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  • Landing or disembarking trees as correctly written. How to squeeze strawberries or reveal the secrets of a rich harvest

    Landing or disembarking trees as correctly written. How to squeeze strawberries or reveal the secrets of a rich harvest

    It would seem, a fairly simple occupation - take and plant a tree. But in fact, this is a whole set of events that you need to know and comply with everything. Otherwise, you can get completely not the result that every gardener dreams. With incorrect, untimely landing of the tree, you can achieve a much smaller harvest or not to wait for it, or, instead of the laid couples from landing to the first harvest, wait for the fruits in two, and even three times longer. So how do you put a tree right? Take this and talk about this in this article.

    Young tree in the garden. © Loftmag.

    Dates of planting fruit trees

    It is known that it is known for planting trees as in spring and autumn. The optimal time in the spring is to the dissolution of the kidneys. For most of Russia, this is April. In the fall, landing should be completed for 15-20 days before the onset of sustainable cold weather. Trees are usually planted in October, when the soil is wet, no longer hot and not cold.

    Knowing the landing deadlines, everyone can decide when it is more convenient to plant a tree. Naturally, in the spring, less: a lot of things and have time to plant a tree before the renal dissolve does not always succeed; Autumn is more quiet time, and the choice of seedlings in nurseries is the largest. If you purchase a tree in the fall, deciding to plant in the spring, you will have to go somewhere and protect it from rodents.

    Nursery - the best place of purchase

    The most first rule of landing any tree begins with the choice of the place of its acquisition. Buy trees are best in the nurseries. It is desirable that the nursery in which you gathered to acquire a seedling successfully existed in your city at least a couple of years. It is in the nursery that a full-fledged seedling of any tree can be purchased, an appropriate variety that does not have diseases and pests.

    However, even there, when buying, be sure to inspect the root system, the above-ground part of the plant, and if you do not find rot, the crust of the roots, the crust, the seedling can be purchased. By the way, it is best to transport the seedling to its site that it is best to dry up its root system into a clay bolt, sprinkling the roots of sawdust and wrapped them into a plastic bag.

    Every seedling is its place

    So that the tree successfully grew on your site, you need to pick it up for him. The overwhelming majority of trees will grow well on the illuminated area, without shadow, without slides and depression (places where melt or rainwater accumulates), on soils with groundwater levels located no closer than two meters to their surface.

    Perfectly, if the North side will protect in the form of a wall of the house, fence or other structure, no tree will refuse it. Pick the site on which the culture that you plant, before or, at least, did not grow five to six years. Do not land in place, say, apple trees are apple tree again and so on. Why?

    It's simple: besides that a certain type of culture sucks out of the soil, the set of elements in the required quantity, so also "enriches" the soil by pests and diseases, wintering or sleeping, which are immediately activated, as soon as the same is the same Culture.

    The soil type is also important, because the optimal place is not only where the moisture is light, smoothly and does not stuff. The overwhelming majority of trees will grow well only on the nutritious and loose soil, the type of chernozem, the loam and the like. Do not land trees on the soil of sandy or very dense clay without prior preparation of the substrate: defense (additive of river sand or, for example, the husks of buckwheat cereals) - this is in the case of clay soil or, on the contrary, seals (Additive in the soil of clays in loose state, usually bucket per square meter) - in the case of sandy soil.

    PH level, that is, the balance of acid and alkali is also undoubtedly important. The optimal option is usually a pH of 6.0 to 7.0, if it is higher, then this soil is alkaline, below - sour, few trees like such soils. Check the pH level can be an ordinary litmus paper, collecting a piece of soil in water and dipping it there. The color in which the paper is painted, and will mean the pH level. A set of litmus paper and scales can be bought at any garden center.

    Young fruit garden. © Alimex-As

    Distance between saplings

    In this case, we are talking about the landing scheme. Trees, whatever they be, thickening are definitely not like. While seedling young with a thin stem and a pair of pace, it seems that a meter of free space is enough, but after five years, when the will form a strong green mass, your tree crown begins to interfere with nearby trees and shrubs will be attracted to the light, can begin to bend or It will become ugly one-sided, and then nothing will be done with a tree - too late.

    To avoid trouble, do not be greedy, big the tree is planted so that the distance from the other trees were at least three meters, this should be enough for the full development of the crown.

    Soil fertilizer before landing

    Before boarding, when you were determined with the place and scheme, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. Externally, it seems as if all the soil is the same, it is black or gray, closer to brown and so on. In fact, the composition of the soil can be said, unique. At one site to meet the needs of wood can only be enough only potassium, on the other - nitrogen, and the third of the three major elements of high-grade wood will be insufficient.

    So, to level the risk of starvation of the tree after planting, the soil before planting needs to be fertilized. Fertilizers usually introduced by digging soil, distributing over the surface of a well rotted humus or manure (5.4 kg per 1 m 2) wood ash (250-300 g per 1 m 2) and NPK (1 tablespoon per m 2). Usually these fertilizers are enough for the tree to start fully develop in a new place.

    In the preparation of the soil required to remove all the weeds, in particular - the rhizomes of couch grass, they are the first competitors seedlings, and in the initial stage of the tree of life in the new phase of their should not be. Dross, by the way, can restore its height even if only one centimeter of his root remains in the soil.

    Features of the creation of landing fossa

    When the soil is ready, you can proceed to the creation of landing pits. This procedure is normal, not complicated, but there is its own rules. For example, you need to dig holes, making the edges smooth, it sizes 25-30% more than the volume of the root system of the tree and dig them at least a few weeks before planting seedlings.

    Preliminary digging holes allow the soil to settle before the room in her seedlings, there will be no unpleasant surprises in the form of failed seedlings in a couple of days after planting. At the bottom of the hole, be sure to devote drainage from the clay, broken brick or pebbles.

    Drainage loves most trees, it will not allow the water from the root system and thereby eliminates its rotation. On top of the drainage, it is necessary to pour a nutrient layer, as gardeners are called - a nutrient pillow. It must consist of a mixture of humus and soil nutrient (typically topsoil is the most nutritious) in equal parts with the addition of the 50 g of wood ash and 15-20 g of NPK. Before placing the root system of a seedling in a hole, it is necessary to pour it well.

    Placing a seedling in the landing fossa. © orangepippintrees.

    How to place a sapling in the yammer?

    Go directly to landing. So, ready to pit, filled with fertilizer, watered and passed 12-14 days, the soil has settled, and the tree can be planted to a permanent place.

    It is advisable to start landing with the installation of a supporting cavity, it is necessary to put it exclusively on the northern side. The support peg is needed to maintain the tree in a vertical state at first, while the seedling is stupid. After its installation, you need to take our tree into my hands and to inspect his trunk well. On the trunk you can see the darker side and lighter.

    The dark side is usually southern, bright - north. If you want the tree to quickly fit in a new place, it is necessary to place it so that the darker side looks south, and light - north. Thus, we will put the tree as it has grown in the nursery before that, and the stress from transplant will be at least a bit reduced.

    In general, any tree is more convenient to plant them together, one person must hold it hard for the trunk, the other sprinkle the roots of the soil. When covering the roots of the soil, try to twitch a seedling a little so that all the empties between the roots are soil, and not by air. We recommend that when planting in layers compacted soil, that is sprinkled lightly - tighten a little further back - sprinkled the soil, once compacted and so on, until the pit is full.

    It is extremely important when planting to ensure that the root collar (the place where the roots are moving into the barrel) definitely was slightly above the soil surface, at least a centimeter or so. It seems that it is a trifle, but in fact, if you bury the root neck, the tree immediately slow down in the growth and entry into fruiting heavily delayed (for stone fruit crops, for example, can occur even damping-off of the root collar, and the tree trite die).

    It is not necessary all the ride, hoping to "maybe", even if you later "to dig out" the root neck, anyway around it formed a recess and moisture falling on the soil surface, no matter rain or irrigation, will stagnate in This recess, and the root neck will also rot.

    After the root system is fully covered with soil, it is necessary soil compacted rearrange tree to it stood upright tie to a peg "eight" in order to prevent constriction, then pour the primer pair water buckets and necessarily zamulchirovat surface soil humus layer in a couple of centimeters .

    Humus - it is a good mulch when planting in the fall, he shall save the moisture from evaporating and prevent freezing of the root system of seedlings and planting at the spring mulch layer of humus in the form of food supplements will be, will not be formed soil crust and slow the growth of weeds.

    First saplificate care

    If you think that with the immersion of a seedling in the soil, landing is over, then you are mistaken. There are several actions that are held after the landing, but they still need to be included in the list of indispensable landing events. In autumn, this is the protection of young trees from rodents. Usually, after planting a stem, up to a height of approximately 60 cm turns into a plastic mesh, and a poisoned bait is spread around the seedling.

    When planting in the spring it is necessary to protect a young tree triber from a sun burn, whining it.

    After all this, it is safe to say that the landing is completed. As you can see, nothing complicated in the planting of a tree on the site is not, and if done correctly, the tree will soon bring the first harvest, which from year to year will only increase.

    Verbs plant and plant refer to the so-called parallel forms that correspond to neutral styles of the Russian literary language. They have some differences in the lexical meaning that must be taken into account in specific speech situations.

    Verb plant It is consumed more often. It is used in values offer to sit down, sit down to work, to land, to settle anywhere, imprison, to dig into the ground the roots of seedlings, put into the oven for baking or drying.

    Verb plant It can be used in the same values, but in some cases it leads to a stylistic decrease in speech and is considered to be its conversational form.

    Speech in speech parallel verb forms perch and plant



    Hostess sazhala Guests at the table, having slept with spreads and asked about the naval. plant His books, otherwise it will not be any sense.

    Plant The aircraft with such a fog will be very difficult.

    For hooliganism sale for fifteen days.

    Old man loved plant Trees.

    Grandmother did not allow anyone plant Breads in the oven - always did it herself.

    She is sadila Guest for a tea table and listened carefully news. plant Child for textbooks.

    Plant The plane in the fog is a serious business. (spoken.)

    In the camp ne. sadyat - There will not sit there. (spoken.)

    In the spring he decided plant vineyard.

    Time plant Pies in the oven: and the dough approached, and the heat that need.

    In the famine verb plant It can also be used in a figurative value instead of other verbs to designate the action performed with force, azart: went to sit out of slingshot on sparrows; And he is through the ravines, through the bushes it is so far and is sitting.

    In such conversational structures, the use of verb plant It is impossible.

    The spelling of these verb forms is characterized by the fact that from the pair sand-sit Only verb plant Can be used with the prefix: planting a tree, sit down at the table, plant on the island, put on the horse.

    the site gives the following recommendations for consuming verbs to plant and plant:

    1. Glading forms plant and plant are considered regulatory. Options for their consumption are correlated with the content and style of speech.
    2. Verb plant It has wider distribution in speech communication.
    3. Verb plant as a parallel form of verb plant May have a stylistically reduced coloring.
    4. In some cases, the verb plant It is used in a figurative value as a fragment of the surprise.
    5. Verb plant can not have consoles; verb plant Forms submissive forms.

    Around the question when you can plant numerous disputes. Previously, this process was equal to natural development and proceeded from the physical possibilities of the child. Today, experienced pediatricians offer parents clear recommendations that need to be followed. It is necessary to plant a child depending on the level of development of the bone and muscular system. These systems should be prepared for the opportunity to sit. Some children seek to sit at the age of five months, if we put a soft pillow under the back. Of course, it is unlikely to learn on a solid surface yourself without support. The overwhelming majority of kids can sit on their own half a year. It is not recommended to strive for a child to plant a child before, as the bone and muscle system is faster.

    How to prepare a child to sit on your own?
    In order for the planning process to carry a safe character, the baby needs to carefully prepare it. In the development of crawling and seating, a large role belongs to gymnastics. If the gymnastics can be engaged regularly, then the muscular system will begin to strengthen. You can spend from time to time to work in which the child is trying to reach the handles to the palms of the parents, gradually pull up. The angle of inclination gradually in such an exercise should increase. It is also effective to conduct a variety of muscle development exercises Baby: tilting, turns. It is useful to carry out regular light massage of the baby. Properly organized preparatory work for the baby seat leads to the fact that the question of when a baby sits down, no longer as a child, by virtue of their physical development, begins to sit unaided.

    Doctors and pediatricians do not recommend planting a child ahead of time, as this can lead to negative consequences. The process of the kid's seating without preparatory work can lead to the fact that the children's spine will not cope with the load. As a result of such an overload, there is a violation of the connections between the vertebrae. Such injury is fraught with many diseases in the future, including such a common problem as scoliosis. Especially, experts advise not to plant too early to girls, as this may cause a curvature of the pelvic bones, which then have a negative effect on fertility. Also, according to doctors, the early landing of girls leads to the curvature of the uterus and more serious pathologies, up to infertility. Do not risk and follow the American system, the essence of which is to land the children from birth.

    What time to plant boys?
    You can plant boys gradually start from 4-5 months with the preparatory exercises. At this time, you can very help the baby, holding his spine to avoid excessive pressure on the spine. Until four months old, children have underdeveloped abdominal muscles, which adversely affects the spine during the seat. Usually boys to six months can sit on their own. If the baby is trying to start sitting on his own earlier, it is not worth a confrontation in this, you can only help. This suggests that his muscles are formed.

    When to put girls?
    With planting girls, the question is difficult. Landing ahead of time is fraught with complications. Doctors and pediatricians do not recommend landing girls. You can plant girls not earlier than the seven month. But this fact is not a medical proven, but still, it is impractical to risk health. Thus, it is possible to plant boys at any time, taking into account the level of its preparation, and with the landing of girls it is recommended not to hurry. For more information about when you can plant a child, it is recommended to study with the video:

    The role of additional devices in the child's teaching is to sit.
    In the century of modernity, many devices appeared in the children's industry to help parents - walkers, jumpers, lounge chairs. Some suggest that such products make danger in themselves, since they do not contribute to the natural development of the baby and plant the baby in them is not worth it. However, most believe that such inventions relate to modern technologies, thanks to which the child is developing. The design of the walkers is a frame in the form of shorts, which is equipped with springs. Such a product is fixed in the door design. In it, the child gets the opportunity to jump, developing the muscles of the legs. Walkers are equipped with special wheels, so that the child can move. Sress the child in jumpers, sun loungers, walkers and other additional devices can only be taken when he learned to keep the back. The back of the child begins to hold without support for six or seven months when his spine reaches a certain stage of formation, so this time you can learn to plant. Sometimes manufacturers, disinforming buyers, indicates the incorrect time for the start of operation of the product. Therefore, when purchasing them, you can consult with a specialist.

    Before planting a child in a walker or jumper, it is important to pay attention to the position of the foot. If the movements of the baby are accompanied by an unnatural position, it may adversely affect walking in the future. In jumpers, chaise lounge and walkers of the child should always be planted under the supervision of an adult.

    Thus, the question of when it is possible to plant a crumb is rather important, since its bone and muscular system is not fully fastened to a certain time. Each child develops individually, so you need to listen to yourself and the leadership of pediatricians in this matter.

    Question from the section "Animals, Plants"

    Yuja_cebep # 2016.03.30 11: 190 User Answers:
    Perhaps yes. But something they are noticeably older me. Well, just not to crawl, hearing cuts! Or plant or disembark. Trisha # 2016.03.31 11: 110 User Answers:
    Take the book and start reading ... There will be no time for boredom - the plot is fascinated! ...
    Let friends help friends help, or learn to understand the read, but it's easier but it's not more correct to pass ...
    Look for a good lawyer.

    Sold or plant: how to?

    You have two choices: either lose the case and pay compensation or you simply plant. "Sat" can be used, but this is a common use of the word
    Intelligalog # 2016.04.01 06: 360 User Answers:
    anji, 12 years old, the Dictionary of Ozhegova allows eating both forms. "I'm very sadila garden, she'll water, very sweet love, she'll be la-la-la" BLADE # 2016.04.02 03: 270 User Answers:
    Putin, oh Kabaeva ...
    because normal guys little ...
    Forest is a lottery. Factory breeding dogs, as a rule, no hereditary diseases, plus
    Nico # 2016.04.02 07: 030 User Answers:
    Hydromassage. Well, the food is also not carried away ....
    reading mostly ...
    Do you want to guess which side of the river? Correctly planted, this is a competent, literary speech, and in the spathere they say differently krasavcik # 2016.04.04 12: 540 User Answers:
    if possible - a spoonful dining room, fast ...
    in winter, snow will be snowing and do not get out on the balcony ...
    Cat Bizilio))) sacred # 2016.04.04 21: 140 User Answers:
    for the whiteness of the toilet I use soda, to eliminate odor - Eppo vinegar # 2016.04.05 06: 500 User Answers:
    you can make and check, in such cases, the desire is executed in half a year ...
    7 Maximum ...
    Under the sofa, it is necessary to see and what do you think it's right, and you are sitting, etc. And the ear does not cut? Meaning, maybe the same, but better to "plant". Shaman # 2016.04.05 07: 540 User Answers:
    he lived some time in Stuttgart. Ordinary Europeans. At 5-6 pm on the street almost no one, or ...
    you can buy a game as a gift for the desired account ...
    You can buy items on the trading platform on the money that you threw. And then these things to throw themselves to squeeze the trees, but to sit - the mother of the one who asked the Bakuyek question # 2016.04.05 19: 060 User Answers:
    Weaker "armor" prick))), planting trees))) squat and weeding to fall at their summer cottage)))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))) Bala # 2016.04.06 00: 390 User Answers:
    i don't eat, although I am not a Muslim just not like the sweetly shrouded bold smell of meat only in winter ...
    Remove behind the husky and the number of online views, on the Internet ....
    Yes. If you do not take zakin in the window and so, and so it will be right)
    detonator # 2016.04.06 05: 290 User Answers:
    Yeah ...
    Thank you ...
    Atheists are people. Correctly "plant", and "perige" seems to be considered to be considered, it is necessary to
    Lionkinq # 2016.04.06 06: 170 User Answers:
    It depends on who enjoys, immigrants or ignorant.

    Planting cucumbers in open ground, as well as cabbage, peppers - the usual thing. But what if you really want to plant tomatoes in the open soil? There are a couple of simple rules, following which you can achieve an excellent result.

    How to get a delicious yield of tomatoes?

    For a start, you can still progress - to prepare the seedlings of tomatoes and in parallel to embroider sowing the ground. This is possible in the southern regions of the country, in the central regions. For Siberia and the North-West, cold-resistant varieties are suitable.

    For sowing tomatoes in the open ground, you need to choose the following seeds:

    • Early, early ripening, the period of vegetation of which does not exceed 70 days;
    • Early (up to 3 months of cultivation);
    • Association (up to hundreds of days).

    In those areas of the country where the soil warms up early spring, sowing is possible since the beginning of March. Where the land becomes suitable for landing later, seeding is carried out in early April. If you successfully choose varieties, ripe and fragrant fruits can be waited before the outlined period.

    For landing in the ground, tomatoes need to choose a special type.

    The best varieties will be those that have low bushes, and the stems in which are thick. To such varieties include:

    • Red hat;
    • Shuttle;
    • Affection;
    • Caspar;
    • Balcony miracle;
    • The Golden Fleece;
    • Dwarf;
    • Pygmy;

    Growing plants in the open soil has a number of features. You need to start with the selection of the area and the preparation of the soil for planting seeds. Ground tomatoes love moisture, good fertilized land and the absence of weeds. In the fall, the beds under the tomatoes need to be switched, and in the spring, as soon as the soil gets up, shry it.

    In the ground it is necessary to make fertilizers, clean the surface from the sera. Seying seeds are not recommended in sites where tomatoes grew 3-4 years ago. It is impossible to plant seeds next to potatoes, since it is fraught with infection of diseases and invasion of the Colorado beetle.

    Tomatoes feel well in places where it grown beautifully and no cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, onions. Tomato does not tolerate wind, so it is necessary to sow seeds in a secure place.

    Proceed to the most important

    Before planting tomatoes, you need to rivest seeds. One of the effective ways is ash. It is necessary for a large spoonful of raw materials in a liter of water, let it be broken for 20 hours, strain and soak in a solution of landing material for 120 minutes. You can apply a solution of manganese, but in this case the tomato should be soaked for 10-15 minutes. Another way is aloe juice. After processing the seeds, it is recommended to dry thoroughly, and then hold a couple of days in the refrigerator.

    Next, the tomato can be planted. To do this, in the ground, large holes should be done, pour the hot solution of manganese in them. You need to throw several seeds into one well. The distance between the pits should be 10, and better 15 cm. Tomato does not like closeness. To cover the beds, on which tomatoes are sown, do not need. Care is simple: watering.

    Shoots will seem after a couple of weeks. Now they need to be switched, thereby increasing the distance between the bushes. You should leave only the strongest specimens. Tomatoes require and subsequent thinning.

    It must be done in the period when 5-6 good leaves appear on plant barrels. Soil is preferably moisturized at the same time. The distance between the wells is desirable to increase to 35-40 cm. Unnecessary tomatoes do not stand. They should be carefully digging. By the way, it is not necessary to get rid of bushes at all. They can be transplanted.

    Care of tomatoes in the open ground is simple. Tomato "welcomes" moisture, and so that it does not evaporate quickly, over the soil, where the bushes are located, you need to pour sawdust or hay. It is advisable to loosen the land around the plants more often. Tomato is unpretentious, but care for it takes time.

    How to grow beautiful cucumbers?

    In the open ground, the cucumbers are growing perfectly. Any types of these plants are well adjacent to cabbage and bean cultures, but do not like potatoes. Cucumbers need to be sowing on a sunny plot without drafts. It is better if pepper, onions, radish grew on these beds.

    Solding the seeds should be in June in the soil pre-prepared in the fall. In October it is worth proceeding with a wide furrow to 20 cm deep.

    After you need to put dry leaves, peat, sawdust, straw in the trench. In May, it is necessary to add manure to the furrow and spilled by a solution of manganese. Sketch land, fertilize ash, phosphate, lime, potassium.

    There should be no less than 15-20 cm between plants. As soon as the plants will appear, they need to be carefully dipped. If you put the cucumbers in June and carry out proper care, the cultivation does not require great effort.

    Sowing should be carried out after checking seeds for germination and processing. Before placing plant seeds in the open soil, they need to put in the water room temperature for the day. After the cucumbers should be put on a wet gauze and leave for several hours. Those cucumbers that will be powered, you can plant in the open soil. To do this, throw seeds into the prepared land. It is advisable to do this evenly, observing the required distance.

    Plants immediately require watering. You do not need to pour. At night, the land where cucumbers were planted, it is necessary to cover with the film. In the open ground, the plants will quickly come down if the right irrigation conditions are observed. Daily in the evening a small amount of water needs to be poured into each well.

    Sits or sit as right

    Care consists of a weeding, loorary removal. As soon as the stalks go into growth, loosening should be stopped.

    So, it is not always possible to plant vegetables, while growing seedlings in advance. Experienced gardeners recommend to throw seeds of cucumbers or other cultures directly to the ground. Communicate some efforts to get a crop. It is believed that cultures grown in the ground have a wonderful taste. Seeds, obtained in the end, can be placed in the ground again, not afraid that they will not germinate.

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    Home "Watering" How to plant seedlings

    How to plant seedlings

    If the seeds in the pack are already processed, then the seite immediately. If our seeds are disinfected from mushroom and bacterial diseases, having warmed them. Place the seeds in the bag and lowering it on a thread in a thermos with water 55 degrees. The heated seeds scatter on a sheet of paper, dried to a flowability. And immediately sow. It can be done so, disinfection in a 1% potassium mangartee solution (1 g per half of the water). Manganesewind is bred by hot water, cool and 20-30 minutes are kept in the seed solution. After treatment, the seeds are washed in running water, dried and seeded. The ground for seedlings take in such a proportion a mixture of humidia, turf or fertile garden land, river sand or scalded sawdust (2: 1: 0.5). The finished mixture is added with granulated superphosphate (0.5 glasses), wood ash (glass on a 10-liter bucket of the mixture). Complex fertilizers can be used: a tablespoon of solvent and 0.5 glasses of ash on a bucket. How to put tomatoes in the boxes.The mixture is poured into the seaside boxes with a layer of 7-9 cm. I spill a warm water with water. In the day sowing the soil surface is loose, they are made after 4-5 cm from each other of the grooves 1,5-2 cm deep, lay the seeds and fall asleep with loose soil. The soil surface is slightly compacted. In large boxes should not immediately sow, the seedl of the box should be tall only 10-12 cm. Days after five daily, see how soon the first loops of shoots will appear, the film takes off and transfer boxes or cups into a bright non-jar The first 4-7 days of the most favorable temperature for tomato seedlings - 13-15 degrees during the day and 7-9 degrees at night. For the grown seedlings, the temperature is raised to 21-23 degrees. On cloudy days, the atmosphere for seedlings is better to keep the temperature for several degrees cooler. Sometimes with a small sowing in too loose or dry ground, the amymbrane leaves appear on the light, without dropping the seed shells. You can remove the shell after spraying when the shell softened.

    How to say correctly: perch or plant?

    Do not reset the shells and too weak plants, they need to be removed. The first 2-3 days after the appearance of shoots, the seedlings are better not to water, and if the earth is dry, only slightly sprayed. How to water the seedlings.It is necessary to approach the watering reasonably, do not overdo it. In the future, tomatoes are watered in 3-4 days, in cool weather - even less often, on cloudy days should not be watered at all.

    Fresh irrigation, especially with weak light, contributes to strong stretching of seedlings. The water time water should flow through drainage holes in pallets. Move the soil in the rampage containers can not be, as, however, and cut it. With an excess of moisture, the leaflets begin to yellow, the roots gradually die. After irrigation, the soil is slightly loose. For the prevention of a black leg (mushroom disease, which often ruins seedlings), the surface of the soil immediately after the appearance of germs is sprinkled with pure river sand. How to put tomatoes in the groundAfter seedlings, tomato seedlings are developing slowly (at that time they grow more intense roots), but after 15-20 days after sowing, they begin to close each other, stretch in search of light. In stage 1-2 of the real leaves, seedlings are picked to increase the area of \u200b\u200bpower, improve illumination. It is better to close tomatoes into separate cups, so that when disembarking into an open soil, it is less injured roots. In the soil of a cup, a peg or finger make a hole and lowered a seeding into it, blocking to the seedy leaves. Very long central root can be discharged to a quarter, but the roots in the landing is not needed. Plants are watered with warm clean water, smashing soil soil and slightly seal it around the stalks. After the seedlings of tomatoes do not break for several days, forcing the roots to grow in all directions in search of moisture. Plants with a developed root system are always more resistant to diseases, bad weather, they are faster and better developed after disembarking in the ground. Additional seedlings can be watered with sodium humate - immediately after dive (seating) and two weeks after it. You can grow tomato seedlings and without dive. Seeds in this case are seeding less often - with aisle less than 8 cm. Seedlings thinned, as they grind fresh soil to them. For 10-12 days before landing in open ground, seedlings are beginning to temper, i.e. Gradually teach to those conditions in which it will grow: bring to the loggia, a balcony, a garden. A few days before the disembarking, the seedlings are not covered even for the night. For a week before landing, seedlings are treated with 1% burgundy liquid or preparation-gold. The root com before landing can be shed a phytosporin solution.

    Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables, but in regions with long cold winters, they cannot be raised without applying a seaside way. The fact is that the vegetation period of the tomato is too long in the conditions of our short summer, and the cultivation of tomato seedlings is the only possible compromise. In addition, seedlings grown with his own hands will always be better purchased.

    Growing tomato seedlings. Preparation of seeds

    Competent cultivation of seedlings Tomato begins with the preparation of seeds that need special processing before sowing. First of all, the tomato seeds need to be checked for fullness. To do this, they need to be immersed in a 5% solution of cook salt for 5 minutes.

    Those seeds that surfaced to the surface can be immediately removed, and those that sank to the bottom - rinse in running water. To displaced seeds in a 1% solution of manganese. Seeds should be immersed by 15 minutes into the solution, then rinse again in water.

    Then, over the next 12 hours, the tomato seeds are recommended to be mastered in a solution of trace elements (mineral fertilizers). You can buy a ready-made mixture in the store, and can be prepared on your own, having stirred in 1 liter of water 0.3 g of potash salt, 0.5 g of superphosphate, 0.02 g of boric acid, 0.08 g of copper sulfate, 0.1 g of ammonium sulfate and 0.05 g of ammonium molybdata.

    Choosing soil and tara for sowing To grow high-quality seedlings of tomato, you should use a good nutrient mixture, which should be porous, loose, moisture and breathable, free from weeds, pests and diseases.

    In order for the tomato seeds to go into growth, they need to create an appropriate microclimate: cover the tank with earth with transparent polyethylene and put into a warm place. Seedlings can be grown in the already finished special soil from the store, in which all the necessary nutrients are already present.

    Such soil does not need additional additives. Also, suitable soil mixtures can be prepared independently: 1 part of peat, 1 part of the turf, 1 part of river sand.

    The resulting substrate must be mixed and moisturized with a solution of mineral fertilizers (in 10 liters of water, 20 g of potassium sulphate, 30 g of superphosphate, 10 g of carbamide should be stirred. 1 part of the peat, 1 part of humus, 1 part of the turf. On 1 bucket of the soil mixture, it is necessary to add a 0.5-liter jar of wood ash and 2 match box of superphosphate.

    All components should be mixed thoroughly and moistened with soft water. As a rule, seedlings for tomatoes are grown in a sufficiently large quantity, and therefore the seeds initially sowed into boxes or other wide containers with drainage holes in the bottom, and then the risks are already carried out into individual containers.

    If desired, seeds can be immediately sowed into separate glasses or a pot. At the bottom of the box should lay a layer of drainage (small pebbles, claymzit, broken brick), on top of which to fall asleep the soil mixture with a height of 7-8 cm.

    The soil should be aligned and done on her surface of the groove for seeds. The tar of the tomatoes should be pressed in a warm and well-lit place.

    The picking of the grown seedlings spend in paper or plastic cups that you should prepare in advance in large quantities. At the bottom of each cup, it is necessary to do 2-3 drainage holes with a diameter of 0.5 cm. How to plant a tomato seedlings

    Capacities for seedling must be filled in advance to a pair of centimeters below the top edge with a dry soil mixture. Then the substrate needs to be moistened, cover with a film and let it stand in during the day.

    For this segment of the time of moisture, it will be time to strengthen all the layers of the soil mixture evenly. Prepared seeds should be carefully decomposed using tweezers with rows so that the distance of honey seeds in the row was 2 cm and between the rows themselves - 3 cm.

    The stupid pencil seeds must be pressed to a depth of 1 cm and sprinkle the resulting holes with a dry mixture. The surface of the soil should be abundantly moistened with a spray gun, cover with a film and put the containers in a warm place.

    If the seeds are not deep enough, they will rehabilitate, as a result of which Semilyts will not be able to free themselves from the peel and the growth of seedlings will significantly delay. If this happened, then fragile sponsings should be to help: moisturize the peel and carefully remove it with a tweezers, trying not to damage the seedy leaves.

    As soon as the first hinges appear (shoots), it is necessary to remove the film and put the container with the seedle in a well-lit place. At the same time, the temperature must be reduced and over the next week to maintain within 12-15 degrees during the day and 8-10 degrees at night.

    This can be done, a slightly reunion of the window. The seeds need a long-lasting day, and if the lighting is not enough, then in the morning and in the evening they need to provide additional backlight. During this time, seedlings must be completely rooted.

    If the duration of the daylight is less than 13-14 hours, then the shootings need to provide additional lighting in the morning and in the evening. In the future, the air temperature in the room where the seedlings are located, you need to maintain in the range of 20-25 degrees, and the humidity is 65-70%.

    To do this, near the window you can put a bucket with water. Picking seedlings As soon as the seedlings had the first pair of leaflets, it must be divened to separate pots or cups.

    In such a dishes, young plants will receive sufficient living space, which will prevent further pulling them. The soil around seedlings should be enhanced and pouring abundantly. During this period, you should stop the shower for 3-4 days, and only then renew it again.

    The air temperature should be within 20 degrees. However, one should not hurry with pickup seedlings, even if 1-2 leaves have already appeared. It is important to ensure that seedlings are in what condition.

    Before picking seedlings, it is necessary to carefully check its condition: the stem must be strong, strong, dark color. Otherwise, seedlings should be rejected.

    If the stem is strong, thickened at the base, dark color, then the plant can be safely divert. If the seedlings climbed less developed, then with the picking should be closed to the appearance of 3-4 leaves.

    By this time, the sprouts will fully manifest themselves, and it will be clear which of them can be ruthlessly rebel, and which - to dive. What to do if seedling stretched out

    The stretching of the seedlings of tomatoes is a very common phenomenon, which, however, can be corrected in two ways. Before picking, the stem from the stretched seedlings need to trim in such a way that part of it remains above the seedy leaves (1.2 cm).

    Seedlings need to be counted into the cup and burst up to the cotyledon, and top with a plastic bag. A week later, the first real leaf should appear on the stem. If the seedlings began to stretch, then you can solve this problem in two ways.

    The stretched sighter must be put into the horizontal groove and fall asleep the ground to the level on which the first real leaflet is located. Earth must be moistened and cover with a sighter with polyethylene. After some time, he will rise independently.

    The same method is used when disembarking seedlings into the ground for a permanent place. The elongated seedlings are stacked in the grooves, dumped at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the long side of the bed, and the earth is also added.

    Under the stems and leaves, located over the soil, you need to raise the cardboard. As soon as the stems begin to rise above the surface, they should be carefully tied up, gradually pulling the cord to the full straightening. Feeding and watering seedlings

    With the cultivation of tomatoes seedlings, it is impossible to do without the use of fertilizers, which should be made twice. The first feeding is carried out 10 days after dive.

    To do this, in 10 liters of water, 12 g of potassium sulphate, 35 g of superphosphate, 4 g of urea, or use ready-made comprehensive fertilizers intended for vegetables, should be dissolved. The second feeding must be carried out with a similar fertilizer two weeks later.

    Each feeder must be combined with watering, after which the soil should be loosened slightly. Watering the seedlings of tomatoes is needed moderately, but regularly, not allowing soil drying.

    Abundant and frequent watering, coupled with a disadvantage of nutrition and illumination, can cause the disease with a black leg when the stem at the base begins to be black and thin, and the plant in a short time dies. How to plant tomato seedlings in soil

    Before planting seedlings on the bed, 7-10 days before it should be hardening - if possible, reduce the air temperature and reduce the frequency of irrigations. The receipt of seedlings should be waited for steadily warm weather, so that unexpected late frosts have not destroyed your efforts.

    Research is recommended to land at a permanent place after 50-60 days after sowing, when the height of the seedlings reaches about 25-30 cm, they will already have 6-7 real leaves and the first flower brushes will begin to appear. However, these conditions are not enough to land in a greenhouse or greenhouse - it is necessary to wait for the warm weather to be installed.

    As a rule, in the protected ground, the seedlings are planted in early May, and in the open - in early June, when the threat of the last frosts. So that the seedlings are rapidly accustomed to new conditions, it is best to plant them in the evening or on a cloudy day, so that the gentle seedlings did not immediately under the scorching sun.

    In order for the seedlings to be easily removed from the pots, the land in them is necessary to moisten well and prepare the wells in the soil in advance. In terms of competent cultivation of the seedlings of tomatoes, the chance of getting a good harvest is significantly increasing. Knowing how to plant a tomato seedlings, you can avoid many mistakes in the cultivation of tomato seedlings, and thereby provide a crop of delicious, juicy vegetables.

    When to suck tomatoes to seedlings in the timing of vegetation

    Tomatoes are early, medium ripening times and late. Between these three varieties there are intermediates with a difference in maturation 5-15 days, but mostly this division is competent and correct.

    • Early varieties of tomato have the shortest growing season from sowing before flowering, therefore, they bring the earliest and valuable harvest. Early seedlings of tomato allows you to get delicious fresh vegetables, but requires more attention and efforts to grow. The essential of the middle time of fruiting is made fruit in the height of the season, they are the most delicious and useful. Vegetation deadlines are longer than the early tomato. Pretty tomatoes are fruiting from the second half of the summer to a deep autumn, with warm weather tomatoes remain fresh on the bushes to the most frosts. These tomato have the longest period of vegetation.

    Typically, early tomatoes are a pleasant delicacy to the table after a long winter, the middle-wide accompanied food throughout the season, and later go to conservation and processing.

    When it is better to plant tomato seedlings

    For the cultivation of tomato seedlings on the windowsill, the early grades are most suitable, as they need to be seeded in the seedlings early in the spring, in order to fall into the ground after the end of return freezers. If too early to plant tomatoes too early, it would quickly grow and formed, and Weather conditions will not allow planted into the ground or under the film. Such seedlings will stretch, it will become fragile, pale and painful, it will hardly get sick in the ground and badly fruit.

    Severe late - get a little seedlist. The dates of planting seeds depend on the weather conditions, where it is planned to grow seedlings, usually for the cultivation of tomato seedlings it is necessary to 1.5-2.5 months. According to the type of growth, all tomatoes are divided into two large groups:

    • Determinant (slaughter) .intendermannants (stronger).

    For cultivation in the greenhouses, the tall and graval varieties of tomato are usually selected, since they are most productive in conditions of closed soil and give a large harvest. If you plan to grow tomatoes in the open soil, you can grow a good tomato seedlings from low-spirited varieties, it is less threatened with the danger of pulling and outrage. Such plants form squat durable bushes often do not need to be further tested to the sleeper or stakes.

    How to plant tomato seedlings in placing conditions

    To obtain good seedlings, it is necessary to choose a healthy planting material, pick up suitable soil and tanks for planting, observe the right temperature and watering. For landings, healthy calibrated seeds are chosen, affected and damaged emit. There are two ways of sowing seeds - in a total capacity with subsequent picking and immediately into individual cups. So, as tomatoes are well tolerated, you can sow tomatoes in drawers or other suitable containers in order to save money and square.

    Subsequently, the seedlings dive for the first time, dissolving for a greater distance, and then transplanted into separate containers, where seedlings and dwells before landing in the ground. In the second version, the seeds are seeded by 2-3 in the pot or cups, weaker plants are subsequently pulled out.

    This method is expensive, landing will take a significant area, a large number of seedlings in the apartment will not be raised. It is not possible to use the quality of the seedling tank, almost any non-rejuvenating container can be used. Gardeners amateur successfully use wooden and even cardboard boxes, filled with plastic film, disposable plastic or paper cups, containers from sour cream and yogurt, boxes from juices or packages from milk.

    For packaging, used, careful cleaning from the residues of the content, otherwise it can be dried, infect the earth and destroy the seedlings. The best, how to raise tomato seedlings, you need to remember that this plant is very demanding in room temperature, lighting and lighting and Watering. The wet air of tomatoes is harmful, so when we are seeding tomato, it is important to regularly ventilate the room where they grow, avoiding strong temperature drops and drafts that are destructive for this plant.

    It is not necessary to spray the water, they can easily get sick and die. Permides are sown in trays or boxes, slightly sprinkled with a sifted nutrient mixture and sprayed well, closing the film. The humidity is needed only before germination of seeds, and then the film is removed. The floor for seedlings of the tomato should not be too acidic, that is, the pure peat is absolutely not suitable for this plant.

    At home, clean the soil for seedlings from diseases and pests is the easiest way through freezing. For this, a bag or a box with the Earth is left outdoors, where frosts will quickly kill all the harmful seedlings.

    The container with the ground should be covered with precipitation, which can wash the nutrients from the soil. Close up and germinate healthy seeds very quickly and for 2-5 days from the soil first "loops" appear, and then the full seedy leaves. At this time, the room temperature should not fall below 25 degrees, and then it slightly smoothly smoothly.

    Low temperatures are dangerous for this plant, already at 10 degrees, serious damage begins - it turns yellow, the buds are falling and increasing, the growth of tomato seedlings on the windowsill was strong and green, it needs a lot of light. When a lack of natural lighting landing will have to be supervised, sometimes you need to do around the clock.

    Tomatoes need to provide a stable and uniform watering without overvailing and drying, equally disastrous for the plant. Attempting the seedlings of the tomato for the first time, and after the appearance of a pair of real leaves, the second dive is held in the seaside cups. When performing this operation, young rapts are gently plunged into seedy leaves.

    Tomatoes. How to sow the seeds of tomatoes on seedlings

    It is not worth damaging or all the more seedlings - they are the source of nutrients for the plants that began to develop. Subsequently, they will fall themselves when there is no need to disappear in them. In the help of picking assistance, it is possible to slightly reduce the effect of stretching the plant in the early stages - blocking the seedling and adding light, you can make seedlings stronger and healthy.

    A part of the stem, which will be in the ground after the dive, will give root and will additionally feed the plant. In order for the sipped seedlings quickly and without losses, the soil should be warm enough, and watering uniform without infusion.

    If we are correctly sitting tomato seedlings, then in the end we get plants with a strong stable stem, juicy green leaves and a common healthy appearance. Often the question arises than to feed the seedlings of the tomato.

    During the growth period, plants need comprehensive fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen and the mandatory content of trace elements. The grimaceous seedlings need a potassium more, with a lack of this element, the plant is covered with stains, pulls out, pale and sicks. Easternally grown seedlings of tomato quickly carries out in the ground, forms a strong green plant, it starts to bloom and be froning in the timing installed for this variety.

    Young gardeners will be surprised by learning how many mistakes can be allowed when planting a tree. How to plant a tree, not bypass these annoying mistakes, most of which cannot be corrected. Let's analyze the landing rules in detail.

    When planting trees

    The most reliable suggest trees in early spring. Only in the south, where winter is warm, it is possible to plant seedlings without a risk in autumn. The reason is simple. When digging seedlings from the ground, most small roots break down, namely, the trees receive food.

    So that after planting the industry new, it takes time (2 months) and the heat that falls in the shortage. Young trees do not have time to root and die in winter.

    Squeeze the trees of early autumn - not the way out. Saplings should be removed from the soil after the end of the vegetation (after falling leaves). In the fall, you can safely disembark plants that have a root system closed. It is only necessary to remember that the closed root system is when the plant is grown in a pot, and not dirty yesterday and stuck in the bucket with the Earth.

    The seedlings acquired in the fall, wisely for the winter to touch, and plant in the spring. So they will be preserved better.

    How to plant a tree

    From the best seedlings, you can not wait for a good crop if they are not correctly planted. The most common error when planting a tree is excessive rehabilitation.

    Almost everyone knows the main landing rule - to blow up to the root neck. And where it is, they define erroneously. Many vaccinations are considered to be a root neck, and the vaccination is centimeters 15 above the roots and planting in such a depth, they do a tree to gradual death.

    To put a tree properly, it is necessary to clearly know that the root neck is a specific place in which the trunk ends and the roots begin. It is impossible to plunge it!

    Blowing inevitably leads to the reinforcement of the bark. The process of reloading is slow, ring damage is not noticed for a long time. Trees can grow and fruit, but gradually acquire an oppressed look. It seems that they lack nutrition. Attempts to hardly feed plants do not help. Nutrition does not come from roots into the crown due to ring damage to the root neck.

    Root cancer roots.

    Before planting a tree, check the roots for the presence of growths. The growths are small and

    rather large. This is a dangerous bacterial disease - root cancer. With timely removal of growths, the tree is in the future developing normally.

    But sometimes they are located at the root neck, it is impossible to cut them there. It is also impossible to leave - the sapling will gradually die and infect the soil, so it is meaningless to plant it.

    The injured, the typossed ends of the roots are trimmed to a healthy place.

    Landing pit.

    On well-cultured soils or in chernozem, you can do without special landing holes, making only deepening in the size of the roots. Big landing pits are preparing on the poor and before planting a tree, refuel their fertile soil with the addition of fertilizers.

    It is done to provide favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants in the early years. The greater the pit, the longer there will be a favorable period. Subsequently, the roots will go beyond its limits, so do not expect that the contents of the pit will provide a sapling nutrition for life.

    The main errors when planting trees are shown in the drawings:

    1. Error: The seedling is strongly bundled. (The coarsest error Figure 1) And it is already useless to start the root neck, creating a deepening. In such a funnel will accumulate moisture and cause the rotation and death of the bark.
    2. Error: Blowing the entire well, that is, the level of land in the hole is lower than the level of landing pit edges. This is the result of landing into a freshly buried pit. The soil of the villagers together with a seedliness. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and fill out the landing pits in advance that soil has time to settle.
    3. Error: After planting a tree, an emptiness remained under the root neck (white spot in Figure 1). Unlike the soil root in this place we are moldy and gradually dismissed. Void will not be formed when landing on the earthlings (Figure 2). If there are a lot of roots, distribute them evenly along the walls of the Holloch, trying not to be shot down in one pile. In the process of landing, paint the seedling, plug the ground and pour again, shake it pulling up.
    4. Error: Lowned walls at the landing pit (Figure 1). A pits form can be any (round, square), but walls always make it (Figure 2). The settlement of the Earth in the cone-shaped pit is not uniform, which contributes to the bullshit of the trunk.
    5. Error: The roots of the seedling rest in the walls of the pit (Figure 1). This makes it difficult to form a callus on the roots, and therefore the observing of the tree. Do not align the walls of the landing pit shovel. On the contrary, the bottom and the walls are minimized as possible.
    6. Error: The peg scores too finely. Chog down a stake in the ground should be deeper (Figure 2) so that the plant does not swing the wind.
    7. Error: The tree is tied to a dense peg. The garter is certainly eight (Figure 2) - so it can amortize the impact of the wind. Choose not a tall peg that, with the wind, Crohny, the tree did not injure him.

    At what distance are trees

    When landing between trees should be the following distances:

    • between apple trees, pears 5 - 6 m.
    • colon's apple tops 2 - 2.5 m.
    • plums, cherries 3 m.
    • cherry felt 1.5 m.
    • shrubs 1 - 1.5 m.
    • decorative plants 2 - 3 m.
    • decorative plants with a narrow crown (thu, teases) 1 m.
    • in the single-row living hedge of 0.3 m.
    • in the multi-row hedge of 0.5 m.

    Distance between trees and buildings on the site:

    • from home and other buildings 5 \u200b\u200bm.
    • from the edge of the track 1.5 m.
    • from Power Supply 4 m.
    • from underground communications 1.5 - 2 m.

    Distance from trees to neighbors section:

    • high trees 4 m.
    • trees average 2 m.
    • shrubs are different 1 m.

    Planting fruit trees on the hills

    Planting fruit trees on the hills and shafts, recommended in low areas where groundwater climb close to the soil horizon. In congestive groundwater, the natural air exchange is disturbed and the destructive carbon dioxide is accumulated.

    Roots gradually reap, signaling about this suchurance, that is, drying the branches on plants. No iron sheets or slate, under roots when planting trees, will not help, as they do not prevent moisture penetration. The roots of seedlings in the process of growth bypass obstacles, plunge and rot.

    At low moistened areas, the organization of soil drainage is needed, continuous increase in the level of soil and planting fruit trees on shafts and high ridges.

    It is not necessary to import dubious quality machines, you can do everything yourself. Initially, such work may seem very laborious, but it can be done in the fall in one week, and in the spring to start gardening.

    On the site of the estimated planting of trees, the trench rushes. Upper fertile and lower non-fermented layer of land, lay on different sides of the ditch. The trench is covered with unnecessary logs, old boards, branches, grass. All this falls asleep at the beginning of non-frozen land, and on top - dark, good.

    This is how the level of soil rises, and the soil under the trees is saturated with humus. The hills are prepared in a similar way. Every summer they pounce onto grass, leaves and thus expand them. The diameter of the hills makes at least two meters. But even when the trees are planted on the hills, the root neck should not be lower than the soil level.