more about the options for Palace, below.

    Tattoo Mask for Men

    In addition to faces, representatives of strong sex are applied by Hollywood masks. These are faces of horror films symbolizing aggression.

    In addition to Dr. Plague, a strong half of humanity draws attention to the cat. Its image is associated with, luck, wealth.

    Interpretation is associated with the Italian legend. Cat brought to Venice Chinese. He did not know that there was no place in the foreign city.

    But, there are kishel tailed - mice and rats. The Venetsians guarded the cat who destroyed them, took to the yard, showered the honors.

    Tattoo masks, photowhich are depicting Venetian cats, love to inflict loving, catching women, as if mice.

    So, almost every mask you can interpret bico. Not in vain and the symbol itself is considered a sign of duality, hidden forces and character traits.

    Masks - Tatu, relevant from the Stone Age. The evidence can be contemplated in France. In the cave shops, the rock painting of ancient people has been preserved. Depicted hunting scenes. The padders are ritual masks resembling animal muzzles.

    Theatrical variations appeared in ancient Greece. Comic characters wore smiling masks, and tragic - sad, crying. In the 11th century, the era of carnival samples came. They were created in Venice. Each type of masks has its own purpose. This is reflected in the sense of tattoos with them.

    Tattoo value mask

    Sketchesritual samples are mainly associated with Africa. Its tribes have been made of three types of masks. Some closes the whole face. Others are like crown. Third resemble helmets, completely closing their heads.

    They are depicted both human individuals and animals. The main thing is that the face of the mask is the ancestor. In the case of beasts, it is a totem - an animal, from which, according to the believers, a tribe happened. It turns out that African tattoo masks meaninghave, only reflecting the features of the progenitors.

    In compliance with the rule, the Spirit of the Prawman is putting into a person who warned against dangers, giving information from heaven. That is, the pallium serves as a faith.

    The ritual masks were manufactured and the Indians. The appointment of "second persons" is the same - communication with spirits. The tribe of the Redhead Hopi, for example, portrayed Kacins. These are spirits responsible for animal husbandry and hunting. Outside the culture of redheads, their masks can apply on the body of commercials and farmers. Tattoo will help in professional activities.

    Separate theme - Egyptian masks. Tattoo, photowhich they demonstrate them, symbolize power, royality. The mask in Egypt was the Pharaoh attribute. The accessory of Tutankhamon has been preserved. Artifact is kept in the Cairo Museum.

    The mask indicates not only the privilege, but also serves as a conductor in another world. The "second person" accompanied the ruler after the burial. The mask did not give evil spirits to take possession of the body of the deceased. Similarly, the action of the pallium, you can only assume.

    Now consider the value tattoo theatrical masks. In ancient Greek tradition, only two types of images are laughing and sad. Interpretation appropriate. Two masks - tattooindicating the dualism of being. This is the sign "Yin-Yang", only on the European manner. Harmony is not possible without the correct merger of fun and sadness.

    Theatrical masks created in Asia. Japanese samples, for example, more than 1,000 years. Models are personalized. Japanese tattoo Theatrical Masks - Sketches, among which dozens of heroes. Here and gods, and demons and folk heroes. The Devil's Lick is named Oneko. Father - ambitious and young man. Beauty personifies ubes. Mask Chania - Tatu Women Demon.

    She will twist all men who cruelly cost her. There is I. samurai mask. Tattoosymbolizes valor, fearless, protection. Interestingly, Samurai masks appeared not only on theatrical stage, but they were part of a combat costume, closing his face from strikes.

    Let us turn to the interpretation tattoo "Venetian mask". Initially, the "second persons" were designed to defend from the plague. It was believed that death would not recognize the person chosen to her, be he in a mask. The epidemic has passed, but people did not wish to shoot accessories. Played the role of hidden social status and design. So, the criminals in masks could not catch and identify.

    As a result, the Italians obliged the law from the "second persons" of the Italians. The permit is issued only on the days of the carnival and for theatrical performances of the Comedy del Art. There are several main characters in it. Harlequin - Podudoka and Acrobat. Falling with him - a sign of dexterity, the ability to eruption and adjust the situation.

    Brighella is a loser. The cap, similar to the cook, hints at the robustness and credulity of the character. Doottor is a pseudo-doctor. A tattoo with him is a mockery over the limited knowledge of the specialists of the past, calling for intellectual, reasonable perception of the world. The mask of the Colombina is the beauties attribute, not overhasty glory, but charming and pretty.

    Non-standard sketches tattoo mask

    African, Indian, Egyptian, japanese Tattoo Masks And Italian samples compete with modern models. On bodies draw gas masks. This is a symbol of human struggle with nature and its own errors. Gas mask - attribute of danger, fighting. The pallium carries the energy of tensions, desire to hide from reality.

    Helmets of soldiers act as masks. Knight's models personify the honor, courage, willingness to stand up for themselves and loved ones, perhaps their homeland. Like armor and the dart Vader mask. Character "Star Wars" - Emblem Evil. At the same time, the drawing is associated with a lost person who has granted passions. Considering the storyline of the film, Waider was able to realize mistakes. Therefore, the pallium serves as a ring of repentance.

    From the cinema characters use ninja turtles. Their masks decipher as courage, dexterity. Characters personify the smelting and speed of the reaction. At the same time, turtles wise and are associated with the philosophy of the East.

    Popular and clown masks. They are associated with laughter, fun. However, from a psychological point of view, excessive positive is a way to protect, attempt to hide the inner sorrow.

    A skull is depicted as masks. And consider overalls. The value of the figure echoes the role of ritual ancient masks. Skull scares death. Seeing the bones, she decides that he has already taken away the person and leaves the ravis. In Mexico, the skull is considered a container of the souls of ancestors. Wearing their "house" with you, it means to get the defense of the forefathers.

    Most people have masks on the body, but there are those who transform the face. In this case, a person "comes out" with the selected character.

    Esoterics say that the magic action has exactly masks on the face. However, units are decided to decorate it. The society looks at such a knocker alert, considering their carriers not quite normal. Although there are always exceptions. There are those who will support creative glowing.

    The tattoo with the image of the masks is quite new and very interesting, it combines truthful realism, internal philosophy and cruel truth of the world. In addition, such a tattoo is very stylish and beautiful. A certain value of the mask tattoo depends on which mask and in what context is depicted in the figure. Today in the art of tattoos, only four types of masks are often used: theatrical masks, Venetian masks, Hollywood masks and mask of Chania. Further details about each of them.

    Theatrical masks For the first time appeared in the theaters of ancient Greece and Rome, there were only two types: comic and tragic. Over time, the pair of these masks became the emblem of all theatrical art. The mask served as a way to an emotional expression of the actor. The first theatrical performances were held in honor of the god Winemaking Dionysus, scenarios were played there, and the myths in which the gods and people were followed. Tragic masks meant sorrow and despair, comic - joy and laughter. A couple of such masks means variability of images and human roles in this life.

    Venetian masks Used for the famous Venetian carnavals, they were mainly made of graval gold and decorated with gems. Venetian masks are designed to at least raise the level of all the participants of the carnival, washing all social, material and external differences. Tattoo of the Venetian mask says that all people are identical and equal. Such a mask was allowed to wear strictly at the time of the carnival, for wearing it in the daily life of men sentenced to two years of conclusions, and women publicly semen. And the carnival himself was for people a sip of freedom, the reason to have fun and relax from daily works and permanent prohibitions, because in a mask, a person did not feel a shame of any faintness of neither recklessness.

    Hollywood masks They came to our lives and tattoo from the plots of Hollywood horror films. The main goal of such a tattoo is to inspire fear and horror around. This is a symbol of mystery, protection, illusion and danger, a symbol of deception, cruelty and bloodthirstiness.

    Mask Chania - This is a famous image from symbols of Japanese tattoos. According to legend, this mask is depicting the evil, a vengeful and jealous girl who turned into a demon. The reason for this was not mutual, but strong love for the wandering monk. This terrible mask with horns, terrible teeth and black eyes expresses emotions anger and indignation. Also the value of tattoo mask Chania is all-consuming respiration passionSince the girl in the form of a demon found his lover and burned it with his fiery breathing.

    Tattoo in the form of one or pair of masks is a very original, unusual and interesting solution. The values \u200b\u200bof the tattoo mask are something similar in meaning with the values \u200b\u200bof the tattoo "Clown sadness".

    "Our whole life is just the theater, and we have an actors in it," says the proverb, and every person has to play its different roles throughout life. So the tattoo masks became a symbol high-ended personality. Also tattoo mask can be a good faith, like Shananov Africa and Oceania.

    Today, tattoos with masks have become particularly popular with creative people, for example, Mikhail Galustan has such a tattoo.

    Modern young people, and many famous actors prefer a mask tattoo. This is a fairly new and unusual tattoo that combines the ruthless reality of the world and the changeable philosophy of the soul. Back in ancient times, masks were used for rites and rituals, she hid a true face of man. The man in the mask always looked mysterious and not available. Regardless of the religions and beliefs, most nations mask personified the hypocriteness and doubliness of human nature.

    The value of the tattoo "mask", depending on its type.

    There are several types of masks used for tattoo stuffing. And each of them bears its special meaning and incomprehensible mystery:

    • Theatrical masks. Modern emblem, talking about human belonging to art. Theatrical masks consist of two types (tragic mask, symbolizing sadness and sadness, and a comic mask, carrying laughter and joy). In most cases, these masks are stuffed in a pair. This suggests that the owner of this tattoo is very volatile and in fact he is not as much, sometimes it seems;
    • Venecian mask. Historical roots such a mask lie in Venice. The famous Venetian carnavals, which at the time of the speeches were erased all the boundaries between the participants, and masks with precious stones, talked about the equality of all people. Tattoo with this mask also encourages others to equality;
    • Mask Chania. She appeared from the Japanese legend about the jealous girl, turned into a demon. But this demon is in no way connected with the devil, it is a demon of passionate and selfless love. In essence, the tattoo with such a more feminine mask, she symbolizes passion and jealousy, however, for men suffering from selfless love such a tattoo also takes place;
    • Hollywood masks. Appeared in our lives from Hollywood horror films. She is designed to inspire fear around. A tattoo with such a mask is a symbol of deception and cruelty, lies and heartlessness around.
    • Separately, it is worth saying about Mask Vendetta. Very often, the tattoo with her image is pinching men or very strong women. These are quite aggressive people who hide something incomprehensible behind a mysterious smile. It is mainly offense or tragically unfair loss;
    • Samurai mask is in demand from fans of Eastern culture. It is a symbol of courage and strong will.

    For many nations, and in the modern world of Tattoo, the mask serves as an evil spirits. For example, the mask of the Leeking Plague, depicted on the body, will protect against diseases and epidemics. Women's tattoos in the form of a mask are slightly different from male. Beautiful sexes choose mostly beautiful Venetian masks, complement them with flowers and

    The mask is designed primarily to hide the face of a person, his personality and character. A certain halo of secrets, illusions and intrigues is formed around it. At all times, the mask symbolized hypocritics and deceptiveness. A man having a tattoo mask distinguishes from other doublings of nature, regardless of being a man he, or a woman. Sometimes a sketch of tattoos is performed in the form of two masks - sad and cheerful.

    It will be original if a tattoo is found on the body with an image of one mask, or it will consist of several. If you want to decorate yourself with a tattoo mask decided to apply it, it is worth thinking whether his perception of this image coincides with the generally accepted. Such a tattoo undertakes the owner to some artistry and mysteriousness, for all surrounding it will become the owner of a mysterious, extraordinary and unclear nature.

    For one who looks close to this figure, it will be interesting to know what the mask tattoo means. Masks, the sketches of which exist in the world of Tattu are divided into such types: Theater, Venetian, Hollywood, Chania Mask.

    Theatrical masks: the tattoo consists of two masks - comic and tragic. The tragic mask denotes sadness and tears. Comic mask - laughter and joy. If both masks are applied, then the owner of the tattoo is inclined to variability. Such tattoos are popular in the actor's environment. Mask with tears means that the carrier of this image is not as it seems in life.

    Hollywood masks: the view of this tattoo came to us from horror films. First of all, this tattoo is designed to restore the fear and fear around others, symbolizing the lie and heartlessness.

    Mask Chania: a symbol of a Japanese tattoo, symbolizes a girl facing a demon for the love of the monk, subsequently destroying it. The value of such a mask is rage, annoyance and respiration of passion.

    Venetian mask: These masks dressed on the carnival. They had a very rich decoration. The purpose of such a mask is the level of all people in the carnival, the tattoo is also the same meaning - the equality of people.

    Some people used a mask tattoo as an overama, she helped to communicate with the souls of animals and ancestors, was a kind of protection against evil spirits.

    Such a tattoo looks very original, but requires great knowledge of culture, as in the figure, any trifle is important, which can carry a certain subtext.

    The value of the mask tattoo is the reflection of the hidden side of the character, the expression of the position on a certain life situation.

    Mystery is present in each person, hence increasingly growing popularity of this tattoo. The drawing on the body with the image of the mask is attractive and unique, it is able to decorate any part of its owner of her owner and convey the meaning to others that he is intended.

    Video Tattoo Mask.

    Whatever sketch of the tattoo mask, the main thing is that it is unique! And below are another photo of tattoos depicting a mask from different masters for your inspiration.