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  • Anecdote about the crows gathered geese to fly south. Pass to them ...: V_STRANE_4UDES - LiveJournal

    Anecdote about the crows gathered geese to fly south. Pass to them ...: V_STRANE_4UDES - LiveJournal

    They realized two hare in the forest on the vodka bubble, and there are no snacks. We decided to go to the ravene. Found the crow on the branch, and in her beak she has cheese.
    - Hi, crow!
    She is silent ...
    - Have a drink?
    - YES!
    Cheese falls and hares of sites. The next day, again with a bottle of ravene:
    - Crow, have a drink?
    Silence ... Hare, pouring into a glass, asks:
    - Stop so much?
    - YES!
    Cheese falls, hares of sites). On the third day again with a bottle of ravene:
    - Crow, have a drink?
    Silence ... Hare, pouring into a glass:
    - Stop so much?
    - Crow, what do you think, do we want you to fuck you?
    - YES!!!

    Old raven past is not a box!

    The cornice is a crowr cut down from the tree.

    Gathered cranes to fly to the south. Here the crow flies and says:
    - I will fly with you.
    Cranes in response:
    - Crow, fool - you do not share!
    And the crow says:

    The first day of flight. An hour later, how the cranes landed, the crow flies, exhausted terribly - the cranes they say to her:
    - Crow, until it's too late - turn back, eh? Do not accommodate!
    - No! I am a big black bird! I will fly with you ...
    Fifth day of flight ... cranes on vacation. A day arrives a crow - everything in soap.
    - Crow, not Duri - turn! We still fly through the sea!
    - No! I am a big black bird! I will fly with you! ...
    The flight across the sea is over, the cranes are resting, feeding, they are engaged in love - Kaifuy, in general ... A crow flocks - the tongue on the side, there is no tail, the tongue is sticking out of the wings sticking, the stone falls at the edge of the sea.
    - Yes, a crow, you are a big black bird - you have flown.
    Crow opens muddy eyes and says:
    - Yes! I am a big black bird ... but the patient on the whole head !!!

    Today I saw the antipode of Aist, bringing children - a crow carrying a condom in the beak.

    A man is sinking in a swamp. A coron sits on a branch over him.
    - Crow! Naked a branch, you do not see - a man sinks! What are you blind?
    After a minute:
    - Crow, yes naked you branch, be pleased with Christ! Yes, what are you deaf?
    Called, called and drowned.
    - And I do not blindly, and not deaf ... lazy just ...

    Crow somehow god sent ...

    The wolf and the hare came to the river scored a jamb, we were whining and decided to swim. They asked to the crow, look after the jam. Dived, flooded, go out, and on the shore neither a mound nor the crows. Raise your head, and there the crow flies with circles ... goes on a dead loop.
    - Hey, Crow! What are things?
    - I saw nothing ... I don't know anything! .. knock me off with sticks, I can't sit down!

    Flies a crow. She struck her head about the tree and fell. Rises and says:
    - Eh, it's good that there are no brains, but it would be a shaking!

    Two crows fly. One says the other:
    - Somewhere there was a slog bum!
    - Yes, yes, yes, there was exactly a sloga bum!

    The crow flies in the forest, attacked on the bitch:
    - Oh, what a sharp bitterness! And, however, nothing ...

    Two crows talk. A jet aircraft sweeps over them.
    - Listen, alone says, - Why does this bird fly so fast?
    - Well, honey, I would look like you flew if you set fire to your tail!

    There is a hare, looks at the branch. He waves her paw, welcoming her. Crow zero attention.
    "Yes, she probably blinds," says the hare.
    Suitable closer and tells her:
    - Hi, crow!
    Crow zero attention. The hare does not withstand:
    - Yes, she is also deaf!
    Crow him answers:
    - blind, deaf ... Yes, I generally none!

    Raven to the crow flies,
    Raven crows screaming:
    Raven! Where would we have doubt?
    How would we spend about?

    Raven Roron in response:
    I know there will be a lunch;
    In a pure field under rush
    Bogatyr is killed.

    Who killed and why
    Knows only him
    Yes, the Falket is Voronaya,
    Yes, the mistress is young.

    Falcon in the grove flew away
    On the rag of the fellow village,
    And the hostess is waiting for a cute
    Not dead, alive.

    Analysis of the poem "Raven to Raven flies" Pushkin

    The work of "Raven to the Crown flies" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - translation of the poem of Walter Scott.

    The poem is written in 1828. Its author at that time was 29 years old, he passed through two links, however, not very severe, after the publication "Poltava" was criticized by writing brother and the reading public. In the same year, he gave an explanation twice about his poems - one revolutionary, other blasphemy. After that, behind him was established by the unlawful supervision. Finally, this is the dating time with N. Goncharova, who later became his wife. According to the genre - ballad, in size - chorea with adjacent rhymes, 4 stanches. Rhymes are open and closed, many verbal, giving poems at the same time and simplicity, and evil. Composition plot. The lyrical hero is a narrator. The work resembles a folk song. This contributes to both refrains (as a rule, anphors) in quitters: Raven Vorona, and, and the abundance of repeats at all: falcon, the mare, hostess. The poet suffered the acting persons of the Scottish antique ballads to Russian soil. It appears in it to all familiar Rakita, the pure field (the most who else Ivan-Tsarevich drove), the knight is called a henate, the hunt, on which everything happened, was a falcon, as in due time and was accepted in Russia, finally, insidious The hostess is waiting for "cute." Two hungry crow meet. These birds are famous padals. One reports to another that this time the dinner will be "bogatyr killed." The bird dialog itself is another typical folk element. Wise Crown does not give an assessment of the events that occurred, but calls on those who wanted to learn the truth to turn to witnesses: a falcon of the hero, whom, however, will still have to search in a grove, a humble mare, which remained next to the owner. In this row, he also mentions a young mistress, his wife. "Who killed and why" she knows. So the picture of the crime becomes absolutely clear: the hostess agreed with the lovelist to kill her husband on the hunt. This kind of tragic "chance" will not cause any suspicion, and therefore the killer will be able to see it easily to meet with now a young widow. The murder is burdened by the capture of his beloved horse the deceased. This is a clearly symbolic gesture that emphasizes the superiority of the enemy over the borty. The widow impatiently suits good news from the partner. Inversion: knows falcon. It should be said that the poet did his translation from the French translation, the ballad itself was written in English.

    For the first time, the poem "Raven to Raven flies" A. Pushkin was published in the "Nordic colors". The poet changed his name several times, in particular, it was both "Scottish songs".

    According to the general conviction of our and foreign ancestors, the ravens are carrier of bad news. Signs about raven in most gloomy. And what else should the meaning of bird-holders with a dark plumage and unpleasant rude carchanga?

    "Breakal!" - Standard reproach acclating trouble. Voroniy Gray - harbing diseases, disasters and death. Previously, he was heard over the fields of battles, places of burials of people and livestock, and now, when urban crows feed on food waste, "next to landfills. Not so scary!

    In the last couple of centuries, signs about Raven, like many others, "softened" have also acquired a positive or neutral meaning.

    • Lonely flying crow. - harbinger of bad events.
    • Crow on the roof coars flag, advertising banner or other cloth- Unfortunately for the head of the family living under this roof. How to interpret to accept if the house is multi-apartment, the sign does not report.
    • See two or three raven - Unfortunately.
    • But see four raven - To replenish in the family. At least somehow compensate for all those dead people who promise other "Vorony" signs.
    • Caught a fight of Voronov, especially bloody, with the loss of feathers - to trouble.
    • Flock raven flies high in the sky - Sign of good, clear weather.
    • Crow flies to the right from you- To luck, left - To difficulties on the path to the goal.
    • Crow kecks bone- To fractures and other injuries and diseases of the bones.
    • Crow takes food in the beak- Sketches for profits.
    • Crow keeps a pinch, twig thatthen wooden - foreshadows fruitful friendship with a good man.
    • See the crow during a wedding celebration- To failure. It can extend both marriage and on the life of any of those present.
    • And if Crows quietly sit on the roof of the house- To the emergency wedding. Obviously, in return spoiled from the point above.

    On the window and outside the window

    Urban live makes adjustments to the interpretation. More around us fields and forests, more and more high-rise buildings and double-glazed windows. In pursuit of ravens insects, like pigeons with sparrows, often sit on the cornice. What can it mean (besides the fact that the creep crow)?

    • Crow flew to the house - To death in this house. If someone sick and the crow flew to him into the room - most likely the sign is intended for him.
    • Crow aggressively knocking up the window and sketches - Unfortunately, death. Especially if before that she or her barking circled over the house.
    • A flock of raven is going on a tree behind your window - Someone dissolves rumors for your back.

    Near the church or in the cemetery

    The crow was always suspected of close to the world of the dead, so a separate category will take - for a crows in a place where you think about ten times more often than usual.

    • The crow flew over the church yard, and then sat down - Soon the funeral will be held. It is not necessary in the family of those who saw the crow, so you can relax a little.
    • Voron sat on the church roof and square- hints at the ambulance death, reports the deceased. Again, it is difficult to determine to whom this dead man will relate.
    • Voron village on the tombstone - Sickness of the immediate death of the priest of the arrival, to which the cemetery belongs. Already somewhat less blurred.
    • Voron sat on the grave cross and shows the tail in the direction of someone's home - To the dead in this house. Specifically, no discrepancies! It is good that even in the cities of the grave far from the residential buildings.

    Hear a crow

    I heard a roronee carcass, but the birds are not visible anywhere? Or first heard, and then, the search, noticed?

    • Crow shouted twice and silent - To the money. It's time to do projects that have been postponed for a long time: now everything will work out.
    • Voron shouted three times - foreshadows death.
    • Hear a carcass to the left- To the difficulties in affairs, especially if you are standing in the water (bathe or arrived in the puddle).
    • Vorona Karkanie over the house- To household diseases.
    • Hear a ravene carcage between 20:00 and 22:00- Fortunately. This short range is the only time when the roronier carcass is definitely good. Many at this time are returned from work, it's time to listen.
    • Vorona Karknya is distributed long and without a break- To bad weather. In winter - to frost and blizzards.
    • Crane kits, looking south - To the robbery of the witness of this action.
    • A cartoon of one croron sitting on the roof of the house,- Sick that someone from friends remembers you and is going to see.
    • Hear the rororne box in the forest and get frightened- To failures in conceived, do not flinch and pass by - To success in life.

    Closely encounter

    Birds differ in arrogance and fearlessness from the species to the form and from individuals to individuals. Among the crows there are those who are not at all afraid of people, because in such behavior is clearly there is a sign of over.

    • Raven on the head - Good sign promising wealth, success in affairs and turn of life in a more successful channel. All that was before that bad, anxiously, took the strength - will soon leave, difficult times will be completed, a new day will come with a new income and good luck. Only you need to be careful, claws at the crows-th, and the beak is solid and strong. Do not frighten the bird to avoid injury.
    • Crow marked you - Also perfectly, it's for money. Not a very pleasant chance, clothes will have to be cleaned, but at least a happy meaning.
    • Crow flew to the car- warns about the accident. At this day, be careful on the road!

    Protection against misfortune

    Ravens - such malicious in the plan will take birds! What to do to be the failures and death, about which they massively proclaim, bypass by side?

    1. Do not touch the raven themselves. Eat the Rorona nest - to bring the death of a child. Kill the crow - to the fire, damage to the house. Therefore, do not touch yourself and teach your children to bypass the side of the nest or take them carefully if the place for nesting the crows was chosen uncomfortable.
    2. The bird flew into the house - carefully, so as not to apply injuries, catch and release. Bear claws and beak! The surface where the crow sat, you need to wash it well. The Council is universal for any birds flushed into the house, they most often mean misfortunes, the house needs to be cleaned.
    3. On the window handle should be tied a red thread so as not to let the disease in the house.

    Perhaps no bird in the world causes so many contradictory opinions. She is always there, where Padal and Deadichkin, that's why it was always considered a symbol of war. In the old days, she was considered an unchanged satellite of black magicians, and also believed that in these birds could turn around. However, in many fairy tales, the raven personifies the wisdom and everyday experience, and often such a bird helped the chief hero to find a way out of the most difficult situation, it suffices to recall the fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf. All the signs associated with the corners will be tamed, in particular, and that he flew over his head.

    The behavior of a special bird in relation to a special person

    It must be said that the phenomenon when the crow almost sat down on his head, is a rarity, therefore signs, with this connected, caused interest at all times. Ancient Slavs believed that this bird is a conductor between two worlds - Navo and Jaw, that is, the world of dead and alive. At the same time, the first to be afraid was not accepted, on the contrary, people believed that their other relatives who had passed into the world were defended and guarded them, and through the crows could warn about danger, give some advice. If the bird of the crow sat down on his head or hurt the wing, then this sign means rapid troubles, misfortune, severe illness, and even death. The option of developing events is the worst - perhaps such a person expects big changes, for example, a change of work.

    Ancient people who lived in the territory of the current Ukraine believed that the bird thus recognized a person for his own, that is, possessing some kind of supernatural abilities. And if today I will receive related to the fact that the crow hit or pecking on the head of the child, they will not interpret not the best and afraid of the death of the baby, then they believed that he was waiting for an extraordinary destiny if Pernaya allocated him among everyone else.

    The bird rolling behind the bird promises an injury or appearance in the life of the enemy, and if the raven is circling behind the head and squares, then this sign is associated with future problems, troubles and interference. Going on a journey should pay attention to it, especially if the bird flew in the opposite direction. Similarly, you can decipher to accept if the bird follows a walking person.

    Other Signals with Raves

    Raven, sitting on the roof of the house or, always connected with future funeral. And if in the first case it was clear, the trouble would come in whose home, then in the second they paid attention to where "looking" the tail of the bird and from that direction was waiting for bad news. However, the large accumulation of birds on the roof was already interpreted as an ambulance wedding, and also paid attention to the number of birds flying over the tuple. If she was alone, it was believed that marriage would not be happy, and if two or more, then all newlyweds would be fine.

    Not to the good knock of the beak in the window, like visiting the bird of the window sill. In general, any bird, knocking on the window, always considered a herald of death. However, in last centuries, this again connected with the activities of other ancestors who went into the world. Allegedly they pass the news relative and provide a chance in life, which is important not to miss. The bird strolling on the threshold was always associated with future theft and it is no coincidence, because everyone knows how the crows fades on everything bright and brilliant.

    To meet the rone sitting on the stone - always to the dangers, and this is especially true of those who went to the forest to hunt or for mushrooms and berries. It is recommended to turn back, otherwise not to transfer meetings with a wild beast. The same applies to the situation when a crow appears in the place of the prival and behaves restlessly - flies and bleats the wings. It is worth collecting and searching for another place to relax.

    The corpse is a dangerous thing. It attracts predators, padelvers and stabinating insects; Being near him, you can pick up some infection. Social animals, ants, bees, termites, rats, - try to get rid of their dead as soon as possible, destroy or burrow. However, many animals, despite the risk, not only for quite a long time staying next to the dead, relative, but they touch it, they show aggression and even try to pair.

    Cases of necrophilia observed Richardson Suslikov, coastal swallows, coastal toads Rhinella Jimi., Lizards of giant ammey. For a description of homosexual necrophilia in Kryakva, a researcher from Rotterdam Kis Moliker even received the Ignobel Prize in Biology in 2003. With regard to animals to their dead men, it is especially sexual aspect. However, fixing the cases of necrophilia, scientists cannot explain their causes and do not even know why animals are generally touched by the corpses.

    Explore this problem is comfortable on vanished birds. They react pretty violently into the dead individuals of the same species (conspecifics). Scientists observed as ordinary and American interns, as well as California shrub coats Aphelocoma Californica. At the sight of the corpse raise the cry - the danger signal. Other birds fly to these cries and attach their votes to the common Côtefony. Crows also pursue people touched a dead bird.

    A virtue of a small size, so it is easy to present a dead consection. Delphine's carcass in the right place would be much more difficult. And the birds still have a bad sense of smell, and you can deceive them, snapped instead of a real corpse of the Taxidermist product.

    So, Professor of the University of Washington (USA) John Marzluff (John Marzluff) and his postgraduate student Kyli Swift (Kaeli Swift) investigated the reaction of American raven Corvus Brachyrhynchos. on dead relatives. American raven is less than the European, the size of our gray clown, the Americans of his crow and call.

    Scientists were particularly interested, as often crows, touch the corpses, why do they do it, and it is possible to consider such behavior ordinary.

    Researchers worked with stuffed adult and young ravens, pigeons and gray protein. All products looked very reliably. Experiments were conducted in different cities of Washington, in areas where crowlons are nesting. The stuffed made from animals mined outside the study area, so that the tests of birds could not be familiar with them. Each pair was made only one incentive. It was put at 35-45 m from the nest, when there were no adult birds in it. The stuffed was pulled by lead or sand or attached to the goods with a transparent fishing line so that the crows could not drain them. Kylie Swift stood alive and fixed everything that happened for two hours after the first adult bird would notice the scarecrow. The distance between the observation points was at least 300 m, so that one pair does not acquire experience, watching the other.

    It is known that the crows sometimes feed on dead pigeons and squirrels. The researchers suggested that the birds touches the corpse, wanting to have a snack or something to know about it. Stuffed doves and protein crows touched about a third of cases. Most often they roared the stuffed, thoroughly get into the eyes or other unprotected place. They also gently touch the corpse with a beak or foot; His fibers on the ground, grabbed the beak; They burned down, dying fur, feathers, upholstery and even limb. The contacts were brief, since the crows quickly found out that the corpse is not real. And, yes, with the pigeons tried to mate. Four times out of 153. The protein was not attempted.

    However, the reaction of crows on dead relatives was different. As a rule, the bird, who saw the body, raised a cry, feeding the danger signal and squirrels of other crows, which were quickly flown, boxed and behaved aggressively (Fig. 1). The chockerels of the Conspecifics of the bird touched at about a quarter of cases, previously adoraly. Sexual contacts were only six, four of them with a chucks of an adult crow and two - with the chuckles of the young. At the same time, the birds actively rooted a dead partner and behaved quite aggressive with him. In two cases, while one of the birds tried to master the chuck, the second marting with her himself. However, such a scandalous behavior with shouts, aggression and necrophilia took place only at the beginning of the breeding season, in March-April.

    Aggressive excitement that caused dead crows in the living, does not look like attempts to satisfy hunger or get some information about the dead bird (and there is no cannonbalism). And then scientists suggested that the crows simply do not understand that in front of them the corpse. They see the relative, who behaves strangely, and try to expel from their plot, and if they succeed, then to mate at the same time.

    The rolling dead bird resembles a female, ready for kopulation: the wings are deployed and the tail is open. Therefore, in the second experiment, the researchers suggested a crow in various poses: a corpse with divorced wings, a body with pressed wings and a bird, which can be taken over living (Fig. 2). If the crows distinguish between living and dead relatives, the main share of Brahi and aggression will fall into a fraction of the stuffing stuffed. If they are interested in kopulation, they will prefer a bird with straightened wings, and not standing or "informed."

    The Pose of the Dead Crow did not affect the attitude towards him alive. However, birds perfectly distinguished the lying and standing stuffed and reacted in different ways. At the sight of lying more often, the orals were alarming, they were more often dicked. Obviously, the crows perceive the corpse, first of all, as a hazard signal, and the "living" conifer is like an attacker who needs to be driven.

    In this experiment, researchers observed eight sexual contacts with the "dead" corners and four - with "alive", and in three cases it was not scared and did not flush him. Since all attempts to mate with dead birds occurred in the spring, at the beginning of the breeding season, and accompanied by aggression, scientists suggested that the crow behavior had a failure.

    In the spring, they experience sexual excitement, to which anxiety and aggression, arising from the form of dead conifers are added. Hormonal changes occurring during the pairing period prevent some birds to respond adequately to the stimulus and cause an inappropriate and inappropriate behavior that people are readily called necrophilia. Researchers believe that in fact the corpse as a sexual object of the Crown does not attract, and they have no necrophilia in human understanding. To test this hypothesis, scientists plan to determine the hormonal status of bird-necrophilov in the breeding season.

    Beaming dead pigeons - also the result of the program failure. Sometimes males who do not have access to females are trying to master a partner of another species. Suddenly and raven happens?

    In fact, Kylie Swift and John Marzluff watched the crows perceive death. While they checked the reaction of birds to the corpse of an unfamiliar individual. But American ravens form permanent couples that persist more than ten years, and it is possible that the reaction to the death of a bird's bird will be different. Scientists have to find out what these differences will be. They are not going to kill anyone, but they will be resorted to sedatives. The data obtained will allow people to better understand what means for an animal the death of a member of a group or partner and, if it happens in captivity, help him survive the loss. So the reaction of birds and animals to the dead body is examined not curiosity for the sake of the sake, but with the good practical purpose.