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  • Tattoos for men on the hand of Tribal
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  • Tattoos for men on Tribal's hand. Tattoo Tribal

    Tattoos for men on Tribal's hand. Tattoo Tribal

    Photo from:\u003dig_web_copy_link

    Tribal (eng. Tribal) means "tribal". The name clearly characterizes the tattoo style. The drawings seem to be made from ancient stones or sacred patterns of pagan civilizations.

    This style is an encrypted message, whose lines hid the history of the owner.

    Distinctive features of Tribal style

    Trib Tattoo can not be confused with other directions. It has bright identity. The style is characterized by its wildness, pattern. In the lines there is a rough symbolism.

    The color of the tattoo is always even or gray. For the construction of the drawing is characterized by a clear geometry. Sharp lines are flowing into smooth semicircular figures.

    Standard set of characters:

    • animals, birds, fish;
    • circles and curls;
    • "Barani Horn" *;
    • the Dragon;
    • floristics;
    • zodiac signs.

    From the world of cults are predators: wolf, bear, boar, lion, bat. Among the reptiles are popular for the Best and Cobra. Among the birds love love lovers use:

    • eagle;
    • swan;
    • firebird;
    • gull;
    • swallow.

    The world of insects presented the image of a spider and scorpion.

    The cult seat takes the dragon in the style of Tribal. Mythical creation is performed with open wings, attacking and soaring.

    The dragon is as popular as the Tattoo Bear in the style of Tribal. Both are the symbols of power and crushing power. Of abstract silhouettes, the top places occupy wings and a web.

    Barani horns - an element from the eastern ornaments of the peoples of the nomads. Two curls converge into one center.

    Tribal tattoo value

    In abstract patterns, elements are encrypted. Properly interpret the drawing allows the direction and plexus of lines. Rising lines with acute ends smoothly flowing one into another symbol of fire.

    In addition to the fiery element in the figure, air is encrypted. The flame seems to be pulled out to the sky, bubbles and intertwined with air flows.

    Smooth lines directed horizontally symbolize the flow of water. The value of the continuous stream of vitality, rebirth, life cycle is inserted into the image.

    Curl bracelets located on the hand of the earth symbol. Sharp lines go into curls. They are like a vine, so the second meaning of "nature". In the Tattoo Tattoo, the value depends on the feed. The image of the object or the phenomenon is intuitively guessed through the panoramic picture of the drawing.

    Animals, fish or birds are always associated with their natural qualities. The manner of the image opens, to what specific properties do the owner of the tattoo.

    Tribal Tattoo for women

    In the 90s and early 2000s, the female tattoo on the lower back in the form of "land" was popular. To date, among the connoisseurs of Tatu is considered not fashionable to follow the canons of the past. The drawing on the sacrum is still in demand, but it is being subjected to greater elaboration.

    In the widespread masses, the masters are considered a rough manner. Customers recommend detailed drawings from folk ornaments. Exquisite transitions of floristic elements in thin curls came to replace sharp and thick lines.

    In the hands are offered thin not closed on the inside. Vyaz is close to Celtic with expressive sharp faces. A large number of floral topics and geometric ornaments are used.

    Trib Tatu for Men

    In the past, men were in demand by closed bracelets in the forearm transition to the shoulder. Sleeves came to replace them with the transition to the chest and neck. The drawing is built according to the type of labyrinth, the symbols of flames and the earth are laid in the curls.

    Among animal tattoos are in demand:

    • the Dragon;
    • wolf;
    • bear.

    The figure shows lines meaning a continuous energy flow. As a result, it appears the image of not only the animal, but also its characteristic qualities of woven with the owner's shower.

    Where to apply a tattoo?

    Popular places for Tribal on hand are the entire surface of the joint to the fingertips. Tribal on the shoulder is laid out by rounded lines. The pattern is formed along the muscle line and the shape of the hand.

    • Tattoo Cross on the shoulder
    • Dragon Tattoo on Ires

    • fern tattoo

    • Ohm Tattoo on Breast, Tribal

    • Twin tattoo not ankle, Tribal

    • Tattoo sharks on the blade, Tribal

    • Tattoo on the shoulder

    • Bear tattoo on hand
    • Tattoo Wings Tribal

    • Tattoo bull on the shoulder, Tribal

    • Tattoo on hand, Tribal, photos from:\u003dig_web_copy_link

    • Tattoo on the back, Tribal photo from:\u003dig_web_copy_link

    • Tattoo on the forearm

    • Tattoo on the shoulder

    If the zone under the tattoo is located on the forearm, the outer side is selected. The brush is actively clogged, bracelets are laid out on the wrist. If we consider tattoo stylistics on your shoulder Men's drawings have wide lines, women are thinner.

    The nature of the tattoo is borrowed from the cultures of the ancient peoples of Eurasia. The inner surfaces are almost always empty.

    This rule does not concern only the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs of the tattoo on the legs are skewing the skin throughout the perimeter. Such a tattoo is designed to protect the vitality of the owner of the owner of the Earth.

    It is not uncommon to wear on the neck of the tattoo is performed as a compact symbol. Classic is considered a wearing tattoo on the back. The drawing highlights the entire plane, the structure of the lines mirrors displays each other.

    Trib Tatu sketches are built on the basis of the body of the body of the future owner. The same pattern looks like a thin and rolled body.

    The thickness and number of fragments are adjusted. As a result, the drawing becomes a harmonious supplement of the body of the owner, it can be compared with the interweaving of the veins and capillaries.

    Sketches Tattoo for men have more aggressive. Women have more curls and smooth transitions.

    Energy pattern in the root changes from the feed, color depth. The contours of the tattoo must be clear, filling in ink uniform. Only such a tattoo is considered high-qualityly performed.

    Video - Wolf in Tylin style, photo gallery

    Trib Tattoo or ethnic tattoo - the classics of traditions in which the ancient folk styles are mixed, bright images, symbolism and militancy. Trib Tatu is the weave of clear patterns or images of sacred animals, where each detail has its important importance.

    Tribal Tattoo - distinctive features of a trailer tattoo

    The main characteristic distinction of the Tattoo Tatu is all others are Clear, smooth, dark contours of the picture. Tribal Tattoo does. focus on emotions and feelings which will be caused at the form of such a picture.

    Tribal tattoo value

    At first glance, simple patterns on the body may have an ancient mystical significance. The symbolism of such tattoos may vary depending on the culture of a particular tribe, as well as the selection of the characters themselves and their combinations.

    In antiquity, all lines, spirals and circles in the drawing Tatu was told about the human biography. In tattoo it was possible to find a place of birth, social status, exploits, battles and other important events from his life.

    Often the trailer tattoo covers the whole body of a personfor special merits Before the tribe and / or its native. This is a kind of an ancient passport telling about the life of a person, his family or a tribe, position in society.

    Trib Tatu - Features Tribal Tattoo

    For the ancient peoples, the process of applying a Tattoo was a sacred ritual. The masters of this art prayed before each tattoo attachment on the body. For them, tattoo was connected with the soul of man, his spiritual energy, thoughts and desires.

    Magic Tribal Tattoo should have managed human lifefencing media from all troubles and errors, add to him forces and courage, as well as to relieve fears.

    W. peoples Maori Tattoo (Maori Trib Tatu) was, an indicator of courage and excerpt, After all, not everyone decided to make such a tattoo due to incredible pain when applied.

    The appearance of a trailer tattoo in Europe

    Ethnic tattoo Popular and more thanks to their beauty and originality. From such a tattoo, it is difficult to take eye, since the ethnic tattoo fascinate and hypnotize.

    Trib Tatu first appeared in Europe thanks to the sailors who brought Tribal style from Polynesia. Tribal style very quickly gained popularity throughout the European and Asian space, surpassing even the traditional European tattoo and.

    "Tribal style today is a modern rebirth and the continuation of the ancientpolynesian style. «

    Varietytribal Tatu - 6 types of tribal tattoos

    On the Islands of Polynesia, from different tribes in Africa, in Japan, as well as the tribes of the Celts - tattoo suffered a symbolic meaning. They noted the condition and status of a person in society were the decoration of the warrior for the valor and feats.

    Separate 6 types of tribal tattoos:

    Polynesian Tattoo Tribal

    Polynesia Tatu - It is a beautiful interlacing lines. They are pretty rough, volumetric and clear ornament. The main elements of the Polynesian Tattoo Tattoo are:

    • lines in the form of waves, spirals, geometric curved lines;
    • ornaments depicting: skulls, sharks, birds, fern, sun, moon and vegetable world.

    By tradition, despite the content of similar elements, the Polynesian tattoos are unique and never repeated in two people.

    Indian tattoo - Tattoo Hyde

    Indian tattoo bind withHeyda. Heyda - This is the Native Indian people living in the United States and Canada. The Indian tattoo Hyde is not only original, but also incredibly colorful.

    The Indian tattoo is usually made in two colors: black and red gamut or a combination of black with green or blue. Each color, while hiding a certain meaning. Blue in Heyde Tatu means heaven, and black in the Indian tattoo means land. Green means floral world, and red - blood.

    The main plot of Indian tattoo was animals and poultry: tattoothe Bears , tattoo tattoo, tattoodolphins, Tatu Akula, Tattoo Eagles And other representatives of the fauna. Fatiguts have always been for Heyda chambers. With the help of these images, they tried to protect themselves from troubles and dangers. And today, the tattoo, made in this style, serves as an amulet who takes care that the attack passed by the party.

    Japanese Tribal Tatu Izeshi, Hama, Kakusi Boro

    Japanese tattoo to this day are at the peak of fashion and differ in brightness and their style. Fittings of this ancient culture are highlighted by special brightness. They depict hieroglyphs, mythological animals, fish, samurai, geisha, as well as entire plots. Japanese tattoos have their own classification:

    • Iredzumi Tattoos (Iredzumi) - This tattoo was popular among the criminal Japanese world. They covered the whole back, chest, hands and hips.
    • Haman Tattoos (Shaman) did men who wish to demonstrate theirbravery, honor and strength.
    • Kakusi Boro Tattoos (Kakushibori) - An unusual tattoo type, which most often applied women. The special popularity of Kakushibori had among Geisha. Usually the tattoo was done by filling out the cuts on the skin rice flour. Tattoo Kakushibori was practically not visible in daylight, but manifested with increasing body temperature (at the moment of intimate proximity or reception of hot water procedures).

    Celtic Tribal Tatu

    Celtic tattoo was often portrayed on their body warriors as a charm. The most popular drawings of Celtic tattoo were considered the cross and bracelet intertwined in magical nodes.

    African Tattoo - African Tribal Tattoo

    African tattoos, also servedobera and talismans.

    Tattoos video target Talked about leadership and charisma.

    Fern leaf means resourcefulness and endurance.

    Crocodile Speaks about high adaptability.

    Wooden ridge - sign of femininity and purity.

    Wrappedgoose Reminds the importance of the lessons of the past.

    Moon I.stars - Sign of loyalty, love and harmony.

    Slavic tattoos - Tattoos of Slavs

    Slavic tattoo Ethno () is, first of all, an image of an infinity symbol and rebirth. Also, images of animals and birds, such as wolves and falcons, were revered in the Slavic tattoo. Slavic tattoo overages were considered a thunder wheel, Rus star.

    The ancient Slavs applied a rune tattoo on their body, symbolizing male starts, fertility, renewal and peace.

    Traditional Slavic patterns are mainly red, as well as inseparable. Slavic tattoo is gaining popularity due to their unusual mind that very much resembles a folk embroidery.

    Tribal Tattoo for women

    In the days of World War II, the Sea "Tribla". Thus called the type of destroyers who were in service with the fleets of Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.

    In England, ranked royal Navy. But speaking of tribal Tatu, Masters have in mind not the images of military courts, but drawings in tribal.

    The word "Tribal" itself is translated from English as "generic." These are the pictures of the geometric plan, made in smooth, or pointed lines.

    The interlacing pattern resembles, rather, rather than a realistic image of something. Direction in the oldest.

    Tribal ones and tribal, which originated in the natives of Africa and at the dawn of our era.

    Tribal Tattoo value

    Tribal Tattoo value Initially, it was associated with exposure and courage. This is associated with the pain that I had to suffer to make a native pattern.

    Near the natives did not have modern -. The dye was drunk under, at best, wooden chopsticks.

    In the worst version, it was performed - cutting the skin, respectively, the scheduled sketch. They were solved on the palloon only a strong spirit that could tolerate pain.

    The tribes believed that tattoo Tribal Help the spouses to find each other on the light.

    Husband and wife, as a rule, applied the same patterns. In order not to torment women, they tried to apply only a part of the knotted knack. He was performed by the full-scale version of the drawing.

    But, the complete absence on the maiden body was a reason to ignore a woman in society.

    So, African's aborigines believed that the lady would not be able to transfer pain from the pallows, could not survive and generic pain. Touch yourself with the one that will not be, no one wished.

    On Tahiti tatu Tribal on the shoulder men's There were puberty. It was not always calculated by year.

    In some tribes, for example, they considered crocodile after killing them, or. The accomplishment of the feat was encouraged by a pallium and wife.

    With the tradition of applying a pattern after hunting, the distribution is associated among trib Tattoo photo depicting various.

    Often, on the body painted the defeated predator. His stylized circuits have gap paint.

    Modern options allow the pictures, but this direction is called neo-trail.

    Sometimes, the image of the animal for the drawing was chosen, based on the character of a person. Trib Tatu sketches often represent.

    This is a symbol of spiritual growth and power. - animal good-natured, and strong.

    In most tribes, the immortality of the Spirit was considered. Such a squirrel was worn, basically shamans and leaders.

    Delolated to punish creative parts. Dragon Tattoo - Tribal, applied wise and cunning.

    The study of the Tribal value is complicated by the abundance of lines, and their different interpretation from different tribes.

    Each curl and drawing drawing - the semblance of a written symbol. With the help of the patterns, it was told about the exploits of a person, the birth of his occupation, position in the community, that is, the classic Tribal of the Nakolka, often, autobiographical.

    Make such in modern society, usually, only the masters of small nations, who know the traditions and symbols of their kind.

    But, most customers are not interested in content, but a form. Request stylized versions of trablov, not carrying a special meaning.

    Tattoo Tribal for Men

    Representatives of strong sex tattoo Tribal on hand, Torso, are extremely popular due to the abundance of sharp corners in the images.

    Tribal style creates sensations of rapidness, power, aggression. These qualities are more peculiar to men, here they choose Tribal Tales. They make up about 30% of all queries among gentlemen.

    Men prefer classic trails performed in. Such a pattern, for example, emine.

    Artist Podkolol tribal pattern on the left. Inscribed in the form of clutching. Dmitry Nagiyeva Tribal is located on.

    In the Zakolol zone, the genital pattern and Jared summer. The singer requested two triads near the master near.

    An ancient symbol is a visual expression of the communication of the life of the body, spirit and soul. Some people consider the Triad and as the unity of the past, present and the future.

    Tattoo Tribal for women

    If men most often choose tattoo Tribal on the shoulder, then ladies make a bet on the tag in the zone, back ,,.

    Most experts agree that the Tribal originates in the culture of Samoan tribes. Interesting is the fact that representatives of this ethnic group are convinced that the tattoo is a special connection between the spiritual and material incarnation of man. In self-agic tribes believe that the tattoo is capable of revealing his special abilities and talents in man, to help know themselves and form their special vital philosophy.

    Modern Tribal is an evolving Polynesian tattoo style. It is believed that every third tattoo in the world is a trail, which may be close to the truth. Much of this genre says the name itself, which is translated as "registered", "tribal." Such a tattoo often serves as a personal symbol or talisman, which explains its popularity even among those who relate to Bodyarta selectively.

    Most trablov stuffed are complex pointed patterns, representing the intertwining and intersection of rapid lines. Typically, the Tribal is executed in one color. But the genre actively evolves and mixes with other directions, and today it is quite often possible to see a multicolored trailer in an outstanding stylistic design.


    To taste the idea of \u200b\u200bTrabla, you need to refer to the tradition of applying the Polynesian tattoo. Note that for local peoples, the process of applying a tattoo is a special ritual. Before applying the priests, the priests produce long prayers and ask for blessings. The tattoo is considered as a spiritual part of a person, resonant with its energy, desires and thoughts.

    In the traditions of Polynesians - refer to a tattoo as a magical drawing, which should manage the life of its carrier. The patterns depicted on the body were called on to save a person from fears and help him on his life path.

    Smooth rapid contours of the traditional tattoo in the tribal genre are a visual reflection of your inner world consumption. The essence of the tattoo, made in this genre, is not so much in the image embedded in the pattern, as in those emotions that a person experiences, watching this pattern. We will not deny the fact that in Trible as in the direction of tattoo culture the aesthetic component of the tattoos has a priority value.

    Guys and girls

    In modern body, there is no clear separation on the male and female trail. It all depends on the creative filling of the identity itself, who wants to make such a tattoo. We only note that a coarse large-scale trailer on an elegant female body looks not as impressive as on men's. Therefore, it can be concluded - girls are better to give preference to elegant work with thin lines.


    The rows of fans of the Polynesian style "Tribal" were noticed:

    • Colin Farrell;
    • Dvane Johnson;
    • Mike Tyson.

    Unique, the amazing tattoo in the style of Tribal appeared long before the masters, salons and sketches in our usual format. The figures were initially permanent (constant), but they were not applied for aesthetics. The word "tribal" means "tribal", and this accurately reflects the essence of the phenomenon. Such patterns reflect the inner state of a person, its character, purpose. Therefore, decorative properties did not play a decisive role. But, even with such a condition, men's walks on his shoulder, looked back and look amazing. Huge advantage of the style is his harmony - it perfectly fits in the proportion of the body, becoming a natural addition.
    They successfully combine with the relief, emphasize the muscles, although they initially served to disguise, notation of status or intimidation of enemies. Each people and the tribe had their own characteristic trails: the aborigines from Polynesia Islands saw in them the relationship of the physical body and the Spirit. The main purpose of the drawings was the disclosure of the potential of the owner. It could be strength and durability, leadership qualities, combat abilities, etc. So, generic, tribal tattoos never worn purely decorative properties. Only now the attitude to them began to change. They began to appreciate the uniqueness and beauty. Moreover, Tribal began to do both men and women. Examples of original works can be seen in many galleries dedicated to the masterpieces of tattoos.

    Men's Tattoo In Style Tribal

    Sketch of Tybla on the shoulder - option out of competition! Sleeves or unique projects on the back often begin with it. This is the specificity of the style - starting on the shoulder, the tattoo harmoniously continues on the shovel, goes back and creates a stunning picture. At the same time, the images, as before, are able to influence the fate of the owner. And in a positive side: to strengthen the power of will, become a motivation for new victories, inspire a decisive step.

    Tribal Tattoo for girls

    Women's trails reveal the personality of the hostess! Figure may look like stylized flower, animal silhouette, birds. Often they draw to order, considering and place for application, and the wishes of the girl. Only so you can create an ideal sketch suitable for your proportions and reflecting your character.
    By the way, a place can be any - neck, back, loin, chest. Girls with such an ornament very quickly fall into the center of attention! And yet we recommend to get acquainted with the master in advance - to visit the consultation. In our salon, it is held free for everyone who wants to make a tattoo.