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  • Stylized carp image. Tattoo Karp Koi.

    Stylized carp image. Tattoo Karp Koi.

    In the modern world, the carp fish is well known as a decorative animal for aquariums, and is painted in the tattoo most often surrounded by the element of water or some Asian symbols. Because the tattoo of this mysterious fish came to us from ancient Japanese culture. Once the carp was the usual, gray river fish, and hid from people's views in orcrew rivers and algae places. But today this kind of fish is so varied and developed that once gray fish became similar to floating gems. Not without the help of breeding today, carp has incredible coloring shining and overflowing in the sun. Therefore, carp became a famous Asian symbol along with Sakura and Lotus.

    The main value of TATU carp is good. But its interpretation can be divided into two types: the first has its source Japanese culture, the second is Chinese.

    The Japanese worship the carp purely male symbol, flags with the image of the carp hung on the house when a boy was born in it. But after he became a symbol of joyful life and family well-being: Black carp is a father's symbol, a fire-red carp. Mother, white or blue symbol - son-son, pink carp. Daughter sign.

    In nature, the life of Karpov is a constant struggle, they all have to deal with the flow of rivers, overcoming kilometers in search of food or places to continue the kind. That's why the value of the carp tattoo often interpreted as a symbol of the struggle and incredible force of will, the symbol of survival and thirst to live.Such a tattoo is suitable for very purposeful people who can fight all obstacles to their sacred target. Carp became a symbol of changing reality, those who are building their fate and himself changes circumstances, may also be a sign of courage and victories in the fight against difficulties.

    In China, Koi (carp) is of particular importance. He is considered the king of all fish on Earth, so embodies absolute power and superiority over all other. It is also called Dragon Fish, because the legend says that every carp that can climb along the yellow river up to the dragon gates themselves, will also turn into a dragon. Therefore, carp is a symbol of inspiration for people who are seeking particularly difficult and ambitious purposes.This tattoo gives its owner a blessing, it is considered the more carp on the body - the more good luck it brings.

    Karp is a symbol of the independence of the soul and body, it stimulates to succeed, no matter what. In general, in the Buddhist religion, the carp became a symbol of fearlessness and courage, also in the east admire his longevity.

    If you are not afraid of difficulties in life and want to live always in motion, the carp tattoo is what you need.

    What is the meaning and value of the carp tattoo

    Carp - an amazing creation, which one time was nothing inconspicuous, gray river fish, which was hiding from the human gaze in algae and or or or or other places of rivers, but tattoo value carp - more interesting. To date, this kind of fish has been extremely developed and has many different individuals. Thanks to breeding achievements, carps have a variety of colorful, shiny and transfusing in sunshine. In addition, Carp loved fans of decorative fish for aquariums.

    An example of tattoo with carp 10

    What value is a tattoo?

    Images in the form of a carp moved to us from Asia, namely from ancient Japanese culture. In this regard, in most cases, carp is depicted along with various Asian symbols, as well as surrounded by its natural elements - water.

    The main value of the carp tattoo is luck. But it is interpreted in different ways, as it has several different meanings in Japanese and Chinese cultures.

    In China, Carp, or as his name is here - koi, has an important symbolic meaning. The Chinese consider the king among the fish, so he symbolizes superiority and absolute power. Also, the carp is sometimes called dragon fish - this is due to one legend, which says that the so-called Dragon Gates is said in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. And every carp that can climb up the river and get to these gates, will turn into a dragon.

    Thus, the carp is an inspiring symbol for people who are accustomed to fight difficulties and overcome various obstacles for good purposes. Tattoo in this case is a symbol of good luck, which it brings to its owner. Also, they say that the greater the image of the carp on the body, the more good luck it will bring.

    An example of tattoo with carp 9

    In the Japanese, the carp image has a slightly more landed value. In the rising sun, this fish one time was a purely male symbol. When a boy was born in the house, the owners hung the check box with the image of the carp on their home. But soon Karp acquired the value of family well-being and joy of life.

    Black carp in Japanese culture is a father, red - mother, blue or blue - sign of a son, pink - daughter.

    The constant struggle is the way of the life of Karpov, they all have to overcome the flow and many kilometers in search of food and place to continue the kind. Thus, the carp tattoo also symbolizes the tireless struggle, the vast power of the will and the desire for life.

    So, if you are a targeted person, do not be afraid of obstacles and difficulties, all the time stay in motion, then the tattoo in the form of a carp will be a great choice.

    Example Tattoo with carp 8 Example Tattoo with carp 1 Example Tattoo with carp 2 Example Tattoo with carp 3
    Example Tattoo with carp 4 Example Tattoo with carp 5 Example Tattoo with carp 6 Example Tattoo with carp 7

    The value "koi" tattoo

    In the material, let's talk about the value "koi" tattoo, meaning, options and history of this drawing in a tattoo. Those who have already decided and is working as a tattoo idea, as a possible addition, we offer the following directory pages to familiarize yourself:

    • Photo "koi" tattoo
    • Sketches "Koi" tattoo

    The value "Koi" Tattoo - Interesting examples of ready-made tattoo in the photo

    Fish Koi is a picturesque representative of the Karpov family. She attracts with its bright color and unusual appearance. The image of Koi carp became in demand in all branches of art. The artistic tattoo masters also do not bypass him by the party, beating this symbol in his works.

    Recently, people who want to wear a tattoo with koi on the body is becoming more and more. And everyone will be useful to find out what values \u200b\u200bthis drawing is wearing.

    Possible tattoo values \u200b\u200b"koi"

    Karp Koi - a character being revered in the east. The image of this fish on the human body can have several values:

    1. Attracting happiness.

    Koi helps everyone who failed in life. In the Japanese and Chinese mythology, the carp is analogous to the "horseshoes" and "four-listed clover" for us. Many believe that the drawing of Koi on the body can help in the fight against life difficulties.

    Examples of photos

    1. Find yourself of the present.

    The ancient Eastern belief states that Koi can reincarnate in the river dragon. This fish is under the power of what others are not capable of. That is why the image of Koi reflects devotion to itself and the search for himself.

    1. Calestretenness.

    This interpretation of the picture is connected with the same legend. No obstacles will interfere with the little koi koi to become who he should be. This fish is tirelessly moving towards the goal and, in the end, reaches it.

    1. Symbol of femininity.

    For residents of eastern countries, koi fire-red symbolizes the feminine. Scarlet carp on the body of its owner reflects her feminine essence, attractiveness, youth. The Japanese associate the image of the red koi with the image of a loving mother, the keeper of the family hearth.

    By the way, the carp of black color symbolizes a man. A tattoo with black koi puts focus on the masculinity and the strength of its owner.

    1. Thirst for life.

    In nature, Carpama has to be not easy: they are constantly fighting for food and compete with the flow of rivers. But these fish still bypass any obstacles, they create for themselves favorable conditions and know how to benefit from circumstances.

    Who will suit the tattoo "Koi"

    To carry on the body, the "Koi" pattern can many, but the best possible image of the carp will reflect nature:

    1. People wishing to discover a new way in life or advance through the career ladder.
    2. Purposeful personalities who go to the intended goal and spend on its achievement all physical and mental strength.
    3. Lovely wives and loving mothers, which is most in life with family relationships (drawing of red koi).
    4. People who do not have enough self-confidence and willpie (carp tattoo in this case charges positive energy and helps to stand on his feet).

    It is also worth mentioning the people who ever were "on the hairs from death." The tattoo with the image of the carp koi on the body of such a person will be a symbol of the struggle for life and victory over circumstances.

    Watch the video

    Whatever it was, the main thing is to enjoy your tattoo and remember that it will wear the meaning that you invest in it.

    Prepared: chepurkoasua (Chepurkoasua)

    Japanese carp koi

    Weapons for the conquest of the world can be different. For example, the Japanese are jokingly called such a carp koi weapon. Bright, movable, daily fishing fish decorate decorative reservoirs around the world. There are books and magazines, clubs of karp koi lovers, shows and exhibitions.

    The history of the appearance of the Japanese carp

    There was a Japanese carp from wild black carps, which more than two thousand years ago inhabited the pool of the Caspian Sea. Ancient Chinese bred carp, which had extraordinary taste and endurance, for food. Koi translated from Chinese and means "carp".

    In Japan, the fish fell with migrants from China for about five hundred years ago. Japanese peasants of fish with non-standard bright spotted colors crossed to get new coloring options. Fish with spots of white, blue, red colors became floating gems and made a passion for breeding popular among Japanese nobility.

    Today Karp Koi is a fish that has passed six selection selections. Only after that she is assigned a category. Of the more than eighty varieties of Japanese carps, only fourteen color colormen are considered to be the standard.

    Japanese carp is a practically a pet having an individual character and responding to its name. He recognizes the owners by voice and steps, it can be fed from hand and stroke.

    The content of Japanese carp in decorative water bodies

    Japanese carp koi does not need complex care. For content in artificial water bodies in Russia, it is better to choose a fish grown in the conditions of the North-West of the country, and not its Japanese or Chinese fellow who are worse than the cold.

    In the Russian natural conditions, the pond must be a depth of at least two meters and with a half-meter pit on the bottom, so that the fish could be worn into cold weather, and in the summer, hiding from the heat in depth.

    The sizes of the pond depend on the number and size of the fish and are calculated, based on the volume of water of 50 liters and more than one fish.

    When the water temperature falls below + 10 ° C and keeps about two weeks, the flows of respiration, release, digestion are slowed down in the body of the fish, the carp stop feeding so that the food does not start in the esophagus.

    The pond compressor or fountain will help the circulation of water and enrich it with oxygen. In order not to change the acidity of water in the reservoir, it needs to be regularly brushing from falling there leaves from trees.

    Japanese carp content in aquarium

    If you provide good filtering and aeration of water, the Japanese carp can be kept in a home aquarium sufficiently large sizes.

    Carps, like all living beings, grow and change with age. Angalous gusty "adolescents" are not as beautiful and interesting as solid adults. But for the content of at least six-year-old carps, the volume of the aquarium should reach about a thousand liters, and with the prospect of the growth of its inhabitants - two thousand.

    The carpams themselves do not need a special transparency of water, but for observers there is no need for anything, so powerful filtration is needed. You can do without aeration, but crushing sounds that make carps, swallowing air on the surface, do not contribute to pacification.

    Aquarium with Japanese carpamas need to light well so that the fish look bright and contrast.

    Kinder carps in the aquarium is best dry granular feed, which enhances the color of fish and does not affect the quality of water. You can complement the diet can be finely sliced \u200b\u200bfruits and vegetables, the remains of which you need to delete after eating from the aquarium.

    Since beautiful Japanese carps are decoration not only aquarium, but also the room itself as a whole, the choice of soil depends on the color of fish and from the interior. The main thing is that the amount of decor in water is minimal.

    Japanese carps are derived initially to observe from above. But how wonderful in the aquarium looks like a Japanese carp! The photo demonstrates it enough.

    Nutrition of Japanese carp

    To feed Japanese carps is best granulated, depending on the water temperature and fish activity, from two to six times a day. In winter, the carps eat very little. Koi carps react well to any food. It can be beans and cabbage, and watermelon. Since decorative fish are intended for nature in order for them to admire, feed for them is selected not only on the balance of nutrients, but also by buoyancy. Special pleasure gives owners feeding from hands.

    If under the surface of the water, install decorative backlight, then flying to its light and fallen in the pond night insects will be natural food for fish.

    When feeding fish, whatever pleasure gives this process, it is necessary to comply with the unshakable rule: it is better to unfersion than to reconcile, especially artificial feeds.


    In China and Japan, traditional cuisine is not without carp. Carp takes a knife to the chef, not having fluttered and not trembling in front of him. Maybe therefore, the Japanese carp is considered a symbol of composure and fearlessness in the face of imminent death. The value of the image of this fish is great thanks to the ancient Chinese legend. According to this legend, the carp rose to the dragon gates on the jets of the waterfall. Farms and perseverance were rewarded - he became a dragon. In the natural nature of the carps overcome the current not only in search of food, but also to continue the kind.

    In the visual art of Japan, Karp Koi occupies one of the leading places, and not only because of the bright color scheme. The Japanese carp is a symbol of good luck, victory over the circumstances, the strength of the spirit, the desire for self-improvement, inspiration for those who seek ambiguous goals.

    Tattoo with the image of the Japanese carp

    The back, chest, hip or shoulder are the places that the tattoo is applied, where the Japanese carp is depicted. The value of this image is good luck. It is believed that the magnitude of luck, which brings the image of the Japanese carp koi is proportional to the sizes of the tattoo.

    The color of the fish in the picture is also important: black - overcoming pain and strong experiences that raised a person to new heights; Red - love, strength and energy; Blue - courage.

    Unsupported courage, cold-blooded in battle, fearlessness before any fate - these qualities of the samurai warrior embodies Japanese carp (tattoo). The value of this symbol is enhanced by the image of water, which symbolizes the course of life. If in the drawing carp floats against the waves, then this means that a person to achieve the goal is ready to overcome all the difficulties in the vitality. A strong character, the desire to survive, contrary to everything, will help such a person to go against the opinions of others.

    If the carp sails in the image for flow, then it symbolizes peace after reaching the cherished goal, awareness of the meaning of life, confidence in swimming for the waves of life.

    If a pair of fish is depicted on the tattoo, it means a happy union, harmony of relations between a man and a woman. In such a tattoo, the color decision is important: black carp is a father, bright red - mother, white or blue - son, pink - daughter.

    As you can see, the tattoo (Japanese carp) can be different ..

    Another full philosophical meaning is the dignity of the Japanese carp: he can live in centuries. More than two hundred years lived in hand to the fish - Karp Koi named Hanako.

    What does the carp tattoo mean

    The main value of TATU carp is good luck.

    But its interpretation can be divided into two types: the first has its source Japanese culture, the second is Chinese.

    The Japanese worship the carp purely male symbol, flags with the image of the carp hung on the house when a boy was born in it. But after he became a symbol of joyful life and family well-being: black carp is a father's symbol, a fire-red carp. Mother's symbol, white or blue - symbol of a son-son, pink carp. Daughter sign. In nature, the life of Karpov is a constant struggle, they all have to deal with the flow of rivers, overcoming kilometers in search of food or places to continue the kind. Therefore, the value of the carp tattoo is often interpreted as a symbol of the struggle and incredible force of will, a symbol of survival and thirst to live. Such a tattoo is suitable for very purposeful people who can fight all obstacles to their sacred target. Carp became a symbol of changing reality, those who are building their fate and himself changes circumstances, may also be a sign of courage and victories in the fight against difficulties.

    In China, Koi (carp) is of particular importance. It is considered the king of all fish on Earth, therefore embodies absolute power and superiority over all other. It is also called Dragon Fish, because the legend says that every carp that can climb along the yellow river up to the dragon gates themselves, will also turn into a dragon. Therefore, carp is a symbol of inspiration for people who are seeking particularly difficult and ambitious purposes. This tattoo gives its owner a blessing, it is considered the more carp on the body - the more good luck it brings.

    Karp is a symbol of the independence of the soul and body, it stimulates to succeed, no matter what. In general, in the Buddhist religion, the carp became a symbol of fearlessness and courage, also in the east admire his longevity.

    Karp-Koi Tattoo (Koi-Fish)

    Dreamy_Piglet. All records of the author Karp Koi (Koi-Fish)
    Tattoos with carpamas are also diverse and popular as the fish themselves.
    In the design of tattoos with carpas, Sakura, waves or splashes, and lotus flowers are often present.
    Koi is a kind of carp (Koi Japanese is a carp) derived in artificial conditions and characterized by incredible colors. In Nature, the carp is a river fish hiding in orst places of rivers, but the Japanese by selection turned ordinary fish into floating gems.
    The main value of the koi tattoo is good luck.
    The Japanese distinguish various symbol values \u200b\u200bfor pond and wild carps
    And the Chinese interpret such tattoos completely differently.
    Japanese tattoo value carp:
    The Japanese translate the word koi not only as a carp, but also like love (love precisely to the partner, and not to parents).
    In Japan, carp is a male symbol. When a boy is born in the family, over the house hangs flags with carps images. But currently carp is equally popular both among men and women.
    Tattoos with carpami are considered extremely energetic, rich color gamut in carpas, its image is dynamic. In nature, carps are constantly struggling with overcoming streams in search of food and to continue the kind.
    This force is usually interpreted as follows:
    First, the tattoo portrays the fish that constantly floats against the current, gaining strength for a new struggle. This means the opportunity to go against fate, the flow of life, overcoming obstacles falling on the way. Often carp represents a victory symbol over circumstances, triumph of courage in the fight.
    Secondly, this perception is due to the influence of the West, carp for the most independent natur. Those who rebel against everything they do not like them, those who are indifferent to the opinion of society and other people. Carp overcoming storm stream - the symbol of the power of the spirit.
    Chinese tattoo value carp:
    Koi - Dragon Fish, the king of all fish, is of particular importance in China.
    The legend says:
    Each carp should rise to the dragon gates up the yellow river, where it will be turned into a dragon.
    Thus, the carp is a symbol of inspiration for people seeking special, sometimes ambitious purposes, for those who dream of more.
    Thus, in general, the carp tattoo is determined, strength and good luck.
    Such a tattoo will bring welfare to its owner than the carp, especially the successful owner.
    Selective Translation by Dreamy_Piglet

    One of the most popular images for tattoos has always been a carp. This symbol came to us from Eastern culture, and extremely read in those edges.

    Nowadays, carps are decorative fish contained in artificial conditions. Aquarists hold them in aquariums, fountains and ponds. Previously, these animals were considered inconspicuous, but now carps derived by the method of selective crossing have stunning colors. By virtue of their beauty and perseverance, Koi symbolize Asia. People have long used their image, believing that they possess special values.

    The value of tattoo carp.

    Good luck is the main meaning that carries the carp tattoo. However, there are other meanings that are radically different. This is explained by the historical features of the Asian countries, because the data of the fish were relevant both in Japan and China.

    The inhabitants of the rising Sun found themselves to be koi exclusively male symbolism. With the birth of a samurai family on a dwelling lasted a sign with a carp image. Gradually, this concept has changed slightly, and koi began to symbolize a happy and successful life in the family.

    In natural conditions, these fish literally survive, passing through strong currents, trying to find food and a suitable area of \u200b\u200breproduction. In this case, the value of tattoo is to overcome the difficulty of life. It symbolizes persistence, willpower and desire to go ahead. People with such a tattoo - strong personality, independently manage their own lives.

    The Chinese are particularly reverent to Koi, considering their fish kings. In their culture, the sketch of TATU carp symbolize superiority over the rest, the manifestation of power. In the subway, there is a legend that the carp, which was added to the mouth of the yellow river, where the Dragon's gates are located, refer to the mystical animal. Thanks to this legend, local residents gave the second name Karpami - dragonfish. There are other values \u200b\u200bof tattoo carp koi. For example, they mean inspiration to commit fateful actions. Those who have on their body tattoo koi are lucky and blessed for success in all their endeavors.

    In the eastern culture, Karp Koi means a symbol of longevity, since the life expectancy of fish in good conditions is more than 200 years!

    Tattoo sketches

    As a rule, tattoo fish is performed colored, in Chinese or Japanese style, with the image of water, lotus flowers, sakura, dragons or second carp. Each option has its interpretation. For example, fish floating against water streams symbolizes a person who, despite obstacles, reaches the goal. If the fish moves in the direction of flow is a symbol of permission of all problems.

    Two interlaced carp are the designation of family well-being and reached harmony between a pair. The presence of the dragon symbolizes a strong and persistent person, the desire to live and move only forward.

    Places of application

    Mostly modern Japanese tattoo with Koi carp are applied to large parts of the body - caviar, side, shoulders, back (blade, loin), chest. However, now a considerable popularity is acquired by a mini-tattoo, the dimensions of which do not exceed the matchbox.

    The article is based on photographs and translation of the Sandi Fellman "The Japanese Tattoo" book, with additions.

    Iredezum is not just a bright picture, dusted on the skin. This is a kind of man's shield, his guardian. The tattoo can also serve as a warning - "Beware of the one who wears it!" She is similar to the serpentine meduza Gorgon from Greek mythology, or a woman - a snake of Lamia from the poem Kits ...

    Spherrid Ring, scales Liya -
    Sparkling Bagres, Lazari, Zlata:
    Snake was like zebra, striped,
    Like leopard friday; Pavlin himself
    Murk would be next to me in a moment one.
    And, with lunas silver similar,
    Play glare on wonderful skin.

    The skin covered with Irodezumi, the flame pain from the needle becomes cool reptile skin. Images of wriggling dragons, lightning in numerous zigzags, fish scales, and ripples from a moving body, which is not able to capture photography, increases the defensive and enclosing effect. Do the carriers of Irodese fencing themselves from their emotions? Are they people protesting against morality, technology, the spirit of consumerism and conformism inherent in modern Japan? All that can be said about Irozumi is secrecy and remoteness. Secrecy provides a strict business suit, fully hiding a tattoo, and the remoteness is the state of the human soul, its wearing, distant from many norms and prohibitions of modern society.

    Tattoo value Japanese carp

    Karp (鯉), referred to in Japan "Koi" - was delivered during the Middle Ages to the country of the rising sun by migrants from China - the country where he was grown and subjected to selection over the centuries. The Carp immediately loved to local residents who continued to work on its appearance, through a thorough selection. In Chinese and Japanese cuisine, the Karpa is given the place of the king of freshwater fish. It is difficult to believe that this bright and fancy fish sparkling with gold, red and orange shades of scales is derived from a conventional freshwater carp. The magnificence of carp Koi has long made it a popular plot for attractive tattoos, both in men and women. The images of the carp are distinguished by dynamism rich in color gamut and high decorativeness.
    The ancient Chinese legend, who became popular and in Japan, says that the brave carp Koi was not afraid to rise up the jets of the waterfall to the gates of the Dragon, and, as a reward for this feat, was turned into a dragon. This act made carp the symbol of courage, strength and perseverance in achieving the goal. It is believed that caught carp, not having fluttered, takes a cutting knife. So, the image of the carp may be both a symbol of fearlessness and cold-blooded in front of the inevitable fate - the qualities inherent in the real warrior - samurai. To speak as a whole, the value of the tattoo can be determined as the desire of its owner to become kard in determination, strength and luck, and increase, thanks to these qualities of their welfare.

    Tattoo Meaning Japanese Dragon

    In Japan, the dragon is most popular of all mythological creatures. The image of the dragon as a decoration or ornament can be found in all aspects of everyday life. In the mythology of the East, the dragon is a symbol of strength, loyalty, perseverance, nobility, magic, imagination and transformation strength, the symbol of the ability to go beyond the usual and much more. Imperial clothing in Japan is solemnly referred to as "Dragon's robes", which is decorated with images of dragons, indicating the power of the monarch and the patronage from the dragons. Being a lord of the aquatic and air elements - the dragon was also considered a defender from the fire, so he was honored firefighters. The dragon in his appearance combines parts of other animals, and thus can extract the necessary properties and forces from each creature, which is part of it. It lies his omnipotence and universalism. Dragon is a snake with deer horns, scales and carp mustes, four-pailed eagle paws, camel nose and protrusions in the form of flames on the shoulders and hips.

    On this fragment of tattoos with the image of the dragon, its head is shown. Pottakaya Youth Tastes, Master Chorioni III fulfilled this tattoo in the cartoon style of manga (comic books in the European style), however, leaving traditional oriental features - a shaggy face, a fanging mouth, mustache, horns and flame protrusions on the body. The dragon and his background form the elements of Yin - Yang - different aspects of the uniform reality or interaction and the opposite struggle began.

    The Japanese master Horikin is known for developing and makes a Japanese style tattoo on the entire body of the customer. However, the customer depicted in the photo, asked only one dragon, perhaps in order to point out that he was born in the year of the dragon, in the fifth year on the Eastern Zodiac, or perhaps in order to "increase" Right hand. In addition, he asked to make this tattoo in the Western style, called the Japanese Nukibori, which has become popular among Japanese youth from recently. The difference between this method from the traditional Japanese is that the contour of the pattern is filled with homogeneous color, without retouching, color transitions and shadow imposition.

    Tattoo value Kintaro.

    Kintaro ("Golden Boy") (金太郎) is one of the most popular characters in the Japanese folklore, and, in fact, is a combination of a local deity (kami) fertility with a real historical figure. According to Japanese folk tales and heroic legends, Kintaro, being another child, possessed non-good physical strength. His amazing feats and perseverance for a thousand years served for the Japanese an example of the perfect warriol. In Japanese art, Kintaro is often depicted in the form of a small, naked child with a red leather, which fights with a huge carp and wins it. The legend of Kintaro occupies a central place in the celebration of the boy's day, which is coping on May 5th. Families who have sons have high poles from their homes, at the ends of which air snakes from paper or fabric depicting carps are treated. So they want to show that it lives here, perhaps the new Kintaro. Parents give to the children toys in the form of this legendary hero, hoping that they would become the same strong and brave, as well as Kintaro.
    This tattoo symbolizes strength, courage and courage. Tattoo is popular with people dealing with any martial arts.

    This photo shows the work of the Horikina Tattoo Master. When this photo was done, a person with this image was very sick, and therefore Horikin offered her customer to make tattooed skin of the university museum. The man himself was not against this, but his relatives abruptly objected. According to Japanese laws, part of the human body, including the skin, after his death can not be used without the permission of his family. Therefore, this photo will be the only preserved testimony of this work of the art of the work of the master Horikin.

    Another tattoo master, Choriyusi II, fully covered the back of the customer with the image of Kintaro in the form of a boy an angelic appearance, which fights with a mighty carp. Kintaro is Blue Haramaki (a wide belt of fabric, apron), covering his Hara (stomach), which the Japanese consider the source of thinking and designs, source of feelings. In the philosophy of Zen-Buddhism, the location of the soul and the center of human life was considered not the head or heart, but as it were, as it were, in relation to the entire body of the belly, which contributes to a more balanced and harmonious development of a person. Of particular importance was the navel, because through it, as they believed in Japan, the thunderstorm deity saturates the disease. Therefore, he was covered with a protective warm cut.

    The meaning of the Japanese tattoo lion

    Japanese tattoo lion. Master Horigoro III.

    Lev-Guard or Coma-Inu (Korean dog).
    This tattoo is made by Master Horigoro III and depicts coma-Inu. There is a legend that when Japanese Empress Dzingo in 200 G.E. Take a trip to Korea, Korean Van (King) swore forever to defend the palace of Japanese emperors. The mythical Korean dog (Coma-Inu is a dog with a head of a lion), which corresponds to the Chinese Lion - the guard (Kara Sisi or Dzisi), also called the "Lion Buddha", was to defend the house of the owner from evil spirits. It was believed that the skins from the head of the Korean PSA was distinguished by unusual strength, and from her, allegedly, helmets were made that could not break through the arrow. Statues of these creatures made of stone or porcelain are installed before entering Buddhist sanctuations, government residences, administrative buildings, tombs of the Lord of the past in China, Japan and in some other countries of the Far East. Lev - Guardian or Korean dog symbolizes protection, power, success and strength. In order to tighten their unbridled rage (which symbolizes the "Yan" symbol), for aesthetic balance, next to the lion always depicts a beautiful peony flower ("Yin" symbol). A dog, as such, is considered in Japan the faithful keeper of babies and young children.

    The value of the peony flower in the Japanese tattoo

    Japanese Tattoo Peony Flower

    The symbolic meaning of the peony flower in Japanese culture and art is in this case, in the art of tattoos, as well as the value of many other images, assumes the presence of a variety of options. In China, from where the PION leads its origin, it is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity, which ultimately leads to welfare. One of the meanings that Peonya received in Japan also characterizes his flower of wealth and good luck. At the players in the card, the tattoo with the image of the peony indicates the courage and the ability to risk. In the same meaning in former times, this flower was very popular with samurai, yielding only Sakura in popularity. The warriors in their bright armor resembled the blooming peonies, and the fight was broken into many fights one on one, where everyone tried to stand out, show himself in all its glory. Then there was a saying "during the war to seek a big flower", that is, find a worthy opponent, take risks. Therefore, Peony symbolizes a desperately brave person.
    But there is also the exact opposite meaning of this beautiful flower. It can be a symbol of harmony, female beauty and spring. In the tattoo, it is designed to mitigate too hard, the rectilinear meaning of some other images, giving them another symbolic orientation. For example, in the case of Korean PsS and Lvom, the images of peonies turn these fierce guards in the faithful adherents of beauty and gallant passage, but only if the tattoo carrier comes properly. In the opposite case, Peony becomes an additional militant sign.

    The value of the blooming sakura in the tattoo

    Horiosi III for this tattoo appealed to the plots of the Ukiyo series - e (engravings), made by Utamaro and depicting beautiful women from the "cheerful quarters" of Yoshivara in some Japanese cities of the 18th century. Many of these women themselves had tattoos on their own body. The bloom of Japanese cherry - Sakura is one of the most famous symbols of Japan, and are very popular as a tattoo. Cherry blooms early in spring, and very quickly loses her petals of his flowers. The short term of this gentle beauty, inevitably made Sakur with a symbol of the short life of the warrior and a small sense of youth and attractiveness of the curtain. The curtisank depicted, to give a hint of eroticism, made the shadows of the cherry blossom around passionate eyes.

    The value of maple leaves

    Kintaro and maple leaves. On this tattoo, Kintaro is again shown, in a deadly fight with a powerful carp. This time, Kintaro is older in age, completely dressed and armed with a dagger. The maple leaf in China and Japan has many values \u200b\u200b- it can symbolize love, autumn, resistance (as Maple does not fear winter cold). In this case, the leaves may also denote a long resistant struggle. On the left, at the top of the back, the signature of the Master Choriti is visible.

    Value of Japanese Rat Tattoos

    Iredezumi. Rat. Tattoo masters Horikina.

    Rat - Ninja.
    The customer was born in the year of the rat, opening the 12th summer cycle of the Eastern calendar. He chose this beast as a tattoo on the back, which Master Horikin was performed. It is difficult to explain why the rat is, this pest is rodent, was glorified in Japanese mythology. Nevertheless, the rat is associated with the deity of wealth, one of the seven good luck gods, and it is depicted by a schnaking among bales with rice. It is also a symbol of fertility, as can be seen on this humorous tattoo, where a huge rat is a parent surrounding the frizzling hungry rats.
    But in addition, rat also symbolizes the ancient Japanese art of Nindzutsu - the art of masking, espionage and sabotage. Ninja - secret agents, like rats, could imperceptibly penetrate into enemy locks, in order to steal, extend, or commit a murder. Ninja was very careful and preferred to act at night, where, under the cover of darkness it was easier to remain invisible. It was believed that the most skillful ninjas were capable of changing their shape through the Witchcraft Char. This ability was attributed to the ratt. The Character Character of the Kabuki Wordan Nikki Nikki Nikki during the performance turns into a huge rat or in the trees, in order to turn his unacceptable things.

    Phenix tattoo value

    For a tattoo on his wife's back, Chorioni III chose the image of the legendary Phoenix bird - a mythical eternal creature, capable of reborn again and reborn from the ashes after it burns itself on fire. In this case, Phoenix symbolizes eternal love and hope for rebirth after death.

    The value of the Japanese tattoo of the web, spider.

    The customer asked to perform a "subtle and detailed image" on his armpit, one of the most painful areas on which the tattoo can be applied, as well as one of the most dangerous. Here there are many sweat glands and from the needle injections in this place begins abundant sweat selection. Hair on armpits suggested Horikin the idea of \u200b\u200bportray in this place with a spray network. In Japan, the spider has a dual value: if you see a spider in the daytime, it promises good luck, and if you meet it at night - it's bad sign. A web, as an outstanding natural phenomenon, clearly causes the Japanese from the Japanese, but, nevertheless, the image of a spider, as a symbol of conflicting nature - it creates beauty only to grab and kill - causes the Japanese tattoos and their customers fear.

    Character Kabuki Banten - Kodzo

    Bantan - Kodzo was one of the most popular and beloved spectators characters from the repertoire of the theater of the Kabuki. He was a noble robber, and his beauty allowed him to fulfill his crimes, to issue himself for a woman. In one of the scenes, after he robs the jewelry shop, a modest and noble girl, unexpectedly tearing at himself kimono and demonstrates the hall a male tattooed body. It is this moment that depicts the master Horidzin on the tattoo. The customer's back is divided by a tattoo - if the left Bantan still remains in women's clothing, then it shows a tattoo on his body. The vortex curls around Branen are not just decorating the composition, they point to the rustling and chaotic way of life of the character.

    Wind and Lightning

    At this unfinished tattoo, the Horioni III, a round solar plexus medallion, shown between two, whipping the nipples of dragon tails is probably the emblem of the gangster group of Yakuza (such a group of like-minded people is called "Napava"). The emblem is a stylized image of a rice boiler, and has a hidden meaning: "The one who eats from one boiler is brother." On the right side of the chest, the god of the winds of Fudzin is depicted, one of the twelve bodhisattvas - the kings of Buddhism, which is always depicted as a terrible demon, which he was, before he went on the side of the Buddha. Here he fights with a comic, laughing rain dragon.


    This tattoo is made by Master Choridzin. One of the oldest styles in the Japanese tattoo, remaining popular and now, is the style of the "river" ("Kava"), since the center of the body is top to bottom, like the river there is a strip of clean skin. The tattoo is made in such a way that the traditional casual Japanese clothing is HAPPI (a jacket with short narrow sleeves) and Mompey (short, to his knees, pants), completely hid it. Now it allows you to wear a shirt with short sleeves and shorts. A similar "river" or "quarter of the body" was supposed to impede the removal of the skin after the death of a person, since it did not allow the Iredence composition in the integrity.
    The left nipple is decorated in the form of a peony flower, while the waterfall is lowered from the right nipple, in the jets of which the carp is shown, persistently penetrating to the top to be reborn in the dragon. On the right biceps depicts a horned dragon, as if illustrating the ultimate goal of a hard carp. The tail of the dragon ends on the left hand, where it is shown the clouds. A man wears traditional Japanese underwear - Fundoshi (hammered dressing).


    On this tattoo, the master Choridzin depicted an episode of the famous Chinese parable, about how the mother - the lioness treated her beloved little cub down, in the gorge. She herself climbed on the mountain, and from there called him to himself, encouraging him to make difficult ascent. Thus, the lioness tried to teach his perseverance and endurance. This parable about the survival of the most adapted life symbolized the Confucian look at the ideal parents who sacrifice their feelings for their children to grow endless and stubborn.


    On this tattoo made by Horidzin, shown by Koricara Changoro, one of the noble robbers from the novel "Suichoden". The scene is shown where the hero twists the stem bamboo, trying to remove anger and struggling with the temptation to make an evil act. Near him, the patronage of the Buddhist deity of Fudo is shown.


    The tattoo was performed, not without the European influence, the master of Choriyusi III, and shows the traditional look of the Japanese Two-Friend Demon (they), in this case - a demon of jealousy. In Japanese folklore, jealous women are often mentioned, in whom such horns are growing on the head. During the wedding ceremony, they hide them under the headdress of the bride. Currently, many young Japanese prefer to make themselves similar terrifying and frankly hooligan tattoos, and not adhere to traditional plots.

    Hayukuro and Snake

    For this tattoo, the Master Horikin chose the image of Sagi-But-Ike Hayikuro, one of the 108 tattooed heroes of the adventurous Chinese novels "SUYKODEN", \u200b\u200btranslated into Japanese Kokutoe Bakin in 1805. The heroes of this work were glorified thanks to numerous gravies in the style of "Ukiu-E" (the direction of the visual art of Japan during the EDO period) in Ser. XIX century, made by such famous artists, like Utagawa, Kuniyusi, Tyukuni and Cunisada. The tattoo shows the deadly fight of Hayikuro with a giant snake. The tattoo is made as skillfully that you feel the power of the arsenic snake and the valiant haikuro force with each movement of the tattooed body.


    Peonies, twisted around the nipples and navel, attract the butterfly, just like waves running from the rocks, entail a fearless carp. Above solar plexus, the Master Choridzin placed the Syncu hieroglyphs, which denote "endurance". This word has another meaning if you use it to the secret symbolism of Irozumi: "Being secretive, live secretive life."


    Horikin developed this drawing for his head ("the abode of all feelings"), which was then twisted Horioro III, Horikin II (his brother and student), and Horessi III. Here the art of tattoos is combined with the art of calligraphy. Large red symbols are one of the form names of the Akala deity on Sanskrit. Little black symbols The name of the Divine is repeated hundred times, and the image itself resembles a sitting Buddha. This is the second case of head tattoos in Japanese history. The first one belonged to Horikama, who died in 1932.

    Characters from Kabuki Theater

    This photo shows the tattoo of two people, combined to show one of the scenes of the Kabuki's performance - the traditional Japanese theater. On the left is shown one of the heroic characters of the 17th century, trying to break the mouth of the mythological snipe-like monster (in reality, the sorcerer), while frightened kurtyzanka looks at it (this character can be found in the belt - Obi, tied in front, which is a comic hint on that she spends a lot of time lying on his back because of his profession).


    Chorikin, perhaps, is the most skilled and knowledgeable master of tattoos in modern Japan, and here is shown one of his best works. In addition, the work shown is very difficult to execute, it uses unusual colors - a combination of purple, white and yellow in addition to more traditional black, green, red and blue colors. This extensive tattoo covers the entire body of the customer, with the exception of the face, hands and feet brushes. Among the multitude of pictures on the customer's abdomen, you can see a dragon, Buddhist prayer and two symbolic opposing images of vortex flows.


    In this case, another side of Irodesee is shown - the image of a grotesk character, that is, the image of something strange, eccentric and even ugly. On these tattoos, the master Choriessi show the severed heads, which reflects the ancient samurai tradition of collecting the heads of killed enemies as the trophies as evidence. In combination with the Buddhist prayer, which is diagonally through the thigh, this image can also be regarded as an oath, stick to your faith up to death, and if necessary, folded his head for it. Both the artist and his customer belong to the chorius clan, whose tattoos often carry a sadomasochist character.

    Eden (paradise).

    An even more grotesque image than the previous one. Young Japanese often order tattoos depicting something ugly and terrifying in their cruelty, as it can be seen on this tattoo, performed by Choriusi III. Again, the flowers and petals of Cherry are shown here - Sakura-National Flower of Japan, symbolizing the flow of life. In addition, a snake is shown on the tattoo - the tempter. Probably, there was not without the influence of the Christian legend of the Eden Garden, only in Japanese vision. The composition complement the repeated blooded heads.


    SEPPUKU. Tattoo of an unknown wizard.

    A man is shown on the tattoo after he committed a ritual harakiri (suicide by cutting abdomen). This terrible rite of the Japanese themselves is more often called SEPPUK.
    It is believed that the rite of SEPPUKA, like many other aspects of their culture and life, the ancestors of the Japanese borrowed from the practice of Japan's aboriginal population - Ain. The rite was cultivated among the samurai class, and thus, the warrior could prove the fortress of his spirit and purity of thoughts, or rehabilitate the society and gods in the event of a serious offense. Usually, the SEPPUCI was committed by the court sentence, and in the case of voluntary leaving of life, due to serious injury or illness, the danger of captivity, unfulfilled orders or the impossibility of achieving the goal. Sometimes this suicide committed warriors who lost their leader and patron, as a sign of devotion. The reason for suicide could be the most insignificant from the point of view of Europeans - the military unit often bragled with his ability at any time to take painful death to demonstrate the surrounding fearlessness and to achieve post-mortem glory.


    Iredezumi. Tattoos - Prayer "We are Oho Ranga Ko".

    These people were made by the tattoo with two masters - Horikin, for the fact that on the left, and chorigoro II - right. The prayer "Oho Ranga Ko" ("Glory Sutra Lotus is the Good Dharma!") Comes from the fanatical Buddhist sect Nitireng, founded in 1253, and at present there are about six million followers who are fond of singing and playing the drums. The followers of this teaching believe that constant, sincere repetition of this prayer will help everyone to achieve Nirvana. On the left, there is a person on which the prayer is twisted in red diagonally, from the right shoulder to the left thigh, and the same prayer performed in gold and in the inverted form goes up from the right thigh. The tattoo is made in this way, it is possible to show that the mercy of the Buddha extends in all directions and for everyone who believed in its power, no matter how vicious man is not. The special eccentricity of both tattoos is that they even apply to the genitals. Penis is the last of all parts of the human body, on which you can make a tattoo, as this most painful procedure is from all. Two assistants must keep the skin in a strained state, while the tattoo makes a drawing on tiny areas. Many customers lose consciousness from severe pain.


    The works of Master Horikin admire the skill of the image of living beings. It also changes a little traditional image theme. On this tattoo, the young Kintaro saddled a slippery huge cattle, and the Red Gold Fish makes its way to spawn up the falling jet on another hip. Lotus sutra goes on the left hips. There is also shown another COM, inclined in the inscription.

    Fire and Water

    Below are different tattoos made on the legs. The images are generally falling under the definition of "connection of two starts - yin and yang" - the eternal struggle of two opposite began, thanks to which all changes in the world observed are happening. Languages \u200b\u200bof flames and waves, dragon claws and carp, autumn leaves and clouds, turtles and gods good luck with bags, crowded worldly benefits, which they generously gave decent people.

    5 / 5 ( 1 vote)

    A carp tattoo was initially widespread in Japan and China due to the rich ancient culture of states, so the symbol has two interpretations. The sketch of the carp tattoo is usually performed in bright colors, and such a drawing on the shoulder or back is applied, less often - to the caviar of the leg or thigh.

    The Chinese carp (koi) is considered to be the king of all fish living in the aquatic depths of the whole world. Hence the KARP sign rightly means absolute power and leadership over the surrounding.

    According to the legend, any carp, which will be able to twist the yellow river up against the flow, will turn into a dragon, so the Chinese sometimes call this fish dragon.

    This legend gave rise to the interpretation of the carp as an inspiration symbol for anyone who set fine and ambitious goals. Having made such a tattoo, the carrier seems to be blessing to their affairs, and the larger body of the body takes the image, the more good luck will bring it.

    The life of this fish in nature is associated with an endless struggle with the course of food and spawning places. Therefore, the modern interpretation of the carp tattoo is an incredible willpower, thirst for life, struggle and skill to survive in any conditions.

    In the east, the long-lived carp was admired, Buddhists considered him a symbol of courage and independence.

    Previously, in Japan, it was a purely male sign. The Japanese even existed a tradition: when a boy was born in the house, the canvases depicted outside with the image of this fish. But then the meaning of the symbol has changed - Carp became the patron saint of a family hearth: a black fish - a symbol of a father, a bright red - mother, blue or white - son-son, pink - daughters.

    The carp image is performed on the body, as a rule, in Japanese or Chinese style, surrounded by water, sometimes decorated with cherry flowers, lotus, and sometimes together with a dragon or second carp. The sketch of the tattoo of the carp from the head of the dragon is found.

    Another modern value of the carp tattoo is a group of such qualities as wisdom, rich life experience, spiritual development, vitality, energy, justice, good luck, militancy, longevity, harmony of the soul.

    If a carp is depicted on the body, which struggles with the flow, this means that the person is on the way to achieve some important goal of his whole life, if the fish on the tattoo floats through the flow - on the contrary, is a problem permission symbol.

    Tattoo with two carps - a sign of harmonious relations of a man and women in marriage, their successful union.

    The carp tattoo is more suitable for targeted, independent and persistent personalities who know what they want from life, and which always have where to develop.

    The main places of application - chest, back, sleeves, shoulder, side, caviar. Most often applied in color, and is ideal as a man and a woman.

    Video tattoo karp

    And the following photos of tattoos depicting carp from different masters are presented.