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  • What does it mean to roll Wat, Vatakat?
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  • Expression roll watu. What does it mean to roll Wat, Vatakat? The origin of the expression roll wat

    Expression roll watu. What does it mean to roll Wat, Vatakat? The origin of the expression roll wat

    how did the expression "roll Watu" and what does it mean? why wool, and why roll and most importantly? And got the best answer

    Answer from Maxim Chertkov [Guru]
    The roots of the expression - from there "from the places where life is not sorry for life" :). The expression itself has a dual sense
    1. Roll the mattress in the "snatch". Well, when changing the "place of residence" (the mattress, as you understand, wadded).
    2. There is a "folk technology", which allows you using a certainly rolled wool, get the fire :). Very reverses in conditions when, well, it is absolutely no place to see. Would be a bump with me or the same mattress :). The process itself is quite long, and moreover, a robby dry surface is required, the best is wooden, such as the board. On it and ride :). From 10 to 20 minutes the process can occupy :).

    Answer from Violetta Kalashnikova[guru]
    "Roll watu" ______________
    Cat on cotton * - to do something uncertain (Zharg.)

    Answer from Bibliofilist ™[guru]
    This thing from the times of the Soviet Union, Wat was, and there was no tampon. On the eve, or in the scene, sat, more precisely, sat down in front of the TV and rode.
    Viktor Erofeev has a skate story, he is small, the ending: dead man on the table.

    Answer from Lonely.[guru]
    And I generally hear this for the first time, i.e. I read. I think it means also that and "throw the beer under the pigs."

    Answer from Alexandr.[active]
    chase demon. There is an expression of damn cotton wool or rubberoid))

    Answer from Karkusha[guru]

    Answer from Kuranderos.[guru]
    And most importantly)) -where?

    Answer from Good luck to you. Hope.[guru]
    I also heard the first time, it seemed to me that it means to engage in empty, useless business. We have a felt factory where wool ride to get felt, for example. And Watu probably, how much do not roll, nothing can be possible. It has fun funny from such "deep" thoughts.

    Answer from ® ~ A "Ntonito in" Alestro ~ ®[guru]
    something easy and not necessary)

    Answer from Doll with a human face[guru]
    probably like from do not kone

    Answer from Powder Zhwumach[guru]
    when to do nothing rice

    Answer from ISOK.[guru]
    Wat roll - hesitate with the decision-making, behave herself. Engage in empty worthless business that no results will give any results

    Answer from Donvito.[guru]
    simply put, x .. and kick

    Answer from Naila Borisova (Utebova)[guru]
    Maybe it's about the boots? Just assume. "Cat in Watu" - boots also ride. But they ride from the felt, and he to some extent similar to Wat. Why roll? To be more slower.

    Answer from Lorein[guru]
    and what, now on the hair dryer, also style ..))
    After "watering in a sorter" and so on. - Even the politician looks correctly ..))
    I don't know about cotton, it's not necessary .. and what is it?

    Answer from L-1[guru]
    Then, so that not so fluffy was.

    Roll watu 1.

    Cheer with decision making, behave herself.

    It requires a quick response, and he has been rolling for three days.

    Youth slang


    It has prison origin. The process of rolling small wool pieces into thin sticks for the ignition of tobacco products from the incandescent bulb in the chamber. Usually, the mines of the lower caste are engaged in this, hence the phrase: "Damn, sunk cotton!"

    Prison slang.


    Do something useless.

    What are you doing? Caida Katya.

    Youth slang

    Slovar of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .

    Watch what is "roll wat" in other dictionaries:

      Roll watu - to do something useless. Sin.: Farmes. What are you doing? Catch Kata ... Dictionary of criminal and semicriminal world

      Roll watu - Zharg. Like. Jelly Iron. or dispersion 1. Perform monotonous, tedious work. Vakhitov 2003, 74. 2. Speak nonsense, deceive someone H 98. 3. To idle. Maximov, 55. 4. To behave aggressively, provoke a fight. Maximov, 55 ...

      Vata. - Katana. Jarg. Like. Disappropriate What is l. Fake, fake, falsified. Maksimov, 55. Watches. Jarg. Like. Sit back. Maximov, 54. Turn the Wat. 1. Zharg. Like. Remove, go from where H 98. 2. Zharg. Corner., Mall Seek ... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings


      Vaticin - Cotton cotton wool. Wat (Yap. 綿, Wata raw cotton, jap. 木綿, momen, kiwata treated cotton) fluffy fibers, weakly intertwined among themselves in various directions. Wat (Zharg.) Nothing special. For example: you do not roll anything ... ... Wikipedia

    Tell you about such an interesting expression that is found quite rarely, cotton. What does cotton mean? What does Vatakat mean? However, before telling about this ambiguous expression, I would like to acquaint you with several useful articles, for example, what does it mean to understand the word Shazam, which means abbreviation, which, etc., there are several versions of the origin of the phrase "roll wat" . For example, everything medicusesjust convinced that root causethe appearance of this famous phrase was exactly they, although criminalsconfident in the opposite, because they believe that the honor of the "discovery" belongs to them. So:

    Roll watu means idle, simply spend your valuable time, to do what they will not bring any tangible results


    • Well, what was the meeting?
    • As usual, rolled cotton!
    • And did it work out a lot?
    • Almost sofa !!!
    This expression is used even in the case when someone starts to "slow down" and "hang", has no idea that now needs to be taken, or noticeably intold with the adoption of some decision.

    The origin of the expression roll wat

    During medical examination there are moments when there is nothing to do, and that the randoms do not kick the "Ball", then the dressing or procedural sister comes and gives a wool roll so that strong male hands are not idle. It was necessary to do special " tURANUKK."From the wool, which subsequently should be sterilized and then used during dressing or injection.

    Therefore, when such a student is sitting on his own, and rolls cotton, and flirting with their nurses and called " Roll watu".

    However B. prison"Cat on Watu" is a completely different process. It happens in this way: the cotton swings on the floor with a thin layer, then the plaster scrape from the walls, should be in the form of small dust, and then they screwed up this "economy", on pin or wooden stick, diameter, like knitting needles. Wound up very tight and starting to carry the floor on the floor or dressed slippers on the hand and continued roll watu. All this was done to call open to searcate a cigarette. In this case, it is necessary as a certain abrasive to enhance the heating.

    You can also seizefrom the light bulb, for this nothing particularly difficult to do is not necessarily, just apply a dry blade to the light bulb, near the base, and then fastened this vat with a piece of vet. After some time, a flame appeared. Sometimes, you can hear in the chamber: " Damn, sunk cotton!".

    TGC / AK-47 Dangerous Area

    All days later, Vaska did, that he lay on the couch, slept, ate and lazily squeezed. And everything would be nothing, be it a cat or at least a dog. And he, after all, he is a man, the most real, with his hands and legs, only in the course of the case without a head, figuratively expressing.

    Such Vasi and Petita, apparently, they are the successor of the great traditions of those darkens who were lying on the furnaces and waited when they all work out, and wonders will burst into their lives. With some of them, the most veteches it happened and these luckers were captured by Russian fairy tales for us. About whom the wonders passed the story silent, so make a schedule or determine the percentage of the score of fate for those times we cannot. But we can argue that if the percentage of those who are not alronging from the furnace wait for miracles, remained unchanged, the number of those who did not wait for these miracles, has become much more, directly proportional to the growth of the population.

    So what are they waiting for these dumplings of the Russian oven?

    Clear case, waiting for the right moment. You will begin to act before nothing comes, but if you are late, then nothing is good. But most often, it is just an excuse, but the reason for the "felting on the furnace" is simply not a desire to do anything.

    Where does this inability or reluctance come from? (Specifically, this question is very relevant for me)

    Life is pain

    The first thing comes to mind in this case is dissatisfaction, any of the spheres of life. For example, work, if it is boring, does not give any pleasure, only degradation takes and turns life into a solid cautious. I have never understood such work as a security guard, go all day, the bells are many, moving from place to place, having fun with a phone or scanvords. Family life may not satisfy if the wife and children become your jailers and conclude you in a cozy, family novel. But sometimes I want the freedom of action, thoughts and desires. And when these or other factors, turn the life into torment, only remains to go into the world of dreams or just climb on the oven and wait. You can, like an Ilyusha Muromet, say that your legs have refused that no one touched you at all. Life is pain.

    On the other hand, how can you lie on the furnace or beat the bumps when you, something does not suit in life? Does this most often serve as motivation to action? I don't like something - go and do so that I liked. It turns out, then the case is already something else.

    Maybe the loss of taste for life? Laziness and boredom. Let's talk about them a little.

    "When you still have a child, all this appears before your eyes, he knocks into your ears and produces a stunning impression. Always, as for the first time. Now you know all the names, titles and categories. It's good, and this is bad, here is the table, there is a chair, a car, a house, a flower, and so on. Gradually, it becomes boring, because the surrounding items exist for you only as names. Dry and narrow concepts of the mind pounce on you a veil, making it difficult to perceive. Now you look at everything through the veil of associations, regarding things. It seems to you that you have already seen all this! It's like to watch the same movie in the 20th time. You get bored. Because you see only memories of objects. Boredom is a fundamental inability to realize life. Therefore, before you can return your feelings, you must lose your mind completely. " Dan Milman

    I do not know how about losing the mind, but you should do something with it. Losing my mind sounds too, abstract and more like a literary reception, rather than some decision. But there is still something much more clear and accurate understanding why many ride cotton wool.

    What does "roll watu" mean?

    In general, the expression "roll wool" or "watokate" is more characteristic of the youth slang. Although in fact, this phrase or rather to say the concept, like many others, which we use in everyday life, has prison origin. The process of rolling small wool pieces into thin sticks for the ignition of tobacco products from the incandescent bulb in the chamber. Usually, the mines of the lower caste are engaged in this, hence the phrase: "Damn, sunk cotton!"

    I think the wines of everything our mentality, one of the most amazing features of which is the cult of idleness. Not that in the United States or in other countries the people are very hardworking, but nowhere is the idleness, it is not approved, they do not boast, because it is done in Russia.

    I have a little working in the catering, I can say that in order to "fade" or sleep from work, shifting it to another, was, and now there are most likely there is some special chic. The funniest was - listening to people in smoking and in the kitchens. These people are told about their victories on the fronts of idleness as military exploits. Will not be undone to adapt to not be the topics on whom they fall all the work that you can dump.

    How cool chiefs, teachers, parents, stupid clients were circulated around the finger, and how cool it turned out nothing without hugging a good piece.

    The ideal of these people is a person sitting in the workplace all day after a computer and a destroyed situation around himself so that he is paid for this salary despite the fact that there is no progress from him.

    At the same time, the listeners are quietly admired by such stories, and in an attempt to insert something like "and I said half a year and I finally put the guns for the Renault plant" meet letmwell nodes, you say what you are talking about "work" We are here now "Life"!

    Something to do to obtain a sponsorship or contract with a becker is considered to be even incorrect, in honor those who sponsors themselves addressed themselves, and they led on the couch accepted the offer.

    I think it is easy to understand that this attitude is permeated with all the legs to the head. It is already those people for 50 years that we have been producing the same model of Fiat in our country, killing their fellow citizens in accidents. It is they build houses that begin to crumble 2 years after the construction, saving at a cheap labor force from Central Asia. It is they who build roads worth more than the American as well as those who are paying for Egyptian. They are everywhere.

    It is these people take a bribe, and then also, as you tell, how cool spent around the finger of the professor and wrote off at sessions, they also tell their friends and friends as they were cool. And no one spits them in his face, does not consider them to be insignificance, as well as they do not consider the innocence of the student who bought the beginning. Reality changes, poorly insignificant action becomes normal accepted and correct.

    In the country the cult of idleness. Who makes something and especially something is reaches the lepers, they do not like it. In honor, the storytellers about how perfectly they are sitting in the office at 12 o'clock on the day of Vkontakte, and how cool they hold on to the work of 6 months to get a salary.


    And here, in contrast to the previous post, we need specific actions. And nothing around will not change until everyone takes responsibility for what is happening around. After all, it is easier to fall onto the government and do nothing. But even be in our country a super adequate government, it will not be able to change the people themselves.

    It seems to me a lot in this world becomes possible, or at least accelerates if someone is trying to contribute and get the movement. We need to get off your favorite oven, go and do something. The only way.

    P.S. Oh, and I like to write postscriptis lately. This time I will leave here a small form in which the theme of excuses, which invents a person, just to do nothing.