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  • Russian Portuguese. Portuguese Russian Dictionary online

    Russian Portuguese. Portuguese Russian Dictionary online
    • A AMAR E A REZAR, NINGUÉM PODE OBRIGAR. - No one can make love and pray.
    • A Calunia é Como Carvão, Quando Não Queima, Suja A Mão. - slander as coal, if not burns, then dirty hand.
    • A Felicidade Não Traz Dinheiro A Ninguém. - Happiness does not bring anything to anyone.
    • A FOME FAZ A ONSA SAIR DO MATO. - Hunger forces Jaguar to leave the wilderness.
    • A Franga Canta Porque Quer Galo. - Chicken sings, because she wants a rooster.
    • A Galinha Da Vizinha É Muito Melhor Que a minha. - Chicken neighbor is better than mine.
    • A Língua Bate Onde Dói O Dente. - The language beats where the tooth hurts.
    • A Maneira Mais Rápida De SE Tocar Uma Boiada é Devagar. - The fastest way to customize the flock of bulls is slow.
    • A minha vida é o meu jogo. - Time to live.
    • A Morte Nao Escolhe Idades. - Death does not choose by age.
    • A Ocasião Faz O Ladrão. - Accident makes thief.
    • A Palavra É Como A ABELHA, Tem Mel E Ferrão. - The word as a bee - has honey and sting.
    • A Quem Que Capaz de Domar O SEU Próprio Coração Lhe Vai Submeter-Se Tudo O Mundo. - To the one who is able to told their heart will bring the whole world.
    • A Sorte de Uns É o Azar de Outros. - The fact that one luck, other failure.
    • A Sorte Não Dá, Só Empresta. - Good luck if it gives, then loose.
    • A UNIDADE DE UMA PESSOA É TAL, QUE BASTA UM GESTO PARA REVELAR UM HOMEM. - The unity of man is such that just alone is just a gesture so that it manifests itself.
    • A Vingança é Um Prato Que SE Serve Frio. - Revenge is such a dish that is served cold. -
    • Acaba O Haver, Fica O Saber. - Ends what you have, remains what you can.
    • Aguas Mansas Não Fazem Bons Marinheiros. - Calm waters do not make good sailors.
    • Aguas Passadas Não Movem Moinhos. - The gone waters do not move mills.
    • Alçança Quem Não SE CANSA. - One who does not get tired will achieve.
    • Amar é Sofrer Um Instante De Saudade, É Sentir Um Segundo de Ciúmes, é Viver Um Momento de Paixão. - Love - it means to suffer a moment of longing, it is to feel the instant of jealousy, it means to live a moment of passion.
    • Amar é Viver Duas Vezes. - Love - live twice.
    • Amar é Viver Duas Vezes. - Love - live twice.
    • AMIGO A GENTE ESCOLHE, PARENTE A GENTE ATURA. - People choose a friend, relatives tolerate.
    • Amo a vida. - I love life.
    • Antes Pequena Ajuda Que Grande Compreensão. - Better small help than a great understanding.
    • ANTES QUE CASES, Vê O QUE FAZES. - Before you marry, see what you do.
    • ANTES TARDE DO QUE NUNCA. - Better late than never.
    • Às vezes - Talvez Sempre - São Os Mais Lentos Que Aprendem AS Lições Mais óbvias. - Sometimes, and maybe always, only the most slow people learn the most obvious lessons.
    • Barriga Cheia Não Busca Conhecimento. - Full stomach is not looking for knowledge.
    • BOCADO ENGOLIDO, SABOR PERDIDO. - Switchned piece - lost taste.
    • BOI MAIS VELHO É SEMPRE CULPADO PELA HORTA SER MAL LAVRADA. - The eldest bull is always to blame for poorly cultivated garden.
    • BOM-DIA SE DÁ ATÉ A CAVALO. - "Good day" says even for a horse.
    • Cabeça Vazia éissina Do Diabo. - Empty head - Devil's workshop.
    • Cada Cabeça, Sua Satença. - Each head is my punishment.
    • Cada Cabeça, Sua Satença. - Each head is my punishment.
    • CADA HOMEM É ARQUITETO DE SUA Própria Sorte. - Everyone is the blacksmith itself of his happiness.
    • Cada Macaco No Seu Galho. - Every monkey on his branch.
    • CADA PASSO QUE DERES NO SENTIDO CONTRARIO AO DA TUA PESSOA É MAIS UM PASSO QUE DÁS A CAMINHO DE TI. - Each step that you will undertake in the direction opposite to yourself is another step that you are doing towards yourself.
    • CADA UM PUXA A BRASA PRA SUA SARDINHA. - Everyone moves coal to his sardine.
    • Casa Onde Não Há Pão, Todos Ralham E Ninguem Tem Razão. - In the house where there is no bread, everyone swear and no one is right.
    • Casebre Onde Se Ri Vale Mais Que Palácio Onde Se Chora. - Chalash, where laugh, more expensive the palace, where they cry.
    • COM O Amor E A Morte, Não Tente Ser Forte. - With love and with death are not trying to be strong.
    • COM PAPAS E BOLOS SE ENGANAM OS TOLOS. - pupils and buns are fooling fools.
    • De Boas Intenções o Inferno Está Cheio. - Good intentions are full of blood pressure.
    • De Graça, NEM O Cachorro Sacode O Rabo. - For free and the dog does not winten the tail.
    • De Pensar Morreu Um Burro. - Donkey died of what was thinking for a long time.
    • DELEITA-TE COM A VIDA. - Enjoy life.
    • Deus Ajuda a Quem Cedo Madruga. - Who gets up early, God givesover.
    • Deus Me Dê Paciência E Um Paninho Para a Embrulhar. - God gives me patience and subtle cotton fabric to wrap up.
    • Do ódio Ao Amor Basta Um Passo. - From hate to love one step.
    • É Melhor Um Pássaro Na Mão Do Que Dois Voando. - Better bird in hand than two in the sky.
    • É MUITO MENOS DOLOROSO MORRER DO QUE ESTAR VONTADE DE MORRE. - It is much less painful to die than to live with the desire to die.
    • Entre AMIGOS Não Sejas Juiz. - Among friends are not judge.
    • Entre Marido E Mulher Não Se Mete A Colher. - Between your husband and wife and a spoon will not be able to.
    • Escolhes sempre o amor; Mas: é o TEU AMO. - Always choose love; But that it was your love.
    • EU AMO AOS QUE ME AMAM. - I love those who love me.
    • FALE COMIGO SEMPRE QUE VOCê ESTIVER TRISTE, MESMO QUE EU NÃO CONSIGA LHE TRAZER A FELICIDADE, EU LHE DAREI MUITO AMOR. "Talk to me always, when you are sad, although I can't bring you happiness, I will give you a lot of love."
    • Fizeste Tudo O Que Tinhas De Fazer Para Respirares TranquilamenE; Então: Porque Não Respiras. - You did everything that I had to do to sigh freely; Then why don't you sigh.
    • Gaivotas Em Terra, Tempestade No Mar. - Seagulls on earth, storm in the sea.
    • Gata A Quem Morde A Cobra, Tem Medo and Corda. - A cat that bites the snake is afraid of rings.
    • HÉ MALES QUE VEM POR BEM. - There is evil that comes down for good.
    • Honestidade E AQUILO QUE TODOS QUEREM QUE OS OUTROS TENHAM. - Honesty is what everyone wants to have others.
    • Ladrão Que Rouba Ladrão Tem Cem Anos de Perdão. - The thief who stealing at the thief has a hundred years of farewell.
    • Mais Depressa SE APANHA UM Mentiroso Que Um Coxo. - Aim is lighter than chrome.
    • MAIS HOMENS SE AFOGAM NUM COPO DO QUE NO MAR. - More men are choking in a glass than in the sea.
    • MAIS VALE QUEM DEUS AJUDA DO QUE QUEM MUITO MADRUGA. - The one is more valuable to whom God helps than the one who often gets up early.
    • Mal de Muitos Consolo é. - Evil is a consolation for many.
    • Na Casa Onde Há Dinheiro, Deve Haver Um Só Caixeiro. - In the house where there is money, there must be only one cashier.
    • Na Vida Há Coisas Simples e Importantes ... Simples Como Eu E Importantes Como Você ... - There are simple and important things in life ... Simple - it's like me, and important is like you ...
    • Não Gozes com O Mal Do Teu Vizinho, Porque O TEU VEM A Caminho. "Do not rejoice in the misfortune of your neighbor, because I will soon come to you misfortune."
    • Não Há Céu Que Me Queira Depois Disto. - There is no such paradise that would wanted me after that.
    • Não Há Melhor Amigo Do Que Julho Com Seu Trigo. - There is no better friend than July with its grain.
    • Não Há SABADO SEM SOL, NEM DOMINGO SEM MISSA, NEM SEGUNDA SEM PREGUIçA. - There is no Saturday without the Sun, nor Sunday without a church service, not monday without laziness.
    • Não Me Julgue Pelo Meu Passado. EU Não Vivo Mais Lá. Do not judge me for the past. - I do not live there anymore.
    • Não PERTURBES A PAZ QUE ME FOI DADA. Ouvir De Novo a Tua Voz Seria Matar A Sede Com Água Salgada. - Do not disturb these peace. To hear your voice again - it's how to quench your thirst with salt water.
    • Não Pesas Sol A S. JOÃO NEM AGUA A S. SIMÃO QUE ELES TUDO ISSO TE DARÃO. - Do not merry the sun on SV.ZhOAA, nor water on St. Simao, and that is given in vain.
    • Não Sei Se Percebeu Que A Distância Nos Separa ... Mas O Pensamento Nos Une. - I do not know if I feel that we are separated by the distance ... But the thought unites us.
    • Não Te Baixes Por Pobreza Nem Te Levantes Por RiQueza. - Do not go down in poverty and do not tower in wealth.
    • Não Vá Baixando Na Pobreza E Não Te Engrandeça Na Riqueza. - Do not go down in poverty and do not tower in wealth.
    • NEM TUDO O QUE BRILHA É OURO. - Not all that is gold that glitters.
    • NEM TUDO O QUE VEM A REDE É PEIXE. - Not everything that goes to the network is a fish.
    • Nunca Digas "Desta Agua Não Beberei". "Never say" from these waters will not drink. "
    • Nunca Te Rendas. - Never give up.
    • O amor é como a lua, quando não Cresce, Mingua. - Love as a moon, if not growing, decreases.
    • O amor é um passo do ódio. - From hate to love one step.
    • O amor Mata Lentamente. - Love kills slowly.
    • O amor vence tudo. - Love wins everything.
    • O Destino Ajuda Aos Decididos. - Fate helps bold.
    • O Deus Está No Meu Coração.Bog in my heart.
    • O Fantástico da Vida é Estar COM ALGUÉM QUE SABE FAZER DE UM PEQUENO INSTANTE UM GRANDE MOMENTO - the most fastened in life is located next to those who can do from the smallest moment big moment
    • O Futuro A Deus Pertence. - The future belongs to God.
    • O Futuro Pertence A Deus. - The future belongs to God.
    • O Meu Anjo Da Guarda Sempe Está Comigo. - My guardian angel is always with me.
    • O MEU CORAçÃO É INCONSTANTE. - My heart changeable.
    • O Mundo é Uma Realidade Universal, DesArticulada Em Biliões de Realidades Individuais. - The world is an objective reality that is divided into billions of individual realities.
    • O olho do dono é que engorda o boi. - Only the owner's eyes makes a fat ox.
    • O Preguisoso é Sempe Pobre. - Lazy always poor.
    • O Que Me é NociVo, Não Me Tenta. - What is harmful to me, does not tempt me.
    • O Que Não Mata, Engorda. - What does not kill - makes fat.
    • O Que Não Nos Mata, Só Nos Faz Mais Fortes. - What does not kill us makes us stronger.
    • O Que Não Provoca Minha Morte Faz Com Que Eu Fique Mais Forte. - What does not kill me, makes me stronger.
    • O Que Sou Toda a Gente é Capaz De Ver; Mas O Que Ninguém É Capaz De Imaginar É Até Onde Sou E COMO. - what I am, can see every person; But the fact that no one can imagine is what I am capable and how.
    • O Saber Não Ocupa Lugar. - Knowledge does not occupy places.
    • O Segredo é A Alma Do Nigócio. - The secret is the soul of the case.
    • Obterei Tudo O Que Quero. - I'll get everything I want.
    • Olho Por Olho é o mundo acaba cego. - Eye for the eye - the whole world will be blind.
    • OnGe Há Fumaça Há Fogo. - Where there is smoke, there is a fire.
    • PAI, Perdoe Por Todos Os Meus Pecados. - Father, sorry for all my sins.
    • Palavras Podem Não Dizer O Que O Coração Sente, Mas Fazem Sentir O Que O Coração Diz. - Words may not say what the heart feels, but forced to feel what the heart says.
    • Passo A Passo Até o Sonho. - Step by step to the dream.
    • Patrão Fora, Dia Santo Na Loja. - Head of Von - Holy Day in the shop.
    • Pau Que Nasce Torto Morre Torto. - Leopard change his spots.
    • Pela Boca Morre O Peixe. - Fish dies through her mouth.
    • Pela Garra SE Conhece O Leão. - By Cogtu, the lion is recognized.
    • Pelo Dedo Se Conhece O Gigante. - on the finger the Giant is recognized.
    • Podemos Brincar Com Nossos Corpos, Mas Jamais COM Nossas Emoções. - We can play with our bodies, but never with our feelings.
    • Protegido Por Deus. - Storable by God.
    • Quando Alguém Te A Ama, a forma de Falar Seu Nome De Diferente. - When someone loves you, then you pronounce his name differently.
    • Quando Dez Passos Nos Separam, Nove é Apenas A Metade Do Caminho Que Temos Que Percorrer. - When we are divided by ten steps, nine is just half the path that we must overcome.
    • Quanto Mais Corre O TEMPO TANTO MAIS É FELIZ. - The faster the time flies than it is happier.
    • Que Belo E Que Natural É Ter Um Amigo! - How beautiful and naturally have a friend!
    • Que OS Sonhos Faça-Nos Realizar O Que A Realidade Não Nos Permite Sonhar. - Let dreams make us fulfill that reality will not allow us to dream.
    • Quem Ama O Feioce, Bonito LHE PARECE. - Who loves terrible, it seems beautiful to him.
    • Quem Casa, Quer Casa. - Who marries, wants a house.
    • Quem CONTA UM CONTO, ACRESCENTA UM PONTO. - Who tells the story, adds a point.
    • Quem Não Chora, Não Mama. - Who does not cry, does not suck the chest.
    • Quem Não Tem Vergonha, TODO O MUNDO É SEU. - Who has no conscience - the whole world of him.
    • Quem Tem Amigos Não Morre Na Cadeia. - Who has friends, does not die in prison.
    • Quem Tudo Quer, Tudo Perde. - Who wants everything, loses everything.
    • Quem Vê Cara Não Vê Coração. - The one who looks at the face does not see the heart.
    • Quem Vê Caras Não Vê Corações. - Who sees the face, does not see the hearts.
    • Respeita O Passado, Cria O Futuro. - Relie the past, create the future.
    • Salva E Protege. - Save and save.
    • SE A TUA VIDA, DEPENDER DO MEU AMOR. Viverás Além Da Vida, Pois Lhe Amo Além Do Amor. - If your life will depend on my love, then you will live, since I love you more than love itself.
    • Se Queres Boa Fama, Não Te Demores Na Cama. - If you want good glory, do not delay in bed.
    • SE VOCê NÃO APRENDER A CONTROLAR A SI MESMO, LHE VÃO CONTROLAR A VOCê OS OUTROS. - If you do not learn to manage yourself, you will manage others.
    • Segredo Melhor Guardado É o Que a Ninguem É Revelado. - The secret is better kept by one that is not disclosed to anyone.
    • Semple Digo A Verdade, Sequer Quando Minto. - I always tell the truth, even when LSU.
    • Sempre há uma saída. - There is always a way out.
    • Só Você Decide Se Pode Levantar-SE. - Only you decide whether you can climb.
    • TEMPO PARA VIVER. - My life is my game.
    • Ter Um Destino é Não Caber No Berço Onde O Corpo Nasceu, É Transpor As Fronteiras Uma A Uma E Morrer Sem Nenhuma. - Have a fate - this is not to be placed in that cradle, where the body was born, - this is one of the borders one after another and die without crossing any.
    • Tudo O BELO É RARO. - All beautiful rarely.
    • UM AMOR E UMA CABANA. - With a cute paradise and in a hood.
    • Um Dia Te Amei Para Esquecher Alguém, Hoje Para Te Esquecher Não Consigo Amar Ninguém. - Once I loved you to forget anyone, and today, to forget you, I can not love anyone.
    • Um Dos Meus Sete Pecados Mortais: A Sede De AROR Absoluto Que Me Devora. From my seven mortal sins, it is thirst for absolute love that devours me.
    • Um Grande Amor Terminad É Como Um Grande Golpe: Deixa Sempe Uma Cicatriz. - Big love ends with a big blow - always leaves the scar.
    • Uma Mulher Sincera é A Coisa Mais Excitante Do Mundo. - Sincere woman is the most exciting thing on earth.
    • Uma Vida, UMA Chance. - One life is one chance.
    • Única vida, única Chance. - One life is one chance.
    • Uns Dando Mais Enriquesm, Outros Roubando Empobrecem. - Some giving - enriched, the other warp - beyond.
    • Vão-SE OS Aneis, FiQuem OS Dedos. - rings go, fingers remain.
    • Vaso Ruim Não Quebra. - Bad vase will not break.
    • VOCê PODE TUDO, SE AO LADO HAS UMA PESSOA QUE CONFIA EM VOCê. "You can all if there is a person who believes in you."

    Language barrier is one of the main issues that can stand the journey or a trip to Brazil. The official language in Brazil is Portuguese, and despite the fact that popular Brazilian cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, El Salvador, and TD, are quite tourist, it is often enough to find a person who at least speak English at least In this case, the Russian-Portuguese phrasebook containing basic words and phrases may come to the rescue, which can be useful to the tourist in Brazil or Portugal.

    Most of these words and phrases have already disassembled more likely in individual publications, so where there will be references to additional information.

    For the convenience of the word of the phrase work, divided into separate categories on topics.


    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    Olá. Ola. Hello
    Bom Dia Bom Jia. Good morning Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Boa Tarde. Boa Tarji good day Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Boa Noite. Boa Noch good evening Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Tchau. Tchau While Your browser does not support this type of media content.

    For more information about the words of greeting in Portuguese, you can read in the following publications:


    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    Tudo bem? There beumes? Things are good? Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Obrigado. Own thanks Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Desculpa. Deskup Sorry day Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    De Nada. Ji Nada It's my pleasure Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Por Favor Por favor You are welcome Your browser does not support this type of media content.

    Read more about the etiquette in Portuguese, you can read in the following publications:

    Consent or refusal

    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    SIM. YesBlue Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Não. NoNau Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Não Sei. I do not knowSAYA SAY Your browser does not support this type of media content.

    More ways to say "yes" or "no" in Portuguese can be found in the following publications:

    Where is?

    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    Onde Fica ..? Onji Fiki ..? Where is..? Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Metro. Underground Underground Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Supermercado. SUPERMOKADE Supermarket Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Banheiro. Bayer Restroom Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Onde VOCE ESTA? Onji Eye Eat? Where are you? Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Em Casa. Em Kaz. Houses Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    No Hotel. Well, OTU In a hotel Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Na Rua. On Rua On the street Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    PERTO Perth Close Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Longe. Londi. Long away Your browser does not support this type of media content.

    Food and drink

    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    Agua. Agua Water Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Chá. SHA Tea Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Café. Cafe Coffee Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Cerveja. Servezh Beer Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Vinho. Vinu. Wine Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Suco. Bitch Juice Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Carne Karna Meat Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    PEIXE. Peyshi. Fish Your browser does not support this type of media content.

    We can get acquainted with the theme of food and drinks in separate publications on the site


    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    QUANTO CUSTA? Cuanto bush? How much is? Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Caro. Cara Expensive Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    BARATO. Baratu Cheap Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Aberto. Abert Open Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    FECHADO. Feshad. Closed Your browser does not support this type of media content.


    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    Um. Mind One Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Dois DOIS Two Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Três. Trace Three Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Quatro. Caution Four Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Cinco. Sync Five Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Seis Seismic Six Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    SeTe Siech Seven Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Oito. Outu Eight Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Nove. Novi. Nine Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Dez. Dais Ten Your browser does not support this type of media content.

    More details with the topic of using numeral and sequence numerical (first, second, etc.), you can find the following publications:


    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    EU Eu I Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    VOCê. Eye You Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    ELA. Ela She is Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Ele. Elia He Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Nós. Nose we Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Elas. Elas. They (wives) Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Eles. Alice They (husband.) Your browser does not support this type of media content.

    More detailed information on pronouns in Portuguese can be found in a separate publication.


    Portuguese Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
    Agora. Agora Now Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Depois Depot After Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Hoje. More Today Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    OnTEM. Ontem Yesterday Your browser does not support this type of media content.
    Amanhã Amana Tomorrow Your browser does not support this type of media content.

    Words and phrases in Portuguese

    The Russian-Portuguese phrasebook will be gradually finalized, so do not hesitate to write in the comments, what other topics should be revealed (at the same time not forgetting that the phrasebook is still common phrases, therefore it is not worth it to go into some separate topics).

    Portuguese (Português, Língua Portuguesa) is a romance language, closely related to Galician and Spanish, and the official language of 250 million people in Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, East Timur, Macau, Cape Verde and Sao Tome / Principe, as well as for some international organizations, including Mercosur, Organization of Ibero-American States, Union of South American Nations, Organization of American States, African Union and the European Union. Portuguese is a very international and developing language, and even if you know only a few words, it will be significantly.


    Part 1


      Learn to greet. Perhaps it is best to start learning Portuguese with greetings. Learn them, and you can greet and say goodbye to Portuguese speakers! Below are the most common examples:

    1. Learn greetings related to day time. As in other languages, in Portuguese, you can greet in different ways, including the mention of the day in which a meeting took place:

      • Good morning: Bom Dia ( BOH-N DIH-AHor. BOH-N DJIH-AH In the Brazilian version) - literally translates as "Good afternoon," but most often this phrase is used in the morning.
      • Good day: Boa Tarde ( BOH-AH TAHR-JIA) - Used in the afternoon, before the onset of twilight.
      • Good evening / good night: Boa Noite ( BOH-AH NO-EE-TAY) - Used from sunset until dawn.
    2. Learn to ask about how things are. Staying in Portuguese, it will not be superfluous and ask how things are at your interlocutor. For this purpose, you can use the following phrases:

      • How are you?: COMO ESTÁ? ( COH-MOH ESH-TAH? or COH-MOH ES-TAH? in the Brazilian version)
      • How are you?: COMO VAI? ("COH-MOH VYE?" - N.V.
      • How are you? (only in the Brazilian version): E Aí? ( E-Aye. (pronounced as one syllable)) - N.V.
    3. Learn and answer for such a question. If you asked about something in a person, that is, all the chances that you will ask about the same. How to answer? That's how:

      • Good / Very good: BEM / MUITO BEM ( Baing. / moo-Ee-Toh Baing)
      • Bad / very bad: Mal / Muito Mal ( MAO. / moo-EE-TOH MAO)
      • More or less / so-so: Mais Ou Menos ( MA-EECE OH MEH-NOS)
      • Mee Sham-Oh)
      • Nice to meet: Pruzer EM Conhecê-Lo / A ( Prazh-Air EH CON-YO-SEE-LO / LA)
      • Note that Conhecê-Lo / A may have different endings, namely o or a. Everything is simple here: communicate with a man - o., With a woman - a.. In this article, you will again meet examples of this.

      Part 2

      Fundamentals of dialogue
      1. Learn to talk about tongue. You are just starting to teach Portuguese, so you will have to communicate ... not so simple. Do not worry, all through it. To explain the situation, use the following phrases:

        • I do not speak Portuguese - Não Falo Português - ( Nah-Oom Fah-Looh Poor-Too-Gess)
        • I speak English: Falo Inglês ( Fah-Looh Inn-Glesh)
        • Are you talking in English?: FALA INGLêS? ( Fah-Lah Inn-Gless) - formal option (hereinafter F.V.)
        • Are you talking in English?: VOCê FALA INGLêS? ( VOH-Say Fah-Lah Inn-Gless) - N.V.
        • I do not understand: não percebo ( Nah-oo Pehr-Say-Boo)
        • Could you repeat?: Pode Repetir? ( POH-DAY REH-PEH-TEER)
      2. Learn the politeness formula. To learn to be polite in Portuguese is very important for everyone who teaches the language - you do not want to seem like a boom, even if it is accidentally?! In order not to make a bad impression, do not forget to use the following phrases in a speech timely:

        • Please: Por Favor ( POOH-R FAH-VOH-R)
        • Thank you: Obrigado / A ( Oh-Bree-Gah-Doh / Dah) - The form of a male family must be used to men, and female, respectively, women.
        • Please: de nada ( Dee Nah-Dah) - N.V.
        • Please: Não Tem de QUê ( Nah-Oomm Tah-Eehm The Queh) - F.V.
        • Sorry: Desculpe ( DESH-COOL-PAH)
      3. Learn to ask questions to other people (and respond.) This skill will serve you a faithful service and, that it is quite possible, can even bring new friends! In order to support a simple dialogue, use these phrases:

        • What is your name?: COMO O / A SENHOR / A SE CHAMA? ( cOH-MOH SEN-YOUR / -HH SEHM-AH) - F.V. Please note that in the male race the word Senhor has no ending "o".
        • What is your name?: QUAL É O SEU NOME? ( COH EH-OH SEH-OH NO-MEE) - N.V.
        • My name is ...: Me Chamo [Your name] ( Mee Sham-Oh)
        • Where are you from?: DE Onde O / A Senhor / a é? ( Djee Own-Djah Oh / Ah Sen-Your / Ah EH)
        • Where are you from?: DE Onde Você é? ( Djee Own-Djah Voh-Say EH) - N.V.
        • I am ...: EU SOU DE [Your city] ( EE-OH SO-OO DJEE)
        • What is happening / what is the case?: O QUE ACONTECEU? ( OO KEY AH-CONE-TEH-SEE-OO)
      4. Learn to ask for help. Alas, sometimes our plans fly downmark, and you need to ask for help. And if you understand what you need to ask for a portuguese help, then the following phrases will serve you the right service:

        • What time is it?: Que Horas São? ( QUEH O-RAH-SH SAH-OOMM)
        • I lost: Estou Perdido ( ESH-TOE PER-DEE-DOO / ES-TOE PER-DJEE-DOO(in the Brazilian version))
        • Please, could you help me?: PODE AJUDAR-ME, POR FAVOR? ( Po-Deh Azhu-Dar-Meh, Por-Fah Vor?)
        • Help!: Socorro! ( SOH-COH-HOH!) - this one phrase that should be used when you threaten danger

      Part 3.

      1. Learn to ask common questions. Questions - an important part of everyday communication, for they give us the opportunity to learn more about the world around. Learn the words below to always be able to ask a question:

        • Who?: Quem? ( Cang?)
        • What?: O Que? ( Ooh Kee?)
        • When?: Quando? ( QUAN-DOO?)
        • Where?: Onde? ( Own-djee?)
        • Who?: QUAL? ( QUAH-OOH?)
        • Why?: Porquê? ( Poohr-Queh.)
        • Because: Porque ( Poohr-Queh.)
        • How much?: Quanto? ( Kwan-toh)
        • How much does it cost?: QUANTO CUSTA? ( Kwan-Toh Coos-Tah?)
      2. Learn the words used to designate relations between people. They will use you:

        • Father: PAI ( pA-EE)
        • Mother: Mãe ( mA-EE.) - F.V.
        • Mom: Mamãe ( mUH-MA-EE) - N.V.
        • Man: HOMEM ( O-Men.)
        • Woman: Mulher ( Mooh-Lyehr.)
        • Friend: amigo / a ( AH-MEE-GOH / GAH)
        • Girl (with human relationship): Namorada ( Nah-Mooh-Rah-Dah)
        • Guy (with human relationship): Namorado ( Nah-Mooh-Rah doh)
      3. Learn the phrases used for appeals to people. In Portuguese, in the order of things is to use the appeal to those who are older than you or takes up a higher social situation with the help of special phrases. Of course, informal communication is deprived of this, but still you should remember that: while you will not ask you, do not contact people just named and the last name.

        • Mr.: Senhor ( Sen-You) - Used with the pronoun "you".
        • Madam: Senhora ( SEN-YOUR-AH) - Used with the pronoun "you" when contacting a woman.
        • Madam: Senhorita ( SEN-YOUR-EE-TAH) - Used when contacting the girl
        • Ladi / Madame / Mam: dona ( Do-Nah) - Formal appeal to women
        • Doctor: DotOur / A ( DOO-TOHR / -AH
        • Professor: Professor / A ( pRO-FESS-OR / -AH) - Used when accessing people with relevant scientists by degrees.
      4. Learn the name of animals. It may be surprisingly useful, especially if you find yourself in the tropical forests of Brazil or Angola. Here is a small list:

        • Dog: Cão ( Cah-oohm.)
        • Dog (only in Brazil): Cachorro ( Cah-Sho-Hoo)
        • Cat: GATO ( Gah-Toh.)
        • Bird: Pássaro ( PAH-SAH-ROW)
        • Fish: PEIXE ( Pay-Shay.)
        • Monkey: Macaco ( Mah-Cah-Coh)
        • Lizard: Lagarto ( Lah-Gar-Toh)
        • Beetle: Percejo ( PAIR-SAIR-VE-ZhOH)
        • Spider: Aranha ( AH-Rah-Nyah)
      5. Learn the name of the parts of the body. Without this, you yourself understand, nowhere, especially if you find yourself in a situation where you were injured (or you were injured), but to explain the doctor that it hurts, it is necessary. So, that's what you need to know:

        • Head: Cabeça ( CAH-BEH-SAH)
        • Hand: Braço ( BRAH-SO.)
        • Leg: perna ( Pair-Nah)
        • Palm: Mão ( Mah-oohm ")
        • Foot: Pé ( Peh.)
        • Hand Finger - Dedo - DEH-DOOH
        • Finger - Dedo (Yes, Equally) - You can say "Dedo Do Pé" ( DEH-DOOH DOOH PEH) that literally means "finger on the foot."
        • Eyes: Olhos ( Ole-yus.)
        • Roth: Boca ( Boh-Cah.)
        • NAS: Nariz ( Nah-Reese.)
        • Ears: Orelhas ( OH-REL-YASE)
      6. Learn to describe the problems with the body. Get sick in another country - the pleasure is so-so. You will be much simpler and easier if you can at least explain to the doctor on your fingers, what and where you hurt:

        • I hurt me: Estou Magoado ( EES-TOH MAH-GOO-AH-DOO)
        • My [body part] is broken: Meu [body part] Está Quebrado ( May-Oh BRAH-SO ES-TAH KAY-BRAH-DOH)
        • I expire blood: EU ESTOU SANGRANDO ( EH-OH EES-TOH SAN-GRAND-OH)
        • I feel bad: Me Sinto Mal ( MEE SEEN-TOH MA-OO)
        • I feel sick: Sinto-Me Doente ( SEEN-TOH-MAY DOO-EN-TEE)
        • I have a heat: Estou Com Febre ( EES-TOH COHN Feb-ray)
        • I have a cough: Estou Com Tosse ( EES-TOH COHN TOHS-AY)
        • I suffocate: Eu Não Posso Respirar ( EH-OH NAH-OO PO-SO RAY-SPEE-RAR)
        • Doctor!: Médico! ( MEH-JEE-COH)

    Storable by God.
    Protegido Por Deus.

    Bless and save.
    Salva E Protege.

    I will get everything I want.
    Obterei Tudo O Que Quero.

    My heart changeable.

    Love wins everything.
    O amor vence tudo.

    Do not judge me for the past. I do not live there anymore.
    Não Me Julgue Pelo Meu Passado. Eu Não Vivo Mais Lá.

    God in my heart.
    O Deus Está No Meu Coração.

    Respect the past, create the future.
    Respeita O Passado, Cria O Futuro.

    I love those who love me.

    If you do not learn to manage yourself, you will manage others.

    You can all if there is a person who believes in you.

    All beautiful rarely.
    Tudo O BELO É RARO.

    The faster the time flies than it is happier.
    Quanto Mais Corre O TEMPO TANTO MAIS É FELIZ.

    Step by step to the dream.
    Passo A Passo Até o Sonho.

    Destiny helps brave.
    O Destino Ajuda Aos Decididos.

    Love kills slowly.
    O amor Mata Lentamente.

    Time to live.

    My life is my game.
    A minha vida é o meu jogo.

    I love life.
    Amo a vida.

    There is always a way out.
    Sempre há uma saída.

    From hate to love one step.
    O amor é um passo do ódio.

    Father, forgive for all my sins.
    PAI, Perdoe Por Todos Os Meus Pecados.

    Uma Vida, UMA Chance.

    Only you decide whether you can climb.
    Só Você Decide Se Pode Levantar-SE.

    What is harmful to me, does not tempt me.
    O Que Me é NociVo, Não Me Tenta.

    The one who is able to told their heart will submore the whole world.
    A Quem Que Capaz de Domar O SEU Próprio Coração Lhe Vai Submeter-Se Tudo O Mundo.

    I always tell the truth, even when LHA.
    Semple Digo A Verdade, Sequer Quando Minto.

    What does not kill us makes us stronger.
    O Que Não Nos Mata, Só Nos Faz Mais Fortes.

    Enjoy your life.

    Each head is punished.
    Cada Cabeça, Sua Satença.

    Do not go down in poverty and do not tower in wealth.
    Não Vá Baixando Na Pobreza E Não Te Engrandeça Na Riqueza.

    The future belongs to God.
    O Futuro Pertence A Deus.

    My guardian angel is always with me.
    O Meu Anjo Da Guarda Sempe Está Comigo.

    Phrases in Portuguese about love translated into Russian

    Talk to me always when you are sad, although I can't bring you happiness, I will give you a lot of love.

    Quando Dez Passos Nos Separam, Nove é Apenas A Metade Do Caminho Que Temos Que Percorrer.
    When we share ten steps, nine is just half the way we must overcome.

    Um Grande Amor Terminad É Como Um Grande Golpe: Deixa Sempe Uma Cicatriz.
    Big love ends with a big blow - always leaves the scar.

    Palavras Podem Não Dizer O Que O Coração Sente, Mas Fazem Sentir O Que O Coração Diz.
    Words may not say what the heart feels, but forced to feel what the heart says.

    Um Dia Te Amei Para Esquecher Alguém, Hoje Para Te Esquecher Não Consigo Amar Ninguém.
    Once I loved you to forget anyone, and today, to forget you, I can not love anyone.

    SE A TUA VIDA, DEPENDER DO MEU AMOR. Viverás Além Da Vida, Pois Lhe Amo Além Do Amor.
    If your life will depend on my love, then you will live, since I love you more than love itself.

    Amar é Sofrer Um Instante De Saudade, É Sentir Um Segundo de Ciúmes, é Viver Um Momento de Paixão.
    Love is to suffer a moment of longing, it is to feel the instant of jealousy, it means to live a moment of passion.

    Na Vida Há Coisas Simples e Importantes ... Simples Como Eu E Importantes Como Voc ...
    There are simple and important things in life ... Simple - it's like me, and important is like you ...

    Não Sei Se Percebeu Que A Distância Nos Separa ... Mas O Pensamento Nos Une.
    I do not know if I feel that we are separated by the distance ... But the thought unites us.

    Podemos Brincar Com Nossos Corpos, Mas Jamais COM Nossas Emoções.
    We can play with our bodies, but never with our feelings.

    Que OS Sonhos Faça-Nos Realizar O Que A Realidade Não Nos Permite Sonhar.
    Let dreams make us fulfill that reality will not allow us to dream.

    The most fastened in life is located next to those who know how to make a big moment from the smallest moment ...

    Quando Alguém Te A Ama, a forma de Falar Seu Nome De Diferente.
    When someone loves you, then you pronounce his name differently.

    Proverbs in Portuguese translated into Russian

    Mal de Muitos Consolo é.
    Evil is consolation for many.

    Não Gozes com O Mal Do Teu Vizinho, Porque O TEU VEM A Caminho.
    Do not rejoice in the misfortune of your neighbor, because it will come to you a misfortune.

    A Vingança é Um Prato Que SE Serve Frio.
    Revenge is such a dish that is served cold.

    Deus Me Dê Paciência E Um Paninho Para a Embrulhar.
    God gives me patience and thin cotton fabric to wrap up.

    Aphorisms, statements, quotes of famous people in Portuguese with translation into Russian

    Às vezes - Talvez Sempre - São Os Mais Lentos Que Aprendem AS Lições Mais óbvias.
    Miguel Esteves Cardoso)
    Sometimes, and maybe always, only the most slow people learn the most obvious lessons.
    (Miguel Estevech Kardoza)

    O Que Sou Toda a Gente é Capaz De Ver; Mas O Que Ninguém É Capaz De Imaginar É Até Onde Sou E COMO.
    Miguel Torga)
    What I have can see every person; But the fact that no one can imagine is what I am capable and how.
    (Miguel Borka)

    Um Dos Meus Sete Pecados Mortais: A Sede de Aror Absoluto Que Me Devora.
    Miguel Torga)
    One of my seven mortal sins is the thirst for absolute love that devours me.
    (Miguel Borka)

    Ter Um Destino é Não Caber No Berço Onde O Corpo Nasceu, É Transpor As Fronteiras Uma A Uma E Morrer Sem Nenhuma.
    Miguel Torga)
    Have a fate - this is not to be placed in that cradle, where the body was born, - it is to cross the borders one after another and die without crossing any.
    (Miguel Borka)

    O Mundo é Uma Realidade Universal, DesArticulada Em Biliões de Realidades Individuais.
    Miguel Torga)
    The world is an objective reality that is divided into billions of individual reality.
    (Miguel Borka)

    Não PERTURBES A PAZ QUE ME FOI DADA. Ouvir De Novo a Tua Voz Seria Matar A Sede Com Água Salgada.
    Miguel Torga)
    Do not disturb these peace. To hear your voice again - it's how to quench your thirst with salt water.
    (Miguel Borka)

    Que Belo E Que Natural É Ter Um Amigo!
    Miguel Torga)
    How beautiful and naturally have a friend!
    (Miguel Borka)