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  • Tattoo on the wrist to close the scars. Tattoo on a scar, scar and burn mark

    Tattoo on the wrist to close the scars.  Tattoo on a scar, scar and burn mark

    People get tattoos for various reasons. Some just want to decorate their body, others - as a reminder of something. And someone wants to hide what he would like to forget about with “body art”.

    We present to your attention the tattoos that were made in order to hide the scars received under various circumstances ...

    1 Blue Bird Hid Scars After Multiple Surgeries

    2The Tattoo That Covers Self-Inflicted Scars

    3. Tattoo that hides the scar after back surgery

    4. Tattoo that hides the scars after the beating of a boyfriend

    Source 5The tattoo that covered the scars from multiple self-inflicted injuries.

    6. Tattoo "straight spine" as a sign of overcoming scoliosis

    Source 7The tattoo that hides self-harm from childhood

    8. Tattoo "ribbon" hid the scar from the removed tumor

    9. The Cat Scratch Tattoo Hides… Cat Scratches

    10. The tattoo that hid the scar on the wrist

    11. Scars removed thanks to excellent work

    12. Tattoo, skillfully hiding the scar from appendicitis

    13. This beautiful profile disguised a dog bite.

    14. The tattoo "heart" hid the scar on the thigh after falling from a motorcycle

    15. The lion constellation tattoo covered the scars from self-mutilation during depression.

    16. Colorless heart-shaped tattoo

    17. The tattoo that covered the scar from a bone marrow transplant

    18. The most beautiful tattoo that hid numerous scars

    19. The tattoo that hid multiple scars from self-inflicted injuries.

    20. The tattoo that covered the burns

    21. The tattoo "heart" and the word "forever" hid the scars from self-mutilation.

    22. The tattoo that hid the results of self-harm

    23. Tattoo with the words "time to mourn time to dance"

    24. The tattoo that covered the scars

    25. From sad to beautiful. The tattoo that covered the scars from self-harm

    26. Tattoo on self-harm scars that says "I hope you smile when you look down on me."

    A scar is a dense, altered formation consisting of connective tissue. Appears due to active tissue regeneration after injuries and injuries. It is impossible to get rid of the scar, it becomes paler and smaller. People experience psychological discomfort and hide the defect from prying eyes. To get rid of complexes and increase self-esteem, you can get a tattoo on the scar.

    Until recently, a tattoo on the body was perceived in society as something shameful, absolutely unacceptable for a person holding an important position (or for girls). Today, the opinion has changed, and colorful images on the exposed parts of the body are considered a special art direction. People began to actively use the services of masters to mask skin defects.

    Scars can be covered with tattoos, but subject to safety measures and contraindications. Use this feature is allowed only after complete healing of the tissues. At the final stage, collagen fibers are deposited and the vascular network is built.

    Mature scars are flat and bright, and those that form cause pain and itching, redness forms around them.

    When deciding to cover tattoo scars, you need to know a few nuances:

    • if paint gets into the healed tissue, there is a risk of changing the shade;
    • the surface of the scar has an extraordinary structure, and it takes a lot of time and sessions to work out;
    • the needle of the machine does not always penetrate to an equal depth;
    • increased sensitivity, pain in the injured area than in the surrounding healthy tissues;
    • the brightness of the pigment is quickly lost;
    • when drawing a picture, the boundaries between the scar and healthy skin can be seen.

    To divert attention from an ugly education, experts recommend choosing colorful sketches, gray and black color focuses on bumps.

    Features of the localization of scars and tattoos for them

    When the wound has healed and stopped hurting, the question arises of how to remove the mark from it. In many cases, the victims manage to level the scar with the rest of the skin with the help of cosmetology. A qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist will select according to the problem effective method corrections. Laser resurfacing or therapy has the greatest effectiveness. If the scar is not amenable to healing effects, the tattoo artist will help to hide it. In each case, an individual approach is required - not all scars can be “beaten” with a pattern.

    Atrophic scars

    They are white, soft and slightly lower than healthy skin. The following factors contribute to their appearance: surgery, a burn, severe acne, a deep cut, stretching from weight loss, weight gain, hormonal failure or pregnancy.

    When choosing a pattern for overlapping, it is necessary to take into account the features of the scar and its location.

    You can disguise a stomach that has spoiled appendicitis or with a flower arrangement, a feather, a sakura branch, a flock of birds, etc. If the seam goes vertically, then the sketch can go deep into the navel. For men, an image is recommended that symbolizes spiritual and physical strength, courage - an eagle, a dagger.

    The stretch marks may have big size, and it's hard to find a sketch to hide every stretch. A complex, three-dimensional picture with numerous small details and play of shadows and colors is recommended. Japanese motifs, Celtic crosses, a colored wing look beautiful.

    Hypertrophic scar formations

    This scar type protrudes above the surface of the skin and has a dark color. They are formed in the following cases: a serious operation, a severe injury, a severe burn. May come from suppuration of a small lesion that can be left by a cut or graft. In this case, the arm or leg at the bends of the joints is at risk.

    Tattooing on hypertrophic scars is possible only as a last resort. The paint is actively absorbed into the cells at the site of the scar, which is dangerous for the body as a whole. To close a small area, you need a volume of dye, which would be enough for another 2-3 similar pictures.

    It is difficult to pick up a sketch because of the bulge of the formation. It is desirable to "stuff" a pattern with numerous shades and beyond the boundaries of damage. Popular options are dragon, hummingbird, tree with flowers, monsters.

    Normotrophic scars

    Their tone is always lighter than healthy surrounding tissues, they are flat and even. Their development is facilitated by minor burns, light cuts, operations that do not affect the deep layers of the skin. Traces are hard to see, but can affect self-esteem.

    It is not difficult to hide them, any option is suitable, but with a play of colors. Uniformity is not recommended due to the risk of changing the shade. Girls often choose for this purpose a variety of ornaments, butterflies, leaves, birds, an inscription. Spiders, beetles are suitable for men.

    There is another type of scarring - keloid. They look like a tumor and tend to grow. It is painful and unpleasant to touch such, their appearance spoils the body. It is impossible to “stuff” a tattoo in place of keloid scars, any damage provokes their growth.

    Scar Covering Technique

    Before applying an image to the body, it is necessary to decide which option is more preferable: a permanent tattoo or a temporary one.

    Going to the salon, you should know some features of the technician:

    • A tattoo in the deep layers of the skin, for the “stuffing” of which a machine with a needle is used. The paint penetrates the cells and stays there for life. Over the years, it can fade and lose intensity. Removal is possible, but only with an expensive laser.
    • Temporary tattoo. This is a beautiful pattern created by henna. The paint allows you to temporarily close the defect from prying eyes and decide whether you need a permanent picture. Henna is a natural dye applied to the surface and does not injure the skin and scar. Lasts up to 4 weeks and gradually brightens.

    What kind of tattoo you want to see in place of your scar is up to you. You can try both options and choose the best and most reliable one.

    Tattoo care and how long does it take to heal

    The speed of healing and the degree of engraftment of the pigment depend on compliance with the rules of care.

    1. Immediately after the procedure, the drawing is processed by the master and covered with a film.
    2. The closed area cannot be wetted and opened on the first day.
    3. On the second day, you can take a shower, gently washing the wound with antibacterial soap. Don't rub!
    4. Apply wound healing cream.
    5. Avoid contact with clothing, there should be no friction.
    6. Before going outside, hide the fresh pattern from the sun's rays.
    7. Do not peel off the crust, it will go away naturally.

    The tattoo at the site of the scar heals up to 2 weeks due to the low content of subcutaneous fat (and if a vein is affected). The chest, abdomen, shoulder, buttocks heal the fastest. Large pictures are applied in several stages, rehabilitation can last up to a month.

    Contraindications for tattooing

    Scar masking is prohibited in the following cases:

    • tendency to allergic reactions;
    • diabetes;
    • menstrual bleeding;
    • breastfeeding period;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • pregnancy;
    • keloid scar.

    In other versions, tattoos are allowed to be used to mask and cover scars.

    In the photo of the tattoo masters, they look colorful and attractive, but only the owners know what they are hiding. People often hide behind made-up pictures, and in the case of scars, this is the best way. The right drawing can raise self-esteem and restore confidence in beauty. Do not be afraid to experiment: if you don’t like the tattoo, then a professional master will be able to “stuff” a new, more interesting and voluminous tattoo on top of it.

    Scar tattoos are very often the only option for those people who want to disguise an ugly scar from surgery or burns. The main purpose of a tattoo on scars is not just to decorate the body, but to hide its flaw that prevents you from feeling confident. However, scar tattoos can exacerbate this problem if not taken seriously.

    It is best to study the topic of scar tattoos in detail, as well as collect all the information you need. In our article you will find the most helpful tips and ideas if you decide to get a tattoo on a scar.

    1. Scar Tattoo: Medical Consultation

    First of all, you need to consult with your doctor to determine the type of scar you have. On some types of scars tattoos are allowed, on others they are undesirable or strictly prohibited.

    Atrophic scars for tattoos

    Soft light scars, may be sunken, with looser skin. A striking example of an atrophic scar is stretch marks on the skin.

    Is it possible to make a tattoo on an atrophic scar?

    Yes! With a high probability, the doctor will say that you have no contraindications for a tattoo. Atrophic scars are considered harmless, however, from an aesthetic point of view, they can prevent a person from feeling confident.

    Normotrophic scars for tattoos

    They form flush with the skin as a reaction to damage. Mostly light, may become less noticeable over time.

    Is it possible to get a tattoo on a normotrophic scar?

    Yes! This type of scar has no contraindications for a tattoo.

    Hypertrophic scars for tattoos

    These are scars that exceed the level of the skin. They form after serious injuries and burns.

    Is it possible to get a tattoo on a hypertrophic scar?

    Not recommended! Firstly, a tattoo can aggravate tissue growth in the area of ​​the scar, and secondly, it can be harmful to the body. In some cases, doctors allow their patients to make drawings in the area of ​​a hypertrophic scar.

    Keloid scars for tattoos

    Such scars are more like a tumor than a scar. Bluish or reddish, painful, sharply protruding above the skin.

    Is it possible to get a tattoo on a keloid scar?

    No! Keloid scars are a strict contraindication for those who want to get a tattoo. Ink and needle intervention in the skin can harm the inflamed areas of the skin there as well. In addition, the tissue on a keloid scar is prone to change and your tattoo will eventually turn into a stain.

    2. Scar Tattoo: Bide Time

    It is best to make a tattoo on a scar after a year, and preferably one and a half, after its appearance. A very important point: a year after the formation of a scar, not an injury! Many people want to get rid of the scar as soon as possible, but a distorted tattoo that will further aggravate the situation is clearly not the effect you want.

    It is best to get a tattoo in the second year after the formation of the scar. You will already know how the skin in the scar area behaves and will not get unpleasant surprises, especially if you are not too lazy to consult a doctor once again.

    3. Scar Tattoo: Find the Master

    It is best to find someone who has already worked with tattoos on scars. Show the master the scar, let him assess the situation. If his verdict matches the words of a doctor, most likely you are in front of you, who really knows his stuff. With a high probability, the tattoo artist will already have work on a scar cover in his portfolio. Study carefully all the photos and works of the tattoo artist, make sure you are ready to entrust him with work with your body.

    4. Scar Tattoo: Sketch Selection

    The choice of sketch on a scar is almost always dictated by the location, shape, and texture of the scar.

    “The main purpose of a tattoo is not just to decorate the body, but to hide its flaw that prevents you from feeling confident.”

    Therefore, in consultation with the master, discuss all possible options and choose for yourself the most appropriate in terms of composition and meaning.

    As a rule, to cover the scars choose colored tattoos, especially if the texture of the scar is uneven and different in color. The more complex and severe the scar on your body, the more acceptable a brightly colored tattoo will be.

    "You may have to do multiple sessions tattoos, because scar tissue perceives ink differently than healthy skin. The gradients, chiaroscuro and highlights in the overall composition are good for masking the scar.”

    You can review the options , or find any option you like in the section .

    Caring for a tattoo on a scar is no different from, the master will tell you all the main rules for caring for a fresh tattoo.

    Tattoo on the Scar from Cesarean

    Before getting a tattoo on a cesarean scar, think about the fact that the scar is located in a place that is not visible. strangers. It may be initially worth trying sessions for polishing the scar with a cosmetologist. A tattoo on a caesarean scar will be more visible than the scar itself, and this atypical tattoo location will probably give away what you're trying so hard to disguise.

    If you are 100% sure you want a caesarean scar tattoo, then see your doctor to get approved. To prevent the tattoo from harming your health and not distorting, make sure that your body has already fully recovered after the birth of a child. We advise you to choose some discreet and delicate pattern, for example, something

    Appendicitis Scar Tattoo

    The tattoo on the scar from appendicitis has no particular specifics. The scheme of actions is exactly the same as for all others: find out the type of scar, get permission from the doctor, make sure that more than a year has passed and choose the appropriate sketch.

    Scar Tattoo Reviews

    “I had to do several sessions, because the paint on the skin with a burn scar did not fit well. But in any case, the tattoo looks much better than an ugly scar.”

    “After the birth of the child, I got a tattoo on the scar from the cesarean. All the same, I often hear the question that “did you cover the scar with a tattoo?”.

    “The tattoo on the scar from the operation helped me to cope with uncertainty. It seemed that people pay attention to the scar and constantly had to hide it. And under the tattoo, he became completely invisible. ”

    “The first tattoo on the scar was unsuccessful. The paint on the scar itself almost did not lay down. So I had to do a cover. choose a good experienced craftsman right away so as not to do extra work.”

    The presence of scars on the body, burn marks or after operations is not a reason to panic. All unfortunate consequences can be hidden with a beautiful drawing with an interesting plot. A tattoo on the stomach on the scar will not only hide unpleasant traces, but will also be able to decorate the body, adding originality and originality. Both men and women can get a tattoo on the scar.

    Symbol as a disguise

    Of course, a tattoo is used to decorate the body, emphasize dignity and draw the attention of others to a stylish pattern. But sometimes the desire to make a sketch for yourself is by no means connected with the ability to stand out. Most often, problem areas on the skin or the consequences of surgical interventions.

    Often, motifs and symbols of openness, aesthetics and sophistication are used to close these shortcomings. Thanks to the application of a tattoo on the abdomen on the scar, you can continue to live a normal life and not hide yourself from others.

    You can mask scars on any part of the body using different types tattoos. The best option would be color sketches, where different shades can be combined to convey the beauty of the picture and the ability to hide the shades on the scar.

    Visiting a tattoo parlor

    If there is a scar or scar on the body and you want to hide this flaw with a beautiful tattoo, then before visiting the salon, you need to consult with a specialist. It is necessary to pay attention to the degree of healing, whether there are open areas where the infection can get, and whether there are pain when pressing on the scar.

    The skin should be renewed and there should be a new layer of the epidermis in place of the scar. The healing process depends on the body's immunity and the speed of the regeneration process. On average, scarring can last up to a year, or even more.

    During this period, it is strictly forbidden to apply pigments to the surface or pierce the skin in this area so as not to cause a deterioration in well-being and open wounds. A tattoo on the abdomen on the scar is done after additional examinations in order to avoid complications in the process.

    The scar tissues are different from the normal skin condition, their layer is thinner and more sensitive, so the master will need to try not to bring a lot of pain to the client and do his job in the best possible way.

    On fresh scars or places that have been damaged recently, tattooing is not worth it, as this can harm the entire body and cause a lot of discomfort.

    After the sketch is selected and you have already decided what should be applied to the scar, you need to pay attention to other factors that will guarantee the quality of the work and achieve the maximum effect.

    First, the suture must be completely healed. A belly tattoo on a scar should only be applied after going through the scarring process.

    Secondly, you need to make a symbol on the body in a professional salon in order to be sure of a quality result and sterilization of instruments. Also, in the process, it is necessary to monitor the disinfection so that bacteria do not get into the wound.

    Thirdly, you need to choose a master who knows how to apply tattoos on scars. If you go to a person without experience in such work, then the result may be very different from the expected.

    Pattern selection

    The sketch of the tattoo must be selected taking into account the shape and placement of the scar. Tattoos that hide scars on the abdomen should be applied with care as this is a sensitive area.

    As for the preparation of a drawing for masking, it requires not only a creative approach, but also the experience of the master, because you will need to add more or less pigment, depending on the density of the tissues and the depth of the scar.

    For brutal men, the option with increased scar effect is suitable. The master simply adds more bright pigment to add expressiveness and make it more noticeable.

    The choice of a tattoo on a scar in the lower abdomen should depend not only on general principles and the popularity of the drawing, but also on the taste preferences of a person. You have to choose what you like the most. You can combine different styles and types of tattoos, because in the skillful hands of the master, pigments and needles can work real miracles and create masterpieces.

    - solution

    Women's belly tattoos on a scar can be very delicate and aesthetic. If men try to emphasize and highlight the scar, then beauty is important for the fair sex. Most often, girls choose:

    • Plant motifs (elements of branches, flowers).
    • abstraction and geometry. Lines or combinations thereof may be used.

    Taking into account individual features of the body and skin, scars can not always heal well and do not leave large imperfections on the surface. Covering a scar on the abdomen with a tattoo is considered one of the best options for returning a beautiful body to the body.

    You can make temporary drawings with henna. This will help you decide what type of pattern you like best and how you can decorate the body. But henna has a short-term effect, the effect of which will pass in a few days. It is time consuming to constantly apply temporary tattoos to yourself.

    Problem area - stomach

    Properly selected sketches of tattoos and beautiful drawings will help cover scars and scars of any complexity and parameters on the body. In women, scars appear on the abdomen due to several factors. This:

    • Appendicitis. Although the scars from him are short, they look very rough and ugly. Tattoos will help to disguise them.
    • scar from caesarean section long and thin. After healing, an ugly stripe remains in the lower abdomen, which constantly interferes. In order to hide the scar, you have to choose darker and more saturated sketches. Of course, this is not suitable for all girls, but there is no alternative.
    • Scars from burns, accidents. Tattoos that cover scars on the abdomen can not only remove imperfections, but also effectively decorate the body.

    In order not to make a mistake in the selection process, you must initially compare several sketches that can close the scar as well as possible. After that, you can start execution.

    Important Factors

    Before getting a tattoo, you need to know a few simple points. This will help not to make mistakes and get a beautiful and stylish result. Photos of tattoos on the stomach on the scar do not always correspond to reality if you make a sketch based on them.

    Each motif must be individual and correspond to the length and parameters of the scar that are available. Not always other people's work will look beautiful on another scar. Over time, a lot of subcutaneous fat accumulates on the stomach, from which the type of tattoo can change. This should be considered before applying it.

    Scars painted in light color are clearly visible. Therefore, in the process it is better to use dark saturated shades. Although even black pigments appear slightly lighter on the scar, repeated application helps to hide this.

    Thanks to the right plot, you can adjust the figure and make it more slender and toned. There will be a lot of discomfort during the application process. You need to be prepared for this in the process of execution.

    For girls who are planning a pregnancy, it is better not to get a tattoo, so that later the skin does not sag and the pattern is not distorted. You can replace the stomach with more neutral zones.

    Men's tattoos

    Men also get tattoos on their stomachs, but not always to cover up a scar. Most often, silhouettes of women, animals or entire plots are depicted. The abdomen, like the back, is considered a voluminous area, to make a tattoo on which it is desirable to have a large size.

    Unlike tattoos on the back, on the stomach you can see all the images in small details. The most popular sketches are:

    • Birds (the symbol of an eagle and a hawk is widely used to create plots).
    • Historical scenes (this helps to convey courage and endurance to a person).
    • Sea creatures.
    • Landscapes (combination of the sea, coasts or paintings of wildlife).

    Choosing a tattoo should be taken seriously. After all, the drawing that is applied to the body will be there for a lifetime.

    People decide to get a tattoo for a variety of reasons. Sometimes because it meets their aesthetic needs, sometimes because it carries an important meaning, often associated with some kind of memories, and sometimes in order to forever delete from your life what you would like to forget. This collection contains 10 tattoos covering various scars on the body. The stories behind these scars are sometimes really best left in the past and not remembered.

    1. A bird sitting on a branch

    “While in high school, I fell during gym class and broke my left arm. After eight months of constant surgery, I suddenly found myself not only with a constantly aching and inoperative arm, but also with an ugly scar that stretched across the most visible where my forearm was. The arm looked like it wasn't mine. The surgeons removed a dead muscle, and for this they had to cut my arm lengthwise. This tattoo was a kind of gift to myself on my 18th birthday as an attempt to accept my body after everything that happened. I didn't want to cover up the scar because it's an important part of who I am now, but I wanted to turn it into something to be proud of. The blue bird is the oriental sialia."

    2. Blooming peonies that cover cuts

    "My grandfather raped me from my very childhood. For a very long time I had the feeling that my body did not belong to me. I only felt his eyes burning my skin, or the shadow of his hand on my thigh. And as a result, I began to apply myself I cut my stomach, my chest, my thighs. Everything he liked so much, I wanted to destroy it all. The most terrible scars remained on my ribs. My mother bought me a special cream to make the scars fade. Although I still I don't feel like my body is mine anymore I let the guys do whatever they wanted with me I felt like I only existed as a sex object and I wasn't good for anything else I had a relapse this year I suddenly felt so bad and so sorry for what i've become so i went to a tattoo parlor and got a tattoo of blooming peonies on my ribs i wanted to plant something beautiful where there used to be only ugliness the tattoo is not finished yet, later it will be colored, if only I have enough money for it. But now it's much easier for me to look in the mirror. It seems to me that my body is returning to me, blooming like a flower."

    3. Just one word next to the scar

    "Instead of hiding my scar, I decided to flaunt it. Last July, I had a spinal surgery with two titanium pins inserted on either side of the spine. This operation left a huge scar on my back. I decided to write the word "strength" next to it. " - "strength". The letter "s" accurately conveys the outlines of my spine BEFORE the operation, as I saw it on an x-ray. It took me a lot of strength to survive such a difficult operation and recover from it. This small tattoo means a lot to me a lot and will forever remind me of what happened."

    4 Watercolor Phoenix Covering Scars

    "These scars on the wrist, as you might guess, I inflicted on myself almost 14 years ago. All this time I wanted to cover them up with something, but only recently I realized what exactly I want to see instead of them on my body. Now I'm happy ."

    5. Feather that covers the memory of the cruelty of another person

    "I got this tattoo to close the scar left by my boyfriend. He broke my arm and I had an operation by inserting a metal plate inside. And I still returned to him after that, and more than once. This scar reminds me of how weak I was, and the tattoo is about what I want to be instead a lot to be a lot better."

    6. Flowers that cover the scars on the forearm

    “She was so embarrassed when she told how much it hurts her every time people ask her about these scars. It is understandable. And I told her that no one should feel like they are on display in a museum, and people do not have the right to ask questions that you don't want to answer. Hearing that these scars were self-inflicted, people immediately think what a weak person you are. It's hard to get out of this, but it is important to be able to change your life, make it more positive. "

    7. Straight spine as a memory of overcoming severe scoliosis

    “To begin with, my spine never looked like this and never will. When I was 15 years old, I was diagnosed with severe scoliosis - in the shape of the letter “S”, deviating by 65 degrees. I had to have an operation. The operation was very difficult, they inserted two titanium pins right into my back and attached them to the vertebrae in 15 places. The tattoo is a drawing from a medical textbook, it goes right along the scar. It is a symbol of everything that I had to go through I have never had a spine like this and never will, but it is exactly the spine it should be."

    8. Red tape over the scar from the operation.

    I had a tumor in my knee that was removed when I was only 10 years old. The red ribbon looks like it's sewn into me.

    9. Colored lion hiding the scars on his arm.

    “When I was a girl, I had many reasons to feel unhappy. I was a lot taller and more massive than the rest in my class. When I was a teenager, I was depressed, and scarring myself seemed like the only way out of this condition. Now i am older i can deal with my emotions and feelings better so i decided to close these scars lion was the first thought that came to my mind he is the very embodiment of power the tattoo also has a lotus flower and azalea which for me is a symbol of struggle. Instead of seeing a reminder of my weakness, I want to look defiant to signify who I have become now."

    10. Black feather at the cut

    I got this tattoo on the spot where I cut myself. It was a terrible scar that immediately caught the eye, and it immediately became clear to everyone where it came from. I decided on this tattoo the night after my friend died in the hospital from a drug overdose. I wanted to remember my friend, and I remembered the Beatles song "Blackbird". “Take these broken wings and learn to fly” (“take these broken wings and learn to fly”). Today, for three years now, I have not inflicted a single injury on myself.

    Similar tattoos are offered as part of a project for women who have undergone mastectomy operations. This is a whole group of tattoo artists who are ready to help women after such a serious operation.