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  • Tarot alignment for today love. Scenic schemes Tarot on relationships and love

    Tarot alignment for today love. Scenic schemes Tarot on relationships and love

    Any alignment on the map of Tarot regarding fortune telling on the feelings and thoughts of a man shows the attitude of a man to you, his thoughts and feelings, you can also view that the man feels at the subconscious level and, based on this data to think over its action plan.

    It is necessary to correct the relationship or to begin with new ones. It should also be borne in mind that in some defolds your position will also be found, and the characteristic in relation to the partner, which helps to analyze the general state of relations.

    There are several layouts on the relationship with a man, and each of them can reveal various aspects of relations. It is believed that layouts on the relationship is better to do only on senior arcans, but you can use a full deck of 78 cards. Below will consider in more detail some layouts

    Preparatory layout

    • 1 - What feelings I feel about love (that my heart speaks about relationships).
    • 2 - What are the thoughts about love (that my mind speaks about relationships).
    • 3 - What expectations I have.
    • 4 - What people I repulse.
    • 5 - what person I attract.
    • 6 - How I learn to take healthy, delicate relations in your life.
    • 7 - What can I do to create happiness in the love sphere.
    • 8 - What advice on relationships do I need to get right now.

    Is it really impatiently waiting for love? Will you be ready when she arrives in your door?

    This divination will help you explore your perception, feelings and expectations regarding the sphere of relationship. You will be able to understand how these factors affect your choice and life. In addition, the answers will provide you with the tools to prepare you for healthy, gentle relations.

    1 - who he or she is.

    2 - His / her work.

    3 - his / her quality.

    4 - his / her flaw.

    5 - Its / its external data.

    Look at the map to see if there is any feature that could give you the key to a randering.

    6 - her / his thoughts about you at the first date.

    7 - Your thoughts about a person at the first acquaintance.

    8 - the meaning of his feelings for you.

    9 - What you mean your feelings for a partner.

    10 - the strength of your connection.

    11 - weak side.

    12 - Is there a potential for the long-term union.

    This alignment will allow you to see the coming possible love relationship, you will learn whether they will be serious or not.

    Signal X-shaped

    1 - geoecological characteristics that are considered attractive in you.

    2 - emotional and individual features that like in you.

    3 - What are you considered sexual.

    4 - What you have to do to become more attractive.

    5 As far as you are attractive in general.

    6 - As far as he (she) is attractive to you.

    7 - what they need to continue to work, so that you like more.

    8 - What do you have that you consider sexual.

    9 - emotional and individual features that you consider attractive in it.

    10 - geoecological characteristics that you consider attractive in the other.

    Romantic divination

    1 - Why do you like him / her.

    2 - as another person considers gadgets.

    3 - area in which you are compatible.

    4 - the area in which you are incompatible.

    5 - What you can do to strengthen the chance of relationships with this person.

    6 - that he / she can take to get close to you.

    7 - Something that you do not know about her / it.

    8 - external support.

    9 - external obstacles.

    10 - probability of novel.

    Singing "Relationship"

    It consists of 7 cards. Here is a scheme:

    1 - Your thoughts about the object of divination.

    2 - Your feelings and emotions about the object of divination.

    3 - As you do in relation to the object.

    4 - Thoughts of the object of fortune telling about you.

    5 - feelings and emotions of the object of fortune telling to you.

    6 - What actions takes the object of divination relative to you.

    7 - the relationship between you and the object of divination.

    Consider the alignment in the horizontal plane.

    1 and 4 is the characteristics of subconscious thoughts and emotions what is, but not conscious. Here you can see plans for the future, common thoughts, beliefs and preferences. These two positions give the definition of the rest.

    2 and 5 are the sphere of feelings and emotions, as well as the nature of the expression and manifestation of your feelings relative to each other. Between these two cards, you can trace the relationship in the map position 7.

    3 and 6 is a niche of the scenario. This is what happens every day, your real sensations and real state of affairs. That's all you hear, see and express it in actions, behavior and action.

    7 - this is your relationship with the object of divination, is there harmony and understanding, comfort from relationships or on the contrary, breakdowns and quarrels.

    Pay attention to the alignment of the vertical plane.

    1, 2, 3 is the relationship of your thoughts, the emotional and sensual sphere among themselves, how do they affect each other, from where they come from and in what direction are moving.

    4, 5, 6 is the relationship of the senses and thoughts of the partner.

    After reviewing two of these verticals, you can understand what feelings are formed by behavior, what thoughts give an impetus for action, as thoughts affect the sensual and emotional spheres.

    Signaling to a relationship with a man

    In this case, only the maps of senior arcanes are used. The alignment consists only of their 3 cards. Concentrate on the question and lay out the cards as follows:

    1 - characterizes the past, which led to this situation. This is the impact and interrelation of past experiments and events.

    2 - the current situation, what is happening in real life at the moment.

    3 - What should happen in the near future (about 3 months), the development of events and a preliminary result.

    This alignment consists of 4 cards:

    1 is your personality characteristic in the space of your relationship with a man. The card can characterize your advantages and disadvantages, difficulties of character, as well as attitudes towards your partner. With this card, you pay attention to yourself, analyze the current situation and you can make a common picture of your relationship to the partner.

    2 is a partner characteristic in the relationship space with you. The map helps to understand his actions and behavior, reveals his personal features.

    3 is a description of your connection and what happens between you at a given period of time. Also, the map shows the current situation between you and describes all the problems and nuances of your relationship. From here you should begin to analyze the relationship and the possibility of their further development.

    4 is the characteristics of the prospects for the development of relations. This is the likely future, if the situation remains at the level on which it is at the moment, and if one of the partners do not solve any actions.

    This alignment helps to understand relationships and gives tips, which entailed and led to a relationship at this point, as well as how to fix the established position and what it is worth working. The main help from the scenario is a prompt to you how you can affect the relationship and correct the situation, make a profitable position for yourself.

    The alignment consists of 5 cards. You will need only older arcans.

    1 - The map transmits the adjustment of the extinguishing and characterizes the current situation in general at the moment. There is no disclosure of the nature and personality as a whole, only individual features that matter in the context of the current situation.

    2 - Characteristics of the past gadgetting, his feelings and emotions, experiences, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich relationship should be and what is love for him. All these characteristics made a gadgetting as such as it is currently. This card helps to understand the reasons for the situation.

    3 - Description of the partner of the gadget, its attitude to the gadget. If there is no one who is gadgetting at the moment, then the card characterizes the current position and shows the causes of loneliness. Gives advice as from this situation to go out, what actions worth do.

    The map in position 4 is the result of the way of the gadget, if everything remains in its places. The map can show ways to move and or option.

    5 - reserve forces of gadgetting, its subconscious part. This card helps consciously understand the situation, its beginning and a possible result.

    This method of divination is able to help figure out the existing relationships between partners. The alignment consists of five cards plus a signifier map. Maps are laid out in the following order: first the signifier map is laid out.

    1 - Your characteristic in a relationship, as sees herself governing towards his partner. What feelings and emotions gigging is experiencing from the current Union. What he lacks.

    2 - Characteristics of a partner, - What a gone sees his partner, as he perceives him, feelings and emotions towards a partner.

    1 and 2 characterize only your feelings and emotions, on the basis of this you can draw conclusions about your attitude to the partner and to relations in general, to analyze your place in this relationship, will see the shortcomings and understand what it is worth working.

    3 - a description of what joined the gadget and its partner. What events occurred and what the feelings are justified.

    4 - the relationship of the gadget and partner that they combine and holds together. Grounds for the Union, how it is currently, and what carries

    5 - the worst union, which is worth expecting from these relations, which further development can be. All this is considered in the context of the preservation of the situation at the current level. If there are any changes or actions from one of the partners, the result and the result may change. In order to view a new result of the relationship, you can repeat the alignment and compare the results and characteristics with the results of the past version.

    Cards in positions 3, 4, 5 is the characteristic of relationships from different sides, one can say the story of your relationships and love, these cards make it possible to remember how it all began and developed, also to answer and bring to think that specifically led you in the current Situation. Here you can find a board how to solve the problem has arisen and correct the situation. The main thing is to know the attitude of the partner and his desire, and readiness for anything new.

    Beeficker - this card key of all scenario, it shows and combines all aspects of relations, both between partners and gadgets separately.

    Signal to the relationship "Relationship"

    This fortune telling helps to know the senses of the partner and his attitude towards you.

    The alignment consists of only three cards related to the partner's relationship, plus a sign of a conifer, which symbolizes you and your position. First there is a signifier display.

    1 - Characteristics of hidden feelings and emotions, the fact that the partner feels, but does not reveal. It may be feelings and desires, which N cannot decide, but prepare for them.

    2 - Characteristics of the senses and emotions of the partner in relation to you. These are the real feelings and the actions that he manifests, and which you can see and feel.

    3 - Characteristics of the emotional and sensual sphere, which are taught in the subconscious of the partner and which, he can not yet guess.

    S (Signifier) \u200b\u200bis your characteristic in relation to the whole.

    For layouts on relationships with a man, you can use the following tariff card decks:



    Mirror relationship.

    What is your role in this relationship? How does chosen relate to you? What is happening between you now and what is most likely everything goes?
    This alignment will allow you to deal with your beloved person, even if they are very confusing and complex at the moment. The fortune telling will help you find answers to questions and understand what direction should move on, to pay attention to the near future.

    Focus and mentally imagine your chosen one. Then click on the deck.

    Tarot cards folded in the form of a pyramid in four positions:
    First Card. personifies you, talks about your role in relationships
    Second mapcharacterizes your chosen one, she explains his behavior and feelings towards you
    Third Card. Symbolizes your love relationship at the moment. It will indicate how much your expectations coincide with the real state of affairs.
    Fourth Card. - This is the most likely future of your union.

    Business layouts:

    Railway station for two

    As a rule, this alignment is used to determine the relationship between partners in love and marriage. However, with its help, it is possible to analyze relationships and between two business partners, between family members and any other people.
    The value of positions

    1 - a signifier showing what state is this relationship now; What connects these two people.

    The left row (7, 6, 5) denotes the questioning.

    The right row (2, 3, 4) is his partner, a man or a woman.

    7 + 2 - Two top cards characterizes awareness relationships. It can be seen on them what each of the partners think about, and how he assesses this relationship.

    6 + 3 - both medium cards characterize mental, emotional relationships. They show that partners "on the heart", their hopes or fears.

    5 + 4 - Bottom cards describe the external side of the relationship, as they look from the side. Perhaps this is just a facade, hiding completely different thoughts (top level) and feelings (average level).

    Interpretation of the card values:

    First on the map 1 Try to determine the main motive of the relationship. Then go to vertical rows to find out how partners are one to each other. Then check the speaker: whether the figures are moving on the maps towards each other at this level, is there such a movement at least on the one hand? Or is each partners waiting for the other to take a step towards?

    Special cards:

    In the scenario, curly cards can meet, often designating specific people, and therefore playing a special role in this scenario.

    Signal to the relationship "Three Block"

    First block - attitude and motivation.

    1. The main motive of relationships (partner to you).

    2. What does your partner relevant to you reveal "externally".

    3. How your partner applies to you really.

    Second block - Goals and aspirations.

    4. What a place you occupy in your partner's life.

    5. Is it serious about you?

    6. The main goal of the partner in your relationship.

    Third block - Development and results. (Dates are negotiated in advance).

    7.8. What kind of development of your relationship is expecting a partner.

    9.10. Will you be satisfied with the development of your relationship.

    11,12,13. The trend of the development of relationships in a commended period.

    Signal of "Relationship"

    1 and 2 - physical condition of partners. In this position, we look at how much each of them is satisfied sexually in this relationship.
    3 and 4 - the emotional state of partners, what emotions they test each other.
    5 and 6 is a mental state of partners. That each of them thinks about these relationships.
    7 and 8 - that these relationships give each of the partners.
    9,10 and 11 - prospects for relations.

    Calculation What do we see each other?

    1 - How and sees b
    2 - how would it see a
    3 - What does it want from love?
    4 - What does it want from love?
    5 - How, in opinion A, develop relations?
    6 - How, according to B, relationships develop?

    What are you with your loved one?

    Initially, the alignment is designed for Taro goddesses, although any deck can be used.

    Position values:

    1. What are the relationship now.

    2. How a woman behaves.

    3. Which woman sees a man.

    4. What a woman needs to work out what features.

    5. That's what a woman needs to get rid of.

    6. What a man like in a woman.

    7. What a man does not like in a woman, which he is afraid of it.

    8. Which woman will be as a result of working on themselves.

    9. What he would like to see you.

    10. What women love a man.

    11. What women do not like a man.

    12. What relationship will be in the development process.

    Spelling of relationship

    For a comprehensive study of relationships, use a full one or a partial alignment of 15 cards.

    If the relationship is romantic, then most often for the scenario use Taro Manara, if the relationship is friendly or affiliate, then "Tarot Ancient Wisdom" or "78 doors". Wonderfully works on other decks.


    1, 4 - Thoughts of partners about each other

    2, 5 - feelings

    3, 6 - behavior that partners demonstrate

    7 - Characteristics of relations in the present

    8 - in the past

    9 - the trend of development of relationships (you can add 2 cards, revealing the 9th card: that the relationship will bring both partners) - a, b, in

    10, 12 - what is expected from relationships

    11, 13 - what is afraid

    14, 15 - what hide from each other

    Singing reciprocity

    The alignment is suitable for viewing any relationship (love, colleagues, mother-daughter, etc.)

    The compatibility of the seeker and opponent can be judged by the ingunifiers.

    You need to remove the cards in order!

    1- Characteristics of relationships at the moment, what happens now

    2.7 - what partners are thinking about each other

    6,3- loves, not Lybit (feel at heart level)

    4.5 - the external manifestation of the relationship, its actions relative to the partner

    8.9.10- Restrait of relations for a given period

    Signal "Moonwalk"

    Layout per person. Problems, dreams, actions and hopes in general. Carts are laid out three, top down, fan. It is three who are taken from the deck, and not one. Read the top three. Central main ones clarifying. Left no matter, but it is. It is important to the right and it is also. The ingneticator is determined, but not laid out. If the signifier map falls into the alignment, the number of the most important and sharpens attention.

    3. On the heart

    4. In the head

    5. Right (+), which helps

    6. Left (-), which prevents

    Left, vertical row - what leaves?

    Middle vertical row - what power?

    Right vertical row - what comes?

    Singing peak feelings

    1. Crew potential, attitude to sex

    2. Partner's potential, attitude to sex

    3. Querant's desires in relationships

    4. Desires of a partner in relationships

    5,6,7. - scheme of harmonious pair relationships

    8. The desired behavior of the Querant

    nine . The desired partner's behavior

    Singing harmony

    1. How ideally I see a relationship?

    2. What does not suit me in a relationship?

    3. How does the partner see our closest future?

    4. What needs to be changed in yourself to achieve harmony in relations with a partner?

    5. What approach is needed to my partner?

    6. What will happen from this? (if the last advice)

    Signal of "Cinema for Two"

    Signal for bilateral diagnosis of relationships and identifying behavior scenarios.

    S is the name of the film. Scenario relationship.

    1. She. Her characteristic.

    2. He. His characteristic.

    3. Her mask. What she hides from him.

    4. His mask.

    5. She is a director. What role she offers to him in a relationship, which is waiting for him.

    6. He is a director.

    7. She is an actress. What role she will play (playing) in relationships.

    8. He is an actor.

    9. She critic. What she does not like in relationships (in it).

    10. He critic. What he does not like in relationships (in it).

    11. Oscar for the best female role. What good she will give him.

    12. Oscar for the best male role.

    13. Women's Kalosh. The worst thing you can expect from it.

    14. Men's Kalosh.

    15. Imprompt. Unexpected.

    16. Prize for two. What will get from relationships. Outcome.

    Celtic heart

    The alignment demonstrates complexity and "plugs" in the established relationship

    Partner 1:

    1 - image of oneself in relationships

    2 - influencing circumstances (and positive and negative)

    3 - what gets from the partner

    4 - what gives partner

    5 - What a personal development is looking for in relationships

    Partner 2:

    6 - image of oneself in relationships

    7 - influencing circumstances (and positive and negative)

    8 - what gets from the partner

    9 - what gives partner

    10 - What a personal development is looking for in relationships


    11 - where did relationship begins

    12 - karmic communication uniting partners

    13 - What is the lesson for further growth in relationships

    14 - Nearest future relationship

    15 - more distant future

    16 - Council

    Single swing

    Signal for analyzing existing relationships. Taken from the book by Vladimir Strandsov "The practice of divination. Tarot layouts.
    Two decks are used for work.

    For each position, two cards are laid out. One - from the deck of Manara (for a woman), the other - from the deck of Tarota Kazanov (for a man).

    1-2. Essence of the question. What do a man and woman want? And do you need to be together?

    3. What is "for" the development of these relationships?

    4. What is "against" the development of these relationships?

    5. What should I do? What to do?

    6. Result. Outcome. Council.

    Sign Tarot for Love

    This alignment is convenient to determine the prospects for love relationships. Using this layout for love, you can pay on the intended partner. On the other hand, this alignment is convenient and in cases where the permanent partner is already there, and it is only required to consider the problem in your life. Also, this alignment of Tarot for love can be used to answer questions like "yes-no", for example, "Does he love me (she)?", Are we ready to create a family? "Can we have common children ? ". So, the usual alignment of Taro "Yes No" can answer these questions.

    Senior and younger arcanes together participate in the scenario. This means that before performing this scenario, it is necessary to mix all the cards together, and mix them correctly, regularly turning part of the cards into their inverted position, and stirring again, which beginner predictors often forget about. After the cards are mixed and the process of their interpretation begins by the launch.

    The value of the position of the cards in the situation of Tarot for love:

    1. The attitude of a man to a woman. The degree of his interest and sexual attraction.

    2. Sexuality of a man, his men's power, a man as a "male". For the foreground there are subconscious passions, and, often, the attitude of a man to this woman as a "mother", which can grow by his child.

    3. Material ensuring a man, the ability to ensure a decent accommodation for yourself and their loved ones. Although it is the alignment of tarot for love, the material side is also important. Although with a cute paradise and in the slash of course.

    4. Interest of a woman to his real or future partner. This is a conscious interest, the animals of passions go to the fore in the following scenario.

    5. Sexuality, instinctive beauty of a woman. Her ability to reproduce. The desire to give birth and raise a child from this man. Subconscious, animals passion.

    6. Dowry, income, in general, the security of a woman. Dinarium is the most favorable suit for this position.

    Sign Tarot Relationship Analysis

    1 - Partner's attitude to you

    2 - how he sees your relationship

    3 What does it want from you? What is missing

    4 - Your attitude to the partner

    5 - How do you see your relationship

    6 - What do you want from him? What does not get you in a relationship

    (Often in a subjective reality, we wish not exactly what we broadize outside, or not what we can and we want to confess. This explains the strange, at first glance, questions of the second part of the defold)

    7 - point of contact in the relationship (which is consonant).

    Calculation for analyzing relationships

    Singing naked truth

    1. What do you want from your partner?

    2. What stops you?

    3. How do you experience a relationship?

    4. What does your partner want?

    5. What does it stop?

    6. How does he experience your relationship?

    7. Past relationship

    8. Present

    9. Obstacles and fears

    10. Future

    Alignment you and me

    1 - My feelings

    2 - My wishes

    3 - My regrets

    4 - Your feelings

    5 - Your desires

    6 - Your regrets

    7 - our future

    Singing two stars, two bright stories ...

    I offer a musical and poetic alignment. In the title of positions, the lines of all known songs are used.

    It is done on a complete deck (you can even walk each position), answers the standard questions about love.

    1. I and you, me and you, I and you (remembered this song?). The position tells about the present moment, about what state is the relationship, dynamic, passive, emotional, conflict, are simply not.

    2. Heart, you do not want to rest ... speaks of feelings to each other. Two cards are laid out - he

    3. My thoughts, my bumps ... says that everyone thinks about each other. Lay out two cards she-he

    4. I would ask love, let me give advice ... Map-advice.

    5. There is only a moment, between the past and the future ... The result.

    Signal of the second honeymoon

    The alignment helps to concentrate on the positives in the existing relationship be it friendship, romantic relationship or marriage.

    1. The state of relationships is currently.

    2. What did you like in a partner / friend, when first met?

    3. What can you do to improve the relationship on the emotional level?

    4. What can you do to improve the relationship on the intellectual level?

    5. What can you do to improve the relationship at the physical level?

    6. What can you do to overcome difficulties and save relationships close?

    7. What is your partner / friend likes in you?

    Decoding love horseshoe

    1. Past. Start of relationship.

    2. Present. The fact that questioning is a relationship with a partner.

    3. Hope, fears, expectations. What the questioning is waiting for these relationships. Perhaps these expectations are ointment.

    4. Conflicts. Those areas in which conflicts may occur: finance, emotions, mind. Woster-vaging in the family, at work and friends.

    5. External influences. External influences on folding relationships. These influences may be previous marriages, the opinion of parents or children, the attitude of friends, public responsibility or distrust, which is not even aware of the question.

    6. Best image of action. The best way to achieve a prosperous result.

    7. Possible outcome. Possible outcome of the situation in the event that the questioning follows the Board 6.

    Calculation game

    This alignment makes it possible to see how partners feel in this relationship at the moment. How they estimate them, shows that they are talking to their true thoughts.

    1. What situation are our today's relations? What manages our connection?

    I personally

    2. What I see our attitude, how do I appreciate my partner, what do I expect from our connection?

    3. What are my feelings, what drives my heart in this relationship?

    4. How do I behave in relation to my partner?

    My partner

    5. What does he see our relationship, what does he expect from them, as evaluated?

    6. What are his feelings for me? What drives him with a heart?

    7. How does my partner behave in relation to me, despite his thoughts and feelings?

    Singing gate love

    Consider the alignment of the tarot cards called the "Gittle of Love". It is most successful if you need to open anything related to the relationship between two people.
    To enjoy the layout of the tarot cards "wicket of love" is quite simple. Each position of this scenario corresponds to one question. Tarot Map, which occupies the appropriate position is the answer to this question. Because All questions are associated with a general concept, the gadller must understand that all responses are associated with each other and are interpreted relative to a certain specific situation of consulting. In this great help, he will experience experience and intuition.

    The values \u200b\u200bof the cards in this scenario:

    1. Consultant: symbolizes a reference point. Shows who is a querrant, and what place is in relationships.

    2. Left column: symbolizes hopes. Shows that it expects a quoll from these relationships.

    3. Right column: symbolizes fears. Shows what the querman fears in this relationship.

    4. Architev: symbolizes responsibility. Shows what difficulties and complexity quer is ready to postpone for the sake of these relationships.

    5. Castle: symbolizes the appearance of the partner. Shows what kind of quer pen is its partner.

    6. The key: symbolizes the correct way to interact with the partner. Shows how the consultant should build its relationship with a partner.

    7. Zone for the gate: symbolizes the synthesis of the values \u200b\u200bof previous cards and indicates the situation itself. Shows how they will develop and what the relationship between the consultant and its partner is.

    Thus, we, as it were, built the "building" of relations with only him inherent in his own other architectonics.

    Salvable heart alignment

    1. Essence of love - What is love for you?

    2, 3 Awakening of love - this is what attracted you to each other - 2, which attracts you in a partner, 3 - attracts partner in you

    4.5 courtship in love - what you are experiencing to each other

    6.7 Flooring of love - how your feelings will develop

    8.9 Elevation of Love - What needs to be done to strengthen relations

    10 Deep in the heart - the problem hidden truth or obstacle - the card sometimes acts as a warning.

    1 - What do you think about the person you love?

    2 - What is he / she thinks about you?

    3 - What are the features, you like the habits in it?

    4 - What hates do you hate in a person you love?

    5 - What factor in life spoil your relationship, what prevents you from being together?

    6 - Have you kept in your heart former feelings for this person? (If the card gave no answer, you should contact the map 7, if the answer card gave Yes, then see the map 8).

    7 - How to throw it out of your heart, maybe it's worth letting it go?

    8 - This card indicates an inseparable connection between you and what keeps your union, as it should be strengthened.

    The alignment of "Horseshoe" is an alignment of 7 cards with Russian symbolism perfect for Russian tarot. Excellent alignment for bulky household issues (family position / at work, etc.), as well as for runaway daily views. This alignment shows the road from the present to the future and waiting for you on this event path. The entire deck is involved in the scenario.

    1. What does it affect the past to the present?

    2. Current situation?

    3. How will events develop?

    4. How to do?

    5. The impact of the environment on the situation?

    6. The difficulties you can meet with?

    7. Final outcome?

    Single Sword Truth

    1. How others see your relationship

    2. Relationship in this

    3. View of the partner on the relationship

    4. What contributed to the current state of relations

    5. Council regarding the next step

    6. Possible / Probable Result

    Calculation Boat for Two

    1. Boat (Earth: Foundation, Stability, Reliability).

    General characteristics of relations, what lies with them?

    How much is the boat reliable and strong?

    2. 3. Veins (Fire: Energy, Passion, Desire to act together). Accordingly, male cards (2) and women (3). What partners invest energetically, as far as they are given to each other, how are their actions are synchronous? Is this a coherent team or everyone plays for itself?

    4. 5. Sails (air: thoughts, installations, score). Accordingly, male cards (4) and women (5). What partners think about their relationship how satisfied them? Their sail is filled with wind, or, on the contrary, in relationships full of calm, or even a hurricane, taking sails?

    6. 7. The sea overboard (water: feelings, emotions). Accordingly, male cards (6) and women (7). What feelings prevail in relationships? Is it a sea squall or quiet creek?

    8. Underwater reefs. Hidden Couple Problems.

    9. Oasis. Where they sail.

    Singing an ideal relationship

    This alignment for those who want to improve / preserve relationships with their partner and are ready to change themselves.

    1. What does a partner like in Qverent? (Personal qualities, character traits, behavior manner, etc.)

    2. What partner does not like in Qleasther?

    3. What does a partner like in this relationship?

    4. What partner does not like in this relationship?

    5. What partner would you like to see these relationships? (his ideal of relationship)

    6. What kind of relationship format is not categorically satisfied? (what kind of relationship he does not want)

    7. Council of Cvers. How to behave in this relationship to save / improve them (achieve the desired)?

    8. Does this partner appreciate? How will he react to change in the behavior of Quantum?

    9. Outcome. How to develop relationships in a pair when using the Card Council.

    In addition to the main Council in the 7th point, it is necessary to analyze the same three cards 1-3-5 and 2-4-6. The first troika suggests that the partner likes in this relationship and what the main emphasis should be made to develop and increase this "good" to improve relations. The second troika says that the partner does not like and what you need to try to exclude from the relationship. Card in paragraph 8 will tell if you need a partner at all, what would the quantity change himself in favor of these relationships? Perhaps he no longer values \u200b\u200bwith these relationships, then all the "works" of the querrant will be in vain. The card in the 9th position will show how the relationship will be developed in a pair, if the quantity is used by the card advice.

    Singing the analysis of relationships in an existing pair

    Sign Tarot Relationship Analysis

    1. The situation is currently.

    2. Does the issuing relationship issues?

    3. Is the partner with these relationships?

    4. The perfect of the past amounting to these relationships.

    5. The performance of the past partner on these relationships.

    6. There are problems in these relationships (if any).

    7,8.9. The path that should be followed to find a positive solution to the problem.

    10. Total respect for partners.

    11.Sexical compliance with the questioning and partner.

    12. How can influence these attitude of the birth of a child?

    13. Ensure relatives and those surrounding these relationships.

    14. Is there a future from this couple?

    Card value:

    1 - Situation At the moment (Stage of Relationship)

    2 - the identity of Qleant

    3 - Personality partner

    4 - What demonstrates Cvers partner

    5 - What demonstrates the partner of the Queen

    6 - what hides the quer

    7 - What a partner hides

    8 - Cverent: whether there were bonds on the side (attempts, thoughts)

    9 - At the partner: whether there were links on the side (attempts, thoughts)

    10 - that Quantum appreciates in a partner

    11 - that the partner appreciates in Kver

    12 - than dissatisfied with the partner

    13 - What is unhappy about the partner in Qleag

    14, 15, 16 - chronology of development of relations

    17 - Exodus relationship

    The alignment acts from six months or more depending on whether the people are ready to be changed in his life. He will help you understand why life has brought you together, which you need to learn in your union, in which direction to develop and evaluate the current state of affairs in the Union.

    If you are not afraid to look at the truth and take responsibility for your relationship, this alignment will be very useful to you.

    1. What did I want to start the relationship?

    2. What did she want before the relationship started?

    3. What is my role in this relationship now?

    4. What is its role in this relationship now?

    5. What do I need to learn in this relationship?

    6. What should she learn in this relationship?

    7. What will I bring in the relationship?

    8. What does it bring in the relationship?

    9. As far as I strive to develop relations?

    10. How much does it seek to develop relations?

    1. characterizes the relationship in general

    2. His role in relationships

    3. Her role in relationships

    4. His motive, the purpose of the relationship

    5. Her motive, the purpose of the relationship

    6. Interference from the outside: What interferes with the relationship

    7. His plans for the future

    8. Her plans for the future

    9. Outcome relationship

    1. Relationships now

    2. What does he think about you

    3. What does he feel to you

    4. How will behave with you

    5. What does he expect from these relationships

    6. How do you need to behave with him

    7. Relationship in the next month

    8. Relations in three months

    9. Relations in six months

    10. Relations in a year

    Self for people who are in relations at least 3 months!

    1. At the moment, the relationship between a man and a woman at the moment

    2.What brings joy to a woman's payroll

    3. What brings a woman sadness in relationships

    4. What brings a man the joy of military

    5. What brings a man sadness in relationships

    6. What would like to see a man in a man in relationships (behavior)

    7. What would you like to see a man in a relationship

    8. As much as a sysens and woman are tied to each other

    9. Is there love between a male woman in a pair

    This alignment makes it possible to find out what happens in the relationship between a man and a woman. What is hidden from them? Is karma intervened, magical impact or simply the infancy of fate?

    S is the relationship themselves. In what relationship you are currently.

    1. How your relationship developed to the present.

    2. Your relationship needs.

    3. Needs in the relationship of your partner.

    4. What you hide from your partner.

    5. What your partner hides from you.

    6. Activities of karma, a magical influence or simply the infancy of fate on your relationship.

    7. The result. Whether the situation will clear soon (for this, a certain period is made, within 6 months).

    Single relationship forecast for one day

    Signal to the forecast of relationships during the day. It is very good if you have an exciting meeting with MCH, if some events are coming on this day, etc. The alignment works great on Manare, I think on other decks will not be worse.

    1,2,3 - a general description of the relationship on this day

    4 - Thoughts, Plans for a Partner

    5 - Thoughts, partner plans about Qurient

    6 - actions, silent steps towards partner

    7 - actions, partner steps towards Cver

    8 - Total Day

    Signal for forecasting events in personal life for the week.

    Created specifically for Tarot Manara, but in principle is suitable for any deck.

    There are both groups of Arkanov in the scenario.

    The salary Ca denote the most significant aspects of the week.


    S. Signifier

    1. Hope and tendencies in the field of personal relationships

    2. Hope and tendencies in the sexual sphere

    3. Emotions of the week associated with personal and sexual areas

    4. Achievements and acquisitions in personal life at the specified week

    5. Losses and failures of the week in personal life at the expense week

    6. Warning of cards

    7. Card Council

    Forecast for your relationship for the week.

    1. The topic of love. A common topic characterizing the mandated week for your pair.

    2. Love call. The difficulties you have to face.

    3. Your lessons. Lessons that you extract from your relationship this week.

    4. His lessons. Lessons that will remove your partner from relationships this week.

    5. Height zone. All constructive, positive moments of the week, which will go "Integrity", "apply" your relationship.

    6. Sex / Romance in your pair this week.

    Interesting video

    Love letters on relationship:

    The alignment "How will my personal life last in the next 3 years"

    one). How will my personal life be afraid after 1 year?
    2). After 2 years?
    3). 3 years later?
    four). Will me arrange a personal life?
    five). What should I do to improve the situation?
    6). And why should I do not?
    7). What mistake do I admit in relationships with men?
    8). What do I like me?
    nine). General trends in personal life

    Self "feelings for a year"

    1. Relationships now
    2. What does he think about you
    3. What does he feel to you
    4. How will behave with you
    5. What does he expect from these relationships
    6. How do you need to behave with him
    7. Relationship in the next month
    8. Relations in three months
    9. Relations in six months
    10. Relations in a year

    Layout "New man in my life"

    The alignment is suitable for emerging heart and new business (workers) relationships. X is the designation of the person being studied.

    1. Characteristics of the personality X;
    2. "The first impression" x (conscious assessments, thoughts);
    3. What are the intentions, encouraging, plans in relation to the questioning;
    4. The Council is a questionable, taking into account the first three points, as at this stage should be (external manifestations), for a favorable development of dating.
    5. The most likely development of relationships.

    Self "My chances in a triangle relationship"

    1. Characteristics of the person of a person who is in the center of attention.
    2. Basic priorities in personal life (business), today (what thoughts are concerned (concerned) today).
    3. His feelings to the questioning.
    4. His feelings for the third party.
    5. Why can a person who cannot or does not want to choose one of the parties (what is the true reason for this, what is behind it).
    6. What gives a person a connection (relationship) with the questioning.
    7. Also with a third party.
    8. As he plans to behave in relation to the questioning (his intention).
    9. Also in relation to the third party.
    10. The most likely development of relations at the Central Person with Issues in the near future.
    11. Also with a third party.

    Singling "Palace Bridge"

    The alignment is designed to analyze two possibilities, options for relationships and choosing a partner.

    1. Map of Quantum. Situations. Problems.
    2. 1 Option, Essence of the Question, Man
    4. Positive it.
    6. Negative it.
    8. Outcome when choosing
    3. 2, the essence of the question, man
    5. Positive it.
    7. Negative it.
    9. Outcome when choosing

    Signal of "future relationship"

    1 - base, on how to build relationships
    2, 3, 4 - its feelings in this union for today
    5, 6, 7 - His feelings
    8, 9, 10 - what happens next
    11, 12, 13 - how she will feel in this relationship
    14, 15, 16 - how he
    17 - the result of relationships (how will end)
    18 - result for her
    19 - result for him

    Singing "Three Block"

    The first block is attitude and motivation.
    1. The main motive of relationships (partner to you).
    2. What does your partner relevant to you reveal "externally".
    3. How your partner applies to you really.

    The second block is goals and aspirations.
    4. What a place you occupy in your partner's life.
    5. Is it serious about you?
    6. The main goal of the partner in your relationship.

    The third block is the development and results. (Dates are negotiated in advance).
    7.8. What kind of development of your relationship is expecting a partner.
    9.10. Will you be satisfied with the development of your relationship.
    11,12,13. The trend of the development of relationships in a commended period.

    Signing "Love Story"

    1. My main role in this relationship.
    2. The main role of my partner.
    3. What is the basis of the relationship.
    4. My hopes in the relationship.
    5. His hopes in relationships.
    6. What bothers me in the relationship.
    7. What bothers him in a relationship.
    8. Council. What to do to improve (development) relationships.
    9. The prospect of relationships for any time.

    Singing "Equation with three unknown"

    Everyone happens that the behavior of any person (friend, colleagues, relative, a familiar, beloved, etc.) suddenly begins to amaze. There are suspicions, bewilderment and a natural question arises: why he (she) actually wants to get from you, what does it want to achieve and, in general, how sincerely you feel about?

    Positions 1, 3 and 5 - explicit, open, known to us. What we demonstrate.
    Positions 2, 4 and 6 - hidden from us, unknown.
    Position 7 - result.

    1 - Open Declarated Goals
    2 - True Objectives
    3 - openly demonstrated feelings
    4 - True feelings
    5 - that a person will do openly
    6 - What a person will do with your back
    7 - result. That is, what a person needs what he wants to achieve.

    Signal of "secret pocket"

    1. Purpose of partner
    2, 3, 4, 5 - attitude to the partner (internal)
    6, 7, 8 - actions against partner (external)
    9, 10,11 - what is going to take in the very near future
    12. What a partner hides (countersunk pocket)
    13. What makes it hide? (motif)
    Another partner is, if there are cards in position 12: 3 swords, lovers, queens for men, kings for women, Court (PP), 3 cups (PP), Knight Cups (PP), Page Cups (PP). Cards in position 12 and 13 can show complex moments in relationships or non-infractions.

    Self "Mask"

    1 - What is this man
    2 - what he thinks about cvers
    3 - how to present your intentions to the corerist
    4 - His true intentions
    5 - What is positive to bring these relationships to Cvert
    6 - What will bring negative
    7 - is it capable of a person for meanness in relation to the quer
    8 - whether a serious danger bears
    9 - advice, how to behave with this person
    10 - result than everything will end

    Singing "Stone for the sinus"

    1 - the overall characteristics of your relationship with this person at the moment. What's happening?
    2 - Your attitude to this person.
    3 - the attitude of a conceived person to you. Here is that a person openly demonstrates you.
    4 - subconscious attitude of the mystery to you. What is happening in the subconscious, sometimes not even the person himself. But it is these true motives that are the driving force of actions and hidden thoughts.
    5 - stone for the sinus. Is it true that this person is clean in front of you, like a tear of a baby? Accordingly, negative maps will show what he hides from us, which makes behind his back. Gossip? Meanness? Revenge? Anger? Cheating, fraud?
    6 - advice for us. How to behave what to do, how to treat what is happening.

    Calculation " Mystery curtain"

    1. Does your partner really have a secret from you? (if there is no answer, then you should not continue the alignment)
    2. What area of \u200b\u200blife it concerns
    3. Shop deeper - the essence of the problem
    4. Why does he prefer not to tell you?
    5. What is happening in his soul in connection with this?
    6. Council. How do I behave with him?
    7. The result. How the situation is resolved

    Detection Detection Self

    1 - Partner's feelings to guessing
    2 - Does the partner have a relationship with someone else
    3 - What will happen next with the relationship of the man of the considered
    4 - What is the cause of all this
    5 - what to do in this situation to the gadget
    If in the second position falls - the tower, in love, 3 swords, 2 cups, 3 cups, devil, ladies for women and kings for men, ace of cups, that is, the opponent.

    The alignment of the "Prince's Power Supply or how I conquer him"

    1) Why am I alone?
    2) Why is he alone?
    3) What binds us with each other?
    4) What replicates us from each other?
    5) What women attract him?
    6) What women are not interesting to him?
    7) What doesn't he have enough in me?
    8) His fears relative to me?
    9) What should he want to spend time with me?
    10) Will it be possible to conquer him?
    11) What are the prospects in our communication on the mysterious period?

    Signing "Friendship or Love?"

    1. What does he think about you
    2. What feelings is experiencing
    3. How will behave with you
    4. What do you like
    5. What do not like
    6. What is waiting for you
    7. What relationship between you you can count on
    8. What never gets from him
    9. How long is the relationship, if they are

    Spelling "Future Husband"

    1. What husband I need.
    2. What husband will be my chosen one.
    3. Will it appreciate and rode the family, i.e. How valuable to him the family.
    4. How well it will provide a family (financially).
    5. How much is it, will it help.
    6. His paternal qualities.
    7. Is there a chance of treason on his side
    8. Card Council: Is it worth marrying for this man

    Calculation " The possibility of marriage with a specific partner"

    1. Is it a partner for marriage internally?
    2. Material and social status, as far as it matches what would get a family?
    3. His attitude to marriage in general?
    4. His attitude to marriage with this partner?
    5. If the attitude to marriage with this partner is positive, then why doesn't it make an offer? If negative, then what is the reason why he motivates unwillingness to have a family with this partner?
    6. Can the situation somehow influence the quer and if so, how?
    7. Field of creating a family with this partner in the coming year

    Calculation " Hot topic"

    1. Assimate the "sharp" question at the moment between the partner and the cvers?
    2. What is the opinion of the partner on this issue?
    3. What is the opinion of the Quantum on this issue adheres?
    4. Will there be a point of contact (compromise) Quall and partner when solving this issue?
    5. What will happen if you leave everything as it is, ie, to put on a self-shot and not solve this question in the open?
    6. Development path If a partner agrees with the arguments of Qleant on this issue and takes it to the side?
    7. Development path. If the Quantum agrees with the arguments of a partner on this issue and take it to the side?
    8. The path of development, if each of the parties remains with its opinion when solving this issue?
    9. The result than to solve the entire cattle near this "acute turning issue" and generally the result of the relationship?

    Calculation " Work on the rupture of relationships"

    1. The main reason that destroyed the relationship.
    2. How did you contribute to the gap.
    3. How he promoted the gap.
    4. What happens to relationships now.
    5. What do you feel because of this.
    6. What he feels because of this.
    7. The most positive thing you both can do at the moment.
    8. How to behave in the future.
    9. Future prospects for relations.

    Signal "Family problems"

    Map 1: What is the situation in the pair?

    Map 2: What is the main problem in a pair, difficulties?

    Map 3: What unites and strengthens the relationship?

    Map 4: Is there a further future in a pair or is worth divorcing?

    Map 5: What should be changed in this relationship in order to reverse the situation for the better?

    Map 6: Prospects for relationships.

    Map 7: People who interfere with the relationship.

    Map 8: What can I do to improve and strengthen the relationship?

    Map 9: Result.

    Single "together: to be or not to be?"

    1 - the nature of the relationship at the moment
    2 - Your attitude to the ability to stay together
    3 - Your attitude to the opportunity to part
    4 - Partner's attitude to the ability to stay together
    5 - the attitude of the partner to the ability to part
    6, 7, 8 - how the situation will develop if you stay together
    9, 10, 11 - how the situation will develop if you break out

    Calculation " What will decide the partner?"

    1. So, according to the partner, these relationships look.
    2. Why can a partner can't want to continue the relationship in the same format? Figure cards may indicate the presence of an opponent.
    3. Agreed a partner to continue relations subject to the attempt of both parties to qualitatively change relationships?
    4. If so, what can be done for this, if not, then it is easier to survive parting.
    5. The partner's response to the possible attempt of the Querant to discuss the prospects for relations.
    6. Perspectives for the year.

    Calculation " Quarrel"

    Significents: S1-Quer, S2 partner
    1- The situation is currently how much the parties conflict
    2- Hidden Causes of Conflict
    3- obvious causes of conflict
    4- feelings and thoughts of Qleant to the partner at the moment
    5- Feelings and thoughts of the partner in relation to Qustern at the moment
    6 - what you need to do corenth to smooth the conflict
    7- How to behave and what is going to take a partner in relation to quantity
    8 - not to do Cvers
    9- will not make partner
    10- Nearest future relationship
    11 - what makes partners in this union
    12, that disconnects partners
    13- Further Possible Future of this Union

    Declusion "Reunion"

    S - Signifier. You can do without it.
    1 - hidden cause of conflict
    2 - explicit cause of conflict
    3 - Situation at the moment
    4 - Situation in the near future
    5 - steps that need to be taken to mitigate the situation
    6 - what you should not do
    7, 8 - degree of compliance of partners
    9 - Possible Further Future

    Signal "New Union"

    This alignment is used to find out whether the lonely person will find in the near future (usually meaning the next six months) of a suitable partner.
    The values \u200b\u200bof the cards in this scenario are as follows:
    S - Signifier.
    1. What would I like?
    2. Do I meet a new partner?
    3. If so, will it satisfy me? / If not, is it not better to stay alone during this period of life?
    4. If so, what can I do good for these partnerships? / If not, what can I do to meet a new partner?
    5. Map - Council for further life in search of a partner or a joint life with a new partner.

    Singing "Half of the Heart"

    1. What kind of relationship I want
    2. What kind of man I want to meet
    3. What am I doing to meet it
    4. And what should do for this
    5. Chance to meet such a man in the mysterious time
    6. Chance to build relationships with him
    7. How strong will these relationships (the map indicates the total relationship)
    (c) Wilama

    Signal of "Solitude Analysis"

    The values \u200b\u200bof the cards in this scenario are as follows:
    1. The state of asking, readiness for the meeting and how he sees himself in future relationship.
    2. What wants to get from relationships.
    3. What is afraid (which does not want to get).
    4. What should I strive for.
    5. What you need to work, from what you need to get rid of.
    6. What is ready to sacrifice.
    7. From what can not refuse.
    8. What will help.
    9. What will impede.
    10. Potential outcome whether there will be a relationship.

    Signal "Attracting a man"

    1. What kind of men do I attract in my life?
    2. What is the first impression on men?
    3. What is the second impression?
    4. What man fits me?
    5. What are men especially allocate in me?
    6. What scares them or repel?
    7. What personality they see in me?
    8. What needs to be developed in yourself to conquer the heart of a man?
    9. What prevents building harmonious relationships? (it is better to get rid of it)
    10. What should pay attention to their behavior or relationship with men?
    11. The role of karma is that I can not build a long relationship
    12. How will relationships with men develop, if I am the last card advice?
    13. The most important advice for me

    Signal "For what this person entered my life"

    1. What caused the fact that your life lines crossed?
    2. Is this meeting of the fateful? Does she entail cardinal changes in your life?
    3. What changes already brought this person to your life? What kind of the future is created here and now?
    4. What experience (and positive, and negative) do you get under the influence of this person?
    5. How much experience will be in demand in your future life?
    6. The karmic aspect - for which this person entered your life? What lesson needs to be removed?
    7. Card Council

    Signing "Date"

    1. What do you want from this dating. What should, in your opinion, happen.
    2. How to go a date in fact.
    3. What an impression will you produce on a partner.
    4. What an impression will produce a partner at you.
    5. What can push the partner from you or, perhaps, an unpleasant moment in a date.
    6. The result, the forecast of events that follow after a date.

    Signal "Meeting"

    1. Will a meeting be held
    2. How will the meeting go (if held)
    3. What will be the impression of the meeting from Qverent
    4. What will be the impression of the meeting at the second side
    5. What if the meeting does not meet the expectations (the Council of the Cvers)
    6, 7, 8. How will further events develop in the near future