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  • Divination at the desire King of Buben. Simple fortune telling at a desire: will come true or not? Fortune telling "three packs"

    Divination at the desire King of Buben. Simple fortune telling at a desire: will come true or not? Fortune telling

    With the help of cards, you can find out whether the desire will come true and with what probability. The fortune telling at a desire on playing cards is carried out with a new deck of cards, which have not yet been played and did not guess.

    Preparation for gadania

    To get an answer from the universe, you need to prepare: it is convenient to settle in a relaxed atmosphere, turn off the phone and focus on your desire. It is better to guess alone.

    For any fortune-telling of the map at first, thoroughly tasuit, all the time thinking about his desire. Then, holding a deck in his right hand, you need to move the top hand towards myself. Now you can guess.

    Fortune telling 1 card

    Any card is taken out from the deck - her like and meaning will give an answer to the cherished question.

    It happens one of the cards falls out of the deck in tesing, as it were, in itself - it will become a long-awaited answer.

    What do cards mean

    • Clubs. All maps of this suit indicate the minimum probability of getting the desired.
    • Hearts. Ace - achievement. The king, lady, currencies - it is very possible that you will get the desired one. Numeric cards - to achieve a cherished goal will have to work hard.
    • Peaks. Ace - Your dream is unact. Numeric cards are a small probability of execution of desire.
    • Diamonds. Any maps of this suit mean that the achievement of a cherished goal will be difficult and troublesome.

    Fortune telling cards

    Maps are laid out one in two columns of 18 cards, shirts up. The right column is removed, and the left again lay out in two stacks of 9 cards. Rest remove the right column and lay two stacks of 4 cards. One card will be superfluous - she is the answer to the question. It is believed that if the map of the Tuben or "Cherry" master is remained - the mandated will be fulfilled.

    Divination on pairs of cards

    Put in a number of cards one by another, removing the pair. The principle of this: if paired cards fall nearby, through one or two (for example, two ladies, two "seven", etc.), the second of them is removed to the side.

    If you manage to remove all the cards - the desire will accurately come true. If the cards remain - do not wait for the experience of the dream.

    Division with one card

    Simple fortune telling on playing cards at a desire. From the deck you need to choose one card - quite by chance.

    What do cards mean

    • Ace, the king - the desired will be fulfilled;
    • Lady, Valet - Your dream will be fulfilled, if you make an effort or there is a person who will help.

    Fortune telling "4 ace"

    Maps are folded up one in 4 stacks of 9 cards. Then looking for aces.

    From each pack alternately remove the cards until the ace falls. Watch the card that follows the ace: if it is again ace - it is attached to the previous one. All other maps are postponed. Only the first aces of each heap and the aces are involved in the fortune, which go immediately for the first - all other aces have no values.

    The result of divination is assessed by the number of acting aces:

    • 1 - no hope for the execution of the dream;
    • 2 - the desire will come true, but not soon;
    • 3 - the desire will be quite soon;
    • 4 - You will undoubtedly get the desired one.

    Fortune telling 5 identical cards

    Choose aces and lay them out in a row, the desire is made on 1 of them. Then, under the aces, lay out one card in the rows of each other. If 5 cards fall under the selected ace in a row, and everything is one suit - your dream will come true.

    Comfortable fortune telling "8 desires"

    2 full new decks of 52 cards will be required - only 108 cards, they prepare a total deck. Then lay out in a number of 8 cards pictures up. Each card is a separate desire, it is better to write them down to accurately remember.

    • In the 1st row - 8 cards.
    • The 2nd row is first left blank.
    • 3rd row. Alternately put cards under the cards of the 1st row. Then compare the cards from the 1st and 3rd rows: in the 2nd row shift the cards that go ascending. For example, to the "nine" in the 1st row shift the "top ten", to the "six" - "seven", to the ace - "Two", etc. The remaining maps are postponed - they will no longer need.
    • 4th row. Open 8 cards and compare them with cards of the 2nd row - similarly move the cards up the increasing.
    • Also lay out the remaining rows.

    If at least one vertical range will be completed, for example, from the "dozens" in the 1st row to the "ace" in the latter - the desire will undoubtedly come true.

    Fortune telling "three packs"

    Prepare a deck of 36 cards, the cards one by one are laid out in 3 packs of 12 cards. Only 3 cards from each bunch participate in the fortune. The lower line form the top row, the upper - the middle, any card from the middle of the pack - the closing bottom row.

    Assess the result of divination by what cards will be released.

    What do cards mean

    • All aces or a combination of 2nd aces and 2 of any pictures - get the desired.
    • In any row (vertical, horizontal) all cards are less than "8" - you should not hope for the fulfillment of desire.
    • There are all pictures and different small cards - do not expect anything special from life.
    • 4 Valts - all the troubles will be useless.
    • 4 Ladies - your relationship with a close man under threat.
    • 4 king - awaits soon success.
    • 3 aces + 1 picture - they say about the presence of strong enemies.
    • 2 Aces + 2 pictures and maps with numbers - mean the wrongness of the spouse.
    • 1 Ace, 1 picture and other small cards - warning about possible troubles in the family.

    The result of any divination is not the final sentence, but a simple probability of developing events.

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    Our ancestors learned about the future with the help of fortunes: they turned to shamans, and those using stones, bones, watching the location of the stars, foreshadowed his further fate. By the time cards appeared, people could already guess their fate. To find out whether the conceived, it is enough to choose an accurate fortune telling at a desire. Consider some of them.

    First method: fortune telling on the desire "Black or Red"

    Divination occurs as follows:

    1. Stirring a deck, one who makes a desire, formulates it without uttering out loud.
    2. Then pulls any card from the deck.
    3. Now you can find out the answer to the question:
      • the peak ace means that what was thinking about, will not come true and need to easily forget about it;
      • peak currencies, lady or king say that you will have two or three possibilities to carry out this desire;
      • values \u200b\u200bfrom twos to dozen peak show that there will be more such features;
      • trephal currencies, lady, king, ace - you should review your dream;
      • trephs from twos to dozens - the risk of conceived actions exists, but the likelihood of their successful completion is not excluded;
      • bubnoye from the currency to the ace - the mung is quite feasible, but considerable efforts will be required;
      • bubnovaya suit from two to ten means that the upcoming difficulties will be to interfere with the desired;
      • the worm ace says that it is necessary to take for conceived without a doubt;
      • the worm king, lady, the currencies mean that it is not worth doubting, and you are provided at least 90% of a successful outcome;
      • worms from two to ten - try well to achieve what you want - it is quite feasible.

    In the event of a map dropping out during the taper, the decks need to pay special attention to it - it can just be the answer to your question. The name of such a card is "Fortunka".

    The second way of fortune telling on the maps to desire

    The principle of divination:

    1. Guess the desire.
    2. Touch the deck.
    3. Echlets the first 15 top cards face up, while throwing out the aces.
    4. Repeat actions two more times.
    5. If after three layouts all aces will fall, the desire will come true.

    Third way: divination for the execution of the desire "Pyramid"

    Before starting fortune telling, you need:

    1. From the deck throw all the sixters.
    2. Pull four cards in random order.
    3. Remember them and make a desire for one of those that did not stretch.
    4. Next, lay out the remaining maps as follows:
      • the first (lower) range is six cards;
      • the second row is five cards;
      • the third row - four;
      • fourth row - three;
      • fifth row - two;
      • sixth (top) row - one card.

    If the one you guess is located in one of these rows, the probability of completing the desire is determined as follows:

    • if in the bottom row - the conceived will not come true;
    • if in the second row - there is chances, but unlikely;
    • in the third - the execution is quite possible;
    • in the fourth, the chances of the embodiment of the mung equal to 50/50;
    • in the fifth row - conceived can come true with a high probability;
    • if in the sixth row, then your desire will surely come true.

    Fourth way: Solitaire fortune telling at the desire "Drunk"

    You can pay for a desire with the help of solitaire, which is distributed in this way:

    1. Come on the desire.
    2. Take a deck of 36 or 52 cards.
    3. Drag, while saying mentally desire.
    4. Stay in turns of the card in two columns shirt down.
    5. If you fell at the same time in two stacks of the same cards - postpone them.
    6. When the cards are run out, fold together both columns and, not tasuya, again lay them out of the same principle.
    7. So continue until all pair cards are completely crowded - it will mean that the desire will come true, or you will not understand that the solitaire did not come down - then, alas, the conceived will not come true.

    Red, black. Fortune telling at wish

    This is the easiest of ways to divine. A standard deck of 36 cards is taken, a desire is made, and then, focusing on the mandated, click on 1 card from the deck and she will tell you about the execution of a conceived desire.

    20.03.2016 Article

    Today your oracle will tell about how to guess the desire to fulfill. The desire is not a dream that may be uncomfortable. Desires are often very primitive, household. Doubts can resolve simple divisions, besides, a positive result, as psychologists approve, is one hundred percent success guarantee.

    We wonder for a wish on maps

    1. A standard deck of cards is taken (better than new) and is carefully shuffled. The desire is made. Cards alternately decline on 3 stacks. The top card is then taken from the first pile, the second is pulled out from about the middle, the third is the last map. Also draw cards from the second and third stacks. In total, there should be 9 cards.

    Now you need to decompose the cards: first 3 cards that were downstairs, then cards from the middle, finally the top.

    These 9 maps are considered and interpreted:

    • - all aces or two aces and 2 cards have come out in a row above dozens - interpreted as the execution of desire;
    • - Together we went to the ace, the picture and cards below dozens - the family plan;
    • - in a row lay down 3 aces, one picture - there is an enemy who interferes with the execution of desires;
    • - in a row immediately all the kings are unexpected success;
    • - in line 4 ladies - love collapse;
    • - Standard selection of ace, king, ladies and cards without pictures symbolizes boring, but without failure, life;
    • - At the beginning of a number of only cards without pictures - trouble, the desire is unless.

    2. The second method is somewhat simpler first. Again, 36 cards are shifted, a desire is made. Maps fold out 9 columns alternately, 4 cards in each part. The first cards are opened, the same cards (regardless of the suit) are cleaned. The second row opens, the same cards are removed again.

    If the end "left" all the cards, the desire is definitely implemented if the cards remained - the desire goes into a non-abundant dream.

    3. The third method is very simple, the same deck of cards is taken, it is standardly shuffled. The first 15 opens in a row. Aces must be postponed. Maps without these aces are mixed, the following 15 opens again in order.

    Aces are postponed again. Three times it goes. If, after the third scenario in the hands, a set of aces - the desire will become real.

    4. And the last, too, fortune telling, but already in the deck of 32 cards and declined only 13. The alignment can be done more than 3 times, it is not important that the aces came out, and their suit. The worm ace appeared first, the desire comes true, the tambourine - there will be small difficulties, the baptism will come true with obstacles, the presence of a fusion of peak - the collapse of illusions.

    Good luck to all and before new meetings!

    Of all types of card ghosts, fortune-telling on simple playing cards is the most affordable and easy way to find out the fate. Despite all the simplicity of layouts, fortune telling on playing cards can tell you about everything about everything you wish. The only condition that this type of divination exists is playing cards on which you are guessing should be used only for fortunes. It is impossible to play on them, otherwise all the predictions of the future will be incorrect.

    Divination on maps on love is increasingly popular with women. And if most of them are fortune-telling for love and relationship, then this divination will tell about what feelings are experiencing the men you are interested in.

    Take the decks of 36 cards and select four currencies. Put them in a row in front of yourself and commend the name of the one who interests you each of these cards. In other words, each curren will symbolize one particular man, the feelings of which you would like to know. You're dragging the remaining deck, remove the left hand and start to lay the shirt up four cards along the rows until the whole deck is over. As a result, eight cards unfolded vertically should be under each currency.

    After that, you need to find pair cards in each post. For example, two six or two aces. All the coincident cards must be put up to the top above the currency, in the row of which they were. After all the paired cards are over, you can collect all the remaining, shuffle, lay out them again and distribute over couples again. Then you can move to the interpretation of divination.

    If the currency formed two aces, then a mysterious person is experiencing a passion for you.

    If the currencies have formed kings, then this man is jealous of you.

    If ladies fell out, then he has another woman who competes with you.

    If dozens fall out, then you are interested in this person.

    If nine fell out, then the one you migrated, loves you.

    If the eights fell out, then a person is waiting for a serious conversation from you.

    If two seven fell out, he is looking for meetings with you.

    If six fell out, this person does not seriously apply to you.

    In the event that in a row of the currency, two equivalent couples were formed at once (for example, four nines, it fell at once), then it enhances the value of the cards during fortune. If one of the valets did not formed a single pair, then this is a sign of that, then you are indifferent to this person.

    The divination at a desire can tell you whether your dream will come true or not. In order to, you need to take a deck of cards, shuffle it and make a desire. After that, lay out 15 cards shirt down. Aces that will come across, you need to postpone. This alignment must be repeated three times. If in the course of this fortune telling on the playing cards all aces will come out, then your desire will be.

    Before, it is necessary to remember that in order for the fortune telling to be truthful and gave an accurate answer to the question, you need to properly tune in to this ritual. If you think that you can always guess on playing cards and everywhere, then you are mistaken. For accurate prediction, you need to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar for a month and find out what days it is best to guess. Having chosen the right good day for divination, you need to tune in to the information you want to get. To do this, in the room where you are going to guess, you can freeze incense and candles. All this will create a certain attitude and your consciousness will be prepared for the ritual of divination.

    Believe cards or not - this is the case of everyone. However, the fact that divination on maps is one of the most ancient ways to obtain information about the future, can already play in favor of the choice of this method of divination.

    25.09.2013 13:05

    To learn about what kind of relationships you will have a loved one, you can many different ways. ...

    The fortune telling is a popular way to know the unknown about what worries. Often, experiences about whether the desired will be fulfilled, fills all thoughts, and do not live quietly. It is time to open the veil of the future, with the help of divination on the playing cards at a desire.

    Here is one of the simple and accurate ways to divine on the playing cards:

    A carefully shuffled deck of 36 cards is taken. The governing must focus on the deck and make a desire. After that, the cards are folded on 9 stacks, shirts up. Open tops of a stack. If there are cards that match the values, they are pairly removed to the side, and the cards underlying them open. And so on. If, at the end of the fortune telling, all the maps were removed to the parties, it means that the riddled desire would come true, otherwise not.

    So, with the help of simple divination on the playing cards, you can calm yourself a little, learning about what will happen.

    1. Black Rosa

    For this fortune telling a deck of 36 cards. You need to concentrate on your desire. Start putting a deck, and continue to think about the mandated. After a little time (you must feel this moment) extend any card. Its value will give you information.

    The value of cards

    Ace - the mung should come true!

    The king, lady, currencies - there is a possibility that the desire will come true.

    10, 9, 8, 7, 6 are the chances that the desire will come true is very large.

    Ace - the desire must come true!

    The king, lady, currency - everything will come true, but it will be quite problematic.

    10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the desire must come true, but with some problems.

    Ace - unfortunately, the desire will not come true.

    The king, lady, currency - a lot of doubts that your desire can come true.

    10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - very little chance that your desire will come true.

    Ace - conceived will not come true.

    The king, lady, currencies - dubious prospects that desire can be fulfilled.

    10, 9, 8, 7, 6 are chances that the desire will come true, but they are small.

    This divination allows you to determine whether to come true to your desire and plans.

    For divination, take a deck of 36 cards. Concentrate on what you want to know. Drag the cards, remove them with your left hand.

    Now start laying up the cards down with a shirt, while saying: "Six", "seven" and so before the ace. Putled cards whose value will coincide with your words, you need to postpone aside. The process can be repeated 3 times.

    All pending cards are laid out in a row and are interpreted. Please note that there are interpretations for some combinations.

    Card values:

    Ace - Be sure you love you.

    The king is all the conceived will come true.

    Lady - Do not open the feelings, follow you.

    Valet - remember me and want to see.

    10 - repeat the fortune telling

    9 - You are very loved.

    8 - Your fate will solve a new person.

    7 - Be careful.

    6 - Your intention may end up with trouble.

    Ace - conceived will not come true.

    King - Be careful, you may be deceived.

    Lady - Expect insults.

    Valts - Your jealousy has no reason.

    10 - work will help to get rid of the sadness.

    9 - Heavy condition will soon pass.

    8 - ahead of the joyful news.

    7 - Soon everything will change for the better.

    6 - Treason is waiting for you.

    Ace - you made a mistake, so do not wait for success.

    The king is hurry, otherwise you can lose everything.

    Lady - you are awaiting a worthy reward.

    Valts - the one you like will make sadness.

    10 - do not start friendship, and you can regret it.

    9 - Possible sad news.

    8 - Soon will be aware of the illness of a loved one.

    7 - enemies will praise you.

    6 - happen unexpected.

    Ace - Believe what they say to you.

    The king - you are waiting for a pleasant news.

    Lady - a desire should come true soon.

    Valts - your troubles are in vain, you can not wait for nothing.

    10 - ahead of great happiness.

    9 - protect your mystery.

    8 - Danger closer than you think.

    7 - Future nuisance will be paid for the past.

    6 - Try to show prudence.

    Combinations of cards:

    K + D - a secret bride or married woman.

    D + K - Favorite man is devoted to you.

    10 + D + 10 - Love confession.

    7 Near the ace of peaks - a disease of someone from relatives.

    8 About any lady - gossip.

    The king between 10 and ace is an increase in work.

    10 Buby near the ace of peak - a quarrel.

    Lady and 10 near the king of one suit - a man will receive an answer to his love.

    King and 10 near the lady of one suit - a woman will receive an answer to her love.

    T + T + T + T - Your desire to be fulfilled.

    K + K + K + K - you find yourself in a big society.

    D + D + D + D - you are awaiting gossip and conversations.

    B + B + B - - ahead of large troubles.

    10 + 10 + 10 + 10 - a wedding will have.

    9 + 9 + 9 + 9 - There will be a change in life.

    7 + 7 + 7 + 7 - There will be great troubles.

    6 + 6 + 6 + 6 - ahead of the distant road.

    3. One map

    Word a question in my head regarding the performance of your desire. Drag the cards, continuing to keep the question in my head. Pull the map at random - they will answer. If, during the tasius of cards, one of them will fall out of the deck itself, it is not necessary to put it back - it will be the answer.

    Card values:

    Ace - desire not to be fulfilled.

    King, lady, currens - there is a chance, but one per thousand.

    The rest of the cards are chances, but they are not so much.

    Ace, king, lady, currency - a lot of doubts that the desire to be fulfilled.

    The rest of the cards are the likelihood that everything is fulfilled, although small.

    Ace, king, lady, currencies - a desire to be fulfilled, but with difficulties.

    The rest of the cards - the desire to be fulfilled not without hassle.

    Ace - a desire to be fulfilled!

    The king, lady, currencies - the chances of execution are very high.

    The rest of the cards - the desire to be executed, although you have to work hard for this.


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