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  • Rota Protection 2 OBRSPN GRU. Heroic fight of the Pskov Brigade of GRU special forces (24 photos)

    Rota Protection 2 OBRSPN GRU. Heroic fight of the Pskov Brigade of GRU special forces (24 photos)

    From the memories of veteran 2 OBRSPN GRU

    That's what I remember, I was in 211 RGSPN 700 OOSPN, in Komsomolsk from 10.03 to 19.03.2000. (Karpov can be seen and thrown during a waste):

    I'll tell you about what I saw. We stood under the Urus-Martan and starting from March 6, they began to observe the work of artillery and assault aviation in Komsomolsky. Then they said that the Czechs destroyed the platoon of motorized rollers and the tank crew, for which Shamans ordered to erase the village from the face of the earth (we fully supported such a question, since they were called large losses in February).

    In the detachment at that time, a replacement was replaced, the new composition was arrived in the third company instead of those killed on February 21, everyone began to prepare for the outputs. For example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 6th number under Komsomolskaya loss of 2 companies of our squad (they then flashed in the reporting of the RTRs, when they moved away from villages). And the 9th of the Combat brought the task of our 211st group to escort the Urals with BC and solders for the 2nd company. But the 9th Armor did not come from 84 orB, and only the 10th in the morning we were put forward on the 2nd BRM kah. Kombat Makarov rustled what awaits us to dinner, but was somehow tense, as if he did not believe that we would return so quickly.

    I took my ALM with me (7 stores of 10 ammunition), an APSB (200 rounds in stores and packs) and 8 grenades (4 F-1.2 RGO, 2 RGN), and after a fare of Kombat ran into a tent and took Night scope for ARIs (1pn51), for some reason I thought that not everything would be so simple. The whole l / c was forced to wear an armored room (the first and last time in 2 years in Chechnya). Everything was matered why the nightnight you say. And I silently put it in the rear pocket of unloading and we went. They got quickly and according to the guys who were transferred to the solders understood that the boom was serious.

    The group commander was summoned to the headquarters, and we got from the fence along the road. Looking around the familiar guys from the special forces Guin "Typhoon" with whom they sat on the mountain under Haresen. "They told that they were fighting from the 6th day, they fixed somewhere in the village, there are many dead and wounded, around a full mess and confusion with command, generals more than Drawn on the operation of tanks. All depict the rapid activity in this case, no one wants to take full responsibility for themselves. They were very praised by the commander of the squad, they said that only thanks to him in the first days they managed to keep the occupied positions. Famille to this conversation on the road one by the other was held by the BBR. In my opinion, some kind of special forces of the explosive and on each of each 200th.

    "Typhovens said that in the well in the courtyard headquarters, especially militant staff colonels drowned snipers, we laughed, but it was somehow dirty, the overall impression was:" In the go, they stuck up, since I came to hell we came to go back. " Kg and said that until a special order, we turn into subordination of the representative of the special exploration with the call sign "Lenin".

    Then they broke the top three and discussed the order of movement and cover, but since the group was not in battles (week after the replacement of the detachment, from the old composition of 4 people, we do not know the rest), they did not feed special illusions. Waited for an hour 2-3 after which the commander came running again and said we were twisted on the Pond in Zelenk in the south-east of Komsomolsky. And we began to warm up easier, however, he was habitually fighting than in the city. Seli sat on Brm-ki and went to conclusion In the area of \u200b\u200bexit to the ambush.

    At that time, from the south-east, on the site of approximately 3 km, we put forward on the road met 1 or 2 BMP with the separation of fighters on each. These were the forces of blocking from the greencraft passing into the pre-burning. That is, from the south-east, the village was not blocked by anyone and it was on the fourth day of the active phase of the operation. Acting, built in a combat order and went on an ambush to the specified district. The first night was full of darkness, got on the edge of the ravine 200 meters followed by the first The line of houses continuously fired by arthels, and along the bottom of the ravine there was a trail. They decided as soon as someone will put in the greenstone and call the square of the appendix of the shroud of artels, and there will be no arthogne, then I didn't want to play the heroic death in an unnamed ravine. I didn't want to play the entire BC group for the battle hour and a couple of volleys from RPG , RPO (let's start with them, add the shooting and to the departure, until they are broken). And it was still cold in sweaters and armor in March, there was no donkey and people around somewhere near us, but no one went out, but With one night light, you will not really feed the band.

    In general, in the morning they took off the ambush and went to armor. There we did not meet with mines, warm things, BC and soldering and sent to keep the section of the Zelek where two ravines converged to the outskirts of the village. By the way, the way was noticed by a bunch of fighters with Aksu. It turned out to be some droves, they brought, threw on the road ordered to hold on, and they have 3 AKS, 5 AKSU and 1 pomegranate, and 3-4 horns per machine gun. We left the cartridges, grenades, agreed on the signals of interaction, if we appear on them. They looked at us as the gods who gave them life. We sat down at a height of the fusion of the ravines in appearance in appearance of the village, and for us from the altitude there was a long. The meter width of 50-70 width and a length of 400-600 meters that took to the road passing along the southeastern outskirts of Komsomolsky. We roasted, appreciated the strength (14 people, 3 PKM, 1 SVD, 1 WCIs, the rest of the AKS and ACM) took the perimeter of defense at a height and on the first day they were exposed for stretching and control of about 15 monoks and OZM-72, and they were covered in several Yaruses F-1I RG-42 equipped instead of Uzrgm MD-shocks with MUV (pomegranate rock instantly as a mine).

    Later, only this total mining and allowed to hold out in battle on March 14. Only they fastened how the tasks from Lenin went, then Alfa was deposited by some Greek snipers sitting on trees. We were sent to their search, but forgot to warn about the group of Ussurians who came out in the same area with the same task. Well, the heads were correctly reacted at the meeting, on time I identified each other. And then I would be a misfortune. We offered a password with something like "Toruru-Agaga". We took again on the tasks and already at the next prival, these cunning words remembered, but exactly so No one remembered. Then we were sent to check the outskirts of the village for the presence of militants and adjusting the fire of artillery on identified goals.

    They came out through their mine fields, a group of 8 people, focused in extreme homes and began to observe. On the big glade over the village in the south, there are tanks and they will be lurped by goals in the village including at home on our street. On our reasonable question about whether the tankers know that we are working here, the answer was completely indefinite, like not sink, everything is under control. Okay, they started to move along the street without testing on the way at home. Here Edik was distinguished himself, which served on the satellite in LCB, and who fought Morpe in 1 Chechen.

    I have not seen such a filigree work on cleaning houses to none after. A quick, calm guy has a rather big size with my PC, has worked out the premises, simultaneously suggested by the beginners what and how to do. It is completely led by the actions of the subgroup, although the staff was simply a machine gunner. On my question, Edik, where it was so overlooked, he modestly said that six months did not get out of the battles for the post. The platoon of MP and storm the village for him is not news.

    We advanced along the meter street at 300 settled in the house and the commander ordered our sniper couple to climb into the attic to look around in the area. All the circular defense in the house, and only we gathered to climb as a fighter watching our tanks yelling. "B .. They right now on our ear .. the hell "and immediately the house across the road swells and falls down, until we are 50-70 meters. We are legs in hand and throw through 2 houses, tank at this time demolides another house. The windows of the house where they fell on the street, and suddenly hearing the growing roar of the engines and the next continuous machine-gun shooting. I look out of the scenario from the simpleness in the window and see how the BTR is rushing on us on which 5-6 people in spheres and armor are geracted by long queues from PC and RPK in all directions.

    We only managed to go like on each window where 1-2 bullets are, and where and the full-fledged queue flew. In general, the beginning was not pleased, first the tankers worked out, then the explosives or riot police on their miracle chariot were forced us to be sought. In general, they decided to consolidate and bring artels if I identify goals. They contacted Lenin and to us in response: "Specify your bridges. According to the district," Buratino "(TOS-1st Inure) works.

    We are trying to give the coordinates and we will not hear us. And then the Comgroups took the only right decision, the legs in hand and back where they started to go to the outskirts as in the place where the flash was then a huge cloud of the explosion, "Pinocchio" worked out just there Where we arranged by NP.A. And Su-25 in the circle over the village stood up. No links. We hear that, then no, "Lenin" yells and requires checking the result of the strike. Kg spat and said, "he went to x .., the group goes to the height". Started to move away from the houses under the slope, we were given the lifestyle from the rifle, the bullets were roaming.

    Imagine a picture: Ahead of the headper jumping monks and RCD on stretching breaks and yells "Attention Mina", in the nucleus Sniper with a loud eggs, Edika in the tick in the hands of a bank of some marinades (there has been running under his feet, in abandoned houses, chickens and cows , in every yard 2-3 cars, everything burned and died on fire). So Makar was moved to a height, miraculously did not hurt anyone and no one exploded in his mines. The KG came into connection and handed over that the artel worked just great, pile of Chekhov and perhaps. Well, we hovering around from the Komsomol screen from the branches of the scrambled eggs , and chicken kebab.

    True, when the bonfire became more noticeable at dusk, I had to do so in the position of lying, while discussing from the fact that we were shelling: 5,45 or the same 7.62? These are the events of the army special forces, it is if truly, and not as in the movie. And if they were able to adjust the fire, they would have gotten to their own volley and about us, too, they also composed about the battle of the heroic group of special forces in full surroundings and death of at least 100 militants from our label. And as a result of our work, I will say that in the 9th day in the area of \u200b\u200b5 special forces groups in its positions, one of our group was kept, despite the fact that in the breakthrough the militants, having fallen into us, they could not approach us because of the IMP and the competent system of the group of the group, plus The turntables helped, gave the heat of Nursami and from their guns, or machine guns (I do not know what's on the Mi-24), however, we were treated, the only losses (2 contusible explosion of Nurca) from them were. And checking us, bypassed our positions and They went to our third company (3 groups), which was sitting together with the Ussurians group. Here is one of the cells of Ussuri residents, the Czechs came out, and at that moment together (lying on the pairs) flew something from food.

    Their cell was shot to the emphasis. One died, his BC in unloading began to explode and he burned all over, and the second fighter from frightened jumped out and ran throwing the WCIs, the Czechs entered the perimeter and began a fight on short distances. Chekhov beat, poured 6th exactly, but lost two. The dead was the sniper of the 3rd company, he stuck his head in search of a goal and he immediately in the skull and flew.

    The company is all young, just came and immediately such a booze. They were given good to evacuation of those killed and they were broken by the whole crowd and went, the captain of Golikov and Marthercher Shishkovsky went to the head (he had to go home, but he went with newcomers to veteran's rights, knowing that the yield was complicated). They ran into the Czechs and took them on yourself, giving the opportunity to leave the rest.

    Those crowded all ran out of the zealfish, got to the line of troops (then there were already a lot of them around the perimeter) and only then noted that there were no heads. The brave brave returned and found Golikov with a gun in your hand and with the last rope, and in the other hand 3 or 4 bullet hitting, Igor Shishkovsky cooled nearby, and killed, leading fire from the machine gun (he never saw his newborn daughter). They were picked up and brought to armor. The whole crowd got up for armor and began sharing his impressions while driving wounded and killed.

    It was found that when everyone ran that besides abandoned RDs, left and dead Ussuriyan somewhere in Zelenk, but no one wanted to go behind him. At this point, the Czech from the RPG-22 or 26 will run out of the greenstone and the cavity beats from it right into the crowd from armor. The result is the fighter of Sulimov, universal favorite and an excellent guitarist. Notice the wound in the leg, tighten the harness and lies on the stretcher. When it is brought to the site, it is already cold, expired with blood from the wound in the back, which was not immediately noticed because of the bustle, and Golikov died in Rostov somewhere in a week. So 4 groups They lost 4 killed in one battle, left their positions and threw the dead comrade and almost all the property recently to the RD (radio stations 392 and 863, BN, night sights and TR). The band stayed for 2 days in the green table, we then advanced, found And we carried out Ussuri to our troops, gathered that they were able to from the property, it was strange to see the glade on which there was about 20-30 RD, and a little on the side of the fighter's corpse wrapped in a cloak and prepared for carrying.

    The impression that everything on the team dropped everything is heavy, if only faster the ... h. Then we, when the year of 200 BB, came in with our group before the sinking chain and filmed all our mines and stretch marks and what remains of the Czechs and the third company. They said that until we gave the signal to anyone not to advance. Collected about 20 minutes and pieces of 30-40 stretch marks. Here, the charter slowly move the BB rushed forward and in a couple of minutes two of them became a good one. We shouted to this herd, but I knew it. And when they got to the glade with the RD, I forgot about everything and started marauding.

    But we no longer obstructed, it was already on horseradish. When I was still guarded by the group of General Godko from explosives during the last fighting in Komsomolsk. Ivita how fights Riothe: 20-30 men crowd run on a slide where everyone releases to shop now, then the crowd Running under the slide, change shops and again the crowd to anywhere. We respect the guys reconnaissance from the 33rd Brigade of BB, this is the real hero.

    Pierced on the whole head (in good sense). We came to them in the support point, one around the perimeter is observed, other dinners are prepared, chickens. God joked something about that with such a food, but in the fresh mountain air is not life, but Malina. And then he said that it was necessary to try to take a street at the bottom under the slope. The guys threw the delicate chickens gathered, built and without unnecessary words went. The reports of one three hundredth, the second.

    The team went to the departure. Moved, again some perimeter, part for lunch. And zero visible emotions, and two no longer with them. When he ran to the general on the village, and he personally took the tanks on the straight entry and everything was screamed on us that we were going to watch it all forward, and he was interfered with the commanders from infantry: "Comrade The general, leaving, here sniper work. "And he would like him, so it was necessary to close themselves.

    But it is necessary to pay tribute to the forefront, he did not regret himself, and it was even suppressed. In the Komsomol Czechs, they hung greatly. The village was all over the entire village every 30-50 meters, somewhat, where less. I have never seen such a thing before, I have never seen it. When we finally went on evacuation, the group approached the armor, the guys silently without a team, even though they were scary (slept 2-3 hours a day, at night Galyuni caught in trees They asked the fighters to seer) everything went around the perimeter around BRM, took a pairwise position of lying on her shelters, despite the fact that they were enough around their core and technology. Just already acted on the machine, as learned for these 9 days.

    Here is a story ...

    From our group awarded the 2nd contused orders of courage, which was shouting the form of a hundred, the rest of the rest, such a loss in the group is not enough, so not for what. And in 2002, the Suvorov medal for the 1st business trip was presented in 2002 to 3 business trip, although the conversations were about 1 "Order of the courage", 2 "for the courage" and the medal "For merit to the Fatherland of 2 degrees with swords", but this is all garbage , the main thing is that for 2 years in our group, when I went older head, behind the castle or com. Groups (as part of the RO) were not one killed.

    From the memories of veteran 2 OBRSPN GRU

    That's what I remember, I was in 211 RGSPN 700 OOSPN, in Komsomolsk from 10.03 to 19.03.2000. (Karpov can be seen and thrown during a waste):

    I'll tell you about what I saw. We stood under the Urus-Martan and starting from March 6, they began to observe the work of artillery and assault aviation in Komsomolsky. Then they said that the Czechs destroyed the platoon of motorized rollers and the tank crew, for which Shamans ordered to erase the village from the face of the earth (we fully supported such a question, since they were called large losses in February).

    In the detachment at that time, a replacement was replaced, the new composition was arrived in the third company instead of those killed on February 21, everyone began to prepare for the outputs. For example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 6th number under Komsomolskaya loss of 2 companies of our squad (they then flashed in the reporting of the RTRs, when they moved away from villages). And the 9th of the Combat brought the task of our 211st group to escort the Urals with BC and solders for the 2nd company. But the 9th Armor did not come from 84 orB, and only the 10th in the morning we were put forward on the 2nd BRM kah. Kombat Makarov rustled what awaits us to dinner, but was somehow tense, as if he did not believe that we would return so quickly.

    I took my ALM with me (7 stores of 10 ammunition), an APSB (200 rounds in stores and packs) and 8 grenades (4 F-1.2 RGO, 2 RGN), and after a fare of Kombat ran into a tent and took Night scope for ARIs (1pn51), for some reason I thought that not everything would be so simple. The whole l / c was forced to wear an armored room (the first and last time in 2 years in Chechnya). Everything was matered why the nightnight you say. And I silently put it in the rear pocket of unloading and we went. They got quickly and according to the guys who were transferred to the solders understood that the boom was serious.

    The group commander was summoned to the headquarters, and we got from the fence along the road. Looking around the familiar guys from the special forces Guin "Typhoon" with whom they sat on the mountain under Haresen. "They told that they were fighting from the 6th day, they fixed somewhere in the village, there are many dead and wounded, around a full mess and confusion with command, generals more than Drawn on the operation of tanks. All depict the rapid activity in this case, no one wants to take full responsibility for themselves. They were very praised by the commander of the squad, they said that only thanks to him in the first days they managed to keep the occupied positions. Famille to this conversation on the road one by the other was held by the BBR. In my opinion, some kind of special forces of the explosive and on each of each 200th.

    "Typhovens said that in the well in the courtyard headquarters, especially militant staff colonels drowned snipers, we laughed, but it was somehow dirty, the overall impression was:" In the go, they stuck up, since I came to hell we came to go back. " Kg and said that until a special order, we turn into subordination of the representative of the special exploration with the call sign "Lenin".

    Then they broke the top three and discussed the order of movement and cover, but since the group was not in battles (week after the replacement of the detachment, from the old composition of 4 people, we do not know the rest), they did not feed special illusions. Waited for an hour 2-3 after which the commander came running again and said we were twisted on the Pond in Zelenk in the south-east of Komsomolsky. And we began to warm up easier, however, he was habitually fighting than in the city. Seli sat on Brm-ki and went to conclusion In the area of \u200b\u200bexit to the ambush.

    At that time, from the south-east, on the site of approximately 3 km, we put forward on the road met 1 or 2 BMP with the separation of fighters on each. These were the forces of blocking from the greencraft passing into the pre-burning. That is, from the south-east, the village was not blocked by anyone and it was on the fourth day of the active phase of the operation. Acting, built in a combat order and went on an ambush to the specified district. The first night was full of darkness, got on the edge of the ravine 200 meters followed by the first The line of houses continuously fired by arthels, and along the bottom of the ravine there was a trail. They decided as soon as someone will put in the greenstone and call the square of the appendix of the shroud of artels, and there will be no arthogne, then I didn't want to play the heroic death in an unnamed ravine. I didn't want to play the entire BC group for the battle hour and a couple of volleys from RPG , RPO (let's start with them, add the shooting and to the departure, until they are broken). And it was still cold in sweaters and armor in March, there was no donkey and people around somewhere near us, but no one went out, but With one night light, you will not really feed the band.

    In general, in the morning they took off the ambush and went to armor. There we did not meet with mines, warm things, BC and soldering and sent to keep the section of the Zelek where two ravines converged to the outskirts of the village. By the way, the way was noticed by a bunch of fighters with Aksu. It turned out to be some droves, they brought, threw on the road ordered to hold on, and they have 3 AKS, 5 AKSU and 1 pomegranate, and 3-4 horns per machine gun. We left the cartridges, grenades, agreed on the signals of interaction, if we appear on them. They looked at us as the gods who gave them life. We sat down at a height of the fusion of the ravines in appearance in appearance of the village, and for us from the altitude there was a long. The meter width of 50-70 width and a length of 400-600 meters that took to the road passing along the southeastern outskirts of Komsomolsky. We roasted, appreciated the strength (14 people, 3 PKM, 1 SVD, 1 WCIs, the rest of the AKS and ACM) took the perimeter of defense at a height and on the first day they were exposed for stretching and control of about 15 monoks and OZM-72, and they were covered in several Yaruses F-1I RG-42 equipped instead of Uzrgm MD-shocks with MUV (pomegranate rock instantly as a mine).

    Later, only this total mining and allowed to hold out in battle on March 14. Only they fastened how the tasks from Lenin went, then Alfa was deposited by some Greek snipers sitting on trees. We were sent to their search, but forgot to warn about the group of Ussurians who came out in the same area with the same task. Well, the heads were correctly reacted at the meeting, on time I identified each other. And then I would be a misfortune. We offered a password with something like "Toruru-Agaga". We took again on the tasks and already at the next prival, these cunning words remembered, but exactly so No one remembered. Then we were sent to check the outskirts of the village for the presence of militants and adjusting the fire of artillery on identified goals.

    They came out through their mine fields, a group of 8 people, focused in extreme homes and began to observe. On the big glade over the village in the south, there are tanks and they will be lurped by goals in the village including at home on our street. On our reasonable question about whether the tankers know that we are working here, the answer was completely indefinite, like not sink, everything is under control. Okay, they started to move along the street without testing on the way at home. Here Edik was distinguished himself, which served on the satellite in LCB, and who fought Morpe in 1 Chechen.

    I have not seen such a filigree work on cleaning houses to none after. A quick, calm guy has a rather big size with my PC, has worked out the premises, simultaneously suggested by the beginners what and how to do. It is completely led by the actions of the subgroup, although the staff was simply a machine gunner. On my question, Edik, where it was so overlooked, he modestly said that six months did not get out of the battles for the post. The platoon of MP and storm the village for him is not news.

    We advanced along the meter street at 300 settled in the house and the commander ordered our sniper couple to climb into the attic to look around in the area. All the circular defense in the house, and only we gathered to climb as a fighter watching our tanks yelling. "B .. They right now on our ear .. the hell "and immediately the house across the road swells and falls down, until we are 50-70 meters. We are legs in hand and throw through 2 houses, tank at this time demolides another house. The windows of the house where they fell on the street, and suddenly hearing the growing roar of the engines and the next continuous machine-gun shooting. I look out of the scenario from the simpleness in the window and see how the BTR is rushing on us on which 5-6 people in spheres and armor are geracted by long queues from PC and RPK in all directions.

    We only managed to go like on each window where 1-2 bullets are, and where and the full-fledged queue flew. In general, the beginning was not pleased, first the tankers worked out, then the explosives or riot police on their miracle chariot were forced us to be sought. In general, they decided to consolidate and bring artels if I identify goals. They contacted Lenin and to us in response: "Specify your bridges. According to the district," Buratino "(TOS-1st Inure) works.

    We are trying to give the coordinates and we will not hear us. And then the Comgroups took the only right decision, the legs in hand and back where they started to go to the outskirts as in the place where the flash was then a huge cloud of the explosion, "Pinocchio" worked out just there Where we arranged by NP.A. And Su-25 in the circle over the village stood up. No links. We hear that, then no, "Lenin" yells and requires checking the result of the strike. Kg spat and said, "he went to x .., the group goes to the height". Started to move away from the houses under the slope, we were given the lifestyle from the rifle, the bullets were roaming.

    Imagine a picture: Ahead of the headper jumping monks and RCD on stretching breaks and yells "Attention Mina", in the nucleus Sniper with a loud eggs, Edika in the tick in the hands of a bank of some marinades (there has been running under his feet, in abandoned houses, chickens and cows , in every yard 2-3 cars, everything burned and died on fire). So Makar was moved to a height, miraculously did not hurt anyone and no one exploded in his mines. The KG came into connection and handed over that the artel worked just great, pile of Chekhov and perhaps. Well, we hovering around from the Komsomol screen from the branches of the scrambled eggs , and chicken kebab.

    True, when the bonfire became more noticeable at dusk, I had to do so in the position of lying, while discussing from the fact that we were shelling: 5,45 or the same 7.62? These are the events of the army special forces, it is if truly, and not as in the movie. And if they were able to adjust the fire, they would have gotten to their own volley and about us, too, they also composed about the battle of the heroic group of special forces in full surroundings and death of at least 100 militants from our label. And as a result of our work, I will say that in the 9th day in the area of \u200b\u200b5 special forces groups in its positions, one of our group was kept, despite the fact that in the breakthrough the militants, having fallen into us, they could not approach us because of the IMP and the competent system of the group of the group, plus The turntables helped, gave the heat of Nursami and from their guns, or machine guns (I do not know what's on the Mi-24), however, we were treated, the only losses (2 contusible explosion of Nurca) from them were. And checking us, bypassed our positions and They went to our third company (3 groups), which was sitting together with the Ussurians group. Here is one of the cells of Ussuri residents, the Czechs came out, and at that moment together (lying on the pairs) flew something from food.

    Their cell was shot to the emphasis. One died, his BC in unloading began to explode and he burned all over, and the second fighter from frightened jumped out and ran throwing the WCIs, the Czechs entered the perimeter and began a fight on short distances. Chekhov beat, poured 6th exactly, but lost two. The dead was the sniper of the 3rd company, he stuck his head in search of a goal and he immediately in the skull and flew.

    The company is all young, just came and immediately such a booze. They were given good to evacuation of those killed and they were broken by the whole crowd and went, the captain of Golikov and Marthercher Shishkovsky went to the head (he had to go home, but he went with newcomers to veteran's rights, knowing that the yield was complicated). They ran into the Czechs and took them on yourself, giving the opportunity to leave the rest.

    Those crowded all ran out of the zealfish, got to the line of troops (then there were already a lot of them around the perimeter) and only then noted that there were no heads. The brave brave returned and found Golikov with a gun in your hand and with the last rope, and in the other hand 3 or 4 bullet hitting, Igor Shishkovsky cooled nearby, and killed, leading fire from the machine gun (he never saw his newborn daughter). They were picked up and brought to armor. The whole crowd got up for armor and began sharing his impressions while driving wounded and killed.

    It was found that when everyone ran that besides abandoned RDs, left and dead Ussuriyan somewhere in Zelenk, but no one wanted to go behind him. At this point, the Czech from the RPG-22 or 26 will run out of the greenstone and the cavity beats from it right into the crowd from armor. The result is the fighter of Sulimov, universal favorite and an excellent guitarist. Notice the wound in the leg, tighten the harness and lies on the stretcher. When it is brought to the site, it is already cold, expired with blood from the wound in the back, which was not immediately noticed because of the bustle, and Golikov died in Rostov somewhere in a week. So 4 groups They lost 4 killed in one battle, left their positions and threw the dead comrade and almost all the property recently to the RD (radio stations 392 and 863, BN, night sights and TR). The band stayed for 2 days in the green table, we then advanced, found And we carried out Ussuri to our troops, gathered that they were able to from the property, it was strange to see the glade on which there was about 20-30 RD, and a little on the side of the fighter's corpse wrapped in a cloak and prepared for carrying.

    The impression that everything on the team dropped everything is heavy, if only faster the ... h. Then we, when the year of 200 BB, came in with our group before the sinking chain and filmed all our mines and stretch marks and what remains of the Czechs and the third company. They said that until we gave the signal to anyone not to advance. Collected about 20 minutes and pieces of 30-40 stretch marks. Here, the charter slowly move the BB rushed forward and in a couple of minutes two of them became a good one. We shouted to this herd, but I knew it. And when they got to the glade with the RD, I forgot about everything and started marauding.

    But we no longer obstructed, it was already on horseradish. When I was still guarded by the group of General Godko from explosives during the last fighting in Komsomolsk. Ivita how fights Riothe: 20-30 men crowd run on a slide where everyone releases to shop now, then the crowd Running under the slide, change shops and again the crowd to anywhere. We respect the guys reconnaissance from the 33rd Brigade of BB, this is the real hero.

    Pierced on the whole head (in good sense). We came to them in the support point, one around the perimeter is observed, other dinners are prepared, chickens. God joked something about that with such a food, but in the fresh mountain air is not life, but Malina. And then he said that it was necessary to try to take a street at the bottom under the slope. The guys threw the delicate chickens gathered, built and without unnecessary words went. The reports of one three hundredth, the second.

    The team went to the departure. Moved, again some perimeter, part for lunch. And zero visible emotions, and two no longer with them. When he ran to the general on the village, and he personally took the tanks on the straight entry and everything was screamed on us that we were going to watch it all forward, and he was interfered with the commanders from infantry: "Comrade The general, leaving, here sniper work. "And he would like him, so it was necessary to close themselves.

    But it is necessary to pay tribute to the forefront, he did not regret himself, and it was even suppressed. In the Komsomol Czechs, they hung greatly. The village was all over the entire village every 30-50 meters, somewhat, where less. I have never seen such a thing before, I have never seen it. When we finally went on evacuation, the group approached the armor, the guys silently without a team, even though they were scary (slept 2-3 hours a day, at night Galyuni caught in trees They asked the fighters to seer) everything went around the perimeter around BRM, took a pairwise position of lying on her shelters, despite the fact that they were enough around their core and technology. Just already acted on the machine, as learned for these 9 days.

    Here is a story ...

    From our group awarded the 2nd contused orders of courage, which was shouting the form of a hundred, the rest of the rest, such a loss in the group is not enough, so not for what. And in 2002, the Suvorov medal for the 1st business trip was presented in 2002 to 3 business trip, although the conversations were about 1 "Order of the courage", 2 "for the courage" and the medal "For merit to the Fatherland of 2 degrees with swords", but this is all garbage , the main thing is that for 2 years in our group, when I went older head, behind the castle or com. Groups (as part of the RO) were not one killed.

    In the 2nd Ozrspn V / h 64044 hosts a competitive set even for conscripts, so get here very difficult and prestigious. It is necessary to meet the criteria:

    Successfully pass a medical examination and receive a medical certificate from the doctor in the military not lower A-1 form; pass all the necessary physical standards; provide information on the nearest relatives for verification; be a law-abiding citizen and not to have condoms; have the necessary anthropometric data (only men at the age of 18-35 years and growth of 175 cm may fall into special forces GRU); The desired criterion is the presence of a sports discharge; For officers and ensigns necessarily have higher education.

    Reviews of the 2nd Brigade of Special Forces Special Forces GRU in Pskov testify that there is no "grandfather" here, so the conditions for the passage of the service as comfortable as possible.

    2nd Separate Special Force Brigade (V / h 64044)

    And the 9th of the Combat brought the task of our 211st group to escort the Urals with BC and solders for the 2nd company. But the 9th Armor did not come from 84 orB, and only the 10th in the morning we were put forward on the 2nd BRM kah.
    Kombat Makarov rustled what awaits us to dinner, but was somehow tense, as if he did not believe that we would return so quickly.

    I took my ALM with me (7 stores of 10 ammunition), an APSB (200 rounds in stores and packs) and 8 grenades (4 F-1.2 RGO, 2 RGN), and after a fare of Kombat ran into a tent and took Night scope for ARIs (1pn51), for some reason I thought that not everything would be so simple. The whole l / c was forced to wear an armored room (the first and last time in 2 years in Chechnya). Everything was matered why the nightnight you say. And I silently put it in the rear pocket of unloading and we went.
    They got quickly and according to the guys who were transferred to the solders understood that the boom was serious.

    64044 2 OBRSPN GRU

    That is, from the south-east, the village was not blocked by anyone and it was on the fourth day of the active phase of the operation. Acting, built in a combat order and went on an ambush to the specified district. The first night was full of darkness, got on the edge of the ravine 200 meters followed by the first The line of houses continuously fired by arthels, and along the bottom of the ravine there was a trail. They decided as soon as someone will put in the greenstone and call the square of the appendix of the shroud of artels, and there will be no arthogne, then I didn't want to play the heroic death in an unnamed ravine. I didn't want to play the entire BC group for the battle hour and a couple of volleys from RPG , RPO (let's start with them, add the shooting and to the departure, until they are broken). And it was still cold in sweaters and armor in March, there was no donkey and people around somewhere near us, but no one went out, but With one night light, you will not really feed the band.

    In general, in the morning they took off the ambush and went to armor.

    The Senior Equestrian Rabachenik Nikolai Yakovlevich killed (Brigade Tower of this BTR stands on the pedestal next to the monument to "intelligence warriors who died in battle")

    1. Pr-K Girkevich Joseph Vyacheslavovich;

    2. Eph. Mikhalev Sergey Mikhailovich;

    3. Art. PR-K Ryabchenyuk Nikolai Yakovlevich.

    Second Chechen War:

    Since 1999, 2 OBRSPN participates in hostilities in the North Caucasus.

    02.21.2000 In Chechnya, in the battle under the Chateau, when I was in the ambush, the RG 2 OBRSPN - 25 soldiers and officers, as well as 8 soldiers and officers of another squad ("Pechora") of the same brigade that came to the rescue, only 33 people:

    "On February 16 at 4 o'clock in the morning, the intelligence officers went to the task in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Tangi-Chu, to prevent a sudden opponent's sudden attack on the route of promotion of motorized rifle units (SMEs).

    64044 2 Grub.


    Does the commanders do so? As a result, I found my ointment in the first-aid kit, and was given to a soldier. Three days later the smell disappeared, the legs came to normal. It was so difficult to do? And this is just a drop in the sea of \u200b\u200ba cattle attitude towards us.

    Well, in conclusion, a little about the main component of special forces - combat training.

    How to pass or do not pass (what more often) classes, I have already mentioned. On the shooting scout shoots well if a couple of stores to ak or a couple of stores to SVD.


    Machine gunner, at best, shoots 100 cartridges. Sometimes there is a shooting of a bait grenade launcher and very rarely - throwing a grenade.

    From RPG-26 with me fired only twice and then officers.

    But the main event of my service was a business trip in April-May 2014.

    64044 2 PROBEST GU Address


    All personnel sits on the ground and wait for the arrival of the commander of the unit, after which it turns out that it is necessary to make any other urgent matters, such as cleaning the territory, or loading and unloading work. But for many family contractors, children who are waiting for their homes.

    Does this attractive contract service?

    Now a little about what the servicemen are busy during the day. According to the schedule, these are different classes. But in fact, very often it is a reflection of the territory, its cleaning and other very important needs, since the commander of the brigade cares more about its appearance than in the inner state. By the way, the command of the part with the "Slavic" (the company of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is engaged in the management of the specialized housing foundation of military towns - Ed.), Some difficulties have been created, because of which the latter refused to remove the territory of the part.

    64044 2 Gora Chevrons


    1) 1962-1966 - Colonel Grishakov Alexey Nikolaevich

    2) 1966-1974 - Colonel Krekhovsky Igor Viktorovich

    3) 1974-1975 - Colonel Zharov Oleg Mikhailovich

    4) 1975-1979 - Colonel Golouseko Yuri Yakovlevich

    5) 1979-1987 - Colonel Nail Vladimir Andreevich

    6) 1987-1989 - Colonel Bezplumko Anatoly Ilyich

    7) 1989-1997 - Colonel Sidorov Gennady Konstantinovich

    8) 1997 - Colonel Blazhko Anatoly Andreevich

    ? - Kharchenko (?)

    9) 2009 -nast. During the Colonel Shakurin Sergey Mikhailovich

    Brigade Guide:

    Commander of the Brigade Colonel A. A. Blazhko (since 1997) (2009- Shakurin S.M.)

    Commander Brigade on Combat Training S. V. Prokshev (2000)

    64044 2 OBRSPN GRS GSh RF Pskov

    The basis for the consolidated detachment served as the 700th separate detachment of special purpose (700th detachment), whose completed all 4 team detachments were brought (at that time, the 177th detachment in the Murmansk region was not disbanded). In a short time, the detachment of a person in 181 people was staffed at the next state:

    • Management of the 700th detachment - 17 servicemen;
    • 3 reconnaissance companies - 42 servicemen in each;
    • communication group - 16 servicemen;
    • the platoon of material and technical support is 22 servicemen.

    The 700th detachment participated in the fighting actions to eliminate the militants both in the city of Grozny and in the areas of N.P.

    64044 2 OBRSPN GRS GSh RF Pskov Reviews

    The militants finished wounded and began to leave only when the infantry came, 70 corpses of gangster accomplices were left on the battlefield ...

    The special forces fully fulfilled their military debt, without retreating before the number and force of the superior opponent, having assumed his main blow, thereby raving the attempt of the gangsters with a sudden blow to destroy motorized rifle reconnaissance. "


    A separate detachment of the Brigade took part in the operation to coercion to the world in South Ossetia from 08.08.2008 to 07.03.2009.

    Three scouts were injured (06.10.2008. Bloods on mines). There are no dead.

    V. Loser

    1. Alekseev Gennady, Sergeant K / s, 02.21.2000

    2. Andreev Vitaly, Sergeant, 21.02.2000

    3. Petr balls, ml.

    64044 2 OBRSPN GRS GSh RF

    We only managed to go like on each window where 1-2 bullets are, and where and the full-fledged queue flew. In general, the beginning was not pleased, first the tankers worked out, then the explosives or riot police on their miracle chariot were forced us to be sought. In general, they decided to consolidate and bring artels if I identify goals. They contacted Lenin and to us in response: "Specify your bridges. According to the district," Buratino "(TOS-1st Inure) works.

    We are trying to give the coordinates. And we will not hear us. And then the Comgroups took the only right decision, the legs in hand and back where they started to go to the outskirts as in the place where the outbreak was then a huge cloud of the explosion, "Buratino" worked out just there Where we arranged by NP.A. And Su-25 in the circle over the village stood up. No links. We hear that, no, "Lenin" yells and requires checking the result of the strike.

    Points of permanent deployment Pskov region:

    - Pechoras - 70th OOSPN, 700th OUPN, 2 Communication Company, 2 Avtovzvod.

    Murmansk region:


    The 2nd Special Destination Brigade was formed on the basis of the GSH directive of the USSR Armed Forces and the commander of the Leningrad Military District in the city of Pskov from September 17, 1962 to March 1, 1963

    64044 2 OBRSPN GRS GSH

    These are the buddies of the army special forces, this is if truly, and not in the movie. And if they were able to adjust the fire, they would have gotten to their own volley and about us, too, they also composed about the battle of the heroic group of special forces in full surroundings and death of at least 100 militants from our label.

    And as a result of our work, I will say that in the 9th day in the area of \u200b\u200b5 special forces groups in its positions, one of our group was kept, despite the fact that in the breakthrough the militants, having fallen into us, they could not approach us because of the IMP and the competent system of the group of the group, plus The turntables helped, gave the heat of Nursami and from their guns, or machine guns (I do not know what's on the Mi-24), however, we were treated, the only losses (2 contusible explosion of Nurca) from them were. And checking us, bypassed our positions and They went to our third company (3 groups), which was sitting together with the Ussurians group.

    64044 2 OBRSPN GRS GSh RF Pskov Photo

    Preparation is carried out only for yourself.

    - School of Inport

    - Special Council Detachment (ORS)

    - Rota of material support (RMO).

    Until the mid-90s, there were own units of the Officer: the Radio Handy (CRP) Center and the Radio Felmer Item (RPP).

    Pskov region:

    - P. Promedica (district of Pskov) - Management of the Brigade, 329th OOSPN, School of Junior Specialists, School of Inport, Detachment of Special Railway, Rota Security. Postal address: 180000, Pskov-23, ul. Soviet army, t. Duty officer in part 2-17-17.

    - Pechoras - 70th OOSPN, 700th OUPN, 2 Communication Company, 2 Avtovzvod. The detachments in 2008 were translated into new barracks in the industries.

    Murmansk region:

    - railway station. Taikola, p. Forest - 177th OOSPN.

    The 2nd SPN driver was formed on the basis of the GST directive of the USSR and the commander of Lenvo's troops in G.

    C / h 64044 2 PROSPN GRU

    "Typhovens said that in the well in the courtyard of the headquarters, especially militant staff colonels drowned snipers, we laughed, but it was somehow dirty in the soul, it was like that:" In the course, they stuck up, since I came to hell. Who came back. "Whether Kg and said that until a special order, we turn into subordination of the representative of the special exploration with the call sign "Lenin".

    Specnas GRU 2Braspn 64044

    Kg spat and said, "he went to x .., the group goes to the height." Started to go out. All the houses left the houses under the slope, we were given the lifestyle from the rifle, the bullets were roaming.

    Imagine a picture: Ahead of the headper jumping monks and RCM on stretching breaks and yells "Attention Mina", in the nucleus Sniper with a loud eggs, from Edika in the tick in the hands of a bank of some marinades (there has been running under his feet, in abandoned houses, chickens and cows , in every yard 2-3 cars, everything burned and died on fire). So Makar was moved to a height, miraculously did not hurt anyone and no one exploded in his mines. The KG came into connection and handed over that the artel worked just great, pile of Chekhov and perhaps. Well, we hovering around from the Komsomol screen from the branches of the scrambled eggs , and chicken kebab.

    V / h 64044 2 KRU video

    Then we, when the year of 200 BB, came in with our group before the sinking chain and filmed all our mines and stretch marks and what remains of the Czechs and the third company. They said that until we gave the signal to anyone not to advance. Collected about 20 minutes and pieces of 30-40 stretch marks. Here, the charter slowly move the BB rushed forward and in a couple of minutes two of them became a good one. We shouted to this herd, but I knew it. And when they got to the glade with the RD, I forgot about everything and started marauding.

    But we no longer obstructed, it was already on horseradish. When I was still guarded by the group of General Godko from explosives during the last fighting in Komsomolsk. Ivita how fights Riothe: 20-30 men crowd run on a slide where everyone releases to shop now, then the crowd Running under the slide, change shops and again the crowd to anywhere.

    V / h 64044 2 KRU in Pskov

    Otherwise, meet the fighter only in the room for visitors to the checkpoint. In order to get to the contract service in the brigade, the applicant must:

    • get a medical certificate not lower than A-1 form;
    • pass physical standards;
    • provide these relatives for the special test;
    • do not have problems with law and condoms;
    • corresponding to the physical parameters of the selection (young people from 18 to 35 years old are taken to the special forces of GRU, the growth of not lower than 175 cm);
    • the presence of a sports discharge is welcomed for officers and ensigns - higher education.

    Information for mom

    Parcels and letters

    The address of the part: 180004, Pskov, ul.

    C / h 64044 2 coat GRU Reviews

    I had a lot of frostbed and cold. When the battle began, I was ordered to stay at a height and hold it. Then we passed these eight hundred meters for one and a half or two hours.

    And the combat clashes before that we were repeatedly, and in the ambush we fell. But always came out. And in such a battle almost all died - this was never. Basically, the fatigue that has accumulated in eight days of these transitions, winding in the mountains. And plus people have already relaxed when they were told that everyone came.

    They already heard the armor works next to the side, and configured - in fifteen minutes they will collect things and leave.

    We survived two. One - Senior Sergeant Anton Philippov - a pomegranate fragment cut off his nose, there was just a bloody spot on the spot.

    He did not finish him, thought he was already dead. He is so in consciousness all this time and lay down.

    By January 2001, the discharge groups of the 700th squad acted in the areas of N.P. Sharo-Argun and Itum Cali.

    In September 2001, the division of the 700th detachment acted in the vicinity of N.P.

    Aslanbek. In April 2002, the detachment successfully eliminated two groups of militants near N.P. Yaryshmads.

    In 2006, the squad was derived from Chechnya to a permanent deployment point.

    A total of a 2nd separate special-purpose team in the second Chechen war lost 47 people killed.

    In mid-February 2000, several intelligence groups of the 700th detachment were tasked with the hiking of motorized rifle divisions that put forward in the southern mining part of the Chechnya.

    They came out through their mine fields, a group of 8 people, focused in extreme homes and began to observe. On the big glade over the village in the south, there are tanks and they will be lurped by goals in the village including at home on our street. On our reasonable question about whether the tankers know that we are working here, the answer was completely indefinite, like not sink, everything is under control. Okay, they started to move along the street without testing on the way at home. Here Edik was distinguished himself, which served on the satellite in LCB, and who fought Morpe in 1 Chechen.

    I have not seen such a filigree work on cleaning houses to none after. A quick, calm guy has a rather big size with my PC, has worked out the premises, simultaneously suggested by the beginners what and how to do. It is completely led by the actions of the subgroup, although the staff was simply a machine gunner.

    In the course of identifying and identifying Russian units from the composition of the invasion forces, it was possible to obtain a new confirmation that among intelligence and sabotage groups, leading the declared war in the East of Ukraine, there are groups from the 2nd separate special-purpose brigade of the GSR GSh of the Russian Federation to / h 64044.

    Military personnel of the 2nd team of Special Forces Vitaly, one can say "veteran", participated in the seizure of the Crimea, for which he was awarded a medal with a cynical name "for the return of Crimea." Judging by the photofit, this is his second business trip, this time to East of Ukraine (in the photo Vitaly poses in Krasnosulinsky district (Rostov region) closely with the Ukrainian border).

    The fact that in the east of Ukraine there are sabotage groups of Russian special forces, in particular from the composition of the 2nd OBRSP, noted in April 2014

    Note: The brigade is located under Pskov in N.P. Medicians. The brigade's responsibility zone includes the Baltic States and Scandinavia, although it can be used in other areas, not in the gift of its slogan "at any time, anywhere, any tasks." The structure of the brigade provides 3 main combat divisions of the distribution (battalions) SPN, consisting of several mouths, as well as the Special Communications Road (RES / RTR) and other collateral units. The brigade has combat experience since the time of the Afghan war, its divisions also participated in the Caucasian Wars - Chechnya, Dagestan. During the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 and in the post-war period, the brigades of the brigades were performed by "combat missions" in the occupied region of Samachablo (T.N. Yuo) Georgia.

    About other units of the special forces of GRU from the Russian grouping of the invasion forces wrote a little earlier:
    346th OBRSPN from Kabardino-Balkaria City Cool

    24th OBRSPN from Siberia, Berdsk

    10th OBRSPN from the Krasnodar Territory, pos. Molkino

    22nd OBRSPN from the Rostov region of Bataysk and the village of Steppe

    Information is prepared specifically for "InformNapalm", when reprinting and using material link to the author and our project is obligatory.

    → Russia Russia

    (2nd OBRSPN ) - Military formation of the USSR Sun and.

    Encyclopedic YouTube.

      1 / 2

      ✪ 12 OBRSPN in Chechnya P Engenoy


    Formation of part

    On October 24, 1950, according to the Directive of the Military Ministry of the USSR No. Org / 2/395832, as part of the Leningrad Military District was formed 76th Separate Special Rota (76th ORSPN or V / h 51404) with a person in 120 people. 76th ORSPN Directly obeyed the headquarters of the district and stationed in N.P. Promotian surroundings (at that time) Pskov.

    In 1953, due to the next reduction of the armed forces, many special purpose companies were disbanded. Including 76th ORSPN.

    At the end of 1957 on the site of the same deployment 76th Orpsn, Created 20th Separate Special Rota (20th ORSPN), also subordinate the headquarters of the district.

    In connection with the decision of the military leadership to enlarge the parts of the special purpose and an increase in the number of their personnel, on July 19, 1962, the Directive of the General Staff of the USSR No. 140547 was published according to which in the Leningrad Military District followed 2nd brigade of special purpose. The creation of a brigade began on September 17, 1962 and ended on March 1, 1963.

    The brigade was created on the basis of the 20th separate special-purpose company with the involvement of the officer of the 237th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division, also deployed in Pskov. The involvement of aircraft servicemen was caused by the need for airborne preparation specialists.

    Day parts announced on December 1, 1962. 2nd Separate Special Brigade Received a conditional designation military part 64044. (v / h 64044) .

    The formation and development of the brigade

    Like all special purpose brigades, created in the early 60s (except for the 3rd OBRSPN), 2nd OBRSPN He was a crimped formation in which the staff of a peaceful time was 300-350 people. According to the plans of the military command when introducing a military situation, due to the mobilization of the soldiers of the reserve and carrying out 30 days of charges, 2nd OBRSPN Deployed in a full-fledged combat connection with a personnel of 1,700 people.

    In peacetime, the 2nd OBRSPN consisted of the following units:

    • Brigade Management;
    • detachment of special radio communication;
    • 2 special detachment;
    • 2 separate special detachments (frame);
    • rota of economic support.

    On April 16, 1963 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the brigade was awarded a combat banner.

    In 1966 and 1967, the high rates of combat training demonstrated on the teachings of the Brigade was awarded the transit red banner of the Military Council of the Leningrad Military District.

    The personnel of the brigade took part in the teachings "Ocean-70", "Horizon-74" and a number of others.

    The military of the 2nd OBRSPN was the first of the compounds and parts of the GRA, parachute landing from the IL-76 military transport aircraft during the teaching "Dozor-86".

    To create a detachment, except for the personnel of the 8th OBRSPN, the servicemen of the following 3 special-purpose team were also involved: 2nd OBRSPN, 10th OBRSPN (the city of the Old Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe Ukrainian SSR) and the 4th ObrPN (Viljandi ESR).

    This 186th detachment was created to participate in the so-called integrated military events, the border zone of the "curtain".

    After the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the 177th separate detachment of special purpose (177th OOSPN), which was part of the 22nd OBSPN, in February 1989, was replied to the military town of the disbanded military unit RVSN near N.P. The Tyobol of the Murmansk region and is included in the 2nd OBRSP.

    Connection in the Armed Forces of Russia

    After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the 2nd special special brigade has passed under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    In July 1997, the 177th OOSPN (in / h 83395), the 2nd OBRSPC stationed in the Murmansk region was disbanded. Contrary to the frequent mention of many sources on the existence of the 177th detachment in the previous deployment point in the crocated form, this information does not correspond to reality.

    • Management of the Brigade (V / h 64044) - the area of \u200b\u200bthe subject (Pskov) and control units;
    • school of junior specialists (training battalion of 2-road composition) - pross;
    • a detachment of a special radio communications (communication battalion of 2-road composition) - Pechoras and protesters;
    • material and technical support - Media.
    • 70th separate special detachment (V / h 75242) - Pechors;
    • 329th separate special detachment (V / h 44917) - pross;
    • 700th separate special detachment (V / h 75143) - Pechors;

    Participation of the 2nd Special Forces Brigade in Martial Actions

    First Chechen War

    In December 1994, a consolidated detachment was created on the basis of the 2nd separate team of special purpose to perform hostilities in Chechnya in the guise of constitutional order. The basis for the consolidated detachment was the 700th separate special detachment (700 ooshp), whose completed all 4 team detachments were attracted (at that time, the 177th OOSPN in the Murmansk region was not disbanded). In a short time, the detachment of a person in 181 people was staffed at the next state:

    • Management of the 700th OOSPN - 17 servicemen;
    • 3 reconnaissance companies - 42 servicemen in each;
    • communication group - 16 servicemen;
    • the platoon of material and technical support is 22 servicemen.

    On January 9, 1995, the detachment was sent to Chechnya and for January 18 arrived in Grozny.

    The 700th OOSPN participated in the fighting actions to eliminate the militants both in the city of Grozny and in the districts of N.P. UAVA-Yurt, Samashki, Assinov and Bumut.

    The loss of the detachment for more than 3 months of hostilities amounted to 3 people killed.

    On April 26, 1995, the consolidated squad was removed from the combat zone and by the beginning of the month Ma returned to a permanent deployment point.

    Second Chechen War

    In connection with the complication of the situation in the summer of 1999 in Dagestan, the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began strengthening the grouping of troops in the region.

    In August 1999, a consolidated detachment was collected from the 2nd OBRSP, which included on one reconnaissance company from each of the 3 detachments (70s, 329th and 700th OUOSN). The standard structure of the consolidated detachment was a similar consolidated detachment into the first Chechen war, with the repetition of the same ordinal numbering in the title - 700th oznes.

    In September 1999, the 700th AROSP participated in hostilities in the Novolak district of Dagestan.

    As of January 1, 2000, the 700th OOSPN was stationed in N.P. Achkhoy-Martan Chechnya.

    Together with other troops, the 700th OOSPN participated in preventing the capture of N.P. Roshny-Chu is an opponent who tried to create a corridor to bring militants from the federal troops of Grozny to Urus-Martan.

    From March 10, 2000, the 700th ORPN participated in the elimination of blocked Bandan formation Ruslan Gelayev in the village of Komsomolsky.

    By the summer of 2000, the detachment occupied the position in the vicinity of N.P. Borzoy. By January 2001, the interlocks of the 700th OOSPN operated in the areas of N.P. Sharo-Argun and Itum Cali.

    In September 2001, the division of the 700th OOSPN acted in the vicinity of N.P. Aslanbek. In April 2002, the detachment successfully eliminated two groups of militants near N.P. Yaryshmads.

    In 2006, the squad was derived from Chechnya to a permanent deployment point.

    A total of a 2nd separate special-purpose team in the second Chechen war lost 47 people killed.

    Tragedy February 21, 2000

    In mid-February 2000, several reconnaissance groups of the 700th OUOSP were tasked with the hiking of motorized rifle divisions nominated to the southern mining part of Chechnya. The groups had to exploration terrain on the mountain areas adjacent to the road connecting the flat part of Chechnya with the Shatoysky district to eliminate the possibility of organizing an opponent of an ambush to the column of troops.

    After 8 days after the hiking march in the mountainous area, the commanders of the 3rd groups of those who went in the forefront, received an order to collect in the village of Khaarsen. They should be united and expect a reinforcement approach in the form of a motorized rifle division. According to the plan, the motorized rollers should have arrived at the village of Harsena by 12.00 February 21, to change the reconnaissance groups of the 700th OUOSN and to further hike the column. In connection with the road and snowfall, the approach of the column of troops was delayed. The total number of 3 reconnaissance groups was 35 people, of which 8 were secondary servicemen from other military units (sapers and artillery adjustments from motorized rifle divisions). All 3 interlocks were collected in a consolidated detachment from the 3rd reconnaissance company of the 329th OOSPN.

    On the night of February 20, February 21, 3 reconnaissance groups, united for the night near the village of Haresen. A place of spending on the night has chosen a nisin. The state of the tired fighters was critical: in view of a long multi-sustaining transition to the mountains, the absence of sleeping bags and low temperatures, many of them were frostbite and colds.

    Approximately to the dinner on February 21, according to the intelligence officers located in a lowland, with the surrounding heights with the militants, a dense fire from grenade launches and automatic weapons was opened. At the very beginning of the battle, a single radio station was destroyed with the battery charge. For 15-20 minutes, militants during an unexpected attack managed to destroy 33 scouts. After collecting weapons, the dead military workers, all the wounded servicemen were killed by shots in the emphasis. Survive succeeded only by 2 military personnel, whom the militants accepted for the dead. One of them was seriously injured by a fragment of grenades, and the other received 3 bullet injuries and contusion.

    Reinforcement of motorized rifles approached the place of tragedy only after 3-4 hours.

    The causes of the tragedy served both the extreme tired of personnel and a rough mistake of commanders of groups that did not put proper combat.

    The official version of the events of February 21, 2000 at the village of Harsen, voiced in the printed body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, differs significantly from eyewitness testimony.

    In connection with this tragedy on February 21, for the 2nd separate special purpose brigade, it was announced Memory Day .

    Russian-Georgian War

    In the period from August 8, 2008 to March 7, 2009, the 329th special detachment squad was in South Ossetia. There is no reliable information about participation in hostilities. As a result of the Armage of BTR for MINing October 6, 2008, the 3 soldiers of the detachment received injured.

    Common heroes

    The 4th servicemen of the 2nd separate team of special purpose who died during the second Chechen war was assigned the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously):

    Kalinin Alexander Anatolyevich - Captain, commander of the mining group of the 700th separate special detachment. The title was assigned on June 24, 2000.

    Shanntsev Sergey Vladimirovich - ensign, deputy commander of the intelligence group of the 700th individual detachment of special purpose. The title was assigned on October 24, 2000.

    Sergey Samoilov - Senior Lieutenant, Commander of the 700rd Special Advanced Detachment. The title was assigned on June 24, 2000.