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  • EGE Trial option in Russian. EGE in Russian

    EGE Trial option in Russian. EGE in Russian

    The statements of school teachers that "you are not an exam", you need to share at least ten. They simply try to soap their students for enhanced exam preparations.

    In fact, even those who are confident knows nothing knows about Russian language. The percentage of graduates who did not overcome the minimum threshold amounts to an average of about 1 - 1.5% in Russia. At the same time, the number of "duals" is unevenly distributed - most of them in those regions, for the residents of which Russian is "second". For example, in the North Caucasus in 2015, the threshold could not move 17% of graduates (in Russia - 1.5%), in 2016 - 7% (on average in the country - 1%).

    Thus, almost all schoolchildren, for whom Russian language is native, successfully overcome the minimum bar. This is because the exam checks primarily not knowledge of the theory, the ability to identify the types of proposals or make analysis, etc., but practical language proficiency. That is, elementary literacy, the ability to understand and analyze the read, express your thoughts in writing and so on.

    If you compare the tasks of the Russian exam in Russian with the tasks of the GIA, which schoolchildren write after - can immediately see that GIA is more focused on the theory, and the exam is in practice. That is why the exam in the Russian language in the end, even those who were not prepared specifically and therefore think that nothing knows about this subject. But 11 years of school classes and continuous use of the language as a means of communication is also knowledge and skill.

    Thresholds (minimum) and medium scores of the Russian language

    The threshold points for the exam in Russian are not very high. The transfer of primary points to the rollerous scale may vary slightly (it is determined only after passing the exams). But usually in order to get a school graduation certificate, the student needs only 10 primary points (24 test). At the same time, the maximum possible number of primary points - 57. And 10 points "minimal" are easily recruited on the simplest tasks with brief responses. For example, according to analysts, the overwhelming majority of graduates copes with the tasks to understand the main, spelling of consoles, the choice of the right lexical value of the word and many others.

    For admission to university The threshold score of the Russian language is higher and amounts to 16 primary points (36 test). This is 28% of the possible maximum - and they also do not care. According to statistics, only about 2.5% of Russian graduates cannot overcome the "university" bar.

    Medium scores of the EGE in Russian from year to year slightly fluctuate. For example, in 2015, the average score on the stubbling scale was 65.9, in 2016 - 68. This is 39-42 primary scores.

    That is, "the right to mistake" by passing the ege is: you can "lose" in the process of passing the exam of about a quarter of the points, but at the same time get a very "strong" result that gives the chances of successful admission to the budget. However, the points above sixty usually receive schoolchildren with a high level of literacy, which still found time for the "sighting" exam preparation.

    How to quickly prepare for the exam in the Russian language

    In schools of high school students, they often begin "tightly" to prepare for final exams from the 10th grade, convincing that it is impossible to prepare for the exam "in just a year." But if only a few days left before the exam, and you just decided to work tightly - even in a very short time you can have to "pull up" the subject.

    The easiest way to do this using online simulators designed for self-preparation for exams, for example:

    • Yandex. Ege,

    • I will decide ege

    • Dunno about.

    Structurally, the Russian language is divided into three parts:

    • task block with brief responses;

    • questions with brief answers on the read text;

    • essay.

    When express preparation for the exam, it makes sense to focus on the first two parts. Writing training essays per day before the exam or read samples of work with parsing makes sense only if you perfectly know the subject and "go for a weave". Therefore, just check how well you remember the structure of the writing and the requirements for it - and go to the testing of the test part.

    1. Complete 3-4 test options. This will allow you to refresh the structure of examination work in the Russian language and determine your level of knowledge. Try to answer questions quickly, not spying into textbooks and information resources of the Internet. If the question puts you in a dead end - just skip it or answer at random.

    2. Analyze your results. Look, how many points for the passage of the test you manage to get what questions you usually give the right answers, and where you do not know anything.

    3. Select the themes about which you have some kind of performance, but not solid enough - this is just the questions with which it makes sense to work to secure additional points on the exam.

    4. "Victibly" to work out these questions - refresh the theory in memory and secure on--manager, choosing no longer a complete version of the USE test, but the corresponding thematic block. If you have only a few hours to prepare, give preference to themes with a small amount of theory. For example, recall the rules or the fact that the appeal is allocated by commas - it is much easier than to learn all words from an orthoepic minimum or to deal with the inferences of the spelling "H" and "NN".

    5. Pass the test more a couple more times and compare the results obtained. Most likely, according to the results of such a blitz training, your middle score for a part with brief responses will significantly grow up.

    How to pass Russian to the maximum score

    In order to pass the exam at the limit of its own capabilities, you must comply with several conditions:

    • be sure to sleep before the exam, at least a bit, and if it does not work out to fall asleep - at least just lie down in silence, with closed eyes, trying to relax as much as possible;

    • try to curb excitement - graduates often "lose points" not from ignorance of the material, but simply renoval;

    • it is reasonably disposed of time to the exam.

    The duration of the exam in Russian is 3.5 hours. Reserve half an hour to check the finished task, the rest of the time distribute between the three job blocks. For example, take 45 minutes for each of the two blocks of tasks with brief responses, leaving an essay of one and a half hours.

    Within allotted time, work with each part of the test according to the following scheme:

    • use the kima as a draft,

    • if, after reading the question, you understand that you know this material - immediately find the correct answer, write down and marked the task plus;

    • if you need to think seriously over the question - do not "hang" over it right now, marked with a question mark and immediately go to the next one;

    • if you do not imagine at all how to make this task - mark the minus and proceed to the following;

    • after you reach the end of the block - come back to tasks, a marked question mark and work on them, moving from the easiest to you to more complex;

    • if time remains - try to "take" and issues marked with the minus;

    • for five to seven minutes before the end of the term that you all took, start to transfer the answers to the blank;

    • when filling out the blank, write letters and numbers clearly according to the sample, check the correctness of your own answers;

    • do not leave empty lines - if you have tasks marked with "minus" - enter the answer at random, the chance "get" is always;

    • after the answer form is filled, go to the next block of questions;

    • if at the end of the exam, you will have time - you can once again think about the "dubious" answers, choose other options and write them in the form field, intended for corrections.

    Time allocated to work on the writing, "Spray", dragged half the deadline for the writing of the draft, and half - on its rewriting on the blank. Basic requirements for work are contained in the text of Kim, check with it if necessary. Critically important when working on an essay observe three conditions:

    • correctly determine the problem raised by the author,

    • write the text of sufficient volume (at least 150 words),

    • have time to completely rewrite an essay on the form, because drafts are not checked.

    When writing, try to stick to the Work Plan: First, the wording of the problem, then comment to it, the point of view of the author of the text, your own position, argument and conclusion. Do not forget that when selecting arguments from literature is not necessarily limited to a school program, you can attract material and other works. Avoid long and complex sentences - they are easily allowed to allow a punctuation error.

    If you have noticed some shortcomings when rewrittening an echoids or verification, you have decided to change the wording - you can cross a few words right on the form, for "blots" scores are not removed. However, it is better to write clearly and picking up.

    After the work is completed, carefully re-read the essay from beginning to end and correct the errors detected. If there are still time before the end of the exam - go back to a part with brief replies and work with questions that did not have time to answer in the first half of the exam. Now you can already think about them without risk do not have time to complete the work.

    The exam in the Russian language is mandatory for all graduates. According to admission, for those who have enough to overcome the minimum barrier, it does not represent complexity. But if you expect to get a high score, then you need to prepare seriously. About how it is better to do, "" expert Elena Buzin said, leading the popular group to prepare for the exam in the Russian language "I am writing to a hundred".

    Elena Buzina,

    expert EGE, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

    leading group "VKontakte" "I write to a hundred"

    What do you think the greatest complexity of the Russian language exam?

    No difficulties in the exam in the Russian language in the format of the ege no, and this is true. If they arise, they are easy to overcome. For this you need, firstly, carefully examine the demonstration version of the test, the specification and codifier. On the eve of the school year, all these documents are published on the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FII). After analyzing them, it is necessary to determine which tasks cause you difficulties, and begin preparation, given this.

    The Russian language is the only exam that can serve as a "chopstick" for those who enter prestigious universities. Rent more than 90 points, mathematics is very hard. Physics, chemistry or biology - especially. And pass the Russian language more than 90 points, quite bye for everyone who will put such a goal.

    But, of course, if you plan to get a high score (from 80 and higher), then without a systemic repetition, to pass the exam in Russian, like any other exam, it is unlikely to succeed.

    What topics, according to your observations, cause most difficulties?

    The most difficult topics are well known: for three years, since the new model of the EGE in Russian, stable "champions" at the lowest percentage of execution are several tasks.

    First of all, this is a task number 14 from the ORFography block, in which the knowledge of the writing rules of one or two "H" is checked, and the task number 19 in the punctuation unit. In this task you need to choose the correct answer by analyzing a complex offer with different types of communication.

    A stable low result graduates show, performing tasks based on the source text, which is proposed for operation. These are tasks number 21, No. 22 and No. 23. Their complexity lies in the fact that the correct answer must be found in the text that the graduate reads on the exam for the first time.

    What to do? For the "Spelling" block, you need to repeat the rule - not to memorize, but to learn to work on the basis of the algorithm and perform all actions consistently to find the right answer to the question. However, this approach concerns absolutely all tasks of the block.

    To learn how to perform tasks from the punctuation block, you need to repeat the basic rules that are given in grade 8. It is necessary to repeat the topic "Simple offer": to understand the laws of such a sentence, as it can be arranged than it can be complicated. After that, it will be easy to perform tasks and complex suggestions, because in fact it is a few simple sentences combined with different ways.

    How best to prepare for the exam? Are there any secrets?

    Secret first: distribute the tasks of the first part (tasks from No. 1 to No. 24) on thematic blocks. There are several of them: Tasks number 8-14 make up the Block "Avnphography, tasks No. 15-19 -" Punctuation "block, tasks No. 4-7 - a block" Culture of Speech ". Tasks No. 1-3 and No. 20-24 are two blocks that check the skills of semantic and speaking analysis, including the Large text, which is given in the test.

    Secret Two: In each block, highlight the easiest and most difficult tasks for you. Repeat the rules. With any rule it is easier to work if it is given in the form of a circuit, plate or algorithm. When you train, you can and need to look out as much as necessary in order to remember the rule and order of its application.

    Secret Third: Fastening. To do this, you can contact the popular site "RTUM EGE". After working as a rule, you need to immediately fulfill at least five, and better 15 tasks. Be sure to perform 10-15 tasks of this type and in the paper version. You can use the benefits with which your teachers are recommended to prepare for the exam.

    What type of questions is considered the most difficult? How best to train? What questions do the most points give and whether to "write" on them?

    In the test in the Russian language there are four tasks for which more than one score is exhibited. These are tasks No. 1 and No. 15, for which you can get 2 points. They are defined as a "basic level of complexity", that is, they can perform absolutely everything.

    But the tasks that belong to the high level of complexity, in the first part of the exam in Russian only three: No. 7, No. 23 and No. 24. Task number 7 and task number 24 - the most "expensive": 5 and 4 points, respectively. And this assessment is quite valid - how much the right answers will be counted so much points. If, for example, in a task number 7, you correctly compare two suggestions, then get 2 points, and so on.

    Task number 24 is a list of means of expressiveness that are used to create a figurative speech. In this task, nine terms are given, from which you need to choose four and put them in reviews on the right place. In order to fulfill this task, you need a serious teaching of theory and very good training. But the percentage of its successful implementation is much higher than that of task number 14 (one or two "n" in different parts of speech), although these rules of children learn to apply starting from grade 5.

    Pay special attention to the fact that in Questions No. 7 and No. 24, the procedure for making answers to the blank is fundamentally important. If it is broken, it turns out that when performing tasks you made a mistake. So you lose points.

    It is very important to learn how to correctly read the question. All that tasks require is formulated clearly, and, if you read carefully, it is very difficult to make a mistake with how to make answers to the form. For example, task: "Which of the listed statements are faithful? Specify the response number. " The question itself prepares for what you need to choose more than one answer. But a fragment of another task: "From Proposition No. 33-34, write out the word with the value (...)." The only number in the question says that for the right answer you need to choose only one word.

    When performing a task number 23 (this is a task of increased complexity, although it gives only 1 point), you need to be very attentive to the wording and take the analysis of the proposal that is specified in the task. This is how it sounds: "Among the proposals (hereinafter referred to the numbers), find such (or such), which (which is connected) with the previous words with the help of single-damned words. Write the number (number) of this (these) offers (suggestions). Only the ability and willingness to analyze will allow you to find the right answer to this question.

    It is worth paying attention to the tasks number 8-14 in the "ORFography" block. Here you need to write out a word that meets the condition and make it in the answer form. The word you chose must be written in the answer blank correctly. If a spelling error is allowed in it, the answer will not be counted. The same thing happens if the word you will make, but forget to enter the right letter on the site designated in the pass test.

    All these and other details tell the specification of test measurement materials in more detail, and it is useful to contact it.

    On the exam, you need to carefully edit already written text

    How to write an essay-reasoning to get the maximum number of points for it?

    Task number 25 - writing-reasoning - is very important. Maximum for it you can get 24 points, it is more than 42% of the amount of points for the correct execution of the entire test. It must be said right away that today almost all graduates perform this part of the work: even those who only step up the lower threshold, at least 3-5 points receive at least 3-5 points.

    The essay is checked by two independent experts based on 12 criteria. They can be divided into blocks:

    • criteria 1-4 are responsible for the content: for how the writing text itself has been created, as a problem is formulated, as a comment on it is given, as the position of the author is formulated and its own point of view is argued;
    • criteria 5-6 assess the quality, structure and completeness of speech;
    • criteria 7-10 evaluate literacy, and according to criteria 7 ("Evaluation of spelling") and 8 ("Evaluation of punctuation"), you can maximize three points, and it is very much;
    • the so-called "ethical criterion" and "actual accuracy" allow us to estimate the background material with which a graduate worked, and how the text turned out to be correctly estimated with accurate facts.

    These criteria are quite understandable and transparent. But coming to each of these steps is formally impossible to get high points. In order to earn at least 20 points, it is important to learn how to carefully edit the already written text: work with a draft and check the cleanstik. IN

    The state final certification of 2019 in the Russian language for graduates of graduates of secondary institutions is carried out in order to assess the level of general educational training of graduates under this discipline. Basic test elements checked in testing:

    1. Information processing of texts of various styles and genres. Text as a speech product. Semantic and compositional integrity of text. Selection of language funds in the text depending on the topic, goals, addressee and the situation of communication. Creating texts of various styles and functional and semantic types of speech. Grammatical norms (morphological norms). Grammatical norms (syntactic norms). Lexical standards. Punctuation in simple and complex offers. Orphogram.
    2. Text as a speech product. Semantic and compositional integrity of text. Text analysis.
    3. Expressive means of vocabulary and phraseology. Analysis of the means of expressiveness.
    4. Spelling consoles. Fitting, defisid, separate writing.
    5. The spelling of suffixes of different parts of speech (except is - / - nn-). Spelling is - and -nn- in different parts of speech. Specifying personal endings of verbs and suffixes of the communities of the present.
    6. Vocabulary and phraseology. Synonyms. Frameological turns. Team groups by origin and consumption.
    7. Phrase.
    8. Sentence. Grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence. Substituted as the main members of the sentence.
    9. Complicated simple offer.
    10. Punctuation analysis. Changing signs in sentences with words and structures, grammatically associated with members of the sentence.
    11. Syntactic analysis of a complex offer.
    12. Punctuation analysis. Signs of punctuation in complex and complex proposals.
    13. Complex proposals with different types of communication between parts.
    Date of passing OGE in Russian language 2019:
    May 28 (Tuesday).
    Changes in the structure and content of the examination work of 2019 compared with 2018 are absent.
    In this section, you will find online tests that will help you prepare for the surrender of OGE (GIA) in the Russian language. We wish you success!

    Standard OGE Test (GIA-9) of the format of 2019 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for tasks in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (KIM) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximally bring the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    Standard OGE Test (GIA-9) of the format of 2019 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for tasks in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (KIM) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximally bring the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the format of 2018 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for tasks in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (KIM) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximally bring the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the format of 2018 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the format of 2018 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE Test (GIA-9) of the 2017 Year Format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE (GIA-9) test of the format of 2016 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE (GIA-9) test of the format of 2016 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE (GIA-9) test of the format of 2016 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE (GIA-9) test of the format of 2016 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE (GIA-9) test of the format of 2016 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE (GIA-9) test of the format of 2015 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE (GIA-9) test of the format of 2015 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The standard OGE (GIA-9) test of the format of 2015 in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a brief answer. To fulfill the third part, you must select one of the three proposed tasks and give a written expanded argumental answer. Because. That tasks from the first and third part are checked by manual teachers and cannot be checked automatically, in this test only the second part of the exam is presented (13 tasks). According to the current exam structure, only a few of these tasks are offered response options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration site has decided to offer for each task options for answers. However, for assignments in which the options for answers by compilers of real control measurement materials (Kimov) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to maximize the test to what you have to come up at the end of the school year.

    The text that needs when performing tasks will be listed in each question for the same convenience.
    When performing tasks A1-A6, select only one correct option.
    When performing tasks B1-B14, several answers are possible.

    Algorithm for fulfilling the assignments of the EGE

    in Russian.

    Part 1.

    Exercise 1. In which of the proposals below correctly transferred the main information contained in the text?

    Task Performance Algorithm:

    Task 2. Which of the words below (words combinations) should stand at the site of passing in the third (3) text offer? Write this word.

    Task Performance Algorithm:

    1. Carefully read into the text.

    2. By the consistent selection of the proposed communications tools, set a logical compliance between the proposal with the skipping and the one that precedes it. This technique will help you determine what word should be at the point of pass.

    Task 3. Read the fragment of the vocabulary article in which the words are given (.........). Determine the value in which this word is used (.......) Suggestion of text. Write out the number corresponding to this value in the vocabulary fragment of the vocabulary.

    Task Performance Algorithm:

      read the task carefully;

      find the specified offer;

      turn on each of the proposed lexical interpretations instead of the word given for analysis;

      listen to the new sound and value of the sentence;

      determine, lost or not lost the proposal during a linguistic experiment its semantic integrity:

      • if the proposal has not lost its meaningful integrity - the answer is true;

        if the sense of proposal has changed - the answer is faithful.

    Task 4. In one of the words below, an error is allowed in the staging: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word.

    Remember: the mobility of Russian stress creates objective difficulties when performing this task.

    agent, Agent, Agency, Agony, Acropolis, Alcohol, Alphabet, Anadist, Anatas, Antiteza, Apostrophe, Watermelon, Arrest, Aristocracy, Argument, Asymmetry, Astronomer, Atlas (Collection of Geographical Maps), Atlas (Fabric), Bourgeoisie, Being,

    bracecratius, airports

    scam, bubble, running, pampering, dowl, bald, bow (bow, bows)

    bartender, unrestrained, berers and bearers, gasoline, Blagovest, favorably, block, bombard, barrel, delusional and delusional, armor (consolidation of something for someone), armor (protective cover), bakery, bourgeoisie, sandwich, being, bureaucracy

    gross, cook (cook, cook, boil, cooking), Watch, Verba, Veterinary, Turn on, Water pipe, Volgodonsky, Wolf (Wolf, Wolves, Wolves), Thief (thief, thieves, thieves, about thieves), Magic, invest, Watened, bellish, shitryoga

    gas pipeline, gastronomy, hectare, genesis, citizenship, grenader, pear

    cousin, maiden, democracy, department, despot, hyphen, act, diagnosis, dialogue, dispensary, compelling, prey, dogma, contract, contract, doggow, dust, document, report, donag, bird, leisure, associate professor, daughter, dramaturgy, Dunda, confessor,
    blinds, Zhero, Life,

    book now, (consolidate something for someone), book (coat armor), enviable, swept, conspiracy (secret agreement), conspiracy (spell), bent, long, enjoyed, busy (person) busy (someone ), clog, clogged, moldy, grasp, polished, firing, call (call, ringing, call), wintering, malice, sign, significance, sign, gear

    draw, birdcall, cleaner,
    chassis, seamstress, peel, syringes, sorrel, crushed stone, chips, pinch,
    Excursion, Expert, Export, Ecupated, Express, Epilogue, Pullover


    religion, exhaust
    kambala, catalog, rubber, cough, quarter, cedar, kilometer, cinema, pantry, kilometer, college, colossus, compass, complex, peeling, more beautiful, nettle, flint, cooking, kitchen, loss, chunk, blade, flap (waste, residues), flap (piece of fabric),
    mantha, masterfully, medicines, glimpse, manager, metallurgy, meager (allowed - scanty), young people, milkman, monologue, Naj.

    score, naked (slices), naked (keep checkers), stuck, for a long time, intention, notice, nodule, start, started, arreed, illegal, necrologist, hatred, unpretentious, oil pipeline, newborn,
    ensuring, facilitating, aggravating, hugging, hugging, facilitating, encouraging, borrowing, embittered, wholesale, aware, tires, disappoint, adolescence, partly, paralysis,
    pARTER, PAHOTHAT, PARTENER, MOLDENNET, PIZSERIA, SUPPORT, PRESSING, UMY, Understate, Detected, Raised, Haldled, Briefcase, Press, Funeral, At Funeral, Plateau, Anticipate, End, Assign, Rubber, Promotion, Promotion

    knowledgeable, swallow, silage, orphan, orphans, plum case, condolence, convening, concentration, means, statue, status, statute, stenography, carpenter, vessel bent,
    customs, dancer, cakes, cakes, shoes,
    decoration, saving, deepen, coal, Ukrainian, improve, deceased, mentioned, mention, consolidation, aggravate,
    facsimile, porcelain, extravalu, phenomenon, fetish, fluorography, forged, form,
    chaos, characteristic (typical), characteristic (actor), petition, petition, petition, chill (acc.), Holted (ad.), Christian, Christ-Sell,
    cement, chain, Gypsy,

    Task 5. In one of the following proposals WRONGa selected word is used. Correct the error and write down the word correctly. Task Performance Algorithm:

      carefully read all offers;

      determine the lexical values \u200b\u200bof each of the words-paronyms by selecting synonyms and antonyms or accounting for what words each of them can be combined;

      specify the correct answer.

    Address - Address. The addressee is a person or organization who is addressed to the post office (recipient); Address - person or organization sending postal departure (sender).

    Anecdotic - anecdotal. Anecdotal - an inherent anecdot based on a joke (anecdotal story); Anecdotic is a ridiculous, ridiculous (anecdotic case).

    Archaic - archaic. ARKHAICH - peculiar to the old days (archaic look), archaic - out of use, not corresponding to new views, rules (archaic use).

    Weekly - weeknight. Weekly - not a festive (weekday); Subscription - prosaic, monotonous (everyday work).

    Inhale - sigh. Inhale - draw in yourself, pull the air (inhale oxygen), inspire anything (inhaling courage); Sigh - to let a sigh (sigh with relief); a little rest (let me sigh); Sugar, sad (sighing about children).

    Educational - educational. Educational - related to upbringing (educational system); Educational - related to the educator (educational room).

    Everyone - everything. Anyone - each (every minute); Everything is the most diverse (all kinds of searches).

    Elected - selective. Elective - related to elections, elected by the voting (electoral position); Selective - partial (selective check)

    Harmonic - harmonious. Harmonic - relating to harmony (harmonic series); Harmonious is a slender, agreed (harmonious personality).

    Chief - title. The main is the main, most significant, central, eldest (main street); Capital - title (title role).

    Engine - propulsion. The engine is a machine that leads into motion, force (electric motor); The propulsion is what leads to movement, contributes to him (society proprietor, progress.).

    Democratic - democratic. Democratic - related to democracy, democrat (democratic camp); Democratic - characteristic of democracy, Democrat (Democratic act).

    Dynamic - dynamic. Dynamic - relating to dynamics, movement (dynamic theory); Dynamic - possessing large internal energy (dynamic pace).

    Diplomatic - diplomatic. Diplomatic - related to diplomacy, diplomat (diplomatic post); Diplomatic - finely calculated, evasive (diplomatic behavior).

    Long - long. Long - having a big length (long report); Long - long-term (long vacation, long period).

    Voluntary - volunteering. Voluntary - performed without coercion (voluntary work); Volunteer - related to volunteer (volunteer initiative, volunteer army).

    Dramatic - dramatic. Dramatic - expressing strong feelings, full drama (dramatic situation); Drama - related to drama (dramatic circle).

    Friendly - friendly. Friendly - relating to a friend, friends (friendly meeting); Friendly - friendship based (friendly country).

    Lofta - porpsy. Thighted - expressing grief, longing, suffering; plaintive, sad (pitiful voice); Porny - prone to pity, sympathy; Cults, touching (foul words, people).

    Pan - stock. Stock - available as a reserve (stock output); Stacking - able to store (a stocked person).

    Angry - malicious. Evil - performed feelings of hostility (evil man); Glorious - having a bad goal, intentional (malicious defaulter).

    Executive - performers. Executive - diligent, who has a goal of implementing anything (executive worker); Executive - related to the Contractor (executive skill).

    Commanded - Commander. Aradited - a person on a business trip (commoded specialist); Traveling - related to commaed (travel expenses).

    Comic - comical. Komomic - related to comedy (comic character); Comic - funny (comical view).

    Critical - critical. Kritic - related to criticism (critical article); Critical - possessing the ability to criticism (critical approach).

    Logical - logical. Logic - relating to logic (logical thinking); Logical - the correct, intelligent, consistent (logical reasoning).

    Methodical - methodical. Methodical - related to the methodology (Methodological conference); Methodical - exactly the next plan (methodical work).

    Hate - hated. Hate - imbued with hatred (hateful actions); Hate - causing hatred (hated enemy).

    Unbearable - intolerable. Unbearable - such that is impossible to delete (unbearable cold); Intertly - invalid (intolerable attitude).

    Tolek - Tolete. To decorate - become poor (tolerance as a result of inflation); Tolete - do the poor (tolery life).

    Dangerous - Danger. Dangerous - associated with danger (dangerous bridge); Danger - acting carefully (dangerous man).

    Scribes - recoup. Spacer - a random error when writing (annoying search); APPECT - A response that does not affect the creatures of the case (bold recoup).

    Master - assimilate. Master - learn how to enjoy anything, to include in the circle of our activity (master the release of new products); assimilate - do the usual; Understand remember (learned read).

    Organic - organic. Organic - related to a vegetable or animal world (organic matter); Organic - inextricably linked, published (organic integrity).

    Condemnation - Discussion. Condemnation - the expression of disapproval, sentencing (conviction of the criminal); Discussion - comprehensive consideration (discussion of the problem);

    Response is responsible. Response - resulting (response); Responsible - bringing responsibility, an important (responsible worker).

    Reporting - distinct. Reporting - related to the report (reporting period); A distinct - well distinguishable (distinct sound).

    Political - political. Political - politics (political figure); Political - acting diplomatically, carefully (political hint).

    Pinkish - understandable. Pinkish - quickly understanding (dirty person); Clear - clear (understandable reason).

    Representative - representative. Representative - producing a profitable impression (representative appearance); Executive - elected (representative body); Representative, representative (representative expenses).

    Representation - provision. Presentation - handing for familiarization, promotion (performance performance); Provision is the allocation of something in someone's order (loan provision).

    Ancient - Note. Ancient - capable note (reactionary critic); Note - noticeable (noticeable displeasure).

    Realistic - realistic. Realistic - the next realism (realistic painting); Realistic - appropriate reality, quite practical (realistic goal).

    Hidden - secretive. Hidden - secret, invisible (hidden threat); Hideo - unworked (secretive person).

    Tactical - tactic. Tactful - possessing a tact (tactful act); Tactical - related to tactics (tactical task).

    Technical - technical. Technical - related to technique (technical progress); Technical - possessing high skill (technical actor).

    Lucky - successful. Lucky - happy; the one who is lucky (lucky researcher); Successful - successful (good day).

    Actual - actual. Actual - corresponding to the facts (actual state of affairs); Actual - containing many facts (actual report).

    Master - Economic. Master - related to the owner; such as a good owner (master interest); Economic - occupied by the economy associated with the economy (economic issues).

    Obvious - obvious. Explicit - obvious, undisguised (explicit superiority); Envient - distinct, well distinguishable (obvious whisper).

    Task 6. In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form. Correct the mistake And write down the word correctly.

    Find errors in education and use

      padded forms of numeral names;

      numbers a half, one and a half;

      collective numeral, including numeral both, both;

      comparative and excellent degree of impression of adjectives and impossible;

      nominative and genitive case of a multiple number of some nouns names;

      forms of the imperative inclination of some verbs.

    Task Performance Algorithm:

    1. Determine which part of speech this word belongs.

    2. If this is a numeral name, remember that

      in complex quantitative names both parts are inclined;


    From 50 - 80

    200, 300, 400

    From 500 - 900


    pyat andten and

    pyat andten and


    five yuten yu

    about Pyat andten and

    two hundred

    dv wowhundred

    dv mindart aM

    two hundred

    dv qualityart am.

    oh Dv. wowart oh

    five hundred

    pyat andhundred

    pyat andart aM

    five hundred

    five yuart am.

    about Pyat andart oh

      when declining composite sequence numbers changes only the last word;

      numeral both used with the names of noun male and medium kind, and both - female;


    M., Wed rank

    J. Rod






    about both






    about both

      collective numerals ( two, three, four etc.) are used with the names of noucent, denoting male people, the names of cubs of animals, pair items or form only a plural.

    3. If this is an adjective, trace whether the forms of comparison degrees are applied correctly. Remember: You can not mix simple and composite form of comparison degrees.

    The degree of comparison of adjectives







    beautiful her (s)

    minor shoe

    deep e.



    beautiful eish-iY

    great aishiY



    most beautiful

    The degree of comparison of Nasrachchi






    - Oh (s)- Pain -Boln her,sick to her

    - - -easy - Easy e-Sash - thin - thin e.

    instant +. more (less) more thin

    less interesting

    comparative degree + pronoun all, total:

    done best of all (total)

    4. If it is a verb, pay attention to the correctness of education

      forms of imperative inclination;

      the forms of the past time used without suffix is \u200b\u200bthere.

    (there is - nu- in the verb error, the correct answer)

    5. If this is the name of the noun, make sure that education is correct

      forms of the nominal case of a plural number;

      forms of the Multiple Page Forms.

    Multicap Multiple Case

    m. rhodation

    With the end - and I(emphasis at the end)

    With the end - s, - and (emphasis)

    the effect of a dual number)

    Addresses, shores, century, fuel, director, doctors, chute, inspector, boats, clover, feed, box, body, non-day, county, vacation, passports, cooks, professors, varieties, worshi, stacks, paramedic, flaghel, chlev, Schompol, stacks, stamps, anchors, hawk.

    sefing, forecast,

    editors, snipers, tractors, tons, fronts, chasters.


    Fixter Bakers

    1. Foreneous foreign language land. on the

    -thor, -s.stylistically neutral: directors

    1. Foreneous foreign language land. on the -er


    2. Nodua. Inoyasic words on

    -thor, -Su:processors

    3. Foreneous foreign ones. on the

    --torwith a book tint: editors.

    Remember: oil - MN. h. - oil but

    cream - - Cream s(not cream but)












    sandalous, Buck

    cuff, corn


    reserved seat

    pouring (with filling)


    shoe (no shoes)




    Task 7. Set the correspondence between offers and grammatical errors allowed in them: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

    1. Eye bugs in sentences:

    1) with homogeneous members; (Looking for homogeneous faiths with the Union and. Sudak the question from the verb to homogeneous members of the sentence. The question must be the same, if not, then the error !!! This will be the right answer. (I see ??? (missed a member of the sentence) and proud Nature? I see what?, Proud than?)

    2) with involved turns; (Look at the end of the communion, remember that with a defined word should be coordination in kind, including.)

    3) with the names of their own enclosed in quotes and the name of newspapers, magazines, books, paintings, films;

    4) with derivative pretexts thanks, according to, contraryand non-derivative pretext byconsumed in speech revolutions at the end, upon arrival, upon completion, upon arrival;

    5) with double unions not only but; like ... so;

    6) using quotation;

    7) Beginning according to: everyone who is ...; Those who ...; None of those who ...

    Task 8. We defined the word in which the unstressed checked vowel root is missed. Write this word by inserting the missed letter.

    Task Performance Algorithm:

    1. Hold words with alternating vowels, as they will not be the right answer:

    1.1. Carefully read each word and find words with alternating vowels in the root ( gAR - Mountains, Zor, Clan - Clone, Tvar - Creative, Lag - Long, Bir - Ber, Pier - Per, Deer - Der, Tir - Ter, World - Mens, Blis - Blast, Styl - Steel, Zhig - Zheg, Chit - Chet, Cas -Kos, Rusp - Ros, Skak - Skol, Mac - IOC, ROX - Rove).

    2) To the remaining words, pick up verification, remembering that among them there may be vocabulary words, unstressed vowels in which requires memorization;

    3) If you have found a dictionary word, you can delete it, as it will not be the right answer;

    4) If by the way, you managed to choose a check, in which the unclear vowel sound fell under the emphasis and hears it clearly, then you found the right answer.

    Task 9. We defined a series in which in both words in the console is messed by the same letter. Write these words by inserting the missed letter.

    The following spelling rules must be known:

      the spelling of the consoles on-at and -s;

      specifying the prefixes of prefixes

    Pre -

    When -

    Stay (\u003d re-)

    Arrive (approach)

    Despise (hate)

    Przisit (give someone a shelter)

    Betrayal (\u003d re-)

    Give (give additionally, change anything, add)

    Bow, bow (\u003d re-)

    Stick (approximation)

    Protate (embody)

    Watch (inferior action)

    Transient (\u003d re-)

    Coming (approximation)


    Get involved (get used to)

    The successor (\u003d re-, adopt)

    Receiver (radio)

    Putty (die)


    Transformation (coups in fate)

    Gatekeeper - watchman at the gate

    Immutable (unshakable, indestructible)


    Prerequisite condition (mandatory)

    Unacceptable conditions (impossible)

    Limit (border)

    Prices (extension in church)

    Understated (very)

    Dimensily (a little bit)




    preamble, prevail, power pre-war, predicate, present, presentable, president, presidium, presumption, price list, prelude, premiece, do not fail, premiere, neglect, drug, present, obstra, prerogative, prestige, applicant, preference

    private, picky, privilege, bringing circumstances, priest, picky, adventure, primaudonna, primacy, primitive, priority, regrettable, swearing, attracted, embrace, unpretentious, fancy

    Prefixes on -Z and -s:
    writing depends on the subsequent consonant

    before ringing consonants - s appeal, root

    before deaf consonants - with

    bake, careless, silent

    Task 10. Write the word in which the letter E / and / /

    Task Performance Algorithm:

    1) Find out in which part of the word letter is missing: in the end or in the suffix.

    2) If the vowel letter is skipped in the end, then on the indefinite form of the verb, install it:

      in the personal endings of the verbs of the first auction, the vowels are written e, y;

      in the personal endings of the verbs of the second linguing, vowels are written and, and (I).

    3) If the vowel is skipped in the suffix, then analyze the character of the orfogram:

      skipped vowels in souffixes caution, Yusch, Ash, Lasch, Him, EM (OM).

      missed vowel in front of the sulfix communities vS, NN. .

    4) spelling of suffics communities caution, Yusch, Ash, Lasch, Him, EM (OM) Depends on the hijacking of the initial verb:

      in communions Formed from verbs I. Hinders Suffix are written caution, Yusch, EM (OM) ;

      in communions Formed from verbs II. Hinders Suffix are written Ash, shrine, im.

    5) Spelling vowel before suffixes Communions vS and NN depends on aT - Yat or iT - ot An undefined form of source verb is ends:

      or yat , Before nN. In the suffering gestances of the past time, the vowel and I);

      if the original verb ends on it or ot , Before nN. writing only e. ;

      before suffix vS stored the same vowel As before completion t. in an indefinite form.

    Hint: Put the verb in 3 face plural. (What are they doing? What will they do?) Ending-au-aim - verb 1 Spring. - In the end, you should write the letter E.,

    Ending - AT-Yat-verb 2 Spring. - In the end, you should write the letter AND.

    Task 11. Write the word in which the letter and

    Need to know the spelling of suffixes

      noun virgins ( eC, IC; Inc, ENK; Ozn, in; ICH, GEK; IR, EC );

      impressive names ( yves, ev; Liv, Chive. );

      verbs ( iva, yva; Eva, Oova; And, before before the impact suffix of the VA) .

    Task Performance Algorithm:

    1) Determine which part of the speech (name noun, adjective, verb) belongs to the word with the letter missed in the suffix.

    2) Apply the desired rule.


    -unstressed: Cle eVoh, enamel eVoh

    -yves- Shock: Len. iWoh

    An exception: Milost. iWyi, Yurod iWoh

    -:infusion chiv.oh

    -: Talent liv.oh


    -OV- (--Ev-)


    i hang

    Yva- (-yiv-)


    i am annoyed

    Table Definition

    Endings of verbs and suffix communities

    End of verbs

    Suffixes of action. Communions

    Suffix suffer. Communions

    I Hiding



    Yes Pish.weter

    -oot Pish.uT.


    -pish.ace iY

    -thoughtyusch iY

    -nesoh. oh

    -eat-blowing eatoh

    II Hiding

    N.F. on the - andt.

    -them strokethem

    - Having strokeicher.

    -t. strokeiTE


    -Ind chrovyat.

    -breatheas set iY

    -chrovlasch iY

    -them-chrovthem oh

    Task 12. Determine the proposal in which it does not pries with a straw. (Separately). Open brackets and write this word.

    )? It should be remembered that the rules of writing not with different parts of speech can be grouped as follows:

      Not with the names of nouns, qualitative adjectives, adverbs on - about and - e;

      Not with verbs and verbalia;

      Not with communities.

      1. Not with noun, adjectives, adverias on oh, e



    1. Not used without:




    1.If there is opposition with SoyuzbutNot true and false

    Not joyful and sad

    Not closely and far

    adverb not on Oh: did not like a friend

    2. If you can not pick up a synonym without not

    Few (enemy)

    Misfortune (grief)

    Enemy (enemy)

    Gray (sad)

    Not (far)

    2.If the word with not there are words far, at all, at all, at all

    Far from beauty

    Not at all

    No interesting one

    Not much sweet

    3. Recognition:








    3. Recognition:

    not in moderation, not as an example, not good, not to the hop, not to taste, not at the power, not by the partition, not with the arm, etc.; b) neither to give neither neither be neither there nor there, nor the light either

    nor about that, neither the bottom of the tire, nor for a minor tobacco etc.

    none (no one) - not one (much), never (never) - more than once (often) .

    2. Not with verbs and verbalia



    1. Not used without:

    reign (indigrant)





    1. Always separate

    Was not

    Do not do

    Without knowing

    2. With the prefix

    Under \u003d below the norm not 100% be in insufficient
    there are antonym with re- (\u003d excess)
    understand Soup (redund soup)
    the result is unsatisfactory
    launch \u003d little
    You lack patience.
    ^ I always lack money.

    2. With the prefixes not + to

    made N. to end
    do not watch the film, do not bring to the house
    She did not negotiate and silent.
    (to end implied)
    does not get \u003d not reached
    Rope does not reach before Floor.
    Before fifth floor poplar does not get

    3. Not with communion and exclusive adjectives.



    1. Not used without:
    n. elfthe domestic (prob., not UE. without not)
    2. There is no oppression with the Union A and
    dependent words: n yezaseyan field (NO A, ZS)

    1. S. Color Communions: not_ closed
    2. There is oppositionwith the Union A:
    not_ finished but Started meeting
    3. Available dependent the words:
    non_ Sawn during field not yet plowed field

    4. And neither with negative pronouns



    There is no pretext between not and pronoun: no one, no one

    There is a pretext

    No one who does not

    Task 13. Determine the proposal in which both selected words are picked (separately). Open brackets and write these two words.

    Task Performance Algorithm:

    1) Read the offer, think about it.

    2) Determine which part of speech is the highlighted word.

      Unions to, too, also, but, moreover, and so, because write ply ; They can be replaced by synonyms of the same part of speech.

      Similar to these alliances on the sound of the word other parts of speech what would be the same also, for the fact that , and so They are written separately. They consist of two components: one of them (as if) You can either remove from the sentence or rearranged to another place; Another component (then, than, so that) Replace in other words.

      Derivatives are picked by derivatives: Due to \u003d due to, due to \u003d due to, about \u003d o, towards \u003d K, despite the \u003d contrary.

      Derivatives are written separately: For \u003d to continue, in contrast, in conclusion, throughout.

      For a mens, dephysic or separate writing, apply the appropriate rules.

    Derivatives prepositions

    Nouns with pretexts


    There were no news in flow of the year.

    How long?

    (time value)

    within (what?)river

    See in continued (what?) series.

    IN(fast) flowriver

    See in (soon) continuation Series

    in continuation

    She said in continuation hour.

    finally articles

    In the end, as a result

    Sitel in conclusion.

    Sitel in (debt) conclusion.

    unlike from others

    (used by C. from)

    Difference in distinction Life.

    Difference in (strong) distinction Life.

    as a result \u003d due to

    He did not come as a result Diseases.

    Remember: later And - Narest

    in consequence

    Intervened in consequence In the case of the steal.

    Intervened in(new) Corollary In the case of the steal.

    like \u003d like

    vessel likeflask

    Error in rode noun.

    about\u003d Oh, about

    Reach an agreement about excursions.

    Put on the scorein the bank.

    Put on the (His) score.

    towards\u003d K.

    Go towards Friend.

    Go on the meeting with friends.

    Go on the(long-awaited) meeting.

    in view of \u003d due to

    In view of The rain we did not go to the movies.

    I meant tomorrow. (Sustainable expression).

    as cone

    in mind cities

    (view of cone, city view)


    Nouns with pretexts

    rise Top (belong to the verb)

    rise on topthe mountains

    on the (most) top the mountains

    shoes to me fit

    at the timeflowering -

    in (spring) ourselves flowering

    Derivatives prepositions

    Deppercision with denial

    Despite Rain, left for the city

    (although It was raining).

    Regardless ofbad weather, we went hike.

    (Contrary to what?)

    In spite of Father, he got up because of the table.

    Regardless ofme, he came out of the room.

    (\u003d not looking)

    Task 14. Specify all the numbers on the location of the NN (H)

      determine which part of speech is the word with the letters;

      apply the spelling rule N and NN in the suffix of this part of speech.




    1. If the word root ends on H, and the suffix begins with H:

    mali.nN. iK (Mali. n.but)

    2.If it. Educated from the ad., having a NN, or from the communion:

    diseaseeNN ost (illness eNN)

    spoolenity (spoiled)

    3. Remember: Narend nN.iCA

    1. In the words formed from the ex., Which have suffixes -in -, - An-, -

    peatjan. iK (from land. peat)

    2. In the words formed from adj. with one N: teachingn. iK(from ad. learning n.hay), martyr, worker

    3. In words:

    bagr jan.itsa (Bagr. jan.having hemp jan.iR (hemp jan.)

    var. eNiR (Var. yongcCC yongosti (CCCC yong)

    kost. jan.iKA (Kost. jan.oh) wise yongaSSE (wise yong)

    oil eNitsa (oil eNb), OVS jan.itza (OVS jan.)

    gOST iN.itsa (GOST iN.hay) jan.iR (wood jan.oh)

    silent yongaxle n.hay) eNiCA




    1. SUN. -N + -n-: karmanN. oh

    2. -In-, -nn-: commissionionn ha cranberryeNN ha

    ! without wind nN. oh

    3. Exceptions with -anne-: GlassNN. Oh, tinNN. Hay, treeNN. Oh

    YU nN.and you ( yun.y nATuralists)

    1. -in-: Gus iN. oh

    2. Exception WindN. Oh (day, man)

    3. -An- (-yan-): leatheran. oh

    Remember:{!LANG-a2f49af731f4122c39b3635d4cb448d8!} n.{!LANG-fc7fb00ac7d4d2dc88a6feec19c0577c!}

    bagr jan.{!LANG-13fe175eccac440a91fd158374e1575e!} jan.{!LANG-c06e16448e36616736c653b776ea4971!} jan.{!LANG-ea2999ca87ab52fe2453539c4414a122!} jan.{!LANG-1eb66c04df754c63b7f8f5cc0564de36!} n.{!LANG-8732c2e85c52131351b93263957ed319!} n.{!LANG-1720781bf320d6861ce032e22a79d928!} n.{!LANG-89a48dae579bda80f2bab0bd088d4d0c!} n.{!LANG-6759b6939b9b1b4dc1301a496967cf16!} n.{!LANG-c302ecbe9d70e347e0434c35163ee9c6!} n.{!LANG-617a31652fff411b98a4bbb7c8558d0d!} n.{!LANG-e47fe36f34697d83a2ce476700f1c358!}


    {!LANG-db5bca952f50ebf1f8a03e1f7dd9ed6c!} nN.{!LANG-9c70eb6489827a47c8e34dabb7b6ef19!} nN.but

    {!LANG-0b6d21240f55e529e4a04e70d51159c7!} n.{!LANG-6836a3abf1224f562392d9c4e0e36a79!} n.but





    {!LANG-4d4440770c465746e78697d4a043bc3b!} {!LANG-e591e9af954790e7ed8c6a18b0fd6848!}{!LANG-24f9f97a25364b20871e83cc015491ab!}

    {!LANG-00f2aa4ab51855fb7be36cbb966fc5a4!} {!LANG-a995d6eca702238ed899b24a9f28c615!}

    {!LANG-8f0ed66d128a6caa25702737e6238e48!}{!LANG-71ddafb4c4f0d045c83ae18f42c4ab1f!} nN.{!LANG-9dad1d5a65e8047dd5cebaf6ee05a0da!}

    {!LANG-fcb2931ec77926891ac582a4c8df04f6!} {!LANG-dd3a8de7b4cb8190d82ecea55c6b7be1!}: {!LANG-49ac267340589fd6073e50e87e08721d!}{!LANG-64e1a10b24c5da8820270b79e9394008!} n.{!LANG-9dad1d5a65e8047dd5cebaf6ee05a0da!}

    {!LANG-6d227da3a7b35f48da363bc19fa44eea!} nN.{!LANG-990f9cc2cf805419d585ba9985034da1!} {!LANG-f8919fe18bbfb9e3fe6ebac0152b0cdf!}{!LANG-8611cf6f160e40549c61e3ba2eff7a61!}

    {!LANG-863a3c4313cb922017f5c6a6c04bdad7!} n.{!LANG-9dad1d5a65e8047dd5cebaf6ee05a0da!}

    {!LANG-ba36ae76d64efd8712ea965c5fe18925!} {!LANG-ea9001b730b65460430b1ef80f9d49d0!}

    {!LANG-4036ea342959bdd38a99a21e24dd52a7!} {!LANG-9058bd3dabdd0a2406aa1bfc868b497a!}nN.{!LANG-d9e1200e7afd39668283728729fa9d85!}

    {!LANG-fb83821dffb2aacbffae5400023f6404!} n.{!LANG-a35a7e39d7f5e7d4a309169a48d0fbb8!} n.{!LANG-ccea02289494167dcc799a337947dbf7!} n.{!LANG-c58f0ddafc01930d7ba756d5b88f5e2d!}


    {!LANG-ac62941fdc7c93793e3bd84c90789b44!} nN.{!LANG-78de03c2ee0bcd6bbe06a5f5b17b705d!} {!LANG-76febbfccefa976a5d03ecce35784e32!}{!LANG-2ce7f5f6577fb195013c837b144075e2!}

    {!LANG-ef6b40044f0ca6e6a272e42d1db351f8!} {!LANG-3fb16a7116a3df02c7dc9af36b6a97d5!}{!LANG-789e663195b62e89ceea0bab2a96c316!} nN.{!LANG-3912606528a36cb285b14c05f1c561b1!} , {!LANG-c6642885d9b79d7b050910d79483b4bd!} nN.{!LANG-3912606528a36cb285b14c05f1c561b1!} {!LANG-164368f06023cb46fdebfa325eaadedb!}{!LANG-96b0a6c838963b626a39f64e68f853e9!}

    ! {!LANG-81cd2432b364cf34026a7c494d5c587b!} {!LANG-a509a397ca30ea763aea8d424b7bdf62!}nN. {!LANG-e9a18c389a79f2100885b34c653b4f8a!}{!LANG-a5438403c0db7faf96c52a962e5f2ef0!}

    {!LANG-7b97a06a5b40381f0d9fdab6d71fa610!} {!LANG-408ea5e5129c5d1830d7e357cdd96f49!}nN. {!LANG-f62ba882d61b10eb03ba09202e8857da!}{!LANG-78093a58a57d60c43d83acde68489857!}

    {!LANG-79d4c6a955f115db29f132c32096a808!} n.{!LANG-9ca7d8e7efd8140f8a85acccfe9c71f7!}

    {!LANG-a8923808913090b68fa3d926df89e55a!} : {!LANG-1349162655054d4af1a2d880ce732999!} nN.{!LANG-07051043208793c2c6c66c3dbb8899a0!} nN.{!LANG-6bd7a3c6aa2964fdea05051fd4332e8c!}





    {!LANG-2a4fce39853103c93ec31ed412056cd7!} n.{!LANG-1c87584a3d9a27cd665e89b74eb8d353!} n.{!LANG-fcdf6f673ba5c3d49df1879d96ab644f!} n.{!LANG-1e9e3d02bcaac186c8c7dc3d8ff83b8a!} {!LANG-76c19e9e0dfa12f7aa0658945c3402e6!}{!LANG-d4bcbc191f4a49ca8f5b53361f6383e1!} {!LANG-73bf172b0345fa3f9f6ad694a02c7afb!}{!LANG-899e6ebab1aa90d0b0fe1540cd1ce2a1!}

    {!LANG-284d4bfc68090440155b6a92fa305d35!} n.but




    {!LANG-91a1d5389d7ba53f867fa378b29d497e!} {!LANG-41f6ce27be6096603e97502cd125bedd!}{!LANG-c7f3d0d5898ab71303fa105a0b53de03!}{!LANG-c372af346c15853a8af20b484981d980!} {!LANG-2657a9343c9e74e95e360ed582f16a82!}.

    {!LANG-fdea1a9583b256a0a489b8278499e4f6!} n.{!LANG-4b71b69d9cd954b4b77e93a45a312214!}



    {!LANG-8b788b9ab1fdc78b329c25c056ef809c!} {!LANG-b9b9946144ee8a6c38ac5354f7b00a30!}

    {!LANG-0cea57b0f9e111b3397e7fa7f0644dfe!} {!LANG-0c5a036f68715d72dfe74bb2352221f5!}{!LANG-42e560ef534a30bce4e68e57ae7af2dd!}


    {!LANG-7714e191da8c264af63cd11f09b96972!} {!LANG-4a9ee4487ffe1b394555143ae0e7f665!}

    {!LANG-27ae65aa4d9772108456274d76d27339!} {!LANG-bd6790d7b63e2d9509ade7275a3d1787!}{!LANG-a3f6ba39a2f9e5e802c171e0b27127c1!}


    {!LANG-c58c04e784293ffeb45d462744a1e8a3!} {!LANG-13863c329a0f16200047e117e94e74bf!}




      {!LANG-01abc52cb4f0c236f1d5677ad0d7a18d!} {!LANG-6860f9da9ae06c7c38631d0aae6c4793!} ), {!LANG-63accf337b89e7a024a07b1f0ca8f400!} {!LANG-e4b03264f91d5b0eae0cfe54e398bd91!} {!LANG-364216b1998aec3f9656e2bca8926116!} ;

      {!LANG-355b3f7fff8bf19ee764e09f6be682dd!} {!LANG-18c44052ed47cf9241908dfbefa40292!} ), {!LANG-ae9084807b443e3cef5659746e4d9db1!} ;

      {!LANG-c51998bb35e25c0469c91d042d8b5a0e!} {!LANG-af424634b271d02f60f7808e3e12bb89!} {!LANG-9238c44c7f8a135ad19ca7a9f72e79c4!} {!LANG-de976c18d0f3bc2f629bf2eefa64dba1!} {!LANG-93f1a512901bbd77e800bb27171f2e08!} {!LANG-5c155d6e604985deadc41ee4cd841ad2!} ;

      {!LANG-d6e80326d2bf4b9b9c77dbf5e397e0cd!} {!LANG-fb038da7f3879af181432de1f4d254f8!} {!LANG-8c4524c484362325bd80660bd6b39524!} .

    {!LANG-f9cb65ff7ccdaea350dc9d4ca8f05f14!} {!LANG-4414bdf9d06487c117ecf2bb602b240f!} {!LANG-46190cddf537d0dacd7a8cecba6bb253!} {!LANG-398d704594844101b38759b938a82173!}

    {!LANG-0be5d60483e603f2f8eb866acfc7c144!} {!LANG-1ecb2ac49285f52f7845df6a6ff9610f!}


      {!LANG-7c777f5c8a7f47de178e65db14eb4304!} {!LANG-e7676aa797296f4caaa886faa8aa6f70!} {!LANG-cf821c69d2cad02cdf560f4b1b37106d!} ;

      {!LANG-ad5f4cc21fb15164d5302c6a5544f12a!} {!LANG-006aae1c29a402dffbed6e4fc9ee3f33!} {!LANG-923907f388de34c4b1c431479027ef2e!} {!LANG-de359e3278781dfc71f547ae8174008e!} ; {!LANG-b73c80894822b758ee32602960a30d67!} {!LANG-006aae1c29a402dffbed6e4fc9ee3f33!} {!LANG-6a695f8174e45f5bd1c1d4c6c03ced28!}




    Task Performance Algorithm:




    {!LANG-25285a908f9763559d90cbd45f8cad15!} {!LANG-4a4a4c8ba0f99590272101247b69edc9!}{!LANG-863eccac10ec451dfaed578263b37329!}


    {!LANG-23dee5db54156466cab1f081baec2da3!} {!LANG-002e2915ed41b892086f6e41872a5091!}

    Task Performance Algorithm:




    {!LANG-c153e8959d928c6ef8ce9fb9d4145011!} {!LANG-50e00c4b4242e57e785e4013988927b9!}

    {!LANG-06acc5a38005666cc6f21a6a3c5f29e1!} {!LANG-e104d04bc57b9492fe94932c11d33058!}





    {!LANG-b2b07c364c631b2cef5b61d2c1697ccd!} {!LANG-5cd41737da14b1eb139143817bd37fad!} {!LANG-2d0358478a13521810bdd01d3d117356!} {!LANG-aebd73d36cc4fcb3289ff434cf15fa3d!} {!LANG-29fffdf66a5703ab6a66c28160dbd2a1!} {!LANG-820e37fd539f4ca5f34195d68c88feaf!} {!LANG-e0ae83c15e944c34bfaf811a0f662f99!} {!LANG-5ee2066d832607828ac468ebbbe02e6f!} {!LANG-6c1687fd4ea2bd0655796f57fd104057!}

    {!LANG-7fb41d0c66bde8ed12d7df5365a1d5b3!} {!LANG-3087f51a4071374a9414d7359a68076e!}

    {!LANG-3973e1c703b98a17f8f87c884d4a5237!} {!LANG-d035fb311b3704c255552f9e07b4d6ec!}





    {!LANG-7ced277a4f440db39cb4e72b26033466!} {!LANG-0848be6ef4ec2990d64c3918be3bf5c0!} {!LANG-6e2a91884c08fba066dea015dd625331!}

      {!LANG-4e2b13470c19fa9382de5d9e819693ec!} {!LANG-4414bdf9d06487c117ecf2bb602b240f!} {!LANG-a98a8988b564ea4cbde80294fe8ed496!} {!LANG-364216b1998aec3f9656e2bca8926116!} ;

      {!LANG-4e2b13470c19fa9382de5d9e819693ec!} {!LANG-5bad7f18e221630f0c428936244640d4!} {!LANG-a98a8988b564ea4cbde80294fe8ed496!} {!LANG-3b8999c02eaaf4760cd71e27b4d0a3f7!} .

    5. {!LANG-9f26121fef7bd528941e2e2410ab9402!}

      {!LANG-883ddcf32288c39d8dfec6a556aa36d5!} {!LANG-9c5e68060932448902dca238b340391d!}{!LANG-64cd11e82249ef31b601e4cf93d1805b!} {!LANG-81cde12141c887106ca4be35e62fbfdd!}

      {!LANG-883ddcf32288c39d8dfec6a556aa36d5!} {!LANG-3b8999c02eaaf4760cd71e27b4d0a3f7!}{!LANG-a46a57653f6d3a7fe0668758c438f5d5!} {!LANG-199cb6350d444380bf72947592a4ac1f!}.

    {!LANG-3c3202cc83411453ae662310278e74c7!} {!LANG-4d8163ec6331c062a4824c6296bc0892!}





    Task Performance Algorithm:






    {!LANG-6a3e0218a3709827dee5840dc74911b1!} {!LANG-18a95a141bac5e3645b62c5e017a04ac!}

    Task Performance Algorithm:



      {!LANG-c56c124ee6aa567b33a16bd28100ea2a!} {!LANG-a2a23f00089966b988adbb8bcb9d5705!} ;

      {!LANG-2b8a5fb4a93f01c7f738fcef525d5abf!} {!LANG-e2f25e2e954ace65d4cd5098cf5c6a14!} ;

      {!LANG-a63f31fb3476fbddaf45eca472baf899!} {!LANG-5d23141005c7aa1272cc6036778e1edd!} .


      {!LANG-a2a23f00089966b988adbb8bcb9d5705!} {!LANG-9f49f7b0a438b173a8a82822d4e7d438!}

      {!LANG-e2f25e2e954ace65d4cd5098cf5c6a14!} {!LANG-5948e3c2ad9e330e7ef6769f8f511f57!}

      {!LANG-5d23141005c7aa1272cc6036778e1edd!} {!LANG-d702dde874573ee8858878f54a0fb844!}


























    {!LANG-544032fd45566332e8cc882cea188b8c!} {!LANG-a0b38d69a6d95cffd3744891af558b0c!}

    Task Performance Algorithm:









    {!LANG-028f0b9596caeb98080aab934b8bb798!} {!LANG-0a11899c95771cc3c55b78ff183252be!}
















    Task Performance Algorithm:


    {!LANG-a0938bec390a688a7c45d107ea582bf3!} {!LANG-a55b2348db4e44e21ebcbd5663e4bfda!} {!LANG-02bc16c3e3a242aa41472bdeb8a94b1a!} {!LANG-f4d6d1d0abe6d95598b8ca4bd3e12c65!} .






















    {!LANG-7e2c79294f98c8fdf860124c1685e09e!} {!LANG-a689be6d7efdf997cbf7f70fce062664!}


    {!LANG-57d0ca43cac1fe9b8a9842cea4cd9ee8!} {!LANG-481f93bb2f12354c019cf2cab633af48!} {!LANG-eeb3cc41273ae24dc80cb7ecf9114616!}{!LANG-bc0b4a3349b327a529e925cee460552c!}

    {!LANG-39fd1fad68932b9b3309444aac2be28c!}{!LANG-eb9fbabbbad16f1fd762e515e5ccde10!} ) {!LANG-7f9243718dd4c161e1517dcef4ddd3cd!}

    {!LANG-008fa3a76077b87c590d7583896f786a!} {!LANG-05bc8e105907ddeef3931a6b939c331c!}

    {!LANG-76eb3a2f0b842d1c7f2ac459ff502e69!} {!LANG-c3bed0c1142d4fd00341209bd5e2d020!}{!LANG-86c80a2d0887f5615c8bcbf81dbbcfda!}

    {!LANG-36fa8002a8349721b783066cbc62f9a8!} {!LANG-975afb8415928f229fbb83c4c8edda03!}

    Task Performance Algorithm:





    1. {!LANG-8e72347370839559c345cfc3c61b761d!} {!LANG-7b8ea5f15a798bfc242373b4e4da23cc!}

      {!LANG-e554c000f975bd8d0a3d8077455691ec!} {!LANG-1764734f8d23e182e164ef9e64911b3a!} {!LANG-e575abcfae0800cb35f497bf2ff5acfc!}{!LANG-cef2ff647a9f736111730155dad309c7!}

      {!LANG-9ae16ee444de7af81c5349bb255be2cb!} {!LANG-aa8dba5aff8c91c21e3658e22701b5aa!} {!LANG-6541d0262c03ecd7726586f991257481!}{!LANG-0fdfb80722c14f51a438d00d8e0acc3b!}

      {!LANG-d7ce3ac77a7be1b34acb562eb435dcad!} {!LANG-f04a89117ab6dfd60c0c07e48f552a05!} {!LANG-dd95aae7c723bab4bf88650eb3b4232b!}{!LANG-4edeb727075ca59f30f130dea41af168!} {!LANG-8805ac6877b6bf76950a6b83dae009cd!}{!LANG-835cd44575c42af6af2975870205ff9f!}

      {!LANG-58a70196b7e255e9d101aa7fbaa7db23!} {!LANG-2c4984303211ba762fbc0b79ea11a48e!} {!LANG-8753d67bad9983f9ba7f050ff08b5a30!}{!LANG-7f91b7ad149718abb7383ff8c0d3f9f8!}

      {!LANG-659efec64ecd736358a22c66fa6586de!} {!LANG-58a577cd47794d0c7b0d46ad83498379!} {!LANG-49babf55d406726d6e9c8b9d5e0ae6af!}{!LANG-9b0767c7cc5dd9cf9b18e0442365b63a!}

      {!LANG-739fc5abc12b7f280af386376cac6782!} {!LANG-bf7b3f26b02fd8c78c0cfb3d9f2d3780!}

      {!LANG-e1064fee7dffda1cb8d69133e8daa932!} {!LANG-d2d9a1698ba71c5fd5bac57e327a7cc0!}

      {!LANG-4a66f3610a0468460ba82fc043927a3e!} {!LANG-767cb4230cf3f210d296b8604849a1ae!}

      {!LANG-b4997c9bfc64b200872766a47cd688d0!} {!LANG-b8518e6c5a38d69efd8a2e28f3fa27cf!} {!LANG-8a0fcfd7605391a581775b2b9c59097f!}{!LANG-c3370f493b554fe4080260b339ab6604!} {!LANG-8413472ba9ab6c0c1dd5539c963a9685!}{!LANG-b747aef624c959bc140472ffb15d7051!}

      {!LANG-ac862e69c9bd8f9787f4fff278c3ae48!} {!LANG-8e2278ff6a337507338aa8d08424ad86!} {!LANG-f3d160f9b67ae3d9c58bc682db940d56!}{!LANG-eb9e9caabe77814433fb84b41a72d413!} {!LANG-7e0621d8f514ef3f5d38f63fc08d0a15!}/);

    2. {!LANG-d5e408d1b1b408b88657e29bb3235466!} {!LANG-ab0ca7021984ac905599888fdfd7fcde!}

      {!LANG-98184b857ce02b9a5f4b42f7e517f731!} {!LANG-e2b0225062d102aeaa48f7cc381bf3f3!}

      {!LANG-36d721e42ebbbefa2cb011d9ce26a82f!} {!LANG-326774d60ba0e44b44a45bb3280868dd!} {!LANG-7c5497a41931265d1590c3d7b4ac9be7!}{!LANG-be3f8c2c8426203f8439626108128fe6!}

      {!LANG-82a22718a98cee79a64064206735b6b0!} {!LANG-2bd674785406a682f0d8ea56331ff690!} {!LANG-f35734c573b891d5e3f6ffc449eb120f!}{!LANG-3202f2aca688d8ad3764a3f008389e53!}

      {!LANG-ce55d3132d7da29f9d38e256e10a8478!} {!LANG-e2b3fa4c0a8f38366c1f42700648b846!} {!LANG-b977fa547a70fd0d0d36f4085b103b59!};

      {!LANG-a0b3403c2f69ed05846a0a3e41b25e12!} {!LANG-188d58b4f01beff2efc9f23efbe384c8!}

      {!LANG-6794e5edc3a0ceb6ae587c5771b4acfc!} {!LANG-237ccc31447d81dcd00dc204cf2468bc!} {!LANG-0edefa04647e7ddeb87e137f876758de!}{!LANG-fe3faede4c6e5d9744b35901c3debb13!} {!LANG-0edefa04647e7ddeb87e137f876758de!}{!LANG-cfc1864b4c6ff756140f23edb10763c2!} {!LANG-0edefa04647e7ddeb87e137f876758de!}{!LANG-34631c3c894495d5ebc5d9d0a51892ff!} {!LANG-0edefa04647e7ddeb87e137f876758de!}{!LANG-ffef01407476d6b611e123bc59d4fc67!} {!LANG-0edefa04647e7ddeb87e137f876758de!}{!LANG-e082ac0ff0fd106d11b10bec15ef7f8a!}

      {!LANG-428535a76987dc7cc25e688005e46773!} {!LANG-fc4713885b62d25527356b32b5950912!} {!LANG-fd96e8a6901d53bc51faaf67825bfabf!}{!LANG-4cf5ddf0c222954650456e7978f3b95d!} {!LANG-fd96e8a6901d53bc51faaf67825bfabf!}{!LANG-40d0b9d0a955f5fc0332cb2d220a1e6c!}

      {!LANG-468f51ba8bed2f8f0964a6e61810efcd!} {!LANG-4bb369c8193b3f2da7bd54b19a3a55cf!}

      {!LANG-91c84940c64b76e92e1a0185942b54d5!} {!LANG-a1c1bd98c5759e2c480c95b607b38884!}

      {!LANG-6f825cc00afff7d1042c44fc5fdcd6ce!} {!LANG-218bf5a2b5b09290562c9aa949ecff12!}

      {!LANG-588bf598b9e6add839110c2d96e3d787!} {!LANG-981460d9645c4d5190f34740973ebda9!} {!LANG-edb123c3ef906df197992647d497145a!}{!LANG-df87138f5038aa91d483e6d48f790050!} {!LANG-58e2192f54ff297fc445250471f98db6!}{!LANG-1b275d4a50b7e63949070f9ff900b4f8!} {!LANG-58e2192f54ff297fc445250471f98db6!}{!LANG-b3d7c810e2c6974a45fd98fb10681e0c!}

      {!LANG-c750fb23a8be10edd990a8f2b0f53acf!} - {!LANG-e5f277094b9da3abb546d0bbba7ec198!} {!LANG-fb02e0e14f574550f370850d1228349a!}

      {!LANG-fec7e36e9fdd8dda01ffe37f9353582d!} {!LANG-967bb0184ee871b8d0f6aa9074ddf911!}

      {!LANG-cbd2eec55802af87886f55d0e1b2c05f!} .

    3 {!LANG-568135a5f971db5ab3561e977f3716b8!}

    {!LANG-03d52bf3c43211b8a1c5f1542d0ad975!}{!LANG-e0b0b737fdd32c3788d8ae41eed7c2f4!} {!LANG-f1c67a1d687c25773066da9561599def!}

    {!LANG-8f204ca323b3e644366205f0da44cc63!}{!LANG-09b028851adb2151763dca22838aab4c!} {!LANG-b118844c7df2c75eb77b3297366ef123!}

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