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  • Works about teachers list. Teacher in fiction and modern life

    Works about teachers list. Teacher in fiction and modern life

    MBOU "Secondary school №101"

    Soviet District of Kazan

    Republic of Tatarstan

    Direction: Sciences on Art, Literature


    "The image of a teacher in the works of Russian literature"

    Student: Khalilova Lily


    russian language and literature teacher

    1 qualifying category

    Huza Hametova Lily Nailievna

      Introduction ........................................................................ ... 3

      The image of the teacher in the works of Russian literature ............... ... 5

    2.1. The image of the teacher in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Teacher of Literature..5

    2.2. "Harbor fugitives" and their teachers in the same story A.I. Kupper ...................................................................................... ... 6

    2.3. "Pedagogical poem A.S. Makarenko ".. ........................ ..7

    2.4. "Lessons of French" V.Rasputina ............................... 10

    2.5. "The thirteenth feat of Hercules" F. Inanader ..................... 11

      Conclusion ..................................................................... 13.

      Used literature ................................................ .15


    The teacher is the most noble profession. It is a teacher who gives a ticket to the young generation. There is no man on earth that would not have experienced the profession of the teacher. We have a teacher before your eyes since childhood; While we do not grow, we do not see anyone else at work, in action - only teachers. And therefore everyone defines its attitude to this lesson. Everyone tells himself: "I will be a teacher" or "I will not be a teacher." The school teacher leaves such a deep mark in the soul of a child, that many writers and poets, becoming famous, turn to the image of their teacher.

    I fell happiness to meet with many wonderful teachers. Most of them are people who are surprisingly solid, distinguished by tremendous spiritual generosity, sincerely love for children and limitless faithfulness of the pedagogical cause. They do not recognize the work "from and to", but give her all their strength and time. It is such teachers that Russian writers devoted their best works. The school teacher leaves such a deep mark in the soul of a child, that many writers and poets, becoming famous, turn to the image of their teacher.

    All the large Russian writers at some time of their lives were worried about folk education, many discovered schools, worked as teachers, taught their own and other children. Derzhavin G.R. He opened 6 folk schools in Tambov, started school in his house, he himself discharged pencils and Griffel himself, examined the students himself. Krylov I.A. She taught the children of Prince Golitsyn. Zhukovsky V.A. He was a court teacher, taught the future king Alexander 2, made textbooks, maps. N.V. Hogol taught history and geography. Turgenev I.S. I found school in the village of Salvsk. Goncharov I.A. He was a home teacher in the family of the artist Maikova. N. N. N.A. He opened his funds a free "School for learning peasant children of diploma." For some writers, teaching was joy, rest, for others - everyday need; For Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, it was the main thing in life. He opened a school in a clear glade and compiled his "ABC".

    In research work, an attempt was made to show the image of the teacher in the works of Russian literature 19 and 20th centuries on the example of the following works: "Literature Lessons" A.P. Chekhov, "Brave Fugitives" A.I. Kompanov, "Pedagogical Poem" A.S. Makarenko, "Lessons of French" V.Rasputina, "Thirteenth Hercule feat" F. Inanader.

    The purpose of the research work: to show the teacher's image in the works of Russian writers.

    Tasks of work:

      Examine the works of Russian writers, discontinued the image of the teacher.

      Analyze the images of teachers presented in Russian literature.

      Consider the influence of the teacher on the formation of the student's personality.

    The novelty of the work is that we tried on the example of literary works to show what difficulties the representatives of the teacher profession in the process of working on themselves were overcome before they came to understand that the teacher is creative, with extraordinary thinking, capable of receiving quick decisions, Not frightening difficulties.

    The relevance is dictated by time. Modern society should be imbued with respect for the teacher, recognize its important role in the formation of a person's personality. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev wrote: "Teacing is art, work is no less creative than the work of a writer or composer, but more severe and responsible. The teacher appeals to the soul of human ... directly. Raises his personality, with his knowledge and love, with his attitude to the world. "

      The image of the teacher in the works of Russian literature

    2.1. The image of the teacher in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Teacher of Literature"

    In 1894, Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote a story "Teacher of Literature". For L.N. The Tolstoy School was joy, "poetic, charming business, from which cannot be broken down." Unfortunately, it is impossible to say this about the main hero of the story of Chekhov - teacher of the verbost of Nikitin. The story of the soul of Chekhov character is ordinary, but her hero is deeply drama. We will try to figure it out.

    Sergey Vasilyevich Nikitin - Lucky, who received a decent place of service - teacher of the gymnasium, and secured marital status. But the process of its "growing" has not yet been completed. Having achieved material well-being, he has discontent with life. What is it caused? Chekhov writes: "He told himself with confidence that he was not a teacher at all, but an official, the same mediocre and impersonal, like Czech, a teacher of the Greek language; He never had a calling for teacher activities, he was not familiar with the pedagogy and was never interested, it was not able to deal with children; The meaning of what he taught was to him unknown, and, perhaps, he even taught what is not needed. " The main character thinks that he is not able to teach children, since he himself is not sure about the correctness of the choice of profession. Although the minute before Nikitin reflects: "You are a teacher. Work at a noble field. What else do you need another world? What nonsense! " In the process of long painful reflections, the mind wins, the hero comes to the idea that everything surrounding him now is an illusion. Everything he had previously considered the truth: prestige, wealth, "family well-being" is negligible and meaningless. And the cause of everything is vulgarity, "there is nothing terrible, offensive, sadness of vulgarity." All he had previously believed truth, insignificantly and meaningless.

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov creates the image of another teacher, the teacher of the history of the Hippolitich Hippolyte, "the most necessary and most important cards are considered in geography, and in history - knowledge of chronology; For all nights, he sat and the blue pencil corrected the cards of his students or was chronological tables. " No creativity, search for truth, disputes in the lessons of the history of the Hippolyte Hippolitz did not have any speech. Even before his death, he repeated only familiar to all the truths, and his soul remained in the darkness. In minutes, Nikitin comes to the conclusion that his colleague "was frankly stupid, and all comrades and students knew who he was and what could be waiting for him ..."

    As a result, the Czechovsky teacher wanted a lot of creativity, "talking from the department, to write, to print, noise, tired, suffer." "He wanted something like that that would take him before oblivion himself, to indifference to personal happiness ..."

    2.2. "Brave Fugitives" and their teachers

    in the same story A.I. Kuprika

    In the description of the "Kaznaya orphan boarding house" reflected the impressions of Kurin A.I. From the Moscow Alexander orphan Minor School, where he was about three years old, before admission in 1880 in the Cadet Corps. Portraits of educators and types of children are very interesting. The story of Kurrina shows how the bright, full of vitality Children's soul for their right to freely develop. We see how great is the distance between the child and the teacher, if the second chose a profession not by calling.

    The main hero of the boy Nullgin after many humiliations was finally lucky to meet a teacher who took him to him with its inexhaustible and monstrously magnificent imagination with understanding, respect and caress. Princess L. not only did not punish boys for escape, but also saw in Nelgine, who took someone else's guilt on himself, a man worthy of not only compassion, but also respect. Kubrin writes that cool ladies who came to him in his lazaaret room were talked in French: "Nelgin didn't understand anything, but, as he could, he still translated a conversation to his tongue. It seemed to him that the old chief said:

    Will this boys do not so much?

    And the other said:

    No, why, he is so small and thin.

    "The first caress from someone else's person." That is how Princess L. (Elena Alexandrovna Liven) managed to awaken confidence in the children's soul to an adult person. He "whispered enthusiastically with tears in his eyes:

    For you! .. Everything!

    No, in my opinion, praise more for the teacher than words of gratitude from the student.

    2.3. "Pedagogical Poem" A.S. Makarenko

    Pupil A.S. Makarenko Kolos I.G. He recalled: "For us, Anton Semenovich Makarenko was all that a family can give to his children, teacher, friend, mentor, father." These are reviews about the Great Teacher, the author of the "pedagogical poem", whose 120th anniversary celebrated March 13, all the pedagogical community. Anton Semenovich brought up difficult teenagers. He just lived next to his pupils, worked with them. To each he tried to find "his key". Life Credo Makarenko: "To see a good thing in a person is always very difficult ... A good in man has to always design, and the teacher is obliged to do. "

    Makarenko opened the image of the teacher - innovator in his work. The activities of the teacher are presented as a struggle for a children's soul. Maxim Gorky wrote: "I congratulate you on a good book, I congratulate you warmly!"

    Even in young years, A.S. Makarenko showed himself sincerely devoted to his work, a talented looking for new ways in educational work. The prophecies were the words of the Council of the Institute, in which the future teacher was educated: "It will be a very good teacher in all subjects, especially in the Russian language."

    Six kilometers from Poltava on the sandy hills of hectares of two hundred pine forest. In the forest of Polyana. In one of its corners there was a new colony for offenders. It was in this colony who worked a small but purposeful team who was to give a ticket to the life of young criminals. Who were the teacher, whose share fell so much?

    "Lydia Petrovna was very young - a girl. She recently graduated from the gymnasium and has not yet cooled from maternal care. " A.S. Makarenko wrote about her: "... Lidochka is the purest creature, I look forward to it like a vaccination." The second teacher of the colony of Ekaterina Grigorievna "was a motley pedagogical wolf". The first pupils had a "rich past" - an armed apartment robbery, which was accused of thefts. But no difficulties were able to knock down these lovers in their business of teachers.

    The first reaction of pupils on educators was as follows: "In the first days they did not even insult us, they simply did not notice us." A week later, one of them was arrested for murder and robbery. The educators were shocked by this news. In addition, the colony came robbed by Selyan and "the tragic voices asked help." This position pushed Makarenko to reading the set of pedagogical literature. "I first did not even understand, but I just saw that I need not book formulas that I could still not apply to the case, but an immediate analysis and immediate action."

    At this time, the colony more and more resembled Norivsky Malina. Anton Semenovich made an act, which then he was ashamed of all his life, but who changed the attitude towards him of pupils and became a turning point in their relationship .. For the first time he hit his student for disrespectful attitude towards the teacher. "... None of the minute did not think that I found some kind of omnipotent pedagogical tool in violence." But in the eyes of the pupils, Anton Semenovich's authority erected. Reflecting on this fact, the teacher came to the conclusion: "Zadar is stronger than me, he might sick with one blow. In all this story, they do not see beatings, they see only anger, a human explosion. I went for dangerous for myself, but the human, not a formal act. " The same courage was required from Makarenko when he read a report on discipline in which "allowed himself to doubt the correctness of the provisions generally accepted at that time, arguing that it was necessary to give full scoring of the child's creativity, it would be necessary to rely more on self-organization and self-discipline."

    Every day patiently, step by step Makarenko and his associates approached the cherished goal. Soon the guys instructed the protection of the state forest. That "very raised us in our own eyes."

    In search of new forms of upbringing Anton Semenovich concluded: "Not so much moral beliefs and anger, how much this interesting and real business struggle gave the first sprouts of good collective tone," he tried to take the pupils of all kinds of work: I bought pigs, I bought horses, organized a fight with Moonshoes in the rustic residential environment, taught military charging and azam military science and developed a communary system of work in units etc.

    "Much has passed and a lot is forgotten .... Each spring, the Communar Rabafak produces dozens of students in universities, many dozens are already suitable for the end of the university. " Is it not this indicator of the work of the teacher. Makarenko's work did not disappear for nothing, he managed to raise a person, a full citizen who would work for the benefit of his homeland.

    2.4. "Lessons of French" V. Rasputin

    In the titles and stories of Valentina Rasputin, the main attention is paid to the study of human characters, the psychology of heroes, their moral search. The biggest fame was the story of the "Lessons of French", which examines important school problems.

    Valentin Rasputin dedicated the story of the "French lessons" mother of the playwright Alexander Vampilov Anastasia Prokopyevna, who reminded him of his teacher. Rasputin told: "Looking into the face of this amazing woman, not older, kind, wise, I remembered more than once my teacher and knew that the children were good and with that, and on the other."

    Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin warmly recalled school years, teachers, and, of course, that teacher, that then he became the heroine now the hint of the "French Lessons". This is the same Lydia Mikhailovna Milokov. In the newspaper "Labor" article was printed about Lydia Mikhailovna: "True, she did not immediately agreed on an interview: they say, the memory of 78 years old didn't become, I'm afraid to confuse something ... As it turned out, my interlocutor's interlocutor has a beautiful, And the concerns are explained simply: she is insulted on the press. In the plot shown by one of the local television companies, his authors directly stated that, they say, do not be Lydia Mikhailovna, Valentin Rasputin would not be a famous writer, and in childhood he would die in his Siberia hungry death. " Lydia Mikhailovna recalled: "Everything was wrong! And I did not pass to the pasta, and I didn't play "Chiku" and "frozen. He was just one of many of my students. It so happened that Valya became a famous writer, but I do not want the reflections of His Glory. I and my life is interesting, all over the world came out. He worked in Cambodia, and in Algeria, and in France ... I just taught there is no longer French, but Russian is for those who owned French. Born and grew up in Moscow, but dad sent to work in Transbaikali ... After years, three and a half dozen years old in Saransk at the university taught ... "

    Lydia Mikhailovna, French teacher, taught not only a training subject, but not prescribed in the schedule of kindness lessons. She tried in every way to help the boy. Rasputin writes: "Lydia Mikhailovna, as in the story, always caused surprise in me, and awe ... She seemed to me an elevated, almost unearthly creature. Was in our teacher, the internal independence that protects against the chandeliness. Many still young A recent student, she did not think about the fact that he brings us up on his example, but the actions that for her themselves were intelligent, became for us the most important lessons. Good love lessons. "

    2.5. "The thirteenth feat of Hercules" F. Inanader.

    The theme of the small story of Fazil Iskander is the usual story that could happen in any school and in any class. This story begins with the appearance of a teacher of mathematics at the school, who was very different from the former teachers who taught math. The name itself is how it is impossible to suitable mathematics. Greek Harlampiy Diogenovich was like Pythagora externally and made the impression of a special person, with the appearance of which the students "freeze" in the class.

    With the advent of a new teacher of mathematics, the disciples learned what "fun, organized from above the teacher himself." And this "fun" did not interfere with the knowledge of the lesson, on the contrary, the "dead" silence was installed in the class.

    The narrator, on behalf of whose narration is conducted, and his classmates soon fused with respect for this calm person who involuntarily forced students seriously treat her studies. An ironic Harlampius Diogenovich eventually gave to understand the quotional to the younger generation that the care of responsibility is punishable. And you need to teach yourself from an early age, remembering that all possible feats for the benefit of humanity Hercules had already committed. Harlampiy Diogenovich - Teacher with a capital letter.


    Almost all Russian writers somehow told in their works about teachers, about the relationship between the student and the educator, the formation of the younger generation.

    After analyzing several works of Russian literature, allow themselves to make several conclusions:

      Each child remains the memory of the school teacher, bad or good depends on the identity of the teacher;

      The character and behavior of the teacher influenced the historical era and the state of society;

      Clearly made sure that the teacher is not only a profession, this is the vocation of the soul;

      Since the end of the 19th century, the image of the teacher in the literature has changed much. To change the definitions of the "monsters in the skirt", "evil, shrimp, nervous", "impatient, picky", "crying irritation", convinced of the "unshakable and loyalty of moral jokes" came the definitions "neat, intelligent, beautiful, with attentive eyes , "Purest Creature", a person who is capable of "immediate analysis and immediate action", convinced that it is impossible to find "in violence of some kind of omnipotent pedagogical agent."

    Twenty-five centuries ago one of the wisest writers of the world Sofokl said:

    And last, and in the coming

    Only one law is omitted:

    Does not pass serene

    Human life.

    It does not pass a serene human life. You can say with confidence that the teacher's work is not passing. I will not be afraid next to these eternal rows to repeat the words of graduates of our school: "We will never forget our native school, those teachers who raised us, giving all love, patience and knowledge ...".


      Stories and stories. A.P. Czechs / Sost. A.M. Turkov.- M.: OV. Russia, 1983. - 345С.

      Education of a citizen / Sost. R.M. Beskin.- M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - 304c.

      Stories. Kubrin A.I. / Il. Yu.S. Gershkovich. - M.: True, 1983. - 512С.

      Hour of apprenticeship. Solovychik S.L. - reissue. - M.: Dets., 1986.- 383С.

      Literature. 6 cl. Textbook - Reader for general education institutions. In 2 hours / auth. - Sost. V.P. Polukhina.- M.: Enlightenment, 2002.- S. 119-170.

    Mingazov Ramil

    What is the image of a teacher in the literature: Does he change in the understanding of children of the XX and XXI centuries? Does the character affect the choice of profession? What temperament has a teacher? Here is a range of issues considered in research work. The image of the teacher in the artistic literature can be traced through works: Ch. Atmatov "First Teacher" (Euchiusha Tashthanbekov), V. Besikov "Obelisk" (Ales Moroz), V.Rasputin "Lessons of French" (Lydia Mikhailovna), I.Evseenko "The second teacher "(Olga Sergeevna). Relying on the characteristics of heroes, the student is trying to determine their temperament. To determine the temperament of teachers of the Athnial district, a survey was conducted, in which 104 respondents took part.



    VIII Republican Youth Research Readings Names Cayuma Nasoyari

    Research work

    Teacher in fiction

    and in modern life.

    Performed : Student 8A class

    Mostabotnaya Middle

    General education school


    Mingazov Ramil Radikovich.


    The teacher of the Russian language and literature of Mingazov G.M.


    Why this topic is chosen.2010 declared in Russia the year of the teacher. What changes do it bring to the education system? Will there be a teacher's work completely appreciated? What is the image of a teacher in the literature: Does he change in the understanding of children of the XX and XXI centuries? Does the character affect the choice of profession? What temperament has a teacher? Here is a circle of questions that I want to find a response. They prompted me to this research work.

    Purpose: 1) trace the dynamics of the teacher's image in fiction;

    2) With the help of the survey, determine the temperament not only of modern teachers, but also the heroes of artistic works.

    To achieve this goal, the following were deliveredtasks:

    1. pick up the artworks in which the teacher's image is present;
    2. determine the degree of influence of historical reality on the artistic image;
    3. find out, people of which temperament choose the profession of the teacher.

    Work plan.

    1. Pick up literature for analysis.
    2. Analyze the fiction on the issue.
    3. Conduct survey among district teachers.
    4. Analyze the questionnaires.
    5. Make a conclusion.
    1. Introduction
    2. Analysis of fiction: Ch. Atmatov "First Teacher", V. Besto "Obelisk", V.Resputin "Lessons of French", I. Evseenko "The second teacher."
    3. Analysis of the survey.
    4. Conclusions.

    1. Introduction.

    Teacher ... The most common name of the profession of man. But when they say this word, then not just the name of the profession gets up with eyes, and a particular person of this profession, with which life brought you. The teacher does not just give knowledge on a particular subject, but leaves the mark in the soul of every person: after all, it is he who helps to form this soul.

    Everything starts with the teacher. That's why I think, next to the name of the hero, who made a feat, a scientist who made the discovery, a collective farmer, who raised an unprecedented harvest, rightly should always stand the name of their teacher who helped find his calling, taught to love labor, brought up courageous and honest people. It was the teacher who in childhood comes with children to work, causing the habit to bring the matter to the end, teaches learning. And the teacher's profession, like no other, is one of the most responsible and noble. A man can convert to nature with his work. But the work of the teacher is valuable and great that it forms the nature of the person himself. Literature helps us to understand deeper and realize it.

    2. Analysis of fiction.

    Teacher from Aul Kurcano inchshen Tashthanbekov. Live legend about such a person createdChingiz Aitmatov in the story "First teacher". To us, modern youth, it is difficult to even submit the conditions and circumstances in which an inone had to work, to understand his titanic work. Kurceru - Aul small. After the revolution, the majority of the population of Kyrgyzstan lived in such small, deaf aulh. For them, the Soviet government has not yet meant liberation from age-old traditions, darkness and backwardness. Perhaps Dehkan Kurceru would be kicked out of the case, do not be official paper. For, in essence, who is such an echo for them? Son poor man. But paper with seal stops people. "It's all the power," says Aulchan. The teacher is passionately taken for business: it cleans and repairs an abandoned bay stable under school, helps children who in the hands of who on his back takes to school through the burning legs of an ice stream, courageously protects his best student of Altynai.

    Like every teacher, an inone sees the ability of children, cares about their future ("Rouhs you are light," he said, gently stroking me. - And you have good abilities ... Eh, if I could send you to a big city! Whatever You have become a man!), Believes in them ("You will grow up too, you will be a good man. You have a good soul and intertordious. I always think that you will be a scientist man. I believe in it, you look at you It is written ... And let your happiness be in the exercise, the asterisk you are my clear ... ").

    "I myself do not know, he performed a feat. Yes, it was a feat, because in those days we, Kyrgyz children, who did not have anywhere outside Aila, at school, if you can call the same mazanka with gaping slits, through which the snowy tops of the mountains have always been visible, suddenly opened a new one Unheardly and unprecedented world ... "But the feat of the inches is not only that he awakens in the aul kids thirst for knowledge, it affects all adult population. At first, he is alone, then he is supported by fellow villagers, first of all, the most rectilinear opponent of Enlightenment Shatykul: "What is there to say, we also have something to understand." This means, an inone taught the backward aul to think and feel in a new way, see the future. The story creates an image of an inflexible person becoming an example for young people.

    It is impossible not to pay tribute to a highly artistic image of a real teacher created in"Obelisk" E Vasil Bykov . In his work, the author talks about the work of his hero in the period of the Great Patriotic War.

    At the beginning of the story, we get acquainted with the correspondent, who, when meeting with their comrade, learns about the death of the teacher Seltso Pavel Miklashevich. At the funeral, he meets Timothy Titovich Tolchuk. He heard the name of the Ales Ivanovich Claus. Returning to the city, the correspondent and Tkachuk went to the monument. "Obelisk often changed its appearance, only a black metal plate with five names of schoolchildren who have made famous feathers in our terrain remained unchanged. I was no longer read in them, I knew them for my memory. But now I was surprised, seeing that there was a new name - Moroz A.I., which was not very skillfully derived over the rest of the white oil paint. " And Tkachuk tells the correspondent about A.I. Morozé, his life and a feat.

    Rod Frost was from Mogilev region, for five years he worked as a teacher after the end of the pedhechik. Once, a complaint was filed on the frost that he does not support disciplines, as equal behaves with students, teaches without the necessary rigor, does not fulfill the programs of the People's Commissariat and says to the disciples that they do not have to go to the church, let her grandmother go there. This complaint caused a trip to Selo and dating a weft with frost. And on the complaint, Ales Ivanovich answered the following: "With the programs at school, it's really not all right, the performance is not brilliant. The guys studied in Polish school, many, especially Catholics, do not cope well with Belarusian grammar, their initial knowledge does not comply with our programs. But not at all is the main thing. The main thing is that the guys now understand that they are people, not cattle, are not some Wahlaki there, what Panians are accustomed to consider their fathers, but the most full citizens ... "Frost wanted to make children not excellent students, but above all - people. The teacher and for Paul Miklashevich, who does not live with his father and a stepmother.

    The war began. Selo took the Germans. But Ales Ivanovich continued to work at school. When meeting with weaver, he says: "I don't teach bad. And the school is necessary. We will not teach us - they will fool. And I did not think about these guys for two years so that they are now chosen. I'll even beat them for them. How much I can, of course. " Soon the teacher got a receiver. All that hear, transfers to others. First time went well. But one of the policemen, in the villages his named Cain, after all, something suspected. In school, the interrogation was arranged, the student bags were smashed, but did not find anything. The teacher was staged interrogation, but everything cost. Then the guys thought something they were always frank with the teacher, and then they even hid out from him. They somehow hinted him that it would be nice to come down Cain. But the teacher strictly forbidden. During the operation, which guys made, Cain stayed alive. After a few days, all the guys took. But the partisans, to which frost, could not help with anything. The Germans demanded a teacher, otherwise all children will hang. Frost goes to the Germans.

    V. Besikov believes that Alesa Ivanovich accomplished a feat. And this feat is very modest and inconspicuous - a person voluntarily put his head on the plate to prove to everyone that his pupils are not just his work, but his fate. So only a real person could do. That was the teacher A.I. Moroza, a teacher with a capital letter.

    Hero of the workValentin and Rasputin A "French lessons" - An eleven-year-old boy who lived and studied in the village. He was considered "bachelovy" because he was competent, and also to him often came with bonds: it was believed that he had a happy eye. But in the village where our hero lived, there was only an elementary school and therefore to continue the doctrine, he had to go to the district center. In this difficult post-war time, in the period of devastation and hunger, his mother will have collected all unpleasses and sent her son to learn. In the city, he felt hunger even stronger, because in rural areas it is easier to get myself a meal, and in the city everything needs to be bought. The boy suffered from a little one, so I bought a glass of milk for the ruble every day.

    In school, he studied well, on some fives, except French: he was not given pronunciation. "I suspect that she has invented on purpose for me, as if he went to the French Faculty because it was not given this language in school either and she decided to prove to herself that he could take worse than others."

    Lydia Mikhailovna is an extraordinarily kind and responsive person. She tried all the "honest" ways to help her talented student: and I wanted to feed as if without challenging, I looked at dinner, and sent the parcel, but I don't want to receive help. He considers it humiliating for himself, but he does not refuse to earn. And then the teacher consciously goes to the "crime" from the point of view of pedagogy, plays with him for money. "So what? The teacher is so another person, or what? Sometimes bored to be only a teacher, teach and teach without end. Constantly urge yourself: it is impossible, it is impossible. - Lydia Mikhailovna more ordinary seeded his eyes and thoughtfully, dismissed looked out the window. - Sometimes it is useful to forget that you are a teacher, - not the same, you will be bicked and beech that live people will be bored with you. For a teacher, maybe the most important thing - not to take herself seriously, to understand that he can teach absolutely a little. " Lydia Mikhailovna knows exactly what the boy will beat her, will receive "his cherished ruble, will buy milk," which is so necessary for him. So it turns out that it is not "a crime" at all, but a good deed. Why didn't you understand anything director? Most likely, the teacher did not explain anything, justify, she had pride. "Three days later, Lidia Mikhailovna left. On the eve, she met me after school and spent to home.

    I will go to my Kuban, "she said, saying goodbye. And you learn calmly, no one will touch you for this stupid ... I'm guilty here ...

    Among the winter, after the January vacation, I came to school by mail parcel ... They lay pasta and three red apples in it ... I used to see only in the picture, but I guessed that they were. "

    Events in TaleIvan Evseenko "The Second Teacher"take place in 1953 in the distant village. Olga Sergeyevna, a new teacher, turned out to be an elderly woman, 45, last and slow. This fullness and slowness did not spoil it, but on the contrary, they only shad off some kind of special, not rustic beauty. She was very walked and round, in a thin almost invisible frame glasses and an unusual, rarely encountered among village women hairstyle. Dark hair was smoothly combed back and laid in a tight bundle. But most of all the Kolya was struck by the fact that her chest had a small native cross, which she wore on a silver chain.

    In the first lesson, she did not ask, but simply met the children. It surprised everyone, because the former teacher Anna Pavlovna was rustic and knew them. But when each student spoke about himself, "... suddenly discovered, as if she got acquainted with each other and even seemed to visit each other's friend." And a frank conversation - the story of the teacher about himself, a challenging destiny - nearby children and teacher. They felt a simple human interest in themselves. The author recalls that most of them were struck by the fact that from the very first lesson Olga Sergeevna began to call them on "you". They were terribly indifferent to this, littered, pulled into their studies, became more attentive.

    An educated person is always confident, especially the teacher. When the director of the school, according to the nicknamed decimeter, came to the lessons, the children were simply afraid of him and fear were confused in the answers, "... Forgot in the lessons of mathematics, the multiplication table, and in the lessons of the Russian language, the most simple, seemed forever already learned rules." Because the decimeter and the former teacher Anna Pavlovna was afraid. She was confused, Kraspel, dropped chalk. And Olga Sergeyevna led a lesson as confidently and calmly, as in the absence of the director; "... I also caused the excellent students and former two-owners who need to be crazy, who had to explain the task several times, no fear of delaying him near the board more laid." Olga Sergeyevna was not afraid to inform the disciples and about the death of Ivan Bunin, whose work was forbidden to the Soviet era, and boldly began to read his book to children, even admitted his personal acquaintance with him. She is not afraid of the day of Easter to congratulate children on the holiday, and to Radonitz goes to the cemetery to help Ivan Dmitrievich and grandmother Aculin.

    "... Olga Sergeyevna left, parted with us forever. And it was impossible to stop her, it was probably impossible ... I could not stand her silence and frightly and loudly, almost a swarker cried ... "Names At that moment, Kolya understood how deeply loved and respected his teacher. After all, everything is expensive after the loss.

    As can be seen, the image of the second teacher is the embodiment of the best features of both a person and the teacher. No wonder I remembered her boy and so warmly responded in this story already being a writer.

    Output: From the previously analyzed above, it can be seen that the image of a teacher in the fiction-literature of 50-80x years is characterized positively, the relationship of the student and teachers are based on mutual respect, confidence, moral values. This situation in the literature reflects historical reality.

    3. Analysis of the survey.

    How often, communicating with people, we have to face the difference between us. Perception, the rate of decision making or even simply the speed of movements are absolutely different. Sometimes this difference goes, sometimes annoying, and here we are already talking in the hearts that we are absolutely different on temperament.

    Does the character affect the choice of profession? What temperament has a teacher? To find answers to these questions, we conducted survey among teachers. (Attachment 1 ). The questionnaire took part 104 respondents. (Appendix 2. ) It is no secret that most teachers in schools are women. They amounted to 83% of respondents. In order to determine the temperament of teachers, turned to the temperature characteristic (Appendix 3).

    As can be seen from Annex 2, a choleric type of temperament has 41 people, phlegmatic - 45, Sanguine - 13, melancholic - 5. I would like to make a reservation that in pure form temperatures are very rare, usually in each person they are present in various proportions. It is also not necessary to identify character and temperament. The latter only characterizes the type of nervous system, its properties is associated with the structure of the body and even the metabolism.

    Relying on Appendix 3, I wanted to try to determine the temperament of teachers in those artworks that I were analyzed above. That's what came out of it.



    Type of temperament

    Ch. Atmatov "First Teacher"


    Inone i wanted to answer something sharp, but kept myself

    School for me is not in a burden, Karaka. If I could have a better learning guys, I would never dream about anything else.

    He taught us everything that he knew himself, showingamazing patience.

    SUCHESHE TECHED as we knew how I could, as it could, it seemed necessary, what is called,on teta . But I am more convinced that hisforeign enthusiasmWith whom he took up the case, did not disappear for nothing.

    I and now I can not find words to at least express how I was touchedthe nobility of the inches . ... I looked as if I first saw how muchlight beauty in his face, how much tenderness and good in his eyesas if never before I knew how strong and trick his hands in work, likecleaver his clear smile warming heart.

    Prevailing sanguinous-cue character

    V.Bikov "Obelisk"

    Alesa Ivanovich Moroza

    And here, as it often happens, it does not work out withoutenthusiast s. Frost was just one of those who did for people a lot, sometimes at their own fear and risk, despite the difficulties and failures. And the failures and different conflicts had enough.

    Frost was generally a master to confuse postulates.

    Not only schoolchildren, but also the peasants from all over the county began to look at the frost as some of his intercession. That one had difficult or troublesome, with everyone went to his school. This consulting clause has opened on various issues.

    Frost by his mind went around us.

    The words of Alesya Ivanovich instilled hope.

    V.Resputin "French Lessons"

    Lydia Mikhailovna

    ... It was not visible in her face of stiffness, which, as I later noticed, it becomes almost a professional sign of teachers, even the most kind and soft by nature, and it was somehow careful, with a sickness, perplexity relating to it and As if said: I wonder how I found himself here and what am I doing here?

    I and now often want to jump, ride, to rush somewhere, do not do anything according to the program, not on schedule, but at will. I happen here, jumping, jumping. The person does not grow up when he lives to old age, and when he ceases to be a child.

    She played noisy: screeching, clapped his hands, teased me - in one word,behaved like an ordinary girl, not a teacher, I even wanted to shry it at her.

    Halker temperament prevails

    I.Evseenko "The Second Teacher".

    Olga Sergeevna

    According to my concepts, she was a woman quite an older, forty-five years, and then, maybe even fifty, a little full andslow.

    I really liked it her "Hello",strict and clear.

    Suddenly won our whole class somesoothing, gentle glance.

    She spent lessonsquietly and quiet Never shouted at anyone, did not put an corner and did not drive out of the class.

    But Olga Sergeevnadid not change at all, did not come up with any innovation According to the evidence of the decimeter. At the very least, we did not feel.

    Olga Sergeyevna doesn't seem to be surprised at my appearance, but did not say anything,silently lookedsomewhere.

    Phlegmatic-cue temperament prevails

    4. Conclusions.

    1. As can be seen from the works, the relationship between the teacher and the student are built on mutual respect, trust, understanding. The student is interested in teachers as a person who has the right to doubt emotions and aspirations.

    2. Any actions of the teacher are always evaluated from different points of view: students, their parents, colleagues, leadership. A person who works in this specialty is always in the center of attention.

    3. The teacher does everything to grow decent people, forms such valuable qualities in children as humanity, honesty, compassion.

    4. Questioning has shown that among modern teachers (as well as in the artistic literature) there are people with a different type of temperament. The temperament does not affect the choice of profession, nor on the specialty.

    I think the personal example of the teacher is important today, even very much. I agree with the opinion of L.N. Tolstoy, who said: "If the teacher has only love for business, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student as a father, mother, he will be better than a teacher who read all the books, but does not have love either to the student. If the teacher combines love of business and students, he is a perfect teacher. " It is precisely such perfect teachers who were also the characters analyzed by me.


    1. Aitmatov Ch. First teacher. - M.: Children's literature, 1962.

    2. Bykov V. Obelisk. - M.: Children's literature, 1986.

    3. Evseenko I. Second teacher. - Roman-Gazeta, №8 2008

    4. Rasputin V. Lessons of French. - M.: Children's literature, 1987.

    5. Kravtsova A. Articles on psychology. How to determine the type of temperament. - Public Media: Information Channel Digest.

    Attachment 1.

    Questionnaire. Plus, if you agree with the statement.


    1. Distributiveness.

    2. Advanced and impulsive.

    3. Exactly impatient.

    4. initiatives and decisive.

    5. Went, even stubborn.

    6.Fast oriented in disputes, resourceful.

    7. The growth of your activity is uneven, scakical.

    8. Loud risk.

    9.Like forgive the insult.

    10.Vasha is a fast and fervent.

    11.Che suffer from your impassableness.

    12. Do not suffer shortcomings.

    13.VAS attracts everything new.

    14. The mood is often changing.

    15. You are a cheerful and cheerful man.

    16.Energy has a key, you are always assembled.

    17.Stuckle started on half endrage.

    18. Do not always appreciate your strength.

    19. The worship interests and hobbies are often changing.

    20.And the changed plans and new circumstances get used to easily.

    21. I do not find it difficult to distract from your affairs, you quickly understand someone else's problem.

    22. Successful study of details and painstaking work is not for you.

    23.As responsive, love communication.

    24.Vasha Speech is clear and loud.

    25. You do not panic even in difficult situations, you have an excellent composure.

    26.Light fall asleep and wake up quickly.

    27. It is difficult to focus, take a thoughtful decision.

    28.You scattered, inattentive.

    29. You are a discreet and cold-blooded person.

    30. In his words and affairs you are a sequence.

    31. You are careful and proud.

    32.Shipped, know how to wait.

    33. Invertible, do not like empty-empty chatteries.

    34.Vasha Spessenna is calm.

    35. You competently distribute your strength, never put out completely.

    36. You have a clear mode of the day, you are planning your work.

    37. Sludzenly perceives criticism, indifferent to the censure.

    38. It is difficult to switch to another activity with the go.

    39. With other people you have even, good relationships.

    40. Accessory, pedantic in trifles.

    41.Is difficult to adapt to the new setting and the changed plans.

    42. You do not like moving a lot, slow.

    43.You shy man.

    44. The situation causes confusion.

    45.As are unsure in themselves, their forces.

    46. \u200b\u200bThe one does not like you.

    47.Nextacities and trouble will ring you out of the gauge for a long time.

    48.In complex life periods you will close it in yourself.

    49. You are not too hardy, quickly tired.

    50.Vasche is quiet, sometimes vague.

    51. You automatically adopt the character of the character of the interlocutor and his manner to speak.

    53.I is a perfectionist, you have experienced requirements for yourself and the world.

    54.As are characterized by some imperidity and suspicion.

    55.Vas easy to offend.

    56.Is are nice when those around you empathize.

    And now let's figure it out with the test results. In test 4 groups of issues, in each group of 14 statements. The first 14 (from the first to the fourteenth statement) describe choleric temperament. The second group, from the 15th to the 28th statement describes the Sanguinik. Third group, from 29 to 42 - phlegmatic temperament type. And the last group, from 43 to 56, the statement describes the melancholic temperament.

    If in some of the groups you received more than 10 advantages, then this type of temperament you have the dominant. If the number of advantages 5-9, then these features are largely pronounced. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the features of this type of temperament are poorly pronounced.

    Appendix 2.


    Number of respondents

    The subject leads the teacher

    Type of temperament


    Tatar language and literature

    choleric - 14 phlegmatic- 8

    sanguinik-4 melancholic -1


    Tatar language and literature

    phlegmatic - 1.


    Russian language and literature

    phlegmatic- 6 cholecan - 4

    melancholic -2.

    sanguine - 1.



    phlegmatic- 6.

    choleric - 5.

    melancholic -1

    sanguine - 1.



    phlegmatic - 1.

    choleric - 1.


    Primary school teacher

    phlegmatic - 8.

    sanguine - 2.

    choleric - 1.



    melancholic -1

    phlegmatic- 2.

    choleric - 2.

    sanguine - 1.



    phlegmatic - 1.



    choleric - 2.



    phlegmatic - 1.

    choleric - 1.

    sanguine - 1.



    phlegmatic - 3.

    choleric - 1.


    Physical education teacher

    choleric - 1.


    History teacher and commodity.

    choleric - 1.

    phlegmatic - 4.


    History teacher and commodity.

    choleric - 6.

    phlegmatic - 3.


    Teacher organizer

    choleric - 1.

    phlegmatic - 1.


    Geography teacher

    sanguine - 1.


    Geography teacher

    choleric - 1.



    sanguine - 2.

    104 teachers were interviewed (34% of all teachers of the Athnight region)

    Appendix 3. Characteristics of temperaments.

    Sanguine temperament. People of this type are easily adjusted to the new setting, alive respond to what attracts their attention. They control their emotions well and willingly take on new things. Confused by frequent change of mood, but characteristic of them is a state of cheerfulness. Sanguinties have smooth gait, movement light and fast, good posture and expressive gestures. Mimic and gesticulation is rich and natural, and speech is loud and distinct.Minuses: Often make rapid decisions.

    Choleric temperament. People of this type are easily excited and unbalanced, to switch their attention difficult. Very moving, feelings are strong and shown brightly. These are workable and initiative people who sometimes put forward fantastic ideas, marvelously overcome difficulties. For new things, they are taken with enormous fervor, they are completely given to them, but at the same time an inadequate assessment of their forces leads to a sharp decline in activities. Speech rigging, often biting, bright and expressive facial expressions. Such people are difficult to stop in one place, so they often jump out or change the postures, much and sharply gesticulate. In their uneven gait something causing something.Minuses: impassable, due to which outbreaks of sharpness, irritability, depletion of forces occur.

    Meancholic temperament.People of this type are passive, implaced, are easily vulnerable and react little to external influences. Most often immersed in themselves, prefer a calm, well-known atmosphere. People of this type of temperament discreet, albeit fast gait. They are immersed in their thoughts, so they can think and slow down. They have stupid gestures, but sharp due to awkwardness experienced by them in the society of unfamiliar people. Speech is slow, often with stuffing, its speed is uneven. Thin sensory melancholics are very susceptible and observant. With the support and measured rhythm of work are able to work wonders.Minuses: painly experience any complex psychological situation.

    Phlegmatic temperament.People of this type are persistent and stubborn, smoothly and calmly go through the life path. These are reliable people who are difficult to derive. Bases on emotions, are thorough to the bore and reliable as no one. These are reliable and executive workers who do not need to control. Flegmatics are moving hard and thoroughly, the gait from them often lazy, leopard. Sitting, they can save one and the same pose for a long time. Signs and facial expansion is not allowed to read something for their face it is impossible. Speech is leopard, they are not surprising, do not like idle chatter.Minuses: weakly react to external stimuli, slowly rebuilding, converge with people, non-esteem.

    (387 words) Teacher is the person who is found on our way at his very beginning. Our effort depends on our interest in learning. Also thanks to its sensitivity and attentiveness, we open new faces and opportunities in yourself, we can believe in yourself. The literature has a great multitude of teachers' images, both bad and good, but I would like to write about positive examples for all representatives of this profession.

    In the story of the "Lessons of the French" Valentin Rasputin created an excellent image of the teacher. The main character is experiencing difficulties in life due to the fact that the family was poor. He decides to play "Chiku" for money to feed, but it notices Lidia Mikhailovna and decides to carefully help the boy. At first, the teacher invites him to his home, trying to feed, then he sends a parcel from the mother to the mother, but soon understands that it's all useless, and plays according to the rules of the student: she teaches to play him in the game of his childhood - "Tenw", so that the boy I could win money and spend them for food. Her participation helped her hero in a difficult moment. The woman was not even afraid to risk a post for the sake of the fulfillment of his true debt - to help the disciples to go into people.

    In the story of F. Iskander "Thirteenth feat of Hercules" Harlampiy Diogenovich was a formidable teacher, whose ridicule was all afraid. One phrase he could rose a student, so that the shameful stigma froze the stain on his reputation. But he did it not to humiliate someone. This measure helped him to raise positive qualities in schoolchildren and to teach them from vices. So happened with the main character. He did not prepare the task and hid it in every way, but the teacher understood and ridiculed his cowardice. The next time the boy was already ready for the lesson. Thus, humor turned out to be more effectively moral.

    Another example is the hero of the story of L. Tolstoy "Childhood". Karl Ivanovich loves his pupils very much, invests in their upbringing soul. Sometimes it happens to be strict, Nikolai is even offended by him, but soon understands that the old man is kind to him, so it strives to invest good knowledge and skills. His students are tied to him so that they don't even want to leave him in the city to continue their training.

    Thus, all the authors notice that the teacher is not enough to be a specialist in its field, you need to truly love your work and with tenderness to approach all children, because their future depends on how and what the teacher teach them. Therefore, all the depicted teachers are distinguished by persuasive, responsibility and limitless kindness, which students always feel.

    Interesting? Save on your wall! SUBJECT: The image of the teacher in the works of Russian literature.

    Problem Teacher's interaction and society.

    The relevance of research Dictated by time. Epochs, education requirements and teacher are changing, but at all times the teacher is an essential element in the structure of education. It was the teacher who forms the future generation, helps the student adapt to the changes occurring in the world. The literary image of the teacher is this confirmation. The topic chosen for the study is relevant, since most of the life of each of us is associated with teachers: first we study at school for 11 years, then after some time, we go to school of our children, trusting their educational institutions often their educators.

    Object research are works of Russian literature.

    Subject of study : The image of a teacher, his personal qualities.

    Objective research work : Trace the dynamics of the teacher's personal development in Russian literature, as well as the relationship towards him of society.


      Examine the works of Russian writers, discontinued the image of the teacher.

      Analyze the images of teachers presented in Russian literature.

      Determine the degree of influence of historical reality on an artistic image.

      Consider the influence of the teacher on the formation of the student's personality.

      Conduct the question mark "Teacher" among students, make a chart. [Appendix 1,2,3]

      Match the results of questionnaire and analyze artistic works.

      Create a presentation.

      Summarize work.

      Take out the results of the work.


    Any change in society caused by historical conditions, in turn, manifests itself in the field of education. The teacher also changes in accordance with the times, and this affects his relationships with other people, primarily with students.


      Analysis of special literature;

      Classification of material;



    Will be held years, centuries of thread

    Drown in blue abyss stars,

    But the word warm "teacher"

    Always suffers to tears

    Always make you remember something

    Native, close to you.

    In the 20th century and 200th -

    Teacher is eternal on earth!

    Teacher ... school ... the beginning began. Here are the origins of characters, ideals, beliefs. The teacher is an assistant, a mentor and just a friend. This is a person who should be equal to being imitated. The teacher is the most noble profession. His work is, above all, love for children, openness, sincerity and kindness. This profession requires comprehensive knowledge, endless spiritual generosity and love for children. Her feature is that everyone is involved in it, therefore the word "teacher" causes some special thrill in each of each, reminds us of something very kind, warm and native. Teachers are people who are surprisingly solid, distinguished by tremendous spiritual generosity, sincerely love for children and infinite loyalty to the pedagogical cause. The teacher does not just give knowledge on a particular subject, he leaves the mark in the soul of every person: after all, it is he who helps to form this soul. Teacher's activities are every time the invasion of the child's inner world, so an individual approach to each is needed here.

    A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter".

    The impoverished teacher lives in the house of the retired premier Major Andrei Petrovich Greenyova, the hero of Roman A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter".

    This is how the protagonist of the specified work of Peter Grineh recalls about him: "Bopry in his father was a hairdresser, then in Prussia, a soldier, then came to Russia Pour être Outchitel (in order to become a teacher), not very understanding the meaning of this word. He was kind small, but windy and careless to extremes. I mainly, his weakness was a passion for the beautiful floor; Often, he received his impetus for his tenderness, from which Ohll on the whole day. In addition, he was not (according to his expression) and the enemy of the bottle, that is, (speaking in Russian), he loved her bit too much. But since the wine was served only at dinner, and then in a glass, and the teachers were usually applied, then Bopern was used to the Russian tincture very soon and even began to prefer her to the wines of his fatherland, as not an example more useful for the stomach. We immediately revealed, and although under the contract he was obliged to teach me in French, in German and all sciences, but he preferred to learn something from me to chat in Russian, - and then each of us was already engaged in his business. We lived in the soul. I did not want another mentor. "

    All the above examples from the texts of the works of Russian writers once again prove the failure of many teachers in Russia in Russia of the XVIII century, as well as a dismissive attitude towards fundamental education from parents who more followed fashion, rather than carefully chose teachers for their children.


    Summing up, it should be noted that our hypothesis was confirmed. Personal development of the teacher in historical reality was reflected in the literature. Any change in the mood of society, its form of thoughts caused by historical conditions, in turn, is manifested in the field of education. The teacher also changes in accordance with the times, and this affects his relationships with other people, primarily with students. The results of this work can be applied to literature lessons when studying the analyzed works.

    In the course of our study, we came to the following conclusions:

      Personal development of the teacher, as well as the dynamics of its relationship with others, especially with students, depend on the conditions of historical reality. The peculiarities of each stage of the country's development impose their imprint on its inhabitants, including teachers.

      Each change in reality is reflected in the literature. The same thing happens with the manner of the teacher: the dynamics of the personal development of the teacher and his relationship with students was reflected in artistic works.

    One of the objectives of the literature is the transfer of accumulated experience to the next generations so that they can take into account it and avoid mistakes. The problem of the interaction of the teacher and the medium is still relevant, and to solve it, we need to turn more often to our literary, spiritual heritage, because the teacher will be and his attitude with students will depend on our future.

    [ 2 ]

    [ 3 ]

    Publications of the section Literature

    7 passages about school from Russian literature, relevant and today

    Ollie from Internet publication in the field of education NewToneW collected 7 passages about school, relevant and today.

    The bitter share of tutors in the execution of phonvizin, professional burnout of the teacher according to the thick-wing version, the cargo of paper work, noticed by Czech.

    Literary works are the most mirror for which it is impossible to afford. Images and scenery, masterfully drawn with talented contemporaries, a lot will tell the attentive reader about people, their relationships, features of era and values, tested.

    We chose several images related to teacher's practice, from the works of those writers who go to school and safely forget after her end. These passages may be, not only resurrect ambiguous memories from their own school childhood, but also will break the interest in the classics of Russian literature.

    Safety science in "inexpressible"

    Denis Fonvizin. "Lady" (1782)

    Topical comedy about provincial nobility. Tsyfirkin is one of the teachers of Lazy Mitrofanushki, a retired sergeant. Excellent illustration of time features: Teachers in many merchant families hired for a tick - to train the younger young mandatory literacy, get a "coronary diploma", to give to service and marry.

    Looks like Longosovtsky and post-Soviet "Learn, Balbes, and you will not do to the institute, you will go to the wipers"?

    Mitrofan. Well! Let's board, garrison rat! Write what to write.

    Tsyfirkin. Your Honor, France Frames Frames.

    Ms. Prostakova (Working). Ah, Lord My God! A robnok do not dare and choose Paftych! Already angry!

    Tsyfirkin. What to disturb, your noble? We have a Russian proverb: the dog barks, the wind is wearing.

    Mitrofan. Create the same goes, turn.

    Tsyfirkin. All goes, your wellness. Vista with the tasks of the age of Nazada will be left.

    Ms. Prostakova. Not your business, Paftych. I am very cute that Mitrofanushka forward does not like. With his mind, it is far away, and God to get rid!

    Tsyfirkin. A task. You knew, on the butt, go along the way with me. Well, at least take with sideways. We found three ...

    Mitrofan (writes). Three.

    Tsyfirkin. On the road, on the butt, three hundred rubles.

    Mitrofan (writes). Three hundred.

    Tsyfirkin. I got the case before delegation. Cooked-TKO, for what is brother?

    Mitrofan (Computing, whispering). One more - three. Once zero - zero. Once zero - zero.

    Ms. Prostakova. What, what before the degree?

    Mitrofan. Come, three hundred rubles, that they found, Troim divided.

    Ms. Prostakova. He is lying, my heart! Found money, did not share with anyone. All yourself take, Mitrofanushka. Do not learn this stupid science.

    The authoritarianism of the teacher in "Advisor"

    Reminted teacher from "Notes of the Dead Home"

    How wouldn't anything come out of the "man in a case"

    Director of honor in the "Cadet Monastery"

    Nikolay Leskov. "Cadet Monastery" (1880)

    Graduated from school remember Leskova except for a story about the sled flea. But Nikolai Semenovich - the personality in Russian literature is no less resonant than Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. Former stationery employee, and then an employee of an industrial and agricultural company, Leskov became an expert on Russian cassens, corruption and everyday life, and the liveliness of the mind and observation allowed him to take him literary and journalistic activities. This story really is the processed transcript of the memories of the former cadet. We get acquainted with the positive character - Mikhail Stepanovich Persian, director of the Cadet Corps.

    "He was with us in the corps abroad. Nobody remembered such a chance that the Persian left the building, and once when he was seen with the accompanying wisdom on the sidewalk, "the entire body came into motion, and an incredible news was transferred to another to another:" Mikhail Stepanovich passed on the street! "

    To him, however, it was once raised: being at the same time by the director and inspector, he was certainly all the classes on this last duty four times a day. We had four changes lessons, and the pep certainly visited each lesson. He will come, sit or stand, she listens and goes to another class. No longer any lesson did without it. Bypassing his own, he was accompanied by a wisp, the same as he, a glory Unter-Officer, Ananian musician. Ananya everywhere accompanied him and opened the door in front of him.

    The glance was exclusively engaged in the scientific part and removed from herself a front part and punishment for the discipline, which could not endure and did not tolerate. We have seen only one punishment: the caada of a lazy or negligent, it happened, slightly touches in the forehead with the tip of a ringless finger, as if it would hove out of myself, and will say his clean, distinct voice:

    Du-Ur-Rynaya Cadet! .. - And this served as a bitter and memorable lesson, from which he had a trick often did not drink and did not eat and hardly tried to correct the "console Mikhail Stepanovich."

    It should be noted that the feast was single, and we had such a conviction that he did not marry too for us. They said that he was afraid, Queuing the family, to reduce his care about us. And here the place will say that it seems to be completely fair. At least Mikhail Stepanovich said that he answered about comic or serious conversations with him:

    I got so many other strangers that there was no time to think about our own, - and this in his truthful lips, of course, was not a phrase.

    Evening his daughter spent on inspection works, making up and checking the schedules and thinking the successes of students with incredible parts of the program. Then he read a lot, finding great help in knowledge of languages. He thoroughly knew the languages \u200b\u200bFrench, German, English and constantly practiced in them reading. Then he lay down a little later, in order to get up a little early with us again. "