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  • Dream interpretation lots of different cats. What a cat star

    Dream interpretation lots of different cats. What a cat star

    Cute pets - cats, in a dream may be precursor not the best events. Sometimes they warn about insidious plans against the sleeping, and sometimes promise to support him of the Higher Forces. So what dreams of many cats? Welcome a tip in the dream book.

    Mystery set

    The value of the dream can directly depend on the number of objects or creatures that appear in it. For example, if one kitty dreamed, the dream book associates it with tenderness, caressing, care, small problems, unimportant well-being of the sleeping.

    Serious attacks and troubles, as well as a sharp deterioration in health, this is what the whole feline is already dreaming. As you can see, the difference is obvious, and besides, any cat is a mysterious, unpredictable. Hence the caution with which the vision of feline even experienced dream interpreters.

    Opinion Miller

    Mustal Miller Dreaming about many cats believes to be unfinished. Especially if they were negotiable, aggressively trying to attack the dream. What dreams of such a plot? The provider warns: the sleeper appeared a powerful, cunning enemy, who is preparing to strike, and the empty, mean. You need to be ready to give a decent rebound.

    It turned out that cats managed to scratch and even bite you? Then, alas, loss and misfortunes can not be avoided. As a result of annoying mistakes and unfavorable coincidence, you can incur both material losses and moral. It is possible that relationships with the surrounding or damage to your renome will be detrimental.

    Miller is confident that even affectionate, cute pussies in a dream do not foreshadow anything good, and their benevolence is a showful, hypocritical.

    In color wool

    The sleep in which you saw many cats at once almost the same suit, interpreted depending on the prevailing color. So redhead signals that the sleeping person causes ferret feelings and erotic fantasies among representatives of the opposite sex. Gray cats - a sign that the enviousness, gossips, in general - dishonest personality are nearby.

    Want to know: what is black cats? And how do you feel about "Chernushkam"? If with a sympathy, then a dream with their participation, suggests - do not be afraid, good luck on your side. But if you are scared or disliked black cats, then alas, Fortuna will turn away from you soon.

    It is curious that many white pussies predict a woman betrayal girlfriend, but a man, on the contrary, promises the faithful beloved.

    Good luck will accompany someone who in the night dream noted a huge number of multicolored cats - with white, black, reddish stains, promises a dream book. But the greeted animals with a bizarre, funny striped color - sign of instability, inconsistency.

    And, of course, in a dream you can see cats of the most fantastic type and bizarre color. Let's say green stole a man's dream young, an inexperienced partner of sex.

    Red Murki in a dream "sign up" that sleeping risks in reality to get into the ridiculous, delicate situation, and yellow suggests - the envious will come crazy, and the gossips will erase languages, watching you.

    Appearances are deceptive

    Dream intercoms claim that the external attractiveness of the charm of cats is sometimes deceptive. Therefore, it is estimated to be the scene of the dream "from the opposite". What dreams of many cats affecting with their grace, well maintained? Unfortunately, this wonderful vision in reality may result in grief, misfortunes. However, if you have slept, played with them, it is possible that in reality you will have erotic fun.

    If in full-length vision appeared tortured, hungry, sick cats, then do not be afraid. Dream Interpretation considers this picture with the foresight of good changes in reality. Let's say the patient will take an amendment. Especially soon this prediction will be fulfilled if you shoot dead animals in a dream.

    By the way, dream interpreters suggest that killing cats or stumbled upon the pile of animal corpses in the nightdasmagoria, you really will be able to quickly cope with all the problems and difficulties without help.

    Enemies or comrades?

    In night gold, it wondered that a numerous company consisting of cats and dogs hostesses in your home? A dream in which the animals were calm, were not angry - it means among the comrades and partners there are different people. And those who will substitute shoulder in a difficult hour, and those who prefer quietly quietly reter to.

    And if you also fed the four-legged guests in a dream, I will reveal if you are still ready to help you, like you.

    Bad omen

    The roof, the attic in dream books symbolize spiritual, the inner world of sleeping. If the cats spangled in a night vision in an attic room, then, most likely a dreaming feels disharmony, despetence and scattered. In short, the cat scolded on his soul.

    If it crushed out that the saturated striped penetrated into your apartment, then it is likely that someone outsiders will unceremoniously intervene in your personal affairs or you feel the ailment, the first signs of the progressive disease.

    Such night beauties far from always predicts you joy. Usually a lot of cats in a dream dream of a woman show obsessive workers, as well as trouble and coarse, suggestive communication. Dream Interpretation writes, the appearance of street fluffy beggars can suggest mental discomfort (cats scrace in the soul).

    To understand what dreams of the plot with these animals, please note that recently causes your resentment, dislike or painful sensations. Usually this circumstance is manifested in a dream.

    This is what the cats dreams, if there are many, a man or a woman. Please note what they were during the night horn or nightmares: well-groomed or cutting, patients, hungry, affectionate or aggressive. Remember that the girls appearing the appearance of cats often predicts seductors and relationships in the world of men. The same plot is related to both adults, and even married ladies.

    Women's dreams

    Beautiful, well-groomed cats in a dream usually dreams of a girl, like troubles, troubles, little things that will take you a lot of irritation. Sometimes they mean envy and ill-gratefulness, directed towards the dream.

    If you have a lot of cats and cats surrounded at night, which are not only caught, but also show claws, we can fond of false friends who are capable of being benevolent for a short time. It is possible that very soon relationships can change to the opposite (cats for cats).

    So it is worth waiting for betrayals from those who differ in kindness and seems to be a dedicated friend. Most likely, betrayal will be connected with them.

    Many cats can dream of a woman and as a sign of obsessive workers. It is possible that the guys will have to pay permanent quarrels and the fact that young people will begin to make requirements for you. Also, affectionate and well-groomed fluffs can mean seductors, temptations in general, men who will be affectionate and interesting until the girl is given in hand.

    Many cats that scream under your windows usually predict scandals. Why dream that they do not give you to fall asleep? Modern dream book writes that their screams mean obsessive attention of the man or guys in general.

    Sometimes such a night vision means a fight of several fans because of the girl. However, in some situations there are many fluffy or thoroughbred cats to dream of troubles, quarrels with a friend or spouse due to rivalry.

    Quite often, men love to prove each other who is better and start to arrange a competition because of a girl or a woman.

    Many cats that fight for your windows just show this situation.

    There are a person who love to face men and fans to then get the best as possible.

    However, not all girls love such incidents, especially related to constant scandals, clarifying relations and theatrical scenes. In such a situation, it is worth guessing, what dreams that many tailed beggars are fighting for your windows, performing serenades in their own language - the plot clearly predicts a quarrel.

    Moreover, both men and rivals can take part in it. Especially if you meet with a married man or secretly chop the guy from a friend. This situation may result in a big scandal for you. In addition, sometimes similar plots are caused by real shouts outside the window or crying the child and interpret them does not make any sense.

    In some dreams, cats begin to yelling you so that the girl looks like. What dreams of such plots modern dream book writes like this: there are several men you like and they crave attention to an excellent stranger or a favorite person.

    Often cats personify flattery and sexual desires, if they are healthy, fed and well-groomed.

    What dreams is that dirty, cutting and sick representatives of the feline world shout under your windows, quarreled between themselves and fight?

    Dream Interpretation writes that such a night vision dreams of what you will have a lot of hell, who will have to help. Sometimes a similar rotation during sleep means irritation on such people and aggressiveness.

    What can you dream, who cats are poured on you, bite or you drive them off? Dream interpretation writes that this feeling means that the troubles for you, obsessive men who will qualify for love or sex. Sometimes similar night paintings will take off to the disease, which will be quite unpleasant, painful, with high temperatures. Most often it is a disease of the heart, light or skin, since cats can scratch you with their curls.

    And why dream, what did you dispersed animals and they stopped bothering? This dream means that you can resist the pressure of others and their soldiers. Sometimes the dream book writes that you overcome and internal discomfort because you want to like others very much.

    Male plots

    Dream Interpretation writes less, why the cat is shot by a man than to a woman. Usually, their large number means an extraneous curiosity or what a person begins to feel that "in the soul of cats scream." Dreaming can also predict your trouble, quarrels, conflicts or pressure.

    And since cats can often mean rivals, then see them a lot, especially under the windows of their sweetheart, predicts you jealousy and various troubles. In some circumstances, a dream predicts great troubles, conflicts, as well as proceedings on the soil of jealousy.

    Also, the dream means that you will have some resentment, discontent on others, as well as envy both your own and other people. In any case, you will feel not in your plate.

    Cats in your own apartment, if they are not hungry, well-groomed, purebred and full, then such a dream means conflicts with homemade. Sometimes a dream predicts an unexpected visit to relatives who will settle with you despite the constrained circumstances.

    Dream Interpretation writes and what a dream can mean some event. Redhead cats can dream of danger of fire or joy. Gray means soft, warm and comfort. Such a dream predicts you joy, but without a bright sense of the holiday. Dream Interpretation writes that white cats will take off to favorable circumstances, and blacks can dream of negative circumstances. Sometimes black cats mean small troubles that will be quite a lot.

    Men can also dream of money. Especially breeding. So try not to miss your chance.

    Related records:

    Very common symbol in a dream - a cat or a cat. The value of such a dream may have a different character, depending on the circumstances and parts, and even the sexuality of the sleeping. The most common opinion is that cats are still a negative omen, but let's figure out and let's see the interpretation of dreams about cats from famous esoteric.

    According to Miller cats and cats - forerunners of bad news, but if a person manage to drive the animal in a dream, then bad events do not occur or quickly resolve.

    The attack of the cat is the appearance on the horizon of the new enemy, which is not in the literal sense, but will try to cause you damage.

    The arrival of the shaking, emaciated and thin cat means that someone from your acquaintances may be hard to get sick. Try even in a dream try to get rid of this animal to protect yourself from trouble.

    If a woman sees in the dream of a cute little kitten, it is quite possible that she wants to draw it into some kind of scarlet.

    When the cat dreams of a man who works in trade, it symbolizes that aggressive competitors may appear soon. In this case, it is worth alert and devote all the time work.

    To be in a dream, Miller's scratched cat pushes as a sign that finance can leave you.

    White cat is a symbol of doubt and anxiety in new endeavors, as well as the ambiguous situation, which first looks quite innocent, but this is not so much.

    If a person dreamed that he hears how the cats meow, but they did not see them, it would promise the appearance of insincere people in your environment, which is better to check again.

    Sleeping about cats is quite possible to bring no, if you try to include consciousness in a dream and drive them.

    Dreamed cats - Interpretation of Vangu

    Vangang also prescribes this wayward animal a negative symbolism in a dream.

    For example, if you see a dream, like a cat scratched you, then in love affairs there may be a scandal on the soil of jealousy. A man who chases in a dream for a cat will inevitably meet the narcissistic Egoist, with whom he will have difficult. If you dream of many animals, and they surrounded you, get ready for a shameful situation. Cats and cats in any other form alone quarrels, misunderstanding and conflicts in different spheres.

    Dream Loffa - Cats in a dream, why is it?

    Lof pushes the meaning of cats in dreams otherwise than many others. He attributes to cats with a magic nature, gives them practically witchcraft abilities. That is why, if sleeping sees a cat in a dream, it symbolizes that he should be more trusted to his sixth feeling, perhaps learn something supernatural.

    Cats in a dream on Freud

    The symbolism of animals in dreams, according to the method of Freud, is closely related to the natural sex life of a person and speaks directly about his preferences. For example, if in a dream you are a kitten torment, then you like sadism in sexual life, and if the cat scratches you, then masochism. When, on the contrary, the sleeping kitten caresses and strokes, it reveals his tendency to the same-sex love. Just seeing a cat or a cat means to show your accumulated excitement that a person cannot give an exit, this dream reveals the problems of internal libido.

    Dream Interpretation of Cats

    These mystical and wayward animals promise various kinds of trouble, so if they dreamed of you, think about what you have happening in life now.

    The value of the black cat in a dream is the same as that in reality, he promises trouble. Stroking the cat even with the best intentions means doubts in some kind of real life. In this case, it is worth up with responsible solutions. I hear a loud cat meow in a dream means that you will be asked to do something that it may be for you an unbearable burden.

    Catch the cat, which was running away all the time, - gossip clearly dismiss about you, but you will soon learn the gossip.

    An unusual meaning has to see a green cat or a cat in a dream. For a person to whom it dreams is, it means that he puts himself too high compared to the rest.

    When a sleeping cat dreamed - the enemies build a goat against you, and if the cat washes a face, it's time to urgently understand all the affairs. If you have time in time, you can save the situation.

    Almost the only good value seen in the cat's sleep, this is a cat-hunter who caught the mouse. In this case, you can expect tangible profits in the sooner future.

    But if a man who works in the field of trade sees just a cat, he inevitably expect losses in business.

    Oddly enough, the dream book gives another positive interpretation of sleep about the cat, if she died in your dream or you found it already dead. You can explain this in two ways: perhaps, long-time, it will finally cease to harm you or the prolonged conflict will be resolved by itself.

    If a cat dreamed, what does this mean?

    Another unusual and rare symbolic dream is to see the cat, which is located next to the snake. They can openly conflict or simply be present in the same dream, but this means that you will soon have to face a competitor. Most likely, not in the literal sense, not in a fight, but in intellectual - in business or other important matters.

    If a young girl dreamed of a pregnant cat, it could mean that it would soon be in position. The symbolism of such a dream is positive if the girl really seeks to this.

    When a red cat jumps in a dream, it marks betrayal or tricks from someone from others. Most often, she personifies the woman whose attitude to you is false and deceptively.

    But the gray cat, running in a dream to you towards you, is the approximation of depression. Especially this dream is relevant in people who have not changed anything for a long time in life, mired into everyday life and monotonous work.

    Excluding some rare circumstances, cats in a dream always promise trouble. If you are already aware of this, then try to subconsciously drive these animals from the dream. And if the dream has already happened, then carefully follow the order in all aspects of life.

    What dreams of many cats and how to understand a dream with these fluffy, divine in some countries in animals? The cat is a symbol of a homely hearth and coziness, at the same time independent and affectionate, able to be selfless and playful. If the cat nicely unloved, it will be sophisticated and eternal. Cats do not forgive mistakes, indifference, betrayal, do not rush to perform teams or joyfully serve, like dogs.

    At the same time, cats can be loyal, devotees sincere. Cats protect their - people and other members of the flock even at the cost of their own life, ready to fight. They also hunt, kill mice, rats and gladly share the prey - the mouse with a garden or a neighbor rabbit.

    Intellect of these small animals is strongly underestimated - a person is usually ready to consider a sign of the mind only direct submission and a clear adherence to teams. What does not make honor to man, but quite satisfied with the cats. Do not be surprised if the dream does not have an unambiguous interpretation.

    Main values

    • Cats go for you on the heels, look into the eyes and deftly dodge the touch - a warning of serious danger.
    • It is comfortable among many cats and kittens - a strip of luck has come, Mount to someone who decides now to go to you the road or even just treat it enough.
    • Red cats dreams of money. Big red cat - to exceptional health.
    • Black cat is recovery from deadly disease.
    • White cat means vulnerability in the face of danger. White cat means a faithful friend or a deceased family member. Spend the evening, remembering only good things that you have made your loved ones.
    • Gray purr, if they are benevolent and arranged to you, - Shaluns and thieves by nature. They will kidnap the values \u200b\u200bof enemies and bring you. Just so, for fun.
    • Turn kittens in a dream - extremely ambiguous action. This means that you are ready for cruelty and victims, especially for someone else's account. You will be successful in business, paying for this in the lack of real emotional connections, friendship, family feelings. Do not rush to agree on these conditions, now friendship and love seem to you a low-value asset, which should be sacrificed for the real win. The day will come when you will be ready to give all the material only for trying to cancel this decision. Unfortunately, the acquisition of material benefits is much easier.
    • You hear cats, but do not see them, go to the sound, are looking for, it seems to you that cats or kittens are called to help. Be careful, an experienced manipulator who will make you fulfill everything wishes to your surroundings. At the same time you will be almost sure that this is your own solution. Stay away from charity, social custody, especially favorable deals, loans and shopping in installments. Specify all financial details when traveling and moving with friends in advance. Find out who pays for dinner, do not agree to shelter a large girlfriend from pity. You will be surprised, as a result of your refusal, your credibility will only increase.

    What dreams a lot of cats for dreams

    • Gypsy cat's dream book frankly dislikes and unequivocally argues that it is for trouble. Running cats means something raised. Sit and washed - make sure you have order in matters, because something is wrong. Many cats - to Svara and a fight.
    • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer also considers Murlyk universe evil, especially the swearing of black and white animals. But the wanderer gives the advice that it is possible to take evil, standing in a cat in a dream or in real life.
    • English Dream interpretation assures that the cat dreams of such troubles as a female personifier. Perhaps your spouse will even dare to hide its savings from the legitimate husband, and then it will leave her husband on Bob and herself will take a successful business.
    • Sigmund Freud is inclined to count the cats by the secret decoding of a person's sexuality. Tenderness of cats means a strong desire for sexual proximity. Aggressive feline means a tendency to some sexual aggression. Buy pink fur handcuffs and funny palm sleeve for a variety. Do not start with black leather and harness. Most people have enough slaps.
    • Vanga believes cats in a dream by the sign of the fact that the enemies are close and almost look into the windows.


    To see in a dream a lot of cats - a good sign in the event that they are binding to you, purre, communicate, rub about your feet or fall asleep with you. In a dream, this may mean that you have acquired a whole sitm of perfumes, capable of helping you from any situation. Friendly cats will bring you good luck, help you to cope with health problems, you can easily arrange people to you.

    If cats are unfriendly, you are not unlought. Something you did not do so and should urgently correct until it is possible. Sleep is a warning, a sign. There is no predestination in a dream. If you receive a warning, you have a good chance to avoid problems. You can understand the sleep literally.

    In this case, buy a large package of feline feed and move into the shelter for animals. Do something good for children in the yard. Put on a masquerade suit and distribute candy or arrange a show of soap bubbles. Perhaps you will be able to remember who you are offended and achieving reconciliation. Quarrel with many of the most ordinary cats extremely undesirable.

    The cat is a strong sign itself, and only you depends on how much you can blame with it, whether you are ready to build relationships, respecting someone else's independence and without requiring submission. If you are able to find enough forces in yourself, the cat will be the best and most positive sign for you.