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  • Lecithin application in the food industry. Use in the food industry lecithin E476

    Lecithin application in the food industry. Use in the food industry lecithin E476

    Today, scientists give two definitions lecithine as a term:

    1. The first definition is given from the point of biochemistry - in this case, there is a substance called phosphatidylcholine (phosphatide), which is considered one of the most important "building materials" for cell membranes involved in the construction of cell membranes and nervous tissue. The daily need of the body in phosphatides is about 10 grams.
    2. The second embodiment of this term is considered rather commercial: lecithine is called a mixture of phospholipids (derivatives of higher fatty acids) and triglycerides (single-abnormous fatty acids) obtained by treating vegetable (most often soy) oil. In addition, it includes at least 8 other substances.

    Although both interpretation options are slightly different, they are closely connected with each other.

    Why need lecithin

    Lecithin translated from Greek "Lekithos" means "egg yolk". For the first time, lecithin was derived from egg yolk.

    Lecithin is contained in almost all human tissues, as well as in animal tissues, birds, fish and some plants. However, it is for people that this substance is especially important: the human liver consists of lecithin by almost 50%, and the tissues of the head and spinal cord - by 30%. The nervous system consists of 17% of lecithin. A man's heart is the most leading organ for the content of this substance.

    In addition, the substance performs the following functions in the body:

    • Actively participates in the regeneration of damaged cells.
    • Plays a major role in ensuring the normal operation of the nervous system and brain.
    • Promotes timely transportation of beneficial substances and vitamins to all organs and tissues.
    • It is a strong antioxidant and neutralizes strong toxic compounds in the body.
    • It is considered one of the most powerful hepatoprotectors and supports excellent condition and reliable liver protection.

    Despite the fact that with age, the number of lecithin in the body naturally decreases, its deficiency can be extremely negatively affected by health and well-being. Especially in physical and nervous overloads, the need for this substance is extremely sharpened. With its lack, various violations are developing in the work of the nervous system (from nervous irritability to the nervous breakdown), attention and memory deteriorates, the stability of immunity is reduced, as well as the effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of various diseases is significantly deteriorated.

    Since lecithin is the basis of cell membranes - with lack of lecithin cells, the necessary nutrients will suffer. Because of this, vitamins and dietary supplements will not be able to be properly learned by cells.


    Lecithin harm

    Lecithin preparations are distinguished by a very rare property: they are practically harmless. However, one very serious nuance should be taken into account: this phospholipid complex is a very strong allergen, the reaction to which can be the most different, up to edema. In this case, if you notice an unfavorable reaction to this drug - it should be immediately terminated to use it.

    In addition, Lecithin does not prescribe pregnant women (especially in 1 trimester) and mothers during lactation.

    And also, with exacerbation of diseases such as pancreatitis, cholesterol, biliary disease - it is worth taking lecithin with marginal caution, and in a small dosage, or exclude it at all.

    However, in general, the side effects from the reception of this substance are minimal: in the case of increased sensitivity to the drug, some notice nausea, possibly increased salivation, and dizziness, diarrhea, headache, and quite rare. Lecithin overdose cases are not marked, so it is recognized quite safe.


    Lecithin benefit

    This complex of fatty acids has the following influence on the human body:

    • Improves liver operation, supports it in a healthy state. Prevents cirrhosis.
    • Promotes the rapid restoration of tissues in rehabilitation periods after operations, stimulates blood formation.
    • Normalizes the transportation of fats to organs and tissues, preventing their deposit on the walls of the vessels.
    • Stimulates reproductive function.
    • The normal content of lecithin in the blood of a woman contributes to the proper intrauterine child development, it is very useful for the development of the fetus, so it is often prescribed when planning pregnancy. It can even facilitate childbirth. But before its use, pregnant women must be consulted by the doctor.
    • Women regular techniques lecithin lecithin helps with menstrualic syndrome, impairment of the menstrual cycle, as well as uterine bleeding.
    • Lecithin is actively struggling with salt sediments in the body, therefore specialists prescribe it in the treatment of biliary disease.
    • It prevents the formation of sand and stones in the bustling bubble.
    • The phospholipid complex maintains a normal mineral fat balance, so its reception contributes to the facilitation of the state in arthritis. And also contributes to the normalization of weight.
    • Lecithin improves performance, contributes to the increase in muscle and mental activity.
    • It has been proven that this substance improves attention, memory and quite positively affects learning. Enhances stress resistance.
    • Increases resistance to infections, improving the body's immune system.
    • Lecithin also has a cosmetic effect, having a beneficial effect on the state of nails and hair.
    • Lacitin children will help with various violations in the work of the nervous system, with a delay in speech development, digestive and respiratory diseases.

    Since lecithin is the shell of nerve cells, therefore, its reception has a beneficial effect on memory. It is a construction product for neurotransmitters that transmit information. Spaces such as learning foreign languages, and any other, requiring increased concentrations of attention and memorization entail mental loads. Then the admission of lecithin becomes especially relevant, because it is a stimulator of activity of the nervous system - thanks to this you think faster and less from this tire.

    Possessing such an impressive list of useful properties, lecithin practically does not have side effects and is well absorbed by the body.

    Properties Lecitin

    The most significant components of the lecithin are the following substances:

    Holine is one of the most important brain and nervous regulators. Participates in the process of transferring pulses in the nervous tissue. In violation of this biochemical process (as a result of thinning the shell of nerve cells), problems with memory, multiple sclerosis, and so on are formed. Diseases. When mental and physical overloads, this substance is extremely necessary.

    Palmitic acid - One of the most important substance for fat metabolism.
    Stearinic acid - an element responsible for the accumulation and full energy consumption.
    Arachidonic acid - The substance relating to the class of omega-6-unsaturated fatty acids is necessary for the normal functioning of adrenal and liver cells.

    Lecithin is one of the main liver materials and is actively used by it. It holds cholesterol in a dissolved state, as a result of which it is not postponed on the walls of the vessels. Long-term reception of lecithin significantly improves the liver condition at fat hepatosis, restores its functions with chronic active hepatitis.

    Due to this composition, lecithin has the following positive properties:

    • Significantly slows down the processes of aging and suppresses the development of tumor cells.
    • Improves and normalizes the digestion process - so lecithin is part of the bile, it contributes to the timely discovery of the gallbladder. It also supports the health of the intestinal mucous membranes due to the softening effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Lecithin is a cholesterol biological antagonist. It takes out the body of blood cholesterol from the body, contributes to the normalization of the weight (splitting fat cells) and maintain the health of the vessels.
    • Regulates neurophysiological processes in the body.
    • Mobilizes immune forces and helps to protect themselves from many diseases. Its regular reception serves as the prevention of oncological diseases.
    • Supports visual function, struggling with increased photosensitivity.

    Many specialists tend to call lecithin system substance, since it has an incredibly wide range of action and actively participates in almost all processes occurring in the body.

    Application lecithin

    Natural sources of lecithin are quite a lot: this complex is contained in a number of products: in all kinds of meat, fish, embryos of grain crops, vegetables of all colors, yeast, in chocolate, in sow, in raw eggs (egg yolk), and so on.

    Phospholipids are quite easily absorbed, and therefore, with ordinary food, a person, as a rule, should receive a full-fledged daily rate of substances, which is about 5 grams. However, if for different reasons, lecithin deficiency still arises or requires a small correction of well-being, it is taken as a special food additive. Therefore, to be confident in replenishing this particularly important component for the body, you can contact Badam.

    The quality of food and content in them valuable for health substances today leaves much to be desired. In addition, elevated mental loads and high-speed rhythms of the life of a modern person require fill in the body of proper substances to avoid the emergence of various diseases that are tritely related to the specific deficit of these substances.

    Lecithin as a dietary supplement can assign doctors of various profiles. This refers to the so-called "medical" lecithin, which is part of hepatoprotectors and biologically active compositions (bids).

    This type of phospholipid complex is called phosphatidylcholine and is recommended for use in the following cases:

    • Manifestations of multiple sclerosis of various intensity up to mental disorders.
    • Brain disorders, reduction of concentration and memory, disorders of the central nervous system, including associated with overwork.
    • Prevention and therapy of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other problems with vessels.
    • Ischemic disease, heart failure, hypertension, cardiomyopathy.
    • Diseases of the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus of both types.
    • Various dermatological diseases, including dermatitis and psoriasis, eczema, deprive.
    • Pathology of connective tissues (collagenosis).
    • Different kinds of problems with the development and functioning of the sex glands.
    • Diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, obstructive pulmonary disease).
    • Problems with bubble and liver disease.
    • Genetic pathologies, including Down syndrome (with correctional therapy).
    • At the end of the second trimester of pregnancy - strictly according to the testimony and with extreme necessity.

    Persons who have suffered a stroke should regularly take lecithin to restore motor and mental functions. And lecithin restores memory among the elderly. In addition, it does not give side effects, in contrast to many other drugs in the treatment of brain dysfunctions.

    It is worth knowing that the brain and nervous fabric are saturated with a fat medium, which is an energy reserve in the body. Hence, any diets negatively affect mental activity. And with a scant nutrition, it is necessary to replenish lecithin reserves. Since the fabrics surrounding the brain nerves and the spine are two-thirds, consist of lecithin. The body tries to save lecithin and use it last time, even after the protein. After all, lecithin is used as an energy supply.

    Lecithin is part of various vitamin complexes, however, there are independent forms of release in the form of tablets, granules, capsules or droplets. Age restrictions do not have such drugs, only dose varies: the daily rate for children is 1-4 grams, for adults - about 6 grams (accordingly, without considering what we get from food).

    However, in some cases, dosages may vary. For example, if you do not have "problems with stones" in the bustling bubble, then lecithin take 1-2 tablespoon 2 times a day.

    Nevertheless, it should be adjusted to correct the doses of this drug with care, and guided by the instructions attached to the acquired drug, which is a medicine and with any suspicion of degradation of well-being to limit, or cease it.

    The duration of the course and the reception scheme is prescribed by the doctor based on the bases for lecithin in the form of a drug. Often it should be taken at least 3 months, and sometimes up to several years (with courses of a break).

    Lecithin can be added to any food, but it is often added to hot or cold milk, and also put in cocoa. Optionally, you can add a little honey to him.

    It should be known that lecithin with anterorable shelf life becomes vocal and loses its properties completely.

    Soy lecithin benefit and harm

    The "commercial" lecithin is obtained as a result of the processing of various vegetable oils. In this case, the resulting product can differ significantly in composition and properties, which also differ in oilseeds. However, soy lecithin began to use particularly popularity, obtained by low-temperature processing of purified soybean oil and is widely used by food producers in confectionery, chocolate glaze, margarine and mayonnaise, where it is known as an E476 emulsifier and is also available as an independent biological additive.

    It has been proven that soy lecithin has the following beneficial properties:

    • Actively involved in the splitting of fats in the human body.
    • Stimulates metabolic processes.
    • It has a magnificent choleretic effect.
    • Protects the body from the effects of toxic substances, as the toxic and free radicals binds in the body. Displays radionuclides and compounds of heavy metals from the body.
    • Safe for suffering diabetes, arthritis and arthrosis.

    However, in contrast to other types of lecithin, talking about its absolute harmlessness. According to the studies obtained from soybean oil, the product may suppress the normal activity of the endocrine system, and according to some hypothesis - and cause premature genera. That is why soy lecithin is not prescribed pregnant women, elderly, children, as well as those who suffer from thyroid diseases.

    Lecithin is one of the most important useful substance complexes for the body, therefore, in most cases, its reception brings more benefits rather than harm.

    Phospholipids are a complex of fatty acids, without which the normal existence of the body is unthinkable. They protect the membrane cells from destruction and eliminate the damage caused. The main source of essential lipids is soy lecithin. The product is obtained from soybean beans by the method of cold hydration and is used as an emulsifier and an active food additive.

    History and scope of application

    What is it - soy lecithin? For the first time this component of lipid metabolism heard in 1850, when the French scientist Maurice Bobley allocated a fraction from egg yolk. But at that time, due to the high cost and complexity of production, the substance did not receive proper recognition and distribution. And only a lot later, in 1950, a cheap essential complex of fatty acids (phospholipids) was retrieved from soybean oil (phospholipids), which was called soy lecithin.

    What is this additive? From the point of view of chemistry and biology, the vegetable fraction is a surfactant (surfactant) forming strong bonds between the unsemilated substances. In the presence of two heterogeneous liquids (usually water-oil), soy lecithin works as an emulsifier and allows you to get quite sustainable emulsions.

    This lipid ability has been widely used in the food and cosmetology industry.

    In addition, the soy product is used for the manufacture of oil paints and their solvents, pesticides and vinyl coatings. There was an application in paper-cellulose, printing and even military industries.

    In medicine more often use granular or powdered phospholipids. They become the basis of hepatoprotectors and biologically active food additives.

    Council. Soy lecithin is not considered a dangerous ingredient and is allowed to use both in Western European countries and in Russia. Despite this, the attitude to the dietary supplement is double. When assessing risks, it should be considered from which soybean the product is made.

    Natural lecithin is obtained from pure raw materials that has not been modified, but it is rarely added to food products. Much more often, phospholipids with a gennometric structure are used as an emulsifier.

    Chemical composition and calorie soy lecithin

    The benefits and harm of any product depends on its composition. No exception and soy lecithin. Due to the rich set of fatty acids and biologically active compounds, the lipid component has a very beneficial effect on the body. More information about the benefits and harm of lecithin you can learn from this.

    The soy product includes:

    • phosphatidylserin (3-5%);
    • phosphatidylcholine (29-32%);
    • phosphhatyldiethanolamine (20-23%);
    • phosphatidylositol (15-17%);
    • phosphatidic acid (10-17%);
    • phytosterols;
    • isoflavones.

    In addition, lecithin may contain tocopherols, natural pigments, sterols and sterols. Disintegrating, phospholipids form choline, glycerin and a set of fatty acids (stearin, linolen, oleic, palmitic and linoles).

    The high content of B4 and B8 vitamins has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, improves memory and attention.

    Isoflavones, which are a vegetable analogue of estrogen, are very useful for the female body. Substances improve the condition of the skin and hair, restore the operation of the reproductive system, reduce irritability and stabilize nervous disorders. But for men, the excess of phytoestrogen may be harmful.

    As for the calorie content of soy lecithin, it is pretty high. Conducted by a set of chemical compounds. Being rather a food addition than a food product, phospholipids appear in the form of a complex of zeal-like substances.

    Calorie of soy lipid, (100 g):

    • proteins - 6 g.;
    • fats - 97 g.;
    • carbohydrates - 4-5 g.;
    • kcal - 913.

    To relieve most women, it should be clarified that lecithin consumption is measured in mg, so it is not worth worrying about the high caloric content of the product.

    Soy lecithin: influence on the body

    First, let's talk about the benefits of essential acids for the body. Their action is diverse and continues throughout the human life.

    So, when the use of soy lecithin is not only justified, but also necessary:

    • liver disease, especially hepatitis A, B, C;
    • poisoning by chemicals, pesticides and alcohol;
    • disorders of the heart and vessels;
    • stress, irritability, depression;
    • worsening memory and attention;
    • various dermatitis and dermatoses, dryness and thinning of the skin;
    • gynecological disorders;
    • violation of fat exchange.

    Soy lecithin in gerontological practice is particularly effective. The substance prevents the development of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease, improves the bore, restores the mobility of ligaments and joints.

    The representatives of the beautiful sex of phospholipids help to cope with painful and irregular menstruals, facilitate the flow of Klimaks, restore the hormonal background and prevent the development of cancer tumors. The substance and for men - lecithin improves the activity of spermatozoa, facilitates the course of prostatitis.

    Attention. Women who cannot be used estrogens (endometriosis), should be replaced by the soybean squirrel or sunflower. The same applies to patients with hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis.

    Wide use in pediatric practice is based on the ability of essential acids to influence the mental and physical development of kids, increase the desire for learning and accelerate adaptation in an unfamiliar team. In addition, lecithin improves the absorption of vitamin D and impede the development of Rahita.

    In sports practice, the reception of phosolypids increases strength and endurance, speeds up recovery after training, reduces pain in the muscles, makes bonds elastic.

    Contraindications and possible harm of soy lecithin

    The natural soy product is almost 90% absorbed by the body and very rarely has adverse effects, although it is possible.

    Contraindications to his reception serve:

    • atherosclerosis;
    • hypertension;
    • pancreatic diseases.

    With caution, plant phospholipids are used with choletiasis and cholecystitis.

    Still, harmful or no soy lecithin? It all depends on what kind of raw materials it is made. The product obtained from pure vegetable oil is not only useful, but also necessary for the normal operation of the body.

    But phospholipids produced from gennometified soybeans are harmful to humans. Although their influence on the cells are not studied to the end, it is already clear that GMO products can cause allergies and cancer, accelerate the processes of aging and lead to infertility.

    Attention. Gennodified cultures and the associated herbicides are harmful not only for humans. Chemicals are damaged to birds and insects living under the ground with organisms and amphibians, pollute the soil and reduce the variety of species.

    Especially widespread soy lecithin, called commercial, is common in the USA, China and Southeast Asia. In Russia, the product is prohibited, but products from it often fall into the local market under the guise of quality product.

    Soy Lecitin as an emulsifier

    He is everywhere - in fish and meat cutlets, in sweets, cakes and cookies, in the macarona and bread, the substance is used to thicken and improve the consistency, the compounds of the impudent ingredients, extension of the shelf life of goods.

    Let's see what soy lecithin is in the composition of the products and what happens? Today, two types of emulsifiers are used in the food industry:

    • E322 - natural soy lecithin, made of vegetable oil;
    • E476 is a polyglycerol obtained from castor prescript.

    E322 is considered safe, therefore, as an antioxidant and thickener, it is added to almost all foods, including children's lures and substitutes of breast milk. In addition, the emulsifier from pure soy lecithin enriches the nutritional ingredients with the fatty acids, the necessary organism.

    Polyglycerol E476 is obtained from the seeds of African Kleschin and a polyhydric alcohol of glycerol. What is this product? A viscous, oil bright yellow substance is a cheaper analogue of lecithin E322 and is used in the process of producing margarine, kabachkaya or eggplant caviar, pate, mayonnaise, ice cream and chocolate.

    Polyglycerol benefits favor or harm? Definitely answer this question is difficult. The fact is that today the generated raw material is most often used in the production of E476. Despite this, in many countries of the world, including in Russia, the additive is considered safe and allowed to be applied.

    From this we can conclude that natural polyglycerol, used in reasonable quantities, harm does not bring, although there is no particular benefit from it. Therefore, perceive the emulsifier as an ordinary food additive - with caution, but without fanaticism.

    Attention. Sometimes there are not E476 on the labels, but PGPR or POLYGLYCEROL POLYRICINOLEATE. Be vigilant and remember - this is the same.

    Soy lecithin in chocolate: harm and benefit

    The present, high-quality chocolate should include a natural stabilizer - cocoa butob oil. Since it is very expensive, many manufacturers replace the valuable substance with a cheaper additive - soy lecithine. Naturally, such a product immediately loses in the nutritional value, although simplicity and the rate of manufacture increases significantly. Increases the shelf life of the final product.

    What benefits and harm can the soy lecithin in chocolate? If we talk about the advantages of such a product, you can note the lower caloric content of the tile, the high content of essential acids and isoflavones. From the disadvantages should be indicated for the possible occurrence of allergies.

    The greater minus of soy chocolate is that the E476 additive is usually used for its manufacture.

    It is possible to distinguish the natural product from the less high-quality with lecithin in appearance, taste and fragility. So, the real tile has a shiny and smooth surface, good breakdast and is distinguished by a saturated, bitter taste. Soy products are inherent in a hasty taste, a pulling consistency and a matte tint.

    Soy lecithin Salgar

    Solgar is one of the oldest and respected food additives. All products of this brand are characterized by cleanliness and high quality. It is not an exception and soy lecithin salgar.

    The product is available in granules and capsules. The latter are made of gelatin and have a rather major size, but, to the surprise of many, swallowed very easily. Capsules usually choose those who do not like the taste of lecithin.

    In the reviews for soy lecithin in the granules, the convenience of use is the additive, you can sprinkle the morning porridge or salad, stirred with warm drink. All buyers note that the granular product from Solgar is the most delicious among lecithins.

    More than 80% of consumers noticed explicit health improvements: memory increased and attention, disappeared to sweet, disappeared in the liver area. Women say that the skin has become softer and moistened, the mood has risen, efficiency recovered. The decrease in climax symptoms is noted.

    Men in the reviews for Lecithin Solkars claim that the product helps to fight obesity, adjusts pressure, improves the work of the cardiovascular system. I am glad and a low price for the additive, as well as the absence of modified DNA.

    Where to buy soy lecithin?

    Today, you can purchase a soybean product in a pharmacy or online store that sells nutritional supplements. True, prices on such resources are most often overestimated, and for quality, it is unlikely that anyone will charge.

    Council. If you want to buy natural soy lecithin from Solgar, guaranteed free from GMO and other harmful impurities, pay attention to the American online store IHERB.

    The site contains only a certified product directly from manufacturers, with not expired shelf life and properly stored. The last moment is very important for the powdered and granular product. In addition, Aherherb has simple and convenient navigation, often conducts various promotions and makes discounts.

    Soy lecithin, made of natural vegetable oil not only useful, but also necessary to maintain health and youth. You can take it with food or in capsules. The last option is preferable because the products are rich in phospholipids contain a huge amount of fat and cholesterol. And do not forget to consult with your doctor - nutritional supplements have contraindications to use.

    All materials on the site site are presented solely for informing information purposes. Before applying any means, consultation with the doctor is obligatory!

    Lecithin translated from Greek - yolk. It was from the yolk for the first time that this component was made. Lecithin is often used in the food industry as an emulsifier and dietary supplement. It is contained in products such as all sorts of chocolates, loaf, cookies, margarine, and many others.

    In addition, it is rich in vitamins and phospholipids, which are actively involved in fat exchange. Lecitin is located in any living organism, man fabrics, animal, birds, fish, and even plants. Most benefits lecithin brings for liver - there are 50% of the component, in the spinal cord - 32%, and in the nervous system only 18%. In addition, the heart contains a lot of lecithin.

    Products may contain both natural lecithin, and it is artificially enriched. Usually such products are not very useful because consist of dyes, preservatives and taste amplifiers.

    In the article, we will analyze such questions as harmful lecithin and benefits, from which they do, where to buy, products with component, allergy symptoms, calorieness, contraindications during pregnancy, weight loss, diet, and many others.

    Soy lecithin is a leaving substance, which is produced in the human body itself, and is found in the following products: sunflower oil and egg yolks, legumes. Such products contain a natural component.

    Often it is used in medicine, in various drugs of Bad, as well as in cosmetology. Its main function is the impact on the exchange and physiological processes of the organism.

    It mainly includes phospholipids. They play the role of the base of cell membranes of any living organism. In addition, they consist of the walls of ribosomes and mitochondria.

    What makes?

    Soy lecithin is obtained at low temperatures from natural and purified soybean oil. In addition to phospholipids, lecithin consists of all sorts of beneficial esters, oils and vitamins. But it is worth distinguishing natural lecithin from artificial, which is common in the food industry as an emulsifier and is rich in impurities and harmful substances. So, if the natural component is able to split fats, artificial only adds calories!

    The benefits of soybean lecithin

    How is the product useful? In the body you always need to maintain a certain level of lecithin. It is important that it is average, since the disadvantage or excess can strongly affect the further health of the body.

    Consider useful properties:

    1. First of all, natural lecithin affects the transmission of nerve pulses, since it contains the substance necessary for the body as inositol and the presence of phosphatidylcholine. In addition, the content of these components allows to protect the blood vessels and a gallbladder from elevated cholesterol.
    2. The next interesting property will be his ability to split fats. Recall that the substance will benefit only in natural and purified form. Therefore, it takes out of the body only an excess fat that interferes with maintaining a normal level, while cosmetic drugs and medicines are removed from the body all fat, even necessary.
    3. It affects the kidney stones. The component in natural form acts as a choleretic agent, not allowing to form in the bustling bubble to stones. In addition, due to lecithine, vitamins and minerals are quickly absorbed by the body. Also, it is often used in the manufacture of cosmetics, since it contains elements that do not allow to grow skin.
    4. It is especially useful for the elderly and athletes who lack it in the body.
    5. In addition, lecithin protects the lungs from oncological neoplasms. The amino acids contained in the substance will stimulate the immune system, protecting the organism from viruses. In addition, the body will be enriched with polyvitamins and minerals, the intestinal function is restored.

    Why is it harmful?

    We looked at the useful properties of a component of soybean oil. Now, many may have a question: why is it harmful, once in it so many useful substances? Let's start with the fact that lecithin is harmful only in artificial form and products with its presence, in natural form its harm is minimized.

    Often lecithin in large quantities are added to chocolates, mayonnaise, and candy. With these products, you need to do it extremely carefully so that there are no risks of all kinds of diseases.

    In addition, there is a lecithin intolerance and allergies. These ailments can be both genetically predisposed and purchased, if, for example, you purchased a low-quality or product with an expiratory expiry date.

    Contraindications have women during pregnancy.

    Symptoms of allergy on soy lecithin

    Allergic reaction may accompany the following symptoms:

    1. Insomnia.
    2. Discomfort in the intestinal area.
    3. Memory disorder.

    In addition, due to intolerance, there may be intoxicating the organism, disorders of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as irritation of the mucous membranes.

    Lecitin Children

    The child soy lecithin will benefit, because it contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals.


    As we have already written, contraindications have women during pregnancy. During pregnancy, it is worth limiting the use of products with artificial adding component. Also, contraindications have people with elevated cholesterol.

    Where can one buy?

    Many people who are going to stick to diet are interested in where to buy a drug? It can be purchased in Internet pharmacies, as well as it is sold on special counters in stores.


    The calorie content of soy lecithin is quite high - as much as 913 calories per 100 grams. But the beneficial substances contained in the component explain it.

    Granulated lecithin, as a medical preparation can be included in the ration for fat burning, or with a lack of component in the body, in the capsule, its calorie content is low. In this case, it is necessary to take capsules once a day, while drinking food, drinking water.

    Some believe that the calorie content of the substance does not allow to stick to the diet, but it is not. As we said, Lecithin splits and burns fats, and with the right approach and inclusion in the diet, the result will not make himself wait!

    Is it easy to straw?

    Many believe that they get fat from lecithin. In fact, natural products with its content are not so calorie, so if you use them in normal quantities, it is almost impossible to recover.

    Diet and slimming

    Diet and weight loss with lecithin is possible. Despite its caloric content, the component contains many properties and elements that can fight extensive fat. But it is important to remember that it affects only excess fat, that is, if you do not have overweight, the drug will not help.

    Products that include soy lecithin are rich in full protein and other active biological elements.

    During the observance, the presence of these substances, and especially the protein, will help not lose muscle mass, and biologically active substances will significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

    Include products containing natural lecithin, namely: lean meat, fresh juices from vegetables and fruits, low-fat fish, dried fruits and cereals.

    It is necessary to exclude from the diet all sorts of food, roasted, smoked, and fast food.

    Remember that a diet with the adoption of capsules with soy lecithin will significantly increase the chances of weight loss. But take the drug excluded during pregnancy.

    A good result and weight loss will give a diet on soybean milk. Its caloric content is quite low-) 54 calories per 100 ml. FIRST, it is important to exclude from the diet of a piece and baking, roasted varieties of fish and meat.

    Sample menu

    Breakfast: Toasts from black bread, a glass of soy milk

    Afternoon person: a glass of soy milk;

    Lunch: Potato mashed potatoes on soybean milk;

    Afternoon person: prune, 5 pcs;

    Dinner: Freshly squeezed apple juice, a piece of cheese.

    Contraindications: during pregnancy should not stick to this diet.

    Such a diet will make rid of 5 kilograms if you stick to her week.

    Food industry Already several decades It is not necessary without various additives that help improve the product for the buyer: save the color, give the fragrance, bring to a certain consistency, extend the shelf life.

    E476 (soy lecithin) refers just to categories Which are used to thicken and impress the viscosity to the product.

    This substance is obtained from plant products, but this supplement is still far from useful for human health.

    What does the legislation say?

    Cocoa butter, as you know, a very expensive product, so it can be successfully replaced by soy lecithine with success in chocolate, thus reducing the cost of manufacturing the product.

    Manufacturers at the expense of this sometimes Even doing yourself In a positive way: they argue that they care about the health of the population, reducing the content of fats in chocolate and making it more useful.

    Harm and benefit

    To confirm or eliminate The negative effect of soy lecithin on human health was carried out several different studies, during which they proved that E476 is not an allergen and does not leave toxic products in the process of processing the stomach.

    Emulsifier Soy Lecithin E476 and its influence on the body: harm and benefit. Some data indicate that with excessive use of industrial Foods with soy lecithin content, an increase in kidneys and liver is observed.

    Harm can be concluded in the negative impact on the metabolism.

    However, Lecithin is irreplaceable in the human body: it contributes to regeneration processes, helps to keep immunity at the proper level, develops a cerebral bark.

    The use of lecithin is necessary For quick and proper development.

    But this does not apply to lecithine, obtained by artificially: such as the E476 additive.

    In addition, gennomified products (GMOs), which were grown, but are prohibited for sale in a country, in most cases they are sent to the manufacture of soy lecithin, and this leads to the idea that the food additive E 476 can apply harm.

    Is the soy lecithin harmful in chocolate harmful and is there any benefit from him?

    To answer this question, we turn to the next list.

    1. Chocolate and chocolate oils/ paste;
    2. Margarine, spread and vegetable;
    3. Mayonnaise,