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  • Where to put the wormwood near what vegetables. Entidence of the essence in humans: signs how to get rid of

    Where to put the wormwood near what vegetables. Entidence of the essence in humans: signs how to get rid of

    Kira Tsekolova

    Magic rituals and rites have long been carried out to improve life. To enhance the sorcerer effect, plant ingredients are used. Wormwood in magic is a popular grass, it is famous for protective properties, it is used to receive answers and attract the highest strength to their side.

    Description of grass

    Wormwood - famous perennial plant. Another name is Artemisia, which means "healthy".

    Our ancestors used magic grass in different purposes:

    • cooked therapeutic decoctions;
    • hung to protect housing;
    • worn with them as a guard;
    • conducted the rites with its participation to obtain the desired one.

    There are more than 400 varieties of the mysterious plant, the most popular and effective in magic is bitterly wormwood.

    Finding the grass is easy, it is enough to learn Description:

    • height - up to 1.5 m;
    • straight stem;
    • the foliage resembles a parsley and decreases to the top, has a silver fluffy flaw;
    • flowers are like yellow tubes collected in the sphere.

    It is distinguished by the smell and taste with hike notes. She is attributed to the dopeful effect, which explains the use of grass in magic. Magic properties of bitter wormwood are activated as much as possible at a decreasing moon.

    Protection against neurience

    The grass still in ancient times was used as a charm from evil forces:

    1. Most of all, her water evil is afraid. Washing beam hanging on a room in a Russian week allows not afraid of visiting mythical beings. The entrances to the house are guarded by fires located around the perimeter of the dwelling, they throw several branches of the plant.
    2. The grass will help to move off not only water evil, but also ordinary spirits, elves, demons. Spreads are hiding in secluded places, hang over the door and windows. Such protection will not give evil creatures to settle indoors or take possession of the soul of the tenant.

    Cleaning housing

    There are rituals that purify the house from the negative. Women climb the plant in a broom, they sweat si from the room. A simple rite allows you to update the energy of the housing. The branch of the grass is set and emphasized every corner of space, quietly reading a plot:

    "As smoke from my house leaves and troubles, diseases, failures - also go."

    A decoction from the plant periodically washed mirrors, which accumulate negative energy.

    In fortune telling

    The most famous way to use wormwood is a walling in a wreath on Ivan Kupala. Magic herbs add to it:

    • cornflowers;
    • pepper mint;
    • chamomile;
    • lovers;
    • hop.

    The unmarried girls send beams of wormwood sailing along the river, and then determine the value of the result:

    1. The drowned herbs are fading celibacy.
    2. If the plants broke out, the wreath sailed back - married not this year.
    3. Herbs floated far away - the ambulance wedding.

    Kupal wreaths adorning scarecrow, hang over the threshold, which promises to protect against quarrels and failures. The threshold is sprinkled with salt. If the charm fell, this is a sign of an attempt to guide the curse on the family.

    Grass, stitched into the pillow, gives answers to disturbing questions, allows you to see the future in a dream.

    Charm from damage and ailments

    The properties of the mysterious plant make it possible to escape from magical intervention:

    • the beam of grass is always carrying with them to protect against the evil eye;
    • travelers take a twig on the road, which promises a quick return home in full health;
    • the plant hung on the rear mirror is guarding the driver from accidents;
    • the twig in the wallet will help protect against thieves;
    • wormwood in shoes gives strength and relieves injuries.

    Grass use both therapeutic agent:

    1. Applying fresh leaves to the wound will help her to heal faster.
    2. With headaches, the plant is kept at the temples.
    3. Grass chew to cure the stomach.
    4. Adding leaves in food will help to cope with depression, relieve pain and inflammation.

    Attracting luck

    The grass has not only cleansing or guarding properties:

    1. Covers covered with smoke wormwood attracts material well-being.
    2. Periodic bathing bath with herbs makes it possible to gain confidence.

    The plant helps the girls to shim the lover. Before committing a ritual prepare:

    • image of a guy or an object that he often uses;
    • bunch of grass;
    • matches;
    • three aspen chips;
    • red thread.

    The rite is performed on a growing moon. The plant is associated with a rope. The girl comes to the cemetery, looking for the burial of the deceased, whose name coincides with the name of his beloved. Decuting all the ingredients on the grave, gadgetting whispers:

    "Wormwood, it is not for mine, but to the body and soul (name), be his body, his soul ..."

    Slobs she set on fire, smoke envelops the remaining ritual items and read three times:

    "... In this grave, the deceased lies, nassed by the name (name), knew the human desires, was in the midst of those desires and love, and so far she burns, never dresses. This love will go from the breast of the deceased (name), in the heart of the living (name) will come through the same name. As you do not stand out of the coffin, and the heart (name) will not cease with love for me.

    Osin's remnants The girl drives into the ground in the graveyard. At that moment she sentences:

    "Three from aspen and one love (name)."

    A photo of a guy and a bunch of herbs is hiding in a secluded place at home.

    Magic power of wormwood - Get rid of diseases and problems

    # Magic herbs # wormwood in black magic

    Magic properties of plaintis

    Definition of treason

    Magic properties of wormwood will help wives to determine the loyalty of the beloved. The ritual is performed during cooking. Woman stirring dish, pronounces:

    "Treason, like a bitter cauldron, if you are wrong, you don't eat more sweet, tasty."

    During dinner, the result of the husband's reaction is obtained. If he is tasteless and bitterly treason. In this case, we recommend bringing the beloved to the conversation.


    Halfweight Gorky is a guard from unclean forces, it will help to find love and learn the truth. The plant will cure the ailments, will answer exciting questions. The use of grass will not bring trouble, fill life with excellent aroma and bright emotions.

    A modest and imperceptible grass - wormwood is often considered as a weed, which usually grows on wasteland, in abandoned houses and in landfills. However, the healing properties of wormwood appreciated and used in many sacred practices throughout history from North America, Eurasia and Europe to China and Japan. Wormwood was read throughout the northern hemisphere.

    History and folklore

    The wormwood is associated with Moon and Artemida. Even another name of the wormwood is said about this, Artemisia (Artemisia Vulgaris), which indicates a close connection with Artemida - the Greek goddess of the Moon, the patroness of young girls, children, helping women in childbirth.

    Halfwill ancient times used in rites related to healing, restoration and maintenance of health, cleaning space, as well as fortune telling.

    In the Scandinian mythology, wormwood tied with the God of Torjo and the holiday of the summer solstice. Tor worn a protective belt from the wormwood that defended him from all dangers in travel.

    In pre-Christian times, it was customary to wear such a belt from the wormwood during the dance at the fire in the night of the solstice. At the end of the night, he was solemnly burned in the holy flame of the fire, it was believed that thus wormwood defended evil for another one another year.

    In addition to protecting the Thor used wormwood for restoring and removing the fatigue of the feet after a long walk. There are evidence that hobbles and substructions for centuries used herbs. They tied to wormwood around the legs to facilitate the gait, or took a foot bath from the brave broth after a long labor day spent to relieve fatigue.

    Fastening the twigs of the wormwood over the doors was considered the powerful protection of the house from evil forces.

    In France, wormwood was called "Avangard-robe", as it was used to protect against moths in the wardrobes. Before the use of hops, wormwood was used to make herbal drinks such as El².

    Therapeutic properties of wormwood

    Wormwood has wonderful healing properties. Healers described the properties of wormwood as hot due to the presence of inland fire in it.

    Ancient Lekari used her if a person lacked the inner fire: for kidney diseases, with poor digestion, with a constant cold in her legs and hands, like a coating agent.

    Wormwood is also an excellent tonic for a digestive system that gently stimulates (and heats up) digestive processes. Nevertheless, it should be avoided during acute inflammatory diseases.

    The greatest therapeutic dignity of wormwood in maintaining the health and healing of the female reproductive system. It can relieve menstrual pains, convulsions and restore the impairment of the menstrual cycle.

    It should be noted that it should be avoided during pregnancy, with the exception of the last stage. In the old days, wormwood put on the uterus after childbirth to alleviate the pain. She helped expel the placenta. Nevertheless, it cannot be used with breastfeeding, as milk can become bitter. Wormwood also helps women during menopause.

    Attention!!!Using infusion of the wormwood with pregnant women is extremely dangerous due to the content of Tuion's wormwood. This can lead to fatal outcome. Do not use this grass with acute inflammatory diseases. Avoid it if you have allergies to the plants of the Astrov family.

    Another ancient and documented method of use, although it has long forgotten it is a treatment of epilepsy. Recent Chinese studies discovered some very interesting antimalarial properties of wormwood.

    Attention! Wormwood is not a panacea, before use you should consult with a specialist.

    In the Anglo-Saxon Britain, the priests used wormwood for the treatment of people who fell victims of "Fay's shots". This term was used when people ill ill-known disease. It was believed that such a disease was caused by subtle invisible forces - "invisible arrows of fairies."

    In the ancient hospital Balda (Bald's LeechBook - English manuscript, containing various treatment instructions) dated to the 9th century, it is recommended to use wormwood to get rid of evaporation by evil spirits, in the recipe it is recommended to heat the stone in the fireplace and splashing the infusion of wormwood on it, and the patient must inhale This couple.

    Magic properties of wormwood

    The rationalization of incense from wormwood is used to enhance intuition and clairvoyance, to increase the clarity of dreams, are used to enhance trance and domestic travel (shamanic travel). The smell of wormwood increases mental and intuitive abilities, eliminates depression.

    In some magical traditions, wormwood was used during fortunes - the place where the fortune telling was carried out, fured out incense and wormwood. Also, wormwood was used to execute desires in a ritual bath, splashing infusion on hot stones.

    Other applications wormwood:

    • The Indians were stuffed to protect against ghosts.
    • From the wormwood made necklaces and wore on themselves.
    • Used wormwood for bath or in bath rituals. Bitter smell of wormwood stimulates creative centers of the brain and allows you to get rid of depression.
    • The extract of the wormwood was added to the home soap, it was believed that after that it begins to have a cleansing and antibacterial effect.
    • Wormwood put under the pillow to prevent astral attacks or neutralize mental attacks of those who bring harm.
    • From the garden, the wormwood was grown to attract fairies.
    • Wormwood oil is added to floor washing - it will protect your home and property.
    • Also, wormwood was used as the basis for the "Magic Brooms" - the twigs of wormwood were inserted into the broom, heated by such a broom floor, people defended their home from negative energies.
    • To get bright or prophetic dreams have long been using a special pillow with a dry wormwood.
    • Wormwood is well used together with moonstone, which also increases intuitive and mental abilities.

    Complete assembly and description: Prayer exile of entities for the spiritual life of a believer man.

    Prayer from demons can protect a person who has become a victim of unclean strength. If you are demons, an unclean force lives in your home or you suspect that demons settled inside you, expelled the dark forces of prayer are described below.

    In what cases is read prayer from demons

    Despite the fact that modern man surrounds an equally modern world, in which there is almost no place for legends and old legends, demons still exist. They can be a person, live in his house and even take his body.

    There are no obstacles for demons. They will not stop neither thick walls or reliable door locks. Stop evil spirits and drive it back to hell can only prayer from demons. Prayer is capable of protecting from any evil and unclean power. It is not by chance that the latter cannot be in places where prayers are often audible. It is believed that in churches and monasteries it does not happen. However, cases like the struggle of Padre Pio with Satan in their own cell, as well as many believe in the existence of a church demon, but this is a separate topic for conversation.

    In order to expel unclean power from the house, you should be stockpile with holy water, icon and church candles. Kroprop wall, windows, doors and corners of holy water, blaming them with candles, and the icon carry with you during this process. Also suitable church incense, which can be fed up the room. Afraid of unclean strength and smoke wormwood. While you are engaged in this cleansing of the dwelling, you should read any of the prayers that are expelled demons. They are shown below.

    If you met the unclean power, keep in mind that it is capable not only to scare, but also seriously harm you. Demons are capable of much, and a meeting with them can end up both light fright and fatal outcome. Knowing people often recommend wearing prayers against demons with them recorded on a piece of paper. You can learn one of the following texts by heart, but many simply lose the ability to clearly figure out when meeting with a real unclean force. Where can I meet it? Almost anywhere, for example, in a deserted place on the street, usually in the dark.

    By the way, if you managed to see the devils or other unclean entities, most likely, they wished it - the evil loves to frighten people. Perhaps you have the descent of clairvoyance and are able to see more than other people. In any case, do not watch the horned figures too carefully, read the prayer from demons and believe that she will save you.

    Obsession - Separate and extremely difficult case. There are several options for getting rid of this problem - the expulsion of demons from themselves, holding the owned rite for another person or getting help in the church, which has its own nuances.

    What needs to read prayers against demons

    So how to get rid of demons if they have not yet settled in a person? The following prayers are read during the expulsion of demons from the house or at a random meeting with the unclean forces to protect against OI. By the way, apartments often become housing for her, especially those in which murders or suicide happened. He loves the extinction of also houses of winds of alcoholics and drug addicts, apartments in which they often scandals and sin in other ways. If you got housing with otherworldly tenants, you should be expelled. The evil will push to suicide, drunkenness, scandals. There will be no quiet life with such neighbors.

    One of the prayers expelled demons is "our own." It can be read in any situations, it is universal. Also for protecting and expulsing the unclean can be read "God will resurrect", Jesus prayer, prayer to the guardian angel, prayer to St. Cyprian And many other sacred texts that are able to protect against unclean. There are also little-known, but very strong prayers, directed precisely to defense against unclean.

    Prayer for the guardian angel from demons and other representatives of the ad hell

    Special prayer for protection against any unclean power

    Prayer from goat demons and devils

    These prayers can be read at any time, anywhere when you need protection. During the sprinkling or dipping housing, they can also be read. Their main purpose is to run out of unclean power, do not give her to scare a believer, not to cause harm to which she is capable.

    How to drive a demon of yourself

    It is known that priests are usually engaged with the expulsion of demons, and for this they should receive permission from the church diocese. But with the help of special prayers, the expulsion of demons from a person becomes real and at home. In any case, they will not be able to harm, and if you don't get a dark entity, you can repeat the rite, ask for help from another person - it is believed to read someone easier than yourself, you can also contact the church.

    By the way, about the Church - the demon who sees inside the man may not give him to cross the threshold of the temple, because such essences are serious discomfort in holy places. During reading the expensive prayer demons, you must be alone - otherwise the essence can admit to another person, coming out of you. The mandatory presence of icons, candles or incense is not required, but the native cross is worth it.

    So how to drive a demon of yourself? This prayer is read during the manifestation of the activity of the unclean power sitting in you. If you have enough will to understand that drinking alcohol, to show aggression or engage in other obscene affairs you make you, read this text:

    You need to read prayer until it takes up. During reading, you will feel the resistance of the dark essence that took your body, but the power of will and faith to help the Lord are able to get rid of demons, demons and devils. You can also read also prayer to Saint Seraphim SarovShe helps well from the unclean, from the dark witchcraft. After the expulsion of dark entities, it is necessary to put protection, but be sure to Orthodox, with the help of prayers.

    Prayers for expulsion of demons from another person

    How to drive a demon of myself quite understandable - to stay alone, wait for his manifestation and read prayer until it becomes easier. But not everyone has enough will of the Will's strength to independently fight with dark forces. Yes, and not every person is capable of exorcism. To do this, you need strong nerves, unbreakable faith to help the Lord and the desire to disinterestedly help your neighbor. The icon of the Savior also will be required, which is confronted before the launched.

    In general, the requirements for an exorcist. He should not have in his date of birth of zero. He should be older than whom she reports, and the name of the reporting must be different, not like a patient. The exorcist's house should not have a woman who has a monthly, or baby. He must be baptized, to have a native cross and keep the nine-day post before the rite.

    It is impossible to cast out the evil spirits of this deduction on a growing moon, as well as in that week, when there are birthdays, weddings or christening in the family of an exorcist or idle. When reading, it is impossible to be wrong, confused words and stop until you reach the end. This is a very long prayer, but it is considered the strongest. During reading, the launched must sit on the chair in front of the icon. In particularly severe cases, it is tied. It is advisable not to keep near the patient of acute and cutting items, it can have a fit on him, during which people suffering from attacks do not control themselves very well.

    So, the text of prayer from obsession:

    In general, there is a lot of prayers from demons. It is quite real for any situation - from protection against unclean strength that has arisen on your way or in the house, until the direction of the demon sitting inside the man.

    • Fortune telling
    • Consistencies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Sloalth and damage
    • Obragi.
    • Privors
    • Outlines
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantra
    • Creatures I.

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the crust is full. Not for nothing they said: "nicked!". On the winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracy against alcoholism. You can order a prayer for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers about their health.

    Exile essence: from prayers to exorcism

    Probably all of you remember films about exorcism? About how a person is attended by the otherworldly power, intending to create evil and how the exile is essentially. In movies to intimidate, many things are shown exaggerated, including burning or dark eyes of obsessed, roars, tangled shaggy hair, sharp movements, wounded dull skin and so on.

    In fact, the subtlets in the person are more likely to make it ugly internally, and not externally. Externally, a demonic essence manifests itself in acts, evil look. Potentially, a person can really speak not by his voice and pronounce other people's thoughts, can growl, emit strange sounds, but not this is the main thing.

    The main problem of the essence inside is her will dictate to man his behavioral conditions. We all know that evil is concrete actions and specific household situations. The man works with his own hands what is considered to be the misties of the devil. At such moments, people act as if under hypnosis. Many things under the larger of good intentions are essentially managed actions. In a state of fanatical desire to achieve its goals, people forget about love, humanity and life itself.

    All these things are created by demonic energies and are creative by the hands of people. God, like the devil, has no other hands, except for our own. This is true. But blame a person for the fact that there is a demonic subtle in it, and therefore it creates evil, unreasonable. If a person realized what he was doing, he would have coped with him immediately.

    Modern ideas about the essence

    Magic and energy is not compared with quantum physics. In all human spaces, the laws of physics are operating. In addition, new laws and ideas about the world's device are constantly open. All of them reveal the reality of the physical, dense, world, and the laws of the existence of a subtle space.

    Entities are living creatures, they simply exist in unusual form for us. Therefore, many in them do not believe, but they are. In electricity and the sun, too, you can also not believe, but they exist. In emotions, you can also not believe, but they also exist. Modern ideas about the entities went far beyond the limits of myths and legends about UFOs, fantastic creatures and poltergey. These are certain types of creatures arising from vibrations. So, you can compare water and stone: water has another structure and has its own properties and purpose. The same thing happens with entities. At its level, they have certain laws of existence that they lead. Thus, the appearance of the concept of the essence is due to the absence of clear terminology in this area. In essence, there are many energies and phenomena, each of which could be given their interpretation.

    In this article we are talking about those entities that are attached to the subtle bodies of a person and act in its field, bringing damage to its activities, thoughts, emotions, health.

    What is the expulsion of the essence?

    Any entity must exist at the expense of something. Some entities are generated by the egregres - dense spaces of information that grow by attracting new energy. Entities serve as intermediaries, forcing a person to act for the benefit of a particular egregor. When trying to reset the influence of the Egregar and make expulsion of the essence, attempts to keep the victim from which energy will be discussed.

    A typical example is the most powerful egregors of alcoholism and drug addiction (alcoholic and narcotic essences).

    For example, alcoholic essences are not enough that they act on a person like leeches, taking his life forces, but also force him again and again resort to drugs. So the psychological dependence occurs. Many people who are not involved in such egregors, in naughtness, believe that dependent are inventive people, and free from alcoholism and addiction is very simple and is not difficult. However, the case is not at all in the absence of willpower. In certain human situations involves his karma, which strictly obeys the laws of karma (the need to work out certain situations and emotions related to them). The presence of implants (submitted installations and thoughtforms), and the influence of entities that make a person get to run in a circle again. In psychology, it is called stereotypes, templates, try to influence a person with the help of technician and practitioner.

    Partly and this path is effective, except that the work with Egregor should mean not only the dislocation from templates imposed by subtle creatures. It is also necessary to overlap access to these creatures to not be involved in the egregor again. That is why people after the period of remission break up and again begin to use drugs. The same applies to overeating, thrust to sweet.

    Exhalation of essence implies primarily the locking paths of the outflow, along which the egregor consumes human strength. Essences will be in every way to be removed from the body of a person. They all understand perfectly well, they know that they will be expelled. And they will repel a person from any actions related to exorcism. A typical example of how it happens can be traced in situations where a person is offered to engage in its appearance or throw away alcohol. At first, blocks can be observed. A person invents the mass of excuses, blocked from conversations, does not take action. At the same time, uncotted aggression flashes in it, aimed at quarrel with the source of irritation. This is done, of course, not specifically. Simply, the spirits and essences will lead to a person from those who really could help a person. And only if the spirit of man is much stronger than entities, he will be able to force himself to reach those who can provide truly effective assistance and engage in expulsion of the essence.

    How is the expulsion of the essence?

    Specialist (Healer, Magic, Master of Energy Practices) Determines the source of the appearance of the entity associated with problems. Then determines the main components of the essence and eliminates it from the space of thin bodies of man. In general, it is necessary to remove the products of the essence of the essence, so that they do not disturb the person and did not interfere with him to live.

    To remove the essence, the types of development of its manifestations in real life, not enough to just help a person with exile and purification from entities. Any negative situations are attracted to the life of a person if the laws of the Universe fail to comply with them. If a person initially has a violation of these laws (lies, does not try to develop, behaves selfishly, does not try to humble and tolerate and so on), then the corresponding vibrations, situations, thoughts are attracted to these states that choose the person. And there is not far from the appearance of the next subtles.

    The healer who provides magical assistance should indicate a person's mistakes and show him the path of development so that in the future such situations did not repeat and have not been provoked to create problems.

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    Signs of a relative man. How to behave and how to protect yourself from the idle?

    In ordinary life, while it is stable, without incident, we are not thinking about the fact that in parallel with us there is a world of other entities. The main "residents" are angels and demons (demons, devils). Sacred Scripture is rich in descriptions of the impacts on the human souls of the demons. The Bible is called signs of a relative man. Holy Fathers still have imported importance from the Middle Ages. A little angels are known: they are defenders, and we do not need to know about their ways to protect. Demons are serious enemies of human genus, and in order to resist them, it is necessary to study the methods of combating this evil. Christ himself emphasized that they can be expelled only with the help of the post, cross and prayers.

    How did the evil spirit appeared?

    The world of angels existed before the creation of the Creator of the Universe. The most powerful name was Dennica. Once he has been ingenected, rose against God himself and for it he was expelled by the angry Lord from the Angelic World.

    Every Christian knows signs of a relative man: this is aggression, conversation in a stranger voice, the rejection of church values, the ability to levitation, sulfur smell and other. But there are also such signs of the devil's union, which is difficult to recognize.

    To defend himself from an obsessed person, the best advice is not to mess with him, as the launched does not own his own mind. Only church rituals will help to drive out demons.

    How does the devil in man

    Anthony Great argues that humanity itself is to blame for the fact that the demons find people in the souls. These are disembodied creatures that can hide in a person if he accepts their whapatic thoughts, temptations and will. So people agree with the existing evil. The stories of priests about the Devil's University are quite frightening and scary. In his personal experience, they have repeatedly convinced the reality of the actions of the dark strength, so they know all signs of a relative man, can recognize it and try to save the soul. Even a strong prayer does not immediately help get rid of the naked unclean strength.

    So why are the demons have the opportunity to enter a person? Holy Fathers argue that the place is there where sin already lives. The sinful thoughts, an unworthy lifestyle, many defects - the devil is easiest to penetrate into a vicious person.

    Many wonder why God allows it. The answer is simple. In fact, we are endowed with freedom of choice, will. We ourselves must choose whose power to us closer, gentlemen or Satan.

    The priests are divided into two species.

    The first one is subordinating the soul and behaves like a second person inside a person. The second is the enslavement of the will by human various sinful passions. An John Kronstadt, who was obsessed with obsessions, noted that the souls of ordinary demons will master their simplicity and illiteracy. If the Spirit puts into the soul of a person of the educated one, then this is a somewhat different form of possession, and fighting the devil in these cases is pretty difficult.

    Pointed people in church

    There is an approval in the Christian church that the obsession of a person who does not show in everyday life, it goes out, it is worth only to approach the launched to the Church or see the icon and the cross. There have been cases when during worship some people start rushing, throwing, crying, shouting the bogworm speeches, swear. All this is the main signs of a relative man. It is explained by the fact that the demon is trying to protect the soul from the divine influence. The devil intolerant to everything that somehow reminds of faith in God.

    Educated, intelligent people with a demon in the soul seemingly used to take into account the opinion of others, they are measured and degrees, but there is only a conversation with them about religion, all of their respect is coming to no, the face immediately changes, the rage appears. The demon who lives inside cannot step up his essence as soon as it comes to his eternal opponent - God. The way the understeed people in the church behave, only confirms the fact that the demon is trying to avoid the sources of danger and is afraid to be expelled. In fact, this is not people afraid of churches and faith symbols, but an unclean essence in them.

    Obsession can be divided into several signs: In some cases, the demon simply whips the man of nasty, encourages to create obscenity, go against God. Penetrating into the body, the demon can act in harm to other people, causing evil. Having stopped into the body of the dead, the devil in the guise of ghosts noise.

    Physical signs of obsessed demons

    The ministers of the church determined the phenomena pointing to the signs of the launched people. In the treatise "On the demons", Peter Tirsky shows the following points of manifestations of the demon:

    • the voice acquires a terrible demonic timbre;
    • there are any changes in the voice;
    • paralysis of the body or some limbs;
    • incredible manifestation of power for an ordinary person.

    Other researchers demonologies also allocate:

    • a huge abdomen for man;
    • rapid extinction, weight loss, leading to death;
    • levitation;
    • split personality;
    • imitation of animals;
    • obscene behavior, thoughts;
    • automatic letter;
    • smell of sulfur (smell of hell);
    • hula on God, Church, Holy Water, Cross;
    • matching on non-existent language.

    This is not a complete list of signs. Of course, many paragraphs of obsession can be explained by any physical diseases, so, in the Middle Ages, demonstration with the symptoms of epilepsy were often confused. Psyche disorders were issued for promuccous sinful orgies, interactions of animals confused with schizophrenia. In fact, it is really difficult to determine in everyday life, which means a demonic person. Many character traits, stereotypes of behavior, licentiousness, ignorance - all this is reminiscent of the launches.

    Exile demon

    Traditional "treatment" from obsession is the expulsion of a demon from the body. Excorcism rites are committed by clergy, who read special prayers, fuminate incense, carry out minor formation. Most often, when conducting a rite, people are strongly resisting, even faint. The priest should not be one, he necessarily needs helpers - other representatives of the Church. Modern doctors and psychologists do not believe in such rites and argue that these are just mentally ill people. Then how to explain that such attacks occur solely during church intervention and after the rite is made, people feel significant relief? There are no answers to these questions.

    You can drive the demons with sincere faith, prayer and post. Before the expulsion process, you need to come and confess. The defibration can make a monk-prayer room who did not know the sin and carnal joy. The key point is a strict post. The unprepared soul itself cope with the expulsion of demons will not be able. Prayer may not work, and the result can be unpredictable. The certificate will be kept by a monk who received instructions from elder spiritual brethren, it is endowed with Divine Protection and a special force that will help cope with demons. Readable prayer is called exorcist. After its multiple pronunciation, signs of obsessive people confirming the presence of hellish forces disappear.

    In the expulsion of the devil, the prayer should sound from the mouth sincerely believer, magic is strictly excluded. The people involved in occultism, in 90% of cases become obsessed with demons.

    Prayer protection against unclean strength

    The unclean power with ease can attack us, put up at home, to build a goat, make a person obsessed. In Orthodoxy, there are many prayers that help protect against the attacks of unclean power. The most famous are the prayer of Seraphim Sarovsky, the Prayer of the elder Panixophia Athos "from the attack of demons", St. Gregory Miracle, and, of course, prayer to Jesus Christ.

    Orthodox believers know that the text of the protective prayer should always be worn with them, because at an hour of ragged unclean strength there is always a chance to get under its influence. To meet at any time on the way there may be a demonic person, what to do in this case? Save the prayer word.

    Many memorize the text of the prayer by heart. But in stressful situations, a person is usually lost and forgets everything in the world, so it is better to always have protection with you. You can give yourself confidence in a difficult situation by reading the text of prayer from the sheet. It is very important to comply with some rules:

    • The text of the prayer is always with you. Style and Old Slavonic words to reinstate and fake under the modern language should not be, it can reduce the strength of the nasty eyelids.
    • The text must be accepted independently, the online listening is not suitable here, the emotional component and sincerity of the pronounced phrases is important.
    • When reading the prayer, you must be protected by a cross, a sample. Unfortunate demonic unfortunates can easily penetrate into unprotected lost souls and reduce the words of prayer for no.

    Whether your vital energy and your home. For example, the devices are harder to penetrate the house, consecrated by the father.

    Obsession from a scientific point of view

    What does official science speak about demonless science? Scientists call the obsession with a mental illness, the name of which is as-memona. It is believed that the addicted people, open, impressionable or, on the contrary, passive, most often suffer from the seizures. In most of them, they are influenced by. Sigmund Freud called Caudo-demonstration neurosis. According to him, a person himself comes up with a demon who suppresses his desire. So what is obsession - a curse or illness? Scientists explain signs of informability of various diseases, but it is worth noting that often medical methods are not able to remove the problem.

    • Obsession explains epilepsy. With the loss of consciousness during convulsions, a person is able to sense contacts with the intangible world.
    • Depression, euphoria, sharp mood swings are characteristic of affective bipolar disorder.
    • Confused with obsession and turret syndrome. Due to the upset nervous system, nervous ticks begin.
    • It is known in psychology a disease, accompanied by the splitting of the person, when in one body there are several personalities showing themselves in different periods.
    • Schizophrenia is also compared with obsession. Halucinations occur in the patient, problems with speech begin, delusional ideas appear.

    If a unclean essence is instilled in a person, this is reflected in his appearance. How to recognize a random person listed in the article above. Also, this can be supplemented that the eye color changes, they become muddy, although the vision remains the same. The skin color may also change, it becomes darker - this sign is very dangerous.

    Real cases of obsession

    There are stories of obsession of people demons, which are fixed and confirmed documented. Here are just some of them.

    Clara Herman is a target. History from South America. Clara's girl aged 16 informed the priest to confession, which feels the presence of a demon. The story occurred in 1906. Her words were first not believed, as it was not easy to identify a bad man. But her condition became worse every day. There are documentary evidence of people in whom it is said that the girl inadequately behaved and talked to other people's voices. The ritual of exorcism was carried out over it within two days, which was saved.

    Roland Dow. The history of this boy occurred in 1949. His aunt died. After some time, Roland tried to contact her with the help of a spiritual session, but incredible things began to occur around: the cries were heard, the crucifixions were shaking, the items flew and so on. The priest seen the invited to the house, objects fall and fly. At the same time, the boy's body covered various symbols. To expel an evil spirit, it took 30 sessions. More than 14 sources confirm the fact that the bed with a sick boy flew around the room.

    History Emily Rose

    Especially I would like to note the case with the Annalye Michel. This is the most vivid example of a man's informability. The girl became a prototype Emily Rose in a famous film.

    When the girl was 17 years old, her life became a nightmare. Among the night, paralysis attacked her, it was impossible to breathe. Doctors have been diagnosed: Grand seizures small or epileptic cramps. After Annalize was placed in a mental clinic, it was only aggravated by it. Medical treatment has not brought any relief. It was constantly a demon and spoke about the curse. She began to develop the deepest depression. A year later, in 1970, the girl was discharged from the hospital. She herself appealed to the church and asked to hold the rite of exorcism, arguing that the devil was put into the body. Church ministers know how to understand that a man is lackless, but they refused to help her and advised her to pray more. The girl began to behave more inadequate. She bites his family members, ate flies and spiders, copied dogs, applied injuries, destroyed icons. It continued for five years. Relatives with difficulty persuaded the clergy for the rite of exorcism. The rite began in 1975 and ended only in 1976, he was held twice a week. From her body expelled a great many unclean strength, but her health deteriorated, she could neither drink nor. As a result, the girl died in a dream. According to her, Deva Maria came to her before death and suggested her the option of salvation - to leave his body, which was enslaved demons.

    How to behave with a relative man

    If suddenly, you have to find signs of badness, it is important not to get lost at this moment, try to create conditions so that the person does not harm or others. There are several tips, how to protect yourself from a bad man:

    • It is not necessary to provoke a random person to the attack of aggression, as he is not able to respond to his own actions. Considerate it and control the situation.
    • Feed obsessed in movements. Put or put on the bed. Watch that he could not harm himself.
  • Silshka in wormwood special: antidelemonic, but now it is extremely rarely used. In addition to others, the grass wormwood drives out the evil spirits of water origin. The smell of this grass can be expelled from the house almost any evil. There are other magical properties of wormwood - they will go about them further.

    Holly grass - many forgotten plant, traditional for Slavic magic

    When collecting grass wormwood: On a decreasing moon

    It grows by wormwood slowly and poorly grows out of seeds, so when you cut this grass, try not to cut it under the root. Cut only the top - its buds have the greatest force of this plant.

    The properties of the wormwood are able to restore our harmony with nature, and at a strong concentration of its smoke susceptible people can begin to see the creatures of the subtle world - this is the second reason for such a rare application of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts. The wormwood loses part of its strength in aqueous infusion, and in taste it is very bitter, therefore it is used in the form of smoking.

    Folk Names: Pelyn, wormicles, linen, vermouth.

    Using grass wormwood in a burn

    Many magic weeds are used in healing, in decoction and infused. The grass is worried more famous in the burning, the decoctions from it are almost not prepared. How do the magic properties of wormwood?

    1. Wanderers, going to the far road, took a sprig of wormwood with them, as she saved from the evil eye.

    2. Kohl wormwood in shoes, then man becomes tireless and fast on the go.

    3. On the belt wear a bag with dry wormwood, to protect against damage.

    4. Nowadays, in order to avoid autoavary, holly grass bag can be hung on the rearview mirror.

    5. For expulsion of the unclean, the beam of the wormwood must be hung in the house (in the bedroom, corridor).

    6. Wreath of wormwood, who adorned all night near the fire, the scarecrow jackets so that quarrels and misfortunes would go around, hanging in the house above the door to protect.

    7. Wormworked on themselves, protects against lightning, damage, evil spirits.

    8. It is madly afraid of mermaids, and in the Russian week to protect against their goat wormwood, they saw in homes, and near the houses burned fires with the addition of grass. The smell of this plant is able to drive out of the house almost any evil.

    9. Random wreaths from wormwood always spilled on the night of Ivan Kapahu. They wondered about the future fate. It was considered very bad, if such a wreath fell or burst out - it spoke about the action on the family of evil witchcraft.

    10. The wormwood is used to enjoy housing or a sick household, since the wormwood is perfectly expelled evil, including the Kalviv and sister-de-land, who were considered the cause of diseases in ancient.

    11. Also, the decoction is added to the water, which the floor was washed to destroy harmful microbes indoors.

    We, following the traditions of northern magic, we use it in rites for the development of magical abilities and spirituality, on health, freedom from fearful habits, for cleaning people and houses, protection of people and houses from misfortunes. Wormwood will give strength and protection during rites, it will help bodily spiritual forces to get, every evil will scare and drive.

    For a burning, use the dried "fiery" force dried wormwood, where to buy it? For example, in the magical
    Now you can buy such a thing about us:

    Today we will talk about plants in the rituals of magic. Estari in witchcraft are widely used flowers and herbs. Mages, using their properties, make rites aimed at protecting and positive, and rituals of destructive purposes. What could be damage through the plants, and how can I damage with colors? There is a powerful ritual called the growing spill. He is not for newcomers, but I, Magic, Sergey Artgrom introduce you to him. Also, let's talk about the grains of damaging. And in particular, about the useful magic properties, it would seem like a simple grass, like wormwood.

    Grass wormwood from the evil eye and energy negativity

    The usual grass was applied and, of course, applied to this day, for a variety of witchcraft purposes. It is used to call and retain dark spirits, to protect against curse and black witchcraft. This grass can be found in the compositions of amulets to protect against the evil eye, damage and negative, hostile to you configured.

    Holly grass serves as a guard for children, mothers and father. Read more about the magic properties of wormwood, as the guard from the evil eye and damage, I will tell Sergey Artgrom a little later. And now O. Magic effects through the flower, that this is generally such a growing damage.

    How can damage on colors and herbs - growing damage

    Growing damage is an old rite based on natural laws. Any impacts associated with the dark energy of demons are measured. The black damage made by the power of the world is held longer, but also once the strength of the specified program weakens. But, in the growing spider, the algorithm of natural reproduction is taken as the basis - natural, powerful and irreversible. In this principle, work as strong Pulling on flowers and grassand protection. These rites are accumulated by centuries.

    Growing is one of the most dangerous varieties of human health.

    It is hard to clean, and, moreover, it has a property to recover. Sometimes it is called "weed." Independently make damage through the seeds of grass. It justifies such an impact. The only time the sorcerer's hand on a decreasing moon will take the seed, the only time during the full moon will fall out the weed seedlings with a conspiracy, with the words of Witchcraft, and will made damage with colors and witching herbs.

    The object of exposure will begin to change life. If the damned was rich, it will be a nic. If I had a sharp mind, it will become weak. If he possessed heroic health, he learns what painful. If it was lucky and successful, it will become an outsider. By blood, this black damage passes to other generations. He grows in the field of grass in the year, and the descendants of the one who was originally Her victim suffers from the black damage.

    The sorcerer to make damping through the flower and the grass, not just throws the seeds, and not what it fell. Seeds are taken depending on the task. They are soaked with the bindings of the victim, planting in the ground, watered, care. Then grown, strengthened, severe seedlings, charged with black energy damage, plant closer to the enemy. If, thus, personal witchcraft protection is done, the magician landing the grass from the evil eye and damage near his house. But, there are also conspiracy read.

    In the same way, you can make damping on the room flowers, and give a flower in a pot to your abuser. We must know which seeds to take into work. Since the grass is rosy. If health is cursed, seeds of poisonous plants are suitable, such as Borshevik, Boligols.

    To ruin the enemy and bring disasters, the seeds of the Swan would be good to take. Feedyman is suitable, as well as seeds of ambrosia with a hasty. This grass is incredibly a surcharge, she is not afraid of any droughts, no frost, it is a commonly common, indestructible weed. Thus, the damage itself renews itself, and after removing it grows and manifests itself again and again.

    Seeds for damage take on a decreasing moon or full moon. Soaking seeds of colors, they are spoken. Conspiracy read different, in accordance with the meaning and task of damage. And read the water. Water saves information, and will transmit her herbs to her spacins. The victim's bindings are put on the water to attach a powerful damage to flowers and herbs. On the day, which will choose a magician, he places sprouts into the ground. And at this stage, when transplanting plants, land is added, taken from special places.
    So, if the damage is damaged by disease, with a plot take the land in the hospital, for example, at the oncological clinic. If the magic is set to make damping on colors, and suggest such damage to the disasters, on madness or death, then the land is added from the cemetery crossroads or from the place of massacres. For land taken from such places, they pay - they give a blood sacrificial spill. And part of the sacrificial blood together with the Earth - in the same soil, along with a plant that bears horror, illness and destruction.

    Thus, through the Earth there is a binding of the spirits of an extreme, dangerous place, the place of power. And in the same soil along with weed - binding an object. According to this algorithm and the principle of operation, you can bring growing damage to indoor flowers as a gift to the enemy. Such things are not for beginners, that's what you need to understand! Newbie with such a thing will not cope, definitely hurt and everything. If we are talking about protective resources described by me, Magm Sergey Artgrom "Growing" method, then take such grass, like St. John's wort, Basil, Eugene, Verbena, nine.

    What colors help from the evil eye - plants of protection against negative energies

    Each plant has a unique energy. If the energy of some plants is good for the guidance of disease and destroy, then other plants stand up for human protection.

    About domestic flowers protecting from the evil eye and energy negativity.

    • Cactus. Standing at the entrance door, cactus wakes up the house from damage, robes, envious leaders. This plant protects the house and its inhabitants from the evil eye, blocking the negative, not allowing it to penetrate and spread to the dwelling.
    • Tradesska. This unpretentious plant rings and imaginary friends will protect you from evil languages \u200b\u200band malicious intent. In addition, the tradeskania cleans and updates the energy of the house. This is best flower from Slima Keep in the kitchen or in the living room.
    • Geranium. One of the strongest faces from the evil eye and ritual damage. Neutralizes negative impacts aimed at home and family. In general, from the evil eye you can save any room flower, blooming with red flowers.
    • Roses.Create an atmosphere of well-being and love. Roses have a strong energy, this is a very useful functional flower from the evil eye and damage. But, beautiful roses have spikes - a formidable weapon against evil words and malicious actions of ill-wishers.
    • Ficus. It is recommended to have at home - this is a plant from the evil eye. It neutralizes adverse radiation, cleans the aura of the house.

    All plants are sensitive to energies - negative and positive. Can the indoor plant can protect a person from the evil eye and damage? Of course, maybe, otherwise, what would the magic of plants, existing already many centuries already?

    ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

    Removing damage with magic herbs

    In the rituals of witchcraft there are many effective ceremonies of cleaning that are widely used magicians. Predated in rustic witchcraft are used plants from the evil eye and damage. And, I must say with great efficiency. But all the cleaning is so individual that each practitioner Magu has to pick up its methods.

    It is necessary to take into account the nature of the negative, the properties of the nature and energy of the client with which the negative is removed. And many more nuances. I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I use different rituals of human purification from the evil eye and black negativity. They are effective, but for each special occasion. In one case, I, Sergey Artgrom apply herbs shooting damage, In the other I clean the black energy wax, in other cases I use knives, water, making annealing fire.

    In witchcraft, everything is very individual. There are real magicians who are only with wax for many years. And with this material they have so close and strong communication, which is even cast. But, because the wax is not a panacea, although the method itself is very good. Each practicing magician has its own developments and preferences. And if you use herbs from damage, and get the desired result, it means that such techniques are well suited.

    Grandfather protects from damage - magic crown for king

    Wormwood - grass from the evil eye number one. To remove the negative energy that came from people, you need to wash the decoction of wormies. You can add it to the bath. Well, this way washing suitable for children. In the people of wormwood call the crown for the king. The main magical properties of the plant is wormwood - foresight, protecting a person from evil forces. Use this grass in the composition of incense, contributing to clairvoyance, as well as in mixtures for cleaning and protection against dark spirits.

    Grandfather helps from damage, but it can be used with success in order to restore personal energy, vitality and physical health. So, a warm bath with wormwood removes fatigue from the body, returns lost forces. Perfectly mocking the negative accumulated per day. However, this grass shooting damage, Loses part of its magical power, and therefore magicians more often use it in the form of smoking.

    A great way to regain a healthy dream, completely getting rid of insomnia - fill the pillow with dry wormwood, and sleep on it. I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I note that, thus, you can not only normalize sleep, but also get rid of nightmares. And with proper practice, you can see prophetic dreams.

    Holly grass - one of the best funds for protection against evil eye, energy negative envy and evil peopleaimed at destroying the family nest, for illness and loneliness. Its smell is expelled from the house of evil spirits, holds a person from accidents and other serious and not very serious trouble. Small sprigs and dry flowers of wormwood in a bag wearable at the level of solar plexus will be a shield against any negative energies.