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  • Which means a tag in the form of an eight-pointed star. The value of the knuckles "Stars on the shoulders

    Which means a tag in the form of an eight-pointed star. The value of the knuckles

    A star, as one of the oldest characters of many cultures, has a very deep meaning and many different meanings. At all times for humanity, the star world was attractive and inseparable. The image of the stars on the body testified to the superiority, elevation, luck and prosperity of a particular person.

    Often, fans of tattoos do not even think about what the tattoo of the star means, and are guided in their choice only with aesthetic criteria and their own feelings: they like this drawing or do not like it. Many variations of extraordinary designs created by true masters of their case allows clients to simply view photo with tattoo stars And choose for yourself the most original, beautiful and pictures on the spirit of the image. Those who are important not only appearance, but also the deep meaning of the drawing should pay attention to the one that the star will be applied to the body and in which context it will be presented. What could be the value of the Tattoo Star?

    Tattime value - Falling Star

    Not one millennium, people at the sight of a furrowing sky meteorite hurry to make a desire and at the same time they believe in his execution. Here are the tattoo with the image of the falling stars symbolize the execution of cherished desires and the concomitant luck in life. Often, young people choose the image of a non-one star, but several combined into a single harmonious composition. Such images may occupy a relatively large part of the body, but at the same time look very elegantly and attractive. Preferably, the girls choose flying images of meteorites and make such a tattoo stars on her shoulder, lower back or neck.

    Star value - Pentagram

    A five-pointed star can have two absolutely opposite values. If her two angles look up - it is a satanic symbol. The correct pentagram, according to Celtic belief, has a powerful protective force and is a symbol of harmony.

    Tattoo Designation - David Star

    The six-pointed star is one of the most important religious symbols, it says about the deep faith of a person in the absolute rule of God.

    Marine Star Tattoo - Meaning

    The picture of the starfish from a long time was very popular among the sailors - he served them with the evil natural elements. The tattoo of the star on the hand of sailors and the soldier speaks of their faith in his defender a guide star and the hope that it will certainly contribute to returning home. In the modern world, such a native drawing has a little other symbolic meaning. It is believed that the tattoo of the star on the chest or shoulder will help a person to return to the true path if life circumstances have forced to roll and stand on a shaky path. They will indicate the right road. In some European countries, such a tattoo is considered a symbol of health and longevity. But, also, it is necessary to remember that the tattoo of the star on the leg is often used in gay culture, men show their alternative preferences in this way. Also, a small asterisk on the wrist of a female hand may testify to her hobby by representatives of his sex.

    But, whatever the deep meaning of the image, first of all, is to be guided by personal preferences and tastes: if you really want to make the tattoo stars on the stomach, and you believe that it will bring you good luck - you should not doubt, so it will be!

    Today, among the younger generation, you can find a huge number of people who have tattoos on their body. Different images may carry different symbols, personify life cycles, processes and so on. Very often, people choose the stars as a tattoo. But what does it mean? Let's figure out.

    Star symbol

    The star as a tattoo is a fairly popular phenomenon. The value of the Tattoo "Star" depends, above all, from the variety of the latter, as well as from its location. Such drawings are in demand for both men and women, since they are easy to perform and beautifully beautiful. Very often the star is applied as the first tattoo.

    In fact, the star has an ancient value, it can be found in different religions and cultures, but it is not attached to them, so this symbol is universal.

    Stars in ancient cultures

    Star is a symbol of eternity, high ideals. In antiquity, they believed that every person had his own star, which was born and dying with him. It connected the fate of a person with the astral body, it was the beginning of the development of science of astrology.

    Star is a symbol of multiplicity, order. But the deep meaning of this image depends on the form, the number of angles and color.

    Number of corners

    The value of the Tattoo "Star Triangular" is displayed in the Bible. This symbol personifies the all-seeing eye, the fishery of the Lord. The quadrangular star is a symbol of light, it indicates the right path and associated with a cross, the five-pointed image of a person of a person from the space and acts as a faith. In ancient Egypt, she marked ascent to the beginning and was used as a hieroglyph, which was present in such words as the "teacher", "Enlightenment" and so on. The value of the tattoo "star turned" speaks of black magic and unclean strength.

    The six-square star of David, or the seal of Solomon, (two intersecting triangles of blue) was a faith, translated from the Jewish language "God-defender". This symbol was previously applied to protect against evil and was the primacy of God over the entire Universe. It is believed that this image arose after David's victory over Goliath, after which he became the king of Israel. A white six-square star (Bethlehemskaya) personifies the Christmas of Christ, and the seven-angled - east, mystical side of a person, his perfection. The octagonal star is the symbol of the cross (twice the four-pointed star), abundance, and the niolent - the stability to which everyone strives. Also this is the image of nine worlds and good health. The twelve-grown star is an image of perfection.

    The value of the Tattoo "Star" in some variations

    The starfish has long been used as a guard from the water element, so it was mostly sailors. Star, falling, indicates some important event in a person's life, upcoming changes. Magic and miracles, the fulfillment of desires displays a star located in any constellation or next to the crescent. Masons also believed that the star burning in the flame personifies the mystical center, the energy of the universe.

    Location Tatu

    The value of the tattoo star on hand, namely on the wrist, is a lesbian symbol. And if a woman places it on another part of the body, it can act as an accessory or a simple decoration in order to attract attention.

    In the thieves world, a hexagonal star, referred to as the "Rose of Winds", is placed on the forearm under the "chains". Her carrier must have thieves. Also, the jailers are also applied to the stars on the elbows. This means that the person "does not give the hand of the cop." The tattoo of the star kneeling is the following: a person will never submit the law and will not be in front of him. If the image is applied to the clavion, this suggests that its carrier is an authoritative thief recidivist.

    Today, the most popular place to apply a tattoo is the shoulder. It is very profitable, because such images can be hidden under clothing, they do not fade in the sun. Since this section of the body has a pronounced contour, they can get very beautiful stars on the shoulders. Tattoo, the value of which is expressed in the symbol of power, lucky and self-sufficiency, looks at the shoulder.

    The tattoo today can be applied to various parts of the body and act as an ornament, and maybe carry a certain semantic load. Choosing this or that image, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that it represents, because today the same tattoo may have several values. Star, no matter how much angles it has either, always personifies infinity and universe. Since ancient times, it is considered a good sign that brings good luck. In the case when it has clear fat contours and a rather bright color, this may indicate that the star is a conventional symbol of beauty. Whatever it was, and the flickering stars has always worried the soul of man, the dreams argued, awakening secret desires. All this led to the fact that the star today is a dream and hope.

    Tattoo star - meaning

    Picture a star on his body has recently been very popular, since this drawing is characterized by simplicity of performance, extraordinary beauty and mysteriousness. In general, the value of the Tattoo Star lies in the personification of luck, good luck. She is able to give a person forces, inspire, increase its creative potential. But the symbolism of such a tattoo is ambiguous, and first of all will depend on the one in which it is depicted, as well as from its location.

    What does Star Tattoo?

    The number of corners of the star on the tattoo can tell that it symbolizes this night sky shone on the human body. So, about the triangular star was still mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, such an image is directly related to religion. It is the personification of the all-seeing eye and the Lord.

    A star having four corners is a cross image. It is believed that she is able to give a person a decisiveness and in a difficult moment can indicate the exit from a difficult situation. A five-pointed star, she is a pentagram, is a kind of guard, able to protect its owner from evil thoughts and unclean. However, an inverted pentagram is a symbol of exercises about Satanism.

    The value of the tattoo star David, which has 6 corners, has a religious meaning: it speaks of the rule of the Lord over the entire Universe. She will protect his owner from the earthly evil, will become a kind of talisman that brings good luck and luck. Septograph - star with seven corners symbolizes Man as a perfect creation. Night shine, having eight corners - a symbol of abundance. A star with nine ends is talking about the desire for stability and harmony.

    Tattoo Star, located on his shoulder, means that with her help, a person wants to show his self-sufficiency, luck. Usually on this body section, such a tattoo depict the personalities of the dominance, endowed with leadership qualities.

    The Tattoo of Rus, personifies the unity of the body, spirit and human soul is of particular importance. It combines the female and male beginning, the birth of a new life. Rus star is a symbol of the Slavic nation, uniting divine powers with everything that is on Earth.

    The second name of the star Rus is the star of Svarog, the tattoo of which also acts as a guard. Having such an attribute on the body acquires spiritual power and the patronage of God. Infinite freedom, faith, sense of justice and honor - that's all that symbolizes such a tattoo.

    Pentagram tattoo value

    Actually, pentagram tattoo value It can change depending on the personal qualities of the owner and the meaning, which he invested in it, but at the same time, the symbol itself has an impressive story, which cannot be discarded even in the context of the Tattoo. In addition to the information about the value of the tattoo with a pentagram, within our site you will find everything you need in order to make an unusual snag with such a picture:

    • Stock Foto Tattoo with pentagram
    • Sketches and Pentagram Tattoo Sketches

    Pentagram tattoo value and meaning in modern times

    Pentagram is one of the most ancient, mysterious and unexplored signs. The pentagram carries the greatest meaning. This is physical endurance and stability. Courage, intuition, intelligence. Luck, superiority, prosperity and leadership.

    It is found in so many religions, in so many peoples that has so many values \u200b\u200bas positive and negative. Frightening and mounted, repulsive and attracting, kind and angry. By making the pentagram tattoo, there is a complete freedom of choice, what you believe how you perceive this symbolism, which insert the value into it. There are no restrictions, this symbol is equally suitable for both a woman and a man, there is no meaning on which part of the body is displayed in the pentagram. Her power, strength, its meaning, in fact, is that you believe. Consider the general, who came to us the knowledge of this designation.

    What does the pentagram tattoo mean?

    Pentagram, Pentada, Pentacle (from Greek. "Pentagonal drawing") is a symbol of magic, and at the same time protection against evil spirits. It was used both white magicians and dark. Different religions and peoples, interpreted this sign in their own way. The sign itself displays a five-pointed star. The fact of it is very important, the star itself is and indicated. If the fifth point looks up - it reflects good. If you look at two tall, then, respectively, evil. More than others, this symbol, nevertheless, was distributed among Europeans, however, in other cultures, it is tracked. About four thousand years ago, this sign appeared in Mesopotamia, according to scientists. It is also assumed that the star itself implied the trajectory of the motion of the planet Venus. It is also called the "Burning Star" belonging to Frankmasonas. Also, a five-pointed star was a symbol of the sky at Egyptians and Sumerians. Some of the first, who has this sign - Pythagoreans, (the direction arising in the VI-IV centuries. BC and the name of Pythagora). The star reflected a symbol of eternal youth and health. Personifying both the spiritualization of life itself and nature as a whole. Although in many times and many cultures were a distinctive and identification sign. There is also the concept of Christians that the stars of the Pentagram symbolizes about the five wounds of Christ, (in his hands and legs), or on the side, or on the forehead from the church wreath. There is also a different designation in Christianity, where two of the five limbs are the significance of the nature of Christ (human and divine), and three of them mean Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit). It is worth paying attention to the fact that the pentagram is often associated with a person image. The fifth point was a head, the remaining four - limbs.

    In the opposite location, the association was a devil, where two top tips are ears or horns, and the lower, goat beard. Thus, the inverted pentagram is the symbol of the underworld.

    In addition, the pentagram is compared with the gift of a person of five senses, the presence of five elements, or with the apple's knowledge that Eve threw in the Garden of the Garden.

    There is a legend that initially the symbol of the pentagram was an apple, a storehouse of knowledge, a sacred fruit hidden from humanity and belonging to the goddess of the Korea. If we cut the usual apple not along, but across, we will open and really similar to the pentagram display a five-pointed star. In other values, each of the corners implies the elements: earth, fire, water, air and spirit. The circle that unites the star of the star carries the meaning of God and the light, reflecting and commanding at the same time all elements.

    In order to be in a trend, a tattoo with a pentagram, the silver earrings in Moscow can emphasize, which can be purchased at a good price via the Internet.

    Devil's pentagram. Pentagram "Star in Circle" - meaning

    Pictures consisting of figures and signs were used since time immemorial. Who was the first to come up with the Pentagram, depicting an equilateral five-bearing star, is unknown. This sign is found in the tomb of the pharaohs and at the Sumerian clay signs dating from the IV millennium BC. Follow the Pentagram path from those old years to this day not easy. She went to the shadow, then she stated himself loudly. Now this sign is at the peak of popularity. An inverted devil pentagram is used by Satanists for its dark cases, and the correct-christians to protect against these very satanists. What is the essence and attractiveness of this sign?

    The word "Pentagram" has a Greek root. "Pente" (πέντε) in Greek - five, and "grams" (γραμμ) - line. In Ellad, this sign got from Mesopotamia. There, the five-beam star was a powerful protective guard. Its in its power believed so much that they even painted on the doors of houses and shops. The rulers of the ancient Babylon tied the star with strength and power and depicted it on their seals. However, there is a version that the Pentagram originally belonged to the Sumerians, but the goddess of the crust. Its sacred fruit was an apple in which the great mystery of the universe was concluded, and which should not be the property of a person. It is this forbidden fruit that the cunning devil slipped Eve. Cut the apple across - and you will see a small five-bearing star there. How to know, perhaps this legend about the pentagram is the most reliable? After all, there is no wonder how much humanity exists, as much as it is looking for this "apple of knowledge."

    Pentagram and "Divine Section"

    The famous Pythagora Pentagram has conquered the ideality of its proportions corresponding to a gold, or divine, cross section, which has a mass of mathematical and magical properties. According to it, the Egyptian pyramids, the tomb of the pharaohs, the figures of the gods and the goddesses. Pythagoras saw mathematical perfection in this sign. There is an opinion that it was he who called him a pentagram. The scientist and his fraternity of the Pythagoreans tied the corners of the Pentagram with five elements. Earth, physical strength and stability (angle at the bottom of the left), fire, courage and courage (angle at the bottom right), air, mind, talents (angle at the top of the left), water, emotions, foresight (angle above right), ether, spirit and his Higher destination (top corner). In the inverted form, they meant the Universal Chaos from which our world had. Darkness was then in five shelters (corners) and was considered the source of wisdom. This inverted image, called now, is not different as the "Satanic Pentagram", is considered the most ancient.

    The value of the pentagram in other nations

    The Jews associated the Pentagram with the God Pentateumed Moisa himself. Ancient philosophers, orpheists, Egyptians - members of the Guardians of Secrets, Templars, Ancient Gnostics, who had a special idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, are also associated with a five-beam star. Their overall symbol is a pentagram. They painted it on their coat of arms, shields and seals. Since almost all of these organizations were shrouded in the curtain of secrecy, their signs and symbols received a certain mystical element. For example, the Pentagram "Star in Circle". The value of this symbol was translated as silent dedicated. He was attributed not only protective forces, but also the ability to give power, invincibility, power. The Pentagram was depicted on his seals Alexander Macedonian and Konstantin I, the Roman emperor, and on his shield - the nephew of the glorious King Arthur. For the knight, the star meant burden, nobility, piety, chastity and politeness.

    Pentagram and Christianity

    For Europe's Christians, a five-radial star has always been a symbol of good and health. They associated her with five human feelings, five fingers on her hand, five wounds of Christ, five joys of St. Mary, who delivered her divine son. It was also the most important symbol of what Christ is the Son of God, but has human nature.

    And only Torquemada, which began the beginning of the terrible, unprecedented on scale and cruelty of the Inquisition, saw something Satanic in the five-beam star. The church banned this good sign. Now he was regarded as a federal pentagram.

    Printing the legendary king Solomon

    According to the Bible, a great and mystical king Solomon lived a long time ago, who was incomprehensible to reconcile and merge into one two unreasonable states - Israel and Jew. It is believed that Solomon prescribed to reign himself, having gone it with a mass of talents. From his father David, he received a special sign - a six-pointed star composed of two regular triangles imposed on each other. This star Solomon placed on his seals and a ring, which, according to legends, gave him power over the spirits. Now some depict this seal with eight rays, and some with twelve. All these signs are called "Solomon's seal" and used in the occult. Thus, special symbols fit into the center of the twelve-beam star, because of which the Pentacle enhances talents and opportunities. Very interested in the seal of Solomon and medieval magicians, only they portrayed the star not with six, but with five rays. It is possible that the use of a pentacle in magic and pushed the Torquemada to call it this way: "Devil's Pentagram", or "Winth Noga".

    Five-pointed star and occult

    Another symbolism of the Pentagram was adopted by the occultists of the revival era. They tied it with a microcosm. This word also has a Greek root. μικρός in the Greeks means "small", and κόσμος - "People" or "Universe". The star began to fit the figure of a person, tied it with the Pythagorean five elements. Now the pentacle acquired material importance as the result of the work of the spiritual principle. At the occultists, the Pentagram "Star in Circle" was depicted. The value of the circle was defined as the unity of all five elements, as well as the sacred mystical place, where the spirit manages four other elements. The beginning of the connection of the Pentagram with the microcosm put the cornellium Agrippa, the most famous magician of the 16th century. Therefore, some call this sign "Pentacle Agrippa". Often over the tops of the rays are written by the name Ihshvh, the Divine Savior in the Occultis, and in particular in Kabbalah.

    When the first inverted pentagram has become a symbol of Satanism

    A five-pointed equilateral star for thousands of years was used by many peoples, secret societies and trends. They called it like this - the "Devil Pentagram" - in the 18th century with the light hand of the French Elimas Levi. At first he was a clergy. Subsequently, he was fascinated by the occult, left his abbey and all dedicated himself to mysticism. He issued several books about magic and rituals. For one of them even served in prison. Answering the question of what the Pentagram means, Levi stated that she concludes the domination of the Spirit, helps to subordinate the angels, demons and phantoms, you just need to be able to contact her. Who will master this knowledge, will be able to see infinity. In the book of practical magic, called the "Teaching and Ritual of Higher Magic," he wrote that an inverted pentagram framed the head of Mendez's goat. I do not want to disappoint Satan fans, but the unfortunate expelled goat Mendez existed only in fantasies of the Roman Church. But the god of Mendez was. This is known to many Egyptian God Amon Ra with the head of the Aries. Smart Levi, of course, knew it and, inventing the satanic symbol of the Pentagram, most likely created a trap for the uninitiated.

    Symbol of modern satanists

    The idea of \u200b\u200bLevi supported American Anton Leave. For many years he was a priest in the Satan church created by him and in every way promoted Satanism, in particular, spent satanic weddings, funeral, and even baptized her daughter Zein on Satanian rites. He created his own teaching, uniting the ideas of magic and occultism, wrote the Satanic Bible and many articles. The symbol of his church became the fetagram devil. The photo clearly shows how this sign looks like, which the Satanists call the bladge stamp. Satanic God Bafomet is depicted in the form of a goat with large horns and wings behind his back. For the first time in the 12th century, Trubadur Gavaudan wrote. Inquisitors believed that the Baphometon worshiped the Templars, for which many of them were buried. Augay gave a sign of worldwide fame, participating in television gears and removing in films about the devil. In one of them he played the Supreme Priest, in the other - Satan himself.

    Pentagram - Dream protection

    Satanists use their symbol to subjugate the strength of evil. All other pentagram protects from these forces. To the sign worked, it is necessary to draw it with one continuous line clockwise. It is believed that there should be no breakdown in the pentagram circuit. Demons and evil spirits penetrated into such a slot, it will be very difficult to neutralize. An example of this is Mephistofel from the "Faust" Goethe. In addition to solid surfaces, the pentagrams for protection are drawn in the air, visually imagining this image and mentally, as if by entering into themselves inside. It is only for those who have a powerful imagination. Many people wear a pentagram-charm as a medallion, and both one beam up and two. Such pentagrammas only with the filing of Levi became satanic. Previously, they denoted the descent of Christ to our Bench Earth. Confirmation of this is the icons of Andrei Rublev, stained glass windows and frescoes in many cathedrals.

    Currently, there are three types of pentagram - personal, protective and planets. Personal are drawn up taking into account the date of birth, the names of the guardian angels and the sign of the planets, under which it was lucky to be born. Such a pentagram helps to establish a close connection with the guardian angel and a patron angel.

    Pentagrams with planet signs help to achieve any desire to achieve the goal. These pentacles are also compiled individually.

    Pentacles of protection are the most ancient. They were still made by our rapids. The protective pentagram helps in a particular situation, for example, during a trip or for recovery.

    That any pentagram began to work, it needs to be activated by conducting special rituals. So they say white magicians. True or not, everyone can check personally.

    Tattim value?

    what does a five-pointed star mean? And who can skip the tattoo with the star)

    Fantshadow Fantshadow.
    Star-symbol of the Spirit, light shining in the darkness. The star is rarely the only meaning. Supports the forces of the Spirit opposing the forces of darkness. The most common five-pointed star. In ancient times, the Egyptians meant "climbing to the beginning" and formed a part of such words as "enlighten", "teacher", "educate" and others.
    The reason for applying a tattoo is often explained and quite simply: a person liked the predator itself, but a skillfully performed picture of the tattoo, he was seduced by the skill of the tattoo driver and the beauty of the animal. Just the choice is made according to aesthetic principle, and not for some other.

    It is so lately many choose a tattoo.

    Or an octogram, in various exercises is a symbol of the harmony of the spirit with matter. Considering its image, you can see two squares superimposed on each other. This figure is for very long time associated with a thunder, equilibrium, is a symbol of proportionality.

    In the outlines of the eight, there are two crosses that are combined in the center. The cross is denoted by the community of elementary "bricks" underlying the universe. The octal badge is used on state symbols of some countries, and is also an ordinarian sign in almost all European countries, including Russia.

    Symbol value

    Symbol of eight star rays goes back to the interpretation of the numbers eight in numerology, where it is a sign marking infinity. The universe is constructed inconclusive. Everything is born in unmanifested and also breaks into it. And the eight-pointed star means the infinite circular motion of the energy of the cosmos.

    Culture and symbolism of religions of very many peoples not only antiquity, but also in our days include an octag. So, the appearance of the biblical Bethlehem star, the banning birth of the Boggladère, marks the fact that genuine spiritual proportions were finally established in the ratio of "Spirit - Matter".

    In the Eastern philosophy, the star, which is formed by two connected cross, denotes the law of karma, acting in each subsequent embodiment of man. These embodiments are seven, and the eighth - the eighth beam - marks the acquisition of paradise.

    Folk ornaments of northern peoples belonging to the Finno-Ugric Group use octagogram in the meaning of the star traveling, the sign of the Renaissance, as well as the symbol of light and glory.

    What does octogram mean?

    Star chaos

    Yet the ancient Greeks existed the concept of chaos: it was the beginning of everything, and it will be the end of everything. The power of chaos seems to be a rough natural power, to know which a person cannot be forces.

    In the works of the English fiction writer Michael Mochoka, a symbol is a star with eight sweat rays, marked in these books chaos. However, despite the fact that this sign does not have an ancient roots, not enveloped by legends, it is rather soon he gained popularity in the midship of today's mats as a strong amulet.

    Such an amulet is not intended for everyday life. His most often worn people who know its meaning and make it with a completely definite goal. They want to expand consciousness, know the secrets of our and parallel world, develop magical abilities. The chaos star is an unchanged attribute dedicated to the deepening in the magic of chaos, the symbol of this.

    However, there is a less magical meaning of this amulet. It helps the development of creative abilities, inspiration, searches. With it, sociability can increase, attention, will be more successful search for partners - both in person and business plan.

    Who speak such a faucet can manage their destiny. Such people are not stopping, they are not accustomed to be content with the existing and by all means reaching their goal.

    Chaos is manifested by a mess within a person, and thanks to the amulet, this mess can be streamlined, to achieve inner harmony.

    Many believe that the chaos star is capable of protecting from a untimely death, from programs with a negative charge and alien energies.

    The creative power of the pristine chaos helps to embody emerging ideas, execute desires. The chaos star is made only as a personal guard.

    On the zone

    The image of the star o eight ends is widely used in the tattoos of criminal elements. This is the emblem of the thieves authority, which lives according to the "thieves concepts". This type of maliciously violates the order at the zone, irrevocably belongs to the elite of the thoughts of the world.

    The star sign is most often chasing under the key or knees (never, they say, will not stand on his knees), or at the same time there, and there. Other images can be placed inside olfogram:

    • So, if there are a skull with bones, It may mean "my house - zone" or the slogan "All for me, but nothing from me."
    • If the ends of the star are viewed linesIn the biography of the criminal element, the service was in the army, but he left it and leaned into the crime, emphasizing his tattoo: I, they say, despise the army.
    • Thieves in the law fool eight-infinite with skull and swastikaWhat should denote "I was born free."
    • Inscribed in an octagon image of the king It may decipher as "Long live a monarchy" or something like that.

    From Slavs

    Ancient corrected the number eight with the symbol of the upcoming life. Such a star acted as the sign of the Goddess Lady, and also denoted the focus with the flames from him. Over time, she began to symbolize heavenly and sunlight.

    Having adopted Christianity, the ancient Rusichi began to perceive their ancient symbol as "the star of the Virgin."

    The value of the star with the eight rays from the Orthodox is very large - because this is a symbol of the Bethlehem star, which argued about the appearance of Jesus Christ. Such a sign can be seen on icons, in particular, the image of God's Mother's "Unhapite Cupin" is entered into an octag.

    Accordingly, the stars on the Christmas trees are usually 8-end:

    Eight-pointed star perceived as infinity, unshakable, as well as the exit beyond the boundaries of the world. It also refers to heaven, heavenly Jerusalem and final transformation.

    Seven days, they consider Orthodox, is the time from the creation of the world to the decisive terrible court. The day of the eighth will bring him worthy new - eternal spiritual - life.

    In Islam

    The eight-pointed star can be viewed as Islamic, called arabic Rub Al-Hizb and depicted in the form of two squares superimposed on each other. Such an image can be found on many emblems and flags.

    The first part of the word denotes the fourth part of something, and the second translates as a group, party. Such a symbol was initially used in the division of Hizb Koran to facilitate his reading. Oktogram and as a marker, which applies Arabic calligraphy as a sign at the end of the chapter.

    Oriental ornaments are very often decorated with eight-pointed starsWhat symbolizes: the throne that controls the fideline world is supported by eight angels. And this in turn denotes eight directions and as many alphabet groups in the Arabic alphabet.

    Tattoo is known to humanity not one thousand years. During this time, such a kind of art has undergone many changes in technology and styles of drawings on the skin. This is a specific cipher that serves as a hidden sign "His / Alien" for a variety of groups of people. One of these symbols is the "Star" tag on the shoulders. The value of such a picture is widely known among people who are serving a sentence in places of prison or liberated from there. What is the interpretation of the considered symbol, consider in more detail.

    Sacred Meaning Star Sign

    Star sign has a certain mystical essence. This is one of the most ancient symbols of many cultures and religions. The value of the symbol is now many centuries - peace and desire for perfection. And this is an eternal symbol of inexhaustible energy, good luck and get rid of the worldly fuss.

    To make yourself a similar pattern on the skin, you should understand what the tattoo stars on the shoulders, wrists, legs and other parts of the body. After all, such a pallium has a powerful energy potential.

    Falling star talks about dreamy nature. She pushes a person to fulfill his desires. After all, they are sometimes riddown when the star falls! On the wrists, such a symbol of non-traditional orientation is glowing. The star of David speaks of the desire for domination.

    Number of rays

    A five-pointed star is a desire for harmony. An inverted pentagram is often used by Satanists.

    The seven-party star has a magical meaning like the very number 7. This magic will be with a person for a long time, like the tattoo itself.

    The eight-pointed star denotes life into abundance.

    The nine-pin star in the ancient Celts symbolized health and prosperity. Such sense carries such an image today.

    However, a special meaning is concluded by the criminal knack "Stars" on the shoulders. Its value always changes. However, the basic message can still be understood.

    Criminal tattoo

    In Europe, the tattoo received its spread in the 18th century after the journey of James Cook. He told in his statements about the inhabitants of Oceania, which were applied on the body drawings with the help of needles and special pimels. From this period, the era of tattoos begins in the old world.

    One of the directions of such drawings was a criminal tattoo. Such dolls like stars on the shoulders are of the importance of a special rank of a person in their surroundings. This is a kind of personality passport that speaks about status.

    If you can decipher such signs, you can learn a lot about a person - from its origin and life path, to habits, inclinations and beliefs. This number includes stars on shoulders. Palace, whose value helps to understand the nature of the person, always caused interest among the uninitiated.

    History of criminal fatty

    In foreskinsty, the study of thorough tattoos paid quite a bit attention. In the Soviet years, the registration system was introduced on the body of criminals intended for their identification. Such pallows like stars on the shoulders, in their meaning they should have to inspire the fear of ordinary inhabitants. Although their presence often became the cause of arrest.

    But even the fear of going to prison did not stop people with the criminal past in solving the tattoo, for example, the stars on the shoulders. Slap, whose importance knew very well in the prison world, were justified, because with all risks such sign marks gave special privileges.

    On the essence of the tattoos as a sign of the degradation of a person first than said Lombroso. This erroneous opinion with a more serious study showed that the value of the stars on the shoulders and other drawings was intelligent. Similar drawings were naive and pretty simple.

    Tattoo in the form of stars

    In the usual world, the stars tattoo is a very popular pattern.

    Superval celebrities apply similar images to attract even greater popularity. They try to hide their squals in the form of a star on the shoulders and other parts of the body under clothing, but in rare cases are still ready to demonstrate their native drawings. Among celebrities there is a completely different meaning, different from the criminal interpretation of what stars on shoulders mean.

    Ordinary people also often choose similar symbols for applying to the body. Such a pallium is also used to attract popularity, fame.

    The value of the prison sentence

    An innocent tattoo inflicted in favor of fashion, in prison is interpreted in a completely unexpected way. Improper symbolism may cost a short-sighted man of health, and even life.

    Prison fathers - stars on the shoulders whose value is far from criminal reality, people are mistakenly regarded as a sign of thieves in law. Such tattoos can be found in a sufficiently large number of people. They are united by the ability to confirm their right to carry the described drawing.

    The right to such a prison nap like stars on shoulders, the value of which is so often found in various sources, have people who have deserved a certain authority. In addition to thieves, people can wear people in the law, openly opposing prison administration and the camp regime.

    Method of application

    Previously, the prisons were made by palls using a needle and a substance containing South. The pigment was obtained from the burned soles boots. Uses, which means the stars on the shoulders of convicts, it should be noted that the technology of application, as well as the meaning of the figure itself, changed over time.

    In the future, they began to use ink as paint from ballpoint pens. For the image itself, a special stamp was used. The needles stuck into a thick piece of rubber so that they performed 1-2 mm. They were loose in the paint and in one movement imprinted into the skin, leaving a certain picture.

    Subsequently began to apply special machines from the electric razors. Instead, the needle took strings from the guitar.

    Star configuration

    Star can have a different amount of ray. Usually their number is from six to ten. Falling in the form of stars on the shoulders most often have eight rays.

    In the center of the drawing can be depicted anything else, for example skull, lightning, other stars or signs. Each drawing has a special meaning. For example, if a skull is depicted in the center of the tattoo "Stars" on the shoulders, this means "shooting will fix me", and there are still decoding type "Born for suffering" or "Be what happens."

    If inside the star is a zipper image, it is deciphered as "Davi Ments". This is a warning that a similar person is configured rather aggressively to the prison system and is not afraid to show it. The swastika in the center of the figure means the approval of the "Bay Communists".

    Prison stars and religion

    Fucking "Stars" on the shoulders, the value of which varies depending on the configuration, can often talk about national affiliation, religion. Muslims, serving prison sentence, can be broken inside the star of the crescent. The Jewish instead of the eight-pointed variety will recruit the star David.

    Although those who occupy high status in the criminal world do not adhere to some religious commandments. They have their own code, their rules of behavior. Their faith says: "What can the Warre, then you can not a fierraper." On faith in its usual understanding, they just do not care. Such people are also called "Dritzalovo". Exploring what stars on the shoulders mean, it is safe to say that people with similar drawings on the body express their reluctance to live according to the rules. Even free from the places of serving a conclusion, such people do not refuse their beliefs and at any moment ready to confirm the life status using aggression.

    Recently, the opinion is increasingly found that the stars on the shoulders resemble epaulets. No respected criminal will agree to wear a sign of law enforcement officers. Therefore, even the one who once naked such a stamp on his shoulders today seeks to close it with other pictures.

    Having considered many interpretations of the prison symbolism, it can be concluded that a large variety is inherent in such a prison attribute, like a "star" on the shoulders. Its value is constantly changing, but most often such a symbol is distinguished by the Buntar man. He challenges the system and does not live according to the rules. He will never give up his criminal worldview, so you need to be extremely careful with such people. To date, the popularity of the presented symbol is reduced, since the stars on the shoulders resemble epaulets. In criminal circles there is nothing disgraceful than to wear a symbolism of law enforcement officers.

    The value of the tattoo "Star" in the modern world

    Today, among the younger generation, you can find a huge number of people who have tattoos on their body. Different images may carry different symbols, personify life cycles, processes and so on. Very often, people choose the stars as a tattoo. But what does it mean? Let's figure out.

    Star symbol

    The star as a tattoo is a fairly popular phenomenon. The value of the Tattoo "Star" depends, above all, from the variety of the latter, as well as from its location. Such drawings are in demand for both men and women, since they are easy to perform and beautifully beautiful. Very often the star is applied as the first tattoo.

    In fact, the star has an ancient value, it can be found in different religions and cultures, but it is not attached to them, so this symbol is universal.

    Stars in ancient cultures

    Star is a symbol of eternity, high ideals. In antiquity, they believed that every person had his own star, which was born and dying with him. It connected the fate of a person with the astral body, it was the beginning of the development of science of astrology.

    Star is a symbol of multiplicity, order. But the deep meaning of this image depends on the form, the number of angles and color.

    Number of corners

    The value of the Tattoo "Star Triangular" is displayed in the Bible. This symbol personifies the all-seeing eye, the fishery of the Lord. The quadrangular star is a symbol of light, it indicates the right path and associated with a cross, the five-pointed image of a person of a person from the space and acts as a faith. In ancient Egypt, she marked ascent to the beginning and was used as a hieroglyph, which was present in such words as the "teacher", "Enlightenment" and so on. The value of the tattoo "star turned" speaks of black magic and unclean strength.

    The six-square star of David, or the seal of Solomon, (two intersecting triangles of blue) was a faith, translated from the Jewish language "God-defender". This symbol was previously applied to protect against evil and was the primacy of God over the entire Universe. It is believed that this image arose after David's victory over Goliath, after which he became the king of Israel. A white six-square star (Bethlehemskaya) personifies the Christmas of Christ, and the seven-angled - east, mystical side of a person, his perfection. The octagonal star is the symbol of the cross (twice the four-pointed star), abundance, and the niolent - the stability to which everyone strives. Also this is the image of nine worlds and good health. The twelve-grown star is an image of perfection.

    The value of the Tattoo "Star" in some variations

    The starfish has long been used as a guard from the water element, so it was mostly sailors. Star, falling, indicates some important event in a person's life, upcoming changes. Magic and miracles, the fulfillment of desires displays a star located in any constellation or next to the crescent. Masons also believed that the star burning in the flame personifies the mystical center, the energy of the universe.

    Location Tatu

    The value of the tattoo star on hand, namely on the wrist, is a lesbian symbol. And if a woman places it on another part of the body, it can act as an accessory or a simple decoration in order to attract attention.

    In the thieves world, a hexagonal star, referred to as the "Rose of Winds", is placed on the forearm under the "chains". Her carrier must have thieves. Also, the jailers are also applied to the stars on the elbows. This means that the person "does not give the hand of the cop." The tattoo of the star kneeling is the following: a person will never submit the law and will not be in front of him. If the image is applied to the clavion, this suggests that its carrier is an authoritative thief recidivist.

    Today, the most popular place to apply a tattoo is the shoulder. It is very profitable, because such images can be hidden under clothing, they do not fade in the sun. Since this section of the body has a pronounced contour, they can get very beautiful stars on the shoulders. Tattoo, the value of which is expressed in the symbol of power, lucky and self-sufficiency, looks at the shoulder.

    The tattoo today can be applied to various parts of the body and act as an ornament, and maybe carry a certain semantic load. Choosing this or that image, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that it represents, because today the same tattoo may have several values. Star, no matter how much angles it has either, always personifies infinity and universe. Since ancient times, it is considered a good sign that brings good luck. In the case when it has clear fat contours and a rather bright color, this may indicate that the star is a conventional symbol of beauty. Whatever it was, and the flickering stars has always worried the soul of man, the dreams argued, awakening secret desires. All this led to the fact that the star today is a dream and hope.

    Tattoo star - meaning

    Picture a star on his body has recently been very popular, since this drawing is characterized by simplicity of performance, extraordinary beauty and mysteriousness. In general, the value of the Tattoo Star lies in the personification of luck, good luck. She is able to give a person forces, inspire, increase its creative potential. But the symbolism of such a tattoo is ambiguous, and first of all will depend on the one in which it is depicted, as well as from its location.

    What does Star Tattoo?

    The number of corners of the star on the tattoo can tell that it symbolizes this night sky shone on the human body. So, about the triangular star was still mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, such an image is directly related to religion. It is the personification of the all-seeing eye and the Lord.

    A star having four corners is a cross image. It is believed that she is able to give a person a decisiveness and in a difficult moment can indicate the exit from a difficult situation. A five-pointed star, she is a pentagram, is a kind of guard, able to protect its owner from evil thoughts and unclean. However, an inverted pentagram is a symbol of exercises about Satanism.

    The value of the tattoo star David, which has 6 corners, has a religious meaning: it speaks of the rule of the Lord over the entire Universe. She will protect his owner from the earthly evil, will become a kind of talisman that brings good luck and luck. Septograph - star with seven corners symbolizes Man as a perfect creation. Night shine, having eight corners - a symbol of abundance. A star with nine ends is talking about the desire for stability and harmony.

    Tattoo Star, located on his shoulder, means that with her help, a person wants to show his self-sufficiency, luck. Usually on this body section, such a tattoo depict the personalities of the dominance, endowed with leadership qualities.

    The Tattoo of Rus, personifies the unity of the body, spirit and human soul is of particular importance. It combines the female and male beginning, the birth of a new life. Rus star is a symbol of the Slavic nation, uniting divine powers with everything that is on Earth.

    The second name of the star Rus is the star of Svarog, the tattoo of which also acts as a guard. Having such an attribute on the body acquires spiritual power and the patronage of God. Infinite freedom, faith, sense of justice and honor - that's all that symbolizes such a tattoo.

    Thieves tattoos and their meaning, examples of photo tattoo

    The thieves tattoo belong to the category of the tattoos of the criminal world and carry a deep meaning and information about a person who has such a tattoo. In a criminal environment, there is a law to be subordinate to thieves tattoos and their meaning.

    The thieves tattoo are applied according to this expiratory law of the criminal world. It is he who determines: to whom and for what to fill the corresponding tattoo. If the tattoo was inflicted undeservedly, then the punishment for it will be very severe.

    The value of thief tattoos on the body Directly depends on the personality of the criminal: what place he occupies in the criminal world, the form and complexity of the crime committed them.

    In the distant past, gangsters and tattoos challenges were made on the order of the state - in this way they put a stamp - a sign for life so that everyone saw and knew that this man had committed a crime.

    Any tattoo in the criminal world must be deserved. Starting from the elite tattoo and ending with the shameful tattoo - everything is worth and meaning. The shameful tattoo is pinching against the will of a person, it resembles the Middle Ages, and serves as a sign of shame for life.

    A lot of thorough tattoos about the life and destiny of the owner can tell a lot. Each symbol, each phrase applied at the zone has its meaning and meaning. Some tattoo protest or propaganda. The thieves tattoos are not applied for the sake of decorating the body, they always have a criminal essence and symbolize the fate of the criminal.

    Here are some thieves tattoos and their meaning

    Star - This is a symbol of inner power, spiritual power.

    Knife It is a symbol of the victim, death, revenge.

    Crane symbolizes the highest justice, the merciful soul.

    Eagle Ensures the power of the spirit, royality, greatness, pride.

    Epaulet is a sign of difference for any merit.

    Mother of God Indicates that since the young age is engaged in theft. Also wears the overag symbol.

    Connect stars They have significance denied or thief in law.

    bug Symbolizes pickpocket. And it is stuck on the brush of hands, or on other parts of the body.

    Churchdepicted with domes, denotes how many domes, so much walker or districted years.

    Tiger - Symbol of cruelty and rage, biting of power, police.

    The symbol of the thief is spider in Pouthene. Crawling up - "I will burn further", down - "stopped with theft".

    Cat Symbolizes pickpocket.

    Tell me, please, what does the Tattoo "Star" mean?

    Recently, it became often to notice the tattoo with the stars in young people (I will lay out examples) and it was painfully interested in their importance, since their plentiful youth attacks their body. Do not tell me?

    Sofia Rodina

    Tatakers with the image of stars are popular not only in women, but also in men along with scorpion tattoos. And, as a rule, tattoo with a star is first tattooed, as it is not too complicated in performance.
    There are a lot of stars tattoo execution options, but they all carry a powerful symbolic meaning.

    Tattoo "Star" Tribal
    The star is one of the oldest characters and is found in almost all religions. An image of a star inspiring into a man inspiration. Stars are universal symbols and they are not tied to some particular culture or religion. They can have many different values \u200b\u200bfor different people.
    Star tattoo is a symbol of prosperity and luck. This is the sky symbol.

    Tattoos Comet and constellations.
    These tattoos are very popular. They are universal and pretty beautiful. This type of tattoos is suitable for covering large areas of the body. This is a symbol of success and good luck.

    Tattoo with marine stars.
    Such tattoos are mainly male. In the past seasons, starfishes enjoyed popularly popular with sailors who applied them as a defense symbol. In such a tattoo of the star 5 rays, which alternately painted in white and black colors, thereby creating the illusion of volume. People who make such tattoos can be conductors in life and will always be able to bring you out of darkness. In Ireland, for example, stars tattoos symbolize strong health. At the same time, we should not forget that such tattoos make gays and lesbians, causing them on wrists. Do not fall into a delicate situation

    Semper Ad Meliora *

    Star tattoos have an interesting story: in the past, sailors were focused into the sea with the help of stars, the polar star was used as a main landmark, therefore, the stars tattoos were gained great popularity since then.

    Star tattoos were made by sailors for good luck to find a way to sea.

    Since the tattoos of the star represent dreams, hopes, freedom and high ambitions.

    Saytik threw the hostess

    In this case, "such a starsfall" serves only - "decor element" for its owner)
    But there are tattoos carrying a semantic load. I was told, in fact, a man who has a tattoo "Nautical Star" told, followed by the text ... The image with the image is "Nautical Star" ("starfish"), has a long history of origin. So, more "during the times of the pirates", the men had such a tattoo in the breast (2 stars, on the right and left chest), were added more than 2 stars. "Nautical Star" - became a symbol of "Following the way", as well as the symbol of the "Return of Sailors Home". In our same days, such a tattoo (besides the fact that it is a symbol of the US Armed Forces) denotes - the desire and achievement, "the personal shine in the darkness of life", "illuminates the path in the dark." Also, she becomes a guide in man's life to her possessing. The one who told me the essence and meaning of these tattoos, says that "his starfish", said him more than once.
    There is also a tattoo referred to as the "wind rose" ("WIND ROSE"). Such a tattoo, again, sincecrall wore marine wolves, sailors and fishermen. Leaving the sea, in difficult situations (during the storm, when they were shot down from the course) they focused on the "own vector diagram", packed in their chest / back)

    Senior Expert Crime in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR named Arkady Bronnikov for 30 years of its service gathered a huge collection of photographs of prison tattoos. Next, you will see the decoding and description of the prison symbolism, which prisoners are stuffed into the skin in the form of a tattoo.

    In the photo: Spirling the neck of the snake is a sign that the holder of the tattoo uses drugs. Most prisoners - or alcoholics, or drug addicts. Many crimes they committed in a state of intoxication. Stars on the clavicle and the epolutes on the shoulders say that you are prestige. Pants on the prisoner - part of the form of a special regime colony, the most strict regime of concluding in the Soviet Union. Prisoners of such colonies are called particularly dangerous recidivists, there may be such grave crimes as pedophilia. They are sentenced to a more rigorous detention than other prisoners, and cannot be released conditional.

    Stars on the shoulders say that this prisoner is criminal "authority." Medals are pre-revolutionary awards, so their image becomes a sign of disobedience to the Soviet regime. Eyes on the stomach point to the homosexuality of their owner (the penis becomes a "nose" on the person depicted).

    Images of monasteries, churches, cathedrals, Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels, usually on breasts and back, mean belonging to the thieves world and its "concepts". Tattoos in the form of skulls, in some places accompanied by the depicting of the flying angel, they say that the prisoner was convicted of murder. The coffin is another sign of the murder, they bury the dead.

    The shape of eppoles dusted on the shoulders is borrowed or from a pre-revolutionary form, or from the existing Soviet, both of the options are talking about the negative attitude of their owner to the system. These tattoos are found from criminal authorities who have such nicknames like "Major" or "Colonel". Eggs with three small stars or skulls can be deciphered as follows: "I am not a slave camps, no one is able to work me", "I am a prisoner, but born free", "I am a colonel in the zone - I will not get the hands of a wheelbarrow", " Strong winning - weak dying "," from the work of the horse die. "

    In the hand it is written "Remember me, do not forget" and "15 years I waited for you."
    This man is a Muslim. On the left of the left - a cult building with a crescent, the features of his face also indicate that he is not Russian. He is not the authority of the thieves of the world, but he tried to pretend to them with the help of tattoos that had to increase his position in the prison hierarchy. Lighthouse on his right hand indicates the desire for freedom. Handcuffs on each wrist say that he was sentenced more than five years of conclusion.

    Madonna with a baby - Talisman thieves, protecting against misfortunes and troubles. He also indicates that the owner was a thief from an early age: "Prison is my house", "Prison Child."

    Eight-pointed stars - the emblems of thief-authority living in the "thieves' concepts". There are many options for "thieves" stars. The lines inside the ends of the star mean that the holder of the tattoos carried military service, but threw it and went to the crime, literally tattoos of such prisoners mean "I despise the army."

    This prisoner is the victim of syphilis, the disease left him face, eyes and mouth deep scars. In prisons and colonies, prisoners, both men, and women suffering from venereal diseases (such as syphilis) are called "bubbles". They are also awarded with army bins depending on how hard the condition of the disease is. For example, "Kolka dragged in Baba and not soared, yesterday the doctor said that he was already" lieutenant "(the prisoner suffering from the Syphilis of the second stage is called" Colonel ", the third -" General "). There were cases when people were infected with syphilis, AIDS and tetanus, when they were tattooed in unsanitary prison conditions. The application of tattoos is prohibited in prisons and camps. The status of this procedure grew as it became increasingly secret because of the prohibitions and harsh punishments by the administration.

    "Demons" on the shoulders of this prisoner symbolize hatred for authorities and a prison hierarchy. This type of tattoo is known as "Oscal" - its owner "shows the teeth" system. Sometimes "Oscals" accompany anti-Soviet signatures.

    It is written in the hands: "Thank you, dear homeland, for younning to ruined our".
    The image of the dagger on the throat says that the prisoner committed a murder in prison, and it can be hired in order for him to make one more. Blood drops may mean the number of people killed by him.
    Many crime Lenin is perceived as "Pakhan" (leader) of the Communist Party. The letters thief, which can sometimes be seen under his image, carry a double meaning. This is an acronym for the phrase "leader of the October Revolution", but also just the Russian word "thief".

    The inscription on the chest: "Who is not with me, he is against me."
    The swastika and Nazi symbols may mean that their owner sympathizes fascism, although they are more often done in order to show the hostile attitude of the prisoner to the prison or camp administration. In the Soviet period, the administration often removed such tattoos for violently or surgically, or with ink. The image of the mermaid can mean a sentence for rape of a child or a juilatement plant. In the prison jargon to designate such a crime there are words "Amurik", "Shaggy" and "Universal". They become "omitted" in the prison hierarchy after they are raped by other prisoners, sometimes groups.

    The inscription above the cross: "Oh God! Save and save his slave ... Victor, "under the cross -" God, judge I am not on business, but by mercy in my own way. " The inscription above the waist "*** need and grief ..." [indifferent to the need and grief].
    Skull and bones indicate that the prisoner is serving a life sentence. One eight-pointed star means that he is semi-resistant among thieves. Girl clining a fishing rod dress, on the left forearm, - a tattoo of hooligans and rapists. Snake, which came across around human remains (on the bend of each hand) - an option of an old thieves tattoos. Snake is a symbol of the temptation, here the head of the snake replaced the women's head of the tempter. On the right side of the abdomen - the version "Yudifi" Georgeon 1504: a symbol of a debris seducer, a noble person.

    Dollar bills, skyscrapers and an automatic with an abbreviation of US talk about love prisoner to the lifestyle of American mafia. Eyes mean "I watch you" (for other prisoners in prison or camp).

    On the hand, under the image of the skull, the phrase on Latin Memento Mori, which means "Remember that you are ashes."
    A double-headed eagle is a symbol of Russian statehood, which is rooted in the XV century and used by Peter Great. After the fall of communism in 1993, he replaced the sickle and hammer on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. The photo is made in the Soviet period, then the tattoo in the form of this emblem was a sign of hatred for the USSR. It can also be interpreted as "Russia for Russians" or "For Russia without Jews, Hacie and Marxist-Leninists." The statue of freedom indicates a longing for freedom, and a dark character with a gun says that this prisoner is ready for violence and murder. The eyes on the chest mean "I see everything" and "I'm watching", this is the famous tattoo of the prisoner belonging to the "Looking" caste. The eight-pointed star on the shoulders means that its owner is a thief authority.

    The inscription on the right hand: "love take care and freedom." On the right hand: "Sinner". Inscription on the chest: "Everyone is yours." The inscription under the turtles: "God against all, all against God." The wrist is written Mein Gott, "My God" in German.
    A cowboy with a gun indicates that this thief is ready to risk and will not miss a single call. Dove, carrying branch (on the left shoulder) - a symbol of good news and getting rid of suffering.

    Stars on the shoulders mark thief-authority. Rose on the chest means that he met his eighteen in prison. For an SOS abbreviation on the right forearm there are several decoding options: "Save from the court", "I save from SUK", "I save from Syphilisa," "Save, Father, Son," "bitches took away freedom."

    Inscription on the chest: "Save and save." On each side of the Cross written "Holy" ("Christ").
    The eight-pointed star on the clavicle indicates a high position in the thieves hierarchy. The butterfly tie on the neck is often found in the colonies of the strict mode. Initially, this image was a scoring tattoo. Such tattoos were forcibly made to pocket pockets who violated the "thieves concepts" and began to work on the administration, they were placed under the images of cats on the clavicle. However, subsequently the connection of this symbol with shameful labels disappeared. The dollar sign on the butterfly shows that his owner - or "Claper", or was engaged in laundering money, or was convicted of theft of state property.

    This tattoo is the variation of the myth about Promethea, deceiving Zeus and chained for it to a rock for eternal punishment. The ship with white sails means that the prisoner is not engaged in ordinary work, he is a thieves-trooper and is prone to shoots.