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  • Phrases for tattoo on Latin (with translation)
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  • Momento sea tattoo beautiful. Phrases for tattoo on Latin (with translation)

    Momento sea tattoo beautiful. Phrases for tattoo on Latin (with translation)

    0 Today in the bustle of everyday life, we completely forgot that each person has a soul, feelings, emotions, hopes and aspirations. Although modern man is " consumer"Most of all resembles a piece of meat, devouring everything on his way. In previous times, it was not so noticeable, but even then, for some it was obvious. Therefore, the ancient philosophers tried to discuss on this topic for some of their writings, trying to convey their ordinary people. The point of view. Today we will talk about the ancient winner of the expression, which should know, or rather correctly interpret all living under this sun. As you guessed, it will be talking about the wise saying, it Memento Mori., Translation you can learn a little lower.
    However, before I continue, I would like to tell you a couple of other cognitive publications on the subject of flooring and phraseologism. For example, what does it mean all the points above and; How to understand if the stars light up, then it is necessary for someone; the meaning of the expression that we do not store, but we have lost cry; Translation Selyavi, etc.
    So, will continue what does Memento Mori meanin Russian? This phrase was borrowed from the Latin language " mementō Morī."What can be translated like" Remember that you have to die ";" Remember that Merden ";" Remember the death".

    Memento Mori. "This is a Latin expression, does not allow to forget to people that they are mortal, and that each of us will have to leave this mortar world.

    "Yes, a man is mortal, but it would be more Polbie. Bad is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's what focus!"

    Bulgakov M. A. "Master and Margarita."

    Usually this phraseology is used in an allegorizing sense when they want to warn and remind people that there are not only parties, parties, drink and other entertainment in life. In addition, you should not worry about trifles, because in the end, we all come to a single denominator, and we will be two meters below the ground level.

    In ancient Rome, this phrase began to pronounce for the commander and military leaders who were returned to the victory home. These high-ranking people were set by the slave behind his back, which periodically reminded that in spite of the fact that his people are idle, and all women are crazy about him, he still remains simple mortal. It is believed that the full phrase sounded like "Respice Post Te! Hominem Te Memento!" What can be translated as "Look at your back! Do not forget that you are only a person!"

    Memento Mori.- This phrase was used when welcomed by members of the Trappists almost unknown in our time (not to be confused with the Templars)

    Briefly about Trappists is a Catholic branch of the Order of the Cistercians, which in turn separated from the Order of St. Benedict. The Benedictians had their own charter, there were many points, and in addition to the commandments " do not betray "," not kill "," love God"There was also a reminder to always remember death ( Memento Mori.), which was located in the 44 section.

    In addition, this greeting was used in their daily communication, the so-called death brothers, French monks of Herds from the Order of St. Paul (1620 - 1633).

    It is worth remembering that in the Middle Ages was the most real fashion for attributes associated with death. Perhaps this is due to the fact that at that time to Europe " fell"A huge number of misfortunes and troubles. For example, the plague of Asia; the small glacial period, when even the Black Sea fried, and the bad crops associated with this; Venusical diseases from America, etc. Therefore, when a person had a huge choice from what to die, Life was perceived more pronounced and convex. In this regard, the most good demands of the merchants used the most different key rings and other accessories, in the form of a grudge, skulls, skeletons. They were not so much a tribute to fashion, as served as a reminder of the fraternity of being and the inevitable end of all things . Already later, from this strange fashion, the practice of mourning jewelry, which was worn, thus worn sorrow along a close relative or friend.

    Reading this cognitive article, you learned memento Memento Translation, and now you can tell more detail what this sad statement means.

    Surprisingly, in our time, the tattoo death is included in the list of the most popular stories ordered in the tattoo of the salons of the world. At the same time, the image itself is not always perceived negatively, or causes fear.

    There are male and female tattoos, subcultural and religious. Some have a hidden meaning, others are made simply for beauty, and do not bear any send, or special energy.

    In certain circles, the Agel of Death Angel is successful. They depict Azrail (Far Mat from Arabs). In the classical tradition of Abrahamic religions there is no such separate character with oblique. Because the conductor in the afterlife is an angel. Some currents adhere to the opinions about the fact that he is the Messenger of God, others identify it with dark forces.

    Tattoo Angel of Death, with a Cross and Skull in a Black Cape

    For each branch of religion, people, culture, the value of Tattoo Angel of death can be separate. Modern traditions often depict it in the form of an old man, also often death death is identified with him. Interestingly, an angel responsible for "diplomas" even in the traditional beliefs of the Chuvash people. There he is called Esrel. Squeezing to Judaism are obvious, and let them not surprise you. The ancestors of modern Chuvash lived next to the Khazars who accepted Judaism.

    Tattoo death with oblique

    In Christian countries, people often make tattoo seven mortal sins. All vices can be deposited, or one defined that a person identifies with him. This is usually a person, the image of which demonstrates any quality recognized by sin in Christianity:

    1. pride;
    2. greed;
    3. envy;
    4. anger;
    5. lust;
    6. gluttony;
    7. laziness or despondency.

    Also very popular tattoo "Remember the death" in Latin. The inscription Memento Mori has a long history. For the first time, it is mentioned in ancient Rome. When the warlord returned to his homeland with a victory, a slave came from behind, periodically reminding that he, despite his successes, just a simple mortal. In the XVII century, this winged expression was the greeting of the monks of the Order of St. Paul. They were called brothers of death.

    Inscription Tattoo Memento Mori, translates as - remember death

    Gradually, the initial meaning of the phrase was forgotten, and in the form of a tattoos, it meant that our existence on earth is a temporary phenomenon. It should be remembered under all circumstances.

    Tattoos of the gods of death

    If you are a fan of ancient Egyptian mysticism and admire their pantheon, you will definitely like Anubis Tattoo God. The deity depicted with the head of jackal / dog and the human body. In one hand holds ankh, in another staff. He is simultaneously conductor in the afterlife and one of the judges for human souls.

    Tattoo of the death of Anubis

    Greek mythology gave us the God of Tanatos. He is the patron entire of all that is connected with the "the light", and the native brother of Hynos - God's God. Some people make a tattoo with both brothers to show how thin the line between the sleep and the process of dying the physical body.

    Also with the world of the dead bind the name of Aida (Gades). He is his brother Zeus and Poseidon. Although this god does not kill anyone, he protects the kingdom of the dead, named in his honor. Its image is also popular in the art of tattoos, although he is inferior to the Egyptian and Greek "colleagues."

    The Japanese in modern culture has a separate concept of deities with sinigami. Some authors say that the death god is one, others write that there are a lot of them. With the popularization of Japanese culture, such a tattoo began to make far beyond these countries and Asia at all. The most popular Sinigami, this is Ryukh - Manga Character, Anime and Films "Death Note".

    Interesting tattoo chosen by fans of a nordic culture. Here with the world of shower connected the name of the goddess Hel. Her parents are the cunning god Loki and a certain Giant Angrbode. It is believed that when Ragnarök comes, Hel will oppose the Asov, who will have the Horde of the Dead. This plot is often used in plots not only books, but also sketches of tattoos with death.

    There are a lot of goddesses responsible for the dead, or commanding the afterlime world. One of the key - Mara - Moragan, she is Celtic Morrigan. In Ireland to this day, old beliefs are strong, and people often make a tattoo with the image of this goddess.

    Grim Reaper. History of image and tattoos

    Nowadays, the tattoo of death with oblique value may have different. In many ways it depends on the region of residence, human religion, its belonging to certain subcultures. We all understand that a lover of heavy music is unlikely to actually want to in hell, listening to Highway to Hell. Accordingly, the doll death with oblique is not associated with its suicidal inclinations. In general, the men's tattoo are often made intentionally harsh and brutal, demonstrating the inner strength and courage of a person, his fearlessness in priority for each death.

    Doll death with oblique is performed on hand

    Tattoo Death with oblique value in the zone has quite logical. More precisely, there may be three of them:

    • Remember the death / Memento More;
    • Despite the prisoner to death. These beliefs are extremely popular in a prison / camp environment;
    • Perfect murder. A person considers himself an instrument of heaven, a reaper, or his oblique.

    In the culture of European peoples there is an image of a boned creature in a cape with a hood. It is customary called a gloomy reaper. Similar images are also in the Slavs, although they had deities responsible for sending the soul to the world of dead / paradise / pressure / purgatory and their analogues. At the same time, you should distinguish those who take the souls, conductors to the afterlife and the custodians of the underworld, not rising upstairs.

    Death Tattoo in Cape Hooded

    There are images that are not negative in modern culture. For example, the writer Terry Pratchett dedicated a whole cycle to Zhnets, showing that he does not kill anyone, but only performs his work, delivering people to the afterflow world for various reasons.

    If you see Mexican tattoo death with a scythe on hand, it is likely that he, one way or another connected with the cult of Santa Muerte. The unique plexus of ancient beliefs and Christianity led to the emergence of such a hybrid religion and the days of the dead. Interestingly, studies have proven - the cult is not associated with black magic, and does not counteract the Catholic Church.

    Draw death with scythe on the back, many poor Mexicans have become the norm. They are convinced that the reaper hears their prayers, and can even fulfill desires. It looks like such a drawing just - a skeleton in a female dress, with a covered head. Sometimes in the hands of scales, symbolizing the trial over the human soul.

    Today, the cult and associated tattoos have long ceased to be part of exclusively Mexican culture. In our time, such beliefs adhere to residents of Europe and the USA, incl. Having latin-American roots.

    In the modern art of tattoos with a cult of Santa Muerte, many interesting sketches are connected. Some make knockers directly on the face - black circles around the eyes, the black tip of the nose, the contours of the teeth under the skin and other details hinting that a person is actually dead. Also on the body, such images are often stuffed.

    Santa Muerta interesting sketches

    Universe Harry Potter

    For lovers of the Harry Potter series, completely different characters and events are associated with death. The first option is a tattoo donor of death - a special symbol that denotes a elderish stick, which resurrecting a stone and invisible cloak. All three subjects considered the legend were in the plot in the hands of the characters. Fans of creativity Rowling often make a tattoo with this simple, but original sign.

    Tattoo Dara Death, Stylization

    The same lovers of Ptterians, which were always on the side of the Dark Lord, whose name cannot be pronounced out loud, prefer to order the symbol of the opponents of Potter and his friends. Today there are many people in the world, whose skin can find the Tattoo Death Eaters - the minions of the main villain. It is a skull, a huge snake gets out of the mouth.

    Original sketches and plots. Styles and techniques of tattooing with death

    Attitude towards death and characters, that with this process is connected, people have different, from worship before rejection. For example, the Swedish monarch Charles XV had a tattoo death of the kings, packed on her hand. Very original for the ruler. Are you wondering how it happened that the king had such a squint? Everything is very simple - this monarch was a Frenchman who served in the army during Napoleon's Bonaparte.

    During the wars, he was reached by Marshal, and was remembered by an excellent attitude towards the captured Swedes. Those were so amazed by the German generosity, which was offered to change the denomination and become their crown. So it happened. As a result, the secret enemy of the monarchy himself climbed the throne. In memory of him, many people make a similar inscription on the wrist, forearm. Sometimes it is written on a tape, choking her hand, or next to the crown. It also looks great sketch - skull with crown and mentioned words.

    Tattoo skull in the crown

    Another famous inscription is a victory tattoo, or death. In different variations, it was used by revolutionaries in Spain, in Cuba and other countries. Supporters of General Franco used the slogan "Freedom, or Death". "Victory, or death" - the name of one of the series "Games of Thrones".

    Also found tattoo faithful to death. It usually refers to the loyalty to Mr., King, Motherland, and not a partner. But you can interpret the inscription in different ways.

    Now the tattoo death has gained too subcultural meaning. It is exploited, without understanding the real meaning, or inventing new. The blame of that books, movies, TV shows, a variety of new things. For example, the riders of the apocalypse, headed by death on horseback, turned into some kind of fantasy characters, and in the series "Supernatural" the main renouncement was killed by his weapon. However, it is worth paying tribute to the authors - in their versions, this character is not terrible, but rather neutral.

    Often people order tattoo death with clock - pocket, or sandy. In fact, this is the same "Memento Mori", only without inscription. Everyone is allotted exactly as much as the highest strength will decide. However, materialists hold different points of view.

    However, there are those who prefer Oldcul and tradition. These areas of the tattoo of art are not losing popularity even in the XXI century.

    The image of death on the back is often drawn by the belt, showing the bony hands, with fingers that decorate massive rosters. Spit is not always a mandatory detail of the tattoo with the image of death. But if the Grim Reaper is depicted (grim reaper), then it is present.

    Interestingly, the tattoo of immortality looks like a skull with a snake caring from the eye. The reptile in this context means wisdom and knowledge that remains even after the death of their individual carriers. Also, the symbols of eternal life consider Phoenix bird. The Chinese believed that immortality symbolizes the butterfly. A very unexpected choice, given the guise of her life in our world.

    Tattoo skull with snake in the eyes

    The network has a lot of very interesting and atmospheric photos of Tattoo death. Look, learn options. Perhaps one of them you will like, inspire. However, we recommend ordering sketches of tattoo death individually. For example, if you need to make death on your shoulder, the forearm will look better than the volumetric black and white images with good details.


    Choose yourself sketch and make a tattoo if certainly not afraid.

    Currently, tattoos are quite popular for various inscriptions. Given the possibilities of modern masters, absolutely any saying can be applied to your body so that few people will understand its meaning. The thing is that there are special fonts that allow you to turn the letters into real works of art. However, in most cases, people want the inscription on their body to be easily read to convey to those surrounding their thought. So, Tattoo Memento Mori occupies one of the leading positions in the ranking of the most popular tattoos with inscriptions.


    This phrase has a very rich history. For the first time she was uttered during the times of ancient Rome. Once a warrant returned home after an important victory. At this time, he was followed by one of his slaves and repeated this phrase so that the warlord did not undermine himself above all the others. Even despite the unprecedented successes, he still remained a simple mortal who is powerless in the face of death.

    Also, this phrase was popular among a certain number of monks of the XVII century. Members of the Order called Brothers Deaths used the phrase Memento Mori as a greeting of each other.

    Modern value

    Gradually, the initial meaning of this winged expression was forgotten. Today there are so many carriers of Memento Mori Tattoo, which do not know anything about this historical background. The current value of this tattoo has two interpretation options:

    1. Nothing forever in this world.
    2. Everything has long been predicted by the highest forces.

    That is why this inscription can be found in people who want to emphasize the time of being and the inability of a person to change their destiny.

    Thus, if you want to fill myself this inscription, you can safely see the photo of Memento Mori Tattoo from any master and choose a choice that will be suitable for you.

    There Was a Tradition in Ancient Rome to Celebrate The Return of a Victorious Military General With a Drawn Out Spectacle to Sanctify The Triumphant Leader. On The Day of His Parade, The Victor Wore A Crown and A Purple, Gold-Adorned Toga, Otherwise Reserved for Kings. His Four-Horse Chariot Parted The Streets Lined With Thanks-Givers Chanting iO TRIUMPHE!"The Roars of" Hurray, O Tormph"Was Muffled by The Whisper of Slave, Positioned Deliberately In The Chariot Behind His Master's Throne," Memento Mori, Memento Mori, Memento Mori"The Slave echoed. " REMEMBER THOU ART MORTAL.” “REMEMBER, YOU TOO MUST DIE. " The Perfect Reminder During A Man's Momentary Immortalization.

    Modern Society Regards Death As An Unpleasant Reality Best Kept Far from Mind Else Awakening Agonizing Terror. But Reflecting On and Accepting the Transient Ephemeralness of Our Existence Is The Key Unlocking Lives of Meaning and Fulfillment. From the Slave's Humbling Whisper, Memento Mori Evolved Aesthetically and Tangibly. Hamlet Held Yorick's Skull, Thomas Jefferson Carried A Memento Mori Watch Key, Mozart Wrote His Most Famous Composition Requiem. , and Picasso Kept A Skull in His Studio for Purposes Synonymous with the Slave Reminding The Roman General REMEMBER, YOU TOO MUST DIE.

    Colby Jimcosky

    "To make a Long Story Short, I Came To the Realization One Day Than While I'm Still Young, I'm not Getting Any Young. My Days Are Numbered and If I Wanted to Be Successful and Achieve What I Wanted to Achieve in Life, I Needed to Constantly Keep Moving Toward Those Goals. Now Whenever I Feel Like I'm Too Tired to Get Out of Bed Or If I'm Too Sick to Go to Work, I Can Look Down At My Arm and See A Constant Reminder That I'm Not Immortal, I'm Going to Die One Day, and I Have to Keep Moving Forward WITH My Life. "

    Paul Jun.

    "WHEN I WAS FAILING COLLEGE AND LOST IN LIFE, I STUMBLED ON THE PATH OF BECOMING A WRITER. My Second Year Into The Craft, I Had Great Momentum-Self-Published My First Book and Finished Attending Set Godin's Three-Day Seminar That Fundamentally Changed My Life.

    Toward The End of The Year, My Psoriasis (Didn't Knew I Had IT) Flared Up, Blanketing My Entire Body. I FELL INTO A
    Deep Depression. I Was Recommended The Book, Medation By Marcus Aurelius, And IT Gave Me The Framework and Energy to Flip This Experience on Its Head. That Year, I Barely Left My Room, Read a Book A Week, and Devated My Time to Writing and Meditating. My Dermatologist, After All, Said There Was No Cure, Only Lowering My Stress.

    I REMEMBER BEING AT MY BEST FRIEND'S HOUSE, Watching Ink Masters., And He Asked If I Would Ever Get A Tattoo. And I Explained to Him Exactly What You See On My Arm Today. Jun Cha Is My Artist, and at the time he had a three year Wait-It Was Also Application ONLY.

    I Got This Tattoo of Marcus Aurelius, Nero, And Seneca Because It's a Reminder That No Matter How Smart You May Be, No Matter How Good Of A Support System You May Have, Ego Can Always Win. Marcus Sits At The Top Because He's The North Star, The Reminder of How to Behave and What to return to Behave GO AWRY. Nero Had Potential To Be a Great Emperor-His First Five Years Were Fruitful-But Ego Won. Seneca Is One Of Those People I Deeply Admire for His Thought But Also His Story.

    Stoicism Saved My Life. IT GAVE ME A New Operating System to Think About Failure, Adversity, Pain, And Uncertainty. IT Replaced My Windows 98-STYLE THINKING AND REVAMPED IT. IT HAS HELPED ME CREATIVELY, PROFESSIONALLY, AND SPIRITUALLY. As Montaigne Said, 'For i Must Usese Great Men's Virtues As A Cloak for My Weakness.' Medation And. Letter from a stoic Are My Bible, And It's The Two Books I Always Give to People Who Are Lost in Life, in Pain, Or Need New Perspective. "

    Instagram: @pauljunbear.
    Tattoo Artist: @juncha
    Paul Jun's Website:

    Chris Nordyke.

    "Here's My Story Behind The Tattoo - IT's Part of a Broader Sleeve of Personal 'Glyphs'- images That Tell The Story of My 30s. Every Picture Represents An Idea, Experience or Lesson Learned. I INTENTIONALLY REFRAINED FROM TATTOOING Any Actual Words, As I Wanted The Meaning Behind Each Tattoo to Be Able to Evolve Over Time.

    Stoic Philosophy Really Grabbed Hold of Me A Few Years Ago As I Was Wrestling With My Own Religious and Spiritual Background. Trying To Reconcile The Way I Experience The Narrative I Was Taught All Through My Childhood and Young Adulthood.

    Rob King.

    "I GOT MINE A FEW YEARS AGO AT THE HARD ROCK IN LAS VEGAS. You Can Read Why This Matters So Much To Me

    Tattoo Art fans often prefer to encrypt their motto and life principles in Tattoo inscriptions in Latin. This is an elegant, melodic language, one of the most ancient written Indo-European languages.

    Beautiful phrases on Latin in tattoos

    On the hands of this guy two winged phrases on Latin: " FIDELI SIS Fidelis"What is translated as" be faithful to someone who is faithful (you) "and" Fortunam Suam Quisque Parat"" Everyone himself finds his happiness "or" his fate everyone finds himself. "

    Tattoo with beautiful font reads: " Primus Inter Pares.", What is translated as" first among equal. "

    « Carpe Diem."- The famous winged Latin expression, meaning" Lives hereby "," catch the moment ".

    « Vivere Militate Est."- Sayneck saying, which is translated as" live - means to fight. "

    Below are quotes and phrases on Latin, which are suitable for use in tattoos.

    Latin. Tattoo inscriptions with translation

    Audaces Fortuna Juvat (Happiness is accompanied by brave)
    Cave! (Beware!)
    Contra Spem Spero (I hope without hope)
    Cum Deo (with God)
    Debellere Superbos (Prindressing Pride)
    DICTUM FACTUM (said - Made)
    ERRARE HUMANUM EST (man is tricky)
    Est Quaedam Flere Voluptas (in tears there is a pleasure)
    EX VOTO (vow)
    Faciam UT Mei Memineris (I will make you remembered)
    Fatum (fate)
    Fecit (made)
    FINIS CORONAT OPUS (end crowned)
    Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat (fate helps bold)
    Gaudeamus Igitur, Juvenus Dum Sumus (Have fun while young)
    Gutta Cavat Lapidem (drop hammering stone)
    Haec Fac UT Felix Vivas (Enter so to live happily)
    Hoc est in votis (what I want)
    Homo Homini Lupus EST (man man wolf)

    Homo Liber (Free)
    Homo Res Sacra (Man - Sacred Item)
    Ignoti Nulla Cupido (what do not know what you do not want)
    In Hac Spe vivo (I live it hoped)
    In Vino Veritas (Truth in wine)
    Juravi Lingua, Mentem Injuratam Gero (I swear tongue, but not thought)
    JUS VITAE AC NECIS (right to dispose of life and death)
    Magna Res Est Aror (Great Business - Love)
    Malo Mori Quam Foedari (better death than dishonor)
    Malum Necessarium - Necessarium (inevitable evil - inevitable)

    This phrase is one of the most popular among tattoo lovers:

    Memento Mori (remember death)

    Memento Quod Est Homo (Remember you are a man)
    Me QuoQue Fata Regunt (I also obey Rock)
    Mortem Effugere Nemo Potest (no one will avoid death)
    Ne Cede Malis (I do not fall in mind in misfortune)
    Nil Inultum RemaneBit (nothing will remain unchecked)
    Noli Me Tangere (do not touch me)
    Oderint, Dum Metuant (let him hate, just been afraid)
    Omnia Mea Mecum Porto (all I wear with you)
    Omnia Vanitas (all - fuss)
    Per Aspera AD ASTRA (through thorns to the stars)
    Pisces Natare Oportet (Fish you need to swim)
    Potius Sero Quam Nunquam (Better Late than Never)
    Procul negotis (mind trouble)
    QUI SINE PECCATO EST (who without sin)
    QUOD LICET JOVI, NON LICET BOVI (which is allowed to Jupiter, not allowed to bull)
    QUOD PRINCIPI PLACUIT, LEGIS HABET VIGOREM (anything to the Lord, then - the law)
    Recuiescit in Pace (resting with the world)
    Sic ITUR AD ASTRA (so go to the stars)
    Sic Volo (so I want)
    Silentium (silence)
    Supremum Vale (I'm sorry)
    Suum Quique (each one)
    TRAHIT SUA QUEMQUE Voluptas (everyone entails his passion)
    TU NE CEDE MALIS, SED CONTRA AUDENTIOR ITO (Do not conquer trouble, but boldly go to meet it)
    UBI BENE, IBI PATRIA (where good, there is homeland).
    Unam In Armis Saluem (the only salvation - in the fight)
    Vale et Me AMA (goodbye and love me)
    Veni, Vidi, Vici (came, saw, won)
    Via Sacra (Holy Way)
    Vita Sene Libertate Nihil (Life without freedom - nothing)
    Vivere Militare EST (live - it means to fight)